[2008-09-10 10:17.23] <ಠ_ಠ> Would you guys find it funny if you saw a black dude eating chicken out of a buckey while you are going home from work?
[2008-09-10 10:17.28] <Mithos> wouldn’t a uncompressed .wav be better than a mp3?
[2008-09-10 10:17.36] <ceti alpha> yeah, mp3 is fine, but it’s certainly not great quality. and you’d never save the original file as mp3
[2008-09-10 10:17.39] <Michael Helgeson> stupid
[2008-09-10 10:17.41] <ಠ_ಠ> This is what I saw yesterday.
[2008-09-10 10:17.41] <guyjin> you can always decrease ’resolution’, but you can’t increase it
[2008-09-10 10:17.43] <Sinistron> he wanted them to continue thinking he was some expert
[2008-09-10 10:18.11] <Michael Helgeson> i see black dudes eating chicken all the time Nin
[2008-09-10 10:18.25] <Michael Helgeson> there i s aPopeyes chicken 3 mins away from my house
[2008-09-10 10:18.28] <Michael Helgeson> nuthin new
[2008-09-10 10:18.32] <Sinistron> I save my files as wavs- and if crunched for some space then I might do an apple lossless
[2008-09-10 10:18.34] <Mithos> <----is a black dude that eats chicken all the time
[2008-09-10 10:18.42] <guyjin> umm, it doesn’t matter? people can eat what they want.
[2008-09-10 10:18.52] <Mithos> do you ever work with .ogg files sin?
[2008-09-10 10:18.57] <ceti alpha> it would be about as funny as some white trash playing catch with foam and mesh caps as gloves and one of those plastic balls with the holes in them for a ball
[2008-09-10 10:19.04] <Sinistron> I see white guys eating chicken out of buckets do nin- wtf is up with you?
[2008-09-10 10:19.16] <guyjin> popeyes is good... much better than KFC
[2008-09-10 10:19.24] <Sinistron> what’s taht stand for mithy
[2008-09-10 10:19.33] <Mithos> the only time eating is funny is if 2 obease guys try to eat each other at once....and succeded
[2008-09-10 10:19.40] <Mithos> ogg vorbis sin
[2008-09-10 10:19.40] <Sinistron> popeyes is fucking great.  I miss their catfish sandwich
[2008-09-10 10:19.57] <ceti alpha> actually, the white trash comparison is funnier. lol
[2008-09-10 10:20.01] <ಠ_ಠ> I think it is hilarious when I see sterotypes in person Very Happy
[2008-09-10 10:20.01] <Sinistron> no mith
[2008-09-10 10:20.12] <Michael Helgeson> yea guyjin,its kinda weird actually,I cant stomach KFC
[2008-09-10 10:20.14] <ceti alpha> mmmm catfish
[2008-09-10 10:20.18] <Michael Helgeson> Popeyes is great though
[2008-09-10 10:20.19] <ಠ_ಠ> No offense Mithos
[2008-09-10 10:20.26] <ceti alpha> kfc is pretty bad
[2008-09-10 10:20.27] <Sinistron> then you have problems nin- and that actually sounds  alittle RACIST!!!!!!
[2008-09-10 10:20.28] <Windancer> I liked their red beans and rice at popeyes
[2008-09-10 10:20.33] <Mithos> lol nin I don’t get offended over stuff like that
[2008-09-10 10:20.33] <Sinistron> lol
[2008-09-10 10:20.39] <Michael Helgeson> and yea,just as many whities and blackies eat tha chicken
[2008-09-10 10:20.41] <Mithos> I figure who doesn’t like chicken ?
[2008-09-10 10:20.53] <guyjin> KFC used to give me headaches for some weird reason...
[2008-09-10 10:21.04] <ceti alpha> but i had their asian chicken wrap and asian wings. those were awesome
[2008-09-10 10:21.10] <Sinistron> KFC’s smells great- doesn’t taste as good as it smells
[2008-09-10 10:21.13] <ceti alpha> but i hate their regular fried chicken
[2008-09-10 10:21.19] <guyjin> I basically whined my dad into not going there... I kinda feel guilty about that now -_-;
[2008-09-10 10:21.36] <Michael Helgeson> so i fail to see why it would be funny to see some black guy eating it
[2008-09-10 10:21.39] <Mithos> I kinda don’t like churches either.....
[2008-09-10 10:21.46] <Sinistron> nin go ask ninja spirit if he’d find it funny and see what he says
[2008-09-10 10:21.49] <Michael Helgeson> it wouldnt be any more funny then  awhite guy doing so.
[2008-09-10 10:22.18] <ceti alpha> bbiab. coffee run and then getting my work done...or i’ll have to send my boss an email telling him that for some reason "i’m paralyzed when it comes down to getting my work done"
[2008-09-10 10:22.31] <ಠ_ಠ> haha right sin
[2008-09-10 10:22.35] <Sinistron> you fuckers nwo have me fiending fried chicken.
[2008-09-10 10:22.44] <Michael Helgeson> whats funnier is Nin prob thought that Id find that funny since I live in Arkansas
[2008-09-10 10:22.57] <ceti alpha> haha sin
[2008-09-10 10:23.00] <Sinistron> lol ceti
[2008-09-10 10:23.02] <guyjin> mithos: you’re an atheist?
[2008-09-10 10:23.17] <Sinistron> lol mike
[2008-09-10 10:23.31] <Michael Helgeson> I guess he just assumes black people down here only eat fried chicken and watermelon like the oldie racist fliks show them doing,the one shi smom raised him on
[2008-09-10 10:23.33] <Mithos> mostly guy
[2008-09-10 10:23.44] <ceti alpha> what would be funny is seeing a goth eat a double scoop ice cream cone lol
[2008-09-10 10:23.50] <guyjin> mike: you live in arkansas? I’m sorry.
[2008-09-10 10:23.59] <Sinistron> LOLMIKE
[2008-09-10 10:24.02] <Michael Helgeson> makes me wonder if Nin has some blackface makeup hidden in his closet
[2008-09-10 10:24.06] <Mithos> ok I gotta say....I hate watermelon......
[2008-09-10 10:24.31] <Sinistron> what would be funny is seeing nin eat the corn from my shit
[2008-09-10 10:24.37] <Michael Helgeson> Nin joins the minstril
[2008-09-10 10:24.49] <ceti alpha> watermelon is awesome
[2008-09-10 10:24.51] <guyjin> yeah, watermelon is very tasteless... my mom is nuts for it, though
[2008-09-10 10:24.53] <Michael Helgeson> eats shit as his opening act
[2008-09-10 10:24.54] <ಠ_ಠ> dude you are gross...
[2008-09-10 10:24.57] <ceti alpha> hahahaha sin
[2008-09-10 10:25.16] <Sinistron> watermelon is great ceti I concur
[2008-09-10 10:26.00] <Michael Helgeson> its not so bad here Guyjin. Theres plenty to do,plenty of game stores,theaters,arcades,ect
[2008-09-10 10:26.03] <Sinistron> and you are straight up racist nin- keep the lil’ sambol act for your clan friends
[2008-09-10 10:26.08] <Mithos> fried chicken is good but I’m not gonna go batshit crazy over it
[2008-09-10 10:26.19] <Sinistron> you make me sick
[2008-09-10 10:26.20] <Michael Helgeson> bout the only complaint i have i sno tenough bands come here to play
[2008-09-10 10:26.27] <Sinistron> lol
[2008-09-10 10:27.00] <Michael Helgeson> yea im fine for fried chicken like once,twice  amonth
[2008-09-10 10:27.08] <Michael Helgeson> same with catfish
[2008-09-10 10:27.16] <ಠ_ಠ> Someone should pass a law that sini can’t have Super Darius II.
[2008-09-10 10:27.27] <Michael Helgeson> bu totherwise Im a steak person,or salmon,pork chops,veggies
[2008-09-10 10:27.27] <guyjin> you should try omaha... we have a nice little music scene here
[2008-09-10 10:27.30] <Michael Helgeson> mexican
[2008-09-10 10:27.37] <guyjin> (even though I never go to concerts...)
[2008-09-10 10:27.48] <Sinistron> someone should say something funny- because that certainly wan’t
[2008-09-10 10:27.57] <Michael Helgeson> good ole nebraska,with your car damaging weather of doom
[2008-09-10 10:28.02] <Mithos> I never go to concerts either.....
[2008-09-10 10:28.02] <ceti alpha> yeah mike, not enough bands coming here as well
[2008-09-10 10:28.15] <guyjin> someone should pass a law prohibiting you from changing your name, nintega
[2008-09-10 10:28.21] <ceti alpha> it’s getting better every year, but nothing like bigger cities
[2008-09-10 10:28.26] <Sinistron> I love mexican
[2008-09-10 10:28.32] <Mithos> oh mike you need to come to the coast line where every hurricane season is a roller coaster ride Very Happy
[2008-09-10 10:28.44] <Sinistron> though there’s not much I don’t love- mexican’s def. up near the top
[2008-09-10 10:28.59] <Michael Helgeson> man Nins comeback was a real hit here
[2008-09-10 10:29.00] <Mithos> I like most mexican food though I hate mexican rice
[2008-09-10 10:29.17] <ಠ_ಠ> my new name is awesome and unique.
[2008-09-10 10:29.21] <guyjin> I don’t care enough about cars to worry about hail... if it gets dented a bit, it gets dented
[2008-09-10 10:29.25] <ceti alpha> italian, japanese...and then it’s wide open after that
[2008-09-10 10:29.28] <Michael Helgeson> lol Mithos,man Gustav hi ther epretty hard,my damn city was flooded
[2008-09-10 10:29.51] <Michael Helgeson> ur new name is Sad and Alone Nin
[2008-09-10 10:30.03] <ceti alpha> oh and seafood. lobster, seafood chowder *drools*
[2008-09-10 10:30.12] <ಠ_ಠ> The reason why sini shouldn’t have SDII has the game with smell like death with a hint of corn.
[2008-09-10 10:30.12] <Michael Helgeson> awesome and unique need not apply
[2008-09-10 10:30.23] <ಠ_ಠ> *because
[2008-09-10 10:30.31] <guyjin> phillipino food can stay in the phillipines, though... chicken fetus straight from the egg? no thanks
[2008-09-10 10:30.33] <ceti alpha> i love most things that come out of the ocean
[2008-09-10 10:30.41] <Sinistron> I’m not sure I’m following the joke nin
[2008-09-10 10:30.43] <Michael Helgeson> im a sucker for chinese
[2008-09-10 10:30.58] <MithosDrool shirmp
[2008-09-10 10:31.12] <Michael Helgeson> what about Chicken McPoo thoigh Mithos,Rags is all the rave about it
[2008-09-10 10:31.17] <Mithos> wtf chicken fetus?!?!?!?!?
[2008-09-10 10:31.19] <ಠ_ಠ> Expected. Humor is overrated here Very Happy
[2008-09-10 10:31.32] <Michael Helgeson> though as starved as Rags was,Im sure hed eat anything
[2008-09-10 10:31.35] <Sinistron> pigeon mcpoo untouched by christians
[2008-09-10 10:31.37] <Mithos> Chiccken McPoo?
[2008-09-10 10:31.43] <Mithos> *Chicken
[2008-09-10 10:31.43] <ಠ_ಠ> This shoutbox is SERIOUS BIZNEZZ
[2008-09-10 10:32.02] <Michael Helgeson> Rags ever get his wife imported?
[2008-09-10 10:32.07] <Sinistron> rags probably scarfs and barfs- no one could be that skinny surrounded by food all day without eating
[2008-09-10 10:32.28] <Mithos> we need an intervention for rags
[2008-09-10 10:32.43] <Michael Helgeson> Miss"Me luv you long time,till I get my US citizenship"
[2008-09-10 10:32.47] <Sinistron> who can overrate this chestnut nin? :The reason why sini shouldn’t have SDII has the game with smell like death with a hint of corn."
[2008-09-10 10:32.49] <Mithos> Anorexia is never healthy
[2008-09-10 10:33.02] <ceti alpha> ahha. ok. i really gotsta go. i’ll be back.
[2008-09-10 10:33.02] <guyjin> lol scarfs and barfs
[2008-09-10 10:33.08] <ceti alpha> peace out peeps ^_^
[2008-09-10 10:33.15] <Sinistron> incoherently written by a drooling fool
[2008-09-10 10:33.24] <Mithos> Is there some reason why sini shouldn’t have SD II?
[2008-09-10 10:33.31] <Mithos> cya ceti
[2008-09-10 10:33.32] <Michael Helgeson> later Ceti
[2008-09-10 10:33.41] <Sinistron> later ceti
[2008-09-10 10:34.14] <Sinistron> mithy- nin’s trying to tell a joke- let’s all be patient and let the retard forumulate his words
[2008-09-10 10:34.19] <guyjin> baibai settee Smile
[2008-09-10 10:34.26] <ಠ_ಠ> He dissed my new name and said I should eat his shit.
[2008-09-10 10:34.32] <Mithos> ah ok...
[2008-09-10 10:34.53] <Mithos> I’m just gonna sit back and watch this unfold........
[2008-09-10 10:35.01] <ಠ_ಠ> This is what I get for being normal.
[2008-09-10 10:35.03] <Sinistron> lol nin.  now that’s pretty funny.
[2008-09-10 10:35.14] <Mithos> *preys for it to be hilarious*
[2008-09-10 10:35.17] <Michael Helgeson> well Nin,he was right to do so,and youd be smart to do so,if you want to really make us laugh,or gag,whichever comes first
[2008-09-10 10:35.26] <ಠ_ಠ> *in b4 you aren’t*
[2008-09-10 10:35.42] <Michael Helgeson> normal compared to?
[2008-09-10 10:35.43] <ಠ_ಠ> too late >_<
[2008-09-10 10:35.45] <Sinistron> LOL
[2008-09-10 10:36.10] <Michael Helgeson> in b4 you aren’t man...in b4 you aren’t
[2008-09-10 10:36.41] <Sinistron> LOL
[2008-09-10 10:37.02] <Mithos> yay \Dancing the LHC was a success
[2008-09-10 10:37.37] <Sinistron> work on that coherence bit ninny- you’d be surprised it goes a long way
[2008-09-10 10:37.39] <Michael Helgeson> i wonder ho wlong Gears of War is
[2008-09-10 10:37.50] <guyjin> well, it didn’t blow up, anywy... this was just the first test run
[2008-09-10 10:38.00] <Michael Helgeson> Im at the mine area
[2008-09-10 10:38.22] <Michael Helgeson> using i tto becnh my comp
[2008-09-10 10:38.26] <Mithos> yeah guy and it wasn’t at full power but hey we’re still alive Very Happy ....for now....
[2008-09-10 10:38.27] <Michael Helgeson> bench
[2008-09-10 10:39.04] <ಠ_ಠ> I was going to burn sini a copy of SDII and send it to him. Tough luck.
[2008-09-10 10:39.19] <Mithos> gears of war isn’t that long
[2008-09-10 10:39.32] <Mithos> I’d say you can run through it in 4-8hrs......
[2008-09-10 10:39.40] <guyjin> no you werent
[2008-09-10 10:39.43] <Mithos> depending on your death rate....
[2008-09-10 10:40.03] <ಠ_ಠ> Pfft. Tears of Bore.
[2008-09-10 10:40.28] <ಠ_ಠ> Why you say that guyjin?
[2008-09-10 10:41.00] <guyjin> because it’s a fact
[2008-09-10 10:41.19] <Sinistron> if this guy can burn a disc anywhere as proficiently as he can tell a joke- I’d expect my TG CD to choke and die the second it boots
[2008-09-10 10:41.21] <ಠ_ಠ> FPSs give me motion sickness.
[2008-09-10 10:42.10] <ಠ_ಠ> Guyjin’s "fact" = opinion
[2008-09-10 10:42.12] <Mithos> but gears isn’t a FPS.......
[2008-09-10 10:42.21] <Sinistron> pffft- tears of bore? quick- let’s all amuse nin’s racist and fart joke appetite- and do so inchoerently so that he’ll feel like he’s at home
[2008-09-10 10:42.24] <ಠ_ಠ> and an assumption
[2008-09-10 10:43.01] <guyjinhttp://www.boingboing.net/2008/09/10/raymond-scott-the-fi.html
[2008-09-10 10:43.07] <ಠ_ಠ> Didn’t I see Mike make fun of Asian women?
[2008-09-10 10:43.14] <Sinistron> oh I get it- a gears of war play on words
[2008-09-10 10:43.24] <ಠ_ಠ> And YOU sini find that funny.
[2008-09-10 10:43.31] <Sinistron> for a second I thought you were bored with us ninny
[2008-09-10 10:43.36] <ಠ_ಠ> Major WTF
[2008-09-10 10:43.58] <Mithos> heh my real name is major Very Happy
[2008-09-10 10:44.13] <Sinistron> fuck you talking about? when did mike make fun of asian women?
[2008-09-10 10:44.30] <Michael Helgeson> I made fun of rags wife,regardless of he rrace
[2008-09-10 10:44.47] <ಠ_ಠ> Mithos is your last name Payne? If so that would be so funny Very Happy
[2008-09-10 10:45.00] <Michael Helgeson> I stated the obvious,Rags got suckered into a marrage that he will lose ou ton
[2008-09-10 10:45.28] <ಠ_ಠ> I wish Payne was my last name.
[2008-09-10 10:45.29] <Sinistron> yeah I agree
[2008-09-10 10:45.30] <Mithos> nope nin though I’ve been told I should get it changed to that
[2008-09-10 10:45.48] <Sinistron> then it’d akin to what you’ve felt your whole life nin
[2008-09-10 10:46.39] <Sinistron> rags wife wants a man who actually keeps food in the cupboards
[2008-09-10 10:46.44] <Michael Helgeson> it would apply if she was white,or whatever. It just tends to be that anytime a guy goes and get s awife from the Philipeens,or Russia,Asia,they tend to just use him to get their visa or us citizenship,they they divorce the sucker
[2008-09-10 10:47.01] <Michael Helgeson> usually they wai ttill they have a kid,so they can get income coming in from the poor guy
[2008-09-10 10:47.02] <guyjin> you should have your last name changed to "domo" instead.
[2008-09-10 10:47.28] <Sinistron> not a pigeon ready to cook with the art of living like a jihadist cookbook
[2008-09-10 10:47.30] <Michael Helgeson> it ha snothing to do with race,and more to do with women wanting a escape from a poor economic situation
[2008-09-10 10:47.48] <Michael Helgeson> in a fucked up country
[2008-09-10 10:48.05] <ಠ_ಠ> domo? Japanese for?
[2008-09-10 10:48.19] <Mithos> thank you or hello.....
[2008-09-10 10:48.24] <Sinistron> mike’s right nin.  what do you know about it?
[2008-09-10 10:49.31] <guyjinhttp://dictionary.reference.com/browse/majordomo
[2008-09-10 10:50.29] <MithosVery Happy Major Domo works for me
[2008-09-10 10:50.29] <ಠ_ಠ> Why would I be a butler?
[2008-09-10 10:50.31] <guyjin> do muslims belive in divorce?
[2008-09-10 10:51.38] <Mithos> 1.   a man in charge of a great household, as that of a sovereign; a chief steward.
[2008-09-10 10:51.44] <MithosVery Happy I like that one
[2008-09-10 10:52.41] <Sinistron> bbiab
[2008-09-10 10:53.21] <ಠ_ಠ> take your sweet time
[2008-09-10 10:53.27] <ಠ_ಠ> please
[2008-09-10 10:53.33] <ಠ_ಠ> anyway....
[2008-09-10 10:53.50] <Michael Helgeson> ye aguyjin they do
[2008-09-10 10:54.09] <ಠ_ಠ> Who wants Super Darius II? >Very Happy
[2008-09-10 10:54.14] <Michael Helgeson> depending on the location,the process of divorce for them is different
[2008-09-10 10:55.49] <Michael Helgeson> typically you dont see the wife enact a divorce though unless shes in the US,or the UK
[2008-09-10 10:55.59] <guyjin> maybe we can get his fellow muslim (keranu) to talk him out of it?
[2008-09-10 10:56.15] <Michael Helgeson> or any other non Muslim influenced country
[2008-09-10 10:56.40] <Michael Helgeson> mainly due to the fact that the muslim religion is biased toward smen
[2008-09-10 10:56.47] <guyjin> yeah, I’ve heard the thing about saying ’i divorce you’ 3 times, didn’t know if that was for real or not
[2008-09-10 10:57.01] <Michael Helgeson> women in a muslim ruled country are rarely granted a divorce from their own husband
[2008-09-10 10:57.08] <Michael Helgeson> due to womens rights
[2008-09-10 10:57.17] <Michael Helgeson> yea its real
[2008-09-10 10:57.26] <Mithos> keranu is a muslim?  
[2008-09-10 10:57.52] <Michael Helgeson> its not legally acceptible in the US though
[2008-09-10 10:57.53] <Mithos> I wouldn’tve guessed from his pic
[2008-09-10 10:58.01] <Michael Helgeson> or in most other modern countries
[2008-09-10 10:58.23] <Michael Helgeson> yea Keranu says he is,I think he sjust soul searching
[2008-09-10 10:58.40] <Michael Helgeson> you know kids,always trying to be different
[2008-09-10 10:59.03] <Mithos> ah Neutral d’oh musim != arabic....
[2008-09-10 10:59.44] <guyjinhttp://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/09/10/wowbacon-microwave-c.html
[2008-09-10 10:59.54] <guyjin> lol@ "bacon flavored soda"
[2008-09-10 11:00.48] <ಠ_ಠ> Mountain Dew or crab juice?
[2008-09-10 11:01.02] <Michael Helgeson> yuk
[2008-09-10 11:01.41] <guyjin> I might just try that once
[2008-09-10 11:03.12] <Mithos> bacon flavored soda sounds gross
[2008-09-10 11:18.11] <nectarsis> back in for a few minutes
[2008-09-10 11:21.01] <nectarsis> damn I killed chat
[2008-09-10 11:26.04] <Zeon> Nec!!!
[2008-09-10 11:26.16] <Zeon> where have ya been man?
[2008-09-10 11:32.00] <bust3dstr8> die chat die
[2008-09-10 11:33.04] <Zeon> the chat the
[2008-09-10 11:33.07] <Zeon> also boobies
[2008-09-10 11:33.15] <Zeon> oh you bastard!
[2008-09-10 11:33.23] <Zeon> yup I am an assfairy
[2008-09-10 11:33.35] <Zeon> <-----is an assfairy
[2008-09-10 11:33.48] <Zeon> damnit quit typing for me bastard!!!
[2008-09-10 11:34.26] <bust3dstr8> Remember......It’s only gay if you push back
[2008-09-10 11:34.29] <Mithos> yup somebody’s crazy
[2008-09-10 11:35.33] <bust3dstr8> Getting some nice MVS goodies Mithos Razz
[2008-09-10 11:36.22] <bust3dstr8> Pulstar....finally
[2008-09-10 11:37.32] <Mithos> nice busted Applause
[2008-09-10 11:37.37] <Mithos> where’d you find it
[2008-09-10 11:37.38] <Mithos> ?
[2008-09-10 11:38.16] <bust3dstr8> Wheeling and dealing with Kickin’ Wing on NG chat
[2008-09-10 11:38.32] <bust3dstr8> Its a kit, but at this point I dont care
[2008-09-10 11:41.03] <Mithos> lol nice
[2008-09-10 11:41.10] <Mithos> how much is he gonna let it go for?
[2008-09-10 11:42.26] <bust3dstr8> More than I wanted to pay for a Pulstar Sad  Comes with a shock too for $200
[2008-09-10 11:43.35] <Mithos> geez
[2008-09-10 11:43.45] <Mithos> dropping $200 for one game is never easy
[2008-09-10 11:43.55] <Mithos> unless that game craps out other rare games
[2008-09-10 11:43.58] <Mithos> then it’s very easy
[2008-09-10 11:44.27] <bust3dstr8> That wil be my new high ever
[2008-09-10 11:44.59] <bust3dstr8> But time and aggrevation is always a factor
[2008-09-10 11:45.52] <bust3dstr8> If or when I can land a loose one, I will probally just sell off the kit and recoupe what I can
[2008-09-10 13:06.58] <guyjin> :-"
[2008-09-10 13:11.15] <Necromancer> Howdy gaikokujin.
[2008-09-10 13:14.06] <Windancer> ho ho ho
[2008-09-10 13:18.03] <Mithos> and a bottle of joe?
[2008-09-10 13:18.41] <Windancer> mithos did you get the bomberland touch
[2008-09-10 13:18.47] <jboypacman> Yo Bros!
[2008-09-10 13:19.29] <guyjin> hey
[2008-09-10 13:19.33] <Mithos> not yet
[2008-09-10 13:19.37] <Mithos> hey hey jboy
[2008-09-10 13:19.49] <Mithos> I’m hopin it comes soon
[2008-09-10 13:19.57] <Mithos> the tracking for it hasn’t updated at all
[2008-09-10 13:20.01] <Windancer> here is online play on it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-lt-zZt0wA&feature=related
[2008-09-10 13:20.07] <jboypacman> how is everyone today
[2008-09-10 13:20.50] <Mithos> well jboy I’m slaying immortals as we speak
[2008-09-10 13:21.05] <Windancer> im under the weather jboy this new chemo treatment i snot so good
[2008-09-10 13:21.14] <Mithos> wind does it play like 93/4?
[2008-09-10 13:21.26] <Mithos> how many more weeks do you have to go wind?
[2008-09-10 13:21.48] <jboypacman> yikes WD i hope you will feel better soon buddy
[2008-09-10 13:22.31] <guyjin> chemo is suck.
[2008-09-10 13:22.45] <jboypacman> Ah death to the immortals off with there heads
[2008-09-10 13:22.46] <Windancer> 2 more months mithos
[2008-09-10 13:23.12] <jboypacman> Oh WD you win that Mario Kart DS ?
[2008-09-10 13:23.26] <Windancer> oh by the way mithos I found a pc version of bomberman with online play we just might be able to the run the tourney from http://www.bmoworld.com/index.php?categoryid=1
[2008-09-10 13:24.24] <Windancerhttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=110286025416&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=001
[2008-09-10 13:24.28] <Windancer> nope
[2008-09-10 13:25.22] <Mithos> Mario Kart DS is a game I have
[2008-09-10 13:25.54] <Mithos> that bomberman looks kinda creepy
[2008-09-10 13:26.03] <jboypacman> bummer WD but next time perhaps
[2008-09-10 13:26.55] <jboypacman> yeah Mithos WD was trying to when that RED DS(Mario Kart Edition)
[2008-09-10 13:27.41] <Mithos> ah
[2008-09-10 13:27.54] <Mithos> I’d say hold out and get a lite
[2008-09-10 13:28.25] <Mithos> the screen is better unless you get a model where you can hack the firmware to jack up the brightness
[2008-09-10 13:28.40] <jboypacman> he has 2 lites but wants that Red on because its cool looking
[2008-09-10 13:30.05] <Mithos> ah
[2008-09-10 13:30.27] <Windancer> I have 2 lites mithos
[2008-09-10 13:30.33] <Mithos> lol I’m a blue, grey, black, or white man myself
[2008-09-10 13:30.46] <Windancer> I just think the mario kart edition is sexy
[2008-09-10 13:31.00] <Windancer> I have a blue ds lite and a white one
[2008-09-10 13:31.16] <Windancer> the white is in a nerf skin
[2008-09-10 13:32.01] <Windancer> mithos did you see that bomberman I linked you too it has its own dedicated server for pc
[2008-09-10 13:32.21] <Mithos> yeah wind I saw it
[2008-09-10 13:32.26] <jboypacman> Yeah WD if you had gotten that Red one you could of gave me a deal on one of your other ones
[2008-09-10 13:32.28] <Mithos> I said it looks crepy Very Happy
[2008-09-10 13:32.45] <Windancer> its good ive been playing it
[2008-09-10 13:33.19] <Windancer> it looks like bomberman 94
[2008-09-10 13:33.30] <Windancer> that video doesnt even play the same music
[2008-09-10 13:33.48] <Mithos> in 3d
[2008-09-10 13:33.57] <Mithos> yeah I noticed....
[2008-09-10 13:34.01] <Windancer> download it mithos lets give it a run
[2008-09-10 13:34.13] <Windancer> no 3d thank god
[2008-09-10 13:34.16] <jboypacman> still looking to sweet talk my wife but its a no go we just dont have the extra cash at the moment but maybe for xmas
[2008-09-10 13:34.57] <Windancerhttp://www.bmoworld.com/index.php?categoryid=28
[2008-09-10 13:36.22] <Windancer> I totally understand that jboy. maybe I can talk my wife into selling you my white for cheap she dont even play it.
[2008-09-10 13:36.26] <jboypacman> That Bman could be cool
[2008-09-10 13:36.47] <Mithos> dlin it now
[2008-09-10 13:37.09] <Windancer> register a nick mithos here while you download http://www.bmoworld.com/index.php?categoryid=6
[2008-09-10 13:37.30] <Windancer> the game is free but it costs money to change the look of your characters
[2008-09-10 13:37.53] <Windancer> you just look like classic bomberman guys which is cool with me
[2008-09-10 13:38.01] <Windancer> join us jboy download it
[2008-09-10 13:38.23] <Windancer> we will give it run here in a bit the interface is pretty sweet
[2008-09-10 13:41.21] <Windancer> also no controller support mithos the controls are arrow keys. and shift and z for dropping bombs
[2008-09-10 13:42.13] <jboypacman> i will think about it WD am not much of a PC gamer and i use a eMac too
[2008-09-10 13:42.24] <Windancer> bummer no controller support
[2008-09-10 13:42.35] <Windancer> oh crap no pc
[2008-09-10 13:42.57] <Windancer> forgot jboy my chemo brain stinks. they were teasing today at chemo
[2008-09-10 13:43.42] <Windancer> mithos im starting a room called pcenginefan
[2008-09-10 13:43.58] <Mithos> ok wind
[2008-09-10 13:44.50] <jboypacman> I just will wait and get a DS and Bomberman Land we can play that way
[2008-09-10 13:45.47] <Mithos> or we could......let jboy have 6 secret santas at once
[2008-09-10 13:45.53] <Mithos> and he could totally get a DS out the deal
[2008-09-10 13:48.38] <jboypacman> lol that would be cool Mithos then all i would have to do is find out what games you guys are playing online and go get thoses
[2008-09-10 13:58.59] <Windancer> mithos that bomberman game runs incredible I just played 4 people
[2008-09-10 13:59.19] <Windancer> its damn good
[2008-09-10 14:00.16] <Windancer> be right on I had to exit to talk to ya
[2008-09-10 14:01.03] <Mithos> I’m just now installin it wind
[2008-09-10 14:01.10] <Mithos> give me a moment I’m on the phone
[2008-09-10 14:03.25] <Windancer> ok let me know when your ready I think im gonna password out the game bunches of peep keep joining and they get mad I dont start Password will be Pico
[2008-09-10 14:03.53] <Windancer> jboy you still here?
[2008-09-10 14:04.22] <Windancer> I wonder if the bomberman will run on my toughbook that would be cool
[2008-09-10 14:05.22] <Windancer> Jboy I highly recommend this game it is a hidden gem if you like tank battle games http://tankbeat.o3ent.com/
[2008-09-10 14:05.33] <Windancer> check out the pics and the videos
[2008-09-10 14:05.41] <Windancer> part 2 is comming out soon
[2008-09-10 14:05.54] <jboypacman> yup still here
[2008-09-10 14:06.22] <Windancer> the game is totally controlled buy your stylus I was kinda set back by that but its perfect the way they did it
[2008-09-10 14:06.49] <Mithos> ok back
[2008-09-10 14:07.12] <jboypacman> looks neat WD i will put it on my list
[2008-09-10 14:07.39] <jboypacman> Reminds me just a little of Battlezone oddly
[2008-09-10 14:07.44] <Windancer> ou can score that game cheap too jboy
[2008-09-10 14:08.33] <Windancer> exactly joy. it also has a very nice anime story drivin single player mode almost like rpg
[2008-09-10 14:08.41] <Windancer> jboy oops
[2008-09-10 14:08.48] <Mithos> lol jboy I was seriously about to ask why that game reminded you of battletoads Razz
[2008-09-10 14:08.59] <Mithos> I need to learn how to read....
[2008-09-10 14:09.47] <jboypacman> I have not played BattleToads in many years mithos lol
[2008-09-10 14:11.33] <Windancer> mithos that bomberman plays flawless we might get a bomberman tournament off the ground with it
[2008-09-10 14:11.51] <Windancer> I also have street fighter II up as the next prize
[2008-09-10 14:12.16] <jboypacman> What am finding with the DS is the games are going for super cheap
[2008-09-10 14:12.30] <Mithos> heh wind I’d play but I wouldn’t be overly motivated to win Razz
[2008-09-10 14:12.34] <Windancer> mednafen just had to many online flaws
[2008-09-10 14:12.46] <Mithos> if i won i’d request you give the game to 2nd place as I have a copy of it already Wink
[2008-09-10 14:12.51] <Windancer> you have street fighter II?
[2008-09-10 14:13.03] <Mithos> shhhhh....wind don’t say that or she’ll get you
[2008-09-10 14:13.05] <Mithos> yup
[2008-09-10 14:13.16] <Windancer> lets see what I can dig out then mithos
[2008-09-10 14:13.58] <Windancer> I know mithos but its fact. the online isnt so hot I hope I dont offend her as an emulator its good
[2008-09-10 14:14.12] <Mithos> come to think of it wind I think lots of people here might have sf II
[2008-09-10 14:14.16] <jboypacman> SF II i shall pick that one up with a six-button pad at some point
[2008-09-10 14:14.24] <Mithos> I know wind I’m just jokin
[2008-09-10 14:14.24] <Windancer> how about F1 circus mithos?
[2008-09-10 14:14.59] <Windancer> I  give away either a loosy or a complete CD? the hucard is much better then the cd though
[2008-09-10 14:15.25] <Windancer> yeah jboy definately get a six button or you will go nuts
[2008-09-10 14:16.51] <Mithos> that works wind
[2008-09-10 14:17.00] <Mithos> Actually you could have that as first place prize
[2008-09-10 14:17.08] <Mithos> and have SFII as the 2nd place/runners up
[2008-09-10 14:18.31] <Windancer> for some reason F1 circus loads slow on the cd version it gets very annoying
[2008-09-10 14:18.51] <Windancer> plus the cd version seems overlay hard
[2008-09-10 14:19.01] <jboypacman> Always great prizes WD i can’t wait for my prize arrive
[2008-09-10 14:19.45] <Windancer> has your mail come today jboy?
[2008-09-10 14:20.17] <Windancer> if you like shooters I think you will like rabio lepus
[2008-09-10 14:20.29] <Mithos> it came wind
[2008-09-10 14:20.34] <Mithos> but I took it
[2008-09-10 14:21.00] <Windancer> its hard as hell but there are some cheats you can run at gamefaqs.com beleive me you will go to them
[2008-09-10 14:21.07] <jboypacman> yup i think it will be here tommorow
[2008-09-10 14:21.29] <Windancer> mithos did ya hear what I did to jboy?
[2008-09-10 14:22.35] <Windancer> I mailed his game out on friday to myself mithos LOL I got it on monday LOL
[2008-09-10 14:23.13] <Windancer> this chemo brain is a killer
[2008-09-10 14:23.23] <jboypacman> It was quite funny getting a PM telling me you mailed it to yourself WD lol
[2008-09-10 14:23.46] <jboypacman> But no worries it will be here soon anuff
[2008-09-10 14:23.50] <Mithos> ROFL wind
[2008-09-10 14:24.18] <Mithos> it was like "hey me I was just being an asshole to jboy here’s your prize man Razz"
[2008-09-10 14:24.52] <Windancer> about 2 months ago I sold a bunch of asturn games. I got all mailed out except 1. the one was sitting in my to be mailed box. 3 weeks later the buyer emailed me I looked in the box and went OMG what the hell! I refunded shipping to the buyer he was happy and I mailed it
[2008-09-10 14:24.55] <Mithos> "To Jboy: Man am I enjoying my game that I mailed myself.  I’m glad you guess correctly man.  Cause I am really enjoying my game -Wind"
[2008-09-10 14:26.06] <jboypacman> lol Mithos
[2008-09-10 14:26.28] <Windancer> LOL
[2008-09-10 14:27.12] <jboypacman> You got to love WD always giving.........To himself lol j/k
[2008-09-10 14:29.45] <jboypacman> yeah that game is going to be fun my buddy Dalum so wants to play it when i get it
[2008-09-10 14:30.51] <Mithos> but jboy you never will get it
[2008-09-10 14:30.58] <Mithos> cause I have taken over your post office
[2008-09-10 14:31.06] <Mithos> it shall be MINE!!!!! Twisted Evil
[2008-09-10 14:31.55] <Mithos> I knew a man Mr. Bojangles he danced for you......in worn out shoes
[2008-09-10 14:32.29] <jboypacman> Yikes call the police there is a crazed Immortal loose in my post office
[2008-09-10 14:33.00] <jboypacman> wheres a Macloud when you need one lol
[2008-09-10 14:33.22] <Mithos> HEY I’m not crazed!!!
[2008-09-10 14:33.45] <jboypacman> no just immortal
[2008-09-10 14:34.28] <jboypacman> "I got a Sword!!!!!!!!!!Sucka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
[2008-09-10 14:34.40] <Mithos> lol
[2008-09-10 14:34.53] <jboypacman> I need a sword
[2008-09-10 14:35.31] <jboypacman> or a PeePee Hammer like in thoses Anime shows/movies
[2008-09-10 14:35.56] <Mithos> don’t buy one of those cheap swords from those asian markets/anime conventions
[2008-09-10 14:36.00] <Mithos> you’ll regret it
[2008-09-10 14:36.13] <Mithos> I want a P-wing
[2008-09-10 14:36.24] <Mithos> and 8 chaos emralds
[2008-09-10 14:36.34] <Mithos> also Epic non-FDA approved meat
[2008-09-10 14:36.42] <jboypacman> I would be better off with a plastic butter knife
[2008-09-10 14:37.16] <Windancer> shit 44 minutes left I may win this toughbook im high bidder http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=230287912618&ssPageName=STRK:MEBI:IT&ih=013
[2008-09-10 14:37.25] <jboypacman> great on your toast but just terrible to cut your foe’s head off
[2008-09-10 14:38.19] <jboypacman> Are you going to be able to use it with out the Bios code WD?
[2008-09-10 14:39.42] <Mithos> c’mon f***c you can do it man!
[2008-09-10 14:39.53] <Windancer> oh yeah jboy I have a boot disk that wipes out the password
[2008-09-10 14:40.09] <Windancer> its called kill cmos
[2008-09-10 14:40.36] <jboypacman> cool
[2008-09-10 14:40.55] <jboypacman> you really dig thoses tough books WD
[2008-09-10 14:41.25] <Mithos> wait to get into the cmos that’s passworded couldn’t you just remove the battery for like an hour?
[2008-09-10 14:41.29] <Mithos> the mother board battery
[2008-09-10 14:42.05] <Windancer> that wont be any problem. I just got a message from the seller and the hard drive is missing also it doesnt have a cdrom I hope  my cf-25 parts will; be able to work in it. I do have an extra hard drive but dont have a hard drive caddy for that model
[2008-09-10 14:42.24] <Windancer> yeah mithos but cmos kill is faster LOL
[2008-09-10 14:43.13] <Windancer> I also have a usb cdrom hopefully the bios has a boot to usb device in it
[2008-09-10 14:43.33] <Mithos> now why oh why would you want to kill a poor innocent cmos Very Happy
[2008-09-10 14:44.52] <Windancer> yeah I do unfortunately any toughbooks over 1ghz in speed cost a small fortune. the original retail price of my oldy CF-25 toughbook was 5771.00 thousand dollars
[2008-09-10 14:45.11] <Windancer> it doesnt kill the cmos LOL it just resets it LOL
[2008-09-10 14:46.50] <Mithos> lol
[2008-09-10 14:46.59] <jboypacman> how many Toughbooks you have WD just one right?
[2008-09-10 14:48.12] <Windancer> yeah I only have 1
[2008-09-10 14:48.35] <Windancer> its very old but in mint condtition jboy
[2008-09-10 14:49.56] <Windancer> in fact heres a slideshow of my old toughbook http://s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj49/windancerac/toughbook/?action=view&current=75ee92b7.pbw
[2008-09-10 14:51.43] <jboypacman> cool
[2008-09-10 14:51.56] <Windancer> I was running damn small linux on it which ran pretty good but I really like windows 2k on there
[2008-09-10 14:52.03] <jboypacman> so now if all goes well you will have two
[2008-09-10 14:52.50] <Windancer> windows 2k takes up 25% of the hard drive though damn small linux takes up 100 megs
[2008-09-10 14:53.27] <Windancer> I really like the idea of a small operating system
[2008-09-10 14:53.39] <Windancer> damn small linux is alot like OSX
[2008-09-10 14:54.50] <Windancer> If I win this other toughbook I will sell this acer laptop I have
[2008-09-10 14:55.00] <jboypacman> What are you going to do with the other one WD?
[2008-09-10 14:55.18] <jboypacman> Ok i see
[2008-09-10 14:55.30] <Windancer> 25 minutes left still high bidder
[2008-09-10 14:55.59] <jboypacman> We have a old Gateway laptop along with our eMac and iMac
[2008-09-10 14:56.31] <Windancer> oh I love my old one and will keep it around really it wouldnt sell for much. Ive seen my old model sell on ebay for 20.00 dollars
[2008-09-10 14:57.26] <Windancer> Mithos we playing some bomberman?
[2008-09-10 14:57.48] <Windancer> I will see if that bomberman run on the toughbook later LOl
[2008-09-10 14:57.56] <jboypacman> Sounds great WD all you need now is a Red DS
[2008-09-10 14:59.11] <Mithos> yeah wind we can play a quick game
[2008-09-10 14:59.48] <Windancer> yep im a sucker for old stuff and stuff that is sexy LOL
[2008-09-10 15:00.17] <Windancer> ok mithos im starting a game remember the password is pico
[2008-09-10 15:00.43] <jboypacman> Old and Sexy hmmm sounds like my Atari 2600 lol
[2008-09-10 15:01.16] <MissaFX> heyguys, I am out in my car on wifi Smile
[2008-09-10 15:01.23] <jboypacman> Ok guys have fun bombing each other and i might see you guys later
[2008-09-10 15:01.26] <MissaFX> 20% signal.  woohoo
[2008-09-10 15:01.34] <Mithos> hey missa
[2008-09-10 15:01.35] <jboypacman> Cool Missa
[2008-09-10 15:01.37] <MissaFX> o/ jboy
[2008-09-10 15:01.42] <Mithos> sup
[2008-09-10 15:01.52] <Mithos> cya jboy
[2008-09-10 15:02.24] <MissaFX> it might be hot as hell, but the internet is free
[2008-09-10 15:02.30] <jboypacman> Have fun guys
[2008-09-10 15:02.33] <MissaFX> how’s it goin’ mithos?
[2008-09-10 15:02.40] <jboypacman> Free is good
[2008-09-10 15:03.41] <Mithos> just fine and you missa?
[2008-09-10 15:06.30] <MissaFX> oh well other than going nuts over ebay, I am alright
[2008-09-10 15:08.17] <Windancer> mithos you commin?
[2008-09-10 15:08.18] <Mithos> how’s that goin btw?  Is the asshole still an asshole?
[2008-09-10 15:08.20] <Windancer> Hi Missa
[2008-09-10 15:08.29] <Mithos> I will soon wind
[2008-09-10 15:08.37] <Mithos> what’s the room name?
[2008-09-10 15:09.06] <Windancer> Missa im hi bidder on this toughbook http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230287912618&_trksid=p3907.m32&_trkparms=tab%3DBidding
[2008-09-10 15:09.20] <MissaFX> I am comming to you live through that wifi card
[2008-09-10 15:09.25] <Windancer> pcenginefan I did logout brb
[2008-09-10 15:09.36] <Windancer> im on the usa server brt
[2008-09-10 15:10.37] <MissaFX> oh yeah, that ebay seller is a jerk
[2008-09-10 15:11.30] <MissaFX> nice laptop, I hope you get it
[2008-09-10 15:12.44] <Mithos> I hope the post office decides to send you back the amg
[2008-09-10 15:12.51] <Mithos> at least then I’d know where it was at.....
[2008-09-10 15:14.02] <MissaFX> in my experience, it is EXTREEMLY uncommon for the post office to loose something before it gets to the carrier
[2008-09-10 15:14.07] <Windancer> mithos let me know when your logging in
[2008-09-10 15:14.37] <MissaFX> they keep and deliver mail that is 100 years old when they can finally find someone to legally give it to
[2008-09-10 15:15.20] <Windancer> Missa we may be back on for the bomberman tourney I found a free pc version of bomberman online that has servers all setup and has a great user interface
[2008-09-10 15:15.58] <MissaFX> will the tourny be after the 14th?
[2008-09-10 15:16.03] <MissaFX> *tourney
[2008-09-10 15:16.06] <Windancer> mithos whats your online name?
[2008-09-10 15:16.28] <Mithos> aMithos
[2008-09-10 15:16.32] <Mithos> I know I’m original
[2008-09-10 15:16.45] <Windancer> I dont know missa but there is no setup required other then installing and setting up a user nick
[2008-09-10 15:17.01] <Windancer> ok cool let me know when your going back on
[2008-09-10 15:17.18] <MissaFX> well on the 14th my bandwith resets
[2008-09-10 15:17.22] <Windancer> we can get it going really quick if need be
[2008-09-10 15:17.37] <MissaFX> so that is when I will be back to lurking here all the time again
[2008-09-10 15:17.38] <Windancer> would you like to have it after the 14th or before?
[2008-09-10 15:18.23] <Windancer> LOL thats ok mithos im windancer on there also LOL
[2008-09-10 15:18.52] <Windancer> oh I need to check my mail for the CF card
[2008-09-10 15:18.52] <MissaFX> after so I can play without pulling off to the side of the road near someone’s house like I am now getting a 20% signal
[2008-09-10 15:19.32] <MissaFX> I’m stealing the information superhighway  yaaar
[2008-09-10 15:19.47] <Mithos> I wonder if they even notice you’re on
[2008-09-10 15:19.53] <Windancer> ok missa so i will set something up for after the 14th
[2008-09-10 15:20.34] <MissaFX> no cars in the driveway and it was the first connection I found that worked
[2008-09-10 15:20.35] <Mithos> wind is there a way to make this game run in a window?
[2008-09-10 15:20.38] <Windancer> I leave my wireless network open the only time I check for peeps on it if the my internet is slow
[2008-09-10 15:22.15] <MissaFX> I kept finding password protected networks...what jerks :p
[2008-09-10 15:22.17] <Mithos> eh I don’t leave mine open cause I know some douchebags out there will decide to turn it into pirate ally
[2008-09-10 15:22.31] <Mithos> well missa you could............crack them
[2008-09-10 15:22.33] <Windancer> I dont think so mithos. you cant even minimize the game
[2008-09-10 15:22.38] <Mithos> even WPA2 isn’t invincible
[2008-09-10 15:23.11] <Windancer> im a very bad trustworthy person one of these days it may kick my butt
[2008-09-10 15:23.58] <MissaFX> well I am not interested in trying to get in if they don’t leave the door open for me
[2008-09-10 15:24.45] <Mithos> or it could win you the world wind Razz
[2008-09-10 15:25.20] <Windancer> I dont mind if my neighbors use my connection
[2008-09-10 15:26.01] <Windancer> there are 6 connections I can connect too in my neighborhood
[2008-09-10 15:27.08] <Windancer> I dont even have to leave the house I should have my cable turned off and use theirs lol
[2008-09-10 15:27.28] <Windancer> 2 of them I get an 80% connect
[2008-09-10 15:28.05] <MissaFX> there are not any near my RV
[2008-09-10 15:30.09] <Windancer> mithos I just bid 6 bucks on bomberland touch so we can play that soon
[2008-09-10 15:30.57] <Mithos> cool
[2008-09-10 15:31.17] <Mithos> mine won’t be here for awhile cause the guy just said he’s sendin’ out today
[2008-09-10 15:32.17] <Windancer> well theres 4 days left on bidding for mine. I need to run up to the mail box to check if my cf card is in there
[2008-09-10 15:33.01] <Windancer> cant wait to try that out missa
[2008-09-10 15:33.10] <Windancer> mithos I lost that toughbook
[2008-09-10 15:33.20] <Windancer> im kinda glad though
[2008-09-10 15:33.32] <MissaFX> well take care guys
[2008-09-10 15:33.56] <MissaFX> oh, how much did the toughbook close for?
[2008-09-10 15:34.32] <MissaFX> and if you are checking if the card is there right now..well you can’t tell me, but I will wait another minute
[2008-09-10 15:35.32] <Windancer> 38.99 with 25.00 shipping missa
[2008-09-10 15:35.42] <Windancer> ok missa brb
[2008-09-10 15:35.47] <Windancer> checking mail
[2008-09-10 15:36.27] <Mithos> cya missa
[2008-09-10 15:36.38] <Mithos> aww wind
[2008-09-10 15:36.46] <MissaFX> that’s not too much, why didn’t you want it?
[2008-09-10 15:38.01] <MissaFX> oh and I have now used the laptop for 40 minutes on wifi, inncluding doing some windows updates
[2008-09-10 15:40.46] <Windancer> Nothin but junkmail Sad
[2008-09-10 15:41.44] <Windancer> also missa my mother birthday is in a couple weeks I have to buy her somethin so im just saving money. also that lappy didnt have an HD or a hard drive and hard drive caddy
[2008-09-10 15:42.16] <Windancer> so there would have been some extra expense
[2008-09-10 15:45.09] <Windancer> ok mithos lets try this bomberman huh?
[2008-09-10 15:46.27] <Mithos> ok
[2008-09-10 15:46.47] <Windancer> im logging in and the password for my game is picosee ya there
[2008-09-10 15:46.57] <Windancer> Pico is the password
[2008-09-10 15:57.44] <Windancer> well that runs good but I need to do portwarding for no laggy
[2008-09-10 15:57.58] <Windancer> I was getting a warning to open ports
[2008-09-10 16:09.54] <guyjin> b to the izzack
[2008-09-10 16:13.14] <guyjinhttp://www.andiamnotlying.com/2008/fast-food-frankensteins-the-dessert-edition/
[2008-09-10 16:13.32] <guyjin> Hot beef sundae. allegedly in Nebraska. I must find.
[2008-09-10 16:17.10] <Windancer> ok I opened ports
[2008-09-10 16:17.30] <Windancer> oh hey guyjin
[2008-09-10 16:18.16] <Windancer> we were testing the free bomberman online I found its the dreamcast version of bomberman
[2008-09-10 16:18.39] <Windancer> wanna try it?
[2008-09-10 16:20.26] <Windancer> download here http://www.bmoworld.com/index.php?categoryid=28 and set your nickname here http://www.bmoworld.com/index.php?categoryid=6
[2008-09-10 16:21.28] <Windancer> hmm guyjin that hot beesundae it looks like omaha nebraska
[2008-09-10 16:23.52] <Windancer> mithos I just found out this is the dreamcast version of bomberman online
[2008-09-10 16:24.02] <guyjin> i think it’s in lincoln, at the state fair
[2008-09-10 16:24.31] <Windancer> ahhh
[2008-09-10 16:24.45] <guyjin> seems like an americanized version of Poutienne
[2008-09-10 16:25.18] <Windancer> wanna play some bomberman with me Guyjin?
[2008-09-10 16:26.17] <guyjin> at work right now
[2008-09-10 16:26.23] <guyjin> eatin dinner
[2008-09-10 16:26.31] <Windancer> OH
[2008-09-10 16:26.36] <guyjin> back to the grind at 7
[2008-09-10 16:27.11] <Windancer> im just watching the redsox and devil rays game
[2008-09-10 16:30.03] <guyjin> who’s wining?
[2008-09-10 16:30.44] <Windancer> devil rays are up 1-0 after the 1st
[2008-09-10 16:39.30] <Windancer> bbl guyjin starting the grill up
[2008-09-10 16:40.03] <guyjin> take care
[2008-09-10 16:42.53] <ಠ_ಠ> yo
[2008-09-10 17:05.32] <Game and Watch Kirby> Hi Nintega. I know you’ve gotten that humorous expression from the Cho Aniki Game Over video that you presented.
[2008-09-10 17:06.40] <Game and Watch Kirby> Whaa! I just realized that the smilies are gone for selection to use in the shoutbox! Where did they go, and why are they not here?!?!
[2008-09-10 17:07.28] <ಠ_ಠ> hey kirby I heard you where near me not to long ago at Manhattan
[2008-09-10 17:07.47] <ಠ_ಠ> Union City, NJ is 10 min away from Manhattan
[2008-09-10 17:08.12] <ಠ_ಠ> Had a great trip?
[2008-09-10 17:17.47] <Game and Watch Kirby> Yea. I was trying to see where Union City was, but I must’ve passed it without knowing on my trips to New York. I knew that bit about it before leaving on that trip.
[2008-09-10 17:19.26] <Windancer> Nin is that you?
[2008-09-10 17:19.28] <ಠ_ಠ> Union City is right behind the Lincoln Tunnel
[2008-09-10 17:19.43] <ಠ_ಠ> No I am Kim Jong Il
[2008-09-10 17:19.51] <ಠ_ಠ> Yea its me
[2008-09-10 17:20.08] <Windancer> well welcome back
[2008-09-10 17:20.32] <Windancer> Nin im getting kinda DS crazy. I just bought grid and its really fun
[2008-09-10 17:20.45] <ಠ_ಠ> I uploaded a video review of Cho Aniki on teh tube
[2008-09-10 17:21.37] <Windancer> give me a linky Nin
[2008-09-10 17:21.38] <ಠ_ಠ> It came out in the US last night on the Virtual Console. So I’ll shead some light about this game since I own the original.
[2008-09-10 17:21.59] <ಠ_ಠ> Not uploaded yet
[2008-09-10 17:22.23] <ಠ_ಠ> yeah it is
[2008-09-10 17:22.26] <ಠ_ಠhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td4DKubtmHo
[2008-09-10 17:22.33] <ಠ_ಠ> enjoy
[2008-09-10 17:22.59] <Sinistron> let me guess- it’s nin with the ridiculous screenname
[2008-09-10 17:26.16] <Windancer> Nice review Nin
[2008-09-10 17:26.51] <Windancer> I always hate that black videoline that tv’s create on recorded
[2008-09-10 17:27.13] <Windancer> do I hate that black line that tv’s create on recorded video
[2008-09-10 17:28.04] <Game and Watch Kirby> I know there was a pathway to it when leaving, but I had not gone down to it. Yes, it’s Nintega with a silly screenname, Sinistron.
[2008-09-10 17:28.53] <Windancer> Nin why dont you change your name back. your old name is a cool nick
[2008-09-10 17:29.50] <Windancer> mmmmm terriyaki chicken from the grill
[2008-09-10 17:30.39] <Windancer> how ya doin sini
[2008-09-10 17:32.13] <ಠ_ಠ> Hello Sinitron. Be nice and maybe I’ll give you a Super Darius II. I have a spare Very Happy
[2008-09-10 17:32.29] <Windancer> I think im gonna go through cosmic fantasy again again. we were talking about last night late and im having the urge to go through it again
[2008-09-10 17:32.58] <Windancer> Nice Nin
[2008-09-10 17:33.33] <ಠ_ಠ> weel ttyl
[2008-09-10 17:33.49] <Windancer> there has been a huge price drop on ebay for cosmic fantasy II lately
[2008-09-10 17:34.07] <Windancer> been selling for under 10 bucks
[2008-09-10 17:34.19] <Windancer> new and sealed
[2008-09-10 17:34.54] <Sinistron> lol you have a spare.  You can be pretty funny at times ninny
[2008-09-10 17:35.28] <Sinistron> when your thoughts don’t cramp up and you actually get the joke out right
[2008-09-10 17:36.02] <Sinistron> the new avatar’s actually pretty funny too ninny.  You’re on a roll with two laughs.
[2008-09-10 17:36.59] <Game and Watch Kirby> I don’t think I’ve tried Chicken Teriyaki on the grill before (maybe just as a Healthy Choice dinner). How does it taste?
[2008-09-10 17:37.59] <Sinistron> Kirby was in NY and didn’t stop by to say hi to Sini? Sad Upsetting, Kirby!
[2008-09-10 17:38.07] <Sinistron> just kidding
[2008-09-10 17:38.52] <Sinistron> I’m doing alright windy yourself?
[2008-09-10 17:39.06] <Game and Watch Kirby> SiniStron! SiniStron! Why can’t Nintega get the name right?!? Does he not know that is the name of the US version of Violent Soldier?! Sorry, but that is a bit aggravating to me.
[2008-09-10 17:39.47] <Sinistron> lol
[2008-09-10 17:39.54] <Windancer> im feeling a little under the weather started back to chemo yesterday
[2008-09-10 17:40.04] <Sinistron> sic ’em kirby! put his balls in a vise!
[2008-09-10 17:41.00] <Sinistron> well windy- it’s a uphill march but at least there’s a peak here you’re approaching
[2008-09-10 17:41.06] <jboypacman> just popping back in to say hi before i shut down for the night guys
[2008-09-10 17:41.07] <Game and Watch Kirby> I didn’t visit Queens, that’s why Razz. I don’t even know where you live, anyway ;).
[2008-09-10 17:41.23] <Sinistron> hang in there
[2008-09-10 17:41.41] <Sinistron> I love in queens- work in manattan
[2008-09-10 17:41.48] <Sinistron> love lol I meant live
[2008-09-10 17:42.18] <Sinistron> I love in queens, work in manhattan in live in a parallel dimension
[2008-09-10 17:42.38] <Sinistron> how’d you like NY kirby?
[2008-09-10 17:43.05] <Windancer> bbl guys time for dinner
[2008-09-10 17:43.18] <Sinistron> whats cooking windy
[2008-09-10 17:43.20] <Game and Watch Kirby> Oh, Windancer! I heard about your condition. I hope that you get better soon.
[2008-09-10 17:43.20] <jboypacman> see you WD
[2008-09-10 17:43.38] <Sinistron> hey jboy
[2008-09-10 17:44.14] <jboypacman> Hey Sin just heading off to bed
[2008-09-10 17:44.48] <Sinistron> goodnight then jboy
[2008-09-10 17:45.00] <Ninja Spirit> whassup y’all
[2008-09-10 17:45.04] <Sinistron> early here and only one ciggie left Sad
[2008-09-10 17:45.09] <Sinistron> ninja
[2008-09-10 17:45.23] <jboypacman> was on earlier today chatting with Wind and Mithos
[2008-09-10 17:45.39] <jboypacman> always great to see you Sin
[2008-09-10 17:46.01] <jboypacman> see you Ninja
[2008-09-10 17:46.14] <jboypacman> later vaders
[2008-09-10 17:46.16] <Game and Watch Kirby> I liked it. The thing that probably bothered me the most about it was the amount of traffic there (thus with a lot of pollution).
[2008-09-10 17:46.28] <Ninja Spirit> I was getting ready to do another live stream but I guess I gotta plan ahead
[2008-09-10 17:46.40] <Ninja Spirit> i hadn’t been to NY since 2004
[2008-09-10 17:47.14] <Game and Watch Kirby> Windancer’s having Terriyaki Chicken. I hope he enjoys it Smile.
[2008-09-10 17:49.32] <Sinistron> yeah lot of traffic- its not like that in the other burroughs though
[2008-09-10 17:50.08] <Sinistron> yeah but kirby take my advice- turrican is not a game you want to add to your collection
[2008-09-10 17:50.14] <Sinistron> there’s nothing fun about it
[2008-09-10 17:50.24] <Sinistron> a horrendous tedious and cruel exercise
[2008-09-10 17:50.45] <Sinistron> I’ve said numerous time on here that it’s actually the worst game I own
[2008-09-10 17:51.04] <Sinistron> what game you streaming ninja?
[2008-09-10 17:51.38] <Ninja Spirit> Iga Ninden Gaou
[2008-09-10 17:52.08] <Sinistron> I’ve actually really wanted to see that one in play
[2008-09-10 17:52.18] <Sinistron> never saw footage
[2008-09-10 17:52.28] <Game and Watch Kirby> Yea, I’ve read that post to me earlier. I’ll get to that.
[2008-09-10 17:52.52] <Ninja Spirit> ok lemme go downstairs and I"ll hook all that up.
[2008-09-10 17:53.14] <Ninja Spirit> hey Kirby, me and Windancer found the world of live streaming video.
[2008-09-10 17:54.44] <Sinistron> The classic version of turrican that those normally have fond leanings to I believe is a computer version
[2008-09-10 17:55.03] <Sinistron> the tg one plays terribly
[2008-09-10 17:55.19] <Sinistron> runin reviewed that one here as well
[2008-09-10 17:55.55] <Sinistron> well I’m off for now ladies and gents
[2008-09-10 17:56.01] <Sinistron> ttyl
[2008-09-10 17:56.56] <Ninja Spirit> peace!
[2008-09-10 18:16.11] <Ninja Spirithttp://www.blogtv.com/People/HyperGravBeGone NOW PLAYING: IGA NINDEN GAOU
[2008-09-10 18:19.58] <Windancer> hello Ninja
[2008-09-10 18:32.37] <nectarsis> a hoy hoy
[2008-09-10 18:39.14] <nectarsis> anyone home?
[2008-09-10 18:40.47] <runinruder> word
[2008-09-10 18:41.12] <nectarsis> RUNIN  Smile
[2008-09-10 18:42.14] <nectarsis> whats happenin?
[2008-09-10 18:42.40] <MithosShocked NEC!!!!
[2008-09-10 18:42.54] <runinruder> whats up dude
[2008-09-10 18:43.06] <runinruder> im just hangin out, its getting kinda chilly here
[2008-09-10 18:43.07] <Mithos> sup runin
[2008-09-10 18:44.35] <nectarsis> hells yea low 40’s last night
[2008-09-10 18:44.38] <runinruder> not a whole lot, you
[2008-09-10 18:44.39] <nectarsis> hey mithos Smile
[2008-09-10 18:45.04] <Mithos> not much runin...and nec I hoped.......err...thought the internet ate you man Razz
[2008-09-10 18:46.04] <nectarsis> man just get back on here, and you already start in eh Lacus??
[2008-09-10 18:46.08] <nectarsis> lol
[2008-09-10 18:46.27] <MithosRolling Eyes shut it meer
[2008-09-10 18:47.31] <nectarsishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YdkFpgvo3Q
[2008-09-10 18:47.39] <nectarsis> there ya go mithos ;)
[2008-09-10 18:48.28] <nectarsis> so what ya been playin lately runin?
[2008-09-10 18:48.40] <MithosRazz
[2008-09-10 18:51.03] <runinruder> plenty of stuff as usual.  pop n magic stands out as one of the better ones
[2008-09-10 18:52.05] <nectarsis> mmmmmm pop n magic (drools)
[2008-09-10 18:53.18] <runinruder> yeah very good game
[2008-09-10 18:53.54] <runinruder> i beat that kid dracula game.  it was decent, but just barely
[2008-09-10 18:54.00] <nectarsis> I’ll get it eventually
[2008-09-10 18:54.18] <nectarsis> really I thought kid dracula was fun
[2008-09-10 18:54.49] <runinruder> kid dracula doesnt play too well and its really easy
[2008-09-10 18:56.23] <nectarsis> true, the control is a bit...different...lol
[2008-09-10 18:56.40] <runinruder> haha indeed
[2008-09-10 18:57.35] <nectarsis> was an ok game, had fun with it, def better though
[2008-09-10 18:59.52] <Sinistron> I liked kid dracula- last board was kind of satisyfing
[2008-09-10 19:00.06] <Sinistron> has a kid’s feel to it but a little tough for kids
[2008-09-10 19:00.40] <Sinistron> that’s how I feel about doraemon arabian nights but that’s a much better game
[2008-09-10 19:00.50] <nectarsis> master sin Smile
[2008-09-10 19:01.03] <nectarsis> Dorae is a classic
[2008-09-10 19:02.24] <Sinistron> I like the different suits in dracula kid- the tomatoe attack- what I really didn’t like was the sound
[2008-09-10 19:03.14] <Sinistron> the colors are pretty strange I felt
[2008-09-10 19:04.09] <Sinistron> I didn’t find the last level of kid dracula easy at all
[2008-09-10 19:04.11] <nectarsis> kinda bland (at least backround wise) yea
[2008-09-10 19:04.25] <Sinistron> easy for runin maybe lol
[2008-09-10 19:04.54] <nectarsis> lol
[2008-09-10 19:05.13] <Sinistron> but dracula kid himself is sweet and I liked the weird enemies
[2008-09-10 19:05.55] <nectarsis> the eneimes wwere cool, and you’re right on the suits..nice idea
[2008-09-10 19:05.55] <Sinistron> I’m a sucker for cutesy platform though- as long as their challenging yet fun
[2008-09-10 19:06.23] <Sinistron> dragon’s egg on other hand had great ideas but was too easy and short
[2008-09-10 19:06.39] <runinruder> i bought liquid kids at the same time as kid drac and thought it was a little better as far as cutesy platformers go.  but i think LQ is pretty overrated.
[2008-09-10 19:06.44] <Sinistron> there’s levels in there that seemed like they were a minute and a half long
[2008-09-10 19:07.02] <Sinistron> LK is much better than dracula kid no doubt
[2008-09-10 19:07.11] <runinruder> LQ plays pretty much like crap, but people seem to love anything that involves bubble bursting game play
[2008-09-10 19:07.21] <runinruder> LK i should say
[2008-09-10 19:07.31] <Sinistron> what limits LK is only jumping and throwing bubbles gets monotonous
[2008-09-10 19:07.38] <runinruder> haha yeah dragon egg had some really short levels
[2008-09-10 19:07.46] <runinruder> i had a lot of fun with DE though
[2008-09-10 19:07.50] <Sinistron> some other moves wouldve made tha game much better
[2008-09-10 19:08.21] <Sinistron> I have a soft spot for that weird platypus I must admit
[2008-09-10 19:08.31] <nectarsis> I have LK..never tried it yet...been kinda warry
[2008-09-10 19:08.33] <Sinistron> that one’s challenging too- did you beat LK?
[2008-09-10 19:08.34] <runinruder> LK had some nifty bosses.  that was probably my favorite thing about it
[2008-09-10 19:08.42] <runinruder> yeah i beat it
[2008-09-10 19:09.28] <Sinistron> I love taking apart that machine on level two I think it is with the spinning gears
[2008-09-10 19:09.33] <Sinistron> yeah the bosses are sweet
[2008-09-10 19:09.49] <Sinistron> its the egyptian boss that stomps me most of the time
[2008-09-10 19:10.04] <Sinistron> think I only beat him once and I’m not even sure to be honest
[2008-09-10 19:10.17] <Sinistron> haven’t played that in a bit
[2008-09-10 19:10.19] <runinruder> the egypt guy is tough.  i like the level 5 guy, whose arms you have to bust off
[2008-09-10 19:11.02] <Sinistron> yeah I don’t think I’ve seen him
[2008-09-10 19:11.43] <Sinistron> but with so many different enemies they could have given some nice powerups- just the bubble throwing- the guy can’t even duck or anything
[2008-09-10 19:12.08] <runinruder> yeah
[2008-09-10 19:12.26] <Sinistron> and sometimes those water guys are a little too unpredictable
[2008-09-10 19:12.39] <nectarsis> may have to bust it out, sounds decent
[2008-09-10 19:12.42] <runinruder>  i finally bought pce tatsujin last month
[2008-09-10 19:12.58] <Sinistron> and of course my last complaint is how slow the guy moves
[2008-09-10 19:13.14] <Sinistron> I was hoping nat’s guy could find me tatsujin in japan- no luck
[2008-09-10 19:13.23] <Sinistron> how is it?
[2008-09-10 19:13.40] <runinruder> you could buy the two-dollar genesis version and decide if you want to spend big on the pce one.  theyre not very different
[2008-09-10 19:14.12] <runinruder> the pce one is harder than the gen one and the music sounds nicer.  otherwise theyre pretty much the same thing
[2008-09-10 19:14.27] <runinruder> so its basically okay, a little above average maybe, but nothing spectacular.
[2008-09-10 19:14.46] <Sinistron> I’ll just buy the pce version- not partial to genesis in any way
[2008-09-10 19:14.55] <Sinistron> ahh
[2008-09-10 19:15.13] <Sinistron> I should play a fucking game tonight.
[2008-09-10 19:15.19] <Sinistron> maybe prince of persia for the first time
[2008-09-10 19:15.28] <runinruder> yeah im just saying the gen version would give you a good idea what its like for like 80 bucks less
[2008-09-10 19:15.55] <Windancerhttp://www.blogtv.com/People/windancerac
[2008-09-10 19:15.55] <runinruder> then if you hate the gen one you wouldnt waste a ton on the pce one
[2008-09-10 19:16.10] <runinruder> duo PoP is pretty good.  T’s Music did the soundtrack
[2008-09-10 19:16.27] <Sinistron> I feel so fucking lazy lately
[2008-09-10 19:16.36] <Sinistron> maybe I
[2008-09-10 19:16.45] <Sinistron> â€™ll turn that sucker on... tyl
[2008-09-10 19:17.28] <runinruder> see you
[2008-09-10 19:17.54] <nectarsis> see ya master sin, hey windy Smile
[2008-09-10 19:23.38] <Mithos> :-"
[2008-09-10 19:26.05] <nectarsis> sent ya a PM mithos
[2008-09-10 19:26.13] <guyjin> good evening
[2008-09-10 19:28.42] <nectarsis> hey guy Smile
[2008-09-10 19:39.41] <guyjin> sup?
[2008-09-10 19:41.21] <Mithos> aww nec....it says I have to log in Sad
[2008-09-10 19:41.25] <nectarsis> not much, you?
[2008-09-10 19:41.46] <nectarsis> sorry mithos..just a cool animecollection site
[2008-09-10 19:42.22] <Mithos> ah nice
[2008-09-10 19:42.28] <Mithos> actually just created an account
[2008-09-10 19:43.51] <nectarsis> btw just recently finished the second half of Gaogaigar recently Smile
[2008-09-10 19:48.05] <nectarsis> whats your screen name on there mithos?
[2008-09-10 19:48.39] <Game and Watch Kirby> Hey everyone Smile.
[2008-09-10 19:49.09] <nectarsis> hey game Smile
[2008-09-10 19:50.16] <Game and Watch KirbyVery Happy.
[2008-09-10 19:50.59] <nectarsis> whats new?
[2008-09-10 19:54.23] <Game and Watch Kirby> I almost had beaten Lords of Thunder on Normal mode without any continues tonight. Darn I was close! Zaggart had gotten me good when I was trying to dodge his attacks. I ended up getting a total game-over, though, for trying (but I had seen the ending yesterday).
[2008-09-10 19:54.48] <nectarsis> sweetnes
[2008-09-10 19:57.11] <Ninja Spirit> Nectarsis! what’s happening. just when I’m getting off I see you
[2008-09-10 19:58.04] <nectarsis> hey hey NS Smile
[2008-09-10 19:58.07] <Game and Watch Kirby> Hiya Ninja Spirit!
[2008-09-10 19:58.34] <Ninja Spirit> y’all missed some live streaming PCE action
[2008-09-10 19:58.59] <Ninja Spirit> Kirby, with your capture card you can do it already
[2008-09-10 19:59.09] <Game and Watch Kirby> Oh? Was it a YouTube stream?
[2008-09-10 19:59.40] <Ninja Spirit> BlogTV. download a program called "ManyCam", with it you can drift between your surroundings with your webcam,
[2008-09-10 19:59.52] <Ninja Spirit> .....your capture card and the desktop
[2008-09-10 20:00.00] <Ninja Spiritwww.manycam.com
[2008-09-10 20:00.17] <Ninja Spirithttp://blogtv.com/people/windancerac
[2008-09-10 20:00.35] <Ninja Spirit> check that link out, I was watching windancer play Fausette Armor
[2008-09-10 20:01.01] <Game and Watch Kirby> Thanks for providing the link. I’ll check it out shortly.
[2008-09-10 20:01.31] <nectarsis> yea saw that...kinda cool idea
[2008-09-10 20:01.52] <Ninja Spirit> hot stuff. it’s the online equivalent of y’all actually being in my room
[2008-09-10 20:02.33] <Ninja Spirit> peace y’all I gotta bounce
[2008-09-10 20:04.30] <nectarsis> take it easy NS Smile
[2008-09-10 20:05.05] <Game and Watch Kirby> It doesn’t seem to be loading properly for me right now. I’ll probably have to check it out some other time.
[2008-09-10 20:11.03] <nectarsis> i think windy shut down
[2008-09-10 20:17.03] <nectarsis> bbl
[2008-09-10 20:25.44] <Game and Watch Kirby> Bye-bye.
[2008-09-10 20:28.40] <malducci> heh
[2008-09-10 20:28.50] <malducci> someone needs to put up a longplay of LOT
[2008-09-10 20:29.09] <malducci> Did youtube extend the times for everyone now?
[2008-09-10 20:29.27] <malducci> or is it just those special accounts from before they discontinued them?
[2008-09-10 20:36.18] <Game and Watch Kirby> It’s still ten minutes for all types of new accounts (as far as I know of, since I haven’t really noticed any changes to the site). There is still the longer-than-ten-minutes feature for the older directors (but at any time from flagging, supposedly, they can lose them).
[2008-09-10 20:41.04] <malducci> I heard that it was a cut off date to apply for the director account status
[2008-09-10 20:41.31] <malducci> are you saying that’s it’s retro fitted for older accounts that have not applied?
[2008-09-10 20:41.44] <malducci> +yet
[2008-09-10 20:49.24] <malducci> oh well
[2008-09-10 20:49.41] <malducci> need some ’tale of vesperia’ and me time ;)
[2008-09-10 20:49.44] <malducci> see ya
[2008-09-10 20:54.18] <Game and Watch Kirby> Yes, there was a certain date where the director accounts were longer allowed to upload videos longer than ten minutes. Bye!
[2008-09-10 21:01.05] <Game and Watch Kirby> ...I guess it’s just me now, huh? This will be fun. I’ve noticed something strange when I was poking around the PC Engine Software Bible: Most of the American-only releases were from 1991! Perhaps third-party developers were free from Nintendo’s policy on them?
[2008-09-10 21:02.04] <Game and Watch Kirby> I’m not sure what could explain that phenomenon, but they were also known to be poor-quality games for the system too Shocked!
[2008-09-10 21:03.44] <Sensei> Looks like my business partner made and account now.
[2008-09-10 21:05.24] <Mithos> yo ho ho
[2008-09-10 21:06.58] <Game and Watch Kirby> Hi fellas!
[2008-09-10 21:08.32] <Mithos> Hello there Game and Watch Kirby
[2008-09-10 21:10.20] <Game and Watch Kirby> It was pretty hard to believe that there was a character limit for the Shoutbox text. As I was trying to type my statement below, I actually could not type in another character into it when nearly completeing it, and had to split it into two. I though that it was limitless in characters.
[2008-09-10 21:11.16] <Mithos> I’ve reached that limit while trying to type in smileys
[2008-09-10 21:13.24] <Game and Watch Kirby> Do you remember how many you were trying to attempt to do that Razz. That’s must’ve been a lot (and maybe the reason why they are not allowed for putting in by clicking anymore?).
[2008-09-10 21:16.44] <Mithos> no really
[2008-09-10 21:16.49] <Mithos> I could check though Razz
[2008-09-10 21:25.12] <TR0N> hey yall
[2008-09-10 21:25.31] <Mithos> hey tron
[2008-09-10 21:25.49] <Game and Watch Kirby> It’ll probably vary, depending on what smiley used. It could take less effort with the Mr. Green one.
[2008-09-10 21:25.50] <TR0N> hey mithos
[2008-09-10 21:26.14] <Game and Watch Kirby> Hello, Tr0n. What’s happening with you?
[2008-09-10 21:26.21] <SnowKitty> mewmewmewmew
[2008-09-10 21:26.29] <SnowKitty> heehee
[2008-09-10 21:26.38] <SnowKitty> i got a nice beer buzz goin X3
[2008-09-10 21:26.52] <TR0N> nothing GWK just been playing some under defeat on the dc.
[2008-09-10 21:28.24] <Mithos> Kirby I used the \Dancing smiley Very Happy and hey snow
[2008-09-10 21:30.02] <SnowKitty> (>^_^(>O_o)>
[2008-09-10 21:30.33] <matt300zxt> have any of you actually beat devils crush?
[2008-09-10 21:30.43] <Mithos> I haven’t
[2008-09-10 21:31.23] <SnowKitty> i still need to get it for my PCE
[2008-09-10 21:31.26] <matt300zxt> i racked up like nearly 6 billion points and i just got tired and shut it off
[2008-09-10 21:31.50] <Game and Watch Kirby> Okay, Mithos. How’s Under Defeat, Tron? d'oh!. I haven’t played Devil’s Crush yet. I want to get it for my TurboGrafx-16.
[2008-09-10 21:32.23] <Mithos> matt you have to max out the score
[2008-09-10 21:32.35] <TR0N> good so far GWK one of the best shooters for the dc.
[2008-09-10 21:32.36] <matt300zxt> man thatll take forever
[2008-09-10 21:34.03] <Game and Watch Kirby> I though Under Defeat was a war game for a second Razz. It’s good to see you’re having fun.
[2008-09-10 21:34.15] <matt300zxt> im goin to bed, playin tg all day has killed my eyes
[2008-09-10 21:34.27] <Mithos> cya matt
[2008-09-10 21:35.36] <Game and Watch Kirby> Bye!
[2008-09-10 21:36.14] <TR0N> it’s a war style shooter GWK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-egfG-IL2z4
[2008-09-10 21:39.38] <SnowKitty> shoot the core
[2008-09-10 21:41.49] <bust3dstr8> hey hey
[2008-09-10 21:43.01] <Game and Watch Kirby> Thanks for the link to the video Tr0n. Wow, it really is a stellar shooter. It plays somewhat like Avenger, as the ship shoots diagonally when going into certain positions. It’s a very nice-looking game. Hello, Bust3dstr8.
[2008-09-10 21:44.22] <Mithos> hey busted
[2008-09-10 21:44.48] <TR0N> hey busty
[2008-09-10 21:45.27] <TR0N> to me GWK it reminds of zero gunner 2 another shooter on the dc.
[2008-09-10 21:45.52] <bust3dstr8> Just got done with a good run on Slug3, bumped talks2wall old hi Razz
[2008-09-10 21:46.10] <bust3dstr8> just squeaked it out I mean
[2008-09-10 21:47.43] <TR0N> 1cc video busted ?
[2008-09-10 21:47.52] <TR0N> EH!?
[2008-09-10 21:48.14] <bust3dstr8> ok Tron...sure
[2008-09-10 21:48.29] <TR0NWink
[2008-09-10 21:49.47] <bust3dstr8> godamn my camera is slooooooooow
[2008-09-10 21:51.01] <bust3dstr8> as of now the only game I have a shot to 1cc is blazing star
[2008-09-10 21:51.16] <bust3dstr8> and that is on hold till I fix or get a new one
[2008-09-10 21:51.39] <TR0N> i can never 1cc bs :emb
[2008-09-10 21:51.45] <TR0N> :emb:
[2008-09-10 21:53.17] <bust3dstr8> Just Turfes so far
[2008-09-10 21:54.01] <guyjinhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqTRDDJ6h8o
[2008-09-10 21:54.53] <Mithos> wow mario 2 isn’t all that hard......
[2008-09-10 21:55.01] <Mithos> it’s about mario 1 difficult....
[2008-09-10 21:56.35] <TR0N> brb
[2008-09-10 21:57.17] <japanesepeso> Really? I though Mario 2 was really hard.
[2008-09-10 21:57.27] <japanesepeso> the JPN one right?
[2008-09-10 21:57.44] <bust3dstr8http://home.comcast.net/~fawst/slug3hi.jpg
[2008-09-10 21:59.33] <Mithos> jeah the jpn one isn’t all  that hard.
[2008-09-10 22:01.21] <japanesepeso> did you beat it yet?
[2008-09-10 22:01.41] <Mithos> almost
[2008-09-10 22:01.57] <Mithos> I paused it and turned it off later forgetting where I was
[2008-09-10 22:02.00] <Mithos> I was on 8-4
[2008-09-10 22:04.24] <Mithos> of course there’s worlds A-D
[2008-09-10 22:05.54] <Zeon> sup guys?
[2008-09-10 22:06.10] <Zeon> what are we talking about?
[2008-09-10 22:06.26] <TR0N> back hmm nice score on MS3 busted.
[2008-09-10 22:08.46] <bust3dstr8> I think I have as much of a shot to 1cc Slug3 as I do SmashTV
[2008-09-10 22:09.40] <TR0N> well the last level is burtal busted so no wounder.
[2008-09-10 22:10.13] <bust3dstr8> I get owned up on X the same way on the last level
[2008-09-10 22:12.55] <bust3dstr8> mmmm old pizza
[2008-09-10 22:14.45] <Windancer> ho ho
[2008-09-10 22:15.34] <TR0N> hey windy
[2008-09-10 22:21.40] <Zeon> hey wind
[2008-09-10 22:59.25] <MissaFX> Yaaaar
[2008-09-10 23:03.13] <MissaFX> Yaaaar
[2008-09-10 23:04.26] <Sensei> yar.
[2008-09-10 23:04.43] <TR0N> hey sensei
[2008-09-10 23:08.38] <TR0N> game been shipped sensei ?
[2008-09-10 23:08.58] <MissaFX> hey sensei, this is my 2nd page refresh
[2008-09-10 23:10.02] <Duo_R> whatup Turbo people.......  
[2008-09-10 23:10.22] <MissaFX> I am borrowig some wifi, and it is a bad connection
[2008-09-10 23:10.31] <MissaFX> hi
[2008-09-10 23:10.34] <MissaFX> hi
[2008-09-10 23:10.35] <MissaFX> n
[2008-09-10 23:10.42] <MissaFX> hi
[2008-09-10 23:10.51] <MissaFX> okm,
[2008-09-10 23:10.53] <TR0N> hi duo_r
[2008-09-10 23:10.58] <MissaFX> wtf...the
[2008-09-10 23:10.59] <MissaFX> ge
[2008-09-10 23:12.14] <MissaFX> the page just acted possessed and I laughed so much my whole face is hot
[2008-09-10 23:12.58] <MissaFX> the page just acted possessed and I laughed so much my whole face is hot
[2008-09-10 23:13.10] <Duo_R> Hey Tron, sup Sensei
[2008-09-10 23:14.28] <Mithos> sup missa duo
[2008-09-10 23:15.31] <MissaFX> I am experiencing some wifi conection quality issues, it’s chopping my lines sometimes.  I’m also trying to pay for something at risingstuff, but I cannot get their page to load
[2008-09-10 23:16.54] <Mithos> oh yeah sensei were you able to look into that stuff I wanted?
[2008-09-10 23:17.01] <MissaFX> I saw the indiana jones movie tonight and went to see Hancock a few days before that at the theatre here locally
[2008-09-10 23:17.49] <TR0N> kewl missa
[2008-09-10 23:20.32] <Duo_R> sorry that you had to sit through the new indy movie
[2008-09-10 23:27.23] <MissaFX> sensei, I cannot seem to log in to your store.  I tried everything it could be and nothing worked.  so I did the forgotten password thing...how long does the mail take usually it sends?
[2008-09-10 23:27.51] <MissaFX> the indy movie was alright, but what the hell was up with the lack of the boulder scene on the previews?
[2008-09-10 23:28.41] <TR0N> oh it’s not that bas duo-r enough lamo for alien plot though i enjoyed it when i saw it this past summer.
[2008-09-10 23:30.55] <Mithos> shia labouf never needed to be in that film
[2008-09-10 23:42.05] <TR0N> chat died a horrible death...........
[2008-09-10 23:50.14] <Mithos> and how it’s back again with a little insta chat!
[2008-09-10 23:50.30] <Mithos> and water
[2008-09-10 23:52.44] <TR0N> sure just add water :rolleyes:
[2008-09-10 23:52.53] <TR0N> :ROLLEYES:
[2008-09-10 23:56.29] <Mithos> lol
[2008-09-11 00:02.18] <japanesepeso> hey Tron, what game did you order?
[2008-09-11 00:03.37] <TR0N> from sensei japanesepso ?
[2008-09-11 00:04.23] <japanesepeso> ya I can check and see if it was shipped if you want
[2008-09-11 00:05.12] <japanesepeso> (I’m his business partner, Alex)
[2008-09-11 00:05.30] <TR0N> that would be ninja cop saizo for the famicom
[2008-09-11 00:05.44] <TR0N> ahh ok then japan
[2008-09-11 00:07.22] <TR0N> i payed for it this past monday.
[2008-09-11 00:07.22] <japanesepeso> Ah okay, yeah that ones being sent out today provided I can get down to the post office in time. Otherwise tomorrow
[2008-09-11 00:07.38] <japanesepeso> In fact I need to head home now to go take care of some of those orders. ;)
[2008-09-11 00:07.43] <japanesepeso> I’ll catch you later
[2008-09-11 00:08.26] <TR0N> ok then japan thanks then.
[2008-09-11 00:29.56] <Duo_R> sensie u still around?
[2008-09-11 00:34.43] <TR0N> &_&
[2008-09-11 00:36.23] <Mithos>  ಠ_ಠ
[2008-09-11 00:38.17] <TR0N> $_$
[2008-09-11 00:38.34] <Mithos> *_*
[2008-09-11 00:39.05] <TR0N> ^_^
[2008-09-11 00:40.11] <Duo_R> =_=
[2008-09-11 00:40.31] <Duo_R> >< __ ><
[2008-09-11 00:41.08] <TR0N> ()_()
[2008-09-11 00:45.50] <TR0N> ~_~
[2008-09-11 00:46.03] <TR0N> yup folks were that bored.
[2008-09-11 00:52.34] <TR0N> ok out nite all zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
[2008-09-11 01:14.32] <SnowKitty> @.@
[2008-09-11 03:35.46] <Sensei> c-c-combo breaker!
[2008-09-11 05:59.06] <Sinistron> damn mike
[2008-09-11 05:59.14] <Sinistron> fuck was his problem?
[2008-09-11 06:05.00] <ceti alpha> mernin’ ^^
[2008-09-11 06:05.07] <ceti alpha> sinister Smile
[2008-09-11 06:05.51] <Sinistron> merning
[2008-09-11 06:06.44] <ceti alpha> the dean thread is a hot one, eh
[2008-09-11 06:06.46] <ceti alpha> lol
[2008-09-11 06:06.51] <Michael Helgeson> morning
[2008-09-11 06:07.36] <ceti alpha> i don’t understand the tip toeing around the issue. the fact is dean is screwing over people and not responding to emails.
[2008-09-11 06:07.37] <Michael Helgeson> yea well he asked for it. Since he wanted to express his opinion,I gave him mine. Maldouche has done nuthin since Ive been here that has ben useful to anyone
[2008-09-11 06:07.43] <Michael Helgeson> and hes not even friendly
[2008-09-11 06:07.51] <Michael Helgeson> no point in him being here
[2008-09-11 06:08.01] <ceti alpha> hey mike Smile
[2008-09-11 06:08.19] <Michael Helgeson> and he left
[2008-09-11 06:08.30] <Michael Helgeson> hey ceti
[2008-09-11 06:08.49] <Michael Helgeson> I bet Mal will come back one day though. All these folks that leave always come back
[2008-09-11 06:10.44] <ceti alpha> he was on the shoutbox a week or so ago i though
[2008-09-11 06:10.46] <ceti alpha> t
[2008-09-11 06:11.07] <ceti alpha> wtf?! Surprised http://www.cbc.ca/canada/nova-scotia/story/2008/09/11/teen-torture.html
[2008-09-11 06:11.56] <Sinistron> maldouche never cared for me- and vice versa
[2008-09-11 06:12.42] <Sinistron> but wow what a way to make yourself look like an asshole
[2008-09-11 06:12.56] <ceti alpha> i really don’t know anything about mal
[2008-09-11 06:13.18] <ceti alpha> yeah, that was completely out of line.
[2008-09-11 06:14.08] <ceti alpha> especially because, if you actually read the thread, you would have known that the guy was trying to email dean on several occasions.
[2008-09-11 06:14.34] <Sinistron> seems liek he didn’t even read the thread- that kid trevor never said that he never e-mailed dean or anything like that
[2008-09-11 06:14.42] <Sinistron> and mal calls him a dumbass?
[2008-09-11 06:14.52] <ceti alpha> AND 95% of the reason i have my duo is because mike was breathing down dean’s neck
[2008-09-11 06:14.52] <Sinistron> exactly ceti
[2008-09-11 06:15.47] <ceti alpha> just a bunch of bullshit
[2008-09-11 06:15.56] <Sinistron> and regardless of how mal said Dean should’ve responded to mike’s letter- angry and what not- he responded like a wimp even thanking mike for beating him up over it
[2008-09-11 06:16.16] <Sinistron> so what the fuck business is it of maldouche’s
[2008-09-11 06:16.54] <Sinistron> that’s mal trying to speak for dean just as he’s accusing mike of speaking for trevor
[2008-09-11 06:17.30] <Sinistron> I sear - some of these kids that act liek they’re real brains are the dumbest people here
[2008-09-11 06:17.53] <ceti alpha> lol so true
[2008-09-11 06:19.46] <Sinistron> was about top chime in on that cobra command thread- I loved that game- then I saw it was a roto-rooter ricky thread so I decided I’d pass
[2008-09-11 06:20.37] <Sinistron> I think ninja spirit did a live feed of iga ninda gaou last night taht I missed- I wanted to see how that game runs
[2008-09-11 06:21.41] <ceti alpha> ah shit. i would have liked to have seen that
[2008-09-11 06:22.20] <ceti alpha> i love watching streamed gaming. so neat
[2008-09-11 06:23.32] <ceti alpha> i’m going to finally try and watch that episode of game center cx with bikkuri
[2008-09-11 06:24.26] <ceti alpha> this one here http://www.crunkgames.com/?p=87&page=73
[2008-09-11 06:26.40] <ceti alpha> hopefully this episode will help me in my bikkuri quest. i’m dying to get onto dragon’s curse ^^
[2008-09-11 06:27.27] <Michael Helgeson> filing a claim on paypal
[2008-09-11 06:27.29] <Michael Helgeson> brb
[2008-09-11 06:28.01] <ceti alpha> yuck Sad
[2008-09-11 06:30.25] <Sinistron> ack what happened there mike
[2008-09-11 06:30.55] <Sinistron> biam
[2008-09-11 06:32.41] <Michael Helgeson> back
[2008-09-11 06:32.55] <Michael Helgeson> ehh nuthing too serious,just a video card i paid for has not arrived
[2008-09-11 06:33.18] <Michael Helgeson> according to the seller,should have arrived last week
[2008-09-11 06:34.49] <Michael Helgeson> yea I caught a sec of Ninja Spirit playing that game. He died a couple times and I kliked off
[2008-09-11 06:34.52] <ceti alphaNeutral
[2008-09-11 06:35.01] <Michael Helgeson> game looked nice
[2008-09-11 06:35.03] <ceti alpha> lol
[2008-09-11 06:35.07] <ceti alpha> cool
[2008-09-11 06:35.22] <Michael Helgeson> Guess Im almost done with Gears of War for pc
[2008-09-11 06:35.32] <Michael Helgeson> game i sbuggy,even with a patch
[2008-09-11 06:36.12] <ceti alpha> a friend of mine got the RROD when downloading a patch
[2008-09-11 06:36.25] <ceti alpha> i think it was for that game, but i’m not sure
[2008-09-11 06:36.45] <Michael Helgeson> lol that blows
[2008-09-11 06:36.56] <Michael Helgeson> just another reason why im avoiding 360
[2008-09-11 06:37.06] <ceti alpha> lol yeah. he was pissed, needless to say
[2008-09-11 06:37.08] <Michael Helgeson> fuck PC has better graphics anyway
[2008-09-11 06:37.12] <Sparky> work is busy as shit!!! slipping in for a group hug and then out i go Very Happy
[2008-09-11 06:37.20] <Sparky> hugs make me tingle
[2008-09-11 06:37.25] <ceti alpha> i just added "hitler gets the RROD" on the youtube thread
[2008-09-11 06:37.34] <ceti alpha> lol sparks
[2008-09-11 06:37.44] <ceti alpha> i wish it was busy here.
[2008-09-11 06:37.50] <Sparky> mike, sin & ceti-man... the gangs all here
[2008-09-11 06:37.53] <ceti alpha> been pretty slow this week
[2008-09-11 06:37.55] <Michael Helgeson> u may not always get the optimized frame rates the consoles will have,but the visual quality is always better
[2008-09-11 06:37.56] <ceti alphaSmile
[2008-09-11 06:38.03] <Michael Helgeson> hey sparky
[2008-09-11 06:38.28] <ceti alpha> 2 canadians and 2 americans walk into a BBS....
[2008-09-11 06:38.59] <Sparky> ceti, launching alot of new shows this month so things are silly busy!!!
[2008-09-11 06:39.54] <Sparky> watch "so you think you can dance canada"... the blond host is leggy and hot Very Happy
[2008-09-11 06:40.08] <Sparky> on tonight!!!
[2008-09-11 06:40.23] <ceti alpha> hhaha
[2008-09-11 06:40.44] <ceti alpha> those shows make me barf, but i’ll check out the hottie. lol
[2008-09-11 06:41.01] <Sparky> i will watch depending on how much leg she is showing... ya a leg guy here Smile
[2008-09-11 06:41.41] <ceti alpha> lol
[2008-09-11 06:41.44] <ceti alpha> ^^
[2008-09-11 06:41.48] <Sparky> Micheal hope all is good with ya, and sorry to run off... hope to be on tonight... later guys
[2008-09-11 06:42.49] <Michael Helgeson> later sparky
[2008-09-11 06:43.07] <Michael Helgeson> ha ha,that hitler was funny,I liek the xbox live one too wher ehe lost hi saccount
[2008-09-11 06:43.12] <ceti alpha> peace out sparks Smile
[2008-09-11 06:43.21] <ceti alpha> haha yeah, that’s funny too
[2008-09-11 06:43.46] <ceti alpha> adolf harper is funny too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0GS_X9hYII
[2008-09-11 06:45.11] <Michael Helgeson> lol
[2008-09-11 06:47.15] <Michael Helgeson> its ok,africa is getting safer lol
[2008-09-11 06:47.37] <ceti alpha> hahaha
[2008-09-11 06:47.54] <ceti alpha> yeah, i laughed out loud with the africa bit
[2008-09-11 06:48.53] <Michael Helgeson> wtf
[2008-09-11 06:48.55] <Michael Helgesonhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otjftcsJ--k
[2008-09-11 06:50.26] <ceti alpha> lolmax!
[2008-09-11 06:50.40] <Michael Helgeson> at around the 2 min mark ull see  aturtle painted up to be  anazi
[2008-09-11 06:51.02] <Tatsujin> lol maximus
[2008-09-11 06:51.05] <nectarsis> a hoy hoy
[2008-09-11 06:51.20] <ceti alpha> haha
[2008-09-11 06:51.29] <Michael Helgeson> go watch the nazis nec
[2008-09-11 06:51.31] <Michael Helgeson> tats
[2008-09-11 06:51.40] <ceti alpha> turtle blitzkrieg
[2008-09-11 06:51.49] <ceti alpha> mastar nectar Smile
[2008-09-11 06:51.52] <ceti alpha> teh tats ^^
[2008-09-11 06:52.10] <ceti alpha> i’m a fan of the nazi girls though
[2008-09-11 06:52.40] <Michael Helgeson> lol
[2008-09-11 06:52.41] <nectarsis> master ceti, mike, tats Smile
[2008-09-11 06:52.53] <Michael Helgeson> thi smusic is fucking crazy
[2008-09-11 06:52.57] <Michael Helgeson> but it works
[2008-09-11 06:53.13] <Michael Helgeson> here Nec
[2008-09-11 06:53.15] <Michael Helgesonhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otjftcsJ--k
[2008-09-11 06:53.31] <ceti alpha> nazi chicks are sexy. it just can’t be helped lol
[2008-09-11 06:54.24] <ceti alpha> ....errr...i mean were sexy...lol
[2008-09-11 06:55.04] <nectarsis> WTF mike...lol
[2008-09-11 06:55.10] <Michael Helgeson> new Wolfenstien is coming out
[2008-09-11 06:55.12] <ceti alpha>  Anxious
[2008-09-11 06:55.20] <ceti alpha> oh nice
[2008-09-11 06:56.57] <Michael Helgesonhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCygLzzFGU4
[2008-09-11 06:58.15] <nectarsis> nice
[2008-09-11 06:58.18] <Michael Helgeson> Im a Wolfenstien nut,so Ull be all over it when its released
[2008-09-11 06:58.32] <nectarsis> i used to be addicted to the Medal of Honor games bitd
[2008-09-11 06:58.33] <Michael Helgeson> ill prob buy it on release
[2008-09-11 06:58.51] <Michael Helgeson> i liked a couple of the Medal of Honors
[2008-09-11 06:59.03] <Michael Helgeson> i havent played th enewest one
[2008-09-11 06:59.12] <ceti alpha> that looks pretty sweet
[2008-09-11 06:59.27] <Michael Helgeson> never messed with the console ones,but Allied Assault on pc,and the expansion pack,beat them
[2008-09-11 06:59.46] <Michael Helgeson> and I played up till the last part on the pacific based one
[2008-09-11 06:59.49] <Michael Helgeson> for pc
[2008-09-11 07:01.14] <nectarsis> never tried the pc versions, just console
[2008-09-11 07:02.33] <ceti alpha> i used to play the original wolfenstein, but that
[2008-09-11 07:02.43] <ceti alpha> *but that’s it*
[2008-09-11 07:02.57] <ceti alpha> i loved it though. it was so amazing back in the day
[2008-09-11 07:03.13] <Michael Helgesonhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OclVQoStcpw
[2008-09-11 07:04.54] <ceti alpha> brb. smoke time
[2008-09-11 07:05.15] <nectarsis> mmmmmm new Res evil
[2008-09-11 07:07.18] <Michael Helgeson> in between gears of war im messing with call of duty 4
[2008-09-11 07:07.24] <Michael Helgeson> its pretty badass
[2008-09-11 07:08.25] <nectarsis> have wanted to try gears..my best friend swears by it
[2008-09-11 07:10.19] <Michael Helgeson> its not bad,the pc one has some bug sthough,even patched
[2008-09-11 07:12.54] <nectarsis> ahhhhhh that sucks
[2008-09-11 07:14.20] <Michael Helgeson> the world is slowing down,cause its 9-11
[2008-09-11 07:15.14] <Michael Helgeson> i forgot till i turned on the radio thi sam
[2008-09-11 07:15.37] <Michael Helgeson> there was some american hero shit playing,ect... got annoyed and turned it off
[2008-09-11 07:17.48] <nectarsis> I almost forgot to
[2008-09-11 07:19.53] <nectarsis> I’m sure we’ll hear lots of speeches from politicians today...you know....gotta use every angle
[2008-09-11 07:22.10] <Michael Helgeson> yep
[2008-09-11 07:22.35] <Michael Helgeson> how were were victimized,but stand strong and firm,how well fight Cobra to the bitter end,ect
[2008-09-11 07:22.57] <Michael Helgeson> and how our flag inspires fear and pride,joy and respect,ect
[2008-09-11 07:23.24] <Michael Helgeson> and there will be no mention of our greed for oil,plundering others resources
[2008-09-11 07:23.42] <Michael Helgeson> or of illegal ocupations
[2008-09-11 07:25.32] <nectarsis> nope..cause the US only does the right thing ;)
[2008-09-11 07:25.52] <ceti alpha> lol
[2008-09-11 07:26.42] <ceti alpha> yeah, i always dread this day because of all that rhetorical bullshit
[2008-09-11 07:27.01] <nectarsis> though we haven’t takrn the time to subjigate Canada yet...hmmmmmmmmm
[2008-09-11 07:27.32] <ceti alpha> the continent of south america calls the US the empire
[2008-09-11 07:27.37] <ceti alpha> haha nec
[2008-09-11 07:27.54] <ceti alpha> you guys have tried that already
[2008-09-11 07:28.17] <ceti alpha> don’t make us kick your butts back below the 49th again Razz
[2008-09-11 07:28.29] <nectarsis> but we’ve been practicing ;)
[2008-09-11 07:28.49] <Michael Helgeson> yea were all painted pretty with the illusion of democracy
[2008-09-11 07:28.54] <ceti alpha> haha
[2008-09-11 07:29.12] <ceti alpha> practicing losing doesn’t count Razz Razz
[2008-09-11 07:29.22] <Michael Helgeson> but in actuality, nothing going on is anything I voted for,nor were we given the chance to choose to do so or not do so
[2008-09-11 07:30.12] <ceti alpha> yeah, it’s the same up here. politicians say one thing during the election and then do nothing
[2008-09-11 07:30.18] <Michael Helgeson> all were doing is deciding who best to make our decisions for us,because as a whole we like to sleep better at nite laying the blame or duty on the few
[2008-09-11 07:30.20] <Michael Helgeson> or the one
[2008-09-11 07:30.29] <ceti alpha> usually
[2008-09-11 07:30.31] <nectarsis> but ceti..I thought Canada disbanded the biplane, and polar bear brigades....MUAHAHAHHAHA
[2008-09-11 07:31.08] <ceti alpha> hahahaha
[2008-09-11 07:31.52] <ceti alpha> actually a nova scotia militia has just been reinstated by the gov’t
[2008-09-11 07:32.11] <ceti alpha> nova scotians are preparing for the next american invasion lol
[2008-09-11 07:32.16] <nectarsis> soon there will be donairs on every street corner in Arkansas, and everyone in Wisconsin will say aboot, and eh
[2008-09-11 07:32.17] <ceti alpha> you can’t have our water!!!
[2008-09-11 07:32.22] <ceti alpha> lol
[2008-09-11 07:32.30] <ceti alpha> aboat, aboot, about
[2008-09-11 07:33.24] <ceti alpha> i’m originally from ontario and i still say about. but sometimes the nova scotian accent comes out in me, especially after several beers lol
[2008-09-11 07:34.07] <nectarsis> lol
[2008-09-11 07:34.27] <Michael Helgeson> an american invasion is always possible. Japan invaded parts of alaska during WW2
[2008-09-11 07:34.46] <guyjin> hey
[2008-09-11 07:34.51] <Michael Helgeson> the us kept quiet abou tit for years,because during the skimerish there we shot our own people in a cross fire
[2008-09-11 07:34.59] <Michael Helgeson> they just released info on it maybe in 2000
[2008-09-11 07:35.00] <ceti alpha> the wild donair naturally wants to migrate to arkansas for the winter, but we’re greed and cage them lol
[2008-09-11 07:35.03] <nectarsishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1CwZgb_iAI
[2008-09-11 07:35.21] <ceti alpha> wow
[2008-09-11 07:35.34] <nectarsis> hey guy
[2008-09-11 07:36.16] <ceti alphahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0Q6to4VWjE&feature=related
[2008-09-11 07:37.38] <ceti alpha> north america would be a tough nut to crack
[2008-09-11 07:38.39] <ceti alpha> but when i play japan in axis and allies i always attack the US starting in alaska
[2008-09-11 07:39.33] <nectarsis> Wisconsin would be an early hit in an attack to
[2008-09-11 07:39.48] <ceti alpha> then i build a factory and bring a large navy to the west coast. but it’s still hard. unless germany is kicking some ass it’s almost futile
[2008-09-11 07:39.54] <guyjin> that’s silly
[2008-09-11 07:40.17] <guyjin> much easier to attack the soviets via manchuria
[2008-09-11 07:40.17] <ceti alpha> yeah, halifax was a top target during the cold war
[2008-09-11 07:40.30] <ceti alpha> lol guy
[2008-09-11 07:40.36] <Michael Helgesonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleutian_Islands_Campaign
[2008-09-11 07:40.45] <ceti alpha> oh yeah, i go into manchuria as well Mr. Green
[2008-09-11 07:42.15] <ceti alpha> japan is fun to play
[2008-09-11 07:43.17] <ceti alpha> but axis and allies is completely biased towards the allies. the more experienced players have to play the axis if the game is going to be any good
[2008-09-11 07:43.44] <ceti alpha> that’s nuts mike. i didn’t really know about that
[2008-09-11 07:44.27] <guyjin> Tatsujin: "i have the telly which just tells you that he mean what he says and that he does what he claim." Think Eh?
[2008-09-11 07:44.49] <Sinistron> lol
[2008-09-11 07:45.20] <ceti alpha> what’s up guy? ^^
[2008-09-11 07:45.49] <nectarsis> *Toshi enters the game*
[2008-09-11 07:45.52] <nectarsis> *Stalin enters the game*
[2008-09-11 07:46.22] <Michael Helgeson> yep we kept a tight lid on it because the conflit turned bad
[2008-09-11 07:46.39] <ceti alpha> lol nec
[2008-09-11 07:46.52] <Michael Helgeson> we tried to do a attack in the dark by flank,and flanked ourselves, our own forces were attacking each other for a night or two
[2008-09-11 07:47.13] <Michael Helgeson> and ha dno idea because they couldnt see wtf they were doing
[2008-09-11 07:47.37] <Michael Helgeson> due to weather and attacking at distance
[2008-09-11 07:48.04] <Michael Helgeson> by the time it was finished though with the japanese,most of them were just blowing themselve sup in cubby holes
[2008-09-11 07:48.19] <Michael Helgeson> to prevent interrogations
[2008-09-11 07:48.40] <ceti alpha> that would have been crazy.
[2008-09-11 07:48.52] <ceti alpha> chaos.
[2008-09-11 07:48.57] <guyjinhttp://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/09/11/nintendoaster-takes.html <a literal NES in a toaster
[2008-09-11 07:49.32] <ceti alpha> i couldn’t imagine canada and america fighting a war against the japanese on our own soil. would have been absolutely nuts
[2008-09-11 07:50.18] <ceti alpha> haha guyjin. that is awesome!!
[2008-09-11 07:53.29] <guyjin> also awesome: http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/09/11/godfather-style-hors.html
[2008-09-11 07:55.01] <nectarsis> lol
[2008-09-11 08:00.44] <ceti alpha> hehe
[2008-09-11 08:03.04] <Sinistron> that nintendo toaster is sweet as hell
[2008-09-11 08:03.21] <ceti alpha> yeah, most impressive
[2008-09-11 08:20.48] <guyjin> the shout is awestruck by it
[2008-09-11 08:24.00] <Tom Phobos> morning Smile
[2008-09-11 08:24.44] <Tom Phobos> Hey Sini, ceti, guyjin, nec, Mike Smile
[2008-09-11 08:24.54] <guyjin> tscheisen tom
[2008-09-11 08:25.48] <MissaFX> Hey guys, this is expensive overbandwith internet, so I am just on for a minute
[2008-09-11 08:26.37] <Tom Phobos> Hey Missa Smile
[2008-09-11 08:27.06] <nectarsis> hey tom, missa Smile
[2008-09-11 08:29.00] <MissaFX> nec, where have you been?
[2008-09-11 08:30.04] <nectarsis> been very sick
[2008-09-11 08:30.16] <nectarsis> beyyer now, but not 100% yet
[2008-09-11 08:31.08] <MissaFX> I was wondering, well it’s good to know you are feeling somewhat better
[2008-09-11 08:31.24] <MissaFX> I finally got nasty with ebay and they sent me the following responce:
[2008-09-11 08:31.45] <nectarsis> thank you Smile
[2008-09-11 08:31.59] <MissaFX> "I have gathered your report and I have found out that you’ve paid for the item but haven’t received it. I also have noted that you want to get your money if not to receive the item."
[2008-09-11 08:32.50] <MissaFX> I had a seller relist the item 1 day after I paid for it, 2 days later send me a trackingnumber, 1 day after that file against me as an unpaid item
[2008-09-11 08:33.29] <ceti alpha> hey missa ^^
[2008-09-11 08:33.38] <MissaFX> that was email 4 from ebay, the first 3 were about stuff like what a crappy person I was to back out of a buy it now
[2008-09-11 08:33.42] <MissaFX> hey ceti
[2008-09-11 08:34.13] <ceti alpha> ugh missa. that sucks Neutral
[2008-09-11 08:35.08] <MissaFX> ebay at one point told me to be grateful the seller decided not to give me a negitive feedback
[2008-09-11 08:35.22] <MissaFX> and then I sent the nasty mail
[2008-09-11 08:36.35] <ceti alpha> that’s absurd
[2008-09-11 08:36.42] <ceti alpha> wtf?
[2008-09-11 08:36.44] <nectarsis> sellers can’t leave negs anymore
[2008-09-11 08:36.48] <MissaFX> it began with: By scrolling down, you confirm that you are legally above the age of 17 and wish to view adult content.
[2008-09-11 08:36.59] <MissaFX> they can through ebay according to ebay
[2008-09-11 08:37.06] <MissaFX> they just can’t do it with a click of a mouse
[2008-09-11 08:37.28] <MissaFX> part of the unpaid item resoultion from ebay delt with what feedback I would recieve
[2008-09-11 08:38.22] <MissaFX> the unpaid item thing is a circus too, they ask you to agree to it or not and if you say you do not agree, it automatically closes the investigation and finds in favor of the seller
[2008-09-11 08:39.39] <MissaFX> and by agree, I mean, do you agree with the sellers version of the story
[2008-09-11 08:39.49] <MissaFX> I’m rather appauled by the process
[2008-09-11 08:40.20] <guyjin> WTF?
[2008-09-11 08:40.40] <MissaFX> yeah, I’m not kidding at all, that is exactly what happened
[2008-09-11 08:40.51] <ceti alpha> yeah, this sounds shifty as hell
[2008-09-11 08:40.54] <MissaFX> they asked me if I agreed with the sellers version of the story or not and laid out what the seller said
[2008-09-11 08:41.15] <MissaFX> I said I did not agree and it automatically closed the investigation and found in their favor and refunded their listing fee
[2008-09-11 08:42.44] <MissaFX> I have a thread about it I need to update in chit-chat
[2008-09-11 08:43.05] <MissaFX> beware of ebay is about all I can say
[2008-09-11 08:43.27] <MissaFX> I mean they are practically encouraging scammers now
[2008-09-11 08:43.29] <nectarsis> Ebay is going to hell in a handbasket VERY fast
[2008-09-11 08:44.12] <MissaFX> I’m only out 13 and change, but still, it might have made me lost faith in ebay again
[2008-09-11 08:44.20] <MissaFX> the last time I did, I didn’t go back for like 4 years
[2008-09-11 08:44.35] <MissaFX> it sure is going to hell fast
[2008-09-11 08:44.45] <MissaFX> they really want it to tank me thinks
[2008-09-11 08:45.03] <Sinistron> i’ll stick to the sellers I trust on EBay
[2008-09-11 08:45.22] <MissaFX> maybe today, maybe tomorrow, that seller is getting the most nasty feedback I have ever left or seen in the history of ebay
[2008-09-11 08:45.45] <MissaFX> I am going to go over the feedback policies to ride right up against the line
[2008-09-11 08:46.09] <MissaFX> I wish I could use the F word a lot...but I don’t think I can
[2008-09-11 08:47.27] <MissaFX> here would be a fun feedback "There’s times when I wish homicide was justifyable"
[2008-09-11 08:47.28] <ceti alpha> hehe
[2008-09-11 08:48.20] <MissaFX> I wanna bring their mother and kids into it though too *evil grin*
[2008-09-11 08:49.02] <MissaFX> I’ve never understood how people can be ok with cheating other people
[2008-09-11 08:49.55] <Sinistron> damn even toshi’s lost his mind  alittle- 165 for tatsujin
[2008-09-11 08:50.03] <SinistronSad
[2008-09-11 08:50.18] <MissaFX> how much is tatsujin worth?
[2008-09-11 08:50.20] <Sinistron> I’ll never get that game will I?  They’re selling that thing for magical chase prices
[2008-09-11 08:50.34] <Sinistron> I’m guessing like 80 missa
[2008-09-11 08:51.08] <MissaFX> have you asked risingstuff how much it would be?
[2008-09-11 08:51.09] <ceti alpha> holy shit man. 165?!
[2008-09-11 08:51.41] <Sinistron> decided today I’m not doing the kris kringle thing for pcenginefan.  Not really my thing- I like buying gifts without expecting a return- plus kris kringle’s kind of impresonal- just how I feel about it
[2008-09-11 08:51.46] <MissaFX> I throw them mails all the time just to find out how much things are
[2008-09-11 08:51.50] <Sinistron> a nice thing for him to get going though
[2008-09-11 08:52.07] <MissaFX> well you are already the year round santa sin
[2008-09-11 08:52.13] <Sinistron> yeah ceti - imagine that
[2008-09-11 08:52.26] <Sinistron> when I can do it missa Smile
[2008-09-11 08:53.01] <Michael Helgeson> same here sini
[2008-09-11 08:53.01] <nectarsis> yea...a lot of toshis prices seem to be creeping upwards as of late
[2008-09-11 08:53.09] <Michael Helgeson> i dont like mystery santa shopping
[2008-09-11 08:53.10] <MissaFX> before we know it, you will be Santatron
[2008-09-11 08:53.20] <Sinistron> there’s also not many cheap games left that I really want taht fall into taht 10-20 range now taht I think about
[2008-09-11 08:53.25] <MissaFX> well ebays feed keep creeping up too
[2008-09-11 08:53.34] <MissaFX> *fees
[2008-09-11 08:53.40] <Sinistron> a couple I want sure- but I’d rather just get em whenever
[2008-09-11 08:53.42] <Michael Helgeson> plus its way too early to plan xmas. i could die of  abrain tumor like DR. Mark Green before xmas
[2008-09-11 08:53.59] <MissaFX> I’m waiting for ebay to blame their high fees on the price of gas
[2008-09-11 08:54.35] <Sinistron> yeah mike that too lol
[2008-09-11 08:54.49] <Sinistron> why he needs people signed up in 2 1/2 weeks is beyond me
[2008-09-11 08:55.16] <Sinistron> still- windy’s got a great pc-engine fanboy spirit.  I got to admire it.
[2008-09-11 08:55.24] <MissaFX> people were chomping at the bit to start it is why as far as I know
[2008-09-11 08:55.36] <Michael Helgeson> yea made no sense to me either,tahst way too soon.
[2008-09-11 08:55.44] <MissaFX> and the bomberman tourney was supposed to take more time
[2008-09-11 08:55.45] <Michael Helgeson> xmas is months away still
[2008-09-11 08:56.32] <MissaFX> I’m not even thinking about thanksgiving yet myself
[2008-09-11 08:56.35] <Sinistron> also seems like a perfect opportunity for some scammer to nab a free game
[2008-09-11 08:56.39] <MissaFX> or haloween
[2008-09-11 08:57.06] <Sinistron> and someone to come up shorthanded
[2008-09-11 08:57.22] <ceti alpha> everyday is halloween Mr. Green
[2008-09-11 08:57.40] <Sinistron> I generally don’t start christmas shopping until first week of november
[2008-09-11 08:57.58] <nectarsis> sent ya a PM sin
[2008-09-11 08:57.59] <Sinistron> everday is halloween in nin’s house
[2008-09-11 08:58.01] <MissaFX> is that what you tell ’em at work every day ceti?
[2008-09-11 08:58.08] <Sinistron> k nectar
[2008-09-11 08:58.13] <MissaFX> do they not understand why you like to wear the Donair mascot suit?
[2008-09-11 08:58.13] <ceti alphahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0r2xpGT4fQ
[2008-09-11 08:58.25] <Michael Helgeson> yea i start my xmas stuff round end of Nov
[2008-09-11 08:58.32] <Michael Helgeson> or mid december
[2008-09-11 08:58.40] <MissaFX> It’s not a food, it’s a lifestyle
[2008-09-11 08:59.10] <Michael Helgeson> thats a way ol dministry song lol
[2008-09-11 08:59.15] <Ninja Spirit> yo yo yo!
[2008-09-11 08:59.26] <MissaFX> most of my family doesn’t life here, so I buy their gifts the day after christmas and then mail them
[2008-09-11 08:59.28] <ಠ_ಠ> sup
[2008-09-11 08:59.29] <ceti alpha> i usually start my xmas shopping around the 23 or 24th of dec
[2008-09-11 08:59.30] <MissaFX> *live
[2008-09-11 08:59.37] <Ninja Spirit> sinistron I got you at myspace. I knew that name Marvin Gardens was familiar...
[2008-09-11 08:59.38] <ಠ_ಠ>  made a video review of Cho Aniki
[2008-09-11 08:59.55] <MissaFX> o/ ninja and ummm... eyes?
[2008-09-11 09:00.07] <ceti alpha> lol ministry before the heavy heorine use
[2008-09-11 09:00.09] <ಠ_ಠhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td4DKubtmHo
[2008-09-11 09:01.16] <nectarsis> hey NS, Nin
[2008-09-11 09:01.32] <Mithos> ahoy
[2008-09-11 09:01.52] <MissaFX> o/ mithos
[2008-09-11 09:01.58] <ceti alpha> yo NS ^^
[2008-09-11 09:02.02] <Sinistron> sup ninja I watched some of that gaou footage
[2008-09-11 09:02.05] <Ninja Spirit> oh snap nintega in da house!
[2008-09-11 09:02.05] <ceti alpha> mithos, nin
[2008-09-11 09:02.14] <Sinistron> I like that centipede looking boss on first level
[2008-09-11 09:02.19] <Mithos> so what’s up guys?
[2008-09-11 09:02.23] <Ninja Spirit> all of them?
[2008-09-11 09:02.29] <MissaFX> I am going to bail at 9:05
[2008-09-11 09:02.32] <nectarsis> hey mithos
[2008-09-11 09:02.33] <Sinistron> made up my mind to pick that one up
[2008-09-11 09:02.43] <Ninja Spirit> I gotta do something about that damn sound
[2008-09-11 09:02.50] <ಠ_ಠ> hey tone
[2008-09-11 09:03.05] <ಠ_ಠ> Seen my Cho Aniki review?
[2008-09-11 09:03.07] <Sinistron> not all of them yet ninja just the first clip - enough to sell me on it- it was the boss that sold me really
[2008-09-11 09:03.22] <Sinistron> sound didn’t bother me since I don’t have sound at work lol
[2008-09-11 09:03.26] <Ninja Spirit> Here’s some more highlights of the other ones.
[2008-09-11 09:03.26] <nectarsis> sent you a friend request on the anime site mithos ;)
[2008-09-11 09:03.29] <Michael Helgeson> you wouldnt be saying oh snap nintega  if you wer ehere yesterday Ninja
[2008-09-11 09:03.31] <Ninja Spirithttp://www.blogtv.com/Shows/219745/Zm3xbuXvae3Gbm3FZH&pos=ancr
[2008-09-11 09:03.34] <ಠ_ಠ> That game isn’t as crazy as the sequels but it is still crazier than Parodius
[2008-09-11 09:03.39] <Sinistron> hey mithy
[2008-09-11 09:03.55] <Michael Helgeson> Nins great revelation yesterday was that it was funny to see black people eating kfc out of a bucket
[2008-09-11 09:04.07] <Mithos> lol
[2008-09-11 09:04.31] <ಠ_ಠ> And you went on making fun of Asian chicks
[2008-09-11 09:04.32] <Sinistron> he did actually just come out and say that out of nowwhere
[2008-09-11 09:04.39] <Ninja Spirit> uh oh...
[2008-09-11 09:04.45] <ಠ_ಠ> "ME LUV U LONG TIME" ring a bell?
[2008-09-11 09:04.47] <Sinistron> just pops in and lays that down in the shoutbox
[2008-09-11 09:04.50] <MissaFX> no, the only thing funny about KFC is when they dress up the Sanders statues in Japan for holidays
[2008-09-11 09:05.00] <Sinistron> nin just calm down eh
[2008-09-11 09:05.07] <Ninja Spirit> i’m doing another stream as an icebreaker....
[2008-09-11 09:05.16] <Michael Helgeson> i neve rmade fun of asian chicks
[2008-09-11 09:05.24] <Michael Helgeson> i made fun of Rags wife
[2008-09-11 09:05.29] <Mithos> there’s a colonel sander’s statue on the way to dallas from houston Neutral
[2008-09-11 09:05.45] <ಠ_ಠ> Tone I am not racist like that idiot thinks. Please ignore him.
[2008-09-11 09:05.53] <Michael Helgeson> and stated the truth about how women in poor countryes try to marry americans,ect to leave behind their poverished life
[2008-09-11 09:06.04] <MissaFX> really mithos??
[2008-09-11 09:06.09] <Michael Helgeson> that has nothing to do with race,and plenty to do with nationality
[2008-09-11 09:06.13] <Ninja Spirit> *ManyCam2 on....*
[2008-09-11 09:06.15] <Sinistron> I wouldn’t even say mike made fuin of rag’s wife- it was more like making fun of rags
[2008-09-11 09:06.16] <Tatsujinhttp://de.youtube.com/watch?v=JVUOvHYv3ME
[2008-09-11 09:06.19] <Tatsujin> haha
[2008-09-11 09:06.20] <Michael Helgeson> and economic situations
[2008-09-11 09:06.26] <Tatsujin> salute^^
[2008-09-11 09:06.29] <Mithos> yeah missa
[2008-09-11 09:06.34] <Sinistron> cause he’s about to be victimized
[2008-09-11 09:06.39] <Michael Helgeson> and abuse of the system
[2008-09-11 09:06.41] <Sinistron> hey tats
[2008-09-11 09:07.14] <MissaFX> o/ tatsujin
[2008-09-11 09:07.15] <Mithos> my dad was bringing me back to dallas after I went down to houston when we saw it and it had lights and everything
[2008-09-11 09:07.24] <MissaFX> take care everyone
[2008-09-11 09:07.26] <Mithos> yo tats
[2008-09-11 09:07.31] <Mithos> cya missa
[2008-09-11 09:07.41] <Sinistron> tats man you know you wanna get some pics generated from yearbook.com - party guy
[2008-09-11 09:07.46] <nectarsis> cya ya missa, hey tats Smile
[2008-09-11 09:07.50] <Michael Helgeson> countries with poor economics and full of women trying to beat the system and get a free pass to north america and the UK
[2008-09-11 09:07.51] <Sinistron> yearbookyourself.com rather
[2008-09-11 09:07.56] <ಠ_ಠ> I hope Ike hits Arkansas now.
[2008-09-11 09:08.03] <Michael Helgeson> its fairly common, mail away brides,ect
[2008-09-11 09:08.10] <Sinistron> later missa
[2008-09-11 09:08.16] <Tatsujin> yo ಠ_ಠ
[2008-09-11 09:08.17] <ceti alpha> wb nec, tats Smile
[2008-09-11 09:08.46] <Michael Helgeson> dont get your hopes up Nin,Itll prob hit,and Ill get rain,nothun new
[2008-09-11 09:08.50] <Tatsujin> lol sini yeah..I WANT VERY MUCH^^
[2008-09-11 09:08.52] <Michael Helgeson> nuthin new at all
[2008-09-11 09:08.59] <Tatsujin> teh cetel
[2008-09-11 09:09.03] <TatsujinSmile
[2008-09-11 09:09.08] <Mithos> tats you changed your avatar man Sad
[2008-09-11 09:09.49] <Tatsujin> yeah i did.
[2008-09-11 09:09.53] <Tatsujin> teh telly
[2008-09-11 09:10.00] <ceti alpha> yeah, i loved the outrun avatar ^_^
[2008-09-11 09:10.09] <Sinistron> tats you should do some with bonks face it’d look funny as hell
[2008-09-11 09:10.31] <Tatsujin> he tells you the story of how he mean what he says and taht he do what he claim.
[2008-09-11 09:10.40] <guyjin> what is your new avatar?
[2008-09-11 09:11.18] <Tatsujin> teh outrun ava died for a wile. dunno why, but will bring ’em back soon^^
[2008-09-11 09:11.27] <Tatsujin> it’s teh TELLY
[2008-09-11 09:11.39] <Mithos> looks like professor x about to smoke something....I think?
[2008-09-11 09:11.48] <Sinistron> nin- in all serious- that comment yesterday- what the fuck were you thinking?  that was the worst thing you’ve said- you said it out of nowehere- and if you didn’t think you’d catch abuse for it- I just don’t know anymore what’s up with you
[2008-09-11 09:12.03] <Tatsujin> watch this..HAHAHA http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=0qklhQJb6dA
[2008-09-11 09:13.26] <Sinistron> then isntead of saying why you said it- you instead point the finger at mike for something unrelated- like a 5 year old
[2008-09-11 09:13.29] <nectarsis> did you ever have him figured out sin? ;)
[2008-09-11 09:13.34] <ಠ_ಠ> Then explain why that redneck had to tell NS what I said?
[2008-09-11 09:13.39] <Sinistron> you need to develop your brain a little bit more
[2008-09-11 09:13.51] <Tatsujin> he’s the baron of bleu chant. the villain in OHMSS
[2008-09-11 09:14.02] <guyjin> i don’t get it.
[2008-09-11 09:14.11] <Sinistron> why don’t you ask him yourself- he’s here
[2008-09-11 09:14.12] <Tatsujin> sie sorry aber ehhm
[2008-09-11 09:14.43] <Mithos> my brain hurts now
[2008-09-11 09:14.44] <guyjin> who is telly? other than a monster from sesame street?
[2008-09-11 09:14.55] <Sinistron> I’M just saying that if you don’t say such stupid comments- that there’s no stupid comments to surface
[2008-09-11 09:15.15] <nectarsis> why are you so anxious to get Ninjas aprroval/make sure he’s not mad at you all the time?
[2008-09-11 09:15.18] <ಠ_ಠ> I know, he is an asshole that gets off on starting trouble. It entertains him to no end because he is a sick fuck that probably is in a ......
[2008-09-11 09:15.30] <ಠ_ಠ> family of cannibals.
[2008-09-11 09:15.46] <Tatsujin> telly savalas MY GOD
[2008-09-11 09:16.02] <Michael Helgeson> Im sorry Nin,did I put you on the spot by exposing your blunders to your friend?
[2008-09-11 09:16.04] <Tatsujin> TEH KOJAK
[2008-09-11 09:16.05] <Sinistron> in all complete total honesty too it was thee most racist thing I’ve ever heard said on this site
[2008-09-11 09:16.21] <Sinistron> that’s not an exaggeration either
[2008-09-11 09:16.24] <Michael Helgeson> I didnt mean to expose the fact your a closet racist,sorry,opps and all that
[2008-09-11 09:16.26] <Sinistron> I don’t get you nin
[2008-09-11 09:16.48] <Sinistron> it wasn’t even a closet racist thing it was right out in the open unrelated to anything
[2008-09-11 09:16.55] <Sinistron> just blatant
[2008-09-11 09:17.08] <Michael Helgeson> Youll just have to forgive me
[2008-09-11 09:17.20] <guyjin> closet?
[2008-09-11 09:17.24] <Sinistron> now ninja got uncomfortable and left- mike’s not to blame he didn’t say it- you did
[2008-09-11 09:17.29] <Michael Helgeson> Im sleepy,and tend to tell the truth alot in shout when sleepy,laden with typos
[2008-09-11 09:17.30] <guyjin> seems pretty blatant to me
[2008-09-11 09:17.39] <ceti alpha> and it wasn’t even in context to anything we were talking about. if we were talking about stereotypes *maybe*
[2008-09-11 09:17.48] <ಠ_ಠ> get some lives you fucking internet trolls.
[2008-09-11 09:17.53] <ceti alpha> haha mike
[2008-09-11 09:18.02] <Sinistron> go explain yourself to ninja and apologize for being a fucking jerk
[2008-09-11 09:18.08] <ceti alpha> trolls?
[2008-09-11 09:18.38] <nectarsis> mithos you still here?
[2008-09-11 09:18.49] <Michael Helgeson> lol were the trolls,yet hes the one trolling this forum
[2008-09-11 09:19.05] <Mithoshttp://io9.com/5044477/this-is-the-star-trek-reboot-we-want
[2008-09-11 09:19.08] <Mithos> yeah nec
[2008-09-11 09:19.09] <Michael Helgeson> like he assumed being gone a month would mean wed want him back all the sudden
[2008-09-11 09:19.11] <nectarsis> Nin..why did you even bother coming back..just to be an inflamitory douche troll?
[2008-09-11 09:19.12] <Mithos> ceti you’ll enjoy that link
[2008-09-11 09:19.14] <guyjin> rofl
[2008-09-11 09:19.23] <Sinistron> yeah nin I thought your absence was so taht you’d have some time to grow up- you come back and you’re acting even younger and stupider than before
[2008-09-11 09:19.27] <nectarsis> I forgot...where are you at for school?
[2008-09-11 09:19.27] <Tatsujin> troll poll
[2008-09-11 09:19.29] <guyjin> nintega, you’re a joke. go away.
[2008-09-11 09:19.48] <ceti alpha> i don’t understand why you do this to yourself nin
[2008-09-11 09:19.52] <ಠ_ಠ> I would apologize to him but Sinitron and the cannibal hilbilly are no in my shit list FOREVER.
[2008-09-11 09:20.09] <ಠ_ಠ> I do nothing
[2008-09-11 09:20.14] <Mithos> I’m at the University of Texas at Dallas nec
[2008-09-11 09:20.25] <Sinistron> oh ok- so because you’re mad at me and mike ninja no longer gets an apology.
[2008-09-11 09:20.34] <Sinistron> that makes sense.
[2008-09-11 09:20.57] <Sinistron> lol cannibal hillbilly
[2008-09-11 09:20.58] <Tatsujin> ಠ_ಠ icall nintega?
[2008-09-11 09:21.10] <guyjin> if two of the nicest guys on here are ’on your shit list forever’, then why are you still wasting your time here?
[2008-09-11 09:21.31] <Mithos> yeah tats
[2008-09-11 09:21.37] <Michael Helgeson> i do nothing
[2008-09-11 09:21.41] <ಠ_ಠ> Both of you are obviously very self-centered people.
[2008-09-11 09:21.46] <guyjin> I know why. you’re a troll. you crave any attention you can get, even if its negative. you’re no better than kitsunexus or validus.
[2008-09-11 09:21.52] <ceti alpha> oui le tats ^^
[2008-09-11 09:21.57] <Michael Helgeson> i eat to live
[2008-09-11 09:21.58] <Sinistron> who else would it be tats
[2008-09-11 09:22.01] <ceti alpha> leh tats hehe
[2008-09-11 09:22.13] <ಠ_ಠ> Nicest guys? LMAO
[2008-09-11 09:22.48] <Michael Helgeson> your fat ass would feed me for months Nin,but even in the worst of situations,if I was to eat a person,Id rather starve then eat you and die of  apig fat induced heart attack
[2008-09-11 09:23.02] <Sinistron> not nice to you nin- no- though we’ve tried at times
[2008-09-11 09:23.17] <ceti alpha> that’s the only answer i can come up with. you say and do these things merely for attention, whether it’s negative or positive
[2008-09-11 09:23.18] <nectarsis> just checking mithos...heard they’re evacuating Houston
[2008-09-11 09:23.26] <ಠ_ಠ> That is why the redneck started shit today that was not needed?
[2008-09-11 09:23.41] <Sinistron> I’ve definitely tried to be nice with you at times nin and to give you advice
[2008-09-11 09:23.48] <Sinistron> in one ear and out the other
[2008-09-11 09:23.50] <Tatsujin_ _ _ _[colo
[2008-09-11 09:24.04] <ಠ_ಠ> Both of you never tried. You mocked me since day 1.
[2008-09-11 09:24.11] <Sinistron> and you ADMITTED you said that shit so you should be mad at yourself.  Not me.
[2008-09-11 09:24.24] <Mithos> yeah nec.....my parents might have to evacuate but I hope dallas shoudl be fine
[2008-09-11 09:24.24] <Michael Helgeson> i like the name she comes up with for me ou tof nowhere
[2008-09-11 09:24.38] <ceti alpha> you are calling mike a redneck? mike isn’t the one making racist comments
[2008-09-11 09:25.39] <Sinistron> [Thu 09:13] <ಠ_ಠ> Then explain why that redneck had to tell NS what I said?
[2008-09-11 09:25.46] <Michael Helgeson> cannibal hillbilly i sprob the most awesome thing anyone has ever called me,trying to insult me yet in actuality induldging they have  asecret hidden fear of me
[2008-09-11 09:25.50] <Tatsujin> coton eye joe
[2008-09-11 09:25.54] <nectarsis> hope it all goes well mithos
[2008-09-11 09:26.01] <ceti alpha> making fun of stereotypes is one thing. i’m not for political correctness one bit, but you ain’t no sarah silverman nin.
[2008-09-11 09:26.04] <Sinistron> it’s not like you’re saying you never said it
[2008-09-11 09:26.07] <Tatsujin> +t
[2008-09-11 09:26.32] <Mithos> thanks nec I hope so too
[2008-09-11 09:26.48] <ceti alpha> where did you come from, where did you go
[2008-09-11 09:27.06] <Sinistron> this isn’t your personal forum to try out racist jokes while other conversations are taking place
[2008-09-11 09:27.14] <Michael Helgeson> makes me wonder if Im a thing of nightmares in Nins sleep
[2008-09-11 09:27.14] <ಠ_ಠ> The site would be awesome with the 2 drama queens.
[2008-09-11 09:27.24] <nectarsis> lol ceti
[2008-09-11 09:27.24] <ಠ_ಠ> without
[2008-09-11 09:27.25] <ceti alpha> yeah mithos. i hope shit works out *prays*
[2008-09-11 09:27.40] <Michael Helgeson> yea I know sini,hes always trying new material
[2008-09-11 09:27.46] <Mithos> hey just throwin this out here and I really mean nothing by it but how about we all agree to drop everything for a bit...
[2008-09-11 09:27.50] <nectarsis> Mike= Nins own Nightmare Possum
[2008-09-11 09:28.07] <Michael Helgeson> without fail. if you pay attention,he does his new material on eday,then th enext post link sto his youtube videos
[2008-09-11 09:28.18] <Michael Helgeson> like shes trying hit and miss tactics to impress us
[2008-09-11 09:28.31] <ಠ_ಠ> If he came to my area I guarantee he’d be thug bait.
[2008-09-11 09:28.33] <Mithos> we’re all adults here (I think) and if eyes and everyone else doesn’t want to speak with each other they can just ignore one another
[2008-09-11 09:28.38] <Mithos> thanks ceti
[2008-09-11 09:28.55] <Sinistron> LOLOLOL
[2008-09-11 09:28.58] <Sinistron> THUG BAIT
[2008-09-11 09:29.02] <Sinistron> HAHAHAHA
[2008-09-11 09:29.03] <ಠ_ಠ> Puerto Ricans hate rednecks.
[2008-09-11 09:29.17] <ceti alpha> haha
[2008-09-11 09:29.23] <ceti alpha> omg
[2008-09-11 09:29.44] <ceti alpha> TIAB GUGT
[2008-09-11 09:29.49] <Michael Helgeson> how do you kno wNin,you know plenty of Puerto Ricans ?
[2008-09-11 09:29.50] <Sinistron> so all purto ricans are thugs?
[2008-09-11 09:29.53] <ceti alpha> lol
[2008-09-11 09:30.02] <ceti alpha> TIAB GUHT
[2008-09-11 09:30.03] <nectarsis> I thought you were the regular thug bait (and anti woman repellent) Nin
[2008-09-11 09:30.03] <Michael Helgeson> been there lately,to Puerto Rico I mean?
[2008-09-11 09:30.06] <ಠ_ಠ> especially one who thinks his is hot shit because he owns a freaking 3DO
[2008-09-11 09:30.07] <Sinistron> man nin you just keep digging that racist hole
[2008-09-11 09:30.28] <ಠ_ಠ> Puerto Rican Americans are waay different
[2008-09-11 09:30.46] <Mithos> you know we could ask the old rover about that nin
[2008-09-11 09:31.05] <ceti alpha> ?_?
[2008-09-11 09:31.08] <Sinistron> puerto ricans are thugs, mike’s a cannibal hillbilly, blacks are funny when they eat fried chicken, you’re on a roll man
[2008-09-11 09:31.24] <ಠ_ಠ> Mommy I am telling?
[2008-09-11 09:31.35] <guyjin> you know what? most of nin’s trolling behavior seems to happen in the shout box. I think he thinks he can get away with this because this stuff isn’t saved. or is it?
[2008-09-11 09:31.38] <Mithos> hmm....so by his logic asians must be funny when they use chopsticks!
[2008-09-11 09:31.41] <ಠ_ಠ> Grow up guys.
[2008-09-11 09:31.55] <Michael Helgeson> you do realize puerto rican isnt  arace dont you Nin?
[2008-09-11 09:32.05] <nectarsis> shout is archived
[2008-09-11 09:32.08] <Mithos> guy we’d have to ask arron if it’s logged or not but I don’t think it is
[2008-09-11 09:32.12] <Sinistron> it can be accessed guy- that’s how we got nin booted off the first time- unfortunately nat’s on vacation now
[2008-09-11 09:32.13] <Mithos> oh it is?
[2008-09-11 09:32.16] <Mithos> heh
[2008-09-11 09:32.21] <guyjin> he’d be banned by now if he said this shit in posts.
[2008-09-11 09:32.29] <Sinistron> you’d have to tell whoever to find nin’s statement from yesterday
[2008-09-11 09:32.49] <Game and Watch Kirby> There’s a volcano erupting here...
[2008-09-11 09:33.07] <Mithos> hey kirby
[2008-09-11 09:33.08] <ceti alpha> canadians are a race of lumberjacks
[2008-09-11 09:33.09] <ಠ_ಠ> I’ll come back
[2008-09-11 09:33.16] <Sinistron> mith- there ALREADY was a comment about nin concerning chopsticks
[2008-09-11 09:33.25] <Sinistron> he beat you too it
[2008-09-11 09:33.29] <ceti alpha> lumberjacks are the cause of all the world’s problems
[2008-09-11 09:33.35] <Sinistron> nin- don’t bother
[2008-09-11 09:33.36] <Tatsujin> shall we play ei game?
[2008-09-11 09:33.44] <Sinistron> just go the fuck away
[2008-09-11 09:33.45] <ceti alpha> lol sin. i forgot about that one
[2008-09-11 09:33.47] <guyjin> I’m gona go pm joe and keranu. brb
[2008-09-11 09:33.49] <Mithos> Hey Sin, mike couldn’t you two put up a complaint in the suggestions area or is it not used for stuff like that?
[2008-09-11 09:34.01] <Sinistron> sick of this deformed clown already
[2008-09-11 09:34.07] <Michael Helgeson> yea ull come back,and well continue to verbally beat you down Nin
[2008-09-11 09:34.13] <Mithos> oh there is sin?  didn’t know.....
[2008-09-11 09:34.20] <Michael Helgeson> I did before,I did  aban Nin pole
[2008-09-11 09:34.29] <Sinistron> keranu won’t do anything. maybe joe will
[2008-09-11 09:34.35] <Tatsujin> what does teh ceti alarm probe?
[2008-09-11 09:34.55] <Sinistron> keranu will invite him to laserdorks
[2008-09-11 09:34.56] <ceti alpha> lol tats
[2008-09-11 09:34.56] <ಠ_ಠ> Now I know why I have a thing against geeks...
[2008-09-11 09:34.57] <Tatsujin> W.O.P.R. joins teh game*
[2008-09-11 09:35.32] <ceti alpha> teh ceti probe searches for pinkos
[2008-09-11 09:35.35] <nectarsis> but Nin..you’re the geel posterchild
[2008-09-11 09:35.52] <ceti alphahttp://www.uwsp.edu/geo/projects/geoweb/participants/dutch/GRAPHIC0/Spacecraft/sputnik1.gif
[2008-09-11 09:35.52] <nectarsis> *Stalin joins teh game*
[2008-09-11 09:35.52] <Game and Watch Kirby> Who would be W.O.P.R.?
[2008-09-11 09:35.57] <Michael Helgeson> so you hate yourself Nin,that was obvious
[2008-09-11 09:36.09] <Tatsujin> GRETTINGS..PROFFESSOR CETI
[2008-09-11 09:36.17] <Tatsujin> .
[2008-09-11 09:36.21] <ಠ_ಠ> Mike: LOOK AT ME! I AM BETTER THAN YOU CUZ I HAVE A 3DO!
[2008-09-11 09:36.28] <Mithos> *person who spells color without a u joins teh game*
[2008-09-11 09:36.50] <Tatsujin> SHALL WE PLAY A GAME?
[2008-09-11 09:36.59] <Michael Helgeson> do you feel Im better then you cause I have a 3DO?
[2008-09-11 09:37.00] <ceti alpha> lol tats
[2008-09-11 09:37.08] <ceti alpha> haha mithos
[2008-09-11 09:37.14] <Tatsujin> HOW ABOUT...GLOBAL THERMONUCELAR WAR?
[2008-09-11 09:37.20] <Michael Helgeson> and its 3 3DO systems,not 1 Razz
[2008-09-11 09:37.23] <ceti alpha> THUG BAIT joins teh game*
[2008-09-11 09:37.27] <Tatsujin> teh fear
[2008-09-11 09:37.29] <guyjin> I don’t think keranu puts up with racism much.
[2008-09-11 09:37.35] <Michael Helgeson> Nin,do you see me youtubeing about?
[2008-09-11 09:37.40] <Michael Helgeson> No,didnt think so
[2008-09-11 09:37.49] <ceti alpha> hahahaha mike
[2008-09-11 09:38.01] <Tatsujin> CHECK MATE
[2008-09-11 09:38.04] <ಠ_ಠ> No I pity you think you are above everyone that you own a system nobody cares for.
[2008-09-11 09:38.04] <Michael Helgeson> and actually,quite a few people here have a 3DO
[2008-09-11 09:38.10] <Michael Helgeson> Im not the only one
[2008-09-11 09:38.25] <nectarsis> Thug bait gets a beat down at the hands of Stalin
[2008-09-11 09:38.29] <Tatsujin> IMSAI8080
[2008-09-11 09:38.45] <guyjin> And actually, I think this whole ’invite them to lazer dorks’ thing by Keranu is brilliant. since they have an outlet there, they have less energy to spend trying to make alts here on pcfx
[2008-09-11 09:38.57] <Tatsujin> DEFCON 1
[2008-09-11 09:39.21] <guyjin> I care for 3d0. wish i had one
[2008-09-11 09:39.26] <Tatsujinhttp://www.atariarchives.org/deli/desk_set.jpg
[2008-09-11 09:39.28] <Michael Helgeson> and I fail to see why me having a 3DO has anything to do with you being a fat lazy new jersy racist
[2008-09-11 09:39.31] <Mithos> thx tats now I have to go watch wargames Razz
[2008-09-11 09:39.38] <ಠ_ಠ> Don’t worry I’ll give this site a bad rep on YT
[2008-09-11 09:39.44] <guyjin> SWTPC 6800
[2008-09-11 09:39.54] <Mithos> I’m getting a 3DO pretty soon too not really a bad system at all
[2008-09-11 09:39.58] <Michael Helgeson> yea Kits went to lazerdorks to whine about me
[2008-09-11 09:39.59] <nectarsis> lol mithos
[2008-09-11 09:40.04] <Tatsujinhttp://faculty.law.pitt.edu/madison/images/wargames.jpg
[2008-09-11 09:40.07] <ceti alpha> haha nin. go ahead.
[2008-09-11 09:40.08] <guyjin> please do so. your videos are awful.
[2008-09-11 09:40.09] <Tatsujin> he had teh FUN http://www.intercomsec.co.uk/assets/images/wargames-1.jpg
[2008-09-11 09:40.12] <Sinistron> when did mike ever imply he was better than anyone for having a 3DO? all you’re showing us nin is that you’re actually jealous that Mike has one
[2008-09-11 09:40.36] <nectarsis> ooooooooooohhhhh not bashing us on Youtube...THE HORROR
[2008-09-11 09:40.48] <ಠ_ಠ> Ceti proved to me just now that almost everyone here si a troll.
[2008-09-11 09:40.50] <Sinistron> guy makes sure the admins get that one too- nin giving the site a bad rep on YT
[2008-09-11 09:40.50] <guyjin> I only subscribed to your videos because you occasionally make a decent gameplay video... and by decent I mean you aren’t in it
[2008-09-11 09:40.52] <ceti alpha> but when people come here to see for themselves they will realize how full of shit you are
[2008-09-11 09:41.07] <Michael Helgeson> oh no,hell ruin us on Youtube. Th eimpact that will have on ou rcommunity will be horrible,why it may even halt our daily activities for maybe,like um, 0 seconds
[2008-09-11 09:41.18] <Sinistron> he’s gonna want his lubetube buds to come crash the site like he threatened last time
[2008-09-11 09:41.20] <Michael Helgeson> seriously Nin,knock yourself out,No one cares
[2008-09-11 09:41.22] <ceti alpha> lol nin
[2008-09-11 09:41.35] <ಠ_ಠ> I can give a rat’s ass about a system with terrible FMV games.
[2008-09-11 09:41.38] <Sinistron> lol guyjin
[2008-09-11 09:41.39] <Game and Watch Kirby> That’s a nice image there, Tatsujin.
[2008-09-11 09:42.05] <nectarsis> yet you keep talking about said system
[2008-09-11 09:42.06] <guyjin> lol ’everyone here is a troll’
[2008-09-11 09:42.13] <ceti alpha> hey GWaK ^_^
[2008-09-11 09:42.35] <Mithos> [Thu 11:41] <ಠ_ಠ> I can give a rat’s ass about a system with terrible FMV games.
[2008-09-11 09:42.35] <ceti alpha> the nec console community is located under a bridge
[2008-09-11 09:42.38] <Mithos> that isn’t trolling?
[2008-09-11 09:42.41] <Michael Helgeson> no matter what you do Nin,the result will be the same,well still end up just laughing at you
[2008-09-11 09:43.01] <Game and Watch Kirby> You mean you don’t the Sega Saturn (and PlayStation) either. They had a share of Full Motion Video games.
[2008-09-11 09:43.03] <Tatsujin> lol  http://www.tvguide.com/images/pgimg/one-tree-barry-corbin13.jpg
[2008-09-11 09:43.03] <guyjin> we’re underground!
[2008-09-11 09:43.09] <Tatsujin> corbin now
[2008-09-11 09:43.14] <ಠ_ಠ> It make me feel better than you all will get enemies online.
[2008-09-11 09:43.43] <ಠ_ಠ> Maybe hackers will ruin your email accounts Very Happy
[2008-09-11 09:43.50] <guyjin> 2_2
[2008-09-11 09:43.54] <Mithos> nah ceti we’re located in the stone age  where giant alligators try to take over the moon, little boys go on adventures with epic overworld music, and vampires put X behind their names
[2008-09-11 09:43.56] <guyjin> err, @_@
[2008-09-11 09:44.03] <Michael Helgeson> than or then?
[2008-09-11 09:44.04] <Sinistron> nin you can’t even make a coherent sentence
[2008-09-11 09:44.06] <nectarsis> NOT ONLINE ENEMIS (hides behind Mithos)
[2008-09-11 09:44.10] <Sinistron> you’re a grand fool
[2008-09-11 09:44.15] <ceti alpha> .......
[2008-09-11 09:44.29] <guyjinRolling Eyes THERE we go
[2008-09-11 09:44.36] <ceti alpha> haha mithos
[2008-09-11 09:44.48] <Mithos> lol nec
[2008-09-11 09:45.01] <Tatsujin> the red one is very fool
[2008-09-11 09:45.16] <Game and Watch Kirby> Hi Ceti Alpha Smile.
[2008-09-11 09:45.21] <ceti alpha> bikkuri will be mine!!
[2008-09-11 09:45.27] <ceti alpha> )
[2008-09-11 09:45.29] <ceti alphaSmile
[2008-09-11 09:46.10] <Mithos> I wonder does the vampire killer work on gunboat?
[2008-09-11 09:46.39] <Tatsujin> bikkuri donkey
[2008-09-11 09:47.29] <Tatsujin> bikkuri donkey
[2008-09-11 09:47.55] <ceti alpha> hehe
[2008-09-11 09:47.57] <Michael Helgeson> yea online enemies can be vicious, they blog constantly about you,and make youtube videos stating your many faults
[2008-09-11 09:48.04] <ceti alphahttp://www.bartcop.com/sniper-bait2.jpg
[2008-09-11 09:48.04] <Michael Helgeson> its pretty horrible stuff
[2008-09-11 09:48.33] <Sinistron> yeah mike- should I hide under my desk now or later?
[2008-09-11 09:48.52] <Mithos> Online enemies can be killed with a +2 mace and spellfire
[2008-09-11 09:49.14] <ceti alpha> stop, drop, and roll
[2008-09-11 09:49.17] <Michael Helgeson> it wont matter Sini,youll never know when they may strike,it coul dbe at any moment. Hell you may never see it coming,esp if you dont care.
[2008-09-11 09:49.46] <Michael Helgeson> in actuality you may never even be aware its happening,because the only one caring is the one blogging
[2008-09-11 09:49.47] <guyjinLaughing ceti, you’ve started reading bartcop? Smile
[2008-09-11 09:49.57] <ceti alpha> lol
[2008-09-11 09:49.58] <Michael Helgeson> or youtubing their many woes and hates
[2008-09-11 09:49.58] <Sinistron> lol
[2008-09-11 09:51.06] <Michael Helgeson> online enemies,the only world that matters to them,is their own
[2008-09-11 09:51.44] <nectarsis> one request Nin..do the PCEFX video in drag..screaming, flailing your arms it would make sooooooooo...CLASSY
[2008-09-11 09:51.45] <Sinistron> Laurel and Hardy Meet the Online Enemies
[2008-09-11 09:51.51] <Mithos> youtube will remove Pcenginefx.com from the interwebs when nin submits his copyright violation to them Rolling Eyes
[2008-09-11 09:52.12] <ಠ_ಠ> Maybe I have them replace your facebook and myspace pics with gay porn pics.
[2008-09-11 09:52.31] <ceti alpha> i actually just found that picture looking around for images
[2008-09-11 09:52.33] <Michael Helgeson> its the "all about me" or "I in team" attitude ,the never say die energy they express in their videos that really gives them that extra edge
[2008-09-11 09:53.09] <guyjin> nintega certainly has the boobs for drag Laughing
[2008-09-11 09:53.22] <Sinistron> maybe you have them?  you sound like the only troglodyte
[2008-09-11 09:53.33] <ಠ_ಠ> A couple of people here just opened a huge can of worms. Thank them. PCEFX is officially going to be dead.
[2008-09-11 09:53.44] <guyjin> tieam!
[2008-09-11 09:54.21] <Michael Helgeson> even now Nin i sblogging about us,hoping to rally his ultra l33t youtubers to get their l33t hacker buddies to spam us with porn emails,you know,the ones that go straight to junk mail?
[2008-09-11 09:54.33] <nectarsis> you seem to be VERY facinated with gay porn/homoerotic games....Hining something?
[2008-09-11 09:54.59] <ceti alpha> nin. if you hate it here so much, then leave.
[2008-09-11 09:55.04] <Sinistron> guyjin- make sure you send the admins that threat that pcefx is officially going to be dead
[2008-09-11 09:55.06] <nectarsis> dead like last time eh...
[2008-09-11 09:55.08] <Michael Helgeson> nin,a member of the little nuthings society
[2008-09-11 09:55.27] <Sinistron> that’ll get this moron bounced for good
[2008-09-11 09:55.41] <ceti alpha> everyone here has given ample opportunity (mr. opportunity indeed)
[2008-09-11 09:55.45] <Sinistron> of course it
[2008-09-11 09:55.46] <nectarsis> little nothings with bitch tits
[2008-09-11 09:55.55] <Sinistron> is the most hollow of threats
[2008-09-11 09:56.16] <Sinistron> but aaron wouldn’t like him talking that way on his site
[2008-09-11 09:56.20] <ಠ_ಠ> It’ll be dead because no one would want to associate with you
[2008-09-11 09:56.51] <Sinistron> lol little nuthings society- he’s not just the president he’s also a member
[2008-09-11 09:56.55] <nectarsis> nice attepmt at a cover
[2008-09-11 09:57.06] <guyjin> no one will want to associate with the best pcengine community on the internet? Rolling Eyes
[2008-09-11 09:57.07] <Michael Helgeson> ph yea Nin,we really care what the world of youtube thinks abou tus
[2008-09-11 09:57.24] <Michael Helgeson> like,umm all 15 of your fellow clans men?
[2008-09-11 09:57.30] <ceti alpha> you overestimate your importance nintega
[2008-09-11 09:57.41] <ಠ_ಠ> Yeah 3DO games will get you anywhere >_>
[2008-09-11 09:58.07] <Sinistron> go make another stuttering lubetube vid warning the online world of the cannibal hillbilly that lurks at pcefx- we’ll wait here
[2008-09-11 09:58.26] <Michael Helgeson> seriously,you want santa to give you a 3DO for xmas Nin?
[2008-09-11 09:58.29] <ಠ_ಠ> Not after what I have to say guyjin.
[2008-09-11 09:58.32] <nectarsis> we should back off guys...may give ole Ninny post traumatic stress flashbacks..being cornered by multiple Union City thugs ;)
[2008-09-11 09:58.38] <Michael Helgeson> you keep bringing it up like you want one
[2008-09-11 09:58.48] <ceti alpha> in the meantime, i’m going out for a coffee and smoke
[2008-09-11 09:59.01] <ceti alpha> bb
[2008-09-11 09:59.06] <ಠ_ಠ> You folks were always alone. The minority. It will tankfully stay that way.
[2008-09-11 09:59.21] <nectarsis> cya master ceti Smile
[2008-09-11 09:59.29] <Michael Helgeson> I mean,I have 3,but honestly I dont think Id be willing to give you one,you may have to bed gramps for one,you remember gramps dont you
[2008-09-11 09:59.33] <Sinistron> make sure you throw in a few extra stutters for our amusement nin- I like that bit
[2008-09-11 09:59.53] <Sinistron> tankfully eh
[2008-09-11 10:00.14] <Sinistron> do some of those blinks while you stutter too that’s good for laughs as well
[2008-09-11 10:00.17] <Michael Helgeson> i meant beg,but I guess you sleeping with gramps for a 3DO wouldnt be too far off ehh?
[2008-09-11 10:00.20] <Sinistron> and some of that drag routine
[2008-09-11 10:00.36] <Michael Helgeson> yea lol,I like it when he blinks
[2008-09-11 10:01.00] <Michael Helgeson> oh and remorse about your house flood again
[2008-09-11 10:01.08] <Michael Helgeson> to drive up the sympathy ratings
[2008-09-11 10:01.12] <Sinistron> Blinky the Clown
[2008-09-11 10:01.21] <Michael Helgeson> hell blame us for the house flood
[2008-09-11 10:01.27] <Michael Helgeson> thatll be awesome
[2008-09-11 10:01.40] <Sinistron> Blinky the Clown episode 3,097- Drug Dealers Robbed My Games
[2008-09-11 10:01.44] <Michael Helgeson> let everyone know how much of  aimpact we had on your fuckin useless life
[2008-09-11 10:01.52] <Game and Watch Kirby> "Tankfully" :lol. I say "thanks" as a slur that way sometimes, but I just thought it was funny, as if Nintega was going to live in a tank all alone.
[2008-09-11 10:01.52] <guyjin> now now, we shouldn’t bash nintega for things he can’t help (stuttering) when there’s a perfectly shitty personality we can go after
[2008-09-11 10:01.57] <ಠ_ಠ> divorcee
[2008-09-11 10:02.03] <Michael Helgeson> record it and slap it up on the internet,make u slegends
[2008-09-11 10:02.30] <Sinistron> an isolation tank hopefully kirby
[2008-09-11 10:02.48] <Michael Helgeson> i think hi sstutter is a act,to get attention
[2008-09-11 10:02.49] <nectarsis> ohhhhhhh man thats gotta sting mike...lol
[2008-09-11 10:02.50] <Game and Watch Kirby> What’s your favorite game on the 3DO, by the way, Michael Helgeson?
[2008-09-11 10:02.50] <ಠ_ಠ> so you are proud to be a troll eh?\\
[2008-09-11 10:03.00] <Michael Helgeson> like his blinking.
[2008-09-11 10:03.22] <Michael Helgeson> Way of the Warrior
[2008-09-11 10:03.26] <nectarsis> I’m divorced to...yet both mike and I can actually GET a woman...not look like one like you Ninny
[2008-09-11 10:03.45] <Michael Helgeson> Road Rash and Need for Speed are close ties
[2008-09-11 10:03.52] <MithosVery Happy Mike the music in that game rocks and the camera work in it is very nice
[2008-09-11 10:04.23] <Michael Helgeson> lol yea Nindressing in drag and standing infront of  a mirrior does not equal a hot nite out
[2008-09-11 10:05.06] <ಠ_ಠ> They only want you cuz you have $
[2008-09-11 10:05.12] <Sinistron> more like a lonesome night in
[2008-09-11 10:05.17] <ಠ_ಠ> Most women ar elike that anyway
[2008-09-11 10:05.17] <Michael Helgeson> yea I like ho wpeople bitch about way of the warrior, when I can play it easily
[2008-09-11 10:05.33] <Sinistron> lol- mike I didn’t know you were daddy warbucks
[2008-09-11 10:05.42] <Michael Helgeson> racist and sexist
[2008-09-11 10:05.53] <Michael Helgeson> a dangerious combination
[2008-09-11 10:06.00] <guyjin> nintega to the mirror: "Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me. I’d fuck me hard. "
[2008-09-11 10:06.00] <Game and Watch Kirby> Sounds interesting. I would Need for Speed II on the PlayStation (it has a bunch of fun secret cars to control as, I’ve read).
[2008-09-11 10:06.11] <Mithos> the only thing about way of the warrior is that I don’t really care for the 3DO pad....
[2008-09-11 10:06.17] <ಠ_ಠ> If they had to pic between a nerd with money or a macho-type with money. They’ll pick the later.
[2008-09-11 10:06.25] <Sinistron> another stereotype! Nin youmight break the record here!
[2008-09-11 10:06.43] <Mithos> GaWK what type of games do you like to play?
[2008-09-11 10:07.39] <Michael Helgeson> if you build  agood arcade stick Way plays fine. You really need the buttons lined up well to pull off the multi button fatalities and moves
[2008-09-11 10:07.42] <Game and Watch Kirby> People don’t just go for money. They also like a good personality in someone, as well.
[2008-09-11 10:07.45] <Sinistron> chicks only wants money, white people don’t use chopsticks, it’s funny to see black guys eating fried chicken from a bucket, mike’s a cannibal hillbilly, gamers don’t get chicks, what else you got nin
[2008-09-11 10:07.50] <Michael Helgeson> and a standard pad wont work well for that
[2008-09-11 10:07.51] <ಠ_ಠ> Sorry did I hurt some of your feelings? Very Happy
[2008-09-11 10:08.19] <Michael Helgeson> but typically I can even play it fine ona revised FZ 1 pad or  aFZ 10 pad
[2008-09-11 10:09.03] <Mithos> I’ll look into building a joystick for the 3DO
[2008-09-11 10:09.18] <Sinistron> you’re not smart enough to really hurt anyone’s feelings here- but you’re a nauseating clown act who goes out of his way to try to offend
[2008-09-11 10:09.22] <Game and Watch Kirby> My two favorite genres of games are action/adventure (especially 3D and 2D platformers) and RPGs. I can enjoy playing any type of games, but my least favorites are sports and puzzles.
[2008-09-11 10:09.44] <ಠ_ಠ> Kirby. I have yet to witness that. I had gfs in the past that cheated on me. One because he has a car. Don’t tell me. You are 18.
[2008-09-11 10:09.52] <Sinistron> looks liek I’m the only one paying you mind still so Ill excuse myself and leave you to yourself nin
[2008-09-11 10:10.31] <Michael Helgeson> you envy macho types with money Nin? I hear there are plenty of macho type sin gay porn who have plenty of money. I bet they would love to get their hands on a plump little drag queen like yourself. Youd be a hot item I bet in that field
[2008-09-11 10:10.32] <Mithos> I like puzzle games but sports and non-cartoony/non-arcade racing games annoy me
[2008-09-11 10:10.34] <nectarsis> so sin..hows the wedding preerations going?
[2008-09-11 10:10.51] <Sinistron> what about action puzzles kirby?  regular puzzles are a bore but surely action puzzles are keepers- like bomberman
[2008-09-11 10:11.06] <Mithos> you know nin I’ve never had that problem man.....and I can’t drive right now
[2008-09-11 10:11.27] <ಠ_ಠ> dear god. I feel sorry for his wife...
[2008-09-11 10:11.37] <Mithos> Ah Kirby did you enjoy the Lufia series?
[2008-09-11 10:11.53] <guyjin> maybe they were driven off by your shitty personality?
[2008-09-11 10:12.10] <Sinistron> only nin has that problem cause its a hard knock life full of thugs and game robbing drug dealers in rough and tumble union city
[2008-09-11 10:12.11] <Game and Watch Kirby> 19, Nintega. I remember Black Tiger telling about this a few months ago. You’re right that people go for asthenics, but that doesn’t mean EVERYONE will avoid you unless you were a jerk.
[2008-09-11 10:12.23] <ಠ_ಠ> None of you know me in person.
[2008-09-11 10:12.24] <Michael Helgeson> pimp yourself out in gay porn Nin. Its  anew field for you,a new way to be infront of a camera. a new fan base awates you.
[2008-09-11 10:12.28] <Tatsujin> sie sorry aber ehm...
[2008-09-11 10:12.52] <Sinistron> with crime so out of control that it doesn’t even show up on the city by city crime charts
[2008-09-11 10:13.12] <Game and Watch Kirby> Oh, yea, "action puzzles" can be fun, and I really love Bomberman Very Happy. I’ve never played a Lufia game, so I can’t say.
[2008-09-11 10:13.15] <guyjin> while a person’s personality is different on the internet, it usually isn’t too far from their real one.
[2008-09-11 10:13.18] <Michael Helgeson> lol sini
[2008-09-11 10:13.35] <guyjin> if you pull this racist, sexist, judgemental shit with the ladies, no wonder you can’t keep one
[2008-09-11 10:13.47] <nectarsis> besides grandpa giggle, you’re a whole 5 years older than Game...yet she actually leaves her house so prob has a LOT more real world life experiences than you
[2008-09-11 10:13.55] <Mithos> oh you should play Lufia if you enjoy RPGs it’s really fun though I say stick to the two on the SNES for the best experience with the series
[2008-09-11 10:14.49] <Michael Helgeson> Lufia wasnt too bad,bu tthe puzzles got kinda boring
[2008-09-11 10:15.07] <ಠ_ಠ> you don’t know me nec.
[2008-09-11 10:15.22] <Mithos> Lufia 2 is the best in the series
[2008-09-11 10:15.36] <Michael Helgeson> at thi srate I dont think anyone wants to Nin
[2008-09-11 10:15.47] <Game and Watch Kirby> Okay, sure.
[2008-09-11 10:15.50] <Ninja Spirit> back. I got a love hate thing toward Lufia 2
[2008-09-11 10:15.59] <nectarsis> don’t want to...you actions here speak VOLUMES of your immaturity/studity
[2008-09-11 10:16.01] <Michael Helgeson> we know enough of you from here to know in person wed want to keep on walking past you in public
[2008-09-11 10:16.20] <Mithos> why’s that ninja?
[2008-09-11 10:16.23] <ಠ_ಠ> Because I’ll squash you like an insect mentally.
[2008-09-11 10:16.28] <nectarsis> and on that same vein YOU don’t know us
[2008-09-11 10:16.43] <Ninja Spirit> it’s the puzzles
[2008-09-11 10:16.46] <Michael Helgeson> your bad enough as it is Nin with your racist and sexist shit,and the self loathing is just annoying
[2008-09-11 10:16.57] <Sinistron> who wants to know you nin? who cares?
[2008-09-11 10:16.59] <nectarsis> BUWAHAHHAHAHAHAHA...*waits for the Crusjing to begin*
[2008-09-11 10:17.04] <Tatsujinhttp://de.youtube.com/watch?v=0qklhQJb6dA
[2008-09-11 10:17.26] <ಠ_ಠ> like your trolling?
[2008-09-11 10:17.30] <Sinistron> you squash us liek an insect mentally? LOL
[2008-09-11 10:17.36] <guyjin> tatsujin, what’s he saying in that video?
[2008-09-11 10:17.42] <Mithos> ah fair enough ninja.  The puzzles weren’t too bad but they kinda felt out of place.....
[2008-09-11 10:17.47] <Mithos> at times
[2008-09-11 10:18.03] <Michael Helgeson> btw I thought the site was going to be down,I mean,the impending clock of doom Nin set for us is ticking away
[2008-09-11 10:18.07] <Sinistron> yeah you’ve really showed us your intellectual prowess
[2008-09-11 10:18.17] <nectarsis> Nin the only thing you could possibly crush is a Twinkee, or HoHo into your mouth
[2008-09-11 10:18.25] <Ninja Spirit> I was about to say I was streaming last resort, but i guess it’s a bad time
[2008-09-11 10:18.26] <Michael Helgeson> what a let down
[2008-09-11 10:18.44] <Michael Helgeson> lol Nec, a fuckin HoHo
[2008-09-11 10:19.15] <Mithos> nec don’t insult hohos and twinkes like that man....they won’t be happy
[2008-09-11 10:19.22] <ಠ_ಠ> I don’t think you are all worth it (excluding Kirby and NS)
[2008-09-11 10:19.32] <Michael Helgeson> i like how Nin keeps insisting everyone else is trolling,yet its him who came upon our conversations
[2008-09-11 10:19.41] <nectarsis> sorry mithos..thats 2 of his 4 major food groups
[2008-09-11 10:19.50] <Michael Helgeson> who pushes himself upon this community
[2008-09-11 10:19.59] <Sinistron> I’m gonna go grab a smoke.  Fuck this harlequin
[2008-09-11 10:20.06] <Tatsujin> guy. i dunno really Laughing
[2008-09-11 10:20.23] <Tatsujin> gurone broten hei isch bregwursch
[2008-09-11 10:20.28] <Michael Helgeson> that clocks still tickin Nin,yet nuthins happened
[2008-09-11 10:20.30] <Mithos> nin if none of us are worth it why keep coming back?
[2008-09-11 10:20.48] <ಠ_ಠ> Get a nice larg hole on your throat bud! Very Happy
[2008-09-11 10:21.32] <ಠ_ಠ> Because I know I annoy easily. Mike and Sini needs to learn a lesson.
[2008-09-11 10:21.43] <Michael Helgeson> is that what happened to gramps Nin?
[2008-09-11 10:21.55] <ಠ_ಠ> Don’t fuck with Nintega.
[2008-09-11 10:22.36] <Michael Helgeson> Nin,your not annoying me. I actually enjoy this. Poking fun at you,exposing your faults,your many blunders,making you break down and cry,self examine,ect
[2008-09-11 10:23.01] <nectarsis> lol...that what the ladies say..don’t fuck Nintenga
[2008-09-11 10:23.01] <Michael Helgeson> its all a fav past time on shout for me
[2008-09-11 10:23.16] <Michael Helgeson> yea Nintega has the Hiv
[2008-09-11 10:23.31] <Michael Helgeson> from the drag nite outs
[2008-09-11 10:23.39] <guyjinRolling Eyes "don’t fuck with nintega" Laughing
[2008-09-11 10:23.54] <ಠ_ಠ> so you enjoy being a cannibal redneck troll.
[2008-09-11 10:24.31] <Michael Helgeson> I enjoy being whatever it is that scares you Nin
[2008-09-11 10:24.50] <Michael Helgeson> whatever words you feel describe it
[2008-09-11 10:25.03] <nectarsis> IU’m sure Mike would eat you Nin..but he doesn’t have that kinda time/appetite, and I’m sure he likes his meat uner 90% fat
[2008-09-11 10:25.27] <ಠ_ಠ> lol nerds hardly scare me.
[2008-09-11 10:25.32] <Michael Helgeson> doesnt bother me,the idea that I scare you, Im perfectly fine with that
[2008-09-11 10:25.42] <Game and Watch Kirby> Oh boy. This could go on and on for in the hours of the day (like it usually does) Razz.
[2008-09-11 10:26.04] <nectarsis> Nin you’re the biggest nerd/geek any of us know
[2008-09-11 10:26.22] <Tatsujin> what nintega means?
[2008-09-11 10:26.24] <nectarsis> no friends, no personality, no real life
[2008-09-11 10:26.28] <Michael Helgeson> I must Nin,you keep coming up with scary names for me. Usually only children do that when confronted with the boogeyman or the like
[2008-09-11 10:27.12] <Michael Helgeson> they make up scary names and apply them to the things or people they fear
[2008-09-11 10:27.29] <Michael Helgeson> its what your doing right now Nin
[2008-09-11 10:27.39] <guyjin> I think it’s a mashup of NINTendo and sEGA
[2008-09-11 10:27.55] <Michael Helgeson> and you do act like a child,when not in drag
[2008-09-11 10:27.56] <Game and Watch Kirby> Even bigger than Keranu? Well, maybe he’s more of a dork, but that would be impressive if he was.
[2008-09-11 10:28.06] <ಠ_ಠ> Thanks for describing some of the people besides me and others who go on here nec.
[2008-09-11 10:28.29] <guyjin> lame.
[2008-09-11 10:28.37] <Michael Helgeson> I think your split personalities are conflicting,and the one tahst the youngest, is the one that fears me the most.
[2008-09-11 10:29.15] <Mithos> Myspace Tom won’t even be nintega’s friend
[2008-09-11 10:29.18] <Game and Watch Kirby> His name is a combination of Nintendo and Sega. A derivative of that would be Segendo.
[2008-09-11 10:29.29] <Tatsujin> so i’m CAPNAMI
[2008-09-11 10:29.30] <ಠ_ಠ> So you are afraid of me! Very Happy
[2008-09-11 10:29.36] <ಠ_ಠ> LMAO
[2008-09-11 10:29.49] <Tatsujin> TAIPLAN
[2008-09-11 10:30.03] <ಠ_ಠ> That’s fucking rich. You better redeck.
[2008-09-11 10:30.07] <Tatsujin> KOPRESTO
[2008-09-11 10:30.09] <guyjin> ooh! how about Hudsnk?
[2008-09-11 10:30.25] <nectarsis> no ones afraid of Nin...except maybe the people working at an all you can eat buffet
[2008-09-11 10:30.26] <Tatsujin> HUDSONEC
[2008-09-11 10:30.59] <guyjin> Compirem!
[2008-09-11 10:31.08] <Tatsujin> KOCOM
[2008-09-11 10:31.30] <Tatsujin> SONBOX
[2008-09-11 10:31.33] <Michael Helgeson> i think you misread Nin,go back and read what I said again
[2008-09-11 10:31.47] <ಠ_ಠ> Damage control lol
[2008-09-11 10:31.48] <Game and Watch Kirby> Look at all the combination names Razz...
[2008-09-11 10:31.51] <Mithos> Toilets are afraid of nin
[2008-09-11 10:31.59] <Michael Helgeson> Thu 18:28] <Michael Helgeson> I think your split personalities are conflicting,and the one tahst the youngest, is the one that fears me the most.
[2008-09-11 10:32.43] <ಠ_ಠ> you lose Mike no bend over and let sini do the nasty to you Very Happy
[2008-09-11 10:32.57] <Michael Helgeson> nothing there states I have a secret fear of you. In some regards,I actually pity you,in the same way I sometimes pity  acrazy homeless person
[2008-09-11 10:33.04] <Tatsujin> (ಠಠ_)
[2008-09-11 10:33.18] <guyjin> Well, I have a job to go to, so see you guys later
[2008-09-11 10:33.37] <guyjin> Activimagic!
[2008-09-11 10:33.43] <ಠ_ಠ> Boith of you make a great couple since you are both so nerdy and bitter.
[2008-09-11 10:33.54] <nectarsis> ttyl guy Smile
[2008-09-11 10:33.55] <guyjin> Colecodyssey!
[2008-09-11 10:34.12] <Mithos> cya guy
[2008-09-11 10:34.29] <nectarsis> lets see, sin has a good job, a cool fiancee...shit those 2 beat you Ninny’
[2008-09-11 10:34.39] <ಠ_ಠ> I guarantee what you started today is because of my own foolishness int he past.
[2008-09-11 10:34.46] <Michael Helgeson> Really, you say that but last I checked it was going to great extents dressing in drag to complain
[2008-09-11 10:35.05] <nectarsis> and mike is a cool cat that takes good care of his kids, and has a life..also trumping you
[2008-09-11 10:35.07] <Michael Helgeson> to me thats pretty bitter,along with making promises this site will be ruined by you
[2008-09-11 10:35.52] <Sinistron> I’m so bitter.  Nintega really brings the bitterness out of me.  With all that he has going for him.
[2008-09-11 10:36.00] <ಠ_ಠ> I pity his kids then,
[2008-09-11 10:36.36] <Michael Helgeson> youve done nothing to me Nin to mak eme bitter about you. Infact liek I said,mostly you gave me  afew good laughs,at your expense
[2008-09-11 10:36.43] <ಠ_ಠ> What if they find out his dad harasses strangers online. Such an awesome role model.
[2008-09-11 10:36.55] <Mithos> Dude mike has a crap ton of games, a decent knowladgebase of computers, and kicks ass at shogo.....I don’t envy them at all
[2008-09-11 10:37.04] <Zeon> at it again huh nin?
[2008-09-11 10:37.12] <Mithos> *pity
[2008-09-11 10:37.16] <nectarsis> why cause his kids IQ far outranks yours?
[2008-09-11 10:37.23] <Sinistron> me and mike aren’t the ones who have drug dealers punk us out of our games, kids smack us around when we tell em we’re gamers, herpes sores on out chins, chicks that dump us for guys with cars, blinking fits and boobies make me cry shirts
[2008-09-11 10:37.29] <Mithos> douchebags don’t count man....
[2008-09-11 10:37.42] <Michael Helgeson> my kids already saw pics of you in drag. I showed them that thread so they could get  agood laugh Nin
[2008-09-11 10:38.12] <ಠ_ಠ> I can personally live without games. Women hate men that are into that anyway.
[2008-09-11 10:38.19] <Mithos> wait wait wait that wasn’t a joke?  He actually dressed up in drag?
[2008-09-11 10:38.28] <Mithos> not really nin
[2008-09-11 10:38.42] <ಠ_ಠ> Unlike you Mike, it is not a lifestyle to me, it is a HOBBY.
[2008-09-11 10:38.43] <Sinistron> he did indeed mithy
[2008-09-11 10:38.44] <Michael Helgeson> can you Nin,then set a goal. Burn all ur games,do it on video,post it on youtube
[2008-09-11 10:38.56] <Zeon> don’t waste your breath on him guys
[2008-09-11 10:39.01] <ಠ_ಠ> Therefore you are a DIVORCEE REDNECK NERD.
[2008-09-11 10:39.07] <Michael Helgeson> then in 3 months,post a video of you getting married,to a legit woman
[2008-09-11 10:39.09] <Zeon> hehas already proven he is just a closed minded as ever
[2008-09-11 10:39.25] <Sinistron> a hobby that you post 2,000 lubetube video blogs about eh? that’s some hobby.
[2008-09-11 10:39.27] <Michael Helgeson> yea Mithos,he really did dress in drag
[2008-09-11 10:39.47] <ಠ_ಠ> I bet your ex left you because you chose a game of Bonk over her needs LOLOLOLOOLOLOL
[2008-09-11 10:40.24] <Michael Helgeson> i left my ex back in Dec of 99
[2008-09-11 10:40.27] <Michael Helgeson> my choice
[2008-09-11 10:40.34] <Mithos> nin- do you wish you were an oscar myer weiner?
[2008-09-11 10:40.34] <Zeon> seriously does anything constructive ever come out of this troll? Anything?
[2008-09-11 10:40.41] <Michael Helgeson> I paid to get a divoce
[2008-09-11 10:40.46] <Mithos> that way people could actually like you?
[2008-09-11 10:40.54] <nectarsis> wow, so all of us "game nerds" that have have women are obviously better than you (and in so many other ways)
[2008-09-11 10:41.10] <Sinistron> nin that’s not really funny- I don’t mean because its a serious thing or anything- I mean you’re just not funny
[2008-09-11 10:41.16] <Michael Helgeson> its no tliek in Tv Nin where its always the women leaving. In real life the guy does indeed at times leave the ex
[2008-09-11 10:41.16] <nectarsis> btw hey Zeon Smile
[2008-09-11 10:41.27] <Michael Helgeson> you know,liek how your dad left when you were born
[2008-09-11 10:41.42] <Zeon> hey necI’ve been missing you man!
[2008-09-11 10:41.44] <Sinistron> MIKE LEFT HSI WIFE OVER BONK! HARHARHAR
[2008-09-11 10:42.07] <Michael Helgeson> we get goo dlaughs Zeon,thats about it
[2008-09-11 10:42.20] <Michael Helgeson> he did promise to bring down the PCEFX empire earlier
[2008-09-11 10:42.25] <Michael Helgeson> has yet to happen though
[2008-09-11 10:42.45] <Mithos> Nintega was spawned when a group of trolls decided to troll themselves all at once.....that place collapsed and absorbed all those trolls at once creating what we now know as Nintega aka the EPIC TROLL
[2008-09-11 10:42.52] <nectarsis> SIEG ZEON!!!
[2008-09-11 10:42.54] <Zeon> you still haven’t tired of beating on the dead horse for laughs?
[2008-09-11 10:43.03] <Zeon> Well I can’t say i don’t balme ya
[2008-09-11 10:43.05] <Tatsujin>  (ಠಠ o)
[2008-09-11 10:43.08] <Michael Helgeson> nope,never gets too boring
[2008-09-11 10:43.27] <Michael Helgeson> EPIC TROLL FAIL
[2008-09-11 10:43.31] <Zeon> yo nuts!
[2008-09-11 10:43.33] <Mithos> which is an oxymoron cause there’s nothing epic about him......
[2008-09-11 10:43.36] <Sinistron> nin lives in nightmare island- the rest of us live in the real word- nin has to peep out of curtains to see if thugs are roaming if he wants to go buy zwieback teething toast for his herpes lips at the corner store
[2008-09-11 10:44.16] <Mithos> it’s really sad when you fail at trolling......
[2008-09-11 10:44.22] <Michael Helgeson> its a hard knocks life
[2008-09-11 10:44.36] <Tatsujin> yo nöz Smile
[2008-09-11 10:44.45] <nectarsis> what doesn’t he fail at
[2008-09-11 10:44.50] <Zeon> have have ya been nuts?
[2008-09-11 10:44.57] <Zeon> failing?
[2008-09-11 10:44.59] <Sinistron> Blinky- if your plan is really to annoy me and mike- only thing you’ve achieved is to annoy everyone else here and to make yourself look like a major goon
[2008-09-11 10:45.08] <Zeon> or deos he fail at that too?
[2008-09-11 10:45.20] <Zeon> no wait then that would mean he suceeds
[2008-09-11 10:45.26] <Tatsujin> what does he not fail @
[2008-09-11 10:45.28] <Zeon> which he most obviously does not
[2008-09-11 10:45.29] <Mithoshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A my thoughts on nin
[2008-09-11 10:45.32] <Sinistron> and also you’re succeeding instead in assuring that you’ll get kicked off the site again
[2008-09-11 10:45.59] <Tatsujin> eikyuu feiru
[2008-09-11 10:47.00] <ಠ_ಠ> Goon? Someone is way to obsessed with Ys. Get air, read a fucking book.
[2008-09-11 10:47.26] <Michael Helgeson> lol mithos
[2008-09-11 10:47.49] <Sinistron> lol. Yeah- because I learned the word GOON from Y’s.  lol
[2008-09-11 10:47.50] <Tatsujin> Goon Ies
[2008-09-11 10:47.50] <nectarsis> LMAO mithos
[2008-09-11 10:47.51] <Zeon> Obsessed with Ys, who?
[2008-09-11 10:47.55] <Michael Helgeson> Ha thats funny coming from the guy who basically obsessed with getting the perfect deal on Ys
[2008-09-11 10:48.22] <Michael Helgeson> who ended up getting ripped off on it,and whined and bitched for days on end
[2008-09-11 10:48.25] <nectarsis> obsessed with Ys?? says theman that supposedly won Ys 3 for $60 yet still needs a copy??
[2008-09-11 10:48.28] <Sinistron> I didn’t realize that "goon" was an Ys creation.   Leave it to Blinky to school me.
[2008-09-11 10:49.04] <Tatsujin> Goon Ys
[2008-09-11 10:49.07] <Tatsujin> lol
[2008-09-11 10:49.23] <Tatsujin> TEH
[2008-09-11 10:50.07] <Mithos> Stop sin you won’t get a copy of super darius II from nintega if you continue!!!!
[2008-09-11 10:50.19] <nectarsis> I prefer the Goohn from Gundam Seed personally
[2008-09-11 10:50.40] <Tatsujin> super darius II srinks
[2008-09-11 10:51.04] <Sinistron> like I want his diseased trash anyway- probably touch it and break out in sores
[2008-09-11 10:51.16] <ಠ_ಠ> Good thing I beat him to it. I bet that is the real reason he is been such an ass. LMAO
[2008-09-11 10:51.16] <Mithos> You know I actually think Lacus and Meer from SEED Destiny are more fun then nintega.....at least they have boobs
[2008-09-11 10:51.45] <Michael Helgeson> classic
[2008-09-11 10:51.47] <Michael Helgeson?topic=4479.msg92439#msg92439
[2008-09-11 10:51.50] <nectarsis> so does Nin
[2008-09-11 10:52.22] <Mithos> troll boobs don’t count Laughing
[2008-09-11 10:52.26] <Zeon> It’s amazing how much someone can fail at trolling! I mean nin is failing pretty hard at accomplishing the simpilest of troll tasks: to annoy everyone
[2008-09-11 10:52.42] <Zeon> Insetad we have the opposite happening
[2008-09-11 10:52.58] <Zeon> the "troll" just gives us fodder for our amusement
[2008-09-11 10:53.01] <ಠ_ಠ> I don’t look like that anymore.
[2008-09-11 10:53.16] <Zeon> amazing! I didn’t think that was scientifically possible!
[2008-09-11 10:53.21] <Tatsujin> damn sapphire BGM stage 3 @ 2:14 is such TEH great..damn damn damn
[2008-09-11 10:53.33] <ಠ_ಠ> I look better than all of you now Very Happy
[2008-09-11 10:53.39] <Michael Helgeson?topic=4479.msg90542#msg90542
[2008-09-11 10:53.43] <nectarsis> oh finally finished the sexchange/liposuction eh?
[2008-09-11 10:53.49] <Sinistron> what- like a guy in drag?
[2008-09-11 10:53.54] <Mithos> we don’t look like gay hookers man.....sorry.......
[2008-09-11 10:54.11] <Michael Helgeson> dont fool yourself Nin, makeup doesnt work that well
[2008-09-11 10:54.18] <Sinistron> lol nin.  Casanova Rudd now eh?  Real ladies man.  
[2008-09-11 10:54.40] <nectarsis> wait guys..I figured out Nins real isse
[2008-09-11 10:54.42] <ಠ_ಠ> I would send some of you in a stretcher now that is for sure.
[2008-09-11 10:54.42] <nectarsis> issue
[2008-09-11 10:54.42] <Mithos> listen nin it’s ok if you want to look like that for your signifigent other in the pen.  We won’t judge you
[2008-09-11 10:55.14] <Tatsujin> take mz last somek before bed
[2008-09-11 10:55.14] <Mithos> from laugher nin?  I mean that’s possible I almost did it to zeon
[2008-09-11 10:55.17] <Michael Helgeson> real ladies man,or a real mans lady, Nin cant decide
[2008-09-11 10:55.22] <nectarsis> all his pics he looks like he hasn’t shit in a year...constant constipation has made him overly whiney
[2008-09-11 10:55.29] <ಠ_ಠ> I should thank you creeps for motivating me to workout so I can cripple dumbass like yourselfs.
[2008-09-11 10:56.10] <MissaFX> what happened to the shoutbox since i left?  0_o
[2008-09-11 10:56.11] <Sinistron> LOL.  yeah.  The actual GOON I had in mind when I called nin a goon was Alice the Goon from the Popeye cartoons- because you can’t tell if it’s male or female
[2008-09-11 10:56.14] <drdre> sup guys
[2008-09-11 10:56.17] <Michael Helgeson> internet tough ehh
[2008-09-11 10:56.23] <nectarsis> yea the last 2-3 months...you became an instant monter...LMAO
[2008-09-11 10:56.24] <Michael Helgeson> a tough queen
[2008-09-11 10:56.30] <Sinistron> please come cripple me nin.
[2008-09-11 10:56.40] <ಠ_ಠ> Women want someone with money who can kick the living shit out of lowlives.
[2008-09-11 10:56.41] <Sinistron> I’ll pay you.
[2008-09-11 10:56.41] <Zeon> so... you’re gonna work out, get buff, and cipple dumbasses?
[2008-09-11 10:56.58] <Zeon> so you want to beat your own ass into the ground, awesome!
[2008-09-11 10:56.58] <Mithos> hey missa welcome to battlefieldbox
[2008-09-11 10:57.03] <nectarsis> and even if you were buff *snickers8 doesn’t mean shit if you can’t fight Twinkee boy
[2008-09-11 10:57.13] <Mithos> oh here’s nintega after he comes to "cripple" us http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9rmeLR7sRI
[2008-09-11 10:57.31] <nectarsis> hey missa, Dr Smile
[2008-09-11 10:57.36] <Sinistron> let’s all listen- because as Nin has proven so much in the past- he’s the go to guy on "what women want"
[2008-09-11 10:57.45] <Mithos> hello drdre
[2008-09-11 10:58.19] <ಠ_ಠ> Missa go to another forum. This is now asshole central.
[2008-09-11 10:58.20] <MissaFX> if you want to train yourself to be any kind of vigilante, ever consider training yourself up so that you could stop people from assaultin people, rather than to use it to assault people?
[2008-09-11 10:58.27] <bust3dstr8> I love moving...it forces you to face down all the shit you have piled up
[2008-09-11 10:58.42] <Tatsujin> yo drdrerrere Smile
[2008-09-11 10:58.48] <Mithos> oh please nintega missa knows better
[2008-09-11 10:58.52] <MissaFX> I am not going to be on long since I am still at home using the cell internet
[2008-09-11 10:59.07] <Tatsujin> teh ms. missa Smile
[2008-09-11 10:59.07] <nectarsis> hey hey bust Smile
[2008-09-11 10:59.11] <drdre> damn...did I step in at a bad time?
[2008-09-11 10:59.11] <MissaFX> even if you guys were playing a game right now and there were RL game prizes
[2008-09-11 10:59.14] <Mithos> hey busted
[2008-09-11 10:59.15] <MissaFX> I wouldn’t be sticking around long
[2008-09-11 10:59.27] <Sinistron> why not move all that shit into nintega’s throat busted- he love sto eat shit- he’s been eating it here all day
[2008-09-11 10:59.39] <Mithos> oh no dre you came in at a good time to play "toss the fail troll around"
[2008-09-11 10:59.44] <MissaFX> nin, I got hosed this month by a spyware which downloaded a 28 meg file to my machine over and over
[2008-09-11 10:59.48] <Mithos> last person standing after they get Super herpes wins
[2008-09-11 10:59.52] <MissaFX> it uses up 3GB of my 5GB monthly bandwith
[2008-09-11 11:00.05] <ಠ_ಠ> <MissaFX> if you want to train yourself to be any kind of vigilante, ever consider training yourself up so that you could stop people from assaultin people, rather than to use it to assault people?....WTF?
[2008-09-11 11:00.08] <MissaFX> so I am kinda not on the internet right now, even though I pop in from time to time
[2008-09-11 11:00.12] <bust3dstr8> Anyone want some free PC stuff.......games, controllers
[2008-09-11 11:00.24] <Tatsujin> missa is teh queen of basted^^
[2008-09-11 11:00.26] <bust3dstr8> I think some of the games are still new Smile
[2008-09-11 11:00.32] <Sinistron> lol mithy
[2008-09-11 11:00.33] <Mithos> oh missa
[2008-09-11 11:00.41] <Mithos> they’re sending amg back to you
[2008-09-11 11:00.43] <MissaFX> you said you were being motivated to train to go after people like the kind of people you find here
[2008-09-11 11:00.45] <Mithos> check the tracking
[2008-09-11 11:00.49] <Zeon> what stuff nusted?
[2008-09-11 11:00.53] <Zeon> *busted
[2008-09-11 11:01.07] <MissaFX> and I was saying, if you are going through all the hassle, you might as well become a crime fighting vigilante
[2008-09-11 11:01.13] <Michael Helgeson> pocket hulk lol
[2008-09-11 11:01.15] <MissaFX> cool mithos
[2008-09-11 11:01.19] <Michael Helgeson> i remember that skit
[2008-09-11 11:01.20] <MissaFX> I will be looking for it
[2008-09-11 11:01.20] <Sinistron> nin- missa’s post had to do with compassion and goodwill- concepts that are obviously over your head
[2008-09-11 11:01.26] <bust3dstr8> Some old windows games, flight stick, serial pad i think
[2008-09-11 11:01.28] <Tatsujin> nusted..lol
[2008-09-11 11:01.34] <Mithos> so hopefully I can get it soon Razz
[2008-09-11 11:01.52] <Zeon> mithos might want them
[2008-09-11 11:01.58] <Tatsujin> aren’t we all a lil’bit nusted?
[2008-09-11 11:02.05] <Sinistron> that’s  agood name for nin mike- pocket hulk
[2008-09-11 11:02.06] <MissaFX> you’re just not used to people talking like I do I think
[2008-09-11 11:02.32] <Mithos> busted you have some pc games?
[2008-09-11 11:02.39] <Mithos> for sale?
[2008-09-11 11:03.05] <ಠ_ಠ> Where are you from Missa?
[2008-09-11 11:03.22] <MissaFX> I believe that everyone who is able, should treat training their body, just like they do when they train playing a video game
[2008-09-11 11:03.31] <MissaFX> I am from rural oregon nin
[2008-09-11 11:03.33] <Sinistron> nin she might as well be from the moon as far as you’re concerned
[2008-09-11 11:03.36] <Mithos> Missa is a citizen of happy funtime land
[2008-09-11 11:03.41] <bust3dstr8> I see some tomb raiders, a new myst....a huge fekkin flight stick...some guides
[2008-09-11 11:03.56] <ಠ_ಠ> No wonder
[2008-09-11 11:04.02] <MissaFX> where I am from, everyone waves to you as you drive past their properties
[2008-09-11 11:04.11] <MissaFX> it is very friendly...as long as you are
[2008-09-11 11:04.15] <MissaFX> "one of us"
[2008-09-11 11:04.19] <Mithos> hmm...I might want those from ya if you’re willing to sell em in a lot at a decent price
[2008-09-11 11:04.40] <MissaFX> the area is "clannish" in some respects, outsiders are not all that well liked
[2008-09-11 11:04.57] <ಠ_ಠ> Probably way better than where I am from and Arkansas.
[2008-09-11 11:04.59] <Zeon> mithos,busted said "free pc stuff"
[2008-09-11 11:05.03] <bust3dstr8> I am gonna move some stuff today, so if no1 wants this stuff it is getting trashed
[2008-09-11 11:05.04] <Sinistron> sorry to hear about the asthma machine missa
[2008-09-11 11:05.04] <Mithos> The difference between missa and you nintega is missa is actually kind hearted and nice......and you’re a douchebag
[2008-09-11 11:05.09] <Mithos> oh
[2008-09-11 11:05.11] <Sinistron> wish I could help you there
[2008-09-11 11:05.11] <Zeon> so i am assuming pay shipping?
[2008-09-11 11:05.13] <nectarsis> [Thu 13:03] <ಠ_ಠ> No wonder..yep cause Jerseys such a GREAT place
[2008-09-11 11:05.14] <Mithos> I’d take em busted
[2008-09-11 11:05.17] <bust3dstr8> How bout Free...that work?
[2008-09-11 11:05.25] <MissaFX> but I treat everyone here, even you nintega as I would someone who was "in" here where I live
[2008-09-11 11:05.31] <Tatsujin> pce stuff for free
[2008-09-11 11:05.32] <ಠ_ಠ> Scratch that. Mike would be at home there.
[2008-09-11 11:05.40] <bust3dstr8> just pay teh ship
[2008-09-11 11:05.55] <drdre> i always wanted to visit oregon
[2008-09-11 11:05.57] <Mithos> cool
[2008-09-11 11:05.57] <nectarsis> hey Missa...are you looking for a nebulaizer?
[2008-09-11 11:06.00] <Mithos> I’d do that man
[2008-09-11 11:06.03] <bust3dstr8> Keep dream Whacksujin
[2008-09-11 11:06.06] <drdre> i thought about going to school there too
[2008-09-11 11:06.17] <ಠ_ಠ> Mithos I am only a "douchbag" to actual douchbags.
[2008-09-11 11:06.21] <Tatsujin> hey drdre
[2008-09-11 11:06.21] <Zeon> i’ll be back on later guys
[2008-09-11 11:06.25] <MissaFX> I think nintega though has been around too many douchebags, not that he is one himself
[2008-09-11 11:06.26] <bust3dstr8> OK lemme dig out day box ’o’ crap
[2008-09-11 11:06.30] <Mithos> busted send me a pm with shipping costs and I’ll send it via paypal
[2008-09-11 11:06.32] <Michael Helgeson> I think Nins super hero vigilante name could be "The Killer Tranny"
[2008-09-11 11:06.34] <Tatsujin> oregano..i like it teh much
[2008-09-11 11:06.45] <MissaFX> yes I am nec
[2008-09-11 11:06.48] <nectarsis> cya zeon
[2008-09-11 11:06.52] <Michael Helgeson> he could right wrongs on the red light district
[2008-09-11 11:06.57] <drdre> sup tat
[2008-09-11 11:07.00] <MissaFX> mine literally gave out some smoke this morning
[2008-09-11 11:07.01] <Mithos> oh really nintega
[2008-09-11 11:07.08] <MissaFX> and it blew the breaker
[2008-09-11 11:07.20] <nectarsis> let me check..I think we may have 2 of em missa
[2008-09-11 11:07.22] <Sinistron> anyway nin- how’s it feel to be on the cusp of getting kicked off again?  wheels are already in motion
[2008-09-11 11:08.18] <Sinistron> how’s it feel to get a door slammed in your herpes sore infected face
[2008-09-11 11:08.23] <Mithos> nin- if we polled everybody on here to see which one of us was the douchebag I’m sure you’d win.......by a lot
[2008-09-11 11:08.43] <ಠ_ಠ> I’ll be back
[2008-09-11 11:08.46] <Sinistron> you get barred and we keep the laughs
[2008-09-11 11:08.56] <Mithos> hell I think I might get a few joke votes but yeah........
[2008-09-11 11:08.56] <Tatsujinhttp://impbautest.ch/news/upload/nuc_volg.JPG
[2008-09-11 11:09.04] <ಠ_ಠ> Because Mike and Sin say so?
[2008-09-11 11:09.24] <nectarsis> don’t hurry
[2008-09-11 11:09.24] <MissaFX> I think it is also harder for you nintega, to take what I say to you at face value, since some others here poke at you a little back and forth as you spar with them
[2008-09-11 11:09.37] <ಠ_ಠ> The so-called "nicest" people on the site?
[2008-09-11 11:09.42] <nectarsis> your actions say so asshat
[2008-09-11 11:09.45] <Sinistron> remember the last time I predicted you were getting the boot nin?  hammer dropped right after I said so.  Call me the amazing creskin
[2008-09-11 11:10.04] <MissaFX> I drop into the mix, with my usual friendliness and unless you seperate people really well in your mind, it would be very hard to not read something into some of my lines
[2008-09-11 11:10.15] <bust3dstr8> looks like 3 tomb raiders, G-nome, Riven, a New Myst, some huge flight stick with power feedback, a game pad, and guides for the games
[2008-09-11 11:10.29] <Mithos> Nintega I don’t mean to sound rude here but you’re the only one here who’s truely managed to be an asshole
[2008-09-11 11:10.38] <Sinistron> no missa you’re giving him too much credit
[2008-09-11 11:10.48] <Mithos> nice busted
[2008-09-11 11:11.08] <Mithos> Missa this all started with nintega’s racists jokes........
[2008-09-11 11:11.13] <MissaFX> nintego, play any good games lately?
[2008-09-11 11:11.15] <ಠ_ಠ> I don’t understand what riddle Missa said...
[2008-09-11 11:11.24] <MissaFX> I was on when he logged in earlier
[2008-09-11 11:11.29] <bust3dstr8> Almost everything is boxed, so it is pretty bulky
[2008-09-11 11:11.31] <MissaFX> I know the backstory mithos
[2008-09-11 11:11.31] <Mithos> and then he went on his tirade about mike and sin......
[2008-09-11 11:11.35] <Mithos> ah ok
[2008-09-11 11:11.47] <ಠ_ಠ> Playing Manjmaru.
[2008-09-11 11:12.21] <Sinistron> missa- nintega was on shout yesterday - and out of nowhere he says how you have to admit how funny it is so see a real stereotype- that it’s funny when you see a black man eating a bucket of fried chicken
[2008-09-11 11:12.30] <bust3dstr8> Might be worthwhile if you dont want to ship all the boxes
[2008-09-11 11:12.37] <nectarsis> but that gamedoesn’t exist as the PCE has no rpg’s
[2008-09-11 11:12.40] <MissaFX> I’m stuck in Last Imperial Prince, I think because of my bad laser in the FX Sad
[2008-09-11 11:12.50] <MissaFX> I know sin
[2008-09-11 11:12.52] <drdre> no one asked, but i’m getting Alien Soldier from sensei....it’s gonna be the shit
[2008-09-11 11:13.05] <nectarsis> and who plays rpgs in a language they don’t understand?
[2008-09-11 11:13.09] <bust3dstr8> I could probally fit everything except that flight stick in a Large Flat Rate for $14
[2008-09-11 11:13.14] <Sinistron> today he managed to say that women are hollow- only into money and tough guys, that puerto ricans are thugs- that mike’s a cannibal hillbilly, etc.
[2008-09-11 11:13.18] <Mithos> busted I’m fine with everything boxed
[2008-09-11 11:13.35] <drdre> one of those games i’ve wanted for years, but never got around to finding
[2008-09-11 11:14.05] <MissaFX> nintega, am I right or wrong, did you log into the shoutbox because you do actually want to talk to some of the people here and you are trying to socialize?
[2008-09-11 11:14.10] <ಠ_ಠ> Sad that you think that Sin. Tsk Tsk
[2008-09-11 11:14.19] <bust3dstr8> heh....the flight stick has to be 3 pounds by itself Razz
[2008-09-11 11:14.20] <nectarsis> nice Dr....cool to get a game you’ve wanted for a long time
[2008-09-11 11:14.29] <Tatsujinhttp://i38.tinypic.com/k32gbp.gif
[2008-09-11 11:14.35] <ಠ_ಠ> Yeah. Mike and Sin ruin everything.
[2008-09-11 11:15.03] <Mithos> lol
[2008-09-11 11:15.03] <ಠ_ಠ> The reason I had to change my screen name
[2008-09-11 11:15.04] <MissaFX> do you have any personal stratigies to avoid getting drawn into a conversation you do not want to be a part of?
[2008-09-11 11:15.15] <Sinistron> sad that I think what?  and what did we ruin?  Your ethnic joke hour?
[2008-09-11 11:15.18] <ಠ_ಠ> They are so fucking vindictive.
[2008-09-11 11:15.26] <nectarsis> changing your screen name means nothing
[2008-09-11 11:15.34] <Sinistron> aside from you threatening the pcenginefx site again
[2008-09-11 11:16.14] <ಠ_ಠ> Yea. Making the suspect’s life miserable.
[2008-09-11 11:16.17] <Sinistron> the reason you had to change your screen name???? LOL.  first thing he says on shout- hey guys- it’s me - nintega.
[2008-09-11 11:16.57] <bust3dstr8> Mithos we are probally looking at $30-40 for Parcel Post
[2008-09-11 11:17.02] <Sinistron> look at me and my annoying screen name. it’s me- nintega.
[2008-09-11 11:17.10] <MissaFX> Maybe when you come here, you could try again to focus your talking subjectsto games...and hopefully that won’t get out of hand
[2008-09-11 11:17.19] <MissaFX> a lot of the people here have strong opinions
[2008-09-11 11:17.20] <ಠ_ಠ> I though you would get over what happened 3 mos ago. Oh boy I was wrong.
[2008-09-11 11:17.43] <Sinistron> me mike and ceti are on- hey guys its me nintega.  now we’re supposed to believe you’re trying to hide from us?
[2008-09-11 11:18.03] <Sinistron> nin if you recall I didn’t lash out at you when you returned.
[2008-09-11 11:18.05] <ಠ_ಠ> I trusted you
[2008-09-11 11:18.09] <MissaFX> and for the most regular members to talk to some of the other most regular members about some of the subjects you bring up.  It would probably cause some fights
[2008-09-11 11:18.18] <Sinistron> it’s when you start acting like a moron
[2008-09-11 11:18.20] <Mithos> O_O busted how much via ups?
[2008-09-11 11:18.26] <MissaFX> there’s stuff we generally don’t talk about, but there are no written rules
[2008-09-11 11:18.39] <ಠ_ಠ> Yeah after I talked about what I saw yesterday,
[2008-09-11 11:18.45] <drdre> what happened three months ago?
[2008-09-11 11:19.27] <ಠ_ಠ> I ticked off Nat because I wanted to know if my modded Duo was done. Then Sini and Mike started trouble.
[2008-09-11 11:19.47] <Sinistron> exactly nin.  How many fucking times did I tell you about your stereotypes and assumptions?  You don’t listen to a single word.  Just more of the same.
[2008-09-11 11:19.53] <MissaFX> oh crap, I was just on a lot longer that I intended.  Gotta plug the money leak.  take care guys
[2008-09-11 11:20.19] <nectarsis> Nin..it would be different if you would ever change...yet you act the same as you did before your ban...SSDD
[2008-09-11 11:20.24] <Mithos> drdre basically nintega starts off really nice and then degrades into a troll over time.....this isn’t the first time this has happened
[2008-09-11 11:20.26] <Mithos> cya missa
[2008-09-11 11:20.27] <bust3dstr8> my bad, that is for Priority, I got a quote of $14 for Parcel Post for a 9 Pound Box
[2008-09-11 11:20.33] <Sinistron> I gave you so many chances- so many times I tried to be civil with you
[2008-09-11 11:20.38] <ಠ_ಠ> Back at you sin. You and Mike are intisgators.
[2008-09-11 11:20.40] <nectarsis> CYA missa
[2008-09-11 11:20.50] <Mithos> I mean it’s not like we’re not willing to talk to him normally but he just happens.......
[2008-09-11 11:21.09] <ಠ_ಠ> There was no need for Mike to tell NS what I said yesterday.
[2008-09-11 11:21.09] <ceti alpha> ack.
[2008-09-11 11:21.10] <Mithos> ok busted that sounds cool
[2008-09-11 11:21.15] <Mithos> hey ceti
[2008-09-11 11:21.17] <ceti alpha> timing out on me constantly lol
[2008-09-11 11:21.21] <Mithos> we’re still at it
[2008-09-11 11:21.22] <ceti alpha> that’s better ^^
[2008-09-11 11:21.28] <ceti alpha> haha yeah.
[2008-09-11 11:21.57] <Sinistron> if that’s so nin- then how come you’re the only one to call me an instigator?  Instigator’s aren’t biased- they’re full service
[2008-09-11 11:21.58] <nectarsis> well if you don’t want things told to people...DON'T SAY IT
[2008-09-11 11:22.07] <ceti alpha> jesus h christ nin
[2008-09-11 11:22.15] <nectarsis> afraid Ninja will figure out your actaully a racist?
[2008-09-11 11:22.45] <nectarsis> only personj you seem to be afraid of knowing what you said
[2008-09-11 11:22.46] <Mithos> Ninja didn’t really mind either he just left to go play some games so that he wouldn’t get cought up in this crap
[2008-09-11 11:22.56] <ಠ_ಠ> that is it I am closing my account. You guys are miserable
[2008-09-11 11:22.58] <nectarsis> welcome back ceti Smile
[2008-09-11 11:23.14] <nectarsis> promises, promises
[2008-09-11 11:23.15] <ceti alpha> if you are a racist, then you should at least have the balls to stand behind what you say
[2008-09-11 11:23.29] <Mithos> which I can sympathize with ninja..........most black people (and I say this from personal experience) aren’t the ones who bother with small crap
[2008-09-11 11:23.32] <ಠ_ಠ> I don’t want to sink to your levels. Good day.
[2008-09-11 11:23.37] <bust3dstr8> hmm there is something about box size after you hit 18in on H or W you get a surcharge
[2008-09-11 11:23.47] <Michael Helgeson> Aww dont leave Nin,we need you around to make us laugh
[2008-09-11 11:23.53] <Mithos> like the over reactions you see on tv
[2008-09-11 11:24.28] <Sinistron> has nothing to do with ninja being black about him not wanting to have to do with it- he’s here to talk about games- nin’s here to be offensive and stupid
[2008-09-11 11:24.33] <ceti alpha> lol
[2008-09-11 11:24.49] <Sinistron> sink to our levels? LOLL
[2008-09-11 11:24.49] <ceti alpha> agreed.
[2008-09-11 11:24.53] <ceti alpha> lol