so ya when i was younger and before i got hit with the gaming bug i was all about action figures!!!
I starting collecting way to much of the new shit but some of my old figures I will be keeping for a loooong time to come. First on my love list is my Vintage Star Wars figures, oh baby... just short 10 power of the Force figs but hells they are to pricey for me to buy, the collection also includes Buck Rogers, Doctor Who, Thundarcats and a crap load of old 70's/80's fisher price people :oops:!!! oh ya and some transformers... my saweetest piece is my Sears boxset of the Constructicons from the 80's, still boxed baby :)
Of the new sh...tuff i love the Movie Maniacs series from Todd Mcfarlane and i have almost ever piece of Gargoyles the cartoon merchandise, loved that show and still do, damn it be a sickness!!! Have got rid of a lot of the never figures/stuff as it was piling up and the older stuff is where its at 8)
oh ya here one Star Wars fig. to get in your collection, maybe a little hard to pose them so hells keep them in the package :P
StarWarsDisFigures.webp (
The Lars/Beru fig is PRICELESS =D> =D> :lol: :lol:
Currently collecting:
Battlestar Galactica Titaniums
odball anything ;)
I collected some G1 Transformers classic series, picked up the re-release of Soundwave, and got the 20th Edition of Optimus Prime.
Back in 2005 I collected Star Wars ROTS like crazy, it was nuts. I look back now and realize that was a little overboard. It slowed down alot, now my kid asks for a present, I grab a new figure for him (he loves the clone and storm troopers). Was going to keep them all sealed but oh well, my boy wanting to play with them is cooler than leaving them in the plastic. Not like they are going to be collectibles like the old school figures.
I'm currently selling off my GI Joe collection on ebay! I've got some classic Star Wars figures too, as well as visionaries, g1 transformers, marvel comics figures, thundercats, and assorted others. I'm not into collecting them so they're all gonna be for sale as soon as I can get to them.
God, toys and games, the worst enemies to my wallet....
I collect a vast majority of eighties toylines, with emphasis on the more obscure. Right now, I would name off Dino Riders :wink:, M.A.S.K., Boglins, Crystar, Aliens (kenner), Barnyard Commandos, Transformers, etc.
I also own like a friggin million Marvel Legends, the vast majority of which I had to buy to make a build-a-figure (Blob, Brood Queen, Fin Fang Foom, Sentinel, Mojo, MODOK, Giant Man...most of them) :(
Also have a few random Japanese toys- Max Factory Guyver, Evangelion, Devil Man :twisted:
When I started off collecting, I would only buy MIP/MIB, but now I also enjoy collecting loose/complete figures and playsets!
G.I. Joe figures (mostly just the variations of Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow but some other cool characters too)
Transformers-Decepticons only
I'd love to get some old Star Trek figures. Particularly The Motion Picture and Wrath of Khan figures.
...not an action figure, but I've always considered the Enterprise as one of the major characters. Here's a figurine of the Enterprise depicting her sad demise in The Search for Spock. :cry:
I was collecting quite a few different lines of action figures for awhile, now I'm down to only TF's, & even those, I'm trying to ween myself off of. I have old Star Wars aplenty, but also started collecting for awhile, Phantom Menace figures, & a few Clone Wars, I have some of the GI Joe figs that came out about 8 years ago, I have a whole bunch of the new He-man figures(sadly, I don't have He-man, Skeletor, or Man-at-arms), Mega Man & Mega Man X figures, some Samurai Showdown, Dinozaurs which are now in my shed :lol:, & some other random figures.
Mostly though, I have LOADS of TF's, a bunch of G1 leftover from my childhood, & all of the reissue's including Megs & Predaking(which never came outside of Japan), Masterpiece Prime, Masterpiece Megatron(once again, Japan only), & Masterpiece Starscream, some G2 & Machine Wars, pretty much all the Beast Wars figures, all Beast Machines, all Robots in Disguise, all Armada, all Energon, all Cybertron, all Alternators, alot of the Universe figures, most of the Classics(except repaints), all the main Movie figures, all the regular Animated figures, a bunch of Robots Heroes, most of the bigger Titaniums, & a few small ones, a whole bunch of the Legends figs & most of the Heroes of Cybertron. I also have a life size statue of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, & a statue of Soundwave with Rumble, Ravage, & Lazerbeak.
I've had to put everything into storage to make room for my dedicated game room, but I have a large MOTU collection with several hundred loose classic figures, pretty much every toy released in the series, a ton of MIB/MOC figures & vehicles/playsets, an endless pile of licensed products, most of the 2001'ish line MOC and a bunch of other related stuff inbetween. The door to my game room is still painted like a classic MOTU figure card back, since it started out as a strictly classic-MOTU-only room.
Here is one of my rarest action figures, Grimlock from the original Transformers!!!
I know I could probably get several hundred dollars if I sold it, but sentimentality just won't let me!
I'll try to post some of my other rare action figures later on.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 09/28/2008, 09:51 PMHere is one of my rarest action figures, Grimlock from the original Transformers!!!
I know I could probably get several hundred dollars if I sold it, but sentimentality just won't let me!
I'll try to post some of my other rare action figures later on.
Well damn if you don't have the rarest of the rare! First the Dracula X HuCard, and now the super exclusive headless Grimlock!?!
The women want you, and the men want to be you :oops:
I don't have much. Cloud Strife (Advent Children), Baraka (MK Deception), and two Chris Benoit figures. Oh, and some imp thing from Yu-Gi-Oh.
I have a box of MUSCLE figures laying around somewhere.
Totally used to collect toys, like alot. Was into a bit of everything. GI Joe, All things Marvel/DC, He-Man, blehblahbleh-whatves, ya know? My favorite, though always was and will always be Bucky O'Hare. The best. Still have all ten, yes ten (small one wave run) figures MOC on mah wall. :3
Wish I had a couple grand to get one of these rare prototypes...
I think I still have some boxes of GI JOE toys from when I was a kid. No. I bet I tossed them years ago. Dammit. I'd sell them now. I loved putting the stickers on the vehicles...following directions was never so much fun.
wouldn't really call myself a collector, but i've got a few cool ones, like a kenshiro figure by xebec toys, and a guts figure that's apparently pretty rare.
Quote from: bartre on 04/06/2014, 12:53 PMand a guts figure that's apparently pretty rare.
Nuyce! Guts is awesome! *suddenly feels like playin' Guts' Rage*
I only have about 30 figures, as I buy one or two a year when they catch my eye.
Most recent acquisitions were the NECA NES Jason and Freddy figures, which are boss!
I've been recently into collecting lego mini figs- that's all I have room for!
I'll occasionally grab anime figures when I'm ordering stuff online since they're pretty cheap directly in Japan. I don't have a lot, but there are a couple I keep on my desk at work.
I have a ton of M.U.S.C.L.E. Men, but they probably don't count. :P
Quote from: esteban on 04/06/2014, 07:36 AMI think I still have some boxes of GI JOE toys from when I was a kid. No. I bet I tossed them years ago. Dammit. I'd sell them now. I loved putting the stickers on the vehicles...following directions was never so much fun.
I always had fun following directions of lego sets
I have a bunch of Aliens action figures, still in box, that I bought when I was a kid thinking they'd be an awesome investment or some shit. Not really the case, but at least they look cool.
My folks are cleaning out their attic and have my entire collection of He-Man (+ Castle Grayskull!), GI Joe and Starcom toys. They're going to make a road trip this summer to visit Wisconsin and I told them to bring 'em along so I could start selling them off. If anyone on the boards is interested in this stuff (it's all 1985 - 1991 era) you'll get first dibs.
nothing, damn kids broke all the shit i had. oh well ill tell them when they are older and it may have been worth more.
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 04/08/2014, 01:14 PMI have a bunch of Aliens action figures, still in box, that I bought when I was a kid thinking they'd be an awesome investment or some shit. Not really the case, but at least they look cool.
My folks are cleaning out their attic and have my entire collection of He-Man (+ Castle Grayskull!), GI Joe and Starcom toys. They're going to make a road trip this summer to visit Wisconsin and I told them to bring 'em along so I could start selling them off. If anyone on the boards is interested in this stuff (it's all 1985 - 1991 era) you'll get first dibs.
I may be interested in some He-Man stuff. Also, if you have Silverhawks, that too, also, as well, too.
My uncle was really into GI Joes. He more so collected the 12 inch figures than the plastic ones, but he dabbled in those. Growing up I had footlockers filled with GI Joe uniforms, guns, jeeps, scuba gear (bathtub fun), battle stations. You name it. He would just give me this stuff because it was doubles for him.
I would play with this stuff inside and out up until I was in middle school and realized I could get made fun of (so sad).
I still have some of the cooler stuff that I liked. The Joes with "life like hair".
Now my uncle collects Mego figures. Him and I both recently got really into them and we bond over tht a lot.
And the funny thing about my uncle that I found out recently is that he had a TG16 back when they came out. I never knew.
So my uncle got me into larger figures like GI Joes and Megos.
Sounds like you've got a pretty cool Uncle, all of mine, I could take 'em or leave 'em. lol
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 04/08/2014, 10:22 PMSounds like you've got a pretty cool Uncle, all of mine, I could take 'em or leave 'em. lol
He really is awesome. He taught me quite a bit about eBay and he's one of the few who understands why i do what i do. He was talking to me about pinball on the TG16 so once i get Devil's Crush we are having a high score competition for sure.
Quote from: guest on 04/08/2014, 11:07 PMQuote from: HailingTheThings on 04/08/2014, 10:22 PMSounds like you've got a pretty cool Uncle, all of mine, I could take 'em or leave 'em. lol
He really is awesome. He taught me quite a bit about eBay and he's one of the few who understands why i do what i do. He was talking to me about pinball on the TG16 so once i get Devil's Crush we are having a high score competition for sure.
I have a few movie related figures. Neca and Mcfarline T-800, Mcfarline Robocop, Neca Alien, McFarline Hicks, The Comedian, McFarline Ghost in the Shell and Armatage figures. A Tom and Jerry thing too, and some other random stuff. The ones I care about the most are the Neca Terminator and McFarline Robocop. The McFarline Robocop is better then the Neca releases. Though it has a couple less features, it's more weighty and looks better.
I mostly collect 1/6 figures now a days such as Hot Toys and Sideshow.
I also collect Bucky O'Hare stuff as well.
would love to get into action figures but video games have my heart too much lol
why not both?
Community G.I. Jeff (TV Episode 2014)
do any of these fuckers count?
Quote from: galam on 04/17/2014, 11:17 PMdo any of these fuckers count?
Nice GUTS and Centurions figures.
I used to have all the G.U.T.S. A friend and I would each take 15 and set them up and see who could knock all of each others over with a penny first from about 10 feet away. It was vicious. My old Castle Grayskull had all dents in it from being one of the GUT fortresses. The other was the Weeble Wobble haunted house.
Also, I have a boatload of the snap on parts for the 3 gay men.
I don't know what those G.U.T.S. Figures are but they look really cool!
Centurions is great. lol Wish they would've made a figure for Mako, everyone's favorite character.
come to think of it, I also have a bin of the old rubber WWF LJN figures.
Centurions...holy crap I used to have some of those...trying to think of what the packaging looked like.
Here is my Bucky O'Hare collection:
Just got her today :mrgreen: Due to a spelling error in the title I was able to win her as the only bidder. Finally my quest for a complete crew of the Righteous Indignation has come to a rest.
Second shelf:
Nuyce Bucky collection! Puts mine to shame, I just have the ten carded figures, some loose figures, some VHS tapes, the Vanguard manga, The UK DVD set and the NES game boxed, complete. That Jenny, though.... damn, man, how much... how much you get her for? C'mon, c'mon... Also, I like the plushies, they American? I think I recall seeing them somewhere before?
Also, please get an acrylic case for Jenny, please? Those things are much too valuable to be left out in the open.
Really wish Continuity studios would follow through with their *rumored/supposed* plans to re-release the original toy line and then put out the second wave that never made it.
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 04/18/2014, 05:25 PMNuyce Bucky collection! Puts mine to shame, I just have the ten carded figures, some loose figures, some VHS tapes, the Vanguard manga, The UK DVD set and the NES game boxed, complete. That Jenny, though.... damn, man, how much... how much you get her for? C'mon, c'mon... Also, I like the plushies, they American? I think I recall seeing them somewhere before?
Also, please get an acrylic case for Jenny, please? Those things are much too valuable to be left out in the open.
Really wish Continuity studios would follow through with their *rumored/supposed* plans to re-release the original toy line and then put out the second wave that never made it.
I am looking into getting cases for the moc figures and something for Jenny. The plushies are American I believe however, I did get one from a U.K seller so don't quote me on that.
The Jenny was very reasonable. A spelling error kept her from showing up in the general Bucky O hare searches on ebay. I was the only bidder hehe.
I have some ECW wrestlers
/Stuff001.jpg - /Stuff006.jpg
I also have a bunch of loose Godzilla stuff but no pictures.
They could be completely worthless, I don't care. They make me smile.
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/18/2014, 09:42 PMI am looking into getting cases for the moc figures and something for Jenny. The plushies are American I believe however, I did get one from a U.K seller so don't quote me on that.
The Jenny was very reasonable. A spelling error kept her from showing up in the general Bucky O hare searches on ebay. I was the only bidder hehe.
I. Need. To. Start. Actively. Searching. Bucky. Again. Eff.
There was a bucky proto at a local store here a few weeks back. I should go see if its still there for you, fluts.
I want to say it was $400, but i could be way off.
Quote from: galam on 04/18/2014, 10:42 PMThere was a bucky proto at a local store here a few weeks back. I should go see if its still there for you, fluts.
I want to say it was $400, but i could be way off.
Know which character?
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 04/18/2014, 11:11 PMQuote from: galam on 04/18/2014, 10:42 PMThere was a bucky proto at a local store here a few weeks back. I should go see if its still there for you, fluts.
I want to say it was $400, but i could be way off.
Know which character?
I dont know anything about Bucky. If i didnt even remember the price, then chances are i personally didnt care about it, right? If i didnt care about it, then i sure as shit arent going to know the name of some obscure toy.
If you ever do figure it out pm me :)
If its still there tomorrow, i'll take a pic of it.
Quote from: synbiosfan on 04/18/2014, 09:58 PMI have some ECW wrestlers
/Stuff001.jpg - /Stuff006.jpg
I also have a bunch of loose Godzilla stuff but no pictures.
They could be completely worthless, I don't care. They make me smile.
New Jack figure needs a Mass Transit or Vic Grimes Attempted Murder playset.
I have never seen so much interest/love for Bucky O'Hare.
Of course, Bucky is totally unworthy of any attention.
Trü storie
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/19/2014, 08:30 AMQuote from: synbiosfan on 04/18/2014, 09:58 PMI have some ECW wrestlers
/Stuff001.jpg - /Stuff006.jpg
I also have a bunch of loose Godzilla stuff but no pictures.
They could be completely worthless, I don't care. They make me smile.
New Jack figure needs a Mass Transit or Vic Grimes Attempted Murder playset.
That's why I left him sealed. All I need is for the New Jack figure to go on a Trilogy of Terror style rampage.
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/18/2014, 11:50 PMIf you ever do figure it out pm me :)
PM sent with more details
Quote from: esteban on 04/19/2014, 11:04 AMI have never seen so much interest/love for Bucky O'Hare.
Of course, Bucky is totally unworthy of any attention.
Trü storie
Bucky O'Hare is awesome. Always will be.
I don't really collect, but I do have a few figures... mostly Japanese monsters/superheroes and some anime stuff.
I did go after these two pretty hard, though. Took a couple of years to find them for a reasonable price:
Quote from: InfraMan on 04/19/2014, 07:55 PMI don't really collect, but I do have a few figures... mostly Japanese monsters/superheroes and some anime stuff.
I did go after these two pretty hard, though. Took a couple of years to find them for a reasonable price:
I saw Infra Man in the theater as a kid and loved it.
The Shaw Brothers are awesome.
I would want them too! :mrgreen:
Sweet, Inframan on the big screen is practically a life changing experience! My local theater used to show double features of Godzilla and kung-fu movies and stuff... they had the volume on Inframan cranked to 11, and I thought my little mind was going to explode from the awesomeness. :mrgreen:
The Shaw Brothers are great in general, though. 8)
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/19/2014, 07:09 PMBucky O'Hare is awesome. Always will be.
This guy gets it :D
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 04/20/2014, 01:35 AMQuote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/19/2014, 08:53 PMQuote from: PCEngineHell on 04/19/2014, 07:09 PMBucky O'Hare is awesome. Always will be.
This guy gets it :D
I used to read the comics published by Continuity Comics, and I watched the cartoon. Had some of the toys too, and loved the Nes and arcade game. Whats funny is I never realized until a few years ago that Bucky was a creation of Larry Hama of GI Joe/Marvel Comics fame. When I was younger I did not really know who the guy was, so I never realized the importance of it all.
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 04/20/2014, 01:56 AMQuote from: HailingTheThings on 04/20/2014, 01:35 AMQuote from: MrFlutterPie on 04/19/2014, 08:53 PMQuote from: PCEngineHell on 04/19/2014, 07:09 PMBucky O'Hare is awesome. Always will be.
This guy gets it :D
I used to read the comics published by Continuity Comics, and I watched the cartoon. Had some of the toys too, and loved the Nes and arcade game. Whats funny is I never realized until a few years ago that Bucky was a creation of Larry Hama of GI Joe/Marvel Comics fame. When I was younger I did not really know who the guy was, so I never realized the importance of it all.
I recall reading somewhere that Larry Hama said something along the lines of "Bucky O'Hare is my favorite thing." :3
Does anybody collect the NECA figures? I have some hellraiser and a jason with fire platform available.
PM if interested in pics. They are loose with some accessories. Cool for halloween time. Very detailed, and the jason is, i think half of the freddy v jason set. I dont know much about them, they are from 2003/04. The 4 hellraiser ones are pinhead, the female, some fat guy with little nails that come out of his belt, and a skimny dude with no eyes.
Quote from: galam on 09/27/2014, 10:58 PMDoes anybody collect the NECA figures? I have some hellraiser and a jason with fire platform available.
PM if interested in pics. They are loose with some accessories. Cool for halloween time. Very detailed, and the jason is, i think half of the freddy v jason set. I dont know much about them, they are from 2003/04. The 4 hellraiser ones are pinhead, the female, some fat guy with little nails that come out of his belt, and a skimny dude with no eyes.
I have a NECA Big Daddy Bouncer from Bioshock. I used to have a small collection of those Bioshock figures, as well as one of Marvin from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie. They're pretty good quality action figures.