Up for raffle is a copy of Lunar the Silver Star for the Japanese Mega CD (complete copy, without obi strip). I wound up with a dupe copy and might as well spread the love here on PCEFX.
(Granted, this version doesn't have the rockin' English-version theme song like the working designs US release does)
Ahem - the rules...
1.) Active Poster
2.) Must not have won a raffle in the past year
Just reply to this to enter your name into the raffle - I'll draw names on Monday, 2/11/2013!
1.) Emerald Rocker
I'll enter! Would love to add this to my Mega CD collection.
Ha! I can't enter (I've won raffle), but this is sweetness (https://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcg0.png)
Emerald Rocker will send this to me, immediately, should he win.
No entry for me. I won a raffle too and I dont have plans to acquire the hardware.
Either way, good contribution.
Swell play, Swellington
damn I picked this up recently! big ups to jeff! already own it but kudos my man!
Don't enter me (I'm not applicable anyway) but that looks like a pretty sweet raffle, Jeff! +1 GamingKarma to you!
I amended the rules - no requirement for a JP-compatible setup, since really you can play this disc on KEGA. Don't want to limit the people who can enter!
All ready have the u.s version still good luck to any one that enters.
bump - drawing this raffle on Monday - Emerald Rocker wins by default otherwise! Reply if you want in.
No entry for me, but good luck holding off the competition rocker!! ;)
Very nice of you to raffle this off Jeffy!
Go Emerald Rocker!
I already won one, or else I would enter :)
Annnd...the winner is:
Shoot me a PM to collect your prize dude - just need your address!
PM sent! Thank you thank you!