Sure, it looks a bit less crap looking than the Genesis one, and the music is arguably better (depending on taste)...
but, the game sucks.
1) Up to jump pisses me off.
2) The scrolling is jagged for no reason. The Master System's scrolling is better.
3) You bounce off everything like a drunk in a bouncy castle. Often, you get hit once, and you've entered a mosh pit of zombies, blobs, and wolfcows, so you might as well just pack it in, because you are dead.
4) Everything feels delayed. The controls just feel stiff.
I've defended the game in the past before because it's not THAT bad, but you know what.
Fuck it.
The game sucks.
I spent the last 45 minutes or so playing it, swearing at it, and then wondering why I'm even playing it when I could play the versions that aren't retarded.
Yeah, I did a comparison to the genesis port and on a technical level(visual) with the exception of multi scrolling BGs the pce port is more impressive, no doubt, but the sound and game play its a lot worse....the cd port has better gameplay sound and cutscenes than the hucard.
Which version are you referring card or CD?
doesn't matter
neither 2 player options or speech can save this port...
I have not been able to get too far in this HuCARD.
I got to the 3rd level before I put it back on the shelf. I'm playing the HuCard one.
I don't really understand how they decided it was worth releasing. We all know the controls could be smoother.
I think the Genesis one is probably better than even the arcade one.
What I have never understood is why it is called Altered Beast, seeing as it is the man who gets altered and not the other way around. Or at least that would seem to be the case.
It should have been called Altered Geek.
wait for it.......
Quote from: cho_aniki on 10/17/2013, 11:48 AMWhat I have never understood is why it is called Altered Beast, seeing as it is the man who gets altered and not the other way around. Or at least that would seem to be the case.
It should have been called Altered Geek.
My guess is because he's been altered into a beast.
Quote from: HardcoreOtaku on 10/17/2013, 12:00 PMwait for it.......
If only the game actually had that sample in it on PCE.
It doesn't have the WELCOME TO YOUR DOOM one either, and that's a fucking crime.
Sounds like you need to play the CD version. :mrgreen:
(pun intended)
Yeah, I need to watch those sweet Powerpoint slideshows at the beginning.
Quote from: cho_aniki on 10/17/2013, 11:48 AMWhat I have never understood is why it is called Altered Beast, seeing as it is the man who gets altered and not the other way around. Or at least that would seem to be the case.
Absolutely correct.
The only reasonable explanation for the title
Altered Beast:
SEGA, ever the collective of political artists and coders, were making a strong statement in naming the game—clearly, they are putting forward the controversial claim that man is a beast, despite our pretensions otherwise. Man, despite his poetry, his art, his is just as brutal, if not moreso, than the uncivilized animals he looks down upon. SEGA suggests that we look no further than the gross injustices of the socio-economic systems that exploit the weak for the benefit of the elite. Indeed, the barbarity man imposes on man is the only "universal truth" revealed by our history of pain, no gain and inequality (SEGA rightly laughs at the foolish physicists and their futile attempts to find "universal law")—the only law in the cosmos is that man is savage and rationalizes this brutality by perverting Science, Law, Progress and Art. :pcgs:
Quote from: esteban on 10/17/2013, 01:04 PMThe only reasonable explanation for the title Altered Beast: SEGA, ever the collective of political artists and coders, were making a strong statement in naming the game—clearly, they are putting forward the controversial claim that man is a beast, despite our pretensions otherwise. Man, despite his poetry, his art, his is just as brutal, if not moreso, than the uncivilized animals he looks down upon. SEGA suggests that we look no further than the gross injustices of the socio-economic systems that exploit the weak for the benefit of the elite. Indeed, the barbarity man imposes on man is the only "universal truth" revealed by our history of pain, no gain and inequality (SEGA rightly laughs at the foolish physicists and their futile attempts to find "universal law")—the only law in the cosmos is that man is savage and rationalizes this brutality by perverting Science, Law, Progress and Art.
Whoa, that's deep. :lol:
In a high school class ~1995, we were given the assignment to talk about anything we cared to for 5 minutes or so. It was just a sort of "first public speaking" type of activity. One girl in my class chose to talk about how she was sick of being picked on by certain classmates. She was getting really animated and loud, and at one point said "my name is not Altered Beast!". I had never heard anyone call her that, but it was really funny because it did sound a lot like her first name.
I was thinking about this recently- it's funny that so many people were familiar with Altered Beast just because it was the original pack-in with the genesis.
Should have called her Altered Breast and copped a feel.
What the hell was her name.
Beatrice or something?
We had a girl named Beatrice in my school. Everyone called her Beat Rice. She'd get pissed off when everyone did it, except for me.
Looking back, I could have probably copped one of those elusive feels, but I was too busy playing games and being a retard.
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/17/2013, 03:39 PMI was too busy playing games and being a retard.
There more things change
At least now you can cop a feel and play games, ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
Altered Beast on Genesis sucked ass. I am still buying the PCE CD version just for conversation starter purposes.
Up to jump is not acceptable
Arcade or bust for this game, home conversions were all pretty weak.
SMS frame rate makes me laugh every time.
true story :pcgs:
All due respect, I'm taking the MD/Gen version over the PCE version. The PCE did a lot of things right - better color depth, zooming "gibs" or whatever you want to call it, CD soundtrack. But the dropped animation and lack of parallax...
It was a shit conversion. The PCE was capable of so much more and well all know it.
[Edit - fail on me; forgot this has a chiptune soundtrack. even worse! but hey the voices are sweet]
Animation is the best thing about the pce port, the first boss alone has more than double the frames when compared to the genesis port.
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 10/17/2013, 11:48 PMAll due respect, I'm taking the MD/Gen version over the PCE version. The PCE did a lot of things right - better color depth, zooming "gibs" or whatever you want to call it, CD soundtrack. But the dropped animation and lack of parallax...
It was a shit conversion. The PCE was capable of so much more and well all know it.
Well at least the arcade one didn't had parallax as well. makes the MD version superior in this department.
the best out of pce and md together would have given the ultimate altered beast game.
Altered Beast CD on the impressive System 1.0 card is a much MUCH easier game than the HuCard. Don't get me wrong it still sucks, it just sucks a bit less. The HuCard is just ridiculous. The CD still has PCE music. At least that's what I remember. I have the CD but haven't played it in a couple months. A shame, I know. Altered Beast CD on PCE should be played at least once every week. You need to believe in the power of System 1.0.
now I must watch altered state!
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/18/2013, 04:18 AMAltered Beast CD on the impressive System 1.0 card is a much MUCH easier game than the HuCard. Don't get me wrong it still sucks, it just sucks a bit less. The HuCard is just ridiculous. The CD still has PCE music. At least that's what I remember. I have the CD but haven't played it in a couple months. A shame, I know. Altered Beast CD on PCE should be played at least once every week. You need to believe in the power of System 1.0.
It's easier, but it still sucks, yes. The problem with the HuCard one is if you get touched once, you end up bouncing into everything and repeatedly get hit and just die. The game might as well just have one hit deaths. The health bar is practically useless.
Also, I like the chiptune soundtrack in the game. It's done quite nicely.
I don't like that you can't throttle the punch button when you're in wolf form. You could just duck down and wail on it and fire the flaming poop across the screen super fast against the boss and kill him before he moved almost.
The PCE one just seems like it's delayed and sticky.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 10/18/2013, 06:44 AMnow I must watch altered state!
Altered States is a fun film. :pcgs:
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/17/2013, 03:39 PMWhat the hell was her name.
It was pronounced all-tuh-veez.
Has anyone here played the PS2 version of Altered Beast?
Dear god NO!!!!
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/19/2013, 02:19 AMHas anyone here played the PS2 version of Altered Beast?
I take it wasn't simply an arcade emulation....
Quote from: esteban on 10/19/2013, 06:03 AMQuote from: Joe Redifer on 10/19/2013, 02:19 AMHas anyone here played the PS2 version of Altered Beast?
I take it wasn't simply an arcade emulation....
It was the same as what they did with splatt0rhouse on next gen sys. just even more worse.
Here is Red Book tune from the CD-ROM version of Altered Beast ( (the boring cinema narration is not included). Now, compare Red Book to the PSG tunes on the HuCARD.
Is it the same? Or did the Altered Beast CD take tune from arcade? Or did CD take audio from another source? Or is it completely original?
I have never cared enough to find out! YOU MUST HELP ME.
Thank you.
Here's the arcade version of that song:
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 10/19/2013, 09:11 AMHere's the arcade version of that song:
They sound pretty darn close to me.
Any differences in recording can be attributed to EQ/mixing on PCE CD, as well as arcade board vs. emulation....
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Yeah, the CD track is just the arcade ending with a heavy filter and reverb effect.
Definitely not the PCE doing that tune. The bass and drums give it away. Those are so obviously FM.
I've always loved Altered Beast. Dropped alot of quarters into it in the arcade as a kid. Even recently obtained the arcade board for my continued enjoyment. I actually prefer the PCE CD over the Genny due to the closer to arcade look of the sprites. The game gets alot of slack from people, but it will always be A+ in my book. None of the ports I own will likely see any play now that the arcade version is in my possession.
If this was fighting street, I'd tell you haters to go suck it. This isn't fighting street so I shall refrain from doing so. :P
A shitty port of a shitty game. The only reason people would like it is because of nostalgia. Hell, nostalgia is the only reason I like Turrican... even I can admit that ultimately, it sucks cow pies. Some of these old games, even when compared to other games of their time, SUCK ASS. Altered Beast is one such game.
I think altered beast was a very original game when it came out and had that kind of special charm. only bad thing is it wasn't really that much of a gameplay beast.
True, it had kind of an original premise when it came out... but at the same time, also shows that just because an idea is original, that doesn't mean it's any good. :) I think it could have been a great game, but it's too slow, clunky, and stiff. I've certainly played worse, but there were games of the day that were way better.
I played the arcade version of this some while at the Galloping Ghost this weekend and ... yeah, it sucks. Nostalgia is a bitch.
I remember the Hucard being HELLISHLY hard. Never got to play the CD one, Im sure it had epic cutscenes. It cant be as hard as the GBA reboot though made by some random European developers.
QuoteAll versions of Altered Beast suck.
hahaha QFT
loves it.
Oh man you guys were right the Hucard of this game is SO DAMN HARD it makes it almost unplayable. It took forever just to beat the first stage. Luckily I got this game with Ninja Gaiden PCE . So much fun playing this version over the NES or even SNES remake that is ugly as heck in comparison.
Altered Beast LOOKS better than I remember it waay back in 1999 but man I dont remember it being this hard at all. The power up wolves f*** me up!!!
no xanax till 6pm to help me play more games
It's not hard. It's broken.
Hard would imply they did it right and just made it challenging. Really, they just screwed up.
I can now confirm I did own the CD version of this before and beat it. but WOW is the HUEY so scarred and badly damaged. A shame too since the graphics came over nicely
Quote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 03:27 PMI can now confirm I did own the CD version of this before and beat it. but WOW is the HUEY so scarred and badly damaged. A shame too since the graphics came over nicely
Do you had le sys huey 1.0 too?
I have a DUO-R dont need a system card
Quote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 07:19 PMI have a DUO-R dont need a system card
lolwall,co /that-moment-when-you-know-you-re-trapped_272242-700x.jpeg
Quote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 07:19 PMI have a DUO-R dont need a system card
Can't play this one without a SYS 1 Card my friend. Duo, or no. It is anomaly of sorts. No SYS 1 Card no PLay. (well all the way through anyway i should add)
Quote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 07:19 PMI have a DUO-R dont need a system card
Were you emulating before or did you only play half a stage?
he said he had a DUO-R so no need for a system card :idea: his own words.
now he's again a huge step closer to good ol' validus :!:
Quote from: CrackTiger on 11/12/2013, 08:19 PMQuote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 07:19 PMI have a DUO-R dont need a system card
Were you emulating before or did you only play half a stage?
No he is quite sure he owned the CD version according to his last post. We should not jump to conclusions. Perhaps he also owned the System Card back then too?
ban please for incorrect duo usage.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 11/12/2013, 07:46 PMQuote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 07:19 PMI have a DUO-R dont need a system card
lolwall,co /that-moment-when-you-know-you-re-trapped_272242-700x.jpeg
^^ Can't quit laughing at that pic.
Sounds like we need a good PCE remake arcade card style.
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 11/12/2013, 10:52 PMSounds like we need a good PCE remake arcade card style.
Ok start working on it Bigus"dotmatrixprintermaster"schmuck
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 11/12/2013, 10:58 PMQuote from: BigusSchmuck on 11/12/2013, 10:52 PMSounds like we need a good PCE remake arcade card style.
Ok start working on it Bigus"dotmatrixprintermaster"schmuck
Nahh, sold those already, working on getting rid of the gigantic ribbons that went along with them now!
You *might* be able to beat the CD version without the System 1.0 card, but it would be a HUGE pain in the ass. Without the Sys1.0 card the game freezes when you turn into a beast (if I remember correctly). You can keep playing if you never turn into a beast. You have to meet Neff 3 times on a stage and on the 3rd time if you're not a beast he'll fight you anyway. I've made it to stage 2 this way. I don't know how you could successfully fight the boss in stage 2 doing this.
Quote from: turboswimbz on 11/12/2013, 08:23 PMWe should not jump to conclusions. Perhaps he also owned the System Card back then too?
Look at the full history; he's lying like a rug:
Quote from: Xak on 10/21/2013, 12:27 PMNever got to play the CD one, Im sure it had epic cutscenes.
Quote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 07:13 AMOh man you guys were right the Hucard of this game is SO DAMN HARD it makes it almost unplayable. It took forever just to beat the first stage.
Altered Beast LOOKS better than I remember it waay back in 1999 but man I dont remember it being this hard at all. The power up wolves f*** me up!!!
Quote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 03:27 PMI can now confirm I did own the CD version of this before and beat it. but WOW is the HUEY so scarred and badly damaged. A shame too since the graphics came over nicely
Quote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 07:19 PMI have a DUO-R dont need a system card
A clear as a crystal glass just can be clear case.
I know I had this game for the CDrom on my DUO R. It was not emulated.
I really doubt I beat any other version in 2005, I explicitly remember beating it in 2005 the year of my PCE glory.
Guess I was wrong about owning it, but I see I have a few CD titles missing from my library so I cant say for sure
rolf whatever :lol:
Quote from: VestCunt on 11/13/2013, 03:13 AMLook at the full history; he's lying like a rug:
Ah that audit made me laugh. I was being quite sarcastic though. :)
PCE runs Altered Beast CD on just System 1.0!
Fucking Feka's ARCADE hardware needed System 16.0! And no CD power.
Feka is so dumb shit.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/13/2013, 02:29 AMYou *might* be able to beat the CD version without the System 1.0 card, but it would be a HUGE pain in the ass. Without the Sys1.0 card the game freezes when you turn into a beast (if I remember correctly). You can keep playing if you never turn into a beast. You have to meet Neff 3 times on a stage and on the 3rd time if you're not a beast he'll fight you anyway. I've made it to stage 2 this way. I don't know how you could successfully fight the boss in stage 2 doing this.
you might be able to if you get to power level 2 so you have blue fists of death.
But I'd imagine you'd get your ass plowed in by the collision detection before you can manage to punch the eyeball plant monster enough.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 11/13/2013, 08:33 AMrolf whatever :lol:
My memory is hazey, I must have beat the arcade one on my supergun. I clearly remember beating that game when I had my nice apartment back in '05. If you really cant play it on a DUO then it wasnt the DUO version, CERTAINLY wasnt the Genesis version. So it definitely had to be on my Supergun
RETROGAMER from NeoGeo forums helped me out with my Supergun if any of you know him.
So then you had the system 16 board instead of the system 1.0 huey?
Nice story bro.
I bought the Supergun as is. Yes it came with Altered Beast, ESWAT, Shinobi
The point is I beat the arcade version. I remember the text being japanese on the title I believe. So I remembered incorrectly , Thought that it was the PCE CD version. It all happened in the same year so my memory was a bit mixed up. But yeah, I rose from my grave
Who knows, maybe you played the 2600 version. I'm sure the CD has sweet cutscenes!
Quote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 03:27 PMI can now confirm I did own the CD version of this before and beat it.
Lol, your words. I can now confirm... my dirty ass is better in confirming than you :lol:
^as I explained earlier in this thread my memory is hazey since I beat it in 2005 and thats the year my DUO got set on fire with about a hundred CD roms. I beat the arcade version. I just explicitly remember beating it in 2005.
Reason I thought it was the PCE CD version because it was no where near as broken as the Huey.
:lol: Duo's so hot it's on fire.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 11/14/2013, 12:39 AMQuote from: Xak on 11/12/2013, 03:27 PMI can now confirm I did own the CD version of this before and beat it.
Lol, your words. I can now confirm... my dirty ass is better in confirming than you :lol:
You had us at "dirty ass"...
Trü storie.