So when can I sign up for a raffle to win one of those!? :P
CHINA WARRIOR OMG!! What a great game! Oh yeah that blue thing next it is pretty cool too, what is it a snow scraper?
Wow, it's missing the hump! All the cool cards have humps... No hump = FAIL... :P
But seriously, looking good. Nice choice of color too, can we pick and choose our card color? If so, sign me up for pink. :wink:
no, I picked blue to match Atlantean's underwaterness
So fucking amazing!!!!
And back the fuck up my brother, did you say Atlantean?!
is that a pcb with epoxy fill backing?
thats what i was thinking would be perfect
Lookin' good!
Quote from: thesteve on 06/29/2012, 12:15 AMis that a pcb with epoxy fill backing?
thats what i was thinking would be perfect
No, that's actual plastic.
and yeah Samurai Ghost. Atlantean, on the AbCard.
It'll be tits.
Am I the only one who can't see an actual card?
Quote from: soop on 06/29/2012, 10:10 AMAm I the only one who can't see an actual card?
Probably. Do you see any of the pictures? It's the circuit board next to the China Warrior.
sexy sexy sexy
I can't see it and I need to. I checked the page source, and it seems I can't get to it :S
*edit* used my phone. That looks sick. You gonna print on it?
Yeah. We can etch similar to the protocards, and do it so they are colored
I would love to bust out some sweet labels, but stickers will wear out over time. :-/
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 06/29/2012, 11:37 AMI would love to bust out some sweet labels, but stickers will wear out over time. :-/
Only if abused. My Arcade Card Duo is almost able to vote and its sticker looks fine.
heck, even NES cart labels survived.
So, maybe that will work just fine.
Have to make sure it's some damn fine adhesive. None of that hippy shit.
Good adhesive and a good finish over whatever artwork you put onto it. Labels in "reproduction" carts can hold up well if you put some kind of laminate or other finish on top of your label artwork.
Need more tissues....
Maybe have labels printed as the type of durable sticker that people put on stuff like snowboards, which are stuper sticky and made to withstand the elements?
That looks awesome. Great work over there, definitely the most exciting homebrew project on any system right now.
Ironic that is the same lotion i use, makes your penis taste fine for the ladies.
TMI clash
It is a little hard to tell from the pictures, but are you sanding/rounding the area of the card below the contacts?
If you leave it square, it's going to wear the slot.
Tail, Considering the guy can make a Hucard to begin with, i'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing.
Quoteare you sanding/rounding the area of the card below the contacts?
If you leave it square, it's going to wear the slot.
Not exactly sure where you are talking about, but...
The current version is for testing. So, no, not much is sanded that doesn't have to be.
Final production versions will have rounded corners. And, if I understand correctly....
In a side-view profile, the edge where the contacts are will be beveled at ~45 degree angle.
These two steps are necessary for the card to seat correctly.
Depending on how long it takes to do it, we may go ahead and knock off all the square edges around the entire board.
Quote from: HercTNT on 07/01/2012, 10:57 AMTail, Considering the guy can make a Hucard to begin with, i'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing.
I ruined a few sockets since I didn't do this on my early Lynx test cards, which is why I asked.
Quote from: TheOldMan on 07/01/2012, 11:39 AMNot exactly sure where you are talking about, but...
The current version is for testing. So, no, not much is sanded that doesn't have to be.
Final production versions will have rounded corners. And, if I understand correctly....
In a side-view profile, the edge where the contacts are will be beveled at ~45 degree angle.
These two steps are necessary for the card to seat correctly.
Yeah, that's exactly what I was wondering about. Thanks.
Yeah. A handful of people asked the same thing about stressing the connector out at the CCAG, and I told them the same thing.
At least people are concerned about the safety of their consoles. :)
Yeah man, late to the party again, but this is awesome. Loving the stuff you are coming up with Ark. I can't wait for these to be mass produced so we can all put candles around them and OBEY!!!!
very nice work :@)
Quote from: T2KFreeker on 07/01/2012, 10:26 PMYeah man, late to the party again, but this is awesome. Loving the stuff you are coming up with Ark. I can't wait for these to be mass produced so we can all put candles around them and OBEY!!!!
Keep in mind, it's not just me doing this card stuff. The credit belongs to OldMan, and his MacGyver shenanigans that resulted in this stuff.
Three cheers for The Old Man! Hip, hip, OBEY! Hip, hip, OBEY! Hip, hip, OBEY! :mrgreen:
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 07/02/2012, 05:35 PMQuote from: T2KFreeker on 07/01/2012, 10:26 PMYeah man, late to the party again, but this is awesome. Loving the stuff you are coming up with Ark. I can't wait for these to be mass produced so we can all put candles around them and OBEY!!!!
Keep in mind, it's not just me doing this card stuff. The credit belongs to OldMan, and his MacGyver shenanigans that resulted in this stuff.
Awesome. Glad you are giving credit where it is due. Rare these days, sadly. You go Old Man!
The FabCard is quite splendid. You can send one to me at your convenience. :cook:
Quote from: T2KFreeker on 07/01/2012, 10:26 PMYeah man, late to the party again, but this is awesome. Loving the stuff you are coming up with Ark. I can't wait for these to be mass produced so we can all put candles around them and OBEY!!!!
Well, I'm even later to the party.
Quote from: esteban on 07/04/2012, 12:50 AMThe FapCard is quite splendid. You can send one to me at your convenience. :cook:
Well, I'm even later to the party.
Fix'd for ya
Call it the AbFabCard and you'll have to provide it with a startup BIOS with a Pet Shop Boys tune.
I assume this allows you to "backup" (program) any TG-16 game onto it? I know I'm a noob, but I really want to know.
Quote from: FiftyQuid on 07/10/2012, 11:02 AMI assume this allows you to "backup" (program) any TG-16 game onto it? I know I'm a noob, but I really want to know.
no. These will have the games being made by Aetherbyte, burned in-house.
Will Aetherbyte being adding EPROMs to the board or smaller mask roms? I'm just trying to wrap my head around what the final product would look like.
Excellent work btw to all involved. That pcb is mighty impressive looking. I've gone through the process of (attempting) to have Genesis pcbs produced, so I can appreciate the amount of work involved in such an endeavor.
It will be a game that looks more or less just like production HuCards from back in the day. It will have software on it, for good, and have no bulges.
Quote from: BeaglePuss on 07/11/2012, 03:24 PMWill Aetherbyte being adding EPROMs to the board or smaller mask roms? I'm just trying to wrap my head around what the final product would look like.
Excellent work btw to all involved. That pcb is mighty impressive looking. I've gone through the process of (attempting) to have Genesis pcbs produced, so I can appreciate the amount of work involved in such an endeavor.
There's what our current working prototype looks like.
There already is a ROM chip on these suckers.
QuoteWill Aetherbyte being adding EPROMs to the board or smaller mask roms?
They are flash eproms. And if you are looking at the blue boards, that's pretty much what they will look like, as a final version. There's one more intermediate version we're building to see what the demand is, that no one has seen yet.
(Yes, they are the same size as a HuCard. Flash eproms are just slightly thicker that the original mask eproms, but the carrier is thick enough to accomodate that)
Hot damn, the craftsmanship is outstanding. I must say, I couldn't be more impressed.
Did you guys create your own flash programmer for the pcbs? If so, do you have any pictures of that?
QuoteDid you guys create your own flash programmer for the pcbs?
I tried, but there were.....problems. So we bought a Willem programmer, and made an adapter for it.
Best $50 I ever spent.
Haha, that's fantastic.
Quote from: TheOldMan on 07/11/2012, 03:33 PMQuoteWill Aetherbyte being adding EPROMs to the board or smaller mask roms?
They are flash eproms. And if you are looking at the blue boards, that's pretty much what they will look like, as a final version. There's one more intermediate version we're building to see what the demand is, that no one has seen yet.
(Yes, they are the same size as a HuCard. Flash eproms are just slightly thicker that the original mask eproms, but the carrier is thick enough to accomodate that)
yeah, if you look closesly at the back you can see the spot where the chip is.
Wow, guys! The love and dedication exhibited here makes me proud to be a member of the PCE community. :)
Wow that is impressive
Very impressive. Question....why the helmet????!!!! lmao
Quote from: Bernie on 07/12/2012, 06:13 AMVery impressive. Question....why the helmet????!!!! lmao
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 07/12/2012, 10:33 AM(
Commander Keen.. WIN :D
Based on this picture, I can only assume that Commander Keen is a clown zombie. Either that or a skinny midget Stay-Puft man.
Quote from: guest on 07/13/2012, 11:22 AMBased on this picture, I can only assume that Commander Keen is a clown zombie. Either that or a skinny midget Stay-Puft man.
all humans were gray in the land of EGA
Oh man, I didn't get the Commander Keen reference. That's even MORE awesome!
Commander Keen was a very popular shareware series back in the MS DOS days. :)
What does it do
Quote from: KnightWarrior on 07/14/2012, 12:07 AMWhat does it do
it plays the games we are making at Aetherbyte.
Where does he get those toys from......
How does he?
This thread has gone retarded.
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 07/16/2012, 09:57 AMThis thread has gone retarded.
Fixed that for you. :pcgs:
Quote from: BeaglePuss on 07/11/2012, 03:41 PMHot damn, the craftsmanship is outstanding. I must say, I couldn't be more impressed.
Did you guys create your own flash programmer for the pcbs? If so, do you have any pictures of that?
BeaglePuss, you
know Marble Madness (and the other prototypes you have, like Pit Fighter) would be nice on a genuine HuCARD. :pcgs:
Not to again throw this thread off topic, but...
Quote from: TheClash603 on 07/18/2012, 04:26 PMNot to again throw this thread off topic, but...
I think that's the Cook's wishful thinking.
Quote from: NecroPhile on 07/18/2012, 06:26 PMQuote from: TheClash603 on 07/18/2012, 04:26 PMNot to again throw this thread off topic, but...
I think that's the Cook's wishful thinking.
It's wishful thinking on my part as well, not to mention it'd be cool if they had Peter Packrat, though, what lil' info there is on that one, I have my doubts that a proto exists. Then again, I doubted that Marble Madness existed, so....
Holy Moly!
That prototype looks AWESOME! :shock:
I know it's probably going to be quite a while before you finish your first PCE/TG16 Game, and iron out all the details to finalize your HuCard Designs, but...
If you want to order more than 750 HuCard Sleeves, in a single order, in the future, please shoot me an e-mail about one month in advance.
That'll give me plenty of time to either set aside the requested number in advance, and/or do another run if necessary.
I don't know what the lead time for the HuCard Trays is going to be, yet, to make a run (it depends on the manufacturer I chose), but it should be about the same as the Sleeves.
I'm glad to hear the final HuCard isn't going to have any bumps.
Well, if it did, that'd be ok, if the bump was in the same place as, and not any larger than, the one on the Arcade Card, as my current HuCard Tray design will support those too.
I can always tweak the Tray Design, if you need me to. Just let me know before I start mass producing those suckers. :P
To get back on topic...
Do you guys plan to provide (sell) HuCards for (to) other PCE/TG16 Game developers, in the future?
Will ya also be making Arcade Cards at some point?
If ya can't talk about that stuff right now, It's cool.
Quote from: SeymorOnion on 07/23/2012, 07:06 AMHoly Moly!
That prototype looks AWESOME! :shock:
I know it's probably going to be quite a while before you finish your first PCE/TG16 Game, and iron out all the details to finalize your HuCard Designs, but...
If you want to order more than 750 HuCard Sleeves, in a single order, in the future, please shoot me an e-mail about one month in advance.
That'll give me plenty of time to either set aside the requested number in advance, and/or do another run if necessary.
Our third game is what's going on the HuCard. We've already released one CD game, and have a second one almost complete... :)
QuoteTo get back on topic...
Do you guys plan to provide (sell) HuCards for (to) other PCE/TG16 Game developers, in the future?
Will ya also be making Arcade Cards at some point?
1) Probably. Once the kinks are worked out and we test the waters
2) probably not.
The ultimate goal, which I admit will probably never be achieved, is to create a new system card, to go with an ide adapter from charlie. Then we wouldn't have to worry about the cd gears anymore...
<sigh. Maybe someday...>
Make a card that allows me to run games off my Minidisc player.
Minidisc is the future.
Imagine a mini disc drive made for the Turbo Express... Drools
THAT would be amazing. Imagine hooking up the SUPER-MD unit to your GT or TE and playing SUPER CD games on the go!!
Would the IDE Adapter be physically attached to (a part of) the System Card,
or would the IDE Adapter simply connect to the rear port of a TG16/PCE Core System,
or would the IDE Adapter connect to the place circled in red, in the picture below?
Quote from: NecroPhile on 07/18/2012, 06:26 PMQuote from: TheClash603 on 07/18/2012, 04:26 PMNot to again throw this thread off topic, but...
I think that's the Cook's wishful thinking.
BeaglePuss is a smart fellow: he knows it is best to slowly release stuff over time instead of dumping everything on the market at once.
He has PitFighter, make no mistake :pcgs:.
Quote from: TheOldMan on 07/23/2012, 12:57 PMThe ultimate goal, which I admit will probably never be achieved, is to create a new system card, to go with an ide adapter from charlie. Then we wouldn't have to worry about the cd gears anymore...
<sigh. Maybe someday...>
Given that the PCE uses modified SCSI, that might be easy to hack. In truth, I'd rather see a system card that packages the ADPCM hardware and a CD Emulation BIOS with a large pool of flash memory. CD on a card.
Quote from: guest on 07/23/2012, 06:26 PMQuote from: TheOldMan on 07/23/2012, 12:57 PMThe ultimate goal, which I admit will probably never be achieved, is to create a new system card, to go with an ide adapter from charlie. Then we wouldn't have to worry about the cd gears anymore...
<sigh. Maybe someday...>
Given that the PCE uses modified SCSI, that might be easy to hack. In truth, I'd rather see a system card that packages the ADPCM hardware and a CD Emulation BIOS with a large pool of flash memory. CD on a card.
Yeah that would be amazing. If that were the case you could play CD game ISOs directly off the card using only a CoreGrafx or other Hu-Card only system, correct? Seems like a tough thing to accomplish though.
Quote from: esteban on 07/23/2012, 06:08 PMQuote from: NecroPhile on 07/18/2012, 06:26 PMQuote from: TheClash603 on 07/18/2012, 04:26 PMNot to again throw this thread off topic, but...
I think that's the Cook's wishful thinking.
BeaglePuss is a smart fellow: he knows it is best to slowly release stuff over time instead of dumping everything on the market at once.
He has PitFighter, make no mistake :pcgs:.
Well, I put the chances on him having Pit Fighter as substantially ahead of any douche bag on these forums having Bonk BOE.
Quotewould the IDE Adapter simply connect to the rear port of a TG16/PCE Core System
Yes. Think replacement cd base.
QuoteGiven that the PCE uses modified SCSI, that might be easy to hack
PCE uses a sub-set of standard scsi. And, fyi, IDE is only simplified scsi :)
QuoteI'd rather see a system card that packages the ADPCM hardware and a CD Emulation BIOS with a large pool of flash memory. CD on a card.
So would I. It would probably cost > $5000 or so, but it would be neat...
Keep in mind, you are asking for:
1) over 650M of flash memory. At 1M for $10 (AM29f080), that's $6,500, not including other support chips.
2) Another 8K and an adpcm chip. That they don't make anymore. Good luck.
And what about backup memory?
(Yes, maybe I exaggerated the problem. However, you would have to do all the cd hardware handling on the card. Half of the signals available through the external port on a tg don't exist on the card bus. Ergo, you would have to decode -all- the cd hardware from just writes to addresses. sounds like a huge multi-layer card would be needed...)
Now, consider what I've actually said:
1) we make a board, like the cd-adapter, that accepts an ide drive. We have plenty of board space to use an fpga (or hell, a micro-controller if we want) to run the adpcm, backup memory, and ide.
2) we figure out the cd-bios, and mimic the calls to use the custom adapter.
It might cost $300 to make; probably not, though.
Then think about this: Assuming that ide is standard across devices (or that the programming accounts for differences), what would stop you from hooking up a hard drive? That was charlies first choice.
Or better yet, using an ide->compact flash adapter. Compact flash may not be the cheapest route, but they aren't that expensive....
Or my favorite: adding a usb controller, so you can use an external usb drive :)
Noticed the Aetherbyte site is getting a facelift. Sweet...
Quote from: TheOldMan on 07/23/2012, 09:18 PMQuotewould the IDE Adapter simply connect to the rear port of a TG16/PCE Core System
Yes. Think replacement cd base.
QuoteGiven that the PCE uses modified SCSI, that might be easy to hack
PCE uses a sub-set of standard scsi. And, fyi, IDE is only simplified scsi :)
QuoteI'd rather see a system card that packages the ADPCM hardware and a CD Emulation BIOS with a large pool of flash memory. CD on a card.
So would I. It would probably cost > $5000 or so, but it would be neat...
Keep in mind, you are asking for:
1) over 650M of flash memory. At 1M for $10 (AM29f080), that's $6,500, not including other support chips.
2) Another 8K and an adpcm chip. That they don't make anymore. Good luck.
And what about backup memory?
(Yes, maybe I exaggerated the problem. However, you would have to do all the cd hardware handling on the card. Half of the signals available through the external port on a tg don't exist on the card bus. Ergo, you would have to decode -all- the cd hardware from just writes to addresses. sounds like a huge multi-layer card would be needed...)
Now, consider what I've actually said:
1) we make a board, like the cd-adapter, that accepts an ide drive. We have plenty of board space to use an fpga (or hell, a micro-controller if we want) to run the adpcm, backup memory, and ide.
2) we figure out the cd-bios, and mimic the calls to use the custom adapter.
It might cost $300 to make; probably not, though.
Then think about this: Assuming that ide is standard across devices (or that the programming accounts for differences), what would stop you from hooking up a hard drive? That was charlies first choice.
Or better yet, using an ide->compact flash adapter. Compact flash may not be the cheapest route, but they aren't that expensive....
Or my favorite: adding a usb controller, so you can use an external usb drive :)
Could you also integrate various Audio and Video Outputs into the back panel:
S-Video, SCART, Component, RCA Stereo, Headphone, VGA, and so on?
I would be OK with an expansion port-connected device. I think having simply an SD-card adapter might reduce the cost a little over an IDE interface, as IDE is very much on the way out and there are all sorts of different offerings out there for dealing with SD cards.
remember a CD is a serial data device, just like an SD card.
most ADPCM chips are expansions/upgrades of the original chip used in the dock/duo, (meaning they are code compatable)
Quote from: SeymorOnion on 07/23/2012, 11:06 PMQuote from: TheOldMan on 07/23/2012, 09:18 PMQuotewould the IDE Adapter simply connect to the rear port of a TG16/PCE Core System
Yes. Think replacement cd base.
QuoteGiven that the PCE uses modified SCSI, that might be easy to hack
PCE uses a sub-set of standard scsi. And, fyi, IDE is only simplified scsi :)
QuoteI'd rather see a system card that packages the ADPCM hardware and a CD Emulation BIOS with a large pool of flash memory. CD on a card.
So would I. It would probably cost > $5000 or so, but it would be neat...
Keep in mind, you are asking for:
1) over 650M of flash memory. At 1M for $10 (AM29f080), that's $6,500, not including other support chips.
2) Another 8K and an adpcm chip. That they don't make anymore. Good luck.
And what about backup memory?
(Yes, maybe I exaggerated the problem. However, you would have to do all the cd hardware handling on the card. Half of the signals available through the external port on a tg don't exist on the card bus. Ergo, you would have to decode -all- the cd hardware from just writes to addresses. sounds like a huge multi-layer card would be needed...)
Now, consider what I've actually said:
1) we make a board, like the cd-adapter, that accepts an ide drive. We have plenty of board space to use an fpga (or hell, a micro-controller if we want) to run the adpcm, backup memory, and ide.
2) we figure out the cd-bios, and mimic the calls to use the custom adapter.
It might cost $300 to make; probably not, though.
Then think about this: Assuming that ide is standard across devices (or that the programming accounts for differences), what would stop you from hooking up a hard drive? That was charlies first choice.
Or better yet, using an ide->compact flash adapter. Compact flash may not be the cheapest route, but they aren't that expensive....
Or my favorite: adding a usb controller, so you can use an external usb drive :)
Could you also integrate various Audio and Video Outputs into the back panel:
S-Video, SCART, Component, RCA Stereo, Headphone, VGA, and so on?
Yeah, the site did get a facelift.
Check that jive out!
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 07/24/2012, 10:20 AMYeah, the site did get a facelift.
Check that jive out!
Lookin' good!