First let me say that this game is one of the hardest games to find these days for the PC-FX. You know you will want it, but the hard part will be finding it. The way I got my Yuna FX was by a friend, though a friend (who lives in Japan I believe). Anyway this one is a definite buy if you can get your hands on it.
Most of you may know that Hudson Soft has brought out other Yuna games on a few different systems. They brought out 2 for the PC Engine, and one for the Saturn (I think). Anyway, I have only played the first Yuna game, and compared to that, Yuna FX rules them all.
You start off having 4 choices - Start (which starts the Yuna FX storyline), Continue (which starts your saved game), Mini Game (which I will talk about later), and Omake. The Omake is quite a section by its self. It has 6 sections where each one has many scanned and/or captured photos of Yuna Japanese Fan Art, Yuna models, drawings, game cover scans from the PCE and PC-FX, and a bunch more! A very nice bonus.
The main Yuna FX storyline/gameplay is almost the same as in Yuna 1 for the PC Engine. You start out in a battle, where it is mainly turn based combat. You have a menu of options to the bottom of your screen, and a Power and Energy bar. When you choose your fight method, or defend strategy, the action is played out in FMV to the middle of your screen. After that, it continues with the story with you watching Yuna and her friend go to school, shopping, and more though out the game. The non-fighting scenes are full of still shots and FMV scenes that moves along well. Also, there will be many times where you must choose an action out of 3 or so choices at certain scenes (and I assume that will affect what you do in the game, but I have not tested that out yet).
Now, on to the Mini Games. The Mini Games appear between “levels” in story mode. Just mainly to give you a break for some action. The first 2 Mini Games are dressing Yuna and her friend up for the next section. The hard part is trying to dress them up correctly, because you have a slot machine with 3 wheels that have icons (like dress, top, accessories, shoes). You must stop the 3 wheels with 3 items in a row. If you do that, then the item will show on your character, but you have multiple choices to choose from. So, you can see where I am going with this - Since the shoes, top, dress, and accessories each have 3 different types you can choose from, that means there are TONS of different combinations...
The third Mini Game is the best yet. In the story, you must save a dog that was stolen (by a few enemy girls) from a little girl. The problem is, they are now in a speed boat! So in this Mini Game, you are supposed to tie Yuna to a rope, and throw her over the dock at the speeding boats going across your screen. This is where you crack up laughing! If you hold your button down for a long time, you will spin Yuna super fast, and then if you let go of the button, you will see Yuna launch all the way across the water and then BOOM! She hits a boat and the entire thing breaks apart into little pieces. VERY funny, and definitely cool.
That is about where I am at in the game at the moment, but there is a neat maze section that is all CGi rendered (reminds me of Team Innocent), and a lot more. If you can find this game, I would strongly suggest you pick it will have loads of fun with this one! - Aaron Nanto