
NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 Games/Consoles => PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion => Topic started by: xasap_retro_gamerx on 09/11/2018, 12:09 PM

Title: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: xasap_retro_gamerx on 09/11/2018, 12:09 PM
It's been 4 years since I last posted! I found a lot of turbo stuff over those years but this year has been the best! In July I got a turbo duo with 3 in 1 and YS. I traded for it https://imgur.com/gallery/GVNjOCp the first picture is what I gave  the guy. I only had $110 into the stuff so it was an amazing deal.

Traded these games for a turbo duo! (Which is also pictured)

The system doesn't need a recap I got it checked out it was barley ever used. I was told to wait until the caps start to go. Two weeks ago I had a PSX posted online  someone messaged me and told me he wants it but has to sell his turbo collection for it. So before he sold them I told him we could do a trade so I traded him the psx and a copy of vanark for ps1 for .... all these games! https://imgur.com/gallery/IL64ThZ I only had $110 into the psx and vanark. Included was a sealed copy of world sports competition!

Traded a psx and vanark for ps1 for this turbografx games

Here is my updated turbo collection https://imgur.com/gallery/lbvkEoL  i also have a boxed system the booster two arcade controllers 5 regular controllers the cd system with another turbo system the express and few other things.

My turbo collection

If someone wants world sports I would trade it sealed games aren't my thing .
Title: Re: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: tbone3969 on 09/11/2018, 12:54 PM
Dam dude, those are some great finds/trades.  I would not wait to have the DUO re-capped.  I would get it done ASAP but that's just me.  Are you sure the sound works properly when playing a CD game?  That will be the first thing to go.

I am also interested in the sealed World Sports Competition.  What are you looking for in trade these days?
Title: Re: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: exodus on 09/11/2018, 03:32 PM
that PSX trade is pretty nuts! did they just... really really want vanark!?
Title: Re: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: nectarsis on 09/11/2018, 05:22 PM
Yeah I agree get your caps doneright away... you don't wanna wait for there to be a problem, proactive his best with systems this old. and Plus you have a dup, sell that 3.0 US card or trade that for a bunch of extra games lol

P.S. Welcome back  O0
Title: Re: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: tbone3969 on 09/11/2018, 10:30 PM
I sold my 3.0 Card after I realized I could just use my Everdrive instead.
Title: Re: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: majors on 09/12/2018, 09:50 AM
Always glad to hear of some deals out in the wild, even if I'm a tad bit jelly(I an't gonna lie).

You going for a set or will most of these be trade fodder?
Title: Re: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: xcrement5x on 09/21/2018, 10:00 PM
Wow, crazy deal on your side for sure.  Is that a US 3.0 System Card in the lot as well?
Title: Re: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: NightWolve on 09/22/2018, 08:49 PM
Quote from: xasap_retro_gamerx on 09/11/2018, 12:09 PMIn July I got a turbo duo with 3 in 1 and YS. I traded for it https://imgur.com/gallery/GVNjOCp the first picture is what I gave  the guy. I only had $110 into the stuff so it was an amazing deal. The system doesn't need a recap I got it checked out it was barley ever used. I was told to wait until the caps start to go.
As people already mentioned, that's bad advice when it comes to NEC consoles which were victims of bad, leaky capacitors of the 90's era. Even a sealed Turbo Duo that's never been touched will have leaked caps slowly doing damage to the motherboard, the traces, the vias, etc. and should be cleaned/recapped ASAP if you wanna have a working system for the foreseeable future!

Up to you when you can spend the money to get it recapped, but someone telling you that "it was barely used, wait until something breaks for a recap" is giving very bad advice... The longer you wait, the more difficult the potential damage to repair will be, and then you'll potentially be forced to pay more for an EE expert to track/diagnose complicated problems as a result versus a basic recap job ASAP which most average repair guys can do at affordable rates.
Title: Re: It's been a long time... recent finds and collection update turbo duo & more
Post by: JoeQuaker on 09/25/2018, 02:10 PM
I strongly agree with Nightwolve. I was of the same opinion of "Well it's not broke, so don't fix it" about 14 years ago. When I finally opened mine to work on it once the colors were off and the sound kept cutting off I discovered a LOT of stuff had leaked from the old surface-mount capacitors and I was lucky it didn't eat up the PCB traces and such.

Some old stuff is just like that. Neo Geo MVS-2 boards have a "save game" battery in them originally that are notorious for leaking and ruining otherwise completely fine PCBs. If you acquire one with that battery intact, the first thing you do is cut that devil out and clean the area.