
Other Discussions => General Gaming => Topic started by: ParanoiaDragon on 12/16/2015, 01:46 AM

Title: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 12/16/2015, 01:46 AM
I have no idea what location this game takes place in, I don't recall a nation called Dana or Lacrimosa.....

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: MNKyDeth on 12/16/2015, 07:16 AM
It better be coming to the US.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: SephirothTNH on 12/16/2015, 09:57 AM
Anyone who has sung Latin befor may recognize lacrimosa as "weeping". Not sure if that's what falcom is going for though. The weeping of Dana.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 12/16/2015, 10:12 AM
Sexy Ys!

Quote from: MNKyDeth on 12/16/2015, 07:16 AMIt better be coming to the US.
+1.  And hopefully none of that download only bullshit that xseed's been doing lately.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 12/16/2015, 12:06 PM
I hope it comes over as well.  I can't imagine XSEED doing digital only on this, Ys is probably one of their flagship series in the US and they know the huge demand for a cool LE. 
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 12/19/2015, 02:22 AM
There's a little more info here:
The 8th game in the franchise will have Adol exploring Siren's Island. The game will include a large number of new features, as well as expanding on features from Ys: Memories of Celceta such as the village defense minigame. As if the action in Ys games wasn't fast enough, Nihon Falcom has promised even faster action with the ability to freely dash and jump with a variety of new attack skills. You can check out the official website here, and you can check out the first screenshots in our gallery below.

http://www.rpgfan.com/news/2015/4212.html (http://www.rpgfan.com/news/2015/4212.html)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: esteban on 12/20/2015, 09:28 AM
I'm disappointed. I was hoping this was going to be Falcom's transition into Sexxxy Ys Pachinko Industry.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: geise on 12/21/2015, 06:36 PM
Quote from: esteban on 12/20/2015, 09:28 AMI'm disappointed. I was hoping this was going to be Falcom's transition into Sexxxy Ys Pachinko Industry.
You and me both!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Joe Redifer on 12/21/2015, 06:48 PM
This sucks. Needs to be MOBILE ONLY! Dropped the ball once again giving us a console version. Who the hell wants to play on a game console? So lame. Phones are the future.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 12/22/2015, 02:09 AM
And more info:

Falcom shared some of the latest details on their recently announced title, Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, in the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation. [Thanks, Hokanko-Alt.]




By the archipelagos of the Goethe Sea located in south of Greek, Adol is on a passenger ship called "The Lombardia" that is headed from Xandria to the continent of Eresia. However, the ship is attacked and sunk by a giant creature, and Adol wakes up, he realizes he is on the shores of the cursed island, known as "Seiren Island."


From here, Adol will help out other castaways and survivors. He'll build a base here, and also see a mysterious pale girl in his dreams.


The report also mentions that Adol's illustration appears to be different, as it appears to not have been done by the illustrator, but the key visual's artist instead.


President Toshihiro Kondo added a few comments as well:

•The adventurer Adol is the protagonist, and they're aiming to make Ys VIII into a refreshing action RPG as they've done so with titles in the past.

•In addition to speedy and party-based battles with various skill attacks, there will be new jump attacks, systems that will have you cooperate with castaways, and other new elements.

•The topography, scenery, and atmosphere of the stage of Siren Island is getting more focus on it than any other setting Falcom has done in the past.

•New characters and settings will be revealed after New Year.

http://www.siliconera.com/2015/12/21/ys-viii-lacrimosa-of-dana-gets-some-details-on-its-story-and-new-elements/ (http://www.siliconera.com/2015/12/21/ys-viii-lacrimosa-of-dana-gets-some-details-on-its-story-and-new-elements/)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: geise on 12/22/2015, 08:48 AM
I have a Vita,but I really want a next gen experience with a new Ys.  I don't think I'll get that with a Vita version.  Are the screens from the PS4?  If so they look nice, but I'm kind of expecting from if it's for the PS4.  Regardless I am sure the game play is going to be rock solid, plus it's a new story and area.  I liked Celceta on the Vita, but felt it was lacking compared to Ys 7.  I am selfish and want that feeling of amazement that I got with Ys Book I & II on the TGCD and then Ys VI (PC). 

How does everyone else feel that this is keeping the formula of a party/group still rather than just Adol?

I anxiously await the new characters and new scenery.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: technozombie on 12/25/2015, 08:49 PM
Japanese game developers have experienced a lot of success bringing their games to Steam. It is my hope that Falcom will port this game to PS4/Steam themselves and bypass Xseed. Either way, I'd say it's guaranteed to come out here.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: SegaSonic91 on 12/30/2015, 11:09 PM
I hated the three party aspect of VII when I first saw it (and the fact that it was not on the PS3!), but goddamn did I love that game!  It worked so well, far better than I imagined.  Same goes for Celceta.  I cannot wait for VIII to come out in the PS4.  2016 is going to be crazy for games, it's like I've gone back in time 15 years when JP devs ruled everything.  I love this resurgence of Japanese console development!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: grolt on 12/31/2015, 09:57 AM
The Ys PSP games are among my favorite of all time. The Oath in Felghana was so so dramatically well done and then such an epic single player journey it felt like the culmination of the decades of Falcon blooming in one game. The party battle in Seven wasn't as good but if definitely grew on me - I sunk dozens of hours into that game. Always wanted to play Celcetta but it is tough to justify buying that console when that's pretty much the only game on it that I'd play. I'm still hoping for a Steam version some time along the line. Very excited for this one though, it would be great to finally play an Ya game on a console proper again. I only have an Xbone this console generation but I'd definitely get a PS4 if this makes it out stateside.  Falcom4Lyfe
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 12/31/2015, 05:56 PM
I just beat Oath in Felghana recently and it was great.

Apparently MoC has had a PC release (in Chinese (http://yssh.pcjoy.cn/2015/news_1028/17.html)). Honestly, it should be on Steam eventually. I find it hard to believe they don't want those sales. Heck more and more Japanese stuff in general is hitting PC.

Anyway, very much looking forward to this game.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 01/01/2016, 03:25 AM
Quote from: grolt on 12/31/2015, 09:57 AMThe Ys PSP games are among my favorite of all time. The Oath in Felghana was so so dramatically well done and then such an epic single player journey it felt like the culmination of the decades of Falcon blooming in one game. The party battle in Seven wasn't as good but if definitely grew on me - I sunk dozens of hours into that game. Always wanted to play Celcetta but it is tough to justify buying that console when that's pretty much the only game on it that I'd play. I'm still hoping for a Steam version some time along the line. Very excited for this one though, it would be great to finally play an Ya game on a console proper again. I only have an Xbone this console generation but I'd definitely get a PS4 if this makes it out stateside.  Falcom4Lyfe
Actually, I think Celceta is now compatible with the Vita TV, which goes for something like $40 on Amazon these days.  I think that's totally worth it.  It apparently was patched in October of this year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(M%E2%80%93Z)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: grolt on 01/01/2016, 02:26 PM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 01/01/2016, 03:25 AM
Quote from: grolt on 12/31/2015, 09:57 AMThe Ys PSP games are among my favorite of all time. The Oath in Felghana was so so dramatically well done and then such an epic single player journey it felt like the culmination of the decades of Falcon blooming in one game. The party battle in Seven wasn't as good but if definitely grew on me - I sunk dozens of hours into that game. Always wanted to play Celcetta but it is tough to justify buying that console when that's pretty much the only game on it that I'd play. I'm still hoping for a Steam version some time along the line. Very excited for this one though, it would be great to finally play an Ya game on a console proper again. I only have an Xbone this console generation but I'd definitely get a PS4 if this makes it out stateside.  Falcom4Lyfe
Actually, I think Celceta is now compatible with the Vita TV, which goes for something like $40 on Amazon these days.  I think that's totally worth it.  It apparently was patched in October of this year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PlayStation_Vita_games_(M%E2%80%93Z)
Wow, I had no idea this was a thing.  I'd heard about PlayStation TV but assumed it was more like a hub for playing PS4 games on a different TV or playing old PS1/2/3 games through PlayStation Now.  Had no idea it was essentially a Vita console with a cartridge input and everything.  Picking one up locally now based on your recommendation along with MoC.  Thanks man.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 01/01/2016, 04:58 PM
There are some games that still won't work but basically everything that has come out recently and everything coming out in the future is compatible. You said you pretty much only want it for MoC though so that doesn't matter too much.

Sony has really bungled the whole thing imo but they don't care about anything Vita related anymore and that's been the case for awhile.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 01/01/2016, 11:05 PM
Quote from: technozombie on 12/25/2015, 08:49 PMIt is my hope that Falcom will port this game to PS4/Steam themselves and bypass Xseed.
Heh, that would be my sincere wish as well or another publisher/localizer like Atlus replaced 'em, but their partnership is pretty firm after all the previous titles they licensed so not gonna happen... :/ I really do hate the position that Thomas Lipschultz put me in, but I do have to stand up for myself.

Quote from: Gypsy on 12/31/2015, 05:56 PMApparently MoC has had a PC release (in Chinese (http://yssh.pcjoy.cn/2015/news_1028/17.html)). Honestly, it should be on Steam eventually. I find it hard to believe they don't want those sales. Heck more and more Japanese stuff in general is hitting PC.
Wow, thanks for sharing this! I didn't know this happened. Wonder if SkyeWelse knows, if so, he already will have imported it. Must be that same PC developer that did the Ys 7 PC Chinese version.

So from what I read, in 2009 Falcom lost their PC distribution partner in Japan, Softbank, as the PC gaming market got really bad there... Softbank stopped buying their games for reselling/distribution to retail stores and Falcom's online mail order side wasn't cutting it. That's the situation that forced them into the console market to stay in business. Thus, no more PC versions coded by their staff ever since. :/

But yeah, it's this Chinese developer that's continued the PC ports for that market (China). I heard their Ys 7 port was pretty buggy though but I mean to check it out some time.

EDIT: Hey, I found it. Easily purchased right now from YesAsia.com for $46 bucks (shipping included).

http://www.yesasia.com/us/ys-foliage-ocean-in-celceta-chinese-edition/1046408708-0-0-0-en/info.html (http://www.yesasia.com/us/ys-foliage-ocean-in-celceta-chinese-edition/1046408708-0-0-0-en/info.html)

I bought the first Magna Carta from this retailer (from that Softmax Korean developer).

Hm, they also indicate that Celceta is their top 2 best seller right now for PC Games looking at the right column here:

http://www.yesasia.com/us/en/pc-games.html (http://www.yesasia.com/us/en/pc-games.html)

Courtesy of SkyeWelse. ;)

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 01/04/2016, 12:51 PM
Playing Ys can get you pussy?  I knew it!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: SegaSonic91 on 01/08/2016, 04:40 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 01/01/2016, 11:05 PM
Quote from: technozombie on 12/25/2015, 08:49 PMIt is my hope that Falcom will port this game to PS4/Steam themselves and bypass Xseed.
Heh, that would be my sincere wish as well or another publisher/localizer like Atlus replaced 'em, but their partnership is pretty firm after all the previous titles they licensed so not gonna happen... :/ I really do hate the position that Thomas Lipschultz put me in, but I do have to stand up for myself.
After reading about your story a few weeks back, I am so glad I did not buy the Ys games from GoG.  I still remember back when you first started on the Ys VI translation project and how awesome I thought it was as that was before I went to uni to study Japanese.  I will stick to playing them in Japanese!  I never did open Ys Origin though and really do not want to now.  I don't think I have the ISO for it anymore either.  I ordered it and Felghana from Falcom themselves.  It was so excitting at the time.  I was never able to finish Felghana because my laptop utterly died during the final boss battle and I had no idea about the stupid hidden file save sata bullshit that Falcom loved pulling back then, grrrr!  I also remember when XAK III and Ys IV Mask of the Sun translations were started!  I think it was on the Ys forum??  I do not remember now.

I wish Falcom and gone for the PS3 instead of the bloody PSP when they decided to make console games again.  I waited and waited for that promised PC upgrade of Ys VII which of course never happened.  Even playing Sora no Kiseki FC on the PS VITA TV does not come close to the PS3 version graphically.  If only there was a voice patch for the PS3 versions!  I am not a fan of the "updated" chara designs in the VITA version.  Much prefer the originals.  I am not a fan of modern JP game designs in general.  I am so, so SOOO fed the fuck up with females and the ridiculous boob sizes!  It is just pathetic!  Even SEGA had to go and ruin the designs in the sequel/spinoff/whatever it will be to Senjou no Valkyria.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 01/12/2016, 12:26 AM
Quote from: SegaSonic91 on 01/08/2016, 04:40 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 01/01/2016, 11:05 PM
Quote from: technozombie on 12/25/2015, 08:49 PMIt is my hope that Falcom will port this game to PS4/Steam themselves and bypass Xseed.
Heh, that would be my sincere wish as well or another publisher/localizer like Atlus replaced 'em, but their partnership is pretty firm after all the previous titles they licensed so not gonna happen... :/ I really do hate the position that Tom-chan Lipschultz put me in, but I do have to stand up for myself.
After reading about your story a few weeks back, I am so glad I did not buy the Ys games from GoG.
Appreciate it! It's an uphill battle obviously and it's dispiriting where you see that some just don't care, pretend there's nothing wrong, or worse, those disgruntled bigoted types that took glee/enjoyment with me being cheated, exactly the people I feel Lipschultz was catering to with what he did and laughing along with (https://s5.postimg.cc/hhotez8fb/Lipschultz_Smiles_At_XCISING.jpg)...

QuoteI still remember back when you first started on the Ys VI translation project and how awesome I thought it was as that was before I went to uni to study Japanese.
Woah, you go way way back then! That was 2003-2004-ish! And speaking of that, I actually went ahead and released a patch of that project the day XSEED went live with their localization on Steam, though it needs plenty editing still, heh. Then after I saw what PirateBay Sarah did on the same day also, well, I shared that too. The trolls on the XSEED forums actually noticed and one of 'em said, "It feels like a kick in the nuts." Guess they still keep an eye on me from time to time... Heh-heh. Sometimes I wish I never got involved at all in the fan translation gig, but oh well. :/

QuoteI never did open Ys Origin though and really do not want to now.  I don't think I have the ISO for it anymore either.  I ordered it and Felghana from Falcom themselves. It was so exciting at the time.
Yeah, I sure do remember that feeling when my boxes arrived! I love Falcom's packaging.

You know, actually, I never sat down to beat Ys Origin either. I hacked it for Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum, I extracted the Japanese script, upgraded my translation software to give him full editing control, instant testing, etc. that is, with a few button clicks, he could translate its text to English, instantly insert it into the game, catch context errors, etc. total control/instant testing to let him do all the translating and editing without my further intervention and then eventually what happened is he redirected the translated results to Lipschultz's programmer buddy, as part of a double-cross amongst themselves and he again redirected the results to XSEED, this time getting paid and credited 100%!

So yeah, that's how things left off with me with Ys Origin. He essentially tricked me into working for him. I should've taken his offer to pay me for the extraction, instead I wound up giving him $550 just a few months later, another regret I'll have to live with... No doubt about it to me, he is a monster that played me for years, I'm just a poor judge of character, a great failure of mine that has gotten me in trouble many times, both offline and online... :/ But yeah, the game just got left behind in my mind with how XSEED came along and his secret deals of shame...

QuoteI was never able to finish Felghana because my laptop utterly died during the final boss battle and I had no idea about the stupid hidden file save sata bullshit that Falcom loved pulling back then, grrrr!
Heh, I have an issue with the final boss battle as well! I beat the game on normal mode, but I unlocked the final "Inferno" difficulty mode, got to the end, maxed out Adol, and STILL couldn't defeat Galbalan, "the marauder from far off lands..." ;)

He IS one of the best, epic bosses ever, really tests your ability to pay attention, predict patterns, dodge at the right time, etc.!! Felghana was Falcom's golden age. :) You can NOT be lazy when you go up against him, Falcom made you work for that victory which makes it all the more satisfying. Of course Inferno mode is made available with their final patch and if you want the maximum challenge.

QuoteI also remember when XAK III and Ys IV Mask of the Sun translations were started!  I think it was on the Ys forum??  I do not remember now.
Well, if you're talking Xak III, I started that in the RIGG forums (Retro ISO Gaming Guild) in late 2001, and Ys IV:MotS got started probably in places like The Whirlpool/Donut, the predecessor to romhacking.net and Neill Corlett's forums with translator Shimarisu.

You probably remember the Ys Goddesses art in the RIGG forum frame on the left that Tenchi-no-ryu (Stephen Harris) made who left to run RPGFAN.com for a couple of years.

QuoteI wish Falcom and gone for the PS3 instead of the bloody PSP when they decided to make console games again.  I waited and waited for that promised PC upgrade of Ys VII which of course never happened.
I hate that they had to quit the PC platform (nothing coded by them internally). I kinda hoped it'd eventually become more of the standard and we'd see less and less of the PS3, PS4, PS5, PS6, PS7, etc. formula of consoles but I guess I don't understand that there's still plenty of market for dedicated gaming-only machines even when they cost about the same now as a general PC and are closer to just being PC themselves in terms of computing power.

Anyway, you did kinda get that PC version of Ys 7, just that it was coded by a Chinese team and not Falcom staff and now you'd have to learn Chinese. ;) That team has gotten better I hear and Falcom even took back one of their PC ports (It was Zero no Kiseki) and localized it to Japanese for sale in Japan.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 02/10/2016, 11:57 AM
New screenshots from Famitsu!

wayback.dualshockers.com/2016/vita-ys-viii-new-screenshots-on-famitsu-shows-new-characters/ (https://web.archive.org/web/20160210091616if_/http://www.dualshockers.com/2016/02/09/ps4ps-vita-exclusive-jrpg-ys-viii-gets-new-screenshots-on-famitsu-shows-new-characters/)


Even more at the link above. :D
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 02/10/2016, 12:14 PM
Awesome, even if Raksha looks rather grumpy in most of those pics.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Sarumaru on 02/10/2016, 12:54 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/10/2016, 12:14 PMAwesome, even if Raksha looks rather grumpy in most of those pics.
Dats cuz Japan is into tsundere bitchz
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: technozombie on 02/10/2016, 09:01 PM
I hope the ps4/Vita exclusivity is short lived since I don't own a PS4.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 02/11/2016, 01:12 AM
bah, wrong thread
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 02/11/2016, 02:18 PM
Quote from: technozombie on 02/10/2016, 09:01 PMI hope the ps4/Vita exclusivity is short lived since I don't own a PS4.
I mean, they may do PC/Steam as well but I dunno.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 05/17/2016, 05:24 PM
Sexy Ys themed Vitas:  http://www.sony.jp/playstation/store/special/psvita/ys8/?s_tc=st_gp_sce_blog_20160512_ys/

It's a close call, but I prefer the Black Pearl version to the White Cleria version.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Speedy on 05/17/2016, 07:17 PM
Quote from: guest on 05/17/2016, 05:24 PMSexy Ys themed Vitas:  http://www.sony.jp/playstation/store/special/psvita/ys8/?s_tc=st_gp_sce_blog_20160512_ys/

It's a close call, but I prefer the Black Pearl version to the White Cleria version.
I personally prefer the White one but both of them are stunning. They're definitely the best limited edition Vita designs so far.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Johnpv on 05/18/2016, 06:47 AM
Those are pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 05/26/2016, 02:29 PM
New trailer!

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: TR0N on 05/26/2016, 06:50 PM
Quote from: guest on 05/26/2016, 02:29 PMNew trailer!

Looks like adol fall off the boat again  :lol: :?: :!:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 05/27/2016, 09:32 AM
Overall the artwork is fine, but they sure have some weird noses.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: geise on 05/27/2016, 10:35 AM
What about the ps4 development?  Is it still slated for a fall release on ps4?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Johnpv on 05/27/2016, 01:17 PM
I do believe the PS4 version has been delayed till around this time next year.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: kazekirifx on 07/20/2016, 10:03 PM
Just received the Vita version yesterday, the day before the release date (directly shipped from Falcom to my address in Tokyo). Initial impressions:

Overall very good and engaging game so far. Game engine has been revamped, and the graphics are much improved over "Memories of Celceta". You can move the camera freely now like in any modern 3D game. Gameplay is still very similar to Memories and Ys Seven, though you now have both dash and jump. Gameplay is 3-character party again, with certain enemies being weak against one of the three characters' attacks. Still lots of crap to pick up on the fields, though I think they improved it a bit by not making the enemy carcasses remain so that you have to hit them again to get more crap like in Memories. (I found that a bit tedious.)

Speaking of crap to collect, they added "fishing" and "cooking" to the game. These are basically two ideas taken directly from their Legend of Heroes series. A bulletin board with optional quests on it is also back again. It's amazing how much Falcom repeats themselves (but we love them for it).

Somewhat new to the series, though, is the layout of the world and progression. You have a hub town that you keep returning to. You find other survivors who were shipwrecked along with Adol at the beginning of the game, and you return them to the hub town which gradually grows as you progress the game. You also gain the ability to access areas you passed by earlier in order to progress the game, so you end up retracing your steps a lot. Luckily, fast travel is unlocked very early in the game.

The music is pretty good so far, at least for the main fields and bosses. One big nitpick for me is that the music during the intro animation is slow and melodramatic instead of rocking. (I mean, come on, this is supposed to be an Ys game, right?)

During the important story bits, the characters are fully voiced. Adol is mostly silent, again, but still says a word or two incidentally when he catches a fish or levels up. I think he talks too much. Adol should be silent.

Overall, though, enjoying the game a lot so far and can't wait to get home and turn it on again tonight.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 07/20/2016, 10:28 PM
Nice review, enjoy!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 07/21/2016, 08:18 AM
Thanks for the review. Looking forward to this game being released state side. Good to hear about the camera change in particular.

One thing, and you may not have encountered it yet. How does the game perform with lots of action/enemies on screen? MoC was pretty laggy in my experience and it somewhat detracted from an otherwise pretty fun experience.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 07/21/2016, 09:09 AM
Falcom Music Channel's josep put up the soundtrack.


I found it meh, didn't really find anything I liked, but there it goes for others to check out.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 07/21/2016, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the review, KK, and for the tunes link, NW.  I can't wait for it to come to the US.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: geise on 07/21/2016, 12:45 PM
I might have to finally update my Vita.  I really don't want to loose my eCFW for psx and psp games though.  I like playing my psp games on an oled screen.  Especially with my launch jp psp being a ghosting mess and a shitty d-pad.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 07/21/2016, 03:30 PM
Thanks for the preview/review!  It sounds like a pretty solid entry at least.  Now the waiting game for a US version begins :D
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 07/21/2016, 03:30 PM
Quote from: geise on 07/21/2016, 12:45 PMI might have to finally update my Vita.  I really don't want to loose my eCFW for psx and psp games though.  I like playing my psp games on an oled screen.  Especially with my launch jp psp being a ghosting mess and a shitty d-pad.
You could do what I did and get a PSTV to keep your Vita on low firmware. You should be able to get one quite cheap.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 07/21/2016, 03:44 PM
I want cfw for my PSTV so I can play PSP ISOs.  I'd gladly buy a second one for that, keeping my current one updated for Vita games.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: kazekirifx on 07/21/2016, 11:29 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 07/21/2016, 08:18 AMOne thing, and you may not have encountered it yet. How does the game perform with lots of action/enemies on screen? MoC was pretty laggy in my experience and it somewhat detracted from an otherwise pretty fun experience.
I haven't noticed anything major, and nothing has detracted from my enjoyment of the game at all. The graphics, while a lot better than previous Ys games, are still not anything too impressive when compared to most modern games. Very simple models and the aliasing on the polygons is pretty bad. It is a Vita game too, so you might want to wait for the PS4 version if you're worried about frame rate and resolution. Me, I actually wanted the PS4 version, but couldn't wait till next year to play it, so got the Vita version for now. I'll consider whether or not to get the PS4 version as well when it comes out.

Quote from: guest on 07/21/2016, 03:44 PMI want cfw for my PSTV so I can play PSP ISOs.  I'd gladly buy a second one for that, keeping my current one updated for Vita games.
I had a regular Vita and a Japanese Vita TV. I'm keeping the Vita TV on lower firmware so I can use the whitelist hack. What I did in order to play Ys VIII on my TV is buy a U.S. PSTV. They are dirt cheap. So, now I own a total of three Vitas in all. :) Strange since I only own like 10 games.

Quote from: NightWolve on 07/21/2016, 09:09 AMI found it meh, didn't really find anything I liked, but there it goes for others to check out.
To be honest, I am starting to feel a bit "meh" about the soundtrack now as well. It's nice, but I haven't heard any tracks yet that stylistically really scream "Ys!!!" to me. VI and Seven did a better job trying to emulate the trademark Ys sound... though I felt like VI almost tried too hard at times... almost to the point of sounding like a parody of Ys music (though it is still a very good soundtrack). Seven struck a pretty good balance between sounding both old and new to me. I'd really like to hear some more "Ys worship" in the VII soundtrack, and am still hoping it will be present in some of the later tracks I haven't heard yet.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 07/22/2016, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the info.

Yeah I was able to finish MoC but I definitely noticed some big slowdown issues. I definitely don't care about the graphics compared to western PC games and such, I really just want it to perform well because it's an action oriented game. Like you say, I may be better off waiting for the PS4 version which could definitely perform better.

Edit: It should be known that Ys is one of my favourite gaming series of all time. It and Yakuza really as far as Japanese made series go.  :o

Heh, I have 2 PSTVs as well. They are really cheap so I couldn't resist. Hell when the bundled one ran on sale and I sold off the extra controller and game code it was practically free.  :)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 02/17/2017, 11:02 PM

Looks like NISA is bringing over Lacrimosa of Dana:

They just announced it a bit ago.  Pretty crazy, sounds like Marvelous/XSEED is more interested in doing boobie games than anything else now.

They are already up for preorder too:

$80 for Vita and $100 for PS4, though the contents of the LEs look the same excepting the game itself.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: TR0N on 02/18/2017, 01:17 AM
Quote from: guest on 02/17/2017, 11:02 PMWowsers!

Looks like NISA is bringing over Lacrimosa of Dana:

They just announced it a bit ago.  Pretty crazy, sounds like Marvelous/XSEED is more interested in doing boobie games than anything else now.

They are already up for preorder too:


$80 for Vita and $100 for PS4, though the contents of the LEs look the same excepting the game itself.
Great i don't have a problem with nisa localizing the game for na.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Johnpv on 02/19/2017, 10:42 PM
I pre-ordered the PS4 version myself. 

Supposedly Xseed is upset they lost this, and it was totally a Falcom decision to go with NISA.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 02/20/2017, 10:52 AM
Woot!  I don't care who does it; I'm just happy it's gonna get a physical release.

I assume xseed lost it because they wouldn't commit to physical releases and/or a timeline Falcom liked.  Whatever the reason, Nightwolve should be pleased.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: seieienbu on 02/20/2017, 06:56 PM
Definitely looking forward to purchasing this.  The only other PS4 game I play is Street Fighter 5.  Finally another reason to play the blasted thing.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 02/21/2017, 05:59 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/20/2017, 10:52 AMWoot!  I don't care who does it; I'm just happy it's gonna get a physical release.

I assume xseed lost it because they wouldn't commit to physical releases and/or a timeline Falcom liked.  Whatever the reason, Nightwolve should be pleased.  :mrgreen:
Hell yeah. I'm placing a pre-order for the Vita version on Amazon right now. I can't remember the last time I gave a shit about something NISA released. Maybe Disgaea 5 which is still sitting sealed since I haven't bought a PS4 yet.

I've been going through MoC again. The hype is real or something. This game looks damn good.

As far as XSeed... I'm intrigued to know the details but I'd bet it would be a long time before that info comes out if it ever does. If it's because they wouldn't commit to a physical release for freaking Ys they can eat a bag. The timeline thing wouldn't surprise me either, it has taken them a really long time to push out games before. And I get that Trails games are text heavy but still.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 02/21/2017, 06:21 PM
Ooo, nice.  I hadn't thought to look at Amazon.  $80 seems awfully steep for the LE, so $40 on just the game sounds better.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 02/21/2017, 09:09 PM
I think it just got posted to Amazon today. Prime discount isn't applying yet. I'll buy it either way, but it would be nice if it were $8 cheaper.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 02/24/2017, 03:47 AM
Anyone know if the LE versions will only be available thru NIS, or is there a chance to get them on Amazon at some point?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 02/24/2017, 02:36 PM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 02/24/2017, 03:47 AMAnyone know if the LE versions will only be available thru NIS, or is there a chance to get them on Amazon at some point?
Yeah, normally they have done regular version, limited version, and then NISA Store version (which is limited + something extra).  But, it doesn't say the LE is exclusive to their store so maybe other retailers will carry it.

My guess is it would be a NISA store exclusive though, it sounds like they probably wanna keep all the cash on this one and not offer the 20% discount through amazon on the like to devalue it.  I'd love to be proven wrong though.  Still plenty of stock on both though so I plan on waiting for a bit to see what shows up.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: bartre on 02/24/2017, 07:21 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/24/2017, 02:36 PMYeah, normally they have done regular version, limited version, and then NISA Store version (which is limited + something extra).  But, it doesn't say the LE is exclusive to their store so maybe other retailers will carry it.

My guess is it would be a NISA store exclusive though, it sounds like they probably wanna keep all the cash on this one and not offer the 20% discount through amazon on the like to devalue it.  I'd love to be proven wrong though.  Still plenty of stock on both though so I plan on waiting for a bit to see what shows up.
I'm actually debating canning my LE preorder in favor of the regular edition.

$40 extra is pretty steep, I'm beginning to think that if i want an art book, i should just buy a straight art book, y'know?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Joe Redifer on 02/25/2017, 05:02 AM
I pre-ordered the regular-ass edition. The special edition doesn't have anything I'd spend a total of maybe 2 or 3 minutes of my life looking at. The soundtrack isn't even the full soundtrack. Plus, I already have the full 2 disc soundtrack. Kind of mediocre for an Ys game, actually. Hopefully it will grow on me as I play the game.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 02/25/2017, 10:54 AM
The prime discount is now working correctly so I actually went and place my order for the Vita version. $35 including tax, not bad at all.

I was tempted by the LE but ultimately reached the same conclusion Joe did. It's just so much extra shit I'd have to file away. The main draw for me would be if that 2nd book is like a mini-guide (appears to be) which could be helpful but really it's kind of hard to get stuck in newer Ys games. If the LE does go on Amazon I'll likely get tempted again though.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 02/26/2017, 01:47 AM
That is a good point, how often really will I look at the extra stuff.  Makes me think more about getting the regular editions of this & Tokyo Xanadu(another Falcom game coming this year), as the PS4 version of that is SUPER expensive & hard to justify.


Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 02/26/2017, 12:34 PM
Tokyo Xanadu is a game I want to play, but I'm wondering... Has it been said the differences in the PS4 version? Seemingly everything I clicked on just said it's "enhanced". Not sure if that's worth $20 more...
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: bartre on 02/26/2017, 05:25 PM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 02/26/2017, 01:47 AMThat is a good point, how often really will I look at the extra stuff.  Makes me think more about getting the regular editions of this & Tokyo Xanadu(another Falcom game coming this year), as the PS4 version of that is SUPER expensive & hard to justify.


yeah, for me a figure is an automatic no buy for me.
I don't need that much extra shit, lol
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: wildfruit on 02/26/2017, 06:10 PM
I hope some European stores update a pre order soon. Import isn't really viable cos brexit.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 02/26/2017, 07:43 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 02/26/2017, 12:34 PMTokyo Xanadu is a game I want to play, but I'm wondering... Has it been said the differences in the PS4 version? Seemingly everything I clicked on just said it's "enhanced". Not sure if that's worth $20 more...
From memory, I recall that the PS4 version is expanded, much like the PS4 version of Ys VIII.  More dungeons, more story elements, etc.  I'm gonna buy both of each game to support Falcom games, but probably will skip all the LE stuff.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 02/26/2017, 11:06 PM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 02/26/2017, 07:43 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 02/26/2017, 12:34 PMTokyo Xanadu is a game I want to play, but I'm wondering... Has it been said the differences in the PS4 version? Seemingly everything I clicked on just said it's "enhanced". Not sure if that's worth $20 more...
From memory, I recall that the PS4 version is expanded, much like the PS4 version of Ys VIII.  More dungeons, more story elements, etc.  I'm gonna buy both of each game to support Falcom games, but probably will skip all the LE stuff.
Thanks for the info.

I searched for Ys and found exact stuff

Not enough for me to buy the PS4 version right away, especially since it's mostly stuff for playthroughs after the first. Really looking forward to playing both of these. NF has been consistently making good stuff.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 02/26/2017, 11:34 PM
Ok, I guess not quite as exciting as I thought, however, I know the PS4 has an improved frame rate, some claim it's pretty significant.

Found this on Tokyo Xanadu differences:


With Tokyo Xanadu eX+, you'll find new modes (Time Attack and Boss Rush), new scenarios that weren't depicted in the main story, an all new quest accessible after beating the game, a new playable character (White Shroud, a mysterious knight), and new monsters, dungeons, and bosses.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 02/27/2017, 09:30 AM
Mildly annoying that it can't all just be in the Vita version too. I think I'll just wait and pick up the PS4 standard on the cheap for TX.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 02/27/2017, 09:39 AM
I preordered regular versions of Tokyo Xanadu and Ys VIII yesterday.  I was okay with paying an extra $10 for xseed's LEs, but those goodies ain't worth an extra $30-40.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 02/27/2017, 11:32 AM
Did you go Vita or PS4?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 02/27/2017, 12:33 PM
Vita.  I don't have a PS4.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 02/27/2017, 12:38 PM
Same here. I'll get a PS4 eventually, but it's not a huge priority. I'll be upgrading my PC first for sure.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: geise on 03/09/2017, 04:13 PM
Fuck.  Not till almost 2018 for release?  Really?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: jlued686 on 03/09/2017, 04:51 PM
Article on the PS Blog:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 04/12/2017, 05:44 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 02/20/2017, 10:52 AMWoot!  I don't care who does it; I'm just happy it's gonna get a physical release.

I assume xseed lost it because they wouldn't commit to physical releases and/or a timeline Falcom liked.  Whatever the reason, Nightwolve should be pleased.  :mrgreen:
Haha! Yeah, I was just gonna comment on this after getting a chance to catch up on updated threads before you mentioned me...

I learned about this "NIS America" company (http://nisamerica.com/games/ysviii/) this year and that they somehow won the localization rights to Ys 8 AWAY from XXXSEED Games (http://www.xseedgames.com)... How they pulled it off, beats me, I dunno, as it seemed like the marriage with XXXSEED was solid and they were successful as far as what I hear... The only word from Tom-chan is they wanted to work on it but Falcom made a "business decision."

I have no evidence that Falcom knows about my boycott (either way), what XXXSEED did in their name, but I've been thinking I should write a summary about it some time, get it translated to Japanese, and send it to all of their emails in the hope it reaches a higher-up. In principle, Falcom deserves to know what was done in their name, that it caused a boycott, and that no fan should've been cheated just so XXXSEED could get a cheap sweetheart deal on pre-translated results and let Tom-chan Lipschultz use his company for personal revenge against somebody he was publicly starting feuds with to shame/ostracize/humiliate (https://www.ysutopia.net/images/TomLipschultzOnACreditXCISE.png)...

I still find it hard to believe this all happened, it's surreal, but I don't have to surrender to this kind of bullshit until they apologize and correct it which they could do ANY DAY - they won't though due to a certain sense of arrogance, stubbornness, bigotry, pride, self-righteousness, etc. Tom-chan proudly told me in an email, "You will never be credited!" where I was characterized as just a "Japanese text delivery boy" who "delivered text from point A to B" which amounts to just a "service." My custom translation software (a fact DeuceBag hid from the company) was just a "Microsoft Word" he said after he learned about it 3 years from the first case I was cheated on, so they can just "pretend" I had no IP Rights on something original/unique that was used one last time for commercial purposes...

I've said it before, I've never seen anything quite like this company, although maybe my scope is very limited, but they really are clowns to me... From the final phone call with Ken Berry, using my Paypal icon as a reason to justify cheating me (when Jeff had one also on his website!), to how Tom-chan keeps getting away with everything, all the embarrassment that he's caused, his temp ban on the NeoGaf forums given his pedo-freak nature on underage anime depictions, general lobbying in support of animated child pornography "to protect real kids," his recent NightWolve=Trump=Hitler unhinged rant (https://www.ysutopia.net/forums/index.php?topic=461) on election day, etc. He just keeps getting away with it, zero accountability... Bragging how he extorts the company, threatening them with his resignation if they censor some sexual content so he can virtue signal to fanboys in forums what a great anti-censorship champion that he is (while he's all too happy to go Nazi mod and has deleted plenty of posts in his time)...

While on this subject, I should mention that I got blocked on Twitter because of it, heh-heh... I joyfully expressed my glee to their Twitter account, I got 3 PMs sent, but within minutes I was blocked!!! Tom-chan worked fast, son-of-a-gun! It must've been from his phone, which is from where I also quickly sent the messages. So here's what I managed to send before said perma-block:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I also caused some butthurt on NIS' Twitter after thanking them for winning the Rights away from XXXSEED. Their nasty fanboys are bitter and have been on the attack in Steam forums and elsewhere because of this loss and the opinion that NIS doesn't do a great translation job. I dunno about their script work, I don't really care, if they can do a basic competent enough job, that's fine by me.


Anyway, this got longer than I thought, but the good news is I'll be able to purchase an officially localized Ys title, an act that hasn't occurred since Konami localized Ys VI for the PS2! I didn't think I'd live to see this day!!! Honestly, I thought those XXXSEED bastards had it locked up, and I'd keep having to avoid their work, so this came out of nowhere for me and many others it seems!

I don't have plans to ever buy a PS4, so I only care about the Windows PC version, which would be the best version anyway! I hope they do a good job building a port because Falcom only coded the PS4 copy. Thing is, the architecture is closer to a PC, so the porting should be easier than say previous PS consoles, so that's good, but we'll see. I hear their PC work is buggy, but there are sour grapes out there by fanboys throwing stones, so...


So yeah, I'm VERY happy about this, I don't care who does it, Mastiff Games, which localized Gurumin (I quickly purchased this on Steam as soon as I learned of it) (https://www.facebook.com/boycottxseed/posts/1195080097278149), and seems to have done a fine job on it, or NIS, just as long as XXXSEED continues to lose out in the future!

For folks who don't understand my feelings, imagine if you spent ~5 years of your life (on & off) on Ys fan translation projects from 2002-2007, you stayed unemployed to sustain/complete these projects (losing out $$$,$$$ in income, draining your savings), then this petty company comes along, sneaks around with the translator you recruited from his NeoGeo Forum cock-flashing stomping grounds, the translated results that were produced by our hard work, dedication, sacrifice get exported by him from my software, he pockets 100% credit/profit, disappears for 3 years, plays stupid, AND THEN you learn the guy who orchestrated these criminal deals was another former translator you worked with who hated and started a public feud with you... Years later I learned they had both organized another double-cross with the Ys Origin project also...

As a result of that significant chunk of my life spent on such projects and the drama that followed because of 99% freeloading (that's really what caused ALL of the drama at the end of the day), every time somebody says Falcom, Adol, or Ys, I am forced to remember EVERYTHING that happened with them, this petty company, all 4chan/GameFAQs trollbags like Psycho Kirsten Miller, John Schizomaniak of HG101, etc.! It's a permanent association, I couldn't forget it even if I willfully wanted to. So the act of buying an XXXSEED game, giving them money, having to read Tom-chan Lipshcultz' stupid edits and general writing, I simply can't do it... That's why, even if the NIS translator is worse, I couldn't care less, I am just thankful Falcom partnered with SOMEBODY ELSE and that I can legitimately support them!

/end article
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gredler on 04/12/2017, 08:10 PM
New Ys, heck yeah!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 05/18/2017, 03:42 PM
NISA just announced some new merch for sale as well related to the game:


Giclee: (WTF at that price)

Dana Shirt:

Adol Shirt:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 05/18/2017, 04:13 PM
Yeah I'm good with the game for $32.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: bartre on 05/18/2017, 06:50 PM
What the fuck is a glicee?
does it come with a lube for that price?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 05/18/2017, 07:45 PM
Quote from: bartre on 05/18/2017, 06:50 PMWhat the fuck is a glicee?
does it come with a lube for that price?
"High quality art print"

No lube, it prefers to go in raw.

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 05/18/2017, 10:38 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 05/18/2017, 07:45 PM
Quote from: bartre on 05/18/2017, 06:50 PMWhat the fuck is a glicee?
does it come with a lube for that price?
"High quality art print"

No lube, it prefers to go in raw.

The name originally applied to fine art prints created on Iris printers in a process invented in the late 1980s but has since come to mean any inkjet print. It is often used by artists, galleries, and print shops to suggest high quality printing but since it is an unregulated word it has no associated warranty of quality.

Basically a big damn inkjet print.  I dunno why NISA does this, I bought their posters before when they were like $20.  I feel like they would sell more posters at $20 then massive inkjet prints at $250.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 05/18/2017, 11:12 PM
Heh interesting.

And yeah it sounds like they went to the Japanese model on the art stuff. They probably figure anyone heavily interested will pay that much anyway. So they don't care about bulk of sales, but squeezing the most they can out of the most dedicated fans.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 05/31/2017, 12:37 AM
Hey guys, stopped by to share this:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

We now have a release date for the Ys 8 PC Steam port: Sept 12. To celebrate NIS America's snatching of the Ys series away XXXSEED, I decided I'll be buying 3 Steam codes, 1 for myself, and 2 for running a contest here! 2nd place prize will be a Steam or GOG code for Gurumin. I got the idea after reading on XXXSEED forums that some of their shill trollbags threatened to pirate Ys 8 under NIS to stand in solidarity with their precious XXXSEED, also it provides a way for me to make up for the boycott I was forced into given their shenanigans.

Anyway, yeah, I'll start the contest in Sept when it goes on sale. Anyone who wants to enter will just need a 200 post minimum here. Another FYI, when Elmer and SamIAm finish the Xanadu patches, I have an extra real copy of the first Xanadu I'll raffle off as well, along with prepatched CD-Rs of I & II. Xanadu raffle will likely be my first here unless NIS beat team elmer in Sept. ;)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 05/31/2017, 09:33 AM
Make Ys Great Again.  :lol:

The PS4 and Vita versions are also slated for a 9/12 release date, and Tokyo Xanadu is coming out at the end of June.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 05/31/2017, 10:14 AM
Yep. I am anxiously awaiting my Vita copy. I actually just got a PS4, but I'm going to stick with the Vita pre-order because I am les cheaps.

Nice giveaway you have planned wolfy. Obviously I won't be entering since I'm buying the game anyway, but still, very nice.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 06/01/2017, 05:57 AM
Quote from: Gypsy on 05/31/2017, 10:14 AMYep. I am anxiously awaiting my Vita copy. I actually just got a PS4, but I'm going to stick with the Vita pre-order because I am les cheaps.

Nice giveaway you have planned wolfy. Obviously I won't be entering since I'm buying the game anyway, but still, very nice.
Keep in mind, there's a lot more going on in the PS4 version.  New scenario's, bosses, & such that are not in the Vita version.  That put's the PS4 version over the top for me personally.  Plus, it's nice to play Ys on a console rather then a portable.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 06/01/2017, 07:12 AM
Heh, I've got used to playing it on handhelds and PC. It kind of felt weird using a controller when I fired up Ys IV Dawn of Ys.

I'll probably buy it on GOG too, assuming it makes its way there. On a sale of course.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 06/01/2017, 09:30 AM
I'll probably snag it off GOG eventually as well.  It'll go nicely with the Ys four pack I got in that sale in Nov. 2015..... which I've still not yet downloaded, let alone played.  :oops:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 06/01/2017, 11:48 PM
Sorry guys, but GOG is apparently not NIS America's style...They keep their games under the Steam engine, probably for the slight DRM aspect... I'm pretty sure this is the case, but feel free to verify. The XXXSEED KKKlowns were good for mirroring a PC release on GOG and that "Humble store" which I'm not familiar with but yeah, not everybody does this...
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 06/02/2017, 06:48 AM
Good to know. I will now strongly consider getting the PS4 version, since I was thinking I could get the extra content with the PC version but I don't really do Steam.

Laughable if that's the reasoning, given that everything gets cracked in the end I would figure.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 06/02/2017, 09:14 AM
Dang.  If it's steam only, I guess I won't be getting it. 
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 06/02/2017, 10:35 PM
Eh, it's not that bad, I own Gurumin from Mastiff Games on Steam...but only because I saw it on Steam first and didn't know they mirrored it on GOG... When Shovel Knight caught my interest, I went to GOG and got it there.

But yeah, given a choice, I prefer an independent EXE installer that's not calling back to a server all the time AKA permanently requiring an Internet connection, collecting usage and system stats, etc. Steam should be around a long time, but all games are broken without their server... The pirate groups do crack the Steam API out of their games though, if you wait...
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 06/05/2017, 05:47 PM
I hear xseed is bringing Zwei II to the US this summer.  Even though they're skipping the first one, lately it's been an embarrassment of Falcom riches!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 06/07/2017, 03:16 AM
Kinda bizarre they're skipping the first one, I've heard it's a dope game.  It seems really well put together from what I've played, as I have the Ps2 &  PSP versions, would really like to play them in english though!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 06/07/2017, 03:41 PM
The Soundtrack for the original Zweii is awesome too.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 06/22/2017, 03:00 PM
PS4 version is down to pre-ordering for $45 on Amazon.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 06/22/2017, 03:08 PM
Vita version is down to pre-ordering for $39.96 on Amazon.

Thanks for the three cents, motherfuckers!  :lol:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 06/22/2017, 03:22 PM
Ha! I sent you a PM NecroPhile.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 06/22/2017, 05:13 PM
NISA actually sent out an email recently saying the LE was down to the last 25% as well.  After delaying for months I finally put in my preorder though, so huzzah.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gredler on 08/31/2017, 08:23 PM
Has anyone played this yet? Videos of the graphics make me sulk, but I am curious to hear people's opinions
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Johnpv on 08/31/2017, 08:32 PM
NISA sent out an email the other day saying they would start processing orders on the 29th, anyone get their order started processing yet?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 08/31/2017, 08:45 PM
Release date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017

So um, no, I haven't played it yet. Lols.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 08/31/2017, 10:13 PM
Quote from: Gredler on 08/31/2017, 08:23 PMHas anyone played this yet? Videos of the graphics make me sulk, but I am curious to hear people's opinions
Not sure how much you trust this guys reviews but he already has a copy I guess:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: nectarsis on 08/31/2017, 10:21 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/31/2017, 08:45 PMRelease date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017

So um, no, I haven't played it yet. Lols.
Also demo is out ;)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 08/31/2017, 10:30 PM
Hoping to be done with Yakuza Kiwami by the time it does arrive.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Johnpv on 09/01/2017, 08:37 AM
Quote from: guest on 08/31/2017, 10:13 PM
Quote from: Gredler on 08/31/2017, 08:23 PMHas anyone played this yet? Videos of the graphics make me sulk, but I am curious to hear people's opinions
Not sure how much you trust this guys reviews but he already has a copy I guess:
I really need to become a youtuber just to get access to stuff earlier.  I don't even want it free, I just want it early lol.  There's a bunch of UK youtubers, and sites that have already gotten the SNES Classic, shit isn't out for a month and they already have it.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gredler on 09/01/2017, 02:54 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/31/2017, 08:45 PMRelease date: Tuesday, September 12, 2017

So um, no, I haven't played it yet. Lols.
I saw some reviews and videos and wondered what people thought - I assumed some imported or perhaps had early access.

I wonder if they have an in house engine or if it's a licensed engine - and if they hire Jr artists or they are top heavy with vets who transitioned from 2d to 3d. The 2D stuff they've done has been awesome, it's their 3d that is so disappointing. The water is especially offensive - it looks like the distortion mesh is seperate in animation from the diffuse/detail and it looks SO WEIRD. I am surprised they even kept the distortion, it would look better with just the diffuse. Their polygon distribution is also all over the place. Excessively high poly assets next to angular rock face walls just looks really hodgepodge and broken.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 09/01/2017, 06:51 PM
Yeah. MoC looked like ass but I still loved it. Guessing this one will be a similar experience.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 09/01/2017, 07:18 PM
Good news, NIS approved a GOG version for those opposed to Steam system dependence (AKA DRM-light)!


Also, to anyone interested, I'll begin running a raffle on Sept 12 when it goes on sale as a thank you to NIS America, Inc. 1st & 2nd place prize is GOG/Steam code for Ys 8 & Gurumin, and 3rd place winner just gets Gurumin. To enter, 200 post minimum for our veterans here.

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: munchiaz on 09/08/2017, 04:45 PM
Playing Ys IV right now. Getting ready for this
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Johnpv on 09/09/2017, 08:41 AM
This was my first time ordering from NIS America's online store and they've already shipped my copy, should be here Monday.  Really looking forward to this one!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 09/09/2017, 08:55 AM
Quote from: Johnpv on 09/09/2017, 08:41 AMThis was my first time ordering from NIS America's online store and they've already shipped my copy, should be here Monday.  Really looking forward to this one!
Been awhile since I've ordered from them but I remember getting many games from them before the release date. Even beat a few before they were officially out, heh.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 09/10/2017, 10:13 PM
Quote from: Johnpv on 09/09/2017, 08:41 AMThis was my first time ordering from NIS America's online store and they've already shipped my copy, should be here Monday.  Really looking forward to this one!
NISA is pretty good when it comes to customer service and shipping, I've never had an issue with them.  Only thing is that until recently, for the last 1-2 years they have been putting out a lot I have no interest in.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 09/12/2017, 11:16 PM
Guess I can delay my raffle too (although I purchased my Limited Edition set (https://twitter.com/NightWolve75/status/907788117574344704)) as NIS had to do a last minute delay and won't be releasing the PC versions today... It appears they don't yet know how much more time they need since they didn't offer a new release date...

The XXXSEED shill trollbags were all over this delay, like this fanhole (https://twitter.com/MusouTensei82/status/907338671602401288), having a field day, as it gave 'em an opportunity to exploit it for PR purposes, their angle being that this wouldn't have happened under XXXSEED Games, and they're bad people for snatching the licensing away from them, yadda yadda, etc. You get the idea. One last bitter sour grapes gasp for those unable to accept the reality that they lost the Ys series, hopefully for good with any luck, but who knows...

Anyway, got 5 participants in my raffle so far, and I guess I should do the formal write-up/thread this week and get it going. Might as well.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 09/13/2017, 09:59 AM
And people like that are the first ones to tell you to "get over it".  Fuckin' hypocrites.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 09/13/2017, 03:01 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/13/2017, 09:59 AMAnd people like that are the first ones to tell you to "get over it".  Fuckin' hypocrites.
People like that are the reason I don't like "Gamers".  Nothing like calling out hate speech and then spouting off anti-woman propaganda within days of each other. 
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 09/13/2017, 05:47 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 09/12/2017, 11:16 PMGuess I can delay my raffle too (although I purchased my Limited Edition set (https://twitter.com/NightWolve75/status/907788117574344704)) as NIS had to do a last minute delay and won't be releasing the PC versions today... It appears they don't yet know how much more time they need since they didn't offer a new release date...

The XXXSEED shill trollbags were all over this delay, like this fanhole (https://twitter.com/MusouTensei82/status/907338671602401288), having a field day, as it gave 'em an opportunity to exploit it for PR purposes, their angle being that this wouldn't have happened under XXXSEED Games, and they're bad people for snatching the licensing away from them, yadda yadda, etc. You get the idea. One last bitter sour grapes gasp for those unable to accept the reality that they lost the Ys series, hopefully for good with any luck, but who knows...

Anyway, got 5 participants in my raffle so far, and I guess I should do the formal write-up/thread this week and get it going. Might as well.
Betrayed, lulz. It's BUSINESS.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 09/13/2017, 10:00 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/13/2017, 09:59 AMAnd people like that are the first ones to tell you to "get over it".  Fuckin' hypocrites.
Yeah, and the difference being my situation can be solved tomorrow, but it's the stubbornness, arrogance of Ken Berry that prevents it. I've nothing to lose in speaking out regarding how they cheated me, I don't owe any of them silence or positive-only posts as they'd prefer...

Conversely, Ys 8 is in the hands of NIS, end of the story, nothing is changing that, BUT if you think about it, they wanna score points here to help XXXSEED when it comes to future Ys titles (Ys 9, 10, etc), so there's some "strategery" here by their loyalists. They want a narrative reported back to Falcom, "Look, NIS botched the Ys 8 release, this wouldn't have happened had you stuck with XXXSEED!!!"

The worst stuff is on the Steam forums, the "Go f#ck yourselves, NIS!", "Bring back XSEED!" etc. Here: http://steamcommunity.com/games/579180/announcements/detail/1441571497990560200

But that shit is 35 pages of 347 comments now, no use bothering. Some people were perfectly understandable, though, and I did learn that XXXSEED's Ys 7 Windows PC port is crash buggy, and received a patch yesterday to help... It brings up the point of putting a bit more time upfront for the 1st release, versus publishing the current build and patching it later which their buddies at XXXSEED in fact do...

Well, here's one I just found while typing this post:
Quote from: Flash~StepYou have got to be fucking kidding me.

"Thank you for your time, support, and patience with this matter."

Literally no one has any of those when you come out with this shit less than 24 hours of the planned release date.

Go fuck yourself. Give future ports to XSEED, you don't deserve to touch falcom's amazing work.
Awww, poor fella. Thing is, you don't know if this is a lost customer genuinely upset about a delay or just a shill who didn't care to buy it anyway, but decided to troll them to score points, etc. XXXSEED shills DID threaten to pirate the NIS release out of "loyalty."

Quote from: Gypsy on 09/13/2017, 05:47 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 09/12/2017, 11:16 PMThe XXXSEED shill trollbags were all over this delay, like this fanhole, having a field day, as it gave 'em an opportunity to exploit it for PR purposes, their angle being that this wouldn't have happened under XXXSEED Games, and they're bad people for snatching the licensing away from them, yadda yadda, etc. You get the idea. One last bitter sour grapes gasp for those unable to accept the reality that they lost the Ys series, hopefully for good with any luck, but who knows...
Betrayed, lulz. It's BUSINESS.

Basically. ;)


Anyway, one of the voice actors is also running a raffle giveway of the Limited Edition set for PS4 and the Vita, so I wanted to share the links in case any of you are interested as I'm only offering the standard digital-only Windows PC versions via GOG (which most would prefer I imagine, but I can do Steam if winner prefers).

For you PS4 owners:

For you Sony Vita owners:


Ah shit, hurry if you want, he closes his contest tonight at midnight! Awfully too quick!

To enter, you must Comment to answer the question AND RETWEET! That's it.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 09/14/2017, 09:36 AM
I don't mind them delaying the PC release rather than shipping broken junk and using paying customers as beta testers, but it's bullshit that they waited hours before launch to pull the plug.  They had to have known weeks in advance that it wasn't ready, so they should've said something then and let pre-order customers decide for themselves if they'd rather have a PS4/Vita copy or wait.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 09/14/2017, 02:07 PM
Yeah, I agree, the dev team should've been able to see at least say a week before launch that they had underestimated the time needed for a competent version 1.00 release. Unless they suddenly discovered something truly egregious and what not, but yeah, it looks bad, obviously, it's just that I'm not having an emotional reaction to where I feel I wanna rip their heads off about it. We understand why the wandering XXXSEED trollbags are doing it though on their Twitter & Steam presence, heh heh. Rrriiiiiiddddddeeerrrs gonna rrrrriiiidddeeee after all... :lol:

Quote from: guest on 09/14/2017, 09:36 AMand using paying customers as beta testers,
I would've tried to apply here for beta testing (https://www.facebook.com/NISAmericaInc/posts/1562603487119179), but I learned about it too late. You would've gotten a standard Steam copy free, a $60 value, so only problem I see there is they started that too late.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: kazekirifx on 09/16/2017, 01:01 AM
I played the Vita version way back when it was released in Japan. I thought it was excellent. One of the best Ys games in a very long time. One of the best games I've played in a very long time, in fact.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 09/16/2017, 11:35 AM
Quote from: kazekirifx on 09/16/2017, 01:01 AMI played the Vita version way back when it was released in Japan. I thought it was excellent. One of the best Ys games in a very long time. One of the best games I've played in a very long time, in fact.
Good to hear, but having missed out on getting the steam version I am now more anxious to get it.  haha
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 09/19/2017, 03:31 PM
Free stuff from NISA on PSN:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: nectarsis on 09/19/2017, 03:56 PM
Now if Sony would load the damn trophies for the Vita version  :evil: :evil: ](*,) ](*,)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 09/19/2017, 04:03 PM
LOL, trophies.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: nectarsis on 09/19/2017, 04:04 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/19/2017, 04:03 PMLOL, trophies.
My only problem with it is now my vita won't sync at all :P
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 09/19/2017, 06:00 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/19/2017, 04:03 PMLOL, trophies.
This is my general stance on them as well. I have notifications disabled.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 09/21/2017, 03:32 AM
I grew to enjoy trophies.  While I don't try to get 100% on most games, I do get what's reasonable, & it's ended up giving various games extra replay value for me.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 09/21/2017, 09:43 AM
I like 'em when they're well done and awarded for doing things that take skill or as a reward for playing the game long enough (beat the game with all character classes, kill x number of enemies, etc.), but too many games are filled with dozens and dozens of trophies for stupid shit.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: munchiaz on 09/21/2017, 01:42 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/21/2017, 09:43 AMI like 'em when they're well done and awarded for doing things that take skill or as a reward for playing the game long enough (beat the game with all character classes, kill x number of enemies, etc.), but too many games are filled with dozens and dozens of trophies for stupid shit.
exactly. Like heres a trophy for simply playing 10 minutes of the game.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Psycho Punch on 09/21/2017, 07:26 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 09/21/2017, 09:43 AMI like 'em when they're well done and awarded for doing things that take skill or as a reward for playing the game long enough (beat the game with all character classes, kill x number of enemies, etc.), but too many games are filled with dozens and dozens of trophies for stupid shit.
Arcade Archives releases never fail to make me laugh when a trophy pops up, all of them have these trophies:

Option menu opened.
Display settings opened.
Game settings opened.
Button settings opened.
All of the manual has been read.
Online rankings opened.
The game has been reset.
The score has been posted to the online rankings.
High score has been updated.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 09/23/2017, 02:05 AM
Yeah, that's true, I enjoy the trophies that require skill!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 09/24/2017, 12:26 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/21/2017, 07:26 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/21/2017, 09:43 AMI like 'em when they're well done and awarded for doing things that take skill or as a reward for playing the game long enough (beat the game with all character classes, kill x number of enemies, etc.), but too many games are filled with dozens and dozens of trophies for stupid shit.
Arcade Archives releases never fail to make me laugh when a trophy pops up, all of them have these trophies:

Option menu opened.
Display settings opened.
Game settings opened.
Button settings opened.
All of the manual has been read.
Online rankings opened.
The game has been reset.
The score has been posted to the online rankings.
High score has been updated.
Gods among men.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 09/25/2017, 10:06 AM
I finally picked up my copy of Ys VIII for Vita.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: DragonmasterDan on 10/10/2017, 05:21 PM
Good news everyone!

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gredler on 10/10/2017, 05:24 PM
Wow, makes me want to get it and patch it - I wonder if there will be a ninja'd second gold master with the fix applied so this doesn't rest on the reliability of the services to provide a patch down the road.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 10/10/2017, 06:13 PM
Quote from: Gredler on 10/10/2017, 05:24 PMWow, makes me want to get it and patch it - I wonder if there will be a ninja'd second gold master with the fix applied so this doesn't rest on the reliability of the services to provide a patch down the road.
That would be really nice. With it clearly noted on the disc art too.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 10/10/2017, 06:19 PM
WOW, I had hoped this could at least happen for the PC version but the voice acting led me and someone else to think it wouldn't cause you'd have to get all the actors to revoice lines while just changing text can be done at any time...

Guess those XXXSEED protest warriors, their negative script reports and their email campaign to Falcom, got NISA to give this a second look... Well played, aholes...

It's an embarrassment, sure, but the customer will hopefully get a better product in the end, and thankfully we STILL are spared Tom-chan @XXXSEEDGames sticking his dumb jokes/references in your Ys game...so WIN WIN!!!!

That despicable company had an unfair advantage for 4 Ys scripts in hijacking the fan translations I produced with Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum because he was a good editor and they gained 24,000 pre-translated strings plus 100's of images on their lap, letting them skip to more editing, saving time in the process, polishing it even more... Least NISA didn't cheat/exploit anybody unlike those aholes!!!

I think XXXSEED's Jessica Chavez is a good editor too, unlike Tom-chan seems to have a good sense of humor, so if I was NISA I'd hire her as she's a freelancer but loyalty to XXXSEED might lead her to decline if they tried...
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Joe Redifer on 10/17/2017, 02:09 AM
Beat Ys 8 a little over a week ago. Fantastic game! There are a few nitpicks I have with it but they are not huge nitpicks. I'd recommend it to everyone so that future Ys games may also be made. This is probably the best Ys game since Ys 4 on the Turbo, and I only hold the first 4 Ys games as high as I do because of nostalgia. This is so much more than those games. 33 hours for me to get through, but look at 40 or 50 if you wanna do everything and get the "true" ending where Adol and Dogi make out. There is no reason not to buy this game.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 10/17/2017, 09:14 AM
So Adol always skipped town and left the girls hanging because they didn't have a penis?  :lol:

What'd you think of the translation?  I've not played it yet, but I've seen some of the stinkers online; they don't look that horrible to me (I've played worse), but I think Ys deserves better and I'm glad they're going to fix it.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 10/17/2017, 10:39 AM
Ys 8 now Game Sack approved, right on!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 10/18/2017, 01:11 AM
Fantastic game, haven't finished it yet though.  The translation just doesn't seem bad enough to warrant the outcry.  My wife decided to play this as her next game, & is super addicted!  Infact, I've been playing it for a month, & she's only been playing it for a couple weeks, & she passed my progress on it a couple nights ago!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: nectarsis on 10/18/2017, 01:18 AM
Beat the game last week, I can see the translation being stiff, etc but the outcry is WAYYYYY overplayed.  I def will playthru a NG+.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 10/18/2017, 02:04 AM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 10/18/2017, 01:11 AMThe translation just doesn't seem bad enough to warrant the outcry.
It is flat, literal from what I understand but you know why this happened, sour grapes from XXXSEEDite fanboys that NISA swooped down like a hawk and snatched the Ys series far and away from XXXSEED...

If there wasn't absolute perfection, they were gonna nitpick and exploit anything, unfortunately NISA gave them plenty to work with both with the script problems and last minute delay on the PC build...

Ah well, fine by me, not since Konami's Ys 6 PS2 port have I purchased a legit localized Ys title, so I'm not gonna let em spoil my mood, if XXXSEED and Tom-chan had got their hands on it, I wouldn't be touching it!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: geise on 10/28/2017, 09:37 PM
Why don't you just import them then? At least you could play them.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 10/29/2017, 07:18 PM
Well, I only skipped Ys Origin, Celceta and 7 (I do own Falcom's first Ys Origin PC release). So play them in Japanese you mean ?

I thought I'd pirate Celceta, play with a PSP emulator since it was translated by Daniel "Varion" Prescott and not any of the criminal cheats, but I stopped caring years ago, never bothered...

Daniel actually donated $25 to me in the Felghana fan era, but he hanged with that Tom-chan/Kirsten "omgfailure" Miller "I-hate-NightWolve!" ahole clique on Ys forums, so I recall he went on to personally attack me...wasn't terribly exciting to wanna play through him either...

Hey, on that note, the number of XXXSEED Games associates I've been attacked by is up to 5 then, HAHAHAHAHA!!! Psycho Kirsten Miller, Tom-chan "Keep the KKK, man!" Lipschultz, Daniel Prescott, Lying Jeff "I'm a bi cock-flasher!" Nussbaum (the biggest two-faced coward, first behind my back), and their Steam coder, Sara Leen... Brittany used my "XXXSEED" porn joke on her Twitter, but that's about it, heh. I detected perhaps minor annoyance.

One more tangent: I did start the Ys Origin translation project after importing it as you might know before I retired/quit in April 2007, only after the cock-flashing fake translator [Jeff DeuceBag] begged me, just as I was about to delete my project files and website...

He cried not to take away the only thing he was proud of in his life, "Don't take fan translation work away from me..." Here I was, 5 years later, drained my savings to work on Ys projects, the Felghana patch was leaked, the download stats showed 99% freeloading, it was time to quit for me! I needed to get real paying work after I got some landlord duties out of the way for rental property but he didn't care!!!

So the degenerate bastard was crying, tells me about his suicide attempt, his drug dependence, his cane disability due to hip nerve damage (he's a crippled miserable ahole), etc. to manipulate sympathy... Already knew about his bankruptcy too. Unfortunately, I fell for it not knowing what a real monster this guy was all along, I shouldn't have, but let that be a lesson to anyone else! He's a self admitted sociopath, so take any of his bullshit with a grain of salt.

I didn't want to get sucked into another Ys project, I wanted to retire after Ys II actually, but Ys VI and Felghana sucked me back in... After the leak, I wanted to quit for sure, but after his begging with Ys Origin, I tried to think another way which was I wasn't gonna do it for free and I wanted ONLY paying Falcom customers who owned an Ys Origin DVD to get to use it, no pirate users, most of the 99% freeloaders should get nothing!

Jeff offered to pay me to do the project, but I foolishly didn't think that was fair to him... I should've taken that deal in retrospect but seeing what a liar the guy is and him running off with 100% of every penny he got from XXXSEED, that "deal" was likely worth dirt just to hold me over...

So we started work under the payware idea where I also ruled out paying him a flat fee. He rejected that because if it sold well, that'd leave me with a windfall profit and not fair cause we were "partners..." He insisted on a 40/60% royalty split... I thought that was too much in his favor based on work hours, but he thought it was *perfect* and got angry that I didn't accept it...

After fighting, almost parting ways, I got him to accept 25/75%, and under those terms I produced the most advanced version of my Translation Station software yet, giving him full editing control at the push of a button! I also implemented runtime script dumping, he plays Ys Origin and it logs every onscreen string to a HTML file, giving him most of the script in the exact order for maximum context, including character names doing the talking which was never available from the raw dumps!

He got enormous advantages no other fan translator ever received, and when he got to 100% about 2 years later with me still retired assuming he'd wait for me, he secretly exported the translated results to Tom-chan's Italian coder, and then on to XXXSEED Games in an epic double cross I'm sure they're all proud of to this day! I learned the real royalty split Jeff was all about was 100% for himself and 0% for everybody else!!

Note that a few months after agreeing with a 25/75% royalty split, I thought to smooth things over by giving him that $550, a cut from the $1300 I made from the Felghana early access program. I masked it as part wedding gift. I made one of the classic mistakes in life, you can't buy friends and I never truly knew what he was. He hated himself for having to work with a republican, that's all he saw me as... He hated having to lower himself to work with "a guy like me" given his Amazing Atheist Anus superiority complex, he's a bigoted fanatic, just hid enough of it with me to get by and when he no longer needed me since Tom-chan presented another option, he took it, played all sides when he needed to, then after XXXSEED pretended he didn't know me anymore for 3 years...

I wonder how things would've worked out if I had told him to go f*ck himself with Ys Origin, had just deleted my site as planned, and destoyed my project folders, research, software, etc. having totally rid myself of the Jeffs, the Tom-chans and the 99% freeloader brigade... They still would've cheated me on Ys I, II and Felghana, but I gave him a 4th project to cheat me on under shaky circumstances...

XXXSEED is a piece of shit company, no doubt about that in my mind and it can all be traced back to allowing a pedo-pandering degenerate like Tom-chan Lipschultz into influencing the company into horrible business decisions... They think they're better than me, always have, I was the too-embarrassing-to-be-credited guy, and that's a key factor why I'll continue to expose and log every last embarrassing comment or act they commit!

Jeff published a death wish on Kotaku recently, it happened on the KKK witches protest warrior article about Tom-chan. He's a tough guy now, went from begging to hoping I'll die from some kind of brain disease, he was quite specific. It's great stuff that I rattled his criminal cage, got under his skin after so many years of him hiding, trying to act "professional" but he couldn't keep that mask on.

His meltdown also tells me XXXSEED would never work with him again, not just cause of the 2 projects he botched with the company as he's a fake machine translator who needs WWWJDIC for every string, always was, he just papered over his guess and mistranslations with good editing... Jim Breen's WWWJDIC didn't even get a Special Thanks credit either, cause he only cares to credit Me, Myself and I...

Never has someone gained so much from fan translation work and deserved NONE of the benefits. If you have to step on other people to get ahead, you deserve NOTHING!! It's all my fault for putting out a translator recruitment call for Ys I and the bastard crawling out of the Neo Geo forums to find me, but yeah, shit happens...

/end rant

I'd like to beat Ys 8 this year as soon as the Steam version goes live. It brought back a little excitement for me given a different company won the licensing rights and XXXSEED Games was slapped in the f*cking face by Falcom by giving the project to a competitor! Finally, I thought, a little justice to a despicable company that doesn't deserve loyalty and operated under principles of backstabbing itself!!!

Anyway, I am cursed with remembering all this history as you can see, so you can imagine how appreciative I am that NIS America took away the Ys series from such a despicable company like no other! They never deserved it, they chose to create this kind of ugly, divisive, criminal history and it's hard to justify if it was all worth it...

I think what disturbs me most is both Tom-chan and Jeff sleep well, not an ounce of regret; it's coming to understand that they're proud of what they did and feel I "deserved it..." The whole thing is incredible to me...it left me speechless for years but that too was yet another mistake on my part which I've been making up for...
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 10/29/2017, 09:16 PM
Yeah, I'm waiting for the updated PC versions.  as I don't have a system to play the other versions.  IDK about finishing it this year.  looks like the PC version is at best Mid December release.  I am slightly mad to have to wait but, if I get both updated polished script and a glitch-free experience it isn't all bad.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 11/10/2017, 05:50 PM
The translation update patch and PC version have been further delayed.  Now they say they won't be out until sometime early next year.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 11/10/2017, 06:30 PM
Man, to fuck up that bad....
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 11/10/2017, 07:26 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 11/10/2017, 06:30 PMMan, to fuck up that bad....
Ehhh I kinda think it was blown a little out of proportion.  Most people seem to think the script wasn't that bad. And I expected a least a few delays once they started fixing bugs.  fix 1 create 2 and so on . . .
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 11/11/2017, 12:09 AM
Yep, the retranslation was headed up by Alan Costa, the guy you might've seen next to Falcom's president acting as interpreter last summer at all those events when he visited the US.

They have an update blog which just reported they finished rewriting the script 100% and now need to get the voice actors to return for recording.

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 11/12/2017, 02:46 AM
Now that my wife has beat the game, & I'm getting near the end!  Oh well, maybe someyear I'll play thru it again, it's a looooong game, especially for Ys.  Really stinkin' fun, wife didn't want the game to end!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 11/13/2017, 10:14 AM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 11/10/2017, 07:26 PMEhhh I kinda think it was blown a little out of proportion.  Most people seem to think the script wasn't that bad. 
Yes and no.  A machine translated game is perfectly playable and far better than nothing, but Ys deserves better, especially when they're being paid well to do the job.  Apparently Falcom agrees, as it's them that pushed for the retranslation; NISA would've gladly saved the money and kept the half-assed work they're known for and proud of.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 11/13/2017, 12:35 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/13/2017, 10:14 AM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 11/10/2017, 07:26 PMEhhh I kinda think it was blown a little out of proportion.  Most people seem to think the script wasn't that bad. 
Yes and no.  A machine translated game is perfectly playable and far better than nothing, but Ys deserves better, especially when they're being paid well to do the job.  Apparently Falcom agrees, as it's them that pushed for the retranslation; NISA would've gladly saved the money and kept the half-assed work they're known for and proud of.
Agreed!!!  They didn't fuck up any worse than normal, and the game was playable.   Should it have been better? Yes.  What I was specifically referring to was that I don't understand why people are taking this like they were personally wronged.   

I am personally glad to see Falcom pushing for a better game. I hope I get to play through this sometime early in 2018 though.  Seems like the response to the game-play and story are overwhelmingly positive.  Falcom games are some of the few games I get excited play these days...
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 11/13/2017, 01:01 PM
I think most of the peeps taking it personally are because of the PC pre-order.  They kept taking orders up to a few hours before launch, knowing full well that it wasn't even close to ready and having no intention of filling those orders for months to come, then keeping mum on progress for a month before admitting how much they'd fucked up.  That's not how you treat customers.

I'm also happy that it's such a good game, even with NISA doing their best to fuck it up.  Falcom knows how to make some great stuff.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 11/13/2017, 03:38 PM
Quote from: guest on 11/13/2017, 01:01 PMI think... That's not how you treat customers.
Well I get that since I pre-ordered it hours before the announcement it was being held up.  This is why I rarely pre-order things. I guess I am just kinda forgiving not willing to get upset for the fact that I don't trust any company and expect most of them to try to screw people over for a profit.

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: seieienbu on 11/15/2017, 03:36 AM
I finally got around to starting this game.  I'm playing it on PS4 and I'm about 3 bosses in.  I like it more than I liked Ys 7 (never played the 4 remake) but I'm enjoying it substantially less than I liked 6 and Felghana.  Either way, I'm looking forward to getting some more time with it this weekend.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 11/15/2017, 07:03 AM
Hm, I think you should wait for the re-translation patch since it's right around the corner and not spoil the experience. You may not feel like playing it a second time after its release if you finish it now under the inferior translation.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: seieienbu on 11/16/2017, 04:25 PM
I guess I can put it off a little bit longer. :lol:

Is the original translation really that bad?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 11/16/2017, 04:58 PM
Quote from: seieienbu on 11/16/2017, 04:25 PMI guess I can put it off a little bit longer. :lol:

Is the original translation really that bad?
The best review I read went something like this:

It's a machine direct translate and that's about it. Leaving most of the "emotion of dialogue"  out of the translation, thus hurting the story and making it feel odd and bland in several spots.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 01/10/2018, 09:43 AM

A cute sample from NISA's Ys VIII revision blog, which they've stopped updating.  The last post was 12/21 when they said they'd skip a week for the holidays and be back on 1/4, but nothing yet.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Johnpv on 01/10/2018, 08:46 PM
I saw on another board that they announced the patch and the PC version are supposedly both coming on January 30th.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: jlued686 on 01/11/2018, 10:26 AM
Nintendo just announced that it's coming to Switch this summer.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 01/11/2018, 10:37 AM
I saw that.  I think the Switch is an overpriced POS, but kudos to Falcom for sticking it to the Sony asshats.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 01/11/2018, 12:28 PM
I wonder if that means NISA will make more limited editions for the Switch release then.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Sarumaru on 01/11/2018, 12:42 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/11/2018, 12:28 PMI wonder if that means NISA will make more limited editions for the Switch release then.
The website lists a limited edition of Dana for the Switch;

Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: seieienbu on 01/11/2018, 01:55 PM
I'm glad to see the translation patch got a date.  It looks like I'll be back playing Ys 8 in about 3 weeks.

As for the switch version?  I don't exactly see the point so I'm not really worried about it.  If there are Ys fans out there that own neither a Vita, a PS4, or a PC then good for them I guess?  It's definitely still not enough to get me interested in getting a switch.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: JoshTurboTrollX on 01/11/2018, 02:01 PM
Quote from: Ѕarumaru on 01/11/2018, 12:42 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/11/2018, 12:28 PMI wonder if that means NISA will make more limited editions for the Switch release then.
The website lists a limited edition of Dana for the Switch;

I JUST got the PS Vita version too... Jesus Christ!!

Guess I'm buying a second copy for Switch.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gredler on 01/11/2018, 02:10 PM
I for one am super stoked that this is being ported to switch. I know it's expensive for what it is (the system and accessories) but for me the functionality seems tailor fit to my lifestyle. I play off screen 70% of the time, but also have decent enough TVs that when I am able I prefer to play on the a TV.

I almost bought both the Vita and PS4 versions so I could have this functionality, and the combination of those systems is more than a Switch for the same functionality with only needing to purchase one copy of the game. The functionality is actually slightly better, since my Vita is on an old firmware and I don't want to update it, I would not be able to easily transfer the saves. Even with the fastest official Playstation functionality the switch is much more convenient and quick then shutting the game down, transferring saves, and reloading the game.

I know I should support the company and buy all 3, but I can't justify that, so this is a great option for me!

After the disappointing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 I am super stoked to know there's a grind of JRPG in my near future, besides the upcoming Octopath Traveler which is very odd looking but overly traditionally playing.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: seieienbu on 01/11/2018, 02:29 PM
I guess I see the market definitely exists after all!  Enjoy Ys on the switch, gentlemen.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Digi.k on 01/11/2018, 06:49 PM
Looks like y's Viii is coming to the switch later this year
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: jlued686 on 01/11/2018, 09:10 PM
Quote from: Digi.k on 01/11/2018, 06:49 PMLooks like y's Viii is coming to the switch later this year
Thanks for the hot scoop. ;)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: TR0N on 01/12/2018, 01:38 AM
I never did get around buying Ys VIII for the PS4.I may just buy it for switch then for that portability,letting me play the game any where.I did watch the nintendo direct earlier and it was a surprise,Ys VIII was getting a switch port.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 01/12/2018, 08:22 AM
Guys did you know YS VIII is getting a Switch port?  :lol:
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 01/12/2018, 09:11 AM
No!  When did this get announced?!?

In related news, did you know skeletons go chicka-chicka-chicka?  :mrgreen:


(sorry, that never gets old for me)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Flare65 on 01/12/2018, 09:15 AM
I have it on Vita.  I'll probably pick it up on Switch so I can play through it again on on a normal sized TV, but with all the other games in my backlog, I'll be buying this one used in about a year or two...  No rush on my end.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 01/12/2018, 09:54 AM
Now that the patch is coming soon I'm going to grab it for PS4. It should hold me over nicely for my modern gaming fix until Yakuza 6 comes out.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 01/12/2018, 10:48 AM
A friend mentioned to me that this means the Switch version will also probably ship with the updated voice/translations patch that's coming out January 30th, making it the definitive version as well. Ughhhh

And the NISA LE is similar but has some different stuff I guess, no bookends or poster but you get a letter opener!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gypsy on 01/12/2018, 11:01 AM
They really should release a patched PS4 disc and offer replacement discs (where you have to send in your old disc) but that's not gonna happen.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gredler on 01/12/2018, 04:16 PM
I think it's worth noting the difference in visual quality and framerate between the various versions of Dragon Quest builders; the PS4 version is definitely the best, the vita version is a major downgrade with a worse framerate and much blurrier everything, and the switch version is so far a significant visual improvement over the Vita version running at a much higher framerate with much crispier visuals.

The Switch version of Ys8 could easily be the definitive portable version with a acceptable docked mode from the available hardware. Again, looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: seieienbu on 01/12/2018, 04:29 PM
A friend of mine was playing Ys 8 on a PS4 Pro on 4K.  It played at a super smooth 60 fps.  I'm curious if the Switch has any support for 4K yet?
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 01/12/2018, 04:45 PM
Quote from: Gredler on 01/12/2018, 04:16 PMI think it's worth noting the difference in visual quality and framerate between the various versions of Dragon Quest builders; the PS4 version is definitely the best, the vita version is a major downgrade with a worse framerate and much blurrier everything, and the switch version is so far a significant visual improvement over the Vita version running at a much higher framerate with much crispier visuals.

The Switch version of Ys8 could easily be the definitive portable version with a acceptable docked mode from the available hardware. Again, looking forward to it!
Uh, no.  I'd expect it to look better than the Vita version, at the very least running at a higher resolution, but it won't be superior to Ys VIII on PS4, PS4 Pro, or PC.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gredler on 01/12/2018, 08:57 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/12/2018, 04:45 PMUh, no.  I'd expect it to look better than the Vita version, at the very least running at a higher resolution, but it won't be superior to Ys VIII on PS4, PS4 Pro, or PC.
Correct, it will not render in 4k ever on switch. I wonder if any of the textures and or models were made with 4k in mind, or if it just renders at 4k with the same assets. Either way, must look bad ass! :)
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Johnpv on 01/21/2018, 05:01 PM
So the PC version got delayed again, it seems that there were some calls being made that are on PS4 hardware but not found elsewhere.   Which I guess was causing framerate issues, so they've delayed the PC version and are handing it off to a different studio to finish the porting it seems.  The translation patch will still be out on the 30th.  Hopefully this means that all of this stuff is caught and the Switch version doesn't suffer from any of this.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 01/22/2018, 08:26 AM
Quote from: Johnpv on 01/21/2018, 05:01 PMSo the PC version got delayed again, it seems that there were some calls being made that are on PS4 hardware but not found elsewhere.   Which I guess was causing framerate issues, so they've delayed the PC version and are handing it off to a different studio to finish the porting it seems.  The translation patch will still be out on the 30th.  Hopefully this means that all of this stuff is caught and the Switch version doesn't suffer from any of this.
I'm kinda getting tired of waiting for the PC version, may get a refund and use it as reason to get the switch.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 01/22/2018, 10:13 AM
And they've still not updated their blog, which they started in an effort to be transparent and keep customers in the loop.  :lol:

What a shit company.  I hope Falcom never gives them anything else, as they've fully demonstrated that they're wildly incompetent and can't deliver what they promise.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: xcrement5x on 01/22/2018, 11:26 AM
Yeah, I was comparing the Switch LE to the PS4/Vita one and it really is a ripoff. 

For the same price you get:
NO Acrylic Bookends
NO Cloth Poster (33" x 40")
NO Steelbook Collector's Case

You still get a soundtrack, but it still doesn't look like the full OST since there's no tracklist mentioned and they only show one disc on the mockup. 

A much crappier looking outer box for everything, but your new bonus item is a replica sword letter opener.  which I expect to be made in China and about 5" long. 
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: turboswimbz on 01/22/2018, 11:28 AM
Quote from: guest on 01/22/2018, 10:13 AMAnd they've still not updated their blog, which they started in an effort to be transparent and keep customers in the loop.  :lol:

What a shit company.  I hope Falcom never gives them anything else, as they've fully demonstrated that they're wildly incompetent and can't deliver what they promise.
Agreed this is what I think I hate the most, radio silence.  I mean I expect there to be issues, but it's always like a last minute thing, and it's getting quite tiresome.  However, I'm just hoping the payoff is a slightly more enjoyable experience. 

I know Xseed isn't exactly the most class act, but I've never had this issue with their stuff.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Gredler on 01/22/2018, 01:26 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/22/2018, 11:26 AM...comparing the Switch LE to the PS4/Vita one and it really is a ripoff. ..
Agreed, I might be buying this digitally so it's just always on my switch, and then try to snake a PS4/Vita LE down the road if I want the extras.

Quote from: Johnpv on 01/21/2018, 05:01 PMSo the PC version got delayed again, it seems that there were some calls being made that are on PS4 hardware but not found elsewhere.   Which I guess was causing framerate issues, so they've delayed the PC version and are handing it off to a different studio to finish the porting it seems.  The translation patch will still be out on the 30th.  Hopefully this means that all of this stuff is caught and the Switch version doesn't suffer from any of this.
Ah dang yeah the hardware is so different for the switch, I hope they are taking the time to QA the game properly, and we don't end up with a buggy or frame rate mess like Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Digi.k on 01/22/2018, 03:33 PM
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 05/01/2018, 03:57 PM
Anyone been paying attention to the PC release?  Even though they delayed the hell out of it, the game is still a buggy piece of junk.

NISA sucks.  I hope Falcom blackballs 'em.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: geise on 05/01/2018, 09:45 PM
I have not played it yet. I want to just finish it on ps4 then get on the pc release. The buggy shit is mostly from people who commented before the patches. There are a good amount of comments from people that have had little to no issues with the game.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NecroPhile on 05/02/2018, 09:39 AM
No - the bug comments are since it went live and have been officially acknowledged by NISA as being worked on.  There's problems with the monitor resolutions and vsync, poor frame rates, controller recognition and input errors, object shadows not working correctly, stuttering audio, flickering visuals, text box display problems, and crashing.  Some of 'em have improved in the last two weeks, but they're not all fixed yet and it's pathetic that it was delayed for more than half a year and STILL had so many issues.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Strider77 on 05/03/2018, 07:46 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 11/13/2017, 10:14 AM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 11/10/2017, 07:26 PMEhhh I kinda think it was blown a little out of proportion.  Most people seem to think the script wasn't that bad. 
Yes and no.  A machine translated game is perfectly playable and far better than nothing, but Ys deserves better, especially when they're being paid well to do the job.  Apparently Falcom agrees, as it's them that pushed for the retranslation; NISA would've gladly saved the money and kept the half-assed work they're known for and proud of.
Was definitely blown out of proportion...
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: wiseau on 05/09/2018, 02:26 AM
They should have just let xseed keep it, NISA has proven again and again that they're never in any danger of giving a single fuck.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: NightWolve on 07/01/2018, 08:16 PM
Happy Console Johnny having an Ys-gasm per usual, heh. Ys 8 Nintendo Switch love is in the air. :) http://youtu.be/HUGmA1uRnG8
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: Duo_R on 07/09/2018, 05:11 PM
I liked his review - but wish he gave more of a pro / con comparison since he had both. Like if you have both systems which would he recommend you buy? I ended up getting the Switch version but I hear it has some frame issues.
Title: Re: Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 & Vita
Post by: RyuHayabusa on 07/11/2018, 02:37 PM
I'm almost done with Ys VIII and must say that I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I've finished every game in the Ys series other than V and it's definitely one of the best in my opinion. I've already gotten the normal ending and now I'm tying up loose ends and finishing the optional stuff for the best ending. The combat is a lot of fun and there is so much to do. I'm somewhere around 55 hours which is far and away the longest Ys game. I'm playing the PS4 version and I highly recommend it to any Ys fan or action rpg fan.