I have a Turbografx CD-Rom that I just replaced the middle gear. After I put the cover back on, I tested it as a stand alone player. Everything works fine. I can even skip tracks with the button on the CD Player.
I then installed it into the CD-Rom dock and load up my CD-Rom System 2 Ver 3 Hu Card. When I press Run, it just says "Just a moment..." and the CD doesn't spin up at all.
If I press the Play button on the CD-Rom, the CD starts spinning and plays the music tracks of the game. I can even skip to different tracks so all the motors and gears and laser seems to be working fine. It just won't start playing a game... >_<
I tried reinserting the CD-Rom and the Hu Card into the dock multiple times but same result.
Has anyone else had this problem and a fix for this?
Ok I solved the problem. It took me like 2 hours taking the base apart and figuring out what had gone wrong!
When I took apart nearly everything besides the TG-16 itself, I found that the CD-Rom wasn't making a good connection to the base unit. It turns out the 2 of the 3 posts for the connector has broken off! So when I pushed the CD-Rom into the base unit, the connector would move back a little. It gave the CD-Rom power but nothing else. I just did a ghetto repair and stuck some hard foam I had into the gap. This keeps the connector from moving back when I insert the CD-Rom. Tested working fine now! yay! I've added a picture of the foam I stuffed inside. Hope this helps someone.