Anyone going to be at Origins in a week and a half? It's a convention for tabletop games. It used to be the second biggest RPG convention after GenCon, but they've opened up the scope quite a bit.
Im probably going to drive down for the Saturday part to look for Confrontation and Cyberpunk stuff
It's really retarded that they pushed it back into May.
Last year, it blew. The attendance was like, 1/3 what it usually is.
Did they move it so it didn't have to compete being so close to GENCON?
This is a con I've always been super interested in checking out. I love gaming conventions, and would like to go to more. This year, however, it's unlikely that I'll be able to attend a whole lot. :(
Next year maybe?
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 05/21/2012, 03:02 PMDid they move it so it didn't have to compete being so close to GENCON?
This is a con I've always been super interested in checking out. I love gaming conventions, and would like to go to more. This year, however, it's unlikely that I'll be able to attend a whole lot. :(
Next year maybe?
Nah, GenCon is in like August. I forget why they moved it back.
I asked, was told why, and then I forgot, lol.
Ill try to find out again. My one friend is usually running a booth there. He knows all kinds of shit.
Well, one reason I've heard is to get it further away from the July 4th weekend.
I'll probably be there the whole con. I have some friends I see just about every year, and there's nothing like geeking out over board games and crazy dice.
I havent been to Origins in AGES.... I was probably 12 the last time I went hehe. I should hit one up again. Maybe find some 18XX rail games to play in :twisted: