
PCEFX World => NEC Console Resource => News => Topic started by: PCEngineFX on 08/31/2014, 11:53 PM

Title: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: PCEngineFX on 08/31/2014, 11:53 PM
I am happy to announce that as of 8/30/14, I have begun the dev work on a entire site remake to bring PCENGINEFX into the modern era.  I've been wanting to do this for many years now and I've finally gotten the motivation to tackle this huge undertaking.

My goals for this remake are as follows:

Remember the past, while educating the new
A lot of us here grew up with the Turbo, but new gamers are discovering classic consoles every day.  PCENGINEFX needs to be a place of both remembering what was so special about the Turbo, at the same time educating new visitors about the entire line of NEC consoles.

Get out of the Internet "graveyard"
It has been ~6 years since the last news update (and thus, I've been pretty hands-off on the site as well) and the site design is now grossly outdated (in web standards).  To bring PCENGINEFX into the modern era, I'm creating an entirely new site engine which will feature:

- Fully responsive site design for every kind of viewing experience (monitor, tablet, mobile)
- Extensive, full-site search & game/system filter engine
- Comments section and user reviews on game Hubs for more interactive experience
- Streamlined backend interface for adding content
- Much, much more...

Combine all of PCENGINEFX into one
In short, I want PCENGINEFX to be "the IGN of NEC console sites" - the ultimate goal is to combine the news and features of pcengine-fx.com with the extensive content of the PC-FX World site, Turbo Memoirs, and important forum posts into ONE mega-site.  This will not only save $$$ with web hosting/domain registration, but give everyone the NEC console experience in one unified home.  This will take a ton of work....but needs to be done.

Game "Hubs" for each released title
PCENGINEFX has lacked a database of released NEC games....this will be a BIG part of the new site, featuring all-new reviews (with a modern, multiple person review system), new LARGE game screenshots captured directly from hardware, new gameplay videos scaled to 720p, cheats (old & new!), scans, guides, walkthroughs....you name it, each game will have as many of these features as possible.

The new site design will also allow me to give proper coverage to homebrew games and hardware guides that generally only get announced on the forums.  These items of interest need more exposure and PCENGINEFX will finally be able to do that.

And lastly, yes - even the forum will change and morph into something different............but I don't plan on touching the forum until the bulk of the new PCENGINEFX has been established.

I'll most likely go live with the site once all of the US HuCards/CD-ROM2/SCD games have been added, but right now really can't say when this will be yet.

That's it.  I got a shit ton of work to do, but I'm excited for it.  I'll keep you all updated as things progress.

UPDATE 11/29/2014
I've made a new YouTube channel which will host all of the new 1080p/60fps videos for the pcengine-fx.com site remake.  Following the channel will give you a good idea on my progress.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrUmoS61-UPw-fDzSvnA4A (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrUmoS61-UPw-fDzSvnA4A)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: BlueBMW on 09/01/2014, 01:26 AM
No more HabboLand???? :(
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Joe Redifer on 09/01/2014, 01:35 AM
Good luck! I look forward to seeing whatever happens.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: VestCunt on 09/01/2014, 02:07 AM
Sounds very exciting. Glad you're still interested in doing things with the site. I don't know if you're looking for any input, but here are the two things I'd love to see:
1) a prominent home on the new site (not just the forums) dedicated to PC-Engine homebrew, independent releases, aftermarket parts, and recent innovations. Supporting the handful of people making new games for our favorite console is the #1 thing we can do to keep the system alive and more than just another collector's checklist. Interviews, reviews, upcoming releases, lost projects, etc.
2) careful archiving of the existing forum content if the interface changes. In between shouting at each other, the PCEFX forums have amassed the largest collection of Turbo lore on the internet. It's a communal treasure created by thousands of users. Keeping the old content easily accessible and searchable is paramount. 
Title: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 09/01/2014, 02:17 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 08/31/2014, 11:53 PM1. Remember the past, while educating the new
Most of us here grew up with the Turbo, but new gamers are discovering classic consoles every day.  PCENGINEFX needs to be a place of both remembering what was so special about the Turbo, at the same time educating new visitors about the console as well.
That's it.  I got a shit ton of work to do, but I'm excited for it.  I'll keep you all updated as things progress.
Awesome, good luck  :pcgs:

(1) I agree with your first goal...pcefx could provide an excellent experience in educating the new folks...I think visual guides/FAQs would do wonders in this area...you yourself created the exemplary NEC COMPATIBILITY GUIDE (https://www.pcengine-fx.com/main/nec_compatibility_guide.html) that is so easy to use because it is completely visual....all the vital information is instantly accessible...similar "visual guides" for other topics/FAQs would be super-useful.

HOWEVER, these visual guides/FAQs, if you make them, should be conceived as .html pages, not static images.

So, I would argue that your existing guide should essentially be converted to .html (you can always offer a .jpg static image "poster" of your overall design as a download...it could simply be screenshots from website that you stitch together...)

(2) give somebody the power to delete/moderate comments on all the pages of the site proper (beyond the forum itself)...you know how lame it is when stupid comments/SPAMBOTS invade good articles/content.

(3) Will the new forums keep all of the existing conversations? Or will we be starting from scratch? Personally, I don't want to lose access to the old conversations/threads. But that's because I have problems.  :pcgs:

Again, Good luck.  This is welcome news. :pcgs:.

(4) You should dedicate half of the new site to TG-16 Papercrafts (https://www.tg-16.com/tg16_cubee_craft.htm).

 (https://www.tg-16.com/images/gray_bomber_zonk.png) (https://www.tg-16.com/tg16_cubee_craft.htm)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Psycho Punch on 09/01/2014, 07:00 AM
I thought it was a January 9 post being bumped but I'm so glad I forgot that in North America month comes first. Gladly awaiting the site's revival!

(not triggered by the amazing site DildoPhile AT ALL)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Psycho Nulltard on 09/01/2014, 09:15 AM
Quote from: Psycho Punch on 09/01/2014, 07:00 AM(not triggered by the amazing site DildoPhile AT ALL)
Heheh, Psycho Punch.  You know, if DildoPhile played a role (no matter how small) in helping to reignite Aaron's passion for the system and drive to revamp PCEFX, then it will have contributed more to the pce/tg16 scene than I ever dreamt possible. :D

ADMIN SPOILER: In reality, Psycho John Moriconi had his *own* alt plans for PCEFX summarized in 2 steps: first occupy, THEN nuke it!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 09/01/2014, 09:16 AM
Quote from: Nulltard on 09/01/2014, 09:15 AMHeheh, Psycho Punch.  You know, if DoxPhile played a role (no matter how small) in helping to reignite Aaron's passion for the system and drive to revamp PCEFX, then it will have contributed more to the pce/tg16 scene than I ever dreamt possible. :D
'Tis trĂ¼e storie.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PunkCryborg on 09/01/2014, 02:13 PM
Don't date the updates right on the main screen because after a year of no new updates it becomes obviously outdated and 5 years later even worse
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 09/01/2014, 04:55 PM
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 09/01/2014, 02:13 PMDon't date the updates right on the main screen because after a year of no new updates it becomes obviously outdated and 5 years later even worse
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Galder on 09/01/2014, 05:07 PM
Cool news, thumbs up!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/01/2014, 05:30 PM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 09/01/2014, 01:26 AMNo more HabboLand???? :(
It is too early to say for sure, but most likely HabboLand will be going bye-bye.

As far as keeping the forum content - oh yes, the content for SURE will be remaining - no doubt about that.  Just expect a major theme change (at least).

esteban: That TG papercraft is AWESOME.  It will be on the site for sure :)

And the comment about featuring a section for TG repair/homebrew/etc. - YES - I plan on having a large area for this content on the site as well (in fact, my DUO has the low volume issue right now...).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Joe Redifer on 09/01/2014, 07:17 PM
WTF is HabboLand?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: TheClash603 on 09/01/2014, 07:19 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 09/01/2014, 07:17 PMWTF is HabboLand?
I didnt want to be the first to say it, out of fear everyone knew and looking like an idiot.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: johnnymad on 09/01/2014, 08:16 PM
Great news! There's already a ton of great info on this site. It definitely deserves a little TLC. Looking forward to the improvements and thanks for all the hard work and dollars you put into this site!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: FiftyQuid on 09/01/2014, 09:09 PM
Sounds great!  Wait... you're going to keep the pink right?  :wink:
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PunkCryborg on 09/01/2014, 09:35 PM
I like the forums colors, it fits the PCE's vibrant game colors well. The size is the main issue but I use the width hack from Nulltard so it's good now.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: BlueBMW on 09/01/2014, 09:46 PM
I hate the habboland theme so I will be happy to see it go :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: johnnymad on 09/01/2014, 11:05 PM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 09/01/2014, 09:46 PMI hate the habboland theme so I will be happy to see it go :)
Not a fan of the pink theme either. Is there any chance we can pick our own theme or have options? I've been on other forums where that's the case. Not sure now easy or difficult that is.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/01/2014, 11:57 PM
If the current theme is going, then yes the pink will be going as well.  It's again way too early to tell you what it will be right now.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: BlueBMW on 09/02/2014, 12:15 AM
Really anything is good.  I know a lot of us werent very excited with the current color scheme but we also understand it was one of the only themes that worked correctly with the forum.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: sabre470 on 09/02/2014, 06:04 AM
Nice, look forward to see the new site :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: MrFulci on 09/02/2014, 07:56 AM

I know you have a lot of the old flyers, a few I no longer have. I have about a dozen TZD flyers, and Japan import order pages from them. They're not going anywhere, and I have most already scanned, so, let me know if you want some scans to peruse through. I'm not sure if that's anything you want on the site, though.

Nice keeping it updated. I often wondered why on the forum, the icons for settings and stuff were so hard to find. Taken a few times, over the years, to realize they are camouflaged in the banner.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: NecroPhile on 09/02/2014, 09:46 AM
Woohoo!  'Tis good to hear of impending updates, especially for PC-FX goodies which aren't well covered elsewhere like PCE stuffs are.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: JoshTurboTrollX on 09/02/2014, 10:52 AM
very cool, looking forward to new days!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/02/2014, 09:21 PM
Quote from: MrFulci on 09/02/2014, 07:56 AMAaron/PCEFX,
I know you have a lot of the old flyers, a few I no longer have. I have about a dozen TZD flyers, and Japan import order pages from them. They're not going anywhere, and I have most already scanned, so, let me know if you want some scans to peruse through. I'm not sure if that's anything you want on the site, though.
Thank you much for the offer!   I'd love to see what you have - just email me at aaron.nanto@outlook.com and we can talk further.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/03/2014, 12:01 AM
BTW, I'll be posting updates to my Twitter account (twitter.com/pcenginefx (https://twitter.com/pcenginefx)) with hashtag #pcenginefx if you'd like to follow there as well (can't guarantee my Twitter updates will be mirrored here in the forum).

First pix......just breaking out the hardware to get back into the groove of things.

One of the requirements for me personally is to play (and if at all possible complete) each title that I have on the site.  I've actually not played every TurboGrafx game released, and have finished only a handful during my life - so what better way to start off the site remake than to get totally re-acquainted with the subject matter...
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: roflmao on 09/03/2014, 10:17 PM
This is great news!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: NightWolve on 09/04/2014, 01:02 AM
Wow, surprised to all of a sudden see the desire/motivation for this, Aaron!

You seem like you're pretty busy with life, and already juggling a lot of other hobbies/extra curricular activities with your photo and video work, etc.

Would be glad to help in whatever way needed, so lemme know! Look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/04/2014, 01:38 AM
Quote from: NightWolve on 09/04/2014, 01:02 AMWow, surprised to all of a sudden see the desire/motivation for this, Aaron!

You seem like you're pretty busy with life, and already juggling a lot of other hobbies/extra curricular activities with your photo and video work, etc.

Would be glad to help in whatever way needed, so lemme know! Look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Thanks Nicolas!  I may need more help with some aspects - we'll see.

Just an update today - not ready to show off anything yet, but the foundation for the site layout is up and running on my local machine and spent all evening today working/thinking on menu design/button order (nothing too exciting).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: MrFulci on 09/04/2014, 07:20 AM

I'll contact you through e-mail in a few days, and send you screen shots showing thumbnails of what flyers I have. After that you can let me know what type of format you want them in, etc.

I had some smaller copies of a lot of these flyers in a thread around here, from between 2005-2007, I think. Those links are broken now, though.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: johnnymad on 09/04/2014, 09:28 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/03/2014, 12:01 AMOne of the requirements for me personally is to play (and if at all possible complete) each title that I have on the site.  I've actually not played every TurboGrafx game released, and have finished only a handful during my life - so what better way to start off the site remake than to get totally re-acquainted with the subject matter...
I'm doing a similar thing. Didn't grow up on this system but I just got an Everdrive and want to play and review every game.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/04/2014, 06:57 PM
That's what I've been started doing.....never know what might be in the manual!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: johnnymad on 09/04/2014, 10:12 PM
Good advice. I've mostly played shooters where the manual isn't needed but definitely will for other genres.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: roflmao on 09/06/2014, 12:25 AM
Quote from: johnnymad on 09/04/2014, 10:12 PMGood advice. I've mostly played shooters where the manual isn't needed but definitely will for other genres.
Au contraire, there's quite a bit of variety between shooters that a lot of folks don't get when they pick up and play. 

For instance, at MGC earlier this year the Turbofest room had Gate of Thunder running and *so* many people didn't get that they could change the direction of the options by double-tapping II.

Similarly, many people don't know you can adjust the ships speed by hitting Select in multiple games.

Or that Run is your after burner in After Burner II.

The list goes on and on.  There's a lot to glean from the manuals. :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/06/2014, 03:08 AM
Update 9/5: Started converting a few of the sticky Turbo repair guides into the new site design.  The name of the section may change, but right now I'm calling it the "Repair Center" which will host HTML-versions of the repair guides found on the forum.  Spent most of my time this evening figuring out the boring stuff of how I want the format/images to be presented, etc....

On the topic of other decisions I made tonight, one of them was that I'll have video reviews for EVERY text review I have on the site (just like what IGN does with their reviews - offer the review in text and video form).  I really need to stop adding features otherwise I'll never get this remake done :|
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: BlueBMW on 09/06/2014, 11:44 AM
One point on the repair guides....  I know for the few I wrote I linked pictures from my photobucket which is fine but maybe they should be hosted locally instead just in case I drop off the face of the earth, photobucket disappears etc.   Just a thought.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/06/2014, 03:51 PM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 09/06/2014, 11:44 AMOne point on the repair guides....  I know for the few I wrote I linked pictures from my photobucket which is fine but maybe they should be hosted locally instead just in case I drop off the face of the earth, photobucket disappears etc.   Just a thought.
Hey Blue - so yes, this is exactly the approach I'm taking for the repair section.  I'm pulling all 1st-post photos & text from each repair guide and will forever live on the site locally.

With that said, if you have updates to any guides you've done, please edit your 1st post now before I get to it :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: _Paul on 09/07/2014, 05:07 AM
For the love of Dog, merge the TG16 and PCE sections on the forum.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Arjak on 09/07/2014, 11:19 PM

This is going to be awesome! Can't wait to see the new site.

It's good to have you back, Aaron. :D
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 09/08/2014, 12:25 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/06/2014, 03:08 AMUpdate 9/5: Started converting a few of the sticky Turbo repair guides into the new site design.  The name of the section may change, but right now I'm calling it the "Repair Center" which will host HTML-versions of the repair guides found on the forum.  Spent most of my time this evening figuring out the boring stuff of how I want the format/images to be presented, etc....

On the topic of other decisions I made tonight, one of them was that I'll have video reviews for EVERY text review I have on the site (just like what IGN does with their reviews - offer the review in text and video form).  I really need to stop adding features otherwise I'll never get this remake done :|
You are insane!  :pcgs:

Playing all those games, writing text reviews, creating video reviews....you're gonna burn out and, in a few weeks, you'll be ranting about how Ballistix is a bonafide classic.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/08/2014, 12:48 AM
Quote from: Arjak on 09/07/2014, 11:19 PMyes_data.avif

This is going to be awesome! Can't wait to see the new site.

It's good to have you back, Aaron. :D
Thanks Arjak!  Can't wait to get it done!

Quote from: esteban on 09/08/2014, 12:25 AMYou are insane!  :pcgs:

Playing all those games, writing text reviews, creating video reviews....you're gonna burn out and, in a few weeks, you'll be ranting about how Ballistix is a bonafide classic.
Yeah, some may think that doing all of this is crazy for such a old console, but if I'm going to be remaking the site, I'm going to put high standards on myself to deliver top quality content.

For example, game screenshots - I've put a minimum requirement of 8 screenshots to be available per-game and each screenshot has to show proper variety, scene layout, action and story.  For just Aero Blasters alone, I captured ~200 screenshots and hand picked out the very best to be in the gallery page for the game.

This will be the level of detail I'll be going through with all aspects of the site - I have a friend who is helping out as well, so at least some of the work will be shared between us.

When it stops being fun, I'll let you guys know....
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: jtucci31 on 09/08/2014, 12:56 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/08/2014, 12:48 AM
Quote from: esteban on 09/08/2014, 12:25 AMYou are insane!  :pcgs:

Playing all those games, writing text reviews, creating video reviews....you're gonna burn out and, in a few weeks, you'll be ranting about how Ballistix is a bonafide classic.
Yeah, some may think that doing all of this is crazy for such a old console, but if I'm going to be remaking the site, I'm going to put high standards on myself to deliver top quality content.

For example, game screenshots - I've put a minimum requirement of 8 screenshots to be available per-game and each screenshot has to show proper variety, scene layout, action and story.  For just Aero Blasters alone, I captured ~200 screenshots and hand picked out the very best to be in the gallery page for the game.

This will be the level of detail I'll be going through with all aspects of the site - I have a friend who is helping out as well, so at least some of the work will be shared between us.

When it stops being fun, I'll let you guys know....
This sounds great. I wish you the best of luck! I'm really looking forward to all of it :D
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: jlued686 on 09/08/2014, 09:41 AM
This sounds like everything I've ever wanted in a Turbo-site. Can't wait to see the results!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: FiftyQuid on 09/08/2014, 01:52 PM
Do you need help with anything?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/08/2014, 01:55 PM
Quote from: FiftyQuid on 09/08/2014, 01:52 PMDo you need help with anything?
Yes, but I plan on posting up some content requests in a new thread (I'll keep this thread for update progress).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: M1Savage on 09/11/2014, 09:28 PM
This is very good news. Excited to see what you have in store for us!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 09/11/2014, 10:22 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/08/2014, 12:48 AM
Quote from: esteban on 09/08/2014, 12:25 AMYou are insane!  :pcgs:

Playing all those games, writing text reviews, creating video reviews....you're gonna burn out and, in a few weeks, you'll be ranting about how Ballistix is a bonafide classic.
Yeah, some may think that doing all of this is crazy for such a old console, but if I'm going to be remaking the site, I'm going to put high standards on myself to deliver top quality content.

For example, game screenshots - I've put a minimum requirement of 8 screenshots to be available per-game and each screenshot has to show proper variety, scene layout, action and story.  For just Aero Blasters alone, I captured ~200 screenshots and hand picked out the very best to be in the gallery page for the game.

This will be the level of detail I'll be going through with all aspects of the site - I have a friend who is helping out as well, so at least some of the work will be shared between us.

When it stops being fun, I'll let you guys know....
I want to hug you right now  :pcgs:.

You just raised the bar.

I'm sure you have considered this, but I have to put it out there...

Since folks are using phones, tablets to browse sites...is the re-design going to be sensitive to the needs of small touch screens?

For example: navigation links should be easy to hit with finger, without fear of hitting the wrong link.

Sadly, I have been too lazy to fix these things, myself, but I think I'll try to address them in the next few months (maybe by increasing size of text links and increasing space between links).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/12/2014, 01:05 AM
Quote from: esteban on 09/11/2014, 10:22 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/08/2014, 12:48 AM
Quote from: esteban on 09/08/2014, 12:25 AMYou are insane!  :pcgs:

Playing all those games, writing text reviews, creating video reviews....you're gonna burn out and, in a few weeks, you'll be ranting about how Ballistix is a bonafide classic.
Yeah, some may think that doing all of this is crazy for such a old console, but if I'm going to be remaking the site, I'm going to put high standards on myself to deliver top quality content.

For example, game screenshots - I've put a minimum requirement of 8 screenshots to be available per-game and each screenshot has to show proper variety, scene layout, action and story.  For just Aero Blasters alone, I captured ~200 screenshots and hand picked out the very best to be in the gallery page for the game.

This will be the level of detail I'll be going through with all aspects of the site - I have a friend who is helping out as well, so at least some of the work will be shared between us.

When it stops being fun, I'll let you guys know....
I want to hug you right now  :pcgs:.

You just raised the bar.

I'm sure you have considered this, but I have to put it out there...

Since folks are using phones, tablets to browse sites...is the re-design going to be sensitive to the needs of small touch screens?

For example: navigation links should be easy to hit with finger, without fear of hitting the wrong link.

Sadly, I have been too lazy to fix these things, myself, but I think I'll try to address them in the next few months (maybe by increasing size of text links and increasing space between links).
Yes, I've set the bar very, very high...time will tell if I set it TOO high for myself though!

To answer your question - yes, the site will be fully resolution-responsive - site assets are being made for resolutions up to 1920 wide and dynamically resize/re-order as the resolution goes down - should look great on a tablet and even on a smartphone.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: BlueBMW on 09/12/2014, 01:52 AM
I meant to ask also... What plans as far as a chat room / shoutbox are concerned?   I know many of us use the one over at sunteam pauls backup site but we dont get much new traffic there since few know its even active.  Just curious what the plans are in that regard.  We have gotten used to some of the extra features the ajax chat program affords...
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/13/2014, 02:15 AM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 09/12/2014, 01:52 AMI meant to ask also... What plans as far as a chat room / shoutbox are concerned?   I know many of us use the one over at sunteam pauls backup site but we dont get much new traffic there since few know its even active.  Just curious what the plans are in that regard.  We have gotten used to some of the extra features the ajax chat program affords...
If I stay with my current web host, there will not be any shoutbox added to the site as it takes up too much bandwidth.  With that being said, I'm totally open to changing hosts so that we could have a shoutbox - but I've not thought that far ahead yet.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/13/2014, 10:47 AM
First "teaser" screenshot of the game filter/search options:

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 09/13/2014, 02:29 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/13/2014, 10:47 AMFirst "teaser" screenshot of the game filter/search options:


Gorgeous. Simple, clean, sophisticated.


Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Joe Redifer on 09/13/2014, 06:43 PM
Nice and clean looking. Love the absolute zero f-stop. :)

Now let's play "How well do you know your Turbo boxes".

Ys 3 is below the TEMP image. Below that is Alien Crush. To the left of that is Air Zonk. Above that???
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Sadler on 09/13/2014, 06:56 PM
World Sports Competition

EDIT: I think I failed at the Logo program. :(
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/13/2014, 07:11 PM
I think Joe was talking about the one to the left of Ys III :)

Some of the covers have "TEMP" on them as the scans I have on there are not up to par with the quality I set for the site and need to be re-scanned.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Joe Redifer on 09/13/2014, 07:13 PM
Yes, to the left of Ys 3.
Title: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 09/13/2014, 07:40 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 09/13/2014, 07:13 PMYes, to the left of Ys 3.
Joe, awesome on AirZonk, that was the tough one.

As for "left of Ys III" ...Goddamn, I bet somebody will get it, but I sure can't. I out that in the "extremely tough" category.


I'm gonna try to guess...without looking at any images. Pure memory (or lack thereof)...

It Came From the Desert? CHINA WARRIOR (does it even have golden yellow on cover?)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/13/2014, 08:57 PM
Here is a hint - you should be able to figure it out by the identifiable covers....
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: jtucci31 on 09/13/2014, 09:00 PM
Is it alphabetical? Would that make the one next to Ys III be Ys I and II? I see some dark-ish yellow.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Sadler on 09/13/2014, 09:02 PM
Ys Book I & II?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/13/2014, 09:09 PM
Ok no more shots! (for now) :)

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Joe Redifer on 09/13/2014, 10:52 PM
Yep! Ys 1 and 2! Above that is... I dunno. I can only distinguish Aero Blasters in the left-most column. Maybe Yo Bro?

Don't forget HuCard 6meg and HuCard 8meg! :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/13/2014, 11:38 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 09/13/2014, 10:52 PMDon't forget HuCard 6meg and HuCard 8meg! :)
Yep - as soon as I hit those other Hu's, the metadata will automatically pop up under "Media Type" and will be searchable/filterable in the Games area.

Quote from: guest on 09/13/2014, 11:01 PMthen... chew man fu?
Keep guessing!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Joe Redifer on 09/14/2014, 12:09 AM
I want to say Vigilante but I'm betting it's probably a CD game.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: MrFulci on 09/14/2014, 12:18 AM
What are you trying to guess? The game to the left of Ys 1 and 2?

Looks like Splash Lake, to me.

Top Left corner - Super Volleyball?.

*edited - No, Joe is right, left of Ys 1 and 2 is Yo Bro.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: MrFulci on 09/14/2014, 12:27 AM
If it's alphabetized, then yeah, WCB. However, the WCB art does not have that blue/purple I am seeing, however the volleyball game does.

* If there is, "TEMP" stamped across it, then that could be throwing me off.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 09/14/2014, 08:35 AM
This is tough without cheating (I'm using my memory alone, no references, no internetz).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Mathius on 09/14/2014, 10:20 PM
Aaron! Glad to see the old passion blooming. Sometimes you have to take a vacation from the things you love in life so that their meaning can reconnect.

Okay, almost afraid to even beat this stinky dead horse anymore but.....

A site with enough influence-a site with enough earned respect needs to lay out the sometimes murky truths on what TurboGrafx/PC Engine games are really worth. A combination of eBay and YouTube has exploded the popularity of these great consoles and a plethora of shady resellers have wormed their way into our most sacred apple and defiled the poor thing beyond recognition. I understand that no one really knows the true worth of the more in demand games and system variants. There just needs to be a guideline to steer the less educated of those who are intrigued with what the Turbo can offer. The more of the masses we can knock sense into the less instances of an unsure "Buy-it-Now" click will hopefully rise.

I hate seeing something that I truly love be treated the way it has been for the last few years. It breaks my heart every time I allow myself a quick glance at eBay. It would be so awesome if we could make a positive change.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Mathius on 09/15/2014, 09:53 AM
I wrote the above post very late last night and I may have been a little unclear. I am not asking for a price guide. The price guide at Neo-Geo.com did little to guide the consumer. I am just asking for some guidelines so they can make a more informed decision.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Mathius on 09/15/2014, 07:12 PM
Oh great. I just killed the conversation. :P
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/15/2014, 08:05 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 09/15/2014, 07:12 PMOh great. I just killed the conversation. :P
Hi Mathius,

Thanks for bring up the issue of ebay/YouTube in regards of used pricing - I'd be totally open to suggestions, or even if you'd like to start writing up something for the new site design I'd be open to that as well.  I wouldn't make a price guide, but a primer for people looking for used Turbo games and hardware would be a good thing (if this is what you were thinking of?)

If you'd like to help out in creating the content for this topic that I can showcase on the new site, I welcome it.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Mathius on 09/15/2014, 09:10 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/15/2014, 08:05 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 09/15/2014, 07:12 PMOh great. I just killed the conversation. :P
Hi Mathius,

Thanks for bring up the issue of ebay/YouTube in regards of used pricing - I'd be totally open to suggestions, or even if you'd like to start writing up something for the new site design I'd be open to that as well.  I wouldn't make a price guide, but a primer for people looking for used Turbo games and hardware would be a good thing (if this is what you were thinking of?)

If you'd like to help out in creating the content for this topic that I can showcase on the new site, I welcome it.
Yes this is exactly what I am wanting to see. Price guides obviously don't work for many reasons. I would be happy to help out in any way. Though I would be shooting this idea in the foot if I didn't say that there are some members here that would be an extremely great asset to have them on board. Your new moderator comes to mind first if I may be so bold to shine the spotlight in his direction.

I was just contacted by another member here with some similar ideas for his own site. If we can all work together to fight this sickening disease we could hopefully win this war. That's being very optimistic though.

Hope all is well, Aaron.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: NecroPhile on 09/17/2014, 10:23 AM
Any chance of an update to the Turbo Legacy poster to include new homebrews?  8)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: handyman907 on 09/21/2014, 07:12 PM
Great news.Good luck.Look forward to it.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/22/2014, 02:06 AM
Quote from: guest on 09/17/2014, 10:23 AMAny chance of an update to the Turbo Legacy poster to include new homebrews?  8)
Sure - that's an easy change!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 09/23/2014, 12:03 AM
Just to give everyone an update - due to a big videography project I'm producing right now (21 episode video series) work on the new site has come to a halt.  As soon as I get this gig out the door, I'll have time to get back to work on it.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: cjameslv on 09/23/2014, 12:11 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/23/2014, 12:03 AMJust to give everyone an update - due to a big videography project I'm producing right now (21 episode video series) work on the new site has come to a halt.  As soon as I get this gig out the door, I'll have time to get back to work on it.
Best of luck getting the series done. Looking forward to the new site!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: venom5150 on 10/02/2014, 12:38 AM
Great!  I look forward to the new site.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/05/2014, 10:58 PM
Update 10.5.14 - Still working on this huge video series project, but I'm "taking breaks" in-between shooting/editing to relax and work on the site remake as well.

I had a huge setback over the past few weeks as I've been using an online staging site to work on the remake, which I've not been able to properly migrate in tests.  After spending about 2 weeks on this migration issue, I believe I've fixed the issue and am now back (in the limited time I currently have) to work on content.

Also, I've gone to a totally new design (not by choice...) so those teaser screenshots are no longer what the site will look like...........it looks even BETTER.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/06/2014, 08:00 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/05/2014, 10:58 PMUpdate 10.5.14 - Still working on this huge video series project, but I'm "taking breaks" in-between shooting/editing to relax and work on the site remake as well.

I had a huge setback over the past few weeks as I've been using an online staging site to work on the remake, which I've not been able to properly migrate in tests.  After spending about 2 weeks on this migration issue, I believe I've fixed the issue and am now back (in the limited time I currently have) to work on content.

Also, I've gone to a totally new design (not by choice...) so those teaser screenshots are no longer what the site will look like...........it looks even BETTER.
L'great news. I hope things go relatively smoothly from this point forward.

It is frustrating when you have to spend time on technical issues, since you really want to be working on creating content and designing new site and sending random gifts to me and building momentum.

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: cjameslv on 10/09/2014, 01:30 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/05/2014, 10:58 PMUpdate 10.5.14 - Still working on this huge video series project, but I'm "taking breaks" in-between shooting/editing to relax and work on the site remake as well.

I had a huge setback over the past few weeks as I've been using an online staging site to work on the remake, which I've not been able to properly migrate in tests.  After spending about 2 weeks on this migration issue, I believe I've fixed the issue and am now back (in the limited time I currently have) to work on content.

Also, I've gone to a totally new design (not by choice...) so those teaser screenshots are no longer what the site will look like...........it looks even BETTER.
Even better you say? At least give us just a taste of said goodness!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/12/2014, 05:04 PM

As part of the quality bar for the site remake, I'm re-scanning in all game covers (that I have) and outsourcing the rest.  The PCE games will be the hardest to acquire once I get to those so I may ask some help with that later.

With that being said, I won't be watermarking any of my scans or screenshots.  All I ask is the proper credit if the images are re-used.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/12/2014, 05:53 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/12/2014, 05:04 PM(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BzxfZUjCMAEifb6.jpg)

As part of the quality bar for the site remake, I'm re-scanning in all game covers (that I have) and outsourcing the rest.  The PCE games will be the hardest to acquire once I get to those so I may ask some help with that later.

With that being said, I won't be watermarking any of my scans or screenshots.  All I ask is the proper credit if the images are re-used.
Gorgeous.  :pcgs:
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/13/2014, 11:43 PM
Quote from: cjameslv on 10/09/2014, 01:30 AMEven better you say? At least give us just a taste of said goodness!
Since you asked nicely :)


As part of making the site more interactive, one feature that I'll have for every game are user ratings/reviews.  You can quickly rate a game from 1 (awful) to 10 (perfect) as well as write a short review if you like.

Also seen in the background is the rest of the "hub" for this particular game.  As I mentioned before, each game will have a hub where you'll be able to see game news, info/details, the site review, images, videos and tips & tricks.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Mathius on 10/13/2014, 11:51 PM
Very nice! I'm looking more and more forward to the new features.

If, however, I start seeing multiple "perfect 10s" for Magical Chase I am pulling the lever and releasing the hounds. They are trained to recognize the scent of intruding eBay sellers.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/13/2014, 11:57 PM
Well, you'll have to log into the site and make an account first off to even rate a game....I plan on making the site reviews as objective and trustworthy as possible, but whatever the "user rating" ends up being, that I won't have any control over.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: cjameslv on 10/13/2014, 11:59 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/13/2014, 11:43 PM
Quote from: cjameslv on 10/09/2014, 01:30 AMEven better you say? At least give us just a taste of said goodness!
Since you asked nicely :)


As part of making the site more interactive, one feature that I'll have for every game are user ratings/reviews.  You can quickly rate a game from 1 (awful) to 10 (perfect) as well as write a short review if you like.

Also seen in the background is the rest of the "hub" for this particular game.  As I mentioned before, each game will have a hub where you'll be able to see game news, info/details, the site review, images, videos and tips & tricks.
Thanks! It's looking and sounding great!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: HailingTheThings on 10/14/2014, 02:26 AM
Sounds to be quite a nice update, Mister. Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: BlueBMW on 10/14/2014, 03:16 AM
Are you going to have a user game database tracking system like pcedaisakusen integrated into the system?  Do you plan to also do the dozen or so Laseractive games?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/14/2014, 11:19 AM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 10/14/2014, 03:16 AMAre you going to have a user game database tracking system like pcedaisakusen integrated into the system?  Do you plan to also do the dozen or so Laseractive games?
Allow me to answer for him:

Hell yes!

As long as folks here take really nice photos/scans of PCE LD-ROM releases, then of course they will become part of the database.

Hell yes.   :pcgs:

Thank you.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: NecroPhile on 10/14/2014, 11:33 AM
Please rig the ranking feature for Gotzendiener so that only a 9 or 10 can be given.  :mrgreen:
Title: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/14/2014, 03:33 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/14/2014, 11:33 AMPlease rig the ranking feature for Gotzendiener so that only a 9 or 10 can be given.  :mrgreen:
The few folks who rate the game will give it a solid 7-8.6  :pcgs:

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/14/2014, 08:28 PM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 10/14/2014, 03:16 AMAre you going to have a user game database tracking system like pcedaisakusen integrated into the system?  Do you plan to also do the dozen or so Laseractive games?
A user game DB tracking system would be nice, and there is a foundation in place to support this but most likely won't be available once the site goes live.

I'd love to include Laseractive games - will need someone who has those games to provide me with the media assets to do this however....
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/14/2014, 08:29 PM
Hell yes.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/14/2014, 08:30 PM
Quote from: esteban on 10/14/2014, 03:33 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/14/2014, 11:33 AMPlease rig the ranking feature for Gotzendiener so that only a 9 or 10 can be given.  :mrgreen:
The few folks who rate the game will give it a solid 7-8.6  :pcgs:

Luckily, you'll be able to rate in 0.1 increments :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Mathius on 10/14/2014, 10:18 PM
Having a user database is cool but I don't think it will replace PCE Dai for me personally. It does lack LD ROMs though so one on PCFX would fit those users with a LA.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/15/2014, 12:10 AM
Quote from: Mathius on 10/14/2014, 10:18 PMHaving a user database is cool but I don't think it will replace PCE Dai for me personally. It does lack LD ROMs though so one on PCFX would fit those users with a LA.
Since pcedaisakusen already has a user DB, having this feature implemented for the Pcenginefx remake is a low priority right now.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Mathius on 10/15/2014, 12:18 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/15/2014, 12:10 AM
Quote from: Mathius on 10/14/2014, 10:18 PMHaving a user database is cool but I don't think it will replace PCE Dai for me personally. It does lack LD ROMs though so one on PCFX would fit those users with a LA.
Since pcedaisakusen already has a user DB, having this feature implemented for the Pcenginefx remake is a low priority right now.
Though with that in mind you could make one for the PC-FX at some point in the future. I don't own one but I am sure those that do would like to have a database.

Will there be a place to link to reviews on other sites? The Brothers Duomazov is a treasure trove of well written reviews, walkthroughs, and interviews that is a bit off the beaten path. As stated they are professionally written and I believe would fit in nicely with the new professional look you are working towards. :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/15/2014, 08:34 PM
I'm actually re-evaluating the need for a full review on the site as there are already other well done reviews for the Turbo that have been done over the years...so to answer your question, I can always add a link to someone else's review.

With that in mind, I'm aiming for a remake that is more along the lines of what Xbox/Playstation/Nintendo have right now (the look and feel of a modern designed site), with some interactive elements.  Almost like if NEC had a site up for the Turbo today, what it could look like.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/15/2014, 08:47 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/15/2014, 08:34 PMI'm actually re-evaluating the need for a full review on the site as there are already other well done reviews for the Turbo that have been done over the years...so to answer your question, I can always add a link to someone else's review.

With that in mind, I'm aiming for a remake that is more along the lines of what Xbox/Playstation/Nintendo have right now (the look and feel of a modern designed site), with some interactive elements.  Almost like if NEC had a site up for the Turbo today, what it could look like.
Since you can always add content in the future (such as reviews), building the infrastructure of the new site is really the priority.

The videos and scans (for each game) are a huge endeavor—you could launch the new site before all the new content is completed.  :pcgs:

But I'll wait, if I have to.

Thanks for the update.  (https://junk.tg-16.com/images/pcg0.png)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: BlueBMW on 10/16/2014, 12:28 AM
The only reason I suggested a game database like pcedaisakusen is so we can have one that is updated with things like the new homebrews, ldrom games etc.  If pcedaisakusen were updated I wouldnt even suggest such but it hasnt been updated in a while.

I kind of like how home of the underdogs did it for old pc games... Theyd have reviews screenshots and other pertinent info for each game in a nice searchable clean database.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/20/2014, 02:36 AM
Taking a break from making game hubs (which none are really completely done yet - still working out final page format details), I decided to start work on the hardware page for the TurboGrafx-16, which included a bath:

Then the photo shoot:

And finally after some Photoshop touchup, the final product (looks WAY better than this screenshot taken with my phone!):
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/20/2014, 05:40 AM
Holy CrĂªpe!

Why do I feel dirty looking at TG-16 in a sudsy bath?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: NightWolve on 10/20/2014, 08:06 PM
Looks like Steve's "repair" methods are catching on. ;)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: cjameslv on 10/21/2014, 12:27 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/20/2014, 02:36 AMTaking a break from making game hubs (which none are really completely done yet - still working out final page format details), I decided to start work on the hardware page for the TurboGrafx-16, which included a bath:

Then the photo shoot:

And finally after some Photoshop touchup, the final product (looks WAY better than this screenshot taken with my phone!):
NSFW! I feel like i shoulda put my cc number in to view this.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/21/2014, 02:33 AM
LOL you guys............. the more you click on banners, the more "console bath pron" you'll get! :P

Continuing with the TG-16 hardware page work, it has really taken a lot of time thinking of how NEC/TTi would have marketed the Turbo if they had a website like the one I'm building.  I'm avoiding a few things such as any direct references or comparison to other consoles as well as carefully wording the marketing text to be as "timeless" as possible without diving too much into the 80's/90's cheese.

A little bonus addition that I sprinkled throughout the site which I had a LONG time ago are animated sprite GIFs....got big Bonk walking on the site now:

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/21/2014, 02:53 PM
This just gets betta and betta...
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/23/2014, 12:06 AM
Continuing work on the TurboGrafx-16 hardware "marketing" page....taking new hardware shots of everything for the page layout....HuCards are next:

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/23/2014, 04:04 PM
I am continually reminded about how unproductive I have been whilst others have been busy.


We all benefit from this, but damn, now I want all of my HuCARD's on glowing pedestals.

Glowing pedestals.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/23/2014, 04:09 PM
I still have my photography studio setup for shooting Hu's, so I'll make you guys a special "glowing pedestals" wallpaper tonight as a bonus :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: NecroPhile on 10/23/2014, 04:11 PM
Glowing pedestal for glow-in-the-dark Atlantean huey?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/23/2014, 04:18 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/23/2014, 04:11 PMGlowing pedestal for glow-in-the-dark Atlantean huey?
If I only had Atlantean.....
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: MrFulci on 10/23/2014, 05:30 PM
Atlantean glows?
Title: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/23/2014, 05:34 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/23/2014, 04:09 PMI still have my photography studio setup for shooting Hu's, so I'll make you guys a special "glowing pedestals" wallpaper tonight as a bonus :)

Quote from: MrFulci on 10/23/2014, 05:30 PMAtlantean glows?
Glows and grows.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: MrFulci on 10/23/2014, 05:37 PM
Quote from: esteban on 10/23/2014, 05:34 PM
Quote from: MrFulci on 10/23/2014, 05:30 PMAtlantean glows?
Glows and grows.
I noticed mine was shedding 3d printed plastic, but never tried to put it under black light, or charge it for no-light!'
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: FiftyQuid on 10/23/2014, 08:43 PM
This really does have me excited.  The photos are looking fantastic!
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/24/2014, 01:40 AM
As promised.


Download the full 1080p (and other sizes here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pcenginefx/14993342543/sizes/c/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/pcenginefx/14993342543/sizes/c/)

LMK if anyone would like it larger than 1920x1080.  This image is straight out of my camera with no Photoshop alteration (except for a crop and addition of the text!)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/24/2014, 06:30 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/24/2014, 01:40 AMAs promised.


Download the full 1080p (and other sizes here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pcenginefx/14993342543/sizes/c/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/pcenginefx/14993342543/sizes/c/)

LMK if anyone would like it larger than 1920x1080.  This image is straight out of my camera with no Photoshop alteration (except for a crop and addition of the text!)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Gentlegamer on 10/26/2014, 04:15 PM
What ever the future forum looks like, it needs to have far fewer sub-forums.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/26/2014, 05:17 PM
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 10/26/2014, 04:15 PMWhat ever the future forum looks like, it needs to have far fewer sub-forums.
Not to nitpick, but your comment belongs in the "STFU subforum" (it's a sub-subforum of Fighting Street).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Gentlegamer on 10/26/2014, 10:44 PM
By the way, the new mega-site sounds awesome and I can't wait to see it... but I have to say I like that the current site is itself literally "retro" in design. Seems fitting.

P.S. @esteban: no u stfu
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/27/2014, 12:09 AM
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 10/26/2014, 10:44 PMBy the way, the new mega-site sounds awesome and I can't wait to see it... but I have to say I like that the current site is itself literally "retro" in design. Seems fitting.

P.S. @esteban: no u stfu
Hi Gentlegamer - what forum sections would you like to see go away?  While I highly doubt that I'll be getting rid of any sections, I do want to hear why you think it should be paired down.

And yes, I agree that the current site fits the retro style of the content covered, but it is so terribly outdated (in function and expandability) that I have no choice but to start from scratch with the design.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Gentlegamer on 10/27/2014, 02:34 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/27/2014, 12:09 AMHi Gentlegamer - what forum sections would you like to see go away?  While I highly doubt that I'll be getting rid of any sections, I do want to hear why you think it should be paired down.
It's not so much getting rid of sections, i.e. their subject matter, but reducing the overall number of sub forums by making the remaining wider in scope, generally conforming to the current groupings. As it is, it's hard to find topics without constantly checking in each of the many sub forums. I've recently tried using the "recent posts" search, but it's limited.

If I were making sub forums, I'd probably go something like

NEC Consoles (All) - gaming, collecting, and technical discussion for all NEC systems of all regions.
Homebrew - development
Off-topic - everything else
Marketplace - trading with the pcefx.com community, all items, with user feedback system like itrader
Site Feedback - announcements, site news, complaining and whining
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Joe Redifer on 10/28/2014, 03:23 AM
Ha! We suggested something like that before but on a more basic level. Just merging the TG-16 and PCE forums. All of the mods agreed. The community overwhelmingly vetoed the idea. One does not mix TG-16 and PCE. It is unacceptable. Better to have 100's of subforums.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/28/2014, 01:12 PM
Personally, it doesn't make any sense to me to merge major sections such as PCE w/TG-16 because they are two different markets with vastly different game libraries.  Having them separate saves you the initial step of weeding through a huge single forum mixed in with topics unrelated to the region.

I guess I don't understand why anyone would want everything mixed into only a few forums when they are already separated out for you.....?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Joe Redifer on 10/28/2014, 03:22 PM
Less clutter. Also, most TurboGrafx games also exist on the PC Engine. Only a few don't.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Gentlegamer on 10/28/2014, 03:49 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/28/2014, 01:12 PMPersonally, it doesn't make any sense to me to merge major sections such as PCE w/TG-16 because they are two different markets with vastly different game libraries.  Having them separate saves you the initial step of weeding through a huge single forum mixed in with topics unrelated to the region.

I guess I don't understand why anyone would want everything mixed into only a few forums when they are already separated out for you.....?
It makes it easier to come across topics that pique your interest. I only have a TG-16, so I only visited that forum, and missed out on the education I could have gained going to the PCE forum. When you have more broad forums, more broad range topics, you can get higher participation and interest. Having to "check in" numerous sub forums to come across conversations and follow them is tedious, especially when there is no "subscribe thread" function.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: NecroPhile on 10/28/2014, 04:00 PM
I read everything through 'show unread posts', so it doesn't really matter what sub-forum anything is posted under, but I don't see much purpose in segregating the TG-16 from the PCE.  If we're going to discuss _____, does it really matter which region?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Vecanti on 10/28/2014, 11:40 PM
I'd just merge the discussion topics really, but keep the sales topics seperate. I would think usually people are looking for region specific hardware so keeping that seperate might be convenient,  but as far as discussion I don't think people are looking to only "talk" about one system, it's more general NEC console discussions.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/30/2014, 01:30 AM
Got sidetracked past few nights with this new project:

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/30/2014, 01:50 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/30/2014, 01:46 AMDo tell!

Are you printing DoxPhile yard signs? :lol:
You still need to get me those man! :P

But no, guess again.....
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Vecanti on 10/31/2014, 08:27 PM
3d printer?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/31/2014, 08:45 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/30/2014, 01:50 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/30/2014, 01:46 AMDo tell!

Are you printing DoxPhile yard signs? :lol:
You still need to get me those man! :P

But no, guess again.....
A plexiglass replica of Timeball. Awesome. (https://junk.tg-16.com/images/hany_in_the_sky.png)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: Psycho Punch on 10/31/2014, 09:03 PM
A replica of a US Mark II Patrol Boat for Rivers.

Hit to Engines - ONLY PRACTICE
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: cjameslv on 10/31/2014, 09:23 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/30/2014, 01:30 AMGot sidetracked past few nights with this new project:

Pretty awesome! What model printer is that?
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: PCEngineFX on 10/31/2014, 09:34 PM
I guess I have to spell it out for you guys....SIGH! :P

It's a 3D printed HuCard case.  I just started 3D modeling one as I was getting tired of waiting for other people to make/release one.

So if you've not seen my printer, here it is: http://youtu.be/e9zZX_gGPjI
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: esteban on 10/31/2014, 09:40 PM
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/03/2014, 12:52 AM
If you'd like to follow the progress on my 3D printed HuCard cases, I've created a thread for it here: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17972.0 (https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17972.0)

I'm leaving this thread for PCENGINEFX remake news only.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: FiftyQuid on 11/03/2014, 10:39 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 11/03/2014, 12:52 AMIf you'd like to follow the progress on my 3D printed HuCard cases, I've created a thread for it here: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17592.0 (https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17592.0)

I'm leaving this thread for PCENGINEFX remake news only.
This link just brings me back to this thread.  Me thinks there's been a cut n' paste error.  :-k
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: jlued686 on 11/03/2014, 11:09 PM
Hey Aaron, I just wanna say that it's great to have you back and engaged in the site. I love the PC Engine/PC-FX videos you used to do, so I'm excited to see what you've got in store for us.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/04/2014, 01:03 AM
Quote from: FiftyQuid on 11/03/2014, 10:39 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 11/03/2014, 12:52 AMIf you'd like to follow the progress on my 3D printed HuCard cases, I've created a thread for it here: https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17592.0 (https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17592.0)

I'm leaving this thread for PCENGINEFX remake news only.
This link just brings me back to this thread.  Me thinks there's been a cut n' paste error.  :-k
Fixed - thanks!

Quote from: guest on 11/03/2014, 11:09 PMHey Aaron, I just wanna say that it's great to have you back and engaged in the site. I love the PC Engine/PC-FX videos you used to do, so I'm excited to see what you've got in store for us.
It's nice to be back (at least in a small way).  I got a lot of good stuff in store - just going to take some time to put it all together.

With that being said, I am currently splitting my evenings working on the 3D printed HuCard case and scanning in covers for all of the US titles.  I'm also utilizing this time to properly inventory what NEC games/hardware I own which in turn will tell me what I need to outsource (for photos and/or media).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/05/2014, 02:09 AM
I had previously mentioned that I'm re-capturing all media (screenshots & video) to give you guys the best quality possible...well, I'm ready to show it off now.

Presenting Gate of Thunder (stage 1) in YouTube 60FPS.  To watch in 60FPS, you MUST:

1. Click on the video link and watch directly from YouTube (60fps does not work in embedded YT videos...yet)
2. View the video using Chrome (for now) to change quality setting to 720p/60.

This will also be the official YouTube channel for all videos related to the new PCENGINEFX remake site.  Enjoy.

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: esteban on 11/05/2014, 07:39 AM
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: jlued686 on 11/05/2014, 10:23 AM
Looks and sounds amazing! Still my favorite shoot-em-up on the system.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/05/2014, 04:00 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/05/2014, 10:35 AMbeautiful... 60FPS really makes a difference!  How are you capturing the vid?  Emulator or capture card/dongle/etc... w/ real hardware?
I'd love to capture from real hardware (I just had my TurboDuo modded for component output) but unfortunately almost nothing supports capturing component @ 240p resolution, so I had to go the emulator route.  I turned off all that emulator smoothing crap and kept the raw sprite look and feel intact.  The fact that YouTube recently turned on 60fps was just an added bonus.

If anything, my video process method will not only show off the system's amazing animation, colors and sprites, but will also be "future-proofed" in a 720p/1080p video file.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/06/2014, 02:49 AM
I discovered a glitch in the Gate of Thunder gameplay video (leaving it up for now), but I've fixed it for the rest of the videos (I also upped the maximum resolution to 1080p).  Remember to watch these using Chrome on YouTube's site to get the 720p/60 & 1080p/60 playback option.

Gate of Thunder (Intro)

Lords of Thunder (Intro)

Dungeon Explorer II (Intro)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Joe Redifer on 11/06/2014, 03:36 AM
Is the glitch you were talking about that occasional stutter in the framerate? I hope Youtube improves this because if anyone watches in any other browser or at any other resolution or embeds it only half of the shield will appear, etc.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/06/2014, 12:10 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/06/2014, 03:36 AMIs the glitch you were talking about that occasional stutter in the framerate? I hope Youtube improves this because if anyone watches in any other browser or at any other resolution or embeds it only half of the shield will appear, etc.
So the shield issue I would expect to happen at 30fps playback due to the frequency of the shield flicker....so at least to me I'd not really consider that to be a bug but the cost of viewing 60fps @ 30fps.  Since YT just recently rolled out 60fps playback, I'm sure they will make it available on other browsers/devices soon (I hope...)

The bug I was talking about you can see at 3:01.  Watch the mothership as it moves away and it will "pop" back for a frame or so.  60fps is really tricky to get right as it took me all last night of recording/encoding/uploading to fix the issue.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Joe Redifer on 11/06/2014, 07:18 PM
Here's my first try at 60fps using real hardwarez:


Be sure to watch it in 30fps. This is how the majority of people would be seeing it. Even the stars scroll very jerkily (compared to a proper 30fps video). That's why I'll wait on 60fps until everything everywhere can view it fine.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: NecroPhile on 11/07/2014, 09:38 AM
Quote from: Joe Rediferfuck this game is awesome!
Finished that for ya.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/07/2014, 01:53 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/06/2014, 07:18 PMHere's my first try at 60fps using real hardwarez:


Be sure to watch it in 30fps. This is how the majority of people would be seeing it. Even the stars scroll very jerkily (compared to a proper 30fps video). That's why I'll wait on 60fps until everything everywhere can view it fine.
Slight jerkiness aside with the stars, you can actually see the *entire* laser beam at 30fps in your video.  I checked out a few random Blazing Lazers 30fps captures from other people and when that weapon was used it only showed 1/2 of the laser graphic (which I feel looks much worse compared to slightly jerky stars).

I think all comparisons aside, nothing will look perfect at 30fps because the Turbo essentially runs at 60.  At least now we finally are getting the options to view at higher framerates.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Joe Redifer on 11/07/2014, 05:33 PM
My point is that I can't have good 30fps and good 60fps in the same file. On Game Sack I show the full beam at 30fps and there is none of that annoying flashing back and forth nonsense. At 60fps there is no option for this for the 30fps default view.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/07/2014, 09:35 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/07/2014, 05:33 PMMy point is that I can't have good 30fps and good 60fps in the same file. On Game Sack I show the full beam at 30fps and there is none of that annoying flashing back and forth nonsense. At 60fps there is no option for this for the 30fps default view.
Right, that's correct.......either you can have good 30fps or you can have good 60fps (not both right now at least).  I'm hope Google will tweak playback further, but only time will tell.  For my stuff however, I'm going for archival/future-proof quality so will be capturing everything at 1080p/60.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: esteban on 11/08/2014, 05:18 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 11/07/2014, 09:35 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/07/2014, 05:33 PMMy point is that I can't have good 30fps and good 60fps in the same file. On Game Sack I show the full beam at 30fps and there is none of that annoying flashing back and forth nonsense. At 60fps there is no option for this for the 30fps default view.
Right, that's correct.......either you can have good 30fps or you can have good 60fps (not both right now at least).  I'm hope Google will tweak playback further, but only time will tell.  For my stuff however, I'm going for archival/future-proof quality so will be capturing everything at 1080p/60.
I think the best strategy is to future-proof, despite the current problems. Heck, we don't know how much extra time it will buy, but the fact that Google already supports it is reason enough. 2 years from now you will be happy you don't have to upload everything again.

I understand Joe's stance, and I know he wants to deliver the best possible experience to viewers now (5:17 am November 8, 2014). But a year from now? Folks are still going to be watching all of this content (SameGack, pcefxTV).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/08/2014, 11:34 AM
Quote from: esteban on 11/08/2014, 05:18 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 11/07/2014, 09:35 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/07/2014, 05:33 PMMy point is that I can't have good 30fps and good 60fps in the same file. On Game Sack I show the full beam at 30fps and there is none of that annoying flashing back and forth nonsense. At 60fps there is no option for this for the 30fps default view.
Right, that's correct.......either you can have good 30fps or you can have good 60fps (not both right now at least).  I'm hope Google will tweak playback further, but only time will tell.  For my stuff however, I'm going for archival/future-proof quality so will be capturing everything at 1080p/60.
I think the best strategy is to future-proof, despite the current problems. Heck, we don't know how much extra time it will buy, but the fact that Google already supports it is reason enough. 2 years from now you will be happy you don't have to upload everything again.

I understand Joe's stance, and I know he wants to deliver the best possible experience to viewers now (5:17 am November 8, 2014). But a year from now? Folks are still going to be watching all of this content (SameGack, pcefxTV).
Well personally I don't think there is any rush to *really* future-proof the videos (even though I am)....YouTube still supports playback in sub-480p resolutions which they will probably do forever...

Since I'm making a new channel and uploading newly-captured videos it makes sense for me because I really don't want to have to re-upload all of this stuff again :)  I'm sure GameSack and my old stuff will be fine (unless the apocalypse comes).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Otaking on 11/08/2014, 11:37 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 11/05/2014, 02:09 AMI had previously mentioned that I'm re-capturing all media (screenshots & video) to give you guys the best quality possible...well, I'm ready to show it off now.

Presenting Gate of Thunder (stage 1) in YouTube 60FPS.  To watch in 60FPS, you MUST:

1. Click on the video link and watch directly from YouTube (60fps does not work in embedded YT videos...yet)
2. View the video using Chrome (for now) to change quality setting to 720p/60.

This will also be the official YouTube channel for all videos related to the new PCENGINEFX remake site.  Enjoy.

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/10/2014, 11:49 PM
Just learned how to code my first PCE program...and with that, a little self promotion pre-hype :)

Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Joe Redifer on 11/11/2014, 12:46 AM
Now we'll all need the ROM for that so we can witness it on our Turbos.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/11/2014, 12:54 AM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/11/2014, 12:46 AMNow we'll all need the ROM for that so we can witness it on our Turbos.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: NecroPhile on 11/19/2014, 06:17 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/22/2014, 02:06 AM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 09/17/2014, 10:23 AMAny chance of an update to the Turbo Legacy poster to include new homebrews?  8)
Sure - that's an easy change!
Any news on the poster update yet?  I gotta get one ordered soon for one lucky Santa.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/19/2014, 06:27 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/19/2014, 06:17 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 09/22/2014, 02:06 AM
Quote from: guest on 09/17/2014, 10:23 AMAny chance of an update to the Turbo Legacy poster to include new homebrews?  8)
Sure - that's an easy change!
Any news on the poster update yet?  I gotta get one ordered soon for one lucky Santa.
OH, so you want that now.......ok - I'll look into it here in the next day or so.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: NecroPhile on 11/19/2014, 06:31 PM
Well, you don't have to do it right now (or ever).  I was just asking, man.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/19/2014, 06:40 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/19/2014, 06:31 PMWell, you don't have to do it right now (or ever).  I was just asking, man.
No problem NEC...  I actually can't do anything else with my HuCard case until my new filament comes in, so I can work on this now :D
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing development of new pcengine-fx.com MEGA-SITE
Post by: NightWolve on 11/28/2014, 09:08 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 10/31/2014, 09:34 PMI guess I have to spell it out for you guys....SIGH! :P

It's a 3D printed HuCard case.  I just started 3D modeling one as I was getting tired of waiting for other people to make/release one.

So if you've not seen my printer, here it is: http://youtu.be/e9zZX_gGPjI
Where oh where does he get those wonderful toys ?? ;)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: roflmao on 11/28/2014, 11:41 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 11/28/2014, 09:08 PMWhere oh where does he get those wonderful toys ?? ;)
Spoken like a true Joker. :)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/29/2014, 12:20 PM
Looks like 60fps video now works in IE 11 (not sure about older versions).  60fps still not supported when video is embedded (yet).
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 11/29/2014, 12:28 PM
BTW, if you really want to see how I'm progressing on the remake, follow the new PCENGINEFX YouTube channel as I'm uploading videos for games as I add them to the site.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrUmoS61-UPw-fDzSvnA4A (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrUmoS61-UPw-fDzSvnA4A)
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Gentlegamer on 11/29/2014, 02:14 PM
Standing by for Firefox
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Joe Redifer on 11/29/2014, 07:34 PM
Firefox is my preferred browser, but when it comes to watching Youtube it really seems to fall behind the pack, even at 30fps.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Mathius on 11/29/2014, 08:36 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/29/2014, 07:34 PMFirefox is my preferred browser, but when it comes to watching Youtube it really seems to fall behind the pack, even at 30fps.
I found Google Chrome to be a choppy mess. Firefox puts these weird large black pixel-like interference into some videos (re: most of them) and I don't like IE for many reasons. I can't win.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: NightWolve on 11/30/2014, 02:18 AM
I'm pretty happy with Google Chrome ON Windows Vista thru 8.1, but every browser on Android for my old tablet sucked ballz and drove me nuts. It didn't matter what you used, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Android default, UC Mini, you would encounter bugs somewhere, guaranteed... It's good to be back on Windows with my new tablet.

As for Internet Explorer, it lost favor with me in 2007 when I clicked a page on GameCopyWorld that was installing viruses - it took advantage of a security hole that allowed for the automatic download and execution of a file without permission and silently. The exe installed itself then instantly rebooted the PC to load with the system and gain more power. Back then I didn't use antivirus software cause I thought that mainly happened to dumb people that clicked "i luv you" emails, etc... Well, several things went wrong to clean the virus, I had a hard drive disaster, lost my email outlook database that I had since late 90's and spent weeks piecing things together, had to buy GetDataBack for NTFS to recover my stuff. So yeah, that ended my respect for IE and I stopped using it ever since...
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Joe Redifer on 11/30/2014, 03:18 PM
Has IE ever been HTML compliant?

Though I have to say I don't think I'd trust a site called "gamecopyworld".
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: BlueBMW on 11/30/2014, 07:28 PM
gamecopyworld was/is the go to place to get things like no-cd cracks and such for pc games.  Generally I think its pretty safe...
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Gentlegamer on 11/30/2014, 11:23 PM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 11/30/2014, 07:28 PMgamecopyworld was/is the go to place to get things like no-cd cracks and such for pc games.  Generally I think its pretty safe...
This. gamecopyworld is legit, I bet the culprit was google ads or something AKA the malware delivery system.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Joe Redifer on 11/30/2014, 11:54 PM
Curious why The Addams Family title screen needs to be a separate video from intro and gameplay. Shouldn't intro be it's own video? The loading screen should be its own video as well. Also each room in the level should be its own video. The level should be assembled by clickable annotations.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: Gentlegamer on 12/01/2014, 12:14 AM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/30/2014, 11:54 PMCurious why The Addams Family title screen needs to be a separate video from intro and gameplay. Shouldn't intro be it's own video? The loading screen should be its own video as well. Also each room in the level should be its own video. The level should be assembled by clickable annotations.
You should work this concept into The Video Game Years.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: NightWolve on 12/01/2014, 02:39 AM
Quote from: guest on 11/28/2014, 11:41 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 11/28/2014, 09:08 PMWhere oh where does he get those wonderful toys ?? ;)
Spoken like a true Joker. :)
Aaron teed that right up for me. ^_^

Quote from: Gentlegamer on 11/30/2014, 11:23 PM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 11/30/2014, 07:28 PMgamecopyworld was/is the go to place to get things like no-cd cracks and such for pc games.  Generally I think its pretty safe...
This. gamecopyworld is legit, I bet the culprit was google ads or something AKA the malware delivery system.
Well, it was their site, 100%, no ambiguity there. I remember it all too well.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 12/03/2014, 07:36 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/30/2014, 11:54 PMCurious why The Addams Family title screen needs to be a separate video from intro and gameplay. Shouldn't intro be it's own video? The loading screen should be its own video as well. Also each room in the level should be its own video. The level should be assembled by clickable annotations.
Addams Family only got it's own title video because of the music.  In my book, if the title screen has any type of looping music or animation it will get its own vid to show that off.
Title: Re: 09.01.14 - Announcing mega-redesign of pcengine-fx.com
Post by: PCEngineFX on 03/10/2015, 12:35 AM
I'm back off and on working on the re-design.  I'm thinking I'll be making it live much sooner than I thought as the content will never be really "done"...and if I wait till it is completely done, it will never see the light of day....I figure I can just keep adding content as I get to it.

With that being said, I'm currently working on the main landing page of the site again.  When I say "again" I mean that I had already created what I thought was a cool landing page that looked the way I wanted it to be...but after re-visiting the page again I realized it could be much cleaner and didn't focus people to the right area of the site.

One major new element of the landing page will be large console hardware images which will give the visitor no question of what pcengine-fx.com is about.  To do this, I've undertaken the task to re-shoot all console images in my studio in as high a resolution as possible.  While this is all well and good, the real problem is that the hardware (unless new) is going to have bumps and scuffs:


Luckily, Photoshop CC kicks ass in the cleanup department:


So I went from this raw image:


To the final product (hardware cleanup, proper color correction, addition of System Card in post):


This is the sort of work that is going on behind the scenes...........slow work, but damn will it look amazing when finished.
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: Mathius on 03/10/2015, 01:23 AM
^^They sure do clean up nice. :)
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: Gentlegamer on 03/11/2015, 11:35 PM
If the Turbo Memoirs ends up being part of the new site, please re-upload your high res photos. I used to use them as wallpaper, but last time I checked only the lower res versions are available.
Title: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: esteban on 03/12/2015, 05:21 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 03/10/2015, 12:35 AMI'm back off and on working on the re-design.  I'm thinking I'll be making it live much sooner than I thought as the content will never be really "done"...and if I wait till it is completely done, it will never see the light of day....I figure I can just keep adding content as I get to it.

With that being said, I'm currently working on the main landing page of the site again.  When I say "again" I mean that I had already created what I thought was a cool landing page that looked the way I wanted it to be...but after re-visiting the page again I realized it could be much cleaner and didn't focus people to the right area of the site.

One major new element of the landing page will be large console hardware images which will give the visitor no question of what pcengine-fx.com is about.  To do this, I've undertaken the task to re-shoot all console images in my studio in as high a resolution as possible.  While this is all well and good, the real problem is that the hardware (unless new) is going to have bumps and scuffs:


Luckily, Photoshop CC kicks ass in the cleanup department:


So I went from this raw image:


To the final product (hardware cleanup, proper color correction, addition of System Card in post):


This is the sort of work that is going on behind the scenes...........slow work, but damn will it look amazing when finished.
I absolutely love reading and seeing the creative process, especially when it comes to pcefx and your design work. :)

REQUEST: I would love to hear about your workflow!!!!

Please tell me how you cleaned up the TG-CD image. I know what I would do, but is would involve lots of inefficient and tedious work.

Personally, although I am trying to evolve, I still do a lot of stuff manually (I have been using PhotoShop since layers were introduced, so I have a LOT OF BAD OLD HABITS), and I know I could be doing things more efficiently.

You can PM or post here.

Thank you.

Also, in the spirit of sharing:

Recreating the cover of DuoWorld #3 by stealing text from the centerfold poster:


Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: PCEngineFX on 03/12/2015, 08:04 PM
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 03/11/2015, 11:35 PMIf the Turbo Memoirs ends up being part of the new site, please re-upload your high res photos. I used to use them as wallpaper, but last time I checked only the lower res versions are available.
Oh sure thing Gentlegamer.  I'll be retiring TM once the site goes up so one way or another the content will live elsewhere.
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: PCEngineFX on 03/12/2015, 08:08 PM
esteban - sent you a PM.  I'll be posting up more creative process stuff as the site continues to be worked on!
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: esteban on 03/12/2015, 08:52 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 03/12/2015, 08:08 PMesteban - sent you a PM.  I'll be posting up more creative process stuff as the site continues to be worked on!
Thank you kindly. :)
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: Gentlegamer on 03/12/2015, 11:10 PM
Will the new site take contributions from users, like articles and the like?
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: roflmao on 03/13/2015, 09:19 PM
I love seeing these process posts as well!  And, yes, Photoshop CC is the bees knees. Shift-F5 (with Content-Aware set) has become a savior of mine. :)
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: jlued686 on 08/11/2015, 01:22 PM
Hey Aaron, just checking to see if you're still working on this. Very excited to see the results.
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com 2015 Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: esteban on 08/11/2015, 05:11 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/11/2015, 01:22 PMHey Aaron, just checking to see if you're still working on this. Very excited to see the results.
He is still working on site design, but, understandably, got side-tracked when he decided to beat every single TG-16 game. Then he decided to beat all the PCE games he has.

Needless to say, he has a few years before this will be accomplished.
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: PCEngineFX on 06/20/2016, 06:09 PM
So I've decided to start looking into the remake again after taking a break and I got some bad news.  All of the progress I've made with the layout and new text that I spent so much time on may have been lost.  I'm attempting to recover a (what I hope) is a backup of the remake on my local machine, but it's not looking good......
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: Otaking on 06/20/2016, 06:12 PM
Sorry to hear you lost what you had done so far, but great to hear you're going to keep going with  the revamp.

Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: jlued686 on 06/20/2016, 09:54 PM

That sucks, man. Good luck with the recovery!
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: Mathius on 06/20/2016, 10:43 PM

Please don't get discouraged though. We'll back you up with anything you need.
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: PCEngineFX on 06/21/2016, 11:27 PM
I'm REALLY going to be bummed if I lost all of the text content I had created for it...................still working on it.
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: Gentlegamer on 06/22/2016, 02:14 PM
Be sure to have a script that bans viewing the site from nintentoage.com referrals.
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: PCEngineFX on 06/23/2016, 12:52 PM
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 06/22/2016, 02:14 PMBe sure to have a script that bans viewing the site from nintentoage.com referrals.
Not sure what you mean by that but don't really want to know :)
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: Gentlegamer on 06/23/2016, 03:39 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 06/23/2016, 12:52 PM
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 06/22/2016, 02:14 PMBe sure to have a script that bans viewing the site from nintentoage.com referrals.
Not sure what you mean by that but don't really want to know :)
Keep the collectards/resellers from NA from following links from that forum to here.
Title: Re: pcengine-fx.com Site Re-design - UPDATED 3/9/15 (see reply 187)
Post by: Mathius on 06/24/2016, 11:46 PM
Oooookay, where's my hammer?