Hello. I am new here and I am sorry if first post look like a help request.
I just bought a pce gt with no audio and bad video and I was hoping for a simple capacitor change.
did all very neat, sound is perfect and picture good but... after few minutes (random) the screen shut down. I made a video in this link.
A guy who repair/mod pc engine stuff told me it's a 24V problem but he told me just that, no more.
Anyone here experienced a similar problem and fixed it?
Thanks in advance.
I knew it! Finally an answer to the age old question: He'd OBEY. :mrgreen:
Anyways, welcome aboard! I'm sure the repair guys will have some ideas.
:mrgreen: thanks.
Yes i hope someone can help me to fix all or at least if there is someone who i can send all for repair it.
there's probably a bad trace going to one of the capacitors or some old capacitor goop somewhere on the board that is shorting things out.
double check the traces for the two 4.7 UF capacitors. also, look underneath the board from where those two capacitors are and see if there's any old cap goop that needs to be cleaned off.
thanks. i will check all carefully :)
looks like the -24V is dropping out
dont know why yet
Any change i can send to someone for repair? paying the service of course.
thanks. :)
so i really like to send my stuff to someone for check/repair. if anyone is available for this job please contact me. thanks :)