So I had a metal ring and wire put in my hand today. The surgeon recommended general anaesthetic as he would be drilling a lot and that it might make me a bit uneasy under only a local. I agreed to this.
Let me just say that was the best sleep I EVER HAD.
Feel so refreshed.
Wire comes out in 4 weeks, metal ring stays forever but that sleep oh man.
Oh and 5 days from first presenting to being operated on is not bad.
What did they use to knock you out?
A couple years ago when I had my heart shocked, they used the drug that kill Michael Jackson to knock me out.
It was only for about 20 minutes, but felt like I had the best 8 hours of sleep ever.
Quote from: mitsuman on 06/25/2016, 07:12 PMWhat did they use to knock you out?
A couple years ago when I had my heart shocked, they used the drug that kill Michael Jackson to knock me out.
It was only for about 20 minutes, but felt like I had the best 8 hours of sleep ever.
Yes, I think the same thing. Propofol. I guess he got given too much for his frail body.
Everytime I had to do something like that I would wake up all groggy and with low blood pressure, having to sleep again, stay in hospital, etc. Not my favorite. Might be something to do with the fact that it was always by anaesthetic gas (instead of injection).
Quote from: wildfruit on 06/25/2016, 08:04 PMQuote from: mitsuman on 06/25/2016, 07:12 PMWhat did they use to knock you out?
A couple years ago when I had my heart shocked, they used the drug that kill Michael Jackson to knock me out.
It was only for about 20 minutes, but felt like I had the best 8 hours of sleep ever.
Yes, I think the same thing. Propofol. I guess he got given too much for his frail body.
Sorry to hear you needed surgery, but glad to hear it went well, and happy to hear you got some good Z's :)
I had the same experience. They put me under for a minor surgery and when I can out of it I felt very calm and well-rested. I did end up resting more at home because I was still tired, but that just coming-to feeling was pretty great.
Local > General
It's more fun that way. I had something weird that decided to grow on one of my fingers just a week short of going to the US. I only felt my middle finger being forced up, a needle nose plier like sound, and smell of burnt flesh, while I talked casually with the surgeon. Rad.
Speaking of which I hope it wasn't anything bad because I had to ignore the lab analysis of a tissue sample post operation. This was last year (rip punch).
Maybe you should call your GP for the results??
Quote from: wildfruit on 06/26/2016, 04:17 PMMaybe you should call your GP for the results??
I should... I kinda just forgot about it, for some reason.
Quote from: guest on 06/27/2016, 09:44 PMQuote from: wildfruit on 06/26/2016, 04:17 PMMaybe you should call your GP for the results??
I should... I kinda just forgot about it, for some reason.
I forget the medical term, but you have
Le Creeping Flesh...
You need to quarantine yourself.
It's been ages since I was knocked out but it was for tonsils. Probably 35 years ago. Felt like it was next morning when I woke up but it was only 1 hour later.
PS fat tongue can't taste well so don't go for fancy ice cream for pain relief. Stick with something common like vanilla or chocolate.
I got knocked out when they took my wisdom teeth out, they were deeply impacted. When I woke up I was in a daze, but I stood up and walked over to the receptionist to ask what was going on. When I opened my mouth I proceeded to spit blood all over her and everywhere around her like my mouth was Johnny Depp's bed in A Nightmare on Elm Street. It was pretty awesome.
LOL! What was her facial expression like? Did you start laughing?
Quote from: TheClash603 on 07/01/2016, 08:21 AMI got knocked out when they took my wisdom teeth out, they were deeply impacted. When I woke up I was in a daze, but I stood up and walked over to the receptionist to ask what was going on. When I opened my mouth I proceeded to spit blood all over her and everywhere around her like my mouth was Johnny Depp's bed in A Nightmare on Elm Street. It was pretty awesome.
When I got knocked out for my wisdom teeth my wife (who was just my girlfriend at the time) told me that after I came out I guess I wouldn't stop trying to subtly grab her ass (which wasn't very subtle at all considering how out of it I was) in front of my Mom for like the next hour or so until I got discharged.
At least it wasn't your Mom's ass. That would've been awkward.