
PCEFX Marketplace => Buy/Sell/Trade => Topic started by: jeffhlewis on 02/03/2013, 01:09 AM

Title: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP) (WINNER = EMERALD ROCKER)
Post by: jeffhlewis on 02/03/2013, 01:09 AM
Up for raffle is a copy of Lunar the Silver Star for the Japanese Mega CD (complete copy, without obi strip). I wound up with a dupe copy and might as well spread the love here on PCEFX.


(Granted, this version doesn't have the rockin' English-version theme song like the working designs US release does)

Ahem - the rules...
1.) Active Poster
2.) Must not have won a raffle in the past year

Just reply to this to enter your name into the raffle - I'll draw names on Monday, 2/11/2013!

1.) Emerald Rocker
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: Emerald Rocker on 02/03/2013, 02:30 AM
I'll enter!  Would love to add this to my Mega CD collection.
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: esteban on 02/03/2013, 07:36 AM
Ha! I can't enter (I've won raffle), but this is sweetness (https://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcg0.png)

Emerald Rocker will send this to me, immediately, should he win.
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: bob on 02/03/2013, 08:03 AM
No entry for me. I won a raffle too and I dont have plans to acquire the hardware.
Either way, good contribution.

Swell play, Swellington
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: Opethian on 02/03/2013, 10:09 AM
damn I picked this up recently! big ups to jeff! already own it but kudos my man!
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: roflmao on 02/03/2013, 01:49 PM
Don't enter me (I'm not applicable anyway) but that looks like a pretty sweet raffle, Jeff!  +1 GamingKarma to you!
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: jeffhlewis on 02/03/2013, 02:45 PM
I amended the rules - no requirement for a JP-compatible setup, since really you can play this disc on KEGA. Don't want to limit the people who can enter!
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: TR0N on 02/05/2013, 02:32 AM
All ready have the u.s version still good luck to any one that enters.
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: jeffhlewis on 02/07/2013, 10:16 PM
bump - drawing this raffle on Monday - Emerald Rocker wins by default otherwise! Reply if you want in.
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: JoshTurboTrollX on 02/08/2013, 09:56 AM
No entry for me, but good luck holding off the competition rocker!!  ;)

Very nice of you to raffle this off Jeffy!
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: roflmao on 02/08/2013, 10:54 AM
Go Emerald Rocker!
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: PikachuWarrior on 02/08/2013, 03:20 PM
I already won one, or else I would enter :)
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP)
Post by: jeffhlewis on 02/11/2013, 09:00 PM
Annnd...the winner is:



Shoot me a PM to collect your prize dude - just need your address!
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP) (WINNER = EMERALD ROCKER)
Post by: JoshTurboTrollX on 02/12/2013, 06:42 AM
Title: Re: RAFFLE: Lunar The Silver Star for Mega CD (JP) (WINNER = EMERALD ROCKER)
Post by: Emerald Rocker on 02/14/2013, 10:26 PM
PM sent!  Thank you thank you!