Ceti informed me today its been a very long time (weeks) coming now since he has sent Dean his Duo and has got no reply from him to emails sent about when it will be done. There gets to be a point where too long is simply too much by any standard. I understand the guy is busy,he has kids and a wife and work,but from that point of view (Im a single father of two myself) I also understand you have to know your limit on what you can and cant do for someone,and be able to let them know or refuse work if you cant do it in a reasonable amount of time. Once you get past the point of 2 weeks its simply just too long a time. Once you get past those 2 weeks and you don't reply to emails,it becomes a worry to the person who sent the hardware in,or sent the money,ect...
This subject involving Dean has come up before because awhile back there was a couple members who sent him hardware and had been waiting way too long to get a reply from him. Dean finally replied back here,but I feel it was mostly due to the subject being made public. We all like the guy,and I think that is what make it worse. Someone may be afraid to express a concern against him for fear others will get angry at them. You have to move past that feeling. This applies to not just Dean,but anyone here. If you have sent someone money or a system to be modded,ect,and they don't reply to any emails weeks on end,and the work isn't finished after a couple of weeks,then there is a problem. Its a simple as that. Dean may be busy with his personal life,but his personal life is not the problem of the person paying him for a service,or for a item.
If all you have as a method for contacting him is a email he doesn't answer back on,and a po box where you send the stuff,then you worry even more. You have no real way of reaching the person. As for Dean I have been told he has not been posting on the neo forums in a long while also,so its not like you can reach him there either. due to all this I think its time his contact info be posted,and I think if there are others besides Ceti they should post their issue here so it can be on record and try to resolve it with Dean directly with his home address/number to call if he is not reply to emails anymore.
[Addresses removed]
This should not be necessary,but the trust has been broken once you cant get a reply from the person and its been going on for weeks on end. There are others here now offering the mod services,so if its a matter that Dean cant do it anymore due to time restraints then he can easily send the systems to someone else,Nat,ect.. to finish the job. Its the respectable thing to do then to just duck everyone until he can get around to it. Shouldn't have to be like that,but I think Dean has bitten off more then he can chew simply and these kinda issues need to be taken care of.
You know, back in January I had him do my TG16 and it took a while as well. He was pretty hard to get a hold of at times.
His work though, was FANTASTIC.
Ah! You must have been one of the orders Dean was talking about. I sent mine out in January as well. Good to know that he's at least knockin' through them. :)
Just out of curiosity when did you get your TG back? I'm just more concerned with knowing a rough time of arrival than having my Duo on my doorstep tomorrow. :)
I don't think waiting two weeks for work to be done is bad at all. Not even slightly. Try sending your stuff to Sony, Nintendo, etc. It takes several months and usually all they do in that time is grab a refirb off the shelf and mail that to you. I recently had an air ratchet serviced by Matco and it took two months to come back. I've heard of people waiting for 6 months from Snap On.
I also don't think waiting two weeks for an email is bad. Maybe slightly.
...however...the truth is that from Dean's history I'd say two weeks isn't worst case scenario. I seem to remember people waiting much much longer than that for stuff.
Personally I'm patient with this guy though since he's worth the wait. I do my own mods but his game sales are absolutely the best in the US, and I'll be bummed when he runs out of stock because we'll never seen these prices/quantity again.
I agree,2 weeks is not bad,but after that there tends to be a problem. None of us here are Sony,Nintendo,ect,we need to be on a more personal level then that. I have also never heard of that kind of wait time from Nintendo or Sony... Maybe a month at the most. Nintendos turn around for repairing or replacing Wiis after that one update messup was pretty quick,about 2-3 weeks.
Anyway, if we cant be on a personal level then with fellow members doing repairs or mods then we might as well send our stuff to normal repair shops,ect.. then someone we cant even contact after a certain amount of time goes by and said work isn't finished. We would be just as well off and at least know where the drop off point was and have someone liable to go after if said item isn't returned.
Deans sales with me have been top notch. I don't really think the sales are the problem. I think the main thing is hes taking too many repair/mod orders in,and he cant fill them in a timely manner,and his communication/response times just suck completely and make people worry too much. He simply shouldn't take in more work then he can handle.
Its rough being the person on the waiting end,going weeks/months without their system,and not any replies about when it will be done.
I think ceti's actually waited over three months- its the e-mail reply he's been waiting two weeks for.
Yea,and waiting longer then 2 weeks for the mods/repairs is bad enough,when you get into months,3 months,thats simply too long. I know Deans been by here today (Last Active:Today at 09:43:27 PM),so he needs to take time out and contact our members here who are waiting on stuff and get it figured out that he can either finish the work,or send the stuff to Nat,ect.. to finish the job or send the stuff back to the customer if they want,including Ceti.
This D-Lite fellow seems like a busy person. :-k
It's one thing to not ship packages for so long, but another thing to not respond to emails.
Quote from: Keranu on 03/27/2008, 11:24 PMIt's one thing to not ship packages for so long, but another thing to not respond to emails.
Exactly,and its not like hes doing it for free. Hes being paid,good timely communication simply a good part of customer service also. I understand,Dean gets caught up in family,work,but its still not fair for the customer if they are put on the back burner for so long.
Like I said,I think he has just way too much on his plate then he can handle.
Dean's got a pretty complicated life. It's no surprise that he isn't able to respond to people in a timely manner. I'm not justifying what's going on, just giving y'all the heads-up. He's dealing with problems beyond what most of us would ever have to deal with. I'm not at liberty to discuss the details, but just know that it's not a lack of desire to do the work in a timely manner and keep in touch with his clients; it's issues beyond his control. He's just a single person after all, and like the rest of us, is a real human with real issues and problems in his life.
I can see that,I'm a single parent of two myself,helping my kids overcome a very very complicated abusive situation with my ex wife that my kids are seeing a counselor for still,but understanding that and the other situations in my life I know he needs to set a limit on the amount of work he takes in. I realized this a long while back myself and slowed down on all sorts of things/projects due to it.
No matter what is going on in your personal life,if you have peoples money and stuff,you have to make contact with them and get things sorted out one way or another.. No one can be understanding of any situation going on if no one ever gets a email reply. And there is no shame in simply saying things have come up and that the person cant do the job. If thats the case Dean,ect.. can simply refund the person and send the system back,ect. to be sent elsewhere.
Quote from: The Old Rover on 03/28/2008, 03:23 PMDean's got a pretty complicated life. It's no surprise that he isn't able to respond to people in a timely manner. I'm not justifying what's going on, just giving y'all the heads-up. He's dealing with problems beyond what most of us would ever have to deal with. I'm not at liberty to discuss the details, but just know that it's not a lack of desire to do the work in a timely manner and keep in touch with his clients; it's issues beyond his control. He's just a single person after all, and like the rest of us, is a real human with real issues and problems in his life.
If he's got time to log in here (as he did yesterday), then he can
make time to respond to those that have sent him money for pending services. If that's asking too much, then throw in the frickin' towel, take care of life, and come back later when everything is under control.
Any news yet Ceti???
I agree with necro. You shouldn't offer services you can't fulfill. Not only is that bad business, I'd say that's outright fraud.
QuoteAny news yet Ceti???
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 03/30/2008, 07:31 PMI agree with necro. You shouldn't offer services you can't fulfill. Not only is that bad business, I'd say that's outright fraud.
I think some people need to calm down.
Im not sure what you mean by that. No one here is arguing or fighting, simply stating truths to the matter, that someone shouldn't be offering said services or taking peoples stuff in if they cant fulfill the needs of the customer at this time/finish the work in a reasonable amount of time Zeta. Imagine yourself going without your beloved system for going on 4 months and not getting any response from the person promising to do the work for you. You know damn well youd get worried,upset,ect... Most anyone would who cares about their stuff.
What Joe said is basically true,you go on for 3 months and are not willing to finish the work or cant,but insist also on not replying to the customer on any level to get things taken care of one way or another, then yea it does seem like fraud, and in most cases leads to it.
I read Aaron's rules post about members who rip anyone off being banned,ect... and to be honest if Dean cant settle up on Ceti's problem and get him his system back along with anyone else around here he may owe work to ect.. then he needs to be banned with a message requesting him to email a mod here with proof he has settled up all unfinished affairs with members here before he can post again.
I think this should apply to any member here involved in a deal that has had the items as long as Dean has had Cetis Duo or who goes 2 weeks without responding to any emails or Pms. Even if we like the guy,we don't need to make repeat exceptions because exceptions over and over again and months of slack are what causes issues like this to begin with to happen.
Ban D-Lite? Yeah, fuck that. Just be cool. Fraud is an extremely strong word that I'm a lot more hesitant to use than some people. He's dropped off the face of the earth before and he came back to sell me one of his custom region switches and a few dozen games. I even got a free copy of Groundhog Day. Then he disappeared again. This wasn't even that long ago. Its not like he's Crazy Dion or something.
BTW, why do you have such an enormous personal interest in him these days? You've written a couple of thousand words on this subject in the past few days. Did I miss the part where he owes you an email or a system or something?
And really, please, either chill out with this banning shit or just go get that criminal justice degree you always wanted.
Wow, if he has a habit of disappearing a lot, he definitely shouldn't be offering his services, and people shouldn't be requesting them. Sounds like you're looking for a potential bad time if you go with him as he may just randomly "drop off the face of the earth". Thanks for recommending I go with someone else, Zeta.
Dean is the subject of this particular thread Zeta because its been going on 4 months now and Ceti has not heard from him or got his Duo back. Actually the subject in general has come up before when Turbokon was offering services and that people offering them need to be able to prove they can do them ect and on how to try to prevent members from being ripped off of their hardware. Sorry if we didn't stop the world for you Zeta so you could take part in that conversation when you saw fit. :roll: If it was another guy besides Dean then the other guy would be the name in general on this thread,but its not,its Dean in this situation. Now your going to be the subject of this post yourself for a min Zeta.
Have you ever noticed Zeta that your post generally only concern your own self-interest,not the groups? Have you noticed that in this particular thread you are showing no care what so ever for your fellow members? Only out for yourself??? Only interested in tearing others down for the sake of doing so or for your own self gain??? Id say so,yea def. Because all I gather from your ability to post in this thread is you don't care if Ceti or anyone else gets his Duo or otherwise back,just so long as you can make another great purchase from Dean yourself. Thats a very selfish take on the world Zeta. Have you noticed these kind of things may be why you have no friends here currently? You seriously lack what we call empathy and the ability to see the world from others eyes. Maybe you shouldn't post in here anymore,because the more you open your mouth,the more it shows you care for no one else here but Mr.1.
I like Dean,and I agree the sales are great when he does them. I pointed Quoth in his direction to make purchases before Quoth even signed up here. I don't believe his sales are the problem really as he only post them when he knows he can do them. Its the mod services that are the problem. He's not following through on his deal with Ceti for what are now currently unknown reasons,and even if they are made known now the only thing that would really excuse him having Ceti's Duo for this long is something life altering like losing a child or cancer. Even then surely him along with anyone else could just send the money and the system back,correct???
Lets try to stick to the subject Zeta if you think you must post,and the subject is that Ceti should be getting his Duo back,not how we should make sure you continue to get great game deals and free movies Zeta. We need to work towards this kind of crap not happening again as much as possible by any member offering this service,ok? If any other member pulled this kind of crap you know full well they would be gone by now,just as well that you know if it happened to you, you would be spitting blood more likely then not. Dean is being given a chance to make right on the matter, as it has been offered that if he cant do the job currently he can simply send Ceti's deck to Nat.
Seriously,if Dean has not reached Ceti in the next couple of weeks then what are we to think then??? Surely Dean saw this thread or checks his pms and emails twice every 2 weeks. If you goal is simply to argue here in order to make sure Dean will still sell you games then please respectfully go post elsewhere,preferably on your own thread.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/31/2008, 01:14 AMHe's dropped off the face of the earth before and he came back to sell me one of his custom region switches and a few dozen games. I even got a free copy of Groundhog Day. Then he disappeared again.
HAHAHA Must be good to know that someone only returned from another world just to give you a sweet deal Zeek. You da man! :wink:
Quote from: Sinistron on 03/31/2008, 10:16 AMQuote from: Poor Mans Jambi the Genie on 03/31/2008, 01:14 AM(http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a66/Amakusa666/poormansjambi-1.png)
Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho!
He's dropped off the face of the earth before and he came back to sell me one of his custom region switches and a few dozen games. I even got a free copy of Groundhog Day. Then he disappeared again.
HAHAHA Must be good to know that someone only returned from another world just to give you a sweet deal Zeek. You da man! :wink:
Starman lol =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Sorry for the delayed response.
I think time out to time back it was a month and some change. I sent the TG out in December, and got it back mid February. Granted about a week and some change was the transit.
Let me say, the work was GREAT. He even sold me an Arcade Card 3.0 from JPN, and it all works great. I will say he did lack emails, and communication during the process though.
Right now, i have an NES Top Loader going to another guy that mods systems in VA and I will report back the details afterwards, he seems to have his act together and has done a lot of misc. mods on a lot of systems.
For Ceti, sorry you haven't gotten your Duo back yet, I dont think it is intentional on D-Lite's part but I understand your frustrations. I would be super pissed off if it took 4 months to get something done. For those who also think its a bit on the long side, you aren't in the wrong its easy to drop an email back especially if he can login here and check the boards.
Zeta, let me point you to this:
Quote from: Sinistron on 03/31/2008, 10:16 AMQuote from: SignOfZeta on 03/31/2008, 01:14 AMHe's dropped off the face of the earth before and he came back to sell me one of his custom region switches and a few dozen games. I even got a free copy of Groundhog Day. Then he disappeared again.
HAHAHA Must be good to know that someone only returned from another world just to give you a sweet deal Zeek. You da man! :wink:
God you are hilarious.
The period of which I speak was his last big sale, and I'm pretty sure he sold several hundred games to multiple forum members here, not just me. I guess I'm just the only one that remembers.
Quote from: Poor Mans Jambi the Genie on 03/31/2008, 05:58 PMQuote from: Sinistron on 03/31/2008, 10:16 AMQuote from: Poor Mans Jambi the Genie on 03/31/2008, 01:14 AM(http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a66/Amakusa666/poormansjambi-1.png)
Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho!
He's dropped off the face of the earth before and he came back to sell me one of his custom region switches and a few dozen games. I even got a free copy of Groundhog Day. Then he disappeared again.
HAHAHA Must be good to know that someone only returned from another world just to give you a sweet deal Zeek. You da man! :wink:
God you are hilarious.
The period of which I speak was his last big sale, and I'm pretty sure he sold several hundred games to multiple forum members here, not just me. I guess I'm just the only one that remembers.
The most important thing you keep forgetting Zork is that this thread isn't about his sales,we all consent to their greatness,even more so since according to you he came back from another world to do them. :P
Seriously,the subject at hand is the fact that its taking so long to get a reply from him and Ceti has been without his Duo for far far too long and this kind of thing has somewhat happened before. Can you please go mention said sales in another thread (likes the sales ones Dean started) if thats all you care to discuss?
Quote from: PCEngineHellA LOT!
Holy crap you write a lot. And often. I only have so many hours in the day to listen to your insults so please try to take that into consideration.
I didn't mention the stuff I bought from D-Lite because I'm selfish. I was sticking up for a guy that I believe is straight and I mentioned the games and mod chip because that is the only business I've done with the guy, and therefore the only personal experience I have with him that I'm qualified to talk about. I was trying to point out that he has always pulled through in the end, he just takes fucking forever. I once waited a *year* for a price quote from the guy. Its really bad.
I remember a long time ago there was this skinny dude with a beard that would always be able to get you out of print Japanese model kits, Macross and stuff. This was before email. Like, 1987 or something. Between mailing him a letter ("Can you get a Max Type movie version VF1J 1/110th scale?), getting a reply letter ("Yeah, sure, when I go to Japan next spring."), sending him a payment (checks sometimes took months to clear in the 80s), and then him sending the kit it would sometimes take nine months or more. It sounds crazy now (Hobby Link Japan can have this kit on my door in 5 days flat now) but I can't emphasize enough that this guy was a fucking
hero back in the day because it was him or
nothing. Its fully possible that that Urashiman kit (http://www1.odn.ne.jp/~chr94850/magna_beetlea_320g.jpg) sat on his living room table for a month before he mailed it to me without me knowing, but I will never forgot the fun I had as a kid finally getting my package from guys like him and other shops and stuff. This shit taught me patience.
The truth is that I obviously wouldn't recommend sending anything to D-Lite right now (see my posts elsewhere recommending Nat) but he's done a lot of (apparently) first rate work and nobody who purchased his services is going to regret it years down the road when his pro work is still going strong. They will always remember him as a great technician and how awesome the s-video looks on their PCE, NeoGeo, whatever. The fact that the stuff took forever to show up will just be a trivial detail.
These same people probably won't remember you calling for him to be banned. You should be thankful for that. They also won't remember you insinuating that people who are waiting for systems are never going to get them back...which is just fucking bullshit. Period. D-Lite has given a great deal to the PCE/Turbo community. You on the other hand will only be remembered as the guy the the hugest, ugliest, tackiest fucking signature image files since that horrible dancing baby thing.
Three months flies like nothing when you have a life. You'll just have to trust me on this. Until then please abandon your D-Lite witch hunt and go back to ragging on me...although I'd really appreciate it if you cut that shit out to.
When I had my Duo fully modded by D-Lite, I went through a similar experience. It took a long time and I didn't receive any communication for a while. But in the end I did recieve it and the items I bought at the same time and did not regret dealing with him.
Of course, the fact that no one else was offering mod services played a big role in my patience and satisfaction.
Basically I'd just like to tell those waiting to get hardware back, I do believe that you'll get your stuff eventually, but yes, the lack of communication isn't cool. :|
Quote from: Poor Mans Jambi the Genie on 03/31/2008, 08:47 PMQuote from: PCEngineHellShazaam!!!
Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho!
Holy crap you write a lot. And often. I will have to try to write even more :)
I didn't mention the stuff I bought from D-Lite because I'm selfish. I have no friends here and I am always selfish and alone.
When I was a kid I loved Macross and sent money all the time for model kits,I rocked as a kid and was uber die hard leet and Rick Hunters greatest fan!!! but had no friends....I think this has about as much to do with the current subject as video games markets do with comics,but hey,Im always right,even when Im wrong,now back to the point worth addressing,
the truth is that I obviously wouldn't recommend sending anything to D-Lite right now (see my posts elsewhere recommending Nat) but he's done a lot of (apparently) first rate work and nobody who purchased his services is going to regret it years down the road when his pro work is still going strong. They will always remember him as a great technician and how awesome the s-video looks on their PCE, NeoGeo, whatever. The fact that the stuff took forever to show up will just be a trivial detail.
These same people probably won't remember you calling for him to be banned. You should be thankful for that. They also won't remember you insinuating that people who are waiting for systems are never going to get them back...which is just fucking bullshit. Period.
Three months flies like nothing when you have a life. You'll just have to trust me on this. Until then please abandon your D-Lite witch hunt and go back to ragging on me...although I'd really appreciate it if you cut that shit out to.
Currently we have no idea what to think about what is going on,since Dean has not said anything himself and has not replied to Ceti. The fact is though if Ceti doesn't get a reply back and get his Duo then thats that,isn't it?
I'm sure people will be greatly pleased still with their mods,sure,esp those who only had to wait a couple of weeks to a month,even though a month is too long,but still the concern is the current work promised but not fulfilled obviously :roll: and if Ceti doesn't get his Duo back soon then yea,Id say a temp ban until the issue gets resolved. If it never does then I guess a permanent ban would be the desired course,correct?
It shouldn't even have to be like that,all it takes is a damn email to Ceti to tell him the work can be completed soon,or not,and if not if Ceti wants just send the system to Nat to finish.
All the others can remember their modded systems all they want,Ceti's memories are only going to amount to the ones of sending it to him and never getting it back until otherwise happens. As said before,this thread is only here because its Dean that has Ceti's Duo,if it was you,Nat,me,anyone else and we were doing the same crap then flak would be just as well deserved. Its completely fucked up that Ceti doesn't have his Duo back by now so he can enjoy his games.
Aaron's own words:
QuoteTransactions/Deals/Trade Policy
pcengine-fx.com is not responsible for any transaction, deal, auction or otherwise that is posted on this forum. Please use common sense when dealing with people - ask for references, a web site, eBay feedback, talk on the phone, etc. People have been scammed before, and though this is unfortunate, it does occur so deal at your own risk. If a deal does go bad, pcengine-fx.com can ban the username(s) from this board and spread the word to other related Turbo forums/groups about the user, but this is the extent of pcengine-fx.com's participation in the matter.
Currently as it stands,this would be considered a deal gone bad,and will continue to be so until Dean fixes said issues.This kind of stuff has happened before and there gets to be a point where enough is enough,its a simple as that. As NecroPhile said,if you cant do the work,trow in the towel until you can. As for you,yea your taking flak,but for good reason,but don't think for once instance we think you offering to take the abuse is out of the desire to be a martyr for Dean,we know yet again its just more self serving-ness to secure future sales for yourself.
Besides,currently you're not the one with Ceti's Duo. I do tell you what though,and this gives you a chance to show how caring and unselfish you really can be Zork. Lets say Ceti does not get his Duo back in a month,one more month. Lets say if not then would you be willing to buy him another one and ship it to him since you have been so willing to put in assurances for Dean himself and seemingly speak on his behalf? I mean,if you're so willing to take his flak and speak for him,then surely you'd be willing to fix his problems too,correct? If so drop Ceti a line,thanks :)
Also,you can tell Ceti sorry in said pm for insinuating he has no life just because its been months on fucking end with no current email updates and hes stressed out and he wants his Duo back you selfish punk.
If D-Lite never returns the Duo, then its pretty obvious that he'd probably stay dropped off the face of the scene forever in which case what is the point of a ban? That just seems like a pathetic and useless gesture at best and counterproductive at worse since if anything communication is something we actually want from the guy right now, isn't it? I don't understand this logic.
BTW, it was you I was telling to get a life (again). This whole urge to ban people, lock threads, copy and paste forum rules, etc is just so high school hall monitor.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/31/2008, 05:58 PMQuote from: Sinistron on 03/31/2008, 10:16 AMQuote from: SignOfZeta on 03/31/2008, 01:14 AMHe's dropped off the face of the earth before and he came back to sell me one of his custom region switches and a few dozen games. I even got a free copy of Groundhog Day. Then he disappeared again.
HAHAHA Must be good to know that someone only returned from another world just to give you a sweet deal Zeek. You da man! :wink:
God you are hilarious.
The period of which I speak was his last big sale, and I'm pretty sure he sold several hundred games to multiple forum members here, not just me. I guess I'm just the only one that remembers.
Is that what you were pointing out? Yeah obviously he sold to a bunch of us- me included. I'm sure I can remember that Zeek. However the only soul mentioned in that excerpt is "me" and "I". I'm sure somewhere in the front of your mind you meant to say "us" but maybe you're so in love with yourself and this quality "life" you speak of that all that comes out is "me". As for the strong words like "fraud" and "scam" and "ban" you can blame yourself. Your trying to argue has only made some have to spell out more specifically what is entirely obvious here. What is your argument anyway? Mike was talking about how it's messed up that Ceti can't get a fucking response- not that D-Lite doesn't have great sales. He listed information that would be helpful for someone to contact Dean- asked for people who might be having similar problems to come on in and voice their concern. Instead- you pop in- the automatic clown- the wind up joker, Gorba the Zeek drifting in from Lame Face Radio on a big cloud of holier-than-thou bullshit. Jesus Christ talk about lame signatures- you think you're some class act- a real Scott Fitzgerald. The word "fraud" more applies to your demeanor than anyone else's. You've already proved to be a fraud numerous times- like when you suddenly wanted to wear Superman's Cape on that sale thread after trying to bash us for bemoaning a lost Company. You've bashed our tastes and what some consider "fun" and then in the next breath screamed the pleasures of "Burning Angels"- a real wet dog if I've ever played one. You've boasted to a seller about how many posts you have collected and then you're on here trying to tell people who have lives and who don't. You've shown your true colors on here and yet on your goof troop radio show you stole our concerns and tried to pass them off as your own. I haven't even been here long- I can only imagine all the times before I came here that you paraded about as Mr. Know it All and yet came off nothing further than King of the Charlatans. We all have lives Zeek- and it's always been my experience that the first fool to yell about it is usually the most miserable loser in the whole bunch. BTW As for Mike's signature- You're probably one of the few to find it tacky. The rest of us know it kicks serious ass. It's even funnier that he has the Terminator there considering how many times he's pwned you on these threads.
And I called you high school hall monitor like 8 hours ago on the shoutbox. Get your own shit.
I just have an exzmple that may work to help illustrate this (again) in a different way. You go to Best Buy, purchase a computer. You have a problem, and take it in (under warranty). After awhile, you want it back, a=with all repairs done. The store is never open, no one answers the phone, and you get no responses. Now let this go on for 4 months. Pretty damn sure you're going to want your computer back, and a reasonable reason (is there one?) why you could not get any info for MONTHS at a crack. Would you be angry, or just ..."Ho-hum, it is what it is"???
Quote from: nectarsis on 03/31/2008, 11:37 PMI just have an exzmple that may work to help illustrate this (again) in a different way. You go to Best Buy, purchase a computer. You have a problem, and take it in (under warranty). After awhile, you want it back, a=with all repairs done. The store is never open, no one answers the phone, and you get no responses. Now let this go on for 4 months. Pretty damn sure you're going to want your computer back, and a reasonable reason (is there one?) why you could not get any info for MONTHS at a crack. Would you be angry, or just ..."Ho-hum, it is what it is"???
Best Buy? That's the best analogy you can come up with? You compare a one man operation of hand soldered goods to a mega chain electronics slaughterhouse? I see you point, but seriously, Best Buy fucking sucks.
As the point is entirely missed...I agree, I am not a huge fan of BB...but it was a way to show how someone (someplace) has your item for a VERY long time, no contact after REPEATED attempts..and that wouldn't bother you?
Quote from: Poor Mans Jambi the Genie on 04/01/2008, 12:00 AMQuote from: nectarsis on 03/31/2008, 11:37 PMI just have an exzmple that may work to help illustrate this (again) in a different way. You go to Best Buy, purchase a computer. You have a problem, and take it in (under warranty). After awhile, you want it back, a=with all repairs done. The store is never open, no one answers the phone, and you get no responses. Now let this go on for 4 months. Pretty damn sure you're going to want your computer back, and a reasonable reason (is there one?) why you could not get any info for MONTHS at a crack. Would you be angry, or just ..."Ho-hum, it is what it is"???
Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho!
Best Buy? That's the best analogy you can come up with? You compare a one man operation of hand soldered goods to a mega chain electronics slaughterhouse? I see you point, but seriously, Best Buy fucking sucks.
His analogy perfectly fits,unlike you,Master Chronicler of the hobby kit,comics,and game markets. Need we remind you of the shite you spat out that had nothing to do with anything related to the game market and mods here,ect???
My turn to chime in.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/31/2008, 11:24 PMIf D-Lite never returns the Duo, then its pretty obvious that he'd probably stay dropped off the face of the scene forever in which case what is the point of a ban? That just seems like a pathetic and useless gesture at best and counterproductive at worse since if anything communication is something we actually want from the guy right now, isn't it? I don't understand this logic.
BTW, it was you I was telling to get a life (again). This whole urge to ban people, lock threads, copy and paste forum rules, etc is just so high school hall monitor.
I actually agree with most of this (except the "get a life" part, that's so elementary school). It's pointless to ban D-Lite if he's never coming back, and the craziness over banning and rules lawyering is a little annoying. The forum doesn't need babysitters, what it needs is its members to be civil.
But Mike and the others are also right. When you offer a service, you've gotta be able to deliver on your promises. If you can't do the work, give the work back and let the client find someone else to do it. It's that simple. SoZ, just because you had a successful transaction doesn't mean your experience has been the norm. There's obviously a problem going on whether you want to admit it or not.
Honestly, I think some people on both sides do need to tone it down a little bit...the one who should be pissed is ceti alpha, since it's his system at stake here.
And nectarsis' example was pretty dead-on. Whether it's one person or one thousand people, a service is a service. Best Buy does indeed fucking suck though.
OK...here's another one...Zeta..You buy $150-200 worth of games from me. I never send them, you contact me thru PM, and email, no reponse. What would you do after 4 months...nothing. Would you be pissed, call the cops for theft, or just throw your hands up when others would chime in and say they have dealt with me before,had no problems, and received awesome deals?
Quote from: nectarsis on 04/01/2008, 12:08 AMOK...here's another one...Zeta..You buy $150-200 worth of games from me. I never send them, you contact me thru PM, and email, no reponse. What would you do after 4 months...nothing. Would you be pissed, call the cops for theft, or just throw your hands up when others would chime in and say they have dealt with me before,had no problems, and received awesome deals?
Problem is that Zeek can't relate, doesn't care, and at first doesn't pretend to. As Mike said - Zeek's biggest missing piece is empathy (though I can think of others). Putting on someone else's shoes- not staring down at your own the whole time thinking how cool it is that you can see your dumb expression reflected off the shine. It's not about you and your Groundhog Day dvd- it's about Ceti and anyone else who might be having problems with their order.
Quote from: SinistronA lot of stuff
The only thing I can say for Mike is that when pressured he can at least, sort of, handle an actual argument instead of this infantile shit you are typing. %90 of what you just wrote is peripheral. I mean, name substitution? That's some pretty lame shit. Bringing up that TZD stuff...again? How does this have anything to do with anything? You couldn't argue your way out of a paper sack. Insults, good ones, are hilarious, but they are supposed to be frosting on the cake. This is just a big can of store bought frosting served by the spoon and its kind of nauseating.
QuoteAnd I called you high school hall monitor like 8 hours ago on the shoutbox. Get your own shit.
Really? In what context? I ask because it seems extremely apropos for Mike who wants to be a mod so bad he's smelling his armpits and all I'm doing is sticking up for a guy who isn't here to do it himself while you fuckers talk all sorts of shit about him...like you seem to have been doing to me on the shoutbox.
I lose track of shit sometimes, so let me verify a few things here;
Ceti is the only one who has a late system, that we know of, right now, right?
Sinistron and PCEngineHell have not been screwed in any way by D-Lite?
This is the definition of fraud: "wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain", right?
Please confirm then your belief that D-Lite, despite having six truckloads of Turbo shit already and an actual job has stolen forever Ceti's measly Duo just because he wants another one, or that he wants to sell it or something like that even though he has, as far as we know, never stolen a person's system before.
My point is this: the Duo is late, sucks, but it will show up as did every other thing he ever sold or worked on. Ceti has some stress right now, but other than him specifically this problem has the built in solution of simply never sending anything to D-Lite again.
QuoteBTW As for Mike's signature- You're probably one of the few to find it tacky. The rest of us know it kicks serious ass.
Yeah I uh...seriously seriously doubt that. It wasn't meant to be a talking point though, just some frosting. Its not important.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/01/2008, 12:22 AMThe only thing I can say for Mike is that when pressured he can at least, sort of, handle an actual argument instead of this infantile shit you are typing. %90 of what you just wrote is peripheral. I mean, name substitution? That's some pretty lame shit. Bringing up that TZD stuff...again?
Well Zeek you never really had an answer for me the first time. So yeah I'll keep mentioning it until you can actually think up some lame excuse- which will be another banana peel that you slip on- and then we can all laugh a little more. What else can you do Zeek? Climb out of a shrunken fire car with 50 other clowns?
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/01/2008, 12:22 AMHow does this have anything to do with anything? You couldn't argue your way out of a paper sack.
HAHAHA I'm not arguing Zeek, yes!! Slowly you're GETTING it. You're starting to see finally. YOU are the one arguing. We were all for the most part
in agreement before you flopped in gushing about your deal. I am merely holding a mirror up to your face while I give you a close shave.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/01/2008, 12:22 AMInsults, good ones, are hilarious, but they are supposed to be frosting on the cake. This is just a big can of store bought frosting served by the spoon and its kind of nauseating.
Lol yeah eat the creamy frosting Zeek.
Ha that image conjurs up another one- a little Zeek being fed castor oil by his elders for not acting like a good little Zeek should.
As for the hallway monitor comment-
I said in the context of you saying "some people here need to calm down." Who the hell are you? Guy Incredible? You're about as effective as a
hallway monitor...
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/01/2008, 12:22 AMYeah I uh...seriously seriously doubt that. It wasn't meant to be a talking point though, just some frosting. Its not important.
You're really wild about this "frosting" heh? :lol:
Quote from: Poor Mans Jambi the Genie on 04/01/2008, 12:22 AMQuote from: SinistronA lot of stuff
Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho!
The only thing I can say for Mike is that when pressured he can at least, sort of, handle an actual argument instead of this infantile shit you are typing. %90 of what you just wrote is peripheral. I mean, name substitution? That's some pretty lame shit. Bringing up that TZD stuff...again? How does this have anything to do with anything? You couldn't argue your way out of a paper sack. Insults, good ones, are hilarious, but they are supposed to be frosting on the cake. This is just a big can of store bought frosting served by the spoon and its kind of nauseating.
QuoteAnd I called you high school hall monitor like 8 hours ago on the shoutbox. Get your own shit.
Really? In what context? I ask because it seems extremely apropos for Mike who wants to be a mod so bad he's smelling his armpits and all I'm doing is sticking up for a guy who isn't here to do it himself while you fuckers talk all sorts of shit about him...like you seem to have been doing to me on the shoutbox.
I lose track of shit sometimes, so let me verify a few things here;
Ceti is the only one who has a late system, that we know of, right now, right?
Sinistron and PCEngineHell have not been screwed in any way by D-Lite?
This is the definition of fraud: "wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain", right?
Please confirm then your belief that D-Lite, despite having six truckloads of Turbo shit already and an actual job has stolen forever Ceti's measly Duo just because he wants another one, or that he wants to sell it or something like that even though he has, as far as we know, never stolen a person's system before.
My point is this: the Duo is late, sucks, but it will show up as did every other thing he ever sold or worked on. Ceti has some stress right now, but other than him specifically this problem has the built in solution of simply never sending anything to D-Lite again.
QuoteBTW As for Mike's signature- You're probably one of the few to find it tacky. The rest of us know it kicks serious ass.
Yeah I uh...seriously seriously doubt that. It wasn't meant to be a talking point though, just some frosting. Its not important.
Zork,I never applied to be a mod when Aaron was asking.You can pm him to confirm this :) You are so wrong there lol. Turbostar asked me once if Id want to be one on his forums,I told him maybe but I know myself,I don't put up with mess,and yea Id ban people more often then I prob should,so I didn't pursue it,nor would I do it here because I may be too effective for any real good to come of it. I know myself,my abilities and my limits and tolerance,so its simply not a good idea. However by not being a mod I have more freedom to be my vocal,expressive,complaining self.
Not to knock Dean,this is mainly a reply to you wondering why he or anyone else would want more,everyone knows a thief or conman ALWAYS wants more of everything he can get. Also,part of being a friend and fellow community member is to take up for your friends when wrongs have been done. See,you still continue to think of only yourself,your own concerns. We are concerned with our members issues,not just ourselves/ our own. In that respect you are appearing more and more like a outsider then a fellow member. We try to take care of our own here. Thats one of the reasons I have been here since Jan 05,thats something I believe in.
I think Sini's reply to you,he handed your ass to you to be honest.I cant believe you couldn't tell Zork.... The TZD stuff,everything he mentioned applies because you're simply wrong on so many counts and its time for you to stop,but you don't know how.
As I said,you want to be Deans spokesman? You want to say Ceti is dead sure to get his Duo back too? Cool,then read this quote again :
QuoteBesides,currently you're not the one with Ceti's Duo. I do tell you what though,and this gives you a chance to show how caring and unselfish you really can be Zork. Lets say Ceti does not get his Duo back in a month,one more month. Lets say if not then would you be willing to buy him another one and ship it to him since you have been so willing to put in assurances for Dean himself and seemingly speak on his behalf? I mean,if you're so willing to take his flak and speak for him,then surely you'd be willing to fix his problems too,correct? If so drop Ceti a line,thanks
You can either put up or shut up. Me personally,I think if Dean doesn't deliver I myself would be willing to trow in a little money at least if others would be willing to chip in too to help Ceti get another Duo again since its partly our fault as we gave Dean such good word of mouth.If no one mentioned Dean Ceti would have simply went elsewhere more likely then not is how I view it.
The reason for a ban is pretty simple: To prevent the member from conducting further bad business on the PCENGINEFX forums. Like Zeta says, he randomly pops back to our planet every once in awhile so it is hard to say if he would "stay away". He logged on to these forums 4 days ago, so he obviously has time to communicate with his paying customers, correct?
Anyway, nobody's getting banned just yet. If it comes to that it will be discussed by all of the mods and Aaron. Nobody's going to jump the gun and push the ban trigger.
Quote from: PCEngineHellWe try to take care of our own here. Thats one of the reasons I have been here since Jan 05,thats something I believe in.
What are you, a fucking Hell's Angel? The dork melodrama is thick here...
I no longer have the energy to argue with two five year olds. You have D-Lite's address. You know where to mail the bomb.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/01/2008, 06:48 AMYou have D-Lite's address. You know where to mail the bomb.
I have yours also...hrm...
Ceti, when did you last email Dean? I have my own situation going on right now, one that I don't really feel like going into the details of, but I sent him an email on March 27th and he responded the next day.
Quote from: SpaceRunaway on 04/01/2008, 01:31 PMCeti, when did you last email Dean? I have my own situation going on right now, one that I don't really feel like going into the details of, but I sent him an email on March 27th and he responded the next day.
Hey. I emailed him not long before that. I also just gave him a pm here on pcenginefx today. I'm honestly not THAT worried. I'm sure he'll get to me soon. But it is reassuring to know that he's gotten back to you. Thanks for the heads up. :)
Quote from: Poor Mans Jambi the Genie on 04/01/2008, 06:48 AMQuote from: PCEngineHellWe try to take care of our own here. Thats one of the reasons I have been here since Jan 05,thats something I believe in.
Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho!
Wish,did someone say wish???
I no longer have the energy to grant any wishes,I used them all on myself to summon Starman from beyond the stars for some great deals. I will simply leave now like it was as if I was never here,with little resolve and alot less pride.
Quote from: SpaceRunaway on 04/01/2008, 01:31 PMCeti, when did you last email Dean? I have my own situation going on right now, one that I don't really feel like going into the details of, but I sent him an email on March 27th and he responded the next day.
Wonder if this is about the supergun work from last year....
Wow...just wow.
After reading through this thread I'm amazed with the sheer amount of mudslinging going on over Dean's performance.
Quote from: MHWonder if this is about the supergun work from last year....
After that infamous thread and you calling out Dean to face the music, I can't understand why you would still want to talk about him.
But here is my opinion on this matter. If I gave some guy mod work to do on my system, I would ask all sorts of questions. Namely...price estimates, time length to get the job done and returned to me, bonus deals, the works. If the guy who mods my system tells me he can have the thing done in a couple of days to a couple of weeks. I'll hold him to that. If I don't hear anything about my system after that specified length of time, I get on the phone and start hounding.
I know people can tend to be busy in their lives dealing with other customers but if you're gonna say that you'll have the system ready for me in such and such a time, you better own up unless you have a
damn good reason for delaying the work. I'm usually an understanding guy when some act of God comes up that causes my system to be delayed for a couple more weeks. But, if my system is gonna be gone for a certain length of time and I don't hear anything from the modder or repairman, you can bet your silver dollar I'm gonna be pissed like Hulk Hogan after getting bitch slapped by Gorgeous George. :evil:
what happened to d-lite? :-k
Quote from: Tatsujinwhat happened to d-lite? :-k
He's in a better place, Tatsujin. [-o< Actually...he's in the same place but he's just not doing anything. :-({|=
Hey folks,
First off, sorry to anyone that hasn't been able to get in touch or get a reply from me. I've largely been off the grid for near a month now and I fully apologize to anyone that is in panic mode because of it. I haven't read this thread yet but I can imagine the content already. And I haven't been popping in to just check the news and whatnot. If it looks like I've been logged in it's due to a FireFox restart and Restore Session thing.
I won't get into details, but I've been swamped. Work with a shit boss, family with two kids that both now use up all my time, the flu for near two weeks, and more fun now dealing with taxes and other crap. These aren't excuses, just facts. I haven't been in the damn workshop for at least 1-2 months and I have a ton of stuff I want to finish and new projects I'd like to start.
Anyone that's dealt with me in the past knows I always honor deals even if that means delaying delivery due to whatever or giving full refunds. I have a couple of things on the plate now and if anyone wants me to refund or return the systems, please let me know in an e-mail. I've been trying to reply to people whose systems I have for work, but if I haven't, please let me know in another e-mail.
Michael, I fully understand starting this thread and that's because I know you support the people of this site in terms of getting deals done fairly and fast. I respect that and I have no problem with that. All I'd ask is removal of my address (P.O. Box is fine) for somewhat obvious reasons.
Again, sorry to all those effected by the radio silence. I fully own it and apologize to those here. And please let me know what you want me to do with whatever I have on hand. Send it to someone else, return it (both at my cost obviously), continue to work, etc. Not dead, not critically ill, just wiped out with an excessively busy life.
I'm just glad to hear you're still alive :D
Quote from: Dark Fact on 04/02/2008, 10:47 PMWow...just wow.
After reading through this thread I'm amazed with the sheer amount of mudslinging going on over Dean's performance.
Quote from: MHWonder if this is about the supergun work from last year....
After that infamous thread and you calling out Dean to face the music, I can't understand why you would still want to talk about him.
Dark Fact,I'm not sure if you know exactly what I'm even talking about/wondering about there :P That member had posted in Deans sales thread that he was trying to get him to reply to a message this last December about a Supergun,so I was just wondering if he was still referring to that because that was one of that members last post here before leaving only to come back now....this is why you should stop eating cereal with BHT. Its not anything related to a flame thread,ect... No one here is calling Dean names or fighting with him,and it was going smooth until Jambi felt like being a doof. All we want is answers and issues resolved in a positive manner.
Basically the point of this thread is to get people to get their concern out there if there is a problem and then for them to work towards reaching him and getting their stuff resolved or to have their work done elsewhere if Dean can no longer do the work,because mainly its just too fucked up for someone to have to wait so long for their system/work. Dean,I will be more then happy to remove your address once Ceti and SpaceRunaway say they got their system/money,ect back or its in Nats hands,ect..... but if more issues come up the contact info goes back up.
I'm sorry man but its only fair someone has a more reliable way to reach you other then a po box and email address you are not/cant check with issues like these going on,which brings up another good idea. Anyone new here offering mod services should also be required to submit similar info to the mods so they have it on record in case these kinda issues come up with them too. This way members have better ways to get ahold of the people with their cash or goods.
I completely understand the life issues Dean,single dad of 2 myself with plenty of issues too, and as I said I think you simply took more on your plate then you could handle on these mod jobs. You have to know your limit because if you don't you'll get over booked and then things likes this will eventually happen,and thats not what you want to be known for,plus its just complete BS. Its sometimes simply better to tell people no then yes,because while you are giving them that brief joy feeling when they are sending their system off to you, you're giving them 10 times the stress for the next 3-4 months when you don't do their work or reply back to them.
If it comes down to it,just stop offering to do the work for awhile until its a slow time of the year for you to where you know for sure you can handle the work load and then when you get to a cut off point stop again. If there is no slow time then retire until your kids are both in elementary and you have more free time. No shame in doing so or knowing/admitting your limits. As Joe and NecroPhile said,its fraud like if you are out there promising to do work you cant actually do. Stick to the sales if thats easier. Sell superguns you have already prebuilt,ect. You sales are always great here,no ones complaining about that at all here nor does anyone here want to see your reputation ruined because of the mod/work related issues currently going on.
Just read some of the Shout stuff and your post and I'll start by saying I haven't accepted new mods in months and anyone can tell you that. I sensed stuff was bearing down then and just stopped. Superguns, Turbo, etc. The main issues I've had revolve around the 10-month old waking up every 30 minutes between 8-11PM and then again around 3 AM. Causing a bunch of added stress between the wife and I. That's lots of fun.
And yes, if you have tabs opened in FireFox and you have passwords saved, whenever FireFox or the computer restarts and you chose "Restore Session", it opens you to each tab and even the page on the forums you were at. The only reason I knew this thread existed is that ceti and someone else mentioned it in e-mails I just received. I haven't been lurking, wringing my hands at the thought of keeping peoples' systems hostage, just haven't been here in a long while in any capacity.
I fouled up and that's no one's fault but mine. If anyone thinks I "apologized but didn't" as someone said in the ShoutBox, then that's your opinion and I can't really change that. I'd like to think I've done enough good around here over the years that I'd get at least the benefit of the doubt, but that's not in my control. Going forward I'll probably limit any mod work to simply region mods since it's the fastest for me to turn out. Anything else will be by premade stuff and just available, no ordering to avoid delays.
Oh, and Michael, "butt hurt" is such a dork-ass expression :dance:
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/03/2008, 12:12 AMAs Joe and NecroPhile said,its fraud like if you are out there promising to do work you cant actually do.
I made no such accusation and only said that there is always time to communicate with customers (or should be, anyway). Since Ceti didn't seem to be terribly worried, then I wasn't going to get my panties in a bunch; and without knowing the details of the deal made between Dean and Ceti (specifically a promised timetable), then I won't assume that a fraud's been committed. Frankly, I'm not surprised that it's taken so long; Dean's a busy dude and understandably hasn't made gaming his highest priority.
Holy fuck bluckers! d_lite is back!!
Now how about that Awesome Collossal sale?
shhhhh, don't remind him. I need to save some money again, I just payed my credit card. lol.
Quote from: guest on 04/03/2008, 12:44 AMQuote from: PCEngineHell on 04/03/2008, 12:12 AMAs Joe and NecroPhile said,its fraud like if you are out there promising to do work you cant actually do.
I made no such accusation and only said that there is always time to communicate with customers (or should be, anyway). Since Ceti didn't seem to be terribly worried, then I wasn't going to get my panties in a bunch; and without knowing the details of the deal made between Dean and Ceti (specifically a promised timetable), then I won't assume that a fraud's been committed. Frankly, I'm not surprised that it's taken so long; Dean's a busy dude and understandably hasn't made gaming his highest priority.
Ahh,you are right NecroPhile,I was just thinking back to when Joe and you made comments and what he said,I should have specified it better,my fault. Infact,save myself the time:
Quote from: guest on 03/28/2008, 03:57 PMIf he's got time to log in here (as he did yesterday), then he can make time to respond to those that have sent him money for pending services. If that's asking too much, then throw in the frickin' towel, take care of life, and come back later when everything is under control.
Dean,you ever hear of the modify button? Keeps from double posting :P If you want to be smart ass and hurt about it then lets put it like this. 1. Quite aware of how Firefox works,its all I use the past couple of years. 2. If you got the time at all to fire up Firefox then you have the time to contact people you owe crap to. Sorry,don't feel sorry for you on this situation,because you brought it all on yourself,and leaving it up to speculation, sure you could have just fired up Firefox once out of the blue and closed it asap,coincidently around the time this thread was started, but it seems unlikely that you would have fired it up for no reason, along with avoiding the net and Firefox for months on end. Infact the very proof speaks otherwise, these months since you have had Ceti's system you
have been here posting off and on until end of Feb and up until early-mid Feb on the Neo forums I was told.
If you have the time to post off and on then you have the time to contact people or finish their work,or maybe should contact them first then post later if you have the time,ect..??? Seems like that would be the more responsible thing to do,correct? So no,don't be surprised if some people don't believe the firefox story,it has too many holes in it to be a defense and is irelivent for said above reasons. If all else fails you could have did a single post here stating your issues long ago but of course why publicly air your own business problems and try to address them when its easier to just ignore them for months on end.....
Benefit of the doubt??? Sure,people can give that,and have before,but theres a point where things wear thin,and when people hear that you've had said items for months on end,and wont reply back or didn't send any status emails then yea theres that point where people tend to no longer give it or the faith has been broken. People worry,ect. Read the previous post on this thread,ones like Dark Facts sum it up perfectly. People get pissed.
No one here that I am aware of has accused you of "wringing my hands at the thought of keeping peoples' systems hostage" or of planning intentional theft as just of yet. Its just a simple fact though that you had someone else's property and you have not returned it for unknown reasons and its been far to long. No one really does know what those reason are but you yourself, regardless of what you say,and it looks
real bad that it is taking this long. You think people are out to get you ehh or make you look bad,then check your sales thread.
When people were getting impatient about your sales I was taking your defense even though they were rightfully irked that you were posting upcoming sales that didn't occur. People were saving up money for sales you announced that they could have spent elsewhere. Basically you were saying "Stay tuned" but didn't deliver esp this last time. Anyway I would continue to side with you if it wasn't for Ceti's issue coming to light,and once you fix said issues as far as I'm concerned you are in my good graces again,regardless of what you currently think of me or if it matters to you, at least until something like this happens again which hopefully it never does.
Also,I know you haven't noticed,Im not the first/only person here to use the butt hurt term,so are you saying its dork-ass like of just me,or everyone else also who has used it here, and you just proved it right either way it goes... :roll: It def fit you well there it seems after all. And another good point,if you have all this time to watch us talk in the shout box for that long then come back to post again then you damn well have time to contact
everyone you owe. Instead of screwing around here go finish your work and get your shit sorted. Your info btw is on 411.com. I yanked it while at work. Its public knowledge,but yea like I said Ill be happy to remove it once you resolve the issues. Till then I'm more then happy to save people from having to use 411.com themselves. TTYL when you do.
Quote from: turbo D on 04/03/2008, 12:58 AMshhhhh, don't remind him. I need to save some money again, I just payed my credit card. lol.
I just sold my soul- I need some Turbo Purchases to get back into it again! I wonder if he'll be selling a PC engine system along with all the software this time.......
In review- I went from 90 something titles to 22 now, just to pay off some bills. I think I am going to go the Supergrafx + Super CD combo attack this time, instead of owning a DUO. Any thoughts?
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 04/03/2008, 08:42 PMQuote from: turbo D on 04/03/2008, 12:58 AMshhhhh, don't remind him. I need to save some money again, I just payed my credit card. lol.
I just sold my soul- I need some Turbo Purchases to get back into it again! I wonder if he'll be selling a PC engine system along with all the software this time.......
In review- I went from 90 something titles to 22 now, just to pay off some bills. I think I am going to go the Supergrafx + Super CD combo attack this time, instead of owning a DUO. Any thoughts?
My thoughts on that:
WOOOT!!! That would be killer. Is there even a question? :wink:
that would definitely be killer! I always wanted to score that cdrom2 add-on for my SuperGrafx.
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 04/03/2008, 08:42 PMI think I am going to go the Supergrafx + Super CD combo attack this time, instead of owning a DUO. Any thoughts?
It's an awesome but pricey combo. If you really like the handful of SGX games, or just want something really cool, then go for it; otherwise, save a few bucks and stick with a Duo.
This thread is pretty good but not as good as the original one.
Quote from: Joe RedifierAnyway, nobody's getting banned just yet. If it comes to that it will be discussed by all of the mods and Aaron. Nobody's going to jump the gun and push the ban trigger.
hahaha this is pretty funny
woah, now I think I want a SuperGrafx/CD combo too!
Sorry guys,everything that needed to be said has been said,and since this thread isn't about big sales (already another thread for that elsewhere) and how awesome the Supergrafx /Super Cd Rom 2 combo is (yes,def awesome,its the set up I use) I'm locking this thread unless Ceti or someone else needs to update their situation.
UPDATE: April 08, 2008, 04:33:38 AM by PCEngineHell
After Dean posted here he again blew off Ceti for a few more days. Ceti finally got pissed off and spammed Dean with emails and finally got a reply stating Dean will ship it to Nat. When? No one knows,but when we find out will update further.
UPDATE: Still no update. Nether Ceti nor Nat have any shipping info yet,no more word from Dean regarding sending the system off in the condition it arrived in,including its original official box to Nat.
And people say I was simply out to get him lol :roll:
I think its safe to say its Dean himself burning his own bridges,not simply me trying to wipe him off the face of PCEFX. This should be a must/required read for anyone here with a double standard about it before saying it was Ok cause Dean would make right,and Michaels just out to get him.
In light of all of this I am def not removing his address info,incase Dean is wondering why it has not been removed.
Is there a list anywhere that shows who all sent him Hardware/ Money?
just, damn......
Didn't he say that his kids are taking up most/all of his time? Let this be a lesson to you all: DON'T HAVE KIDS! Your life will belong to them, and you as an individual will be gone. Free time will be a thing of the past. This can also happen if you get a girlfriend and/or wife who tells you what to do... and you obey! This is called being "pussywhipped". This is bad.
I've got a pregnant wife who's due in a month + a 2 1/2 years old hyperactive daughter + a bigger workload than 95% of the Japanese population...yet I still find time to post on the forum here, code PCE games, do my eBay auctions, ship items on time, and return emails and PMs. I don't think it's got anything to do with him not having time, I think it's "I don't want to deal with this problem, so if I ignore it long enough, maybe it'll go away". Of course, I'm not him so I can't say for sure, but this is getting fishier by the week and I really don't like the direction it's all headed in.
Quote from: OldRover on 04/25/2008, 01:35 AMI've got a pregnant wife who's due in a month + a 2 1/2 years old hyperactive daughter + a bigger workload than 95% of the Japanese population...yet I still find time to post on the forum here, code PCE games, do my eBay auctions, ship items on time, and return emails and PMs. I don't think it's got anything to do with him not having time, I think it's "I don't want to deal with this problem, so if I ignore it long enough, maybe it'll go away". Of course, I'm not him so I can't say for sure, but this is getting fishier by the week and I really don't like the direction it's all headed in.
Pretty much,its all kinda piling up now on him.Something is def wrong here with him. I hope he get sit all taken care of,at least for his own sake. The longer he takes to fix it all the worse he ruins his name and burns more and more bridges. Some real sad shit for sure.
Well, I'm not going to take any chances here...I'll send my stuff to nat to get fixed/modded or I'll just do it myself. If it were me having these kinds of problems with Dean, I'd get on an airplane, fly over to his place, and take my stuff back in person. I'd like to avoid said expensive scenario though.
Quote from: OldRover on 04/25/2008, 08:53 AMWell, I'm not going to take any chances here...I'll send my stuff to nat to get fixed/modded or I'll just do it myself. If it were me having these kinds of problems with Dean, I'd get on an airplane, fly over to his place, and take my stuff back in person. I'd like to avoid said expensive scenario though.
I tend to agree that he's taken on too much and he doesn't want to deal with the situation. So instead, he's letting the situation fester like an infected boil. From his E-mail he sent me apologizing, he really seemed apologetic about the whole situation. I just hope he gets this all sorted out - for his sake, and the sake of all the people with MIA consoles. It's not a good feeling not knowing what is going on with your console.
Nat could take 6 months with my Duo (note: I hope it doesn't take that long :P) because he's always around, or filling me in on the progress. And that is all Dean had to do with me. Even just a bi-weekly E-mail telling me what's happening would have eased my mind. Instead I was frantically checking my E-mail on a daily bases for 3 months hoping and praying for some contact from Dean.
Some of those people on the NeoGeo forums are going through EXACTLY what I was going through. One guy didn't want to "bother" Dean with E-mails, which is exactly how I felt. Well, not "bothering" Dean didn't get me anywhere. He's going to have to E-mail him daily until he gets a response.
Again, I just hope Dean gets this all worked out.
These cats are even leaving voice messages for him though and he's still dodging 'em. Not good. He acts like he doesn't want to be bothered. :-s
Dean replied to an email that I sent him around the middle of the week, this morning. Any word on your end, Ceti?
Ceti's situation has been worked out SR- his duo is now with Nat.
Yep,from what it sounded like too,the entire time Dean had Cetis Duo he never even opened the box,fucking lame.
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/25/2008, 04:47 PMYep,from what it sounded like too,the entire time Dean had Cetis Duo he never even opened the box,fucking lame.
Yeah, when nat received my Duo from Dean the package wasn't touched.
Oh jumpin Jesus Mary and Joseph on a fuckin' rubber crutch. :( Well ceti, at least you'll get your unit back now.
Seems there has been a whole lot of double standard bs going on in the Neo forums I hear about the Dean mishaps.
I heard from a few that Mr. "Super awesome Ill threaten you by PM" mod Wasabi tried to cover things up via moving threads to the War Room for less notice.
I think if anyone from the Neo forums taking Deans side or bashing him needs to see the whole side of all of it.
I can understand someone wanting to take up for Dean. He has in past communication in deals with me always been great and fast to complete my transactions with him. Granted,these are sales of ready made items. I do think Dean is a very nice guy,talking to him via email I just get that impression.
That being said I am just calling it like I see it. This is as it stands. Dean took money to do said jobs for multiple people from here,Neo,and Shumps forums. It doesn't matter how much he took,weather it be $5 bucks or 100,once he agrees to do said work it needs to be done,and in a timely manner. I don't care who you are,no one is fine with having their stuff kept by anyone for over a month or 2 without solid communication. Actually hitting past 2 weeks is simply too long in my book. After too long,even if no one wants to call it a scam,it does appear to be one. Its one of those things where you go "Hey,if no one said anything publicly,would I ever have got my stuff back???".
Ceti Alpha was a victim in this case. His general time was wasted. 4 months basically. He was caused stress,and no he was not compensated for said stress. Dean didn't finish the work. He simply took the (easy) exit option and punted it to Nat who is doing it in a timely manner. Dean didn't even open Cetis package the entire time it sat there it seems. This makes it even worse. That being said,Dean didnt really resolve the issue,he just punted the work elsewhere,instead of jumping on it asap (within the next couple of days). Its the complete blowing off of someone who paid money and sent them a item expecting work done in a timely manner that burns the most. The trust is broken. Factoring in the shipping time Ceti Alpha did not expect this job to take more then a month at the most.
These are not favors,and should never be considered such. And when this kinda crap happens,they become screw overs,nuthin else.
We had others post in Deans past sales thread that there was a hint of similar issues. These same issues have happened before on other forums. It looked really bad in the past because Dean said things like he didn't have net access as a excuse,or his house was being bug bombed, but his ebay account was busy buying up expensive Valiant comics daily. Instead of Dean putting the time into his customers,he was giving said time to the adventures of Magnus Robot Fighter and Turrok. This is just what it is. There was no defense or viable excuse for this.
Dean has done alot of good for said communities,but all the good does not matter to the new ones who come along to do a transaction and end up in a situation like the one Ceti was in. Most people taking up for Dean are the old customers,so its a loyalty issue,and one of preservation in the case of people like Sign of Zeta only worrying that Dean will no longer sell games here to him if the bad is brought up. The general concern should be for the whole community,not the few individuals who got sweet deals.
So far it mainly seems Dean is just hoping if he ignores it it will all go away. That may not be the case,but it def does look that way all in all. Dean sent me a email when this came up. I didn't know it,so I did not get to reply to him until much later then I should have,but the point is he said he didn't know how I could manage it all with family and work. The fact is once I took back custody of my kids and am now a single dad,I don't take on more work or sales then I can handle. When I post I'm going to do a sale,I may run 2 days late getting it up,but I get it up so that people are not holding money waiting forever to buy my stuff. Dean did this awhile back,people saved up and held money,and Dean never delivered said massive sale,pissing people off.
Its very clear Dean has taken in too much on his plate. He didn't know when to stop,think,and say no. He just kept taking in said work and money,and now he cant get it all done. I heard all about the good ole boys old school double standard thing over at Neo forums. I'm thanking god its not like that here,that we generally don't put up with that kind of bull shit and we have honest great mods who call it like it is. No amount of thread moving or arguing on Deans behalf is going to change the fact Dean has fucked up majorly and burned multiple people, mentioned and un mentioned in this thread in the past and now.
The best thing will be that Dean finally gets it all resolved,and starts telling people no,not yes,when someone ask if he can do a job. He needs to stick to this until all his family and work issues are settled with. Once all that is done,hes owned up to the problems hes caused and sorted the shit out in a timely manner,Im sure everyone here at PCEFX will be happy to welcome him back. But thats only if its in a timely manner. People are tired of being put off,delayed,and ignored. Continue to do that,here or on other forums,and people will pay attention,and not be so friendly upon your return.
To Dean,you have a up hill battle,you did what you did,no excuses,now all you can do is go forward and make the best of it,and do your best to make it right. Making a few public status updates might be nice for your image right now :wink: Either way,good luck to you. Regardless of being caught in the lame shit,you're still a good guy I think. I think you've just had a major fuck up,and you need to fix it asap.
Mike tells it like it is, good job.
But, Mike, aren't you a competitor of a sort of Dean's? In that light, this whole thread seems somewhat dishonest as you are slagging someone and then you might pick up the extra business as a result.
Nope,Im not offering PCE mods or anything like that. Exactly like I had said,I have kept to doing projects strictly for people I know only except on the rarest of exceptions. I don't have the time to do more,because of kids and work and projects I want to do for myself. I simply know when to say no. Nat and Turbokon are currently the go to guys here for PCE mods. Anything else,if I know you,you can ask. If I have the time I will do it. I'm not out to do work for strangers really or to do more then 1-2 projects a month for others,if even that..Providing information however I am always willing to do when I can.
Hey can you fix my TE's sound? :mrgreen:
Id like to but I cant do anything for at least the next month and a half. Ive got ebay sales Im taking care of,and its mothers day month. My work is going to be busy due to this and Ill have to do OT this month at work. After that I have 3 projects I owe myself. I just got done crunching in Quoths Super Cd Rom 2 laser replacement job the other day in between getting ebay stuff sorted and adding a sync cleaner and doing tidy up work to 16-Bits Supergun he bought from Dean. After that I'm freed up,but till then Id def recommend Nat. Really Id say Nat period because he can do the total work over for you for the caps for the screen too. Basically get your TE refurbished. You'd be much better off having him do this.
Keranu, if you're interested, send me a PM.
neo-geo.com's forum is filled with juvenile bastards, just like DP's forum. Take anything you see on either forum with a canister of iodized salt.
Quote from: OldRover on 05/02/2008, 12:49 PMneo-geo.com's forum is filled with juvenile bastards, just like DP's forum. Take anything you see on either forum with a canister of iodized salt.
Yeah, I get my fill of juvenile bastards from Trekweb.
Yeah, that place has really gone down the shitter over the past 8 or 9 years. Degenerates abound.
Quote from: OldRover on 05/02/2008, 12:49 PMneo-geo.com's forum is filled with juvenile bastards, just like DP's forum. Take anything you see on either forum with a canister of iodized salt.
No, no, no. Lazer Dorks' forum is filled with juvenile bastards.
Neo-Geo.com's forum is filled with assholes.
thats why If you have a neo geo or are interested in snk, you need to go on over to neogeoforlife.com!
Much nicer! :)
"Neo Geo forum is..."
One of the most reputable sellers on there TOTALLY dicked me around on some games I tried to order, lied to me, called me an "idiot" and purposefully refunded my Paypal payment directly (as opposed to using the "refund payment" option) so I would suffer the fees (under $8, but it still really pissed me off). The other transaction I had over there was just shy of a wash out and would've been a complete disaster had I not had a friend like Nat. It's weird how this forum is worlds away from what they have going on over there. (they DO have some cool, knowledgeable and very nice folks over there too of course - but the stench of dirty asshole is so intense it'll take a few visits to get used to it).
Quote from: MurderDate on 05/02/2008, 04:25 PMOne of the most reputable sellers on there TOTALLY dicked me around on some games I tried to order
(not to derail this thread, but,)
Who was it? What happened? Did you make a feedback thread?
no, I am in no position to even open my mouth over there. I am a "total n00b" and this dude has a huge feedback rating that I think is 100% positive. I didn't even bother. His name is something like Tophat , that's all I'll say. That should be more than enough. Guaranteed if I said anything I'd be black listed. I don't need the bad publicity - I have too many spare MVS games that I want to get rid of. It's not even worth it.
anyway.. back to D-Lite.. ](*,)
Perhaps a neo geo section could be opened at the forums here...wait no, that'd attract too many dickheads.
So does the Neo Geo turn people into assholes?
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 05/02/2008, 08:39 PMSo does the Neo Geo turn people into assholes?
Maybe it's the spending $300/game that makes them bitter?
I think it is just more or less internet egos colliding due to too many people all in one place. It happens all over the place. The Neo forums just ended up being one of the worst due to all egocentricness that goes along with AES collecting too. Everyone wants to be bigger,badder,and better then the next guy. There are a lot of good members over there though,they just get lost in the shuffle due to the crap.
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 05/02/2008, 09:09 PMI think it is just more or less internet egos colliding due to too many people all in one place. It happens all over the place. The Neo forums just ended up being one of the worst due to all egocentricness that goes along with AES collecting too. Everyone wants to be bigger,badder,and better then the next guy. There are a lot of good members over there though,they just get lost in the shuffle due to the crap.
Shitty :(
Jeez, why do I always miss the crazy threads until they are over?
You have no idea how much I've wanted to use this while reading:
I think several people really overreacted here. I won't name names. You know who you are. I HOPE. :evil:
Anyway, I'm glad it might all work out. I'm glad now that I've decided to wait on my mod after reading this and getting the facts.
Ceti, here's hoping you get your Duo back soon.
Michael, about forums with lots of jerks, I don't get it either. I don't visit GameFAQs anymore because of the awful experience I had on their forums, so I completely know what you are talking about.
Zeta...eh forget it, it's not worth it. :twisted:
I wonder when grahf gets back from Japan. His S-video and region mod boards are very nice. I eventually want to get a Duo R/RX and mod it out like how he did with my US Duo. Hopefully he will be back to doing this stuff when he comes home.
I have never been on ANY video game related forum where there have not been scammers, asshats, knowledgeable and polite members, and members that alternate between any 2 or 3 of the aforementioned depending on the time of day, cycle of the moon, etc...
why are all you people still going neo-geo.com i can barely tolerate the rules here let alone at that police state
Quote from: guyjin on 05/02/2008, 02:26 PMNo, no, no. Lazer Dorks' forum is filled with juvenile bastards.
well we have to let kitsune-chan post somewhere you can have him back when his ban runs out
Quote from: nat on 05/02/2008, 11:52 AMKeranu, if you're interested, send me a PM.
I was slightly joking, but I really do need my sound fixed. I tried doing it myself, but it didn't make any difference so all the caps might need to be replaced (I also did a crappy job). Not ready to ship my TE out yet, but I'll be sure to give you a PM when I am.
Quote from: Hobo Xiphas on 05/10/2008, 12:44 AMwhy are all you people still going neo-geo.com i can barely tolerate the rules here let alone at that police state
You mean corrupt police state !
still waiting on my modded tg16... :cry:
To be honest I figured you would be still Carlson. Its good you just sent the Supergun to me to work on instead. I hate to say this but Dean has all but dropped off the face of the earth,and I am doubtful he will ever come back. Even though it will prob stir shit up you should prob inform the guys running the Scammer/Time Waster thread,so they can update it. They can only report on stuff they are made aware of.
For the just in case factor that Dean does show back up,I think its best if as many people he owes shit to or put off forever come forward so that in the future people will be able to look back and reflect on his past dealings before making a transaction. Then again this spans a few website forums from those who have complained so far and then you have to take into account the people that just dealt with Deal possibly directly on his website that don't post in forums,who knows if anyones been burned via that route too.
All in all its just some sad crazy shit I hate to say.
This is the biggest flame thread ever, I love it!!! And the funny ting is it isn't even about the person in the topic :lol:
I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread for now. I think its safe to say Dean hasn't settled all his debts,but its doubtful more will be added here except maybe a bump every 2-3 months,if that,due to the fact others involved are not on this forum,ect... With that regard Dean has pretty much made himself a scammer and time waster,even if not intentionally,he did so,and that's all that needs to be said. If he resurfaces,caution should be taken in any dealings or sales involving him,his children,grandchildren,ect in the near or far future....
Got a pm from member RuthlessT138. Posting the story part of it here so people can be made aware that Dean is still stalling off folks and not finishing his deals.
I recently stumbled across your thread in the chit-chat section about Dean/D-Lite, and felt like my story needed to be told to someone here. I'd also like to ask your advice about the situation if you don't mind, because, well, Dean has had my system for nearly a year.
It all started when I got burned by a guy on eBay who sold me a TG-CD system with a docking station that wouldn't power up, after it had been "guaranteed working on arrival." To make a long story slightly shorter, he wasn't really that interested in helping me out in the way of a refund. This was at the end of Sept. '07. Dean seemed to have a good track record and from what I had read everyone around here seemed to think he was a pretty respectable guy. Since I had been thinking about getting my TG-16 modded anyway, I contacted him to see if he could do that and take a look at my docking station to see if it was fixable. Not surprisingly, it took several e-mails for me to get a hold of him. But once I did, he was sympathetic to my situation and agreed to take a look at my stuff. He said he couldn't guarantee that he could fix the docking station but he would at least take a look at it and give my TG-16 a region switch and S-Video mod. I told him that was fine and a few more e-mails later I got his address and sent out my stuff on Oct 15th (again, '07). Now here's where the situation starts to get just a little annoying for me.
For the next couple months I didn't hear from Dean much except for the occasional e-mail telling me that he hadn't had time to look at my stuff yet. Then in December he had what he called his "Colossal Sale" and I decided to buy some games from him in the meantime, which were sent to me in a timely manner. I thought, "Oh great, if he's that on top of sending out the games, then my hardware can't be that far behind!" How wrong I was. For the next several months after that we played quite a bit of e-mail tag, with varying excuses and varying gaps between e-mails. Sometimes the gaps were just a few weeks, while other times it took him months to respond or give me any updates on the status of my stuff.
As far as the excuses went, most of them were family-related, but there were apparently some hardware issues as well. Around January Dean said that his PCB region mod chip wouldn't reliably work with my TG-16, so he had to put in a 8PDT style one instead. I thought that was kind of weird, as I seemed to remember reading a thread posted by him on the forum (on 9/18/07 to be exact) where he said the chip would work on "any NEC system." Then at the end of February he said he still couldn't get my docking station to power up; he had taken it apart and couldn't find anything wrong with it so he was going to take apart another one and compare parts. After that I didn't hear from him for three more months, until the end of May (and even then it was only after I had to bug him). He said he couldn't figure out what was going on with the docking station so we agreed that he would keep it for spare parts and send me a modded High Def model 1 Genesis in it's place, along with my TG-16. Again, I just thought that was kind of weird. Even though he made no guarantee about being able to successfully repair the docking station, I couldn't help but feel just a little bit bummed. I'm no technical whiz when it comes to this kind of stuff at all, so I could be totally wrong, but I just had this feeling in the back of my mind that it could have been saved, but the right amount of time/effort wasn't properly put into it. I mean, three months?
Anyway, after a few more e-mails/excuses, Dean informed me on August 1st that he would "send the goods out Monday." I didn't get my stuff and I didn't hear from him for another month, and the only reason I did was because once again I had to bug him. He's now promising to add a bunch of free games to my package for the delay (he's been saying that since about June) and asking me if he could send me $50 via PayPal that I would refund back to him when I got my stuff back, so he would be more motivated to get it all in the mail faster. I recently asked him if there is anyone else he knows who might be able to fix the docking station and he has yet to answer my question.
Right about now what I suggest to anyone else who stumbles on this thread and is owed money/items by Dean to contact him personally at his home, via phone, or in person if you live close enough by. Another thing you can try is contacting the local police in his area and making a report/complaint, or see who they suggest contacting, because as it stands it is fraud/theft via internet.
Los Altos Police Department
1 N San Antonio Rd
Los Altos, CA 94022
(650) 947-2779
All of Deans personal address info are still located on page 1 of this thread.
Dean's had this guy's shit for nearly a year and he needs to be motivated to get the stuff into mail transit faster? And he actually has the balls to tell this guy that? Hmmm. Obviously Dean's a fucking jerk.
Quote from: Sinistron on 09/10/2008, 09:33 AMDean's had this guy's shit for nearly a year and he needs to be motivated to get the stuff into mail transit faster? And he actually has the balls to tell this guy that? Hmmm. Obviously Dean's a fucking jerk.
Yeah, that statement stuck out in my mind as well. [-(
But man, I though my situation was bad. This scenario is even worse. :(
Judge Wapner Says:
What the fuck is going on!?
Oh yeah, the thread where Dean said the PCB chip would work on "any NEC system" is right here:
https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=3694.0 (https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=3694.0)
Seems to me it would make a lot more sense to actually properly test the chip on all types of systems before making such a statement. Just an observation.
I got my system (unmodded) back from him on August 15th and a refund for the services that he did not do a couple weeks before that.
This thread turns up on page 1 of a "dean dragoli" google search. I mean, if he needs motivation for any outstanding orders...
Sent a email on Trevors behalf,and got a reply:
My email first:
QuoteOn Sep 10, 2008, at 12:08 AM, michael helgeson wrote:
Got a notice from a member by the name of Trevor/RuthlessT138 that you still have items belonging to him,and that it has been about a year now. Seriously,wtf is your problem that you cant just put the stuff in a box, seal it up and mail it off. USPS is open 6 days a week,and usually any spot has a drop off door for early hour drop offs, so you can stop using work as a excuse, along with using family issues as a excuse. Your family issues may be plenty, but have nothing to do with these peoples items, or transactions they made with you in good faith that you managed to destroy on a wide scale. Seriously, for now on I think instead of telling them to nag you I'm going to refer your local police station/FBI,ect.. to them. Technically you had hit various felony amounts long ago. That's usually what happens to dealers who pull scams on eBay. Seriously,you dont send people their stuff, keep their money, its called theft. You family problems may be many, but think of just how worse they could be if you had the cops breathing down your neck for internet fraud related dealings.
QuoteHey Micahel
Thanks for the e-mail.
I'm going to be working on sending those to Trevor this week. The problem is I just need to test the items and send them out. That's typically what is holding items up. I have so little time these days that I just haven't gotten around to it. And for some reason I feel paralyzed when it comes time to do it. That's not an excuse, it's just how this has gone down. Work and life have got me busy but I just have something wrong with me sometimes that I can't finish off the project.
You know I've been a good dealer and you know I've had problems with delays before. Trust me, I hate the delays that I've caused on this stuff and I'm working on it. And I've been serious when I say that I appreciate your efforts to help people get their stuff. Seriously. You're a good person and I really do appreciate you giving me a kick in the ass on this stuff.
I'll let Trevor know the progress on this stuff in the next day or two.
Seriously, Im not impressed.
Wait. You sent an email on someone else's behalf of your own accord!? If I were Dean, I'd shoot back an email telling you mind you're own f-ing business and f-off. Dean has no excuse for what he's done, but he owes *you* no explanation as you're not the direct customer. It's like you're the self appointed BBB of PCXF or something...
And 'dude' can't grow some balls and send an 'email' to D-lite himself? Who the hell waits a whole god damn year? A dumbass, that's who.
QuoteThe problem is I just need to test the items and send them out.
He still hadn't tested that stuff yet?!?! Jesus.
QuoteAnd 'dude' can't grow some balls and send an 'email' to D-lite himself? Who the hell waits a whole god damn year? A dumbass, that's who.
And Bonknuts, I'm sorry if you think I'm a dumbass. I just have a few things to say about that in my own defense:
1. Calling me names that I (to the best of my recollection) haven't been called since I was in about 7th grade isn't going to help the situation for anybody. It's rude, immature, and unnecessary.
2. I
have been emailing Dean, the entire time he's had my stuff. I just sent him a couple today as a matter of fact. The problem is he doesn't always like to
respond to his emails. And when he does a lot of the time he makes excuses. I've already explained that in the message I sent to Michael. It just got to a point where it felt like the excuses kept piling up, no matter how many emails I sent him. I had no idea this fiasco would go on for so long. There were some noticeable gaps between the emails of Dean and myself, I'm not going to lie, but that was mainly due to the fact that Dean said he was having some family/job issues and I was just trying to give him some time to sort himself out, without him feeling like I was trying to breathe down his neck. Either that or in some instances I was just busy with my own job. Plain and simple.
3. I just want to make it known that I didn't ask Michael to send an email to Dean on my behalf, it was his idea, not mine. In the last paragraph of that message I sent to him (which he didn't include here, because it didn't really pertain to the story) I specifically said that I didn't want him to fight my battles or do any of my dirty work for me by any means. As I said before, I was just looking for some advice. And in his defense, Michael probably knows Dean as a person better than I do, so he probably figured he could get through to Dean better than I could. He was just trying to help. Besides, it wasn't
you he sent the email to, so why is it
your problem?
There, I'm done with all the defending. If you still have a problem with how I handled this, I'm sorry you feel that way. But if you want to call me a dumbass, go ahead. You can call me every name in the book for all I care. It's still your problem, not mine.
...and people may wonder why I don't post that much...
Quote from: TurboXray on 09/10/2008, 11:25 PMWait. You sent an email on someone else's behalf of your own accord!? If I were Dean, I'd shoot back an email telling you mind you're own f-ing business and f-off. Dean has no excuse for what he's done, but he owes *you* no explanation as you're not the direct customer. It's like you're the self appointed BBB of PCXF or something...
And 'dude' can't grow some balls and send an 'email' to D-lite himself? Who the hell waits a whole god damn year? A dumbass, that's who.
Actually the guy has been sending emails to him, if you'd read above Maldouche. Dean has not been actively responding to people. I honestly did not even expect him to reply to me,but saw no harm in giving it a try. 3 mins of my time maybe. I'm not the only one contacting Dean on peoples behalf either. Same thing going on on the neo forums. Mods contacting Dean to try to coax him into making good on prior deals since he wont respond to the actual customers. Nothing new.
Real question, why do you fucking care if someone is trying to help a guy out to get his stuff back? Did I ask him to make any excuse to me, no I didnt,did I? I already heard all the excuses,along with everyone else... Another thing, its not the guys fault because he tried to play it nice to get his stuff back. That doesn't make him a dumb ass. According to you that makes everyone else who dealt with Dean and got fucked with dumb asses too. Ceti, Trev, Carlson ect..
Thats pretty much what your saying. A year, 4 months, 6 months its all the same, its all bad, and its not the buyers fault, its the seller for taking advantage and abusing the communities trust. Sorry Mal your legendary hero fell so hard,but that was his own doing, no one elses.
I love how the very few folks like you Mal who whine and bitch about me, Sini, and others for taking a stance/stand, helping others in bad situations , also end up being the same low lifes here who have few to zero friends, and never contribute to the community in any real aspect. Your a zero asset. If you left tomorrow, no one would even care, because of your negative attitude towards people and lack of ability to sympathize or help out in any situation as of yet. At any rate, as usual, if the situation gets updated for Trev or whatever, Ill update the thread. Till then, its locked again to avoid fighting.
Let's lay off the personal insults here. There is no need for them.
RuthlessT138 was finally able to obtain his items from Dean. Glad to hear.