nice page with pictures of SuperGrafx motherboard, chips, various parts
(all in Japanese)
SuperGrafx motherboard
SuperGrafx playing R-Type (not sure if its playing HuCard or Complete CD)
Pretty slick, there sure is alot of unused area on that pcb! Should be plenty of room to get the case back on with that RGB mod in place... :) Thanks for the pics.
thanks for the pics :)
ON r-type:
yeah, i don't know if that is the r-type hucard or a system card in SGX. i'm too lazy to look it up :)
well after looking at it again, it DEFINITALLY looks like a System Card.
so therefore I am also guessing that the SGX there is also hooked up to a CD-ROM unit (look at all the wires) somewhere, so it could play R-Type Compete CD.
edit: nope I was wrong. it is R-Type on HuCard :P
found a pic on Ebay of the PC Engine R-Type Hucard
kool :)
Really sorry to revive this long dead topic.. but does anyone have pictures of the guts of a DUO or DUO-R? Im interested in installing a decent heat-sink for the processor. Going to do an RGB mod eventually also. But, i cant find my security torx bits :( I'm going to have to pick up another set, but im curious to see the guts in the meantime :D
I have a US Duo apart that I can take pics of, but if I remember correctly the cpu might be on the backsided of the board - good luck getting a heatsink on it if it is.
Quote from: "grahf"Really sorry to revive this long dead topic.. but does anyone have pictures of the guts of a DUO or DUO-R? Im interested in installing a decent heat-sink for the processor. Going to do an RGB mod eventually also. But, i cant find my security torx bits :( I'm going to have to pick up another set, but im curious to see the guts in the meantime :D
Go to
nfg. Specifically, check the forums and ask there: (be sure to check out the wiki / old posts first!)
thanks for the info guys.
Found what i was looking for on d-lites site. Turns out the duo-r is already heatsinked-to-death.