
NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 Games/Consoles => PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion => Topic started by: handygrafx on 03/23/2005, 10:31 PM

Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: handygrafx on 03/23/2005, 10:31 PM
nice page with pictures of SuperGrafx motherboard, chips, various parts
(all in Japanese)

SuperGrafx motherboard

SuperGrafx playing R-Type  (not sure if its playing HuCard or Complete CD)
Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: Necro on 03/23/2005, 11:19 PM
Pretty slick, there sure is alot of unused area on that pcb!  Should be plenty of room to get the case back on with that RGB mod in place... :)  Thanks for the pics.
Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: esteban on 03/24/2005, 12:24 AM
thanks for the pics :)

ON r-type:
yeah, i don't know if that is the r-type hucard or a system card in SGX. i'm too lazy to look it up :)
Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: handygrafx on 03/24/2005, 12:57 AM
well after looking at it again, it DEFINITALLY looks like a System Card.

so therefore I am also guessing that the SGX there is also hooked up to a CD-ROM unit (look at all the wires) somewhere, so it could play R-Type Compete CD.

edit: nope I was wrong.  it is R-Type on HuCard  :P

found a pic on Ebay of the PC Engine R-Type Hucard
Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: esteban on 03/24/2005, 02:08 AM
kool :)
Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: grahf on 05/19/2006, 10:38 AM
Really sorry to revive this long dead topic.. but does anyone have pictures of the guts of a DUO or DUO-R? Im interested in installing a decent heat-sink for the processor. Going to do an RGB mod eventually also. But, i cant find my security torx bits :(  I'm going to have to pick up another set, but im curious to see the guts in the meantime :D
Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: TurboXray on 05/20/2006, 12:52 AM
I have a US Duo apart that I can take pics of, but if I remember correctly the cpu might be on the backsided of the board - good luck getting a heatsink on it if it is.

Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: esteban on 05/20/2006, 02:10 AM
Quote from: "grahf"Really sorry to revive this long dead topic.. but does anyone have pictures of the guts of a DUO or DUO-R? Im interested in installing a decent heat-sink for the processor. Going to do an RGB mod eventually also. But, i cant find my security torx bits :(  I'm going to have to pick up another set, but im curious to see the guts in the meantime :D
Go to nfg. Specifically, check the forums and ask there: http://nfggames.com/forum/index.php?showforum=4 (be sure to check out the wiki / old posts first!)
Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: grahf on 05/20/2006, 09:13 AM
thanks for the info guys.
Title: images of the SuperGrafx internals
Post by: grahf on 05/22/2006, 09:30 PM
Found what i was looking for on d-lites site. Turns out the duo-r is already heatsinked-to-death.