Title: First Kiss Monogatari
Genre: Adventure
Release Date:  04.24.1998
Players: 1
Price: 7,800Y
Mouse Support: Yes

Developer: Hunex
Distributor: NEC HE
Package Type: CD case/1CD
Catalog Number:  FXNHE801
SKU Number:  4538983000015
Rating: 18+

Japanese knowledge needed to play:

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FKM - Intro Video
DOWNLOAD (1.7MB, 30s, .WMV)

FKM  - Gameplay Video
DOWNLOAD (1.7MB, 30s, .WMV)

First Kiss Monogatari was the last PC-FX game developed by a 3rd party company other than NEC HE, and was also the last PC-FX game released.

PC-FX World (v14) was created & developed by Aaron Nanto. All logos & graphics are the property of their respective owners. Please leave any comments or questions to pcefx@pcengine-fx.com.  This page is best viewed with Internet Explorer at a resolution of 800x600+ at 16-Bit color. All MP3 files found on this site are copyright by their respective owners and creators, and were originally encoded into MP3 format by PCEngine-FX.com unless otherwise noted. All ads and art photos were also originally scanned by PCEngine-FX.com unless otherwise noted.