So I'm pretty new to the whole turbo grafx pce thing, and i was a heavy collector of nintendo products but once i got a turbo i can't seem to play anything else at all. is it just because its new to me ? or do you all feel it is far superior than most systems in fun.
Quote from: warpig227 on 04/14/2014, 09:59 PMor do you all feel it is far superior than most systems in fun.
Yeah, basically. The hardware is better than the Genesis, the software is more varied and innovative than the SNES, and the gameplay spans the best of both 8- and 16-bit eras. I enjoy other consoles, but the TG16 is my "desert island" system.
The newness factor always helps when you first get into collecting for a different system. I find that I have temporary tunnel vision when it comes to retro gaming... when I first get into a new system, I'll collect for it almost exclusively for a month or two. After that, I'll get back into a regular groove of jumping from system to system.
There are certain ones I go back to more than others, though. I really have a soft spot for the early-to-mid 90s CD-based consoles for some reason... it's interesting to see how developers were trying to figure out what to do with this new format. Plus, I really love the semi-sort-of animated cutscenes that were so popular at the time. For that reason, I don't think I'll ever get tired of the Duo (or its slightly "special" cousin, the Sega CD). :wink:
yes, all of us (at leats those with a right portion of sense and brains) do feel it that way.
congrats, you seem to be just one of them :D
and welcome to the obey farm :)
I feel the same way. I was big into anything Nintendo and now having Obeyed, nothing seems to compare to it. It has become my go-to system and the peak of my interest. And there's no turning back now!
My fondness for TG-16 came when I played Lengendary Axe and Bonk's Revenge. I traded my SNES for a Turbo but eventually got another SNES as I was having Gradius III and NBA Jam withdrawals. Of the 16bit consoles, my TG-16 came first followed very closely by SNES then Genesis (I must note that Gunstar Heroes was, and still is my favorite game of that generation). :mrgreen:
I've only been seriously collecting for the TG for a few years now, but it is definitely now my favorite system from the 8-bit/16-bit era. No disrespect to Nintendo whatsoever, but I'll take the Bonk trilogy, Neutopia, Blazing Lazers, Dungeon Explorer, and Ninja Spirit over Mario, Zelda, Life Force, Gauntlet, and Ninja Gaiden any day of the week.
Quote from: jordan_hillman on 04/14/2014, 11:07 PM, Life Force,
and obey has even the far superior Salamander ;)
Quote from: InfraMan on 04/14/2014, 10:30 PMThe newness factor always helps when you first get into collecting for a different system. I find that I have temporary tunnel vision when it comes to retro gaming... when I first get into a new system, I'll collect for it almost exclusively for a month or two. After that, I'll get back into a regular groove of jumping from system to system.
There are certain ones I go back to more than others, though. I really have a soft spot for the early-to-mid 90s CD-based consoles for some reason... it's interesting to see how developers were trying to figure out what to do with this new format. Plus, I really love the semi-sort-of animated cutscenes that were so popular at the time. For that reason, I don't think I'll ever get tired of the Duo (or its slightly "special" cousin, the Sega CD). :wink:
I feel very similar.
What really drew me in additionally is the feel of the controller. Man I just really like the way it feels, better than any other retro console I own (30 + consoles and I own every major console from NES on).
The games feel fresh and new to me,because I never played them as a child and I really enjoy some of the silliness that some of the Japanese games show. I have never been into imports until this system.
After getting the tg and a few games I too became a fanboy. It's a great system with very few terrible games, and is now by far my fav system with the neo geo aes at number 2. So basically it's the mor uncommon early 90s systems that keep my attention best
Other systems have good games too, but Turbob has the mix of games that interest me most.
I am turbo..........Now repeat after me
Everything about the Turbo Grafx-16 is awesome from the system, The design the colour scheme, The bold logo's the advertising ahhhhhhhh awesome
Quote from: warpig227 on 04/14/2014, 09:59 PMSo I'm pretty new to the whole turbo grafx pce thing, and i was a heavy collector of nintendo products but once i got a turbo i can't seem to play anything else at all. is it just because its new to me ? or do you all feel it is far superior than most systems in fun.
I have had TURBO since it was released and I have always gone back to it for the games.
My soft spot (favorite eras/platforms) in gaming is as follows:
NES/FAMICOM/OBEY/ARCADE (80's/early 90's)
Clearly, I grew up in the 80's and my tastes have been influenced by my fondest memories.
I realize now that some games that I harshly criticized in the past (Vigilante) are actually entertaining, once I stop being bitter about paying $$$$ for it and accept the game for what it is.
when did you harshly criticize Vigilante? and most importantly..
I'm just a little obsessed...... ok..... REALLY obsessed
Like it has been said, the newness has some to do with it but as you get deeper into the rabbit hole you too will see it was far superior for it's time, and being the first cd based system on the market adds that much more coolness to it. I had one since launch and I have never looked back and had a bad memory. I also collect other consoles too but find I play my Obey the most.
Welcome to the madhouse that is the Turbografx 16, Take off your pants and jacket, and stay a while :-)
From the moment, I saw a TG16 playing Blazing Lazers in a Child world, I knew I needed one...
Favorite system of the 8/16 bit era and def probably my fave of all time, just so different and fun.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/15/2014, 11:27 AMwhen did you harshly criticize Vigilante? and most importantly..
I didn't even want to go back and play Vigilante after 10 years of not playing it until Keranu said I was being too harsh. He held up Vigilante as a great game, and I nearly punched him (I cursed softly under my breath instead).
However, this was the moment when I began to reevaluate some of my views on certain games...I realized that even if I thought Vigilante was B- or C-grade material as a kid in didn't mean that I couldn't give it a second chance.
AUTO-FIRE RUINS SOME GAMES: It was at this time that I began to post about the "correct" way to play Vigilante in order to fully appreciate it. I realized that there were subtle, unique aspects of the game that were very endearing. These nuances are very minor (for example, the ability to vary the swinging rhythm of nunchaku based on your rhythm pressing the button...I love this little detail...Monster Lair has a similar implementation with certain weapons...anyway, Vigilante & Monster Lair should never be played with auto-fire...)
I knew these things back in 1989, but it became the basis of my new-found appreciation for Vigilante/Monster Lair "today". Of course, I never harshly criticized Monster Lair because it has been one of my all-time favorite games...
FOR THE RECORD: I still think Vigilante was a weak title for 1989 console wars (the historical context hasn't changed), but I actually love the game now (I appreciate it for what it is, instead of griping about how it was lame against other NES/GENESIS/etc. titles of the same era).
Sorry for rambling. (
I discovered the Turbo on a whim in the winter of 08 (Late bloomer I know) I too fall in love with it immediately. It has such a strong arcade feeling to it. Fast pick up and play games. I've often referred to it as "All of the gaming and none of the Bullshit" It feels like i can clear a level or 2 of Ninja Spirit before I can even start playing a modern game (logos, sign in etc.)
It plays more like 8 Bit games but with a 16 bit window dressing. I like the simplicity. I also feel like the games often have a Eastern influence which make the games feel more unique and interesting.
For myself it's because of the different games it has. Yes there are a few that were ported out to other systems but most were not.
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/15/2014, 05:39 PMI discovered the Turbo on a whim in the winter of 08 (Late bloomer I know) I too fall in love with it immediately. It has such a strong arcade feeling to it. Fast pick up and play games. I've often referred to it as "All of the gaming and none of the Bullshit" It feels like i can clear a level or 2 of Ninja Spirit before I can even start playing a modern game (logos, sign in etc.)
It plays more like 8 Bit games but with a 16 bit window dressing. I like the simplicity. I also feel like the games often have a Eastern influence which make the games feel more unique and interesting.
It truly is only 8bit :-) they got away with calling it 16 due to having an independent video processor.
but games like vigilante and china warrior although they aren't good, they make you wanna play them and try and beat them. regardless of how bad. thats the appeal of the system
Quote from: Ninja16608 on 04/15/2014, 09:33 PMQuote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/15/2014, 05:39 PMI discovered the Turbo on a whim in the winter of 08 (Late bloomer I know) I too fall in love with it immediately. It has such a strong arcade feeling to it. Fast pick up and play games. I've often referred to it as "All of the gaming and none of the Bullshit" It feels like i can clear a level or 2 of Ninja Spirit before I can even start playing a modern game (logos, sign in etc.)
It plays more like 8 Bit games but with a 16 bit window dressing. I like the simplicity. I also feel like the games often have a Eastern influence which make the games feel more unique and interesting.
It truly is only 8bit :-) they got away with calling it 16 due to having an independent video processor.
oh please, not that discussion again.
Quote from: esteban on 04/15/2014, 01:51 PMQuote from: Tatsujin on 04/15/2014, 11:27 AMwhen did you harshly criticize Vigilante? and most importantly..
I didn't even want to go back and play Vigilante after 10 years of not playing it until Keranu said I was being too harsh. He held up Vigilante as a great game, and I nearly punched him (I cursed softly under my breath instead).
However, this was the moment when I began to reevaluate some of my views on certain games...I realized that even if I thought Vigilante was B- or C-grade material as a kid in didn't mean that I couldn't give it a second chance.
AUTO-FIRE RUINS SOME GAMES: It was at this time that I began to post about the "correct" way to play Vigilante in order to fully appreciate it. I realized that there were subtle, unique aspects of the game that were very endearing. These nuances are very minor (for example, the ability to vary the swinging rhythm of nunchaku based on your rhythm pressing the button...I love this little detail...Monster Lair has a similar implementation with certain weapons...anyway, Vigilante & Monster Lair should never be played with auto-fire...)
I knew these things back in 1989, but it became the basis of my new-found appreciation for Vigilante/Monster Lair "today". Of course, I never harshly criticized Monster Lair because it has been one of my all-time favorite games...
FOR THE RECORD: I still think Vigilante was a weak title for 1989 console wars (the historical context hasn't changed), but I actually love the game now (I appreciate it for what it is, instead of griping about how it was lame against other NES/GENESIS/etc. titles of the same era).
Sorry for rambling. (
esty, thx for that nice explanation of the "WHY?" :)
I kinda can share your feels and thoughts from back then, but then on the other hand I totally can't. vigilante was one of the games that totally blew me away. even from todays point of view it isn't exactly an arcade perfect port (different graphically arrangements etc), it felt 100% arcade back them, and it still does. also being a huge fan of kung fu/spartan x helped a lot to appreciate this "sequel".
as an 80s/90s arcade game lover, exactly those kind of games always managed to drop my chin the most.
at least you appreciated monsterlair, which is one other arcade peal translated almost 1:1 onto our little obey machine, and on top of it with even much better BGMs :)
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/15/2014, 05:39 PMI've often referred to it as "All of the gaming and none of the Bullshit"
what a nice expression. LIKE IT :D
Quote from: warpig227 on 04/15/2014, 09:33 PMbut games like vigilante and china warrior although they aren't good, they make you wanna play them and try and beat them. regardless of how bad. thats the appeal of the system
yeah sure, aren't good?
Quote from: Ninja16608 on 04/15/2014, 09:33 PMQuote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/15/2014, 05:39 PMI discovered the Turbo on a whim in the winter of 08 (Late bloomer I know) I too fall in love with it immediately. It has such a strong arcade feeling to it. Fast pick up and play games. I've often referred to it as "All of the gaming and none of the Bullshit" It feels like i can clear a level or 2 of Ninja Spirit before I can even start playing a modern game (logos, sign in etc.)
It plays more like 8 Bit games but with a 16 bit window dressing. I like the simplicity. I also feel like the games often have a Eastern influence which make the games feel more unique and interesting.
It truly is only 8bit :-) they got away with calling it 16 due to having an independent video processor.
"8-bit" and "16-bit" are the common names of two different video game generations.
Without explaining what is now common knowledge and normally covered by
common sense among "retro" game players, calling the PC Engine 8-bit, let alone "truly 8-bit", is saying that the Mega Drive and Super Famicom were
terrible 16-bit consoles, and even the 32-bit gen systems are a complete joke. :roll:
The Turbo feels like 12-14bit...PUSHED TO THE MAXXXX!!!!!1!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!
Also, this console takes the pain of loneliness away at night.. like none other and stuff....
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/15/2014, 05:39 PMI've often referred to it as "All of the gaming and none of the Bullshit" It feels like i can clear a level or 2 of Ninja Spirit before I can even start playing a modern game (logos, sign in etc.)
Have to agree love whipping out a stack of Hucards and playing in 2 seconds.
Some other likes that make it stand out to me (besides games)
Hucards are just plain cool
Five player bomberman '93 ownz
Turbo Duo is just awesome looking
All around interesting hardware
Quote from: guest on 04/15/2014, 11:25 PMQuote from: Ninja16608 on 04/15/2014, 09:33 PMQuote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/15/2014, 05:39 PMI discovered the Turbo on a whim in the winter of 08 (Late bloomer I know) I too fall in love with it immediately. It has such a strong arcade feeling to it. Fast pick up and play games. I've often referred to it as "All of the gaming and none of the Bullshit" It feels like i can clear a level or 2 of Ninja Spirit before I can even start playing a modern game (logos, sign in etc.)
It plays more like 8 Bit games but with a 16 bit window dressing. I like the simplicity. I also feel like the games often have a Eastern influence which make the games feel more unique and interesting.
It truly is only 8bit :-) they got away with calling it 16 due to having an independent video processor.
"8-bit" and "16-bit" are the common names of two different video game generations.
Without explaining what is now common knowledge and normally covered by common sense among "retro" game players, calling the PC Engine 8-bit, let alone "truly 8-bit", is saying that the Mega Drive and Super Famicom were terrible 16-bit consoles, and even the 32-bit gen systems are a complete joke. :roll:
HAHAHA..don't even start to talk about the
TRULY 8-BIT NeoGeo ports, that look almost 1:1, whilst the
TRULY 16-BIT ports look like crap compared.
Quote from: warpig227 on 04/15/2014, 09:33 PMbut games like vigilante and china warrior although they aren't good, they make you wanna play them and try and beat them. regardless of how bad. thats the appeal of the system
Oh, I agree 100% that Vigilante and China Warrior are addictive and "make you wanna play them and try and beat them"...but I actually feel that China Warrior is an intriguing game, warts and all. China Warrior was much more challenging than Vigilante and beating it provided much more satisfaction.
I honestly feel that China Warrior is the superior game...CW's only flaws, IMHO, are some of the boss fights. The stages in CW are completely awesome (for me, anyway) even though the opponents are mundane objects. In other words: the stages in CW were
thoughtfully designed (with a ramp up in difficulty). There are challenging segments, sure, but they are totally passable with some practice. I do not feel the same way about the bosses, plus you can be lame and spam many bosses (you can't cheat/spam the stages proper). The controls/mechanics in CW are fine, plus you actually need to use different moves at different points (sweep kick, normal punch/kick, low punch/kick, special moves BIG FIST/FISTS OF FURY)...again, all of this points to thoughtful design.
The jump kick in Vigilante always annoyed me because I couldn't consistently knock the bikers off their motorcycles on the bridge. Slower opponents—I can jump kick 'em, but I suck with the bikers. This is just one of many moments in Vigilante where I wish the controls were tighter. I don't have the same problem in China Warrior. I don't feel the stage design/enemy placement in Vigilante is nearly as thoughtful as CW, either.
God, if only CW had the aesthetic creativity of Vigilante. CW really would have benefitted from varied settings like Vigilante. This is where Vigilante shines: every stage is memorable (bridge! Junkyard, even the dam streets have cute, hand-lain bricks scattered everywhere). CW's banal, generic, constantly recycled visuals get old fast (at least each stages cycle from dawn to dusk). At the end of the day, though, CW is the superior
I'll stop now (I've argued in defense of CW elsewhere).
Quote from: warpig227 on 04/15/2014, 09:33 PMbut games like vigilante and china warrior although they aren't good, they make you wanna play them and try and beat them. regardless of how bad. thats the appeal of the system
No trash talking vigilante. Vigilante is awesome!
I beat it every time I play it and it's still fun.
For a true answer ask a child.
I asked my son why he likes turbo.
"the colours" damn straight
Quote from: Ninja16608 on 04/15/2014, 09:33 PMQuote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/15/2014, 05:39 PMI discovered the Turbo on a whim in the winter of 08 (Late bloomer I know) I too fall in love with it immediately. It has such a strong arcade feeling to it. Fast pick up and play games. I've often referred to it as "All of the gaming and none of the Bullshit" It feels like i can clear a level or 2 of Ninja Spirit before I can even start playing a modern game (logos, sign in etc.)
It plays more like 8 Bit games but with a 16 bit window dressing. I like the simplicity. I also feel like the games often have a Eastern influence which make the games feel more unique and interesting.
It truly is only 8bit :-) they got away with calling it 16 due to having an independent video processor.
I referring to the style of games and not the actual hardware ;)
Space Spartans - Intellivision (Mattel 1981) (
True 16 bit!!!!!! Actual gameplay footage!!!!!!
Quote from: guest on 04/16/2014, 11:37 PMSpace Spartans - Intellivision (Mattel 1981) (
True 16 bit!!!!!! Actual gameplay footage!!!!!!
Holy crap, I love the voice in that game. I never have played any games with the voice module (just a bare bones Intellivision).
The game itself seems decent, if repetitive.
Quote from: guest on 04/14/2014, 10:24 PMQuote from: warpig227 on 04/14/2014, 09:59 PMor do you all feel it is far superior than most systems in fun.
Yeah, basically. The hardware is better than the Genesis, the software is more varied and innovative than the SNES, and the gameplay spans the best of both 8- and 16-bit eras. I enjoy other consoles, but the TG16 is my "desert island" system.
Better than the Genesis....... I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on. A decidedly blanket statement is silly. The turbo certainly has a mistique as what only 2 million systems sold vs 40 million plus on the US genesis so yeah rarity adds exclusivity.
maybe 2 millions in USoA, but around 6 to 7 millions in Japan, which outranked the MD by a landslide.
also who is looking to USoA or Europe sales, when there was only underpowered sports shit and silly jump'n runs etc. made in the west?
Quote from: guest on 04/15/2014, 11:48 PMPeople who compare "bits" remind me of those who think a big spoiler helps a car go faster. Everyone knows that the wheels and under lighting are what make a car go fast.
p.s. how many bits was the intellivision again?
Wings on cars especially those that are not for show, donindeed help cars go faster. Short answer being they add downforce and stability, so you can corner faster or keep traction over the wheels. In my Evo it has a zero lift kit so after 70 there isn't any lift, the rear wing keeps the ass planted. If I pull the ring off yeah I'll go faster in a straight line but it gets sloppy at higher speeds. F1 the cars would just fly off the track without wings it isn't even a debate.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/17/2014, 10:09 PMmaybe 2 millions in USoA, but around 6 to 7 millions in Japan, which outranked the MD by a landslide.
also who is looking to USoA or Europe sales, when there was only underpowered sports shit and silly jump'n runs etc. made in the west?
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 09:59 PMQuote from: guest on 04/14/2014, 10:24 PMQuote from: warpig227 on 04/14/2014, 09:59 PMor do you all feel it is far superior than most systems in fun.
Yeah, basically. The hardware is better than the Genesis, the software is more varied and innovative than the SNES, and the gameplay spans the best of both 8- and 16-bit eras. I enjoy other consoles, but the TG16 is my "desert island" system.
Better than the Genesis....... I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on. A decidedly blanket statement is silly. The turbo certainly has a mistique as what only 2 million systems sold vs 40 million plus on the US genesis so yeah rarity adds exclusivity.
Oh yeah US numbers i am talking. I thought the PCE sold more than that in Japan. Here is a list of sales figures compiled so far, including sources:
Genesis (North America) - 20 million
Mega Drive (Japan) - 4.3 million
Mega Drive (Europe) - 6.9 million
Mega Drive (Brazil) - 2 million+
Genesis 3 (North America) - 2 million
Nomad (North America) - 1 million
Mega Drive (Other Regions) - 3.5 million
This brings the total sold worldwide to around 39.7 million. The most widely-quoted figure of 29 million total units sold must therefore be inaccurate, as this new figure has been compiled from various sources rather than just one. The genesis is and was common as dirt do games for the system are cheap as hell as well as cheap systems. Turbo was always harder for me to get although I did get a turbo express about 20 years ago. It came with Vigilante. I loved that game FYI, and the turbo as well. I'm bliwing through turbo cd games at the moment, it's all new to me. Sega stuff is old hat and that was the system I had including sega cd, hell I had a jaguar and jag cd before any turbo stuff. I wish it was more available. Besides my Neo Geo AES, the turbo is my go too shooter system, god bless Steam Hearts and Anime boobies.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 10:19 PMgod bless Steam Hearts and Anime boobies.
I don't know about all that, but I'll sure as Hell bless it for ya.
The Atari 2600 is an 8-bit console also... :/
I have been obsessed with Turbo since I first played one in the early 90's.
<3's me some turbobs!
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 09:59 PMBetter than the Genesis....... I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on. A decidedly blanket statement is silly.
Same old dipshit. :lol:
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 10:29 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 09:59 PMBetter than the Genesis....... I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on. A decidedly blanket statement is silly.
Same old dipshit. :lol:
Anyone who argues pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16bit era is the dipshit :lol: There are no blanket statements here, just preferences that said I know what site this is and I'll move on.
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 10:53 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 10:10 PMQuote from: guest on 04/15/2014, 11:48 PMPeople who compare "bits" remind me of those who think a big spoiler helps a car go faster. Everyone knows that the wheels and under lighting are what make a car go fast.
p.s. how many bits was the intellivision again?
Wings on cars especially those that are not for show, donindeed help cars go faster. Short answer being they add downforce and stability, so you can corner faster or keep traction over the wheels. In my Evo it has a zero lift kit so after 70 there isn't any lift, the rear wing keeps the ass planted. If I pull the ring off yeah I'll go faster in a straight line but it gets sloppy at higher speeds. F1 the cars would just fly off the track without wings it isn't even a debate.
So you're telling me that this local celebrity's pimped out '87 Cavalier can achieve a top speed faster than 87 MPH thanks to its spoiler ?
Based on your argument, that is exactly what you're saying. Its no wonder the 16-bit moniker gives you such a boner. And you called spoilers "wings", and speak of handling in response to a statement purely about velocity. Obviously you're a fan of blast processing. I've never chimed in much on your laughable understanding of all matters technical, but I've always laughed behind my screen at your expense. Now I'm doing it with my keyboard.
/me points and laughs...
The picture of that Turd mobile is just to make people laugh I hope, that guy cannot be serious. That said wings on cars ABSOLUTELY make them faster or at least not have to slow down as much. I know you generalized above without a shred of understanding so let me break it down for you so that yes even you can understand. Obviously you are angry but if you think a proper wing on a sports car is just for show you are incredibly ignorant. Granted that POS above does almost nothing as it is a Pep Boys special but it does actually put down-force on the rear so better traction in a left/right/left maneuver as well as absolute grip and so on. That car is such a POS however the suspension will probably yaw and roll tremendously to negate those gains, moving on. It isn't a performance car in the least and adding that wing yes as stated before will do almost nothing. That Camaro is simply a show piece, to who I will never know.
For automotive aerodynamics please look up terms like Down-force, traction, lateral acceleration drag CE, Contact patch, and so on. With a wing a Formula 1 car can pull close to 4 G's in a corner, not possible without a wing, so guess what that car went faster around a track with a wing, sorry thems' called physics yah heard? More traction means faster acceleration as well, ever see a Drag car with a Giant wing on the back, for show? Are we making things up to sound smart? In fact them fancy F1 cars could drive upside-down against gravity at enough speed, and being able to stick to a track at near 200MPH while pulling close to 4 G's in a corner is purely an aerodynamic affair and no amount of rubber could accomplish that, but you knew that already as you laugh nervously behind your keyboard. [-X
Street cars? Wings do indeed help to a lesser degree, that Active Areo on a McLaren MP4-12c really helps but your understanding of of Automotive engineering and Aero Dynamics obviously stops with those pictures above and your Blast Processing remark leads me to believe that you are indeed biased and won't listen to reason so here is a nice video to enjoy. Porsche relies heavily on a automated rear wing for down-force, handling, and cooling and have done so for decades, I'm willing to bet they know a little more than you but thanks for playing. Just stick to your turbo playing, laugh all you want in your ignorance but if you can admit to yourself you are wrong believe me you'll feel better :lol:
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:38 PMQuote from: NecroPhile on 04/18/2014, 10:29 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 09:59 PMBetter than the Genesis....... I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on. A decidedly blanket statement is silly.
Same old dipshit. :lol:
Anyone who argues pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16bit era is the dipshit :lol: There are no blanket statements here, just preferences that said I know what site this is and I'll move on.
I agree with this statement. But Necromancer's comment was influenced by your long history across forums, of making relentless blanket statements
arguing declaring pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16-bit era.
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 01:46 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:38 PMQuote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 10:29 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 09:59 PMBetter than the Genesis....... I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on. A decidedly blanket statement is silly.
Same old dipshit. :lol:
Anyone who argues pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16bit era is the dipshit :lol: There are no blanket statements here, just preferences that said I know what site this is and I'll move on.
I agree with this statement. But Necromancer's comment was influenced by your long history across forums, of making relentless blanket statements arguing declaring pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16-bit era.
If you wana tear open old wounds we can. I spoke to my preference of the MD and made that clear based on how easy it was to get and how I grew up with it. The turbo was a far more rare bird and more expensive especially these days but I was lucky to get a Turbo Express on crack prices back in the early 90's with commons like Bonk, Vigilante, Chase HQ, sports stuff. That said I play my Duo a lot these days and really enjoy it. Between the PCE, SNES, and MD it is my favorite era of gaming and I'll never give it up and I see them as contemporaries. If I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE. Super Metroid would not look as good on the PCE and so on. I was then pointed out that each system does games in it's own way exclusive to it's architecture, so maybe EWJ2 won't be as good on the PCE but then Blazing Lasers or Sapphire won't be as good on the MD or would in fact melt a SNES.
Each system for each style, artistically and then you have to factor in if some programmer was a lazy ass that day and did a bad job like Altered Beast on the PCE or how Lords of Thunder is better on the PCE even though the Sega CD is a more powerful system. So many factors, but yes I still prefer the MD, too easy to get too many great games and the NA support was top notch.
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 02:20 PMQuote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 01:46 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:38 PMQuote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 10:29 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 09:59 PMBetter than the Genesis....... I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on. A decidedly blanket statement is silly.
Same old dipshit. :lol:
Anyone who argues pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16bit era is the dipshit :lol: There are no blanket statements here, just preferences that said I know what site this is and I'll move on.
I agree with this statement. But Necromancer's comment was influenced by your long history across forums, of making relentless blanket statements arguing declaring pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16-bit era.
What he said. ^^
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:38 PMI like cars. Wings make cars go faster. Bits make vidya games more betterer.
The gold car is for real... local drug dealer and community icon of sorts. He spray painted his car entirely gold... even the wheels. People on facebook around here post "sighting" pics of him all the time. "hey look, goldie sighting at the cash-to-check", "found goldie at walmart", "goldie spotted at payday advance", "look who is at the pawn shop!", etc...
Back on topic:
I'm not angry. Your continued "missing of the point" just kind of reinforces what most everyone here already knows. a.) spoilers give you more horsepower and torque, b.) bit count is more important than MIPS when it comes to CPU performance, and c.) troll feeding is never wise.
Whoever said spoilers give power or torque? Changing your quote again? Let's take a look shall we?
Quote from: NulltardPeople who compare "bits" remind me of those who think a big spoiler helps a car go faster.
They do make cars go faster, and they allow more power to the ground and as you know power is nothing without control. Nice back pedal and you attacked me again even though you knew you were wrong. I'm just trying to help is all, sometimes help comes from those you least expect. No need for a grudge anymore, those bags are heavy, put them down why are you still carrying those bags?
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 02:20 PMQuote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 01:46 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:38 PMQuote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 10:29 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/17/2014, 09:59 PMBetter than the Genesis....... I think the Turbo does Turbo games best, the genesis does genesis games best, and so on. A decidedly blanket statement is silly.
Same old dipshit. :lol:
Anyone who argues pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16bit era is the dipshit :lol: There are no blanket statements here, just preferences that said I know what site this is and I'll move on.
I agree with this statement. But Necromancer's comment was influenced by your long history across forums, of making relentless blanket statements arguing declaring pure superiority within the 8-bit or 16-bit era.
What he said. ^^
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:38 PMI like cars. Wings make cars go faster. Bits make vidya games more betterer.
The gold car is for real... local drug dealer and community icon of sorts. He spray painted his car entirely gold... even the wheels. People on facebook around here post "sighting" pics of him all the time. "hey look, goldie sighting at the cash-to-check", "found goldie at walmart", "goldie spotted at payday advance", "look who is at the pawn shop!", etc...
Back on topic:
I'm not angry. Your continued "missing of the point" just kind of reinforces what most everyone here already knows. a.) spoilers give you more horsepower and torque, b.) bit count is more important than MIPS when it comes to CPU performance, and c.) troll feeding is never wise.
You keep your bits i'll take the MIPS.
So adding a "wing" = car goes faster and more stable?
Damn it!...I've been going at it all wrong for years. Your telling me that I've been wasting time & money on coil-over suspension, sway/chassis bars, wheels/tires, etc. for stabilization when I should have just installed a big "wing" instead?
...And to think, I've been wanting to get a supercharger to make my car faster. Forget the expensive supercharger, I'm getting a big ass "wing" to fly fast!
no csgx1, you should have purchased an F1 car right away.
Quote from: csgx1 on 04/18/2014, 02:41 PMSo adding a "wing" = car goes faster and more stable ?
Damn it!...I've been going at it all wrong for years. Your telling me that I've been wasting time & money on coil-over suspension, sway/chassis bars, wheels/tires, etc. for stabilization when I should have just installed a big "wing" instead?
...And to think, I've been wanting to get a supercharger to make my car faster. Forget the expensive supercharger, I'm getting a big ass "wing" to fly fast!
Sarcasm detector.jpg
Downforce = Traction, having traction allows more power to the ground = faster acceleration and not flying off the road during high speed maneuvers. My car has already had a massive rear wing and zero lift kit so I added suspension and brake upgrades. A good set of brakes allows you to go faster too, meaning that you can keep your foot on the gas longer as the brakes take less time to slow you down, better breaks = more time on the gas. I hope you've had a proper alignment with all those suspension upgrades.
Quote from: Nulltard on 04/18/2014, 02:52 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 02:30 PMWhoever said spoilers give power or torque ? Changing your quote again? Let's take a look shall we?
Quote from: guestPeople who compare "bits" remind me of those who think a big spoiler helps a car go faster.
They do make cars go faster, and they allow more power to the ground and as you know power is nothing without control.
Is it power or control? I was hoping you'd latch on to my using terms other than "fast", because I wanted to see if it would help you be aware of how you're changing things up on your side. Horsepower... power... that will make you go faster. Control... brakes give you control. I'm going to get new brakes because they'll help me go faster.


i came...
All the horsepower in the world is useless without traction F1 cars are what 1600 pounds and have extreme power so they could spin the wheels in almost any gear. A Wing puts down-force over the rear wheels, so power + control = traction and of course acceleration. The proper thing now would be to admit you were wrong, it's easy we all know already. One last time, you said adding a wing doesn't makes cars faster, they do. There is no arguing with physics, but you seem to be trying very hard.
Quote from: Nulltard on 04/18/2014, 03:15 PMPhysics... let's talk about friction and drag. I was just kind of toying with you at first, but man... i see why people give you a hard time now. Did you used to work as the Iraqi Information Minister?
There is actually a thread somewhere on here with a post of that infamous screen shot of Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, captioned with an EvilEvoXI quote.
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 03:15 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 02:58 PMAll the horsepower in the world is useless without traction F1 cars are what 1600 pounds and have extreme power so they could spin the wheels in almost any gear. A Wing puts down-force over the rear wheels, so power + control = traction and of course acceleration.
Again, completely ignoring the original point/context and grasping for that hint of a straw that represents the one context in which your claims are not 100% retarded.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 02:58 PMThe proper thing now would be to admit you were wrong, it's easy we all know already.
Who is "we". All of your personalities? Let's see... there's EvilIX, PedoIX, SegaboiIX, and DerpyIX. You're right... it is unanimous... all of -you- know I'm wrong.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 02:58 PMOne last time, you said adding a wing doesn't makes cars faster, they do. There is no arguing with physics, but you seem to be trying very hard.
Physics... let's talk about friction and drag. I was just kind of toying with you at first, but man... i see why people give you a hard time now. Did you used to work as the Iraqi Information Minister?
You just can't let it go. Let it go bro, put those bags down. All the name calling, back pedaling, whining, and posting pictures of ricers won't change the fact that wings make cars faster. Sorry, thanks for playing. All your anger is adding up to nothing at this point and is getting silly.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:56 PMIf I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE.
More than that, dipshit. We all agree that Earthworm Jim would lose some pizazz in parallax backgrounds, but your argument was that the PCE couldn't handle the sprite animation. Hilarious. And don't forget your claims that the PCE choked on SFII compared to "real" 16 bitters, using smaller sprites and running slower, or your adamant belief that the NeoGeo can pull off a perfect mode 7 game like Mario Kart? Pure dipshittery, my friend.
As for the wing argument:
some wings can indeed make
some cars faster, and not just in corners either. Saying that "wings = faster", however, is a gross oversimplification.
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 04:15 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:56 PMIf I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE.
More than that, dipshit. We all agree that Earthworm Jim would lose some pizazz in parallax backgrounds, but your argument was that the PCE couldn't handle the sprite animation. Hilarious. And don't forget your claims that the PCE choked on SFII compared to "real" 16 bitters, using smaller sprites and running slower, or your adamant belief that the NeoGeo can pull off a perfect mode 7 game like Mario Kart? Pure dipshittery, my friend.
As for the wing argument: some wings can indeed make some cars faster, and not just in corners either. Saying that "wings = faster", however, is a gross oversimplification.
Man oh Man the grudge continues. You guys really take this seriously. I see Nulltard still can't admit when he was wrong and he's floundering. That said I played the MD Version and the PCE Version of SFII back to back and said I preferred the MD version as it had less slowdown, and it does have less slowdown. Maybe my specific copy is broken but when 2 projectiles get on the screen shit slows WAY down. No need for name calling, that is not professional. We also argued that the MD68000 did things better like 3D and yes the SNES did things like Mario Kart better due to it's architecture. Who here doesn't think F Zero runs and lays great? Neo Geo could simply use sprites to mimic the look as mentioned before but it wouldn't be the same.
Going back to wings the guy said that wings don't make cars faster, I argued they did, that is all.
No on to the bios :wink:
Ay my china warrior decided to work again!
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 06:03 PMI said "cars", not dragsters/f1/rocket cars/blah blah... you fucking twat. You even agreed with me (in the context in which I was clearly speaking- riced out shitty street cars) and it was entertaining for a while to troll you on and on, though i'll admit i don't give a single shit or know anything about cars other than that if I slapped a spoiler on my 4-banger I would not expect to go faster unless getting laughed at can make a car go faster.
And get it right: nobody has a grudge here, lots of people here just don't like ya. Despite my calling you a fucking twat and all that, I don't necessarily dislike you. You just remind me of a guy i know who butts into any conversation and tries his damnedest to take control of the topic and position himself as the authority on whatever subject matter is being discussed, no matter how little he knows about said topic. He's not a bad guy, but when he opens his mouth you can almost hear every eye in the room rolling in unison.
Cars do come with wings, factory installed, see Porsche, Lamborghini, Nisan GTR, Dodge Viper ACR (Which by the way help the fastest lap at the Nuremberg Ring for years based upon that MASSIVE wing on it's production car back, not possible without the wing in fact so that 100% proves my point by itself if you care to ignore everything else ever presented in aerodynamics ever) and my lowly Mitsu Lancer Evo which has a massive wing that eliminates lift at about 60 and creates tremendous downforce as speed increases. They were installed to increase the speed of the car in every case, not one of them slows the car down.
twat? Oh did baby boy get caught in a boo boo and him don't know how to say he made an oopsie so him's gotta cry in public? How about you admit you got it wrong? How about you admit a wing beyond a shadow of a doubt no matter how much you piss and moan makes a car go FASTER. Lost of people don't like me You keeping count? You speaking for all of them? Get caught making shit up and you fly off the handle like a wash woman with too much work and piss an moan?
Just admit you were wrong, no amount of name calling, picture posting, crying, bitching will change that. What did change was my opinion of you, no idea who you were but baby boy couldn't take a mild correction and flew off the handle, Jesus Christ I hope you don't fly off than handle like that at work, calm down, realize you made an oopsie and someone with a long LONG history in auto racing may have pointed out a misstep, most people would say "OK cool bro, now I know".
I just want to say that Playstation 3 was 128 bits and Playstation 4 is only 64 bits. PS4 sucks.
someone called this phase a "turbogasm". Once you get past it, you know you're really "in love" with the system.
Sent from my Sega Gamegear
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 05:15 PMQuote from: NecroPhile on 04/18/2014, 04:15 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:56 PMIf I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE.
More than that, dipshit. We all agree that Earthworm Jim would lose some pizazz in parallax backgrounds, but your argument was that the PCE couldn't handle the sprite animation. Hilarious. And don't forget your claims that the PCE choked on SFII compared to "real" 16 bitters, using smaller sprites and running slower, or your adamant belief that the NeoGeo can pull off a perfect mode 7 game like Mario Kart? Pure dipshittery, my friend.
As for the wing argument: some wings can indeed make some cars faster, and not just in corners either. Saying that "wings = faster", however, is a gross oversimplification.
Man oh Man the grudge continues. You guys really take this seriously. I see Nulltard still can't admit when he was wrong and he's floundering. That said I played the MD Version and the PCE Version of SFII back to back and said I preferred the MD version as it had less slowdown, and it does have less slowdown. Maybe my specific copy is broken but when 2 projectiles get on the screen shit slows WAY down. No need for name calling, that is not professional.
It was pointed out that everyone else's copies behave the same as all the videos on youtube: the slowdown only exists in your imagination. Tom even sped up the PCE version to beyond Turbo speeds and it doesn't slowdown. Your copies of Altered Beast were also proven to be broken, as you insisted:
QuoteLook at fucking Altered Beast? Why is that shittyness ignored? Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE. Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness. What excuse is there? Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD? Look how choppy and darty the animation is? The music sounds like it's coming from a Halmark Music Card. And now you tell me Earthworm Jim can come from this?
You're so fanatical to the point that you're literally delusional. Your problem in this state though, is that you don't just paint broad opinions like a typical fanboy, like "only Nintendo's games are legendary!". You continue to make quantifiable statements about things like slowdown, animation, detail, etc, that is so easy to prove unequivocally wrong.
When you were shown with full sprite rips, that the PCE version of Altered Beast has
way more animation, plus better shading/color/detail, you simply dismissed image-based proof with "I'm sorry am I supposed to
read all that?". So much for "Apples to Apples".
QuoteWe also argued that the MD68000 did things better like 3D and yes the SNES did things like Mario Kart better due to it's architecture. Who here doesn't think F Zero runs and lays great? Neo Geo could simply use sprites to mimic the look as mentioned before but it wouldn't be the same.
What all of the programmers and tech experts agreed upon, is that the Neo Geo is the one console which definitely
can't do, nor fake Mode 7.
One of your common delusional arguments is to regularly reference previous discussions, saying that everyone agreed with you. Except that in every single instance you bring up, it's always a discussion in which literally no one agreed with you, you were proven wrong by experts and labeled a troll or your intelligence was questioned.
WWII NĂĽrburgring Trials. :lol:
Quote from: NecroPhile on 04/18/2014, 06:35 PMWWII NĂĽrburgring Trials. :lol:
hahah glad I'm not the only one who caught that.
Seriously guys go chill outside, get some fresh air. This discussion leads nowhere.
Teh Drama is everywhere I see :lol:
Wah..wah..wahhhhhh. :3
Quote from: synbiosfan on 04/18/2014, 07:52 PMTeh Drama is everywhere I see :lol:
whenever EvilEvoIX joins a pce hail discussion, you can bet on your old aunt that the drama is gonna hit in very soon.
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 04/18/2014, 11:10 PM(
More like Götzendiener.
Fixed. :3
April 2014 was the month that will be remembered for the creation of the PCE Family meme
Quote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 06:29 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 05:15 PMQuote from: guest on 04/18/2014, 04:15 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/18/2014, 01:56 PMIf I argued MD superiority I simply nit picked on the slightly larger sprite limit and how much i prefered the M68000 and how I thought that later games (EwJ2) would not look as good on a PCE.
More than that, dipshit. We all agree that Earthworm Jim would lose some pizazz in parallax backgrounds, but your argument was that the PCE couldn't handle the sprite animation. Hilarious. And don't forget your claims that the PCE choked on SFII compared to "real" 16 bitters, using smaller sprites and running slower, or your adamant belief that the NeoGeo can pull off a perfect mode 7 game like Mario Kart? Pure dipshittery, my friend.
As for the wing argument: some wings can indeed make some cars faster, and not just in corners either. Saying that "wings = faster", however, is a gross oversimplification.
Man oh Man the grudge continues. You guys really take this seriously. I see Nulltard still can't admit when he was wrong and he's floundering. That said I played the MD Version and the PCE Version of SFII back to back and said I preferred the MD version as it had less slowdown, and it does have less slowdown. Maybe my specific copy is broken but when 2 projectiles get on the screen shit slows WAY down. No need for name calling, that is not professional.
It was pointed out that everyone else's copies behave the same as all the videos on youtube: the slowdown only exists in your imagination. Tom even sped up the PCE version to beyond Turbo speeds and it doesn't slowdown. Your copies of Altered Beast were also proven to be broken, as you insisted:
QuoteLook at fucking Altered Beast? Why is that shittyness ignored? Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE. Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness. What excuse is there? Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD? Look how choppy and darty the animation is? The music sounds like it's coming from a Halmark Music Card. And now you tell me Earthworm Jim can come from this?
You're so fanatical to the point that you're literally delusional. Your problem in this state though, is that you don't just paint broad opinions like a typical fanboy, like "only Nintendo's games are legendary!". You continue to make quantifiable statements about things like slowdown, animation, detail, etc, that is so easy to prove unequivocally wrong.
When you were shown with full sprite rips, that the PCE version of Altered Beast has way more animation, plus better shading/color/detail, you simply dismissed image-based proof with "I'm sorry am I supposed to read all that?". So much for "Apples to Apples".
QuoteWe also argued that the MD68000 did things better like 3D and yes the SNES did things like Mario Kart better due to it's architecture. Who here doesn't think F Zero runs and lays great? Neo Geo could simply use sprites to mimic the look as mentioned before but it wouldn't be the same.
What all of the programmers and tech experts agreed upon, is that the Neo Geo is the one console which definitely can't do, nor fake Mode 7.
One of your common delusional arguments is to regularly reference previous discussions, saying that everyone agreed with you. Except that in every single instance you bring up, it's always a discussion in which literally no one agreed with you, you were proven wrong by experts and labeled a troll or your intelligence was questioned.
I just don't get the extreme fanaticism, it's almost a cult. This all stemmed from me making one comment on the hardware of the PCE, correcting a simple post IN THIS THREAD saying that it was superior in every way to other 16 bit consoles, I disagreed and yes even some of you know that. I know what site this is I know a lot of people get butt hurt easily. YES I prefer the MD Version of SFII and I feel it plays better than the PCE version with less slow down, sorry, it does. Also I grew up on the MD version so, I am, you know, BIASED... But guys act like he PCE is the END all BE all with far superiority, it's just another style in gaming during the generation. You guys can't have that, you just can't and it' beyond me as to why you think it's relevant to destroy yet another thread over this shit, move on. And yes the Neo Geo can spin a large sprite on the floor to mimic a mode 7 effect, an it work as well as he SNES Mode 7? No, is your Butt still Hurt? Yes....
Delusional? I feel overall the MD has a better sound chip than the PCE, more channels, better music for sure IMHO. Can the MD sound like shit, absolutely, can you prefer the sound of the PCE over the MD, of course. I prefer the NES sound chip especially concerning any and all things Mega Man, to me it sounds better then anything ever save for MUSHA on the MD.
I have no idea why you feel the need to bring in old threads, it's like a way you want to keep fighting, it's over dude it ended 20 years ago an in North America the MD won by a land slide. That's where I grew up and that is what the market dictated to me.
Animation again, here we go.... Most of the animation added over the MD ports were comparing CD to Carts, it is not even close in terms of storage capacity. This little fact is constantly getting ignored, no idea why but YES the PCE CD RULES, massive storage for sprites and CD quality music, it must be a miracle it beats a 4-8MB cart, MIRACLE!!! I again brought up it is only fair to compare carts to carts (Hucards) and you all piped up that the PCE was a CD system to begin with or at least designed as such. There is no winning (And I know that yet the war rages on) here may was well enter a Catholic Church and preach Muslim religion, I get that why don't you.
Programmer tech experts, right. Just because guys get in line to toot on their sausage doesn't make an expert. There are some bright fellows here no doubt and I even got one down to admit on the CPU wars thread that the MD68000 was "Somewhat faster". That's all I was saying, I pointed out that some say it means it is faster. Oh no, couldn't have that and the shit flew again.
Again who cares, there is a whole hierarchy and pecking order on this site and some sort of dick sucking order I don't subscribe to. What SHOULD be news to you guys is that some people, as silly as it may seem, think that the MD has superior hardware. Some "Tech experts" believe as well, guess they are all wrong. I am no expert and most of you are not. Most of you prefer the PCE, I like it too, that's it.
Again, all this stemmed from me disagreeing that the PCE has superior hardware over all, I even posted that was a silly argument, but you guys still can't let it go. I swear you guys like drama too much.
Quote from: NulltardI'm a 35 year old man who likes to yell and scream profanities on the internet especially when I get proven wrong. I like to type that I am laughing behind a computer to hide my shame. I like to type twat because even at 35 years old I think this is the best naughty word I can come up with. I take shit way to seriously as this is my life and I care only what strange men think because obviously there isn't any pussy on this site.
Got it bro, Happy Easter and God Bless.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/18/2014, 10:24 PMQuote from: synbiosfan on 04/18/2014, 07:52 PMTeh Drama is everywhere I see :lol:
whenever EvilEvoIX joins a pce hail discussion, you can bet on your old aunt that the drama is gonna hit in very soon.
You know what, I'm beginning to think that people don't like me!
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/20/2014, 11:10 AMthere is a whole hierarchy and pecking order on this site and some sort of dick sucking order I don't subscribe to.
*gets in line*
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/20/2014, 11:10 AMGot it bro, Happy Easter and God Bless.
Quote from: guest on 04/20/2014, 08:02 PMWow, you read all that, hailing ? Pretty amusing quote you pulled. Looks like you're not the only one with an appetite for meat, eh? Lol... i saw the sheer volume of that wall of text and opted out.
I apologize. I shouldn't have called you a fucking twat.
I can skim fast style sometimes.
lol meat
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/20/2014, 11:10 AMYou know what, I'm beginning to think that people don't like me!
I wouldn't go that far.
Warpig, you a 25th Wolfhound?
I thought the wing on a car made it jump higher when it goes off a ramp...unless Final Lap Twin was lying to me...
Seriously, though, all this because someone said the Genesis had better hardware ? You guys can be nuts sometimes...You guys are practically going Jihad on poor EvilEvoIX...
I don't know the backstory behind all of this, but everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it disagrees with the common feeling on this forum. When people start trying to prove one another wrong over a difference of opinion as if it was a matter of life and death, it just makes them both look bad.
Quote from: Arjak on 04/21/2014, 01:56 PMI don't know the backstory behind all of this....
Then kindly shut your yap. :mrgreen:
Evo is a troll, plain and simple. Go back and read Black Tigers quotes and try to say with a straight face that
all Evo has done is say he thinks the Genny is more powerful.
im glad im not the minority here lol
Quote from: guest on 04/20/2014, 08:02 PMWow, you read all that, hailing? Pretty amusing quote you pulled. Looks like you're not the only one with an appetite for meat, eh? Lol... i saw the sheer volume of that wall of text and opted out.
I apologize. I shouldn't have called you a fucking twat.
That's all I care about. It's just the A-Bomb for a minor inconvenience, not saying you can't call me that but at least build up to it, nobody opens with a cum-shot. Like I said before I responded to two quotes that ruffled feathers.
One was someone posted that the TG16/PCE was completely superior to the other two "True" ;) 16-Bit machines of the same era which I pointed none are completely superior (Even the Mighty Neo has some chinks ( in it's armor). They even agreed with this yet still managed to argue, I was flabbergasted to this tactic and have never seen it before; way beyond my skills as an internet arguer guy.
And your comment on wings and cars which I hoped you learned something. I just saw the new Koenigsegg Agera R yetserday at the NYAS and my god that wing was huge, no idea why they would put that on a 1.6 Million car yet there you have it with the Swedes....
Quote from: Arjak on 04/21/2014, 01:56 PMI thought the wing on a car made it jump higher when it goes off a ramp...unless Final Lap Twin was lying to me...
Seriously, though, all this because someone said the Genesis had better hardware ? You guys can be nuts sometimes...You guys are practically going Jihad on poor EvilEvoIX...
I don't know the backstory behind all of this, but everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it disagrees with the common feeling on this forum. When people start trying to prove one another wrong over a difference of opinion as if it was a matter of life and death, it just makes them both look bad.
A proper wing can make the car accelerate faster, have a higher top speed, and pull over a G on the Skid pad. In extreme cases it can make the car pull over 3G's in a corner. That is all I am saying. I am thinking that the OP of said wing quote was referring to the "Pep Boy Specials" we see out there that do basically nothing but make people laugh and create a HUGE blind spot.
As far as he Genesis being Superior we all know that blanket statement is 100% false. But this is a PCE site so bias is expected, to me I feel the MD had better hardware OVER ALL but you have to admit the PCE with a Super CD upgrade is a serious beast, but even correcting a minor niggle in terms of hardware gets a massive cock in your mouth. Thank you for reading this ENTIRE thread and you see who shot first.
Quote from: guest on 04/21/2014, 02:07 PMQuote from: Arjak on 04/21/2014, 01:56 PMI don't know the backstory behind all of this....
Then kindly shut your yap. :mrgreen:
Evo is a troll, plain and simple. Go back and read CrackTiger's quotes and try to say with a straight face that all Evo has done is say he thinks the Genny is more powerful.
You see this is what I am talking about, all I have to say is....."The Genny is quite weaker than the PCE as having 16-BITS makes it slower as they are more heavy to move than 8 bits plus Hucards are smaller therefore they allow more Bios to move more grafxissess around the screen".... and they'd love me. Listen I admit I had some fun, specifically with the "Bios" tirade but you guys kept coming, over and over again, it was far too silly to avoid.
tell me again how the bit count is playing such an important role?
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 12:20 PMtell me again how the bit count is playing such an important role?
Tell me again why people went to 16-32-64 bits and operating systems today are using 32 and 64 bit machines and not 8-Bit? Hell my old IBM Compatible 386 from the 80's was 32BIT, there must be some reason for a juggernaut like IBM to use that configuration. As smart as any of us think we are we are not as smart as the folks over at IBM. I was even able to limp along a version of Doom on that bad boy until I got me a Pentium 60MHZ. Basically, as most of us know the bit level is how many bits the controller can handle, that's it.
The PCE's 8-bit CPU is a speed demon and can catch "supposedly" superior 16-bit machines off guard if used properly. In the PCE's defense shooters tend to make the system superior and the SNES look like a baby toy. It is obviously able to handle collision detection better without massive slowdown. Strange how this is but we are basically measuring the amount of work contemporary systems could do at the time. All three competing can do specific things that others cannot. The SNES especially with it's constant add-on chips to do hardware tricks vs just raw CPU power. Even the MD can split it's power along a Z80 to control the music and samples, it's all in the hardware and design. If I wanted to I could argue that the M68000 in the MD is in fact 32 bit, it's 32 bit architecture from the late 1970's and it's designation was changed to 16 bits as it's main database bus was just 16 bits wide so 16 bit.
But basically how much information you can move at any given moment and how fast that process can be repeated. But you want a specific game or graphical style the M68000 can do that the HuC6280A cannot do? You are not going to get RESQ out of the HuC6280A that's for sure.
Blah, blah, blah. Trolly McUnderbridge is at it again.
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 01:36 PMBlah, blah, blah. Trolly McUnderbridge is at it again.
And looks who keeps taking he bait... Seems to me some people just like to argue.....
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 12:50 PMBut basically how much information you can move at any given moment and how fast that process can be repeated.
You really just have no clue, do you?
Please Google these terms to improve your understanding, so you won't sound like such a twat:
Data Bus
Clock Speed
Address Space
An Engineer
Quote from: Lochlan on 04/24/2014, 02:23 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 12:50 PMBut basically how much information you can move at any given moment and how fast that process can be repeated.
You really just have no clue, do you?
Please Google these terms to improve your understanding, so you won't sound like such a twat:
Data Bus
Clock Speed
Address Space
An Engineer
Son of a Programmer > Engineer
At work we nickname people like that IKE. (I Know Everything) the funny part is they usually have no idea why.......
I'll have to start using IKE over my previous nickname for those kinds of people which was just simply "asshole"
Quote from: Lochlan on 04/24/2014, 02:23 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 12:50 PMBut basically how much information you can move at any given moment and how fast that process can be repeated.
You really just have no clue, do you?
Please Google these terms to improve your understanding, so you won't sound like such a twat:
Data Bus
Clock Speed
Address Space
An Engineer
Let's see shall we?
Clock Speed "The operating speed of a computer or its microprocessor, defined as the rate at which it performs internal operations and expressed in cycles per second" Hmm, oh you mean how fast the microprocessor executes each instruction? Oh and the faster the clock, the more instructions the CPU can execute per second, so how much work is DONE within a certain time and fast that work is done. I could have sworn I just posted that, yet you took offense.
Moving on....
Databus may refer to a computer subsystem that allows for the transferring of data from one component to another on a motherboard or system board, or between two computers. This can include transferring data to and from the memory, or from the central processing unit (CPU) to other components. Each one is designed to handle so many bits of data at a time. The amount of data a data bus can handle is called bandwidth.
A typical data bus is 32-bits wide. This means that up to 32 bits of data can travel through a data bus every second. Newer computers are making data buses that can handle 64-bit and even 96-bit data paths. At the same time they are making data buses to handle more bits, they are also making devices that can handle those higher bitrates. Windows is corrently working on a 128 BIT OS but I already emailed Bill Gates and asked him why he isn't using the vastly superior 8-Bit architecture as obviously he should have known this and is very stupid.
A Typical Bus is 32-bits? My computer is 64 Bits? Who needs that shit why isn't it 8-BITS!!!! Everyone on gods green earth knows that a 8-bit machine included with a 48 Bit bios revision from the Arcade Card Duo indeed outperforms all bit types including today's 64 BIT machines. Maybe not 128 Bit lemy get back to you.
Address spaceOhhh this one is easy, essential the size of someones home or "Dwelling" is an Address Space. The American Indians liked to use the term "Adobe" for their "Address Space" and I hope you do too.
According to U.S. Census reports, the Median and Average Square Feet of Floor Area in New Single-Family Houses here in the United States has been calculated at 2,169 Square Feet. This is sadly a drop from 2005 of nearly 2,500 as the Financial meltdown caused a lot of people to loose homes, homes in which they programed and loved 8-Bit devices in. This is probably why people have been using inferior 32 and 64 Bit work stations and may take many year before they upgrade to 8-bit devices once again. Overall, however, this is a big growth from 1973 where the Average Square foot of an Address Space was just 1500 Square feet so progress is progress I suppose.
This was fun ask me more!
dont worry Nulltard, Evo, DSM, & Honda owners typically know far less than they lead you to believe which is why the claim to know so much around those who know less. What you typically find is they parrot theory discussed in their favorite import tuner mag or info they read of the internet while swinging from Dave Burschur's nuts.
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 04:13 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 03:10 PMLet's see shall we? Clock Speed "The operating speed of a computer or its microprocessor, defined as the rate at which it performs internal operations and expressed in cycles per second" Hmm, oh you mean how fast the microprocessor executes each instruction? Oh and the faster the clock, the more instructions the CPU can execute per second, so how much work is DONE within a certain time and fast that work is done. I could have sworn I just posted that, yet you took offense. (
By that logic, you'd think that an 8-bit CPU @ 7.16 MHz would do less "instructions" than a mighty 16-bit CPU @ 7.61 MHz that had TWICE the bits and 450 MOAR HERTZ, wouldn't you? Let's look at the TRUEF!
- Turbob
- 8-bit CPU @ 7.16 MHz
- 1.5 MIPS
- Genepiss
- 16-bit CPU @ 7.61 MHz
- 0.96 MIPS
Also for reference, I found some nice quotes for ya on this wikishmedia article: (
QuoteThe term "spoiler" is often mistakenly used interchangeably with "wing". An automotive wing is a special type of spoiler whose intended design is to generate downforce as air passes around it, not simply disrupt existing airflow patterns
QuoteSome spoilers are added to cars primarily for styling purposes and have either little aerodynamic benefit or even make the aerodynamics worse.
So yes, you edumacated me good on wings, but I was talking about the pep boys spoiler thing. So ya can't really bust my chops for the terminology change to "horsepower and torque" since you had changed subjects on me. :P Regardless, it lends 0 credence to your BIT supremacy complex (which is why I took your bait to begin with. I give 0 fucks about cars or spoilers or wings (except for chicken wings, i loves me some of them)).
What I find amusing is that you're now espousing a point of view that each console has its strengths and weaknesses, and nobody disagrees with that. But what got you brownlisted here was that you would argue the case in favor of the Genesis against the strengths of the Turbob despite evidence that directly contradicted your claims.
Whatever, though. I don't really care. Just an observation.
Don't put words in my mouth and invent an new argument, I merely answered a general term on clock speed, you brought it back to the OH so tired yet oh so entertaining which system is bettereror fasterorist besters. My comment was a simple comment on clock speed and only clock speed. Get a letter, write out your feelings, and mail it back to 1989 if you wish to carry that tune on mips jesus christ.
As for wings now....
I think you give a lot of fucks about cars with wings, you seem to keep going back to that subject and keep tabs on the people in your town who has them. You were so confident in your hatred of said wings you maid an improper blanket statement and well I proved you wrong, get over it.
Brownlisted, by who, you? Who gives a shit? There are three people who parrot the same broken record shit to me over and over again like it means something and much less they mean something, you are now the 4th. I swear all these people think that they have some sort of internet power and authority, you have nothing, you can do nothing but protest and call me names but that's it.
Back to CPU Talk, if you wana do a DIRECT comparison between the two systems as a WHOLE I will be more than happy but it has been done to death, anything stated to give the Mighty MD a point is dismissed and then the comparison between CD games vs Carts comes out and no one has an issue with that. I know what site this is, I know which way people lean and have a MASSIVE hard-on for. It' just silly is all it is.
Quote from: tggodfrey on 04/24/2014, 04:24 PMdont worry Nulltard, Evo, DSM, & Honda owners typically know far less than they lead you to believe which is why the claim to know so much around those who know less. What you typically find is they parrot theory discussed in their favorite import tuner mag or info they read of the internet while swinging from Dave Burschur's nuts.
Don't put me in the same category as the Honduh crew. DSM's are great yet aging platform and my Evo has over 500WHP so it's not the end all be all but it's fast enough.
No your right the Honda owners have actually learned a lot and can hold a competant discussion on engine building and chassis design. 500WHP on an evo is a simple and a turbo upgrade, Fuel injector upgrade and ECU flash w/e85. Its been done by millions long before you came along chumbly.
The DSM platform has always been a shit platform. the 4g63 cannot hold itself together for anything. less than 5 people have managed to put a DSM into the 8's without having to rebuild the engine every other run. Our own resident chicagoan Yusef Behic hasnt been able to hold a head gasket for more than a couple runs and last I checked he was putting out 900WHP.
Quote from: tggodfrey on 04/24/2014, 04:31 PMNo your right the Honda owners have actually learned a lot and can hold a competant discussion on engine building and chassis design. 500WHP on an evo is a simple and a turbo upgrade, Fuel injector upgrade and ECU flash w/e85. Its been done by millions long before you came along chumbly.
E85? If I were running that I would be at 600WHP, I'm on 93 octane only son. I have had 2 Evo's since 2003 so I'm pretty up on the platform. Rods tend to bend at the 400-450 Pound feet of torque but you obviously knew that. 500WHP RELIABLY on a pump gas car with very quick spool is nothing to sneeze at sir, but yeah any "Tooner" can make 500WHP on E85.
DSM Shit platform? It may not be the best but it is certainly an over achiever. Back in the 90's I had a 95 TSI AWD with a FP Green and I would rip up LS1's, they had no idea especially with an AWD launch. Breaking stuff? I never did, but you better believe you can shatter a transfer case or strip a gear if you are not careful. Most people can send a rod right through the block if they get too lean but I kept it simple, Reliability, acceleration, top speed, in that order.
Oh and calling a 4G63 a weak engine, especially when a 1G DSM version has gone 9's at over 140MPH on stock rods and block is just silly but i think you know that, it's an excellent platform and VERY inexpensive, not 80's 5.0 cheap but getting there.
for an EVO thats plenty to sneeze at. Thats like saying a Supra putting down 800WHP is a lot.......
Quote from: tggodfrey on 04/24/2014, 04:35 PMfor an EVO thats plenty to sneeze at. Thats like saying a Supra putting down 800WHP is a lot.......
There's always somebody with more money and more power. I you have enough you can pick up a mid 2000's Gallardo send it off to underground racing and get 1800WHP. How long will it last? Who knows but my god is it fast.
Evos are junk. Decent mechanicals but everything else about the car belongs in an '82 Tercel.
And no doubt trollevo is still slow as molasses. There's no replacement for a driver mod.
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 04:47 PMEvos are junk. Decent mechanicals but everything else about the car belongs in an '82 Tercel.
And no doubt trollevo is still slow as molasses. There's no replacement for a driver mod.
Which is why you see them being parted out and junked as much as the DSMs are these days. I can fit what he knows about engine and chassis building in the corner of my palm and still have room for a ring and pinion. Probably why he chose an Evo, its easier to blend in with the rest of the nut swingers, parrot what you read of the net and go unnoticed.
My 1.6 focus has 115ps. Zoom zoom. does 60mpg on a good run. Yay!
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 04:47 PMEvos are junk. Decent mechanicals but everything else about the car belongs in an '82 Tercel.
And no doubt trollevo is still slow as molasses. There's no replacement for a driver mod.
Now your just hating, no body likes a hater. The Evo "Surprise" is not a luxury car, it has nice Recaro seats and a kick ass drive train but yes that's it.
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 04:49 PMQuoteDon't put words in my mouth and invent an new argument, I merely answered a general term on clock speed, you brought it back to the OH so tired yet oh so entertaining which system is bettereror fasterorist besters. My comment was a simple comment on clock speed and only clock speed. Get a letter, write out your feelings, and mail it back to 1989 if you wish to carry that tune on mips jesus christ.
But you were dead fucking wrong on your assessment of what exactly a clock speed is, that's all I was saying. Not my fault that a perfect case example involved Obey vs Nobey. Didya know that instructions per clock are not 1:1 across architectures? Didya know that your dismissal of facts and accurate information as "whining" only confirm what I (and many others) have been saying about you?
Did you even read what I wrote? Why are you still bitching? You are grasping at straws right now and it's embarrassing. My god the argument keeps changing and I don't even think you know wha you are arguing about. Go read what I wrote about Address Space that'll clear things up.
Quote from: tggodfrey on 04/24/2014, 04:55 PMQuote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 04:47 PMEvos are junk. Decent mechanicals but everything else about the car belongs in an '82 Tercel.
And no doubt trollevo is still slow as molasses. There's no replacement for a driver mod.
Which is why you see them being parted out and junked as much as the DSMs are these days. I can fit what he knows about engine and chassis building in the corner of my palm and still have room for a ring and pinion. Probably why he chose an Evo, its easier to blend in with the rest of the nut swingers, parrot what you read of the net and go unnoticed.
Ah yes the internet commando. Someone looking to flex his E dick, making shit up and victories in his head. Claiming to know more based on the fact one guy likes a certain type of car, Sir you are a silly goose and a hater....
I know piss-all about cars.
I was very pleased with myself when I managed to change out the headlight on my wife's VW Beetle. GTO vs. Eclipse
ITs out resident DSM owner!!!! Must be before he ate dunkin doughnuts out of munchkins.
16 bit 8bit
Clearly bits matter.
What the fuck?
Proving without doubt more bits = better
32 bits of BBC power! (Repton 3 - released as Acorn Archimedes OS in 1988)
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 05:27 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 05:12 PMQuote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 04:49 PMQuoteDon't put words in my mouth and invent an new argument, I merely answered a general term on clock speed, you brought it back to the OH so tired yet oh so entertaining which system is bettereror fasterorist besters. My comment was a simple comment on clock speed and only clock speed. Get a letter, write out your feelings, and mail it back to 1989 if you wish to carry that tune on mips jesus christ.
But you were dead fucking wrong on your assessment of what exactly a clock speed is, that's all I was saying. Not my fault that a perfect case example involved Obey vs Nobey. Didya know that instructions per clock are not 1:1 across architectures? Didya know that your dismissal of facts and accurate information as "whining" only confirm what I (and many others) have been saying about you?
Did you even read what I wrote? Why are you still bitching? You are grasping at straws right now and it's embarrassing. My god the argument keeps changing and I don't even think you know wha you are arguing about. Go read what I wrote about Address Space that'll clear things up.
Yes, i read what you wrote, and you were wrong. What is embarrassing is that you continue to speak as if you were some kind of authority on the matter when you don't comprehend the basics.
Since you don't know what you said was wrong, let me underline the key parts that reveal your ignorance:
QuoteClock Speed "The operating speed of a computer or its microprocessor, defined as the rate at which it performs internal operations and expressed in cycles per second" Hmm, oh you mean how fast the microprocessor executes each instruction? Oh and the faster the clock, the more instructions the CPU can execute per second, so how much work is DONE within a certain time and fast that work is done. I could have sworn I just posted that, yet you took offense.
Again, duckbater, MHz is Clock Cycles per second, not Instructions per second. Instructions per clock cycle is something determined by the chips architecture. The -same- CPU will run more instructions per second at a higher clock rate, but nobody is talking about that. We're talking about how two CPUs compare. Are you really so blind from jacking off to Howard the Duck that you can't see that you are, at best, completely out of context and, at worst, woefully ignorant about the subject at hand?
Kicking and scratching still? I never crowned myself expert of anything, you yourself stated earlier that you hate "Know-It-All's" and that just leads me to believe that you have just had an argument with the mirror. Like I said before you are an authority of "Nothing" and neither am I. I do however admit that I take nothing seriously and just enjoy a good conversation with someone who thinks they are an authority, it is silly to say the least.
Clock speed? All I did was copy and paste, I believe you were so upset and ready to unleash whatever prepackage internet tirade you had prepared the night before on me, so desperate to sound important and put down your fellow man. I believe that you're the kinda guy who hears a cool line in the movies and steers a conversation to use it as it were your own. If you enjoy making up arguments and acting them out on the internet have at it.
As for Howard the Duck, I would not beat off to him persay as he is a Male duck so I have to time my cum-shot to precisely 4:14 into the movie for some feathered boobage. However, when Howard almost bangs Lea Thompson is a good thing to wait for to get some interspecies love. That said I am DESPERATELY waiting for some interspecies fan art to bridge fantasy to reality.
Quote from: tggodfrey on 04/24/2014, 05:20 PM GTO vs. Eclipse
ITs out resident DSM owner!!!! Must be before he ate dunkin doughnuts out of munchkins.
Is that the Original Talon from the first TFATF? That thing is just a NT 420A they couldn't even mock up a fake FMIC for looks. I still love that Car, at least my 95 TSI AWD it was fun and fast and no one had any idea what it was, they just thought it was some little hatch back but it had over 400WHP on a stock 4G63 so back in the 90's that was moving.
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 05:34 PM16 bit 8bit
Clearly bits matter.
This is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there. My argument pertains to CONTEMPORARY systems and I've repeated over and over again not one of the big three systems has an absolute hardware advantage. I even expressly pointed out the difference and obvious evolution between a 16 Bit machine from the Late 70's to the PCE's much later 8-bit device and this nerd uses Sapphire, a CD rom game vs a what a 4KB game for the Intellivision? And I'm delusional?
Quote from: wildfruit on 04/24/2014, 06:35 PMProving without doubt more bits = better
32 bits of BBC power!
I'm not even mad at you. Your name is strangely homoerotic so PM me any time.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 07:33 PMThis is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there.
You need to self reflect and ask why every forum I see you on, you are always arguing with others.
If you're not just a troll, don't you notice that? Is it always everyone else that's wrong and not you?
Quote from: synbiosfan on 04/24/2014, 07:49 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 07:33 PMThis is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there.
You need to self reflect and ask why every forum I see you on, you are always arguing with others.
If you're not just a troll, don't you notice that? Is it always everyone else that's wrong and not you?
You need to ask why this thread was hijacked and turned into a war room because I disagreed with a guy who said that the turbo was had superior hardware to all other contemporary "16-Bit" consoles within it's generation. People are a bit touchy but yes I admit I like to fan the flames a bit but my god man it's not just me, people just like to argue on the internet. I will try to cool it from here on out just for you. But you must admit that people get their panties in a bunch over Bit Wars and it began at the School lunch table in the 80's and here it exists till this day with men in their late 30's and 40's. People proclaiming their internet superiority and expert level internet arguer it's just silly is all. What it has to do with real life is beyond me but very entertaining.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 12:50 PMQuote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 12:20 PMtell me again how the bit count is playing such an important role?
Tell me again why people went to 16-32-64 bits and operating systems today are using 32 and 64 bit machines and not 8-Bit? Hell my old IBM Compatible 386 from the 80's was 32BIT, there must be some reason for a juggernaut like IBM to use that configuration. As smart as any of us think we are we are not as smart as the folks over at IBM. I was even able to limp along a version of Doom on that bad boy until I got me a Pentium 60MHZ. Basically, as most of us know the bit level is how many bits the controller can handle, that's it.
that's exactly the point, in the PC biz they went already 32-bit or higher over fucking 2.5 decades ago, and still we have a lot of new 32-bit system sold even today.
why was the PS3 128-bit but the PS4 is again only 64-bit? so that makes the PS4 half the good than the PS3 and equal to the PS2? why did they even bother to make the PS4 then, if they couldn't even rise it up to 256-bit?
why was the jaguar already 64-bit, but absolutely couldn't hold a candle against the PS1 and saturn? but hey wait, the PS4 is also only 64-bit?? so PS4 = Jaguar?
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 08:24 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 12:50 PMQuote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 12:20 PMtell me again how the bit count is playing such an important role?
Tell me again why people went to 16-32-64 bits and operating systems today are using 32 and 64 bit machines and not 8-Bit? Hell my old IBM Compatible 386 from the 80's was 32BIT, there must be some reason for a juggernaut like IBM to use that configuration. As smart as any of us think we are we are not as smart as the folks over at IBM. I was even able to limp along a version of Doom on that bad boy until I got me a Pentium 60MHZ. Basically, as most of us know the bit level is how many bits the controller can handle, that's it.
that's exactly the point, in the PC biz they went already 32-bit or higher over fucking 2.5 decades ago, and still we have a lot of new 32-bit system sold even today.
why was the PS3 128-bit but the PS4 is again only 64-bit? so that makes the PS4 half the good than the PS3 and equal to the PS2? why did they even bother to make the PS4 then, if they couldn't even rise it up to 256-bit?
why was the jaguar already 64-bit, but absolutely couldn't hold a candle against the PS1 and saturn? but hey wait, the PS4 is also only 64-bit?? so PS4 = Jaguar?
You know you gotta speak slower with all this bit talk as I am really heating up my calculator at the moment and I can't quite keep up. But did you just say that the Intellivision 16-Bit chip is just as powerful as the MD 16-bit chip and the one in the Neo Geo? I think that Saturn has one too so that's 4 times 16 and carry the 2...... But hey wait if you run two PS4's concurrently it could equal the performance of a PS3 theoretically but I doubt Sony would wany you to do that but if you plug a 32X into an Atari Jaguar you get a pretty stout 96-Bit machine that has zero load times as it's all cart and if you use an Atari Lynx as a controller you get some serious action on the TV, im telling you.
sorry, but you were the sole guy in here that is defending the theory that bits matters, when in fact they absolutely DO NOT!
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 08:35 PMsorry, but you were the sole guy in here that is defending the theory that bits matters, when in fact they absolutely DO NOT!
Not once, not never. Re read this entire thread, have at it, now if you excuse me I must continue my Email to Bill Gates explaining that even though he is no longer the head of Microsoft he should spear head an agenda to halt all planning and production of a 128 BIT operating system for the new OS and seriously consider an 8-Bit design. I've learned well here and I carry the good news upward for humanity and all our 8-Bit brethren. I forgive your accusations of 8-bit herasy and will prove my intentions shortly.
QuoteThis is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there. My argument pertains to CONTEMPORARY systems and I've repeated over and over again not one of the big three systems has an absolute hardware advantage. I even expressly pointed out the difference and obvious evolution between a 16 Bit machine from the Late 70's to the PCE's much later 8-bit device and this nerd uses Sapphire, a CD rom game vs a what a 4KB game for the Intellivision? And I'm delusional?
Yes, of course you are. As has been pointed out time and time again, so thoroughly that even a delusional person would understand, your delusional to the point that you can't accept the agreed upon fact that you're delusional. You first started all this 'Genesis>PCE-cuz-bits' crap on
Sega-16, the
Genesis-based site, where
everyone(!) disagreed with you and were much harsher on you than anyone here. The fact that Genesis fans found your nonsense to be delusional is enough of a wake-up call to cure even the most delusional person.
The fact that you don't understand the basics of how CD games work, even after experts with experience programming PCE and Genesis software have explained to you simply, proves both your ignorance and how you should not be commenting on the technical abilities if the systems at all.
You continue to tout the
potential of CD storage and ignore the fact that most PCE CD games have the same size of in-game content as cart games, only with the
handicap of having to use only small portions at once, while cart games are relatively free to access pretty much anything any time. A 6 stage CD2 game is a <3 meg game. A 6 stage Super CD game is a <12 meg game. Factoring the redundant code and assets that have to be reused each time, the actual game sizes are
much smaller.
But the fact remains that the PCE was a CD-based system since before day one. The CD combo is standard hardware. The CD-ROM was never an add-on and NEC would not have partnered on it if it was. In the end though, aside from CD sound and a bit of adpcm, it's still simply a
delivery method, no different than carts, except for that major
You always bring up animation as the best measure of the ability/power/16-bit gen-ness of a console. The experts explained how the PCE is better at it than Genesis and SNES and you tell everyone that you
alone truly know what is real or not. You cite Genesis games with animation that the PCE can't handle on a technical level, then ignore the PCE examples wich outdo them. Even if you credit extra storage for holding the frames of animation, memory is memory and storage is storage.
The base-PCE hardware is what runs it all and does the highest intensity of in-game animation from that generation, while also pushing extreme action and filling the screen with sprites. All of that while still sacrificing cpu power to run sound, while the Genesis and SNES don't take a hit running sound. It's
that powerful. But it doesn't have to shoot for a potential benchmark, realized or not. You set the standard of measure when you named games with the defining level of animation. Once the PCE meets that level of animation, by your own standard it's as good as matters. The fact that it goes much further is superfluous to your standards.
But as you mentioned, you are delusional. Although you will change the rules you have
just now set
once again... here is an example which uses your own measure (
animation from equal sized carts) of power/ability/16-bitted'tude/awesomeness, to prove yourself wrong... and it's the CONTEMPORARY game you
always bring up as proof of the opposite :roll: :
4Mb 8-bit cart <------- VS -------> 4Mb 16-bit cart( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
By your own standard, simply count the frames and the PCE is superior. Simple arithmetic. Those of us with common sense, will also appreciate the superior shading, detail and seemingly generation-beyond coloring.
What would a person delusional enough to imagine non-existent slowdown in SFII' say about PCE Altered Beast animation versus Mega Drive?
QuoteLook at fucking Altered Beast? Why is that shittyness ignored? Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE. Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness. What excuse is there? Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD? Look how choppy and darty the animation is?
Pretty!! but i like the way the sega side flickers on my laptop when I scroll the page, That's got to be worth its weight in gold.
Quote from: guest on 04/24/2014, 10:05 PMQuoteThis is EXACTLY what I am talking about, you guys are delusional, still not as bad as the guys at but god dammit you are getting there. My argument pertains to CONTEMPORARY systems and I've repeated over and over again not one of the big three systems has an absolute hardware advantage. I even expressly pointed out the difference and obvious evolution between a 16 Bit machine from the Late 70's to the PCE's much later 8-bit device and this nerd uses Sapphire, a CD rom game vs a what a 4KB game for the Intellivision? And I'm delusional?
Yes, of course you are. As has been pointed out time and time again, so thoroughly that even a delusional person would understand, your delusional to the point that you can't accept the agreed upon fact that you're delusional. You first started all this 'Genesis>PCE-cuz-bits' crap on Sega-16, the Genesis-based site, where everyone(!) disagreed with you and were much harsher on you than anyone here. The fact that Genesis fans found your nonsense to be delusional is enough of a wake-up call to cure even the most delusional person.
The fact that you don't understand the basics of how CD games work, even after experts with experience programming PCE and Genesis software have explained to you simply, proves both your ignorance and how you should not be commenting on the technical abilities if the systems at all.
You continue to tout the potential of CD storage and ignore the fact that most PCE CD games have the same size of in-game content as cart games, only with the handicap of having to use only small portions at once, while cart games are relatively free to access pretty much anything any time. A 6 stage CD2 game is a <3 meg game. A 6 stage Super CD game is a <12 meg game. Factoring the redundant code and assets that have to be reused each time, the actual game sizes are much smaller.
But the fact remains that the PCE was a CD-based system since before day one. The CD combo is standard hardware. The CD-ROM was never an add-on and NEC would not have partnered on it if it was. In the end though, aside from CD sound and a bit of adpcm, it's still simply a delivery method, no different than carts, except for that major handicap.
You always bring up animation as the best measure of the ability/power/16-bit gen-ness of a console. The experts explained how the PCE is better at it than Genesis and SNES and you tell everyone that you alone truly know what is real or not. You cite Genesis games with animation that the PCE can't handle on a technical level, then ignore the PCE examples wich outdo them. Even if you credit extra storage for holding the frames of animation, memory is memory and storage is storage.
The base-PCE hardware is what runs it all and does the highest intensity of in-game animation from that generation, while also pushing extreme action and filling the screen with sprites. All of that while still sacrificing cpu power to run sound, while the Genesis and SNES don't take a hit running sound. It's that powerful. But it doesn't have to shoot for a potential benchmark, realized or not. You set the standard of measure when you named games with the defining level of animation. Once the PCE meets that level of animation, by your own standard it's as good as matters. The fact that it goes much further is superfluous to your standards.
But as you mentioned, you are delusional. Although you will change the rules you have just now set once again... here is an example which uses your own measure (animation from equal sized carts) of power/ability/16-bitted'tude/awesomeness, to prove yourself wrong... and it's the CONTEMPORARY game you always bring up as proof of the opposite :roll: :
4Mb 8-bit cart <------- VS -------> 4Mb 16-bit cart
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
By your own standard, simply count the frames and the PCE is superior. Simple arithmetic. Those of us with common sense, will also appreciate the superior shading, detail and seemingly generation-beyond coloring.
What would a person delusional enough to imagine non-existent slowdown in SFII' say about PCE Altered Beast animation versus Mega Drive?
QuoteLook at fucking Altered Beast? Why is that shittyness ignored? Apples to Apples MD Vs. PCE. Great Animation intro thanks to CD Rom, great voice over, then 8-bit shittyness. What excuse is there? Why couldn't the game look as good as the MD? Look how choppy and darty the animation is?
This again? Did you post sprites again? Awwww, how cute. But did you just seriously compare the PCE port of Altered Beast to the Sega Genesis version (A laucnh title for thos take notes). Lets take a look shall we?
The PCE Hu Card version?
While not a total POS but is lacking in terms of the Sega Genesis which is just a launch title to begin with. The Music and sound is inferior as you will most certainly agree, the Main Character Sprite has drop-out and flicker because of sprite limitations but you already know that but refuse to admit or acknowledge it. There is no sampled speech to speak of. There is no parallax (the Arcade version lacked it so that can be overlook but the Genny had it and we all know the PCE can do multiprocessing if we ask it nicely).
Now let's look at the Mega Drive version shall we?
So your going to tell me that doesn't look better, at all It isn't a perfect conversion but your not just going to ignore that the MD has the superior port now? You can PREFER he PCE port all you want, that is fine but no amount of Turbo Love will make this a fact.
Moving on....
Was the PCE/Turbo a CD system since before day one? I could have sworn that the TG16 and PCE was just a Huey until you bought the world's first CD attachment for console gamers? I mean I thought the PCE came out in October 1987 and then the CD system came out over a year later in December 1988? I could have sworn that pack in game wasn't an Arcade card and Sapphire. I must be really rusty on my Turbo history but I wasn't sure that the system was a Hucard/CD system on launch date with all the System Bios cards on day one. I will look into that thank you for pointing that out. That said and do me a favor and look up the term Revisionist History" will you?
I know you have a hard on for this system, I know dude, and you keep trying to tout its superiority and I commend you for you tireless efforts of re-posting the same propaganda you and you band of merry men who proclaim themselves experts in a land where maybe 5 people give a shit, but on what planet is Res Q going to work out on the PCE? You know what I mentioned MANY games on the MD and SNES that just wouldn't even come close on the PCE hardware, your excuse?
Quote from: guest"Well if it was were the when what but maybe it could but didn't".
I even got you to admit that some of the "Pizazz" would disappear from later 16-Bit gems if they were somehow ported over like say EWJ 2 or The Vector Mans, F-Zero's and Metroid's and how smooth and seamless they ran for their respective systems with amazing music and sound and these games pass you by, don't even register a blip and yet the battle cry of "The PCE can do it better!!". You got what Sapphire? How much is that game? Did you even listen to the sound effects for gun fire in that game? That doesn't take you out of it? It's a great shooter and I've played it many times but that is all I hear. Do you just ignore the 6 channel sound and the "poppy and scratchiness" but why am I arguing? You won't listen? You'll post 300 pages of animation from a CD GAME THAT CAN EASILY STORE SO MUCH MORE THAN A CART AND YET YOU DON'T ADMIT THE DIFFERENCE, seriously this cannot be ignored but hey, give this a shot, how about you ignore me, there seems to be a button on this site that allows you to ignore people.
One last TIME, for the love of Christ. The PCE does PCE games best, the MD does MD games best, the SNES does SNES games. I prefer MD games, I feel, to me, they play better, they have smoother animation to me. I know Blazing Lasers won't look as good on the MD, I know Sapphire wouldn't look as good even on the Sega CD due to color limitations. I get all that, but you are a fan boi, and a fan boi cannot be reasoned with can't be bargained with, can't be swayed or anything. I atleast admit to the short comings of the MD and even point out ports that are indeed better on the PCE, you think the system is superior across the board, that is obviously wrong and I argued against that And here you go again. Just do me a favor and read this thread properly before another prepackaged rant.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 10:54 PMWas the PCE/Turbo a CD system since before day one ? I could have sworn that the TG16 and PCE was just a Huey until you bought the world's first CD attachment for console gamers? I mean I thought the PCE came out in October 1987 and then the CD system came out over a year later in December 1988? I could have sworn that pack in game wasn't an Arcade card and Sapphire. I must be really rusty on my Turbo history but I wasn't sure that the system was a Hucard/CD system on launch date with all the System Bios cards on day one. I will look into that thank you for pointing that out. That said and do me a favor and look up the term "Revisionist History" will you?
I know you have a hard on for this system, I know dude, and you keep trying to tout its superiority and I commend you for you tireless efforts of re-posting the same propaganda you and you band of merry men who proclaim themselves experts in a land where maybe 5 people give a shit, but on what planet is Res Q going to work out on the PCE? You know what I mentioned MANY games on the MD and SNES that just wouldn't even come close on the PCE hardware, your excuse?
I think they mean the system was planned to have the CD attachment during the early development phase. Like pencil and paper idea days. It is well documented that this was intended from the start. You don't really believe the huge port on the back was created for just the turbo booster? No it was planned since day one to have the CD attachment.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 08:40 PMQuote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 08:35 PMsorry, but you were the sole guy in here that is defending the theory that bits matters, when in fact they absolutely DO NOT!
not never.
yeah exactly "not never = all the time".
do you even forget what you wrote uncountable times already?
Quote from: Ninja16608 on 04/24/2014, 11:07 PMI think they mean the system was planned to have the cd attachment during the early development phase. Like pencil and paper idea days. It is well documented that this was intended from the start. You don't really believe the huge port on the back was created for just the turbo booster? No it was planned since day one to have the cd attachment.
Listen buddy I am sure it was but the nut said the following...
Quote from: guestBut the fact remains that the PCE was a CD-based system since before day one. The CD combo is standard hardware. The CD-ROM was never an add-on
Never an Add-on? A CD system since before day one? Standard Hardware? That's just delusional. The MD has a nice expansion slot and I'm sure the CD drive was in the cards early on but I would never call it "Standard" equipment. You know fully well the SNES had the idea for a CD add-on from day one as the PCE and MD had it by 1990 and 1991 respectively. But there just seems to be a mountain of evidence of hundreds of PCE Huey's out there that make me think otherwise. Like I said before, be a fan of the system not this over-the-top shit.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 11:12 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 08:40 PMQuote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 08:35 PMsorry, but you were the sole guy in here that is defending the theory that bits matters, when in fact they absolutely DO NOT!
not never.
yeah exactly "not never = all the time".
do you even forget what you wrote uncountable times already?
Listen I said I was sorry and I have been in a back and forth detailed conversation with Bill Gates and his personal Secretary involving an 8-BIT OS verses the 128BIT OS Microsoft has planned possibly with a later version of 8 certainly with the next version of windows. I have no idea how he keeps ignoring the fact that bits do not matter at all and that using 8-bits would save his company billions on not having to manufacture the remaining 120 bits within each computer to run that OS.
You can read about it here----> (
But from what I have also learned on this site is that the Intellivision can be considered the first 16-bit game console, as the registers in the microprocessor, where the mathematical logic is processed, are 16 bits wide. That being said if you put a proper CD attachment on that bad boy you could have an almost perfect port of Sonic CD.
also why do you always only compare the very few games the PCE port looks a bit weaker all around than on the genny, when there are many many other ports available that look far superior on the PCE compared to the genny?
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 11:13 PMListen buddy I am sure it was but the nut said the following...
Don't jump my on dick dude, I was just trying to quell a fight. I'm a fan of all the systems and each has it's strong points. With that being said why do people fight on the internet ? It's like the special Olympics no one really wins, and your still retarded at the end of the day.
God please don't let me pull out the douchekeg here too!!
Douchekegs for sale, Clean out your forums now for the low low price of $5,000. Now with extra minty (to justify my price)
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 11:24 PMalso why do you always only compare the very few games the PCE port looks a bit weaker all around than on the genny, when there are many many other ports available that look far superior on the PCE compared to the genny?
Again sorry, but CrackTiger picked Altered Beast to do the best Apples to Apples comparison for a Huey Vs. Cart and yeah they are comparable but the MD is better. I think Afterburner looks OUTSTANDING on the PCE, obviously Dynastic Hero Rules and I love the music although some prefer the FM from the MD. Chiki Chiki boys is a great comparison and yes choose from CD music and FM chip tunes. Forgotten Worlds for the most part is ABSOLUTELY better on the PCE save for the single player part but not a deal breaker.
Quote from: Ninja16608 on 04/24/2014, 11:30 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 11:13 PMListen buddy I am sure it was but the nut said the following...
Don't jump my on dick dude, I was just trying to quell a fight. I'm a fan of all the systems and each has it's strong points. With that being said why do people fight on the internet ? It's like the special Olympics no one really wins, and your still retarded at the end of the day.
God please don't let me pull out the douchekeg here too!!
Douchekegs for sale, Clean out your forums now for the low low price of $5,000. Now with extra minty (to justify my price)
I wasn't going after you and I understood what you said 100%. I wasn't trying to use "Buddy" in any derogatory manner. That's the trouble with text some times is that the inflection can be misunderstood. When one is upset one can read a text in a voice that is disagreeable and they only person that knows how to make one quickly upset is to think of that person that upsets you and place that face on a wall of text. I was merely pointing out some text I thought was disagreeable from a previous poster, that's all.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 11:13 PMQuote from: guestBut the fact remains that the PCE was a CD-based system since before day one. The CD combo is standard hardware. The CD-ROM was never an add-on
Never an Add-on? A CD system since before day one? Standard Hardware? That's just delusional. The MD has a nice expansion slot and I'm sure the CD drive was in the cards early on but I would never call it "Standard" equipment. You know fully well the SNES had the idea for a CD add-on from day one as the PCE and MD had it by 1990 and 1991 respectively.
and now the most important question.. did that CD-Add on for the SNES and Genny any good to the already existing hardware?
1. the snes never got one
2. the genny doesn't look much improved in most of the cases (still the PCE games looking superior), even there is a ton more of hardware inside than the pce ever got. in fact the pce got nothing but the naked cd-rom add-on (and some ADPCM sound buffer).
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 11:32 PMI think Afterburner looks OUTSTANDING on the PCE, obviously Dynastic Hero Rules and I love the music although some prefer the FM from the MD. Chiki Chiki boys is a great comparison and yes choose from CD music and FM chip tunes. Forgotten Worlds for the most part is ABSOLUTELY better on the PCE save for the single player part but not a deal breaker...
..and the list goes on and on and on like that. but you still sit in for the MD and claim it is better? that's just intensely paradoxic. lol.
Quote from: Tatsujinand now the most important question.. did that CD-Add on for the SNES and Genny any good to the already existing hardware?
1. the snes never got one
2. the genny doesn't look much improved in most of the cases (still the PCE games looking superior), even there is a ton more of hardware inside than the pce ever got. in fact the pce got nothing but the naked cd-rom add-on (and some ADPCM sound buffer).
1. The SNES created a monster known as the PS1, Nintendo Fuct up on that one but obviously intended as a CD add-on...So no it did nothing for the system.
2.Not Much Improved? You ever see games like RESQ, SoulStar, hell even Joe Montana Football has impressive graphics that couldn't be done on a Turbo CD. Silpheed is quite amazing. That said to end this argument click on this link HERE ----> and tell me how good Thunder Hawk looks. So yeah the Sega CD did a LOT for the system.
The Sega CD is a powerful machine, but it was a victim of the FM Craze and some poor MD ports that just added cinematic scenes and CD music with no graphical upgrades.
Micky Mania REALLY looks good on it as well, take a look from: Tatsujin on 04/25/2014, 12:24 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 11:32 PMI think Afterburner looks OUTSTANDING on the PCE, obviously Dynastic Hero Rules and I love the music although some prefer the FM from the MD. Chiki Chiki boys is a great comparison and yes choose from CD music and FM chip tunes. Forgotten Worlds for the most part is ABSOLUTELY better on the PCE save for the single player part but not a deal breaker...
..and the list goes on and on and on like that. but you still sit in for the MD and claim it is better? that's just intensely paradoxic. lol.
Listen, I am not some unmoving fan boi that won't admit when a game is better. It's not always hardware that makes the game, if that were True the Atari Jaguar would have been the greatest console ever made and we'd all be playing our Jaguar 1's right now.
That said the PCE did best the MD in some ports of games it isn't paradoxic I simply hand out compliments where they belong. I could have bashed the shit out of the PCE version of Golden Axe but choose to leave that abortion alone as we both know that the PCE could hae done better and the MD for the most part could have done better in certain games as well where it fell short. Forgotten Worlds to me was a lazy port. It does have the Horse Power to get two players blasting sprites simultaneously which is nice and it does have some parallax, hell even the ZX Spectrum Version of Forgotton Worlds has parallax in it, the PCE version does not and it is only 1 player probably due to sprite constraints and I still say it's a better port.
We have an official Ike of PCFX. We shall now call him IKEEVOIX,
Quote from: guest on 04/25/2014, 07:54 AMQuote from: geise on 04/25/2014, 07:47 AMQuote from: esteban on 04/25/2014, 07:33 AMQuote from: esteban on 04/24/2014, 06:02 PMWhat the fuck?
What the fuck, fuck?
What the fuckin', fuck?
you guys sound like me trying to beat csgx1's shewtie scores. :lol:
Quote from: geise on 04/25/2014, 07:47 AMQuote from: esteban on 04/25/2014, 07:33 AMQuote from: esteban on 04/24/2014, 06:02 PMWhat the fuck?
What the fuck, fuck?
What the fuckin', fuck?
what the fucked fuckin' fuck, fuck hey!
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/24/2014, 11:24 PMalso why do you always only compare the very few games the PCE port looks a bit weaker all around than on the genny, when there are many many other ports available that look far superior on the PCE compared to the genny?
Because he's a dipshit troll. How many forums has this clown been laughed off of so far?
I do find it humorous that he keeps bring up Resq, or more specifically it's bonus round. The Turbob likely couldn't do 'em, but the Genny couldn't really pull 'em off effectively either; they look and play like shit - dirt slow and with unimpressive, small polys.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/25/2014, 08:37 AMQuoteQuoteQuote from: esteban on 04/24/2014, 06:02 PMWhat the fuck?
What the fuck, fuck?
What the fuckin', fuck?
what the fucked fuckin' fuck, fuck hey!
What the ducking ducked duckin' duckhunt, fuck HEY!
Quote from: esteban on 04/25/2014, 11:34 AMQuote from: Tatsujin on 04/25/2014, 08:37 AMQuoteQuoteQuote from: esteban on 04/24/2014, 06:02 PMWhat the fuck?
What the fuck, fuck?
What the fuckin', fuck?
what the fucked fuckin' fuck, fuck hey!
What the ducking ducked duckin' duckhunt, fuck YEAH!
Quote from: geise on 04/25/2014, 02:09 PMQuote from: esteban on 04/25/2014, 11:34 AMQuote from: Tatsujin on 04/25/2014, 08:37 AMQuoteQuoteQuote from: esteban on 04/24/2014, 06:02 PMWhat the fuck?
What the fuck, fuck?
What the fuckin', fuck?
what the fucked fuckin' fuck, fuck hey!
What the ducking ducked duckin' duckhunt, fuck YEAH!
What the ducking ducked duckin' duckhunt, GOOSE!!! & fuckin' Maverick?
This thread confuses and frightens me.
This page has made a lot more sense than the last few :P
"Why do you not pardon my disobedience, and take away my iniquity? For now shall I lie down in the dust. You will seek me diligently, but I shall not be." Job 7:21.
In short, correct your disobedience... obey the PCE while you still can, before it is too late!
Let's pray for EvoX my brothers.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 07:33 PMI'm not even mad at you. Your name is strangely homoerotic so PM me any time.
I've been afk for a few day and it seems the forums have had all sorts of fun. After reading the past few pages, it's clear that "EvilEvoIX" is the "bad guy" here, but this quote made me lol. Thank you, Evil for continuing to fan the flames when it's obvious there is no hope. This thread has been awesome. :)
Quote from: Psycho Punch on 04/25/2014, 05:40 PM"Why do you not pardon my disobedience, and take away my iniquity? For now shall I lie down in the dust. You will seek me diligently, but I shall not be." Job 7:21.
In short, correct your disobedience... obey the PCE while you still can, before it is too late!
Let's pray for EvoX my brothers.
See the prayers worked. He won a copy of Altered Beast PCE in a raffle. Now he can see with his own eyes that there is no choppy and darty animations on the game program, and it is in fact quite 16 bit-ish. It's god's work let me tell you.
PCEFX never failures and always delivers.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 07:33 PMI'm not even mad at you. Your name is strangely homoerotic so PM me any time.
After careful consideration I would like to decline this generous offer.
I like boobies
Fat guys have boobies :P
Quote from: Psycho NecroPhileBecause he's a dipshit troll. How many forums has this clown been laughed off of so far?
I do find it humorous that he keeps bring up Resq, or more specifically it's bonus round. The Turbob likely couldn't do 'em, but the Genny couldn't really pull 'em off effectively either; they look and play like shit - dirt slow and with unimpressive, small polys.
I keep bringing up RESQ as it's a great example of something one system can do while the other cannot. I constantly bring up the MD's color deficiency and inferior ports I've come as close to the center of he isle as possible. That said I agree RESQ it isn't the best of Polygon's but it shows what the M68000 can do and only on hardware and a cart without tehzzzz BIOS!!!11! :wink:. The system now has a quality port of Wolfenstein on it as well. The system could do some impressive 3D effects and run a 2.5D game like Wolfenstein which is almost a perfect port obviously missing colors. The music and FX are spot on.'s the rom for those folks with an Everdrive. have to admit that is quite impressive, especially the speed.
Quote from: guest on 04/27/2014, 10:59 PMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 07:33 PMI'm not even mad at you. Your name is strangely homoerotic so PM me any time.
I've been afk for a few day and it seems the forums have had all sorts of fun. After reading the past few pages, it's clear that "EvilEvoIX" is the "bad guy" here, but this quote made me lol. Thank you, Evil for continuing to fan the flames when it's obvious there is no hope. This thread has been awesome. :)
There is always hope, as long as I am here the LOL continues.
Quote from: guest on 04/27/2014, 11:15 PMQuote from: guest on 04/25/2014, 05:40 PM"Why do you not pardon my disobedience, and take away my iniquity? For now shall I lie down in the dust. You will seek me diligently, but I shall not be." Job 7:21.
In short, correct your disobedience... obey the PCE while you still can, before it is too late!
Let's pray for EvoX my brothers.
See the prayers worked. He won a copy of Altered Beast PCE in a raffle. Now he can see with his own eyes that there is no choppy and darty animations on the game program, and it is in fact quite 16 bit-ish. It's god's work let me tell you.
I literally just found out right now I just won this game, you sir have made my day!
Quote from: wildfruit on 04/28/2014, 02:44 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 07:33 PMI'm not even mad at you. Your name is strangely homoerotic so PM me any time.
After careful consideration I would like to decline this generous offer.
I like boobies
I got a solid B as of right now. Give me a few weeks and a couple of tubs of Hagen Daz and I'll get them up to a C if you want.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 05/02/2014, 01:22 AMYou have to admit that is quite impressive, especially the speed.
It's not bad by any means, but it's not all that impressive; even the SNES and its weenie CPU pulled off a decent port of Wolfenstein 3D. Due to the low res textures used on the SNES version, the genny one looks better, but I assume the low res was due to cartridge size constraints and not technical capabilities (they have the same amount of vram and the SNES has the advantage in system ram).
Quote from: NecroPhile on 05/02/2014, 10:38 AMQuote from: EvilEvoIX on 05/02/2014, 01:22 AMYou have to admit that is quite impressive, especially the speed.
It's not bad by any means, but it's not all that impressive; even the SNES and its weenie CPU pulled off a decent port of Wolfenstein 3D. Due to the low res textures used on the SNES version, the genny one looks better, but I assume the low res was due to cartridge size constraints and not technical capabilities (they have the same amount of vram and the SNES has the advantage in system ram).
Apparently the SNES version exploits some little known way of using one of the Modes and the game wouldn't run nearly as well without it. It was also a project that id worked hard on, while the recent Wolf 3D port for Genesis is done by a single fan for fun in their spare time.
The Genesis Wolf 3D port and stuff like ResQ and the Starfox demos are all impressive, but the PCE isn't lacking in 3D games because it "just can't do them". We'll eventually see some homebrew 3D stuff, but the most active PCE devs concentrate on making new games.
I know Tom said that he worked out a method for doing various effects on PCE, which could be effective for 3D.
Don't forget that Doom style 3D, polygons, Mode 7 and anything else realtime is impossible on Neo Geo and any amount that a Genesis game/demo tarnishes the PCE, only proves the Neo Geo to be that much crappier still.
Quote from: guestDon't forget that Doom style 3D, polygons, Mode 7 and anything else realtime is impossible on Neo Geo and any amount that a Genesis game/demo tarnishes the PCE, only proves the Neo Geo to be that much crappier still.
We had Super Spy, it's kinda like Doom ;) . Don't forget Crossed Swords too, full first person!
PCE can do 3D better than Gunboat + Falcon at least... because it is clear that both were rushed (Gunboat had a 6 month development time lol).