Updated 11/15/12: Got Legend of Hero Tonma card!!! (but not manual...)
I'm getting suuuuuper close to completing my US TG16 TurboChip collection. I'm looking for the following games. I don't collect cardboard boxes, just card, manual, and jewel case (I have plenty of spare card sleeves already.).
Legend of Hero Tonma. Got card--need manual only!
Magical Chase
Top post updated. Got 5 more games. Only 13 US TG16 releases remaining for me to get a complete set.
I'm also looking for 2 empty US TG16 TurboChip cases--all I really need is the black case with the rectangular frame to hold the card. A couple of my US card games are in plain old jewel cases at the moment.
Top post updated. Got more games. Only a few US TG16 releases remain for me to get a complete set.
PS--and thanks to Sparky for his hoopy repro spine stickers!
Bump--got some more games (and realized that my list omitted a few). Almost there! See top post.
Falcon did not come with a jewel case. Just box/card/manual. :(
Falcon!?!? Wow, I seem to need to practice my copying & pasting. That was the old list--I've since updated the top post. I already got Falcon (twice, even, by accident...).
Bump! Down to the final five!
Bump! Need only 3.5 more games--see top post!
I've got a Soldier Blade (no manual) that I would unwillingly let go if you had a trade offer. What do you have in duplicate?
Hi FQ-
Thanks. I've found a $40 SB card locally on Craigslist, but I just can't find the time to drive a bit to meet the fellow. If I end up not meeting up with him, I'll get in touch w/ you.
As far as trades go, I have no TG dupes at the moment, except for a handful of spare common cases, many with beat-up spine labels.
Bump! Got Solider Blade this weekend at CGE!
Down to 2.5 games remaining to complete my US TG16 TurboChip collection.
Please see top post.
Damn Jason, on a roll dude. Good luck. Once you get the complete collection, you must post a pic man. Will look awesome!
Good luck on completing this set!
Bump! Top post updated. Only 2 more to go...and those 2 are doozies... :\
Quote from: jasonbar on 10/13/2012, 01:07 AMBump! Top post updated. Only 2 more to go...and those 2 are doozies... :\
Congrats man! After snagging the 3.0 card from syphic, I'm down to only needing these magical two hu cards as well. I still need a few manuals though (see signature). Good luck to you!
Bump! Picked up Legend of Hero Tonma today! =D
But it's card only...no manual... =[
1.5 games left! Still looking!
Sorry, Alexsduo has dibs.
Not a game, but technically a US TG16 card release: I picked up a Super System Card 3.0 today.
Still looking for:
Legend of Hero Tonma manual
Magical Chase card & manual
Once again, picked up a not-quite-game for collection purposes: US System Card 2.0.
Still looking for Magical Chase & manual for Tonma! :]
So jealous! Good work, sir!