
NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 Games/Consoles => PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion => Topic started by: erik on 09/12/2010, 11:16 AM

Title: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: erik on 09/12/2010, 11:16 AM
       I am very curious to find out when most of us started gaming on the PC Engine/TurboDuo family of consoles.  I, like many of you, did not appreciate it until long after it had bitten the dust.   It started back in 1999 for me when I bought my TurboDuo from TZD for about $200.  Gaming was well into the PS1 era when I started to collect retro systems and games again.  I reacquired an SNES in 1997 and a Genesis in 1998, and I was really interested in playing Dracula X and Gate of Thunder sometime in my life.  I also had EGM's Issue 100 with its Top 100 games of all time and saw several TG-16 games in there including Bonk, Legendary Axe, Military Madness, Devil's crush, Gate of Thunder and Y's Book I + II.  I did not even know what Y's was until I saw it on the Top 100!!!  Crazy Huh?  Anyway, I feel EGM's Top 100 in November 1997 helped shape me into the gamer I am today, happily enjoying the PC Engine and it all of its Duo goodness.  Let me know when you fisrt stated gaming on PCE and let me know if you were inspired by EGM's Top 100 list!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: BlueBMW on 09/12/2010, 12:15 PM
I think I got my first TG16 in 2001.  Found it at a used game store with Keith Courage, Victory Run, and Final Lap Twin.  It was different, had never seen it before and it was cheap.  Ever since then, NEC stuff has held a spot in my collection.  I guess I like it because its not the norm.  Its not Nintendo, its not Sega, its it's own unique experience!  I sold almost all my games in 2005 at the command of an ex fiance, and over the last few years I've been piecing it all back together.  Just since June I've been rebuilding my Turbo collection.  I've gone from having ZERO turbo stuff to having a TG16/CD, a Turbo Express, a few Duos, a PCE Core GFX and about 100 games!  Its been great to get back into the stuff again!  And I'm discovering new things I hadn't played before (Lords of Thunder is a prime example!)
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbogrfxfan on 09/12/2010, 12:31 PM
  I think I got my tg16 christmas back in 1989. I think.  I remember it was a big thing for me to decide between that and the genny.  I obtained a vhs promotional tape for the turbo and That was it.  I saw ys and it was amazing!!. the first game I bought was legendary axe. I didnt get the cd part till september cause I had to work durring summer vacation to get it.
    For some reason I didnt buy any egm zines.  If I bought any zines it was Mad magazine  CHEAP!  I had a few turboplay. but all I remember of egm was reading them at the magazine rack.  I think they were expensive. 

I ended up getting a genny and super nintendo, ps1 etc. but they never had the impact tg16 had.  I bought a converter started to collect tg16/pce again around 4 years back.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: SignOfZeta on 09/12/2010, 12:43 PM
My first NEC system was a Duo in 1992. Having a system that wasn't Nintendo or Sega back then was appealing, but not that odd for me since I had owned stuff from Atari and Coleco. I later got an Express from a guy at work who used it to watch sports on. Got a Core Grafx for free because it was broken, got a Duo R for $60 because it was broken. Fixed both of these and sold the Express to a Brit on eBay, sold the US system for $120, or something like that to a forum member. Traded the Core Grafx for a white PCE, bought a IFU+CDROM2 from a friend, and that's where I am. The two white set-ups are the coolest, and that's what I have. Eventually I'll have a Supergrafx, an LT, and an FX, but those aren't anything I'm in a hurry for.

When I first started collecting games, I obviously just bought US stuff but drooled for the cool imports seen in the magazines. Then I started renting and buying them from the Diehard Gameclub store that used to be in Michigan. I now have all JP soft except for the pack-in games that came with the Duo. I don't do American releases anymore since they are inferior in almost every way with the exception of maybe a half dozen games, most of which I don't even care about. I do have the US Gate of Thunder 4-in-1, Ys 1&2, and the free Chew Man Few I got from TZD's binder.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 09/12/2010, 01:24 PM
For me it was the spring of 2009 when I got a Turbo and then a few weeks later the CD Add-on. I have always been fascinated with the Turbo ever since reading EGM (like the OP) and seeing all the cool imports for the PC Engine. One of those games I remember seeing was Spriggan and that ended up being my first PC Engine game. Eventually I got a Murai adapter and a copy Download and that was my first Japanese Hu Card. Now I have about 40 games that are a mix of Japanese and American releases. It's basically 50/50 between the two regions. Like SignOfZeta, I will eventually get a SuperGrafx but I want to get the CD add to go along with it. I'd also like to get a modded Duo-R sometime.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: nat on 09/12/2010, 01:56 PM
I got a Turbo for Christmas 1990. I was an NES kid before that. The Turbo seemed so far ahead of the NES back then.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Gogan on 09/12/2010, 01:57 PM
I believe it was '90 or '91 for me. I bought a US TG from Electric Avenue (Montgomery Wards electronic department) with KC and Blazing Lazers. I was so pumped cuz no one had one. I get home, pop in KC, ...and was a initially disappointed; the quirky overworld tune, and rather childish graphics, then he fired up that Nova Suit and things got...metal.  Flying skulls, gun-heads, and the like. Popped in Blazin Lazers after, and I. Was. Sold. BL was actually the first shooter I ever played, and to this day, is my fav genre. I feel very fortunate I was able, and continue to experience this system.

It wasn't until the mid to late 90's that I started messin with imports, but once I did, it was all over for me. Pretty much abandoned all other consoles for the most part. They just lacked something only the TG gave me.  Eventually got a duo in 2000, had it modded and rip it up at least a couple times a week. Have built up about a 110 game collection and look foward to picking up many more I have yet to get. In fact, ima go rip up some Image Fight right now!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: ShinobiMan on 09/12/2010, 03:47 PM
I first encountered the TG16 is early 1992. I had just moved to a new neighborhood and my Mom wanted me to make friends with our neighbor's son who was a year older than me (I was 6). I loved video games, and in trying to find some common ground with him, he introduced me to his TG16. The first game I ever played on the system was Bonk's Revenge, and it blew my mind. Here was this strange video game system that I had never heard of or seen, and here was a game and mascot that gave Mario a run for his money. I ended up playing that game with him long into the hours of the night. I remember being upset when my parents came knocking at the door, asking that I come home.

That was the start of a long history of TG16 gaming. Good times.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: nat on 09/12/2010, 04:05 PM
If you were from WA I might have asked you what your name was.... I have a virtually identical story, only I was the "older neighbor." The difference is I was like 11 or 12 and the kid that moved in was like 8 or something. I wonder what ever happened to that guy..... He loved that Turbo of mine. And it's funny because the game in my story was Bonk's Revenge as well-- I remember it had just come out the week before he moved in and I'd just bought it with my allowance so we were playing it all the time.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: exile on 09/12/2010, 04:38 PM
I must admit I was that kid that shitted on the Turbo back in the day. I was hating it for the fact that I couldn't own one when it was first released. I enjoyed the multiplayer games so much I bought my own Turbo controller just to play with my mates.
     I bought my first NEC system two days before Thanksgiving in the Winter of 1998. I was so stoked when it arrived. Duo with 42 games 6 contollers and a Turbo stick. Since then I've been obsessed with the system. I moved to Japan in 04 and went on PC Engine overload. I'm a huge shmup fan and own most of the shooters domestic and import. My goal is not to own every game,but only the ones I love.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Sparky on 09/12/2010, 05:32 PM
2003 i guess.... i was a late bloomer as i wanted one when i was a kid but the high price tag landed me a SMS instead with my mom and dad and my buddies got the genny.

To be honest i would have bought one sooner but i never came a cross 1 to even play, the area i lived in had no TG16 love, our Radio Shack were pushing its TRS-80 and Tandy computers and that was it. :(
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: TGX16 on 09/12/2010, 05:54 PM
My first TGX16 was bought at Game Dude, Sherman way (or something?) in LA winter -90.
Me and two friends went to the US to for a  month on holliday and to buy used car parts for our Vintage cars back home.
Me being a videogame nerd as well had to finally get my hearts desire a TURBOGRAFX 16....
So I've had contacted G.D. before and made sure they had all the stuff waiting for me...
I was in heaven that nite, at last the long wait was over.

I bought a boxed TGX, a boxed Turbo booster Plus, a turbo tap, three turbopads and a Boxed Purple Barnie .
Also Bonks adventure, Revenge, K.C., Legendary axe and  13 games more.
Since then has the collection grown and expanded to an unexpected size.

At the moment I've got:
My first TGX 16 and all the hardware
Another one to spare
A brand spanking new in an unopend box (The EU version named "Turbografx") And a boxed unopend Turbotap and two boxed unopend Pads.
A SuperCd player and a CorgrafX II
A PC Engine shuttle  with pad AC and cable (missing the lid though)
A PC Engine DUO Boxed
A PC Engine DUO-R missing the original joypad
A PC Engine DUO- RX
A Boxed PC Engine plus additional hardware
A PC FX boxed as new. and a mem-card
A Boxed PX-FX GA for PC-9800 new
About 85-100 Tgx 16 games
And aprox. 150 PC engine games
And 28 PC-FX games
The collection is growing constantly slowly but surely

Game being played at the moment is Dragon Knight 3
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: lord_cack on 09/12/2010, 05:57 PM
I would have to say it was 1991 or 1992, most likely mid '91. I had a birthday, got some cash and wanted to buy some videogames. So, got a new Turbo with Bonk's Revenge and bought a copy of Dungeon Explorer. I have to say I was alittle disappointed at first, but after a day or two I was more than pleased. Bought a few more Chip games (US Only back then so Turbo Chips they were) and had a good time. Then Christmas '92 I got the Duo. Came with Ninja Spirit Turbo Chip. Played it, then Gate of Thunder, lastly I put in Ys and was blown away (RPG's were my thing back then) "Ys, the ideal utopia." It was some kind of magic. That was when I fell in love with the Turbo and have been ever since.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: TheClash603 on 09/12/2010, 05:59 PM
It wasn't until 2007 when I got my Laseractive NEC Pac that I started buying TG stuff.  My friend in college had a TG, and we played a lot of Cadash, DE, and Splatterhouse, but I never had the knowledge of the system to buy my own.

Now I have been working on my PCE stuff, but generally prefer the US versions of games.  If I go back to Tokyo, I will probably stock up on PCE stuff.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: DragonmasterDan on 09/12/2010, 07:35 PM
A few people I knew got it for Christmas in 89, so I'd go to their houses and play. I got mine in 1990.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: CGQuarterly on 09/13/2010, 12:01 AM
I got my first TurboGrafx in 2004.  I traded a guy online a CIB Jaguar with a game or two for a CIB TG16 with Keith Courage.  I built up a small collection, and then sold it all a few years later because I needed money (needed to buy an engagement ring.  This is now called "The Great Purge of 2007".)  I got into emulation because I got a modded Xbox, and felt like I didn't need all of these consoles and games anymore.  Well about a year later my friend got me into RGB gaming, which means that I needed consoles again.  Currently I have a TG16 with CD base (but no CD drive), about 15 CIB games, and a Neo Flash 64Mb card.  I have an external RGB amp (on a bread board, actually) that I need to put inside the CD base.  I am going to the Portland Retro Gaming Expo next week and have my fingers crossed that I can find a CD drive and System 3.0 card while I'm there.

So that's my story.

Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Tatsujin on 09/13/2010, 12:32 AM
I was not a PCE user from day one on. how could I? the system was never sold officially in my homecountry and the prices for imports where far beyond my budget at that time I was like 12~13 years old. but I am a pce adorer since almost day one, when I first saw it in our local mags shortly after its japan release. R-Type 1:1 arcade like, so who wouldn't have fallen in love with that system instantly?
I always wanted it over the Mega Drive or Super NES.

I played it the first time in like 1990 at a friends place (rich parents bastard). When I started my apprentiship in 1993, soon after a US Turbo DUO (w/ awesome RGB mod) was my own (including the YS 1&2, GoT bonk combo etc).
games like spriggan, nexzr, WoT, star parodia and dracula x followed soon.

that was the point of no return.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 09/13/2010, 01:14 AM
Quote from: Tatsujin on 09/13/2010, 12:32 AMI was not a PCE user from day one on. how could I? the system was never sold officially in my homecountry and the prices for imports where far beyond my budget at that time I was like 12~13 years old. but I am a pce adorer since almost day one, when I first saw it in our local mags shortly after its japan release. R-Type 1:1 arcade like, so who wouldn't have fallen in love with that system instantly?
I always wanted it over the Mega Drive or Super NES.

I played it the first time in like 1990 at a friends place (rich parents bastard). When I started my apprentiship in 1993, soon after a US Turbo DUO (w/ awesome RGB mod) was my own (including the YS 1&2, GoT bonk combo etc).
games like spriggan, nexzr, WoT, star parodia and dracula x followed soon.

that was the point of no return.
What's your home country Tats?
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Tatsujin on 09/13/2010, 03:26 AM
Quote from: Mathius on 09/13/2010, 01:14 AMWhat's your home country Tats?
Le swissle :)
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: shubibiman on 09/13/2010, 08:14 AM
I bought my SGX at Christmas 1991 along with Final Soldier and Dragon Egg. Cyber Core was bundled with the SGX. I was a bit disappointed as I expected Battle Ace to be bundled instaed of what I thought was a crap back then (I changed my mind since then) and as no SGX games were available in the store where I bought the lot. I had heard of the PCE for the first time in a French magazine in mid-1990. I fell in love at once as saw that all my arcade favourites were released for this little machine. At the time, I owned an Amstrad CPC 464 so there was quite a difference between the games I already played and what I saw in the magazines. I didn't even have an audio CD player so I just couldn't imagine you could play CD games already!

I was living in the Frenc countryside and even if Sodipeng made an excellent job with its grey import, it was still hard to get devices and games outside of bigger cities. So some friends and I had hard time which to decide of the Megadrive and the PCE. We thought it would be good to buy the same machine so that we could exchange games. I can clearly remember the exact moment when we opted for the PCE. We were walking in a wood!

One of my friends got his Coregrafx first (it was a special pack sold by Sodipeng and included a Coregrafx, a multitap, a game and 2 pads) along with PC Kid 2, that turned out to be the very first PCE game I've ever played. Before that, I saw some gameplay in stores that sold PCE systems when we went to big cities with my parents. My jaws litterally dropped. I was so impressed!

I still own the same SGX now and I never stopped playing and buying PCE games since then, that's why I now have quite a big collection, PCE games would go for so cheap between 1996 and 2000!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Obfuscate on 09/13/2010, 09:29 AM
Got a Turboduo Christmas 92'. Although had a couple good friends who had regular TG 16 and loved playing theirs so that's what made me want a duo.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: NecroPhile on 09/13/2010, 10:45 AM
I got my TurboDuo in late '91 and never looked back.

Quote from: erik on 09/12/2010, 11:16 AMI did not even know what Y's was until I saw it on the Top 100!!!
Never heard of it.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: rag-time4 on 09/13/2010, 05:16 PM
From the time I saw the very first Turbo CD display in Toys R' Us with Fighting Street I really wanted one.... but never got one until I got my US Duo in 01, with my first game being Fighting Street! I briefly played a TurboGrafx at my next door neighbor's house back around 90/91, but I wasn't impressed by China Warrior and Battle Royale. Axe II was decent, though... and those are the only three games I remember playing back then.

My Duo sat in storage for years between 02 and 06... but 06 was definitely the year of the Duo for me. I sold all of my SNES and Genesis stuff and got really into the Duo!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: nectarsis on 09/13/2010, 05:48 PM
Late 91/early 92 (I remember the TurboExpress was $250 when I bought it).  Nabbed Neutopia II, and Veigues Tactical Gladiator  (always teh mecha head).  I LOVED it, even though for the life of me I couldn't find anyplace that carried the ac adapter :(.  I ended up selling it off for peanuts in like 96 with never delving farther into the library.   #-o ](*,)

Fast forward to 2007, the bug came back...and will never leave.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: termis on 09/13/2010, 07:01 PM
Initially played at a store booths, a friend borrowed the system from another friend etc... but then,

* 92 or so - got my first tg16 + cd-rom when those systems went on clearance.  I got a few CD games not too long afterward - Ys, Spiriggan (a blind purchase for like $5 - awesome!), etc...   then I put it away for awhile after a year or so as I got into other things (girls, booz, motorcycles, computers, etc)...

* 96 or 97 - started getting back into the system.  Sold off the tg16 + cd-rom and got hold of a used TurboDuo for like $50 (Oh, the days).  Played it for a while here and there, but then got out of gaming again as I went full time into college.

* 2003 - took the Duo out, played some games here and there, and reminded me how awesome the Duo is...  I put it away again as I went back to  Korea, but this was the little spark that got me getting into PCE a couple years later.

* 2005 - Living in Japan at this point, I started visiting recycle shops and started buying a dirt cheap games here and there initially for the saturn, but couldn't look away from the PCE section.  I ended up getting a SGX, and a package consisting CG2, SCD-ROM2 and a broken PCE Duo.  After realizing that SGX + SCD-ROM2 wasn't really a practical setup, I ended up only keeping the PCE Duo (of course, after repairing it).  Learning Japanese helped with enjoying the whole PCE experience. 

* Currently, the PCE is one of my full time consoles set up on my TV.  I don't get as much videogame playtime as I'd like, but I still fire it up once in awhile, and I get reminded of a game now and then by regularly visiting this forum.  :D
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: DesmondThe3rd on 09/13/2010, 07:25 PM
For me it was 1989. Me and brother passed up the Sega Genesis and we're more interested in what the Turbo had to offer especially since Sega screwed up the Master System in our opinion. I remember playing R Type, The Legendary Axe, and Keith Courage like crazy.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: ParanoiaDragon on 09/14/2010, 02:15 AM
Quote from: TGX16 on 09/12/2010, 05:54 PMMy first TGX16 was bought at Game Dude, Sherman way (or something?) in LA winter -90.
Me and two friends went to the US to for a  month on holliday and to buy used car parts for our Vintage cars back home.
Me being a videogame nerd as well had to finally get my hearts desire a TURBOGRAFX 16....
So I've had contacted G.D. before and made sure they had all the stuff waiting for me...
I was in heaven that nite, at last the long wait was over.

I bought a boxed TGX, a boxed Turbo booster Plus, a turbo tap, three turbopads and a Boxed Purple Barnie .
Also Bonks adventure, Revenge, K.C., Legendary axe and  13 games more.
Since then has the collection grown and expanded to an unexpected size.

At the moment I've got:
My first TGX 16 and all the hardware
Another one to spare
A brand spanking new in an unopend box (The EU version named "Turbografx") And a boxed unopend Turbotap and two boxed unopend Pads.
A SuperCd player and a CorgrafX II
A PC Engine shuttle  with pad AC and cable (missing the lid though)
A PC Engine DUO Boxed
A PC Engine DUO-R missing the original joypad
A PC Engine DUO- RX
A Boxed PC Engine plus additional hardware
A PC FX boxed as new. and a mem-card
A Boxed PX-FX GA for PC-9800 new
About 85-100 Tgx 16 games
And aprox. 150 PC engine games
And 28 PC-FX games
The collection is growing constantly slowly but surely

Game being played at the moment is Dragon Knight 3
Wow, you got yours at Game Dude?!  I didn't know that place was around that far back!  I used to buy alot of import PCE games there years later.

Anyways, probably around October of 1990 it started with me playing a friends TG the night before going to Disneyland.  The only game I know I played for sure that night was Bonk 1, played it for hours, got to the last level but needed sleep!  Then I believe in Februaray of 91, I bought a friends TG with KC, Ninja Spirit, Vigilante, Tiger Road, & Splatterhouse.  I think later that year is when the Genesis dropped for $150, I bought that, but, eventually sold it to my bro since it just didn't have as many good games IMO.  I believe that was also the year that the CDRom was slashed to $150, & I got that along with Valis 3 for $30 at Babbage's.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: OldMan on 09/14/2010, 08:12 AM
I honestly don't remember what year it was - the late 80's comes to mind.

Just graduated college (university to you guys), got my first real job making pretty good money. Sister, nephew and I went out for my birthday, and we stopped by toys-r-us on the way home. Nephew was interested in tg-16 (he had an nes already). I was gonna buy some games for us to play, but my sister said he would only lose/trade them away. Since I wanted something I could play, I bought the tg-16. All of it. CD attachment too, and all the games toys-r-us had in stock.

When the turbo express came out, I had to have that too, so I could play my games on the road. Spent many, many hours (and loads of batteries) in airplanes trying to beat blazing lazers and alien crush. Then devil's crush, when it came out.

And fwiw, it became household policy that if you wanted a video game system, you couldn't buy one we already had.. So we ended up with pretty much all the major ones since then. Genesis+cd (niece), SNES, n64, Dreamcast, XBox, XBox360 (nephew), and wii (niece).

I pretty much stuck to the retro stuff; I still have my first 2600, but I had to replace my coleco. Nephew picked up an intellevision from someone. I don't collect this stuff; there's only a few games I play on each system, but the games I play i really enjoy.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 09/14/2010, 01:12 PM
Quote from: DesmondThe3rd on 09/13/2010, 07:25 PMFor me it was 1989. Me and brother passed up the Sega Genesis and we're more interested in what the Turbo had to offer especially since Sega screwed up the Master System in our opinion. I remember playing R Type, The Legendary Axe, and Keith Courage like crazy.
I remember standing in an Electronics Boutique in the late 80s playing Legendary Axe and Keith Courage. The graphics in both games back then seemed SO awesome for the time. Unfortunately, playing them again in 2009 for the first time since didn't quite wow me like they did BITD. At least Legendary Axe's music never looses its charm. :)
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Tablet on 09/14/2010, 01:48 PM
Living in England we didn't really get a TG-16 release here (dunno where all these new PAL-UK ones have popped up from recently) I remember when I was in High School and trying to find a replacement SMS, my mother was the type to have yearly clearouts of our older stuff, normally when we were at school so we wouldn't notice and the SMS went. After I managed to track down another model 2 with Alex Kidd built in I turned my sights to handhelds. I've always loved handheld gaming, in fact my first system was a big ol'fatty gameboy I got for my 4th birthday (my dad was a gaming nerd and wanted me and my brother to turn out the same way) and I loved it... At around 2002-03 ish I had became aware of the TG-16 thanks to wikipedia, my attention however was always drawn to the Turbo Express and the cards they used for the games, niavely I thought the cards were swiped through the system like a credit card (the wiki article did describe them as credit card sized) but prices always kept them just out of reach.

Anyway in mid 2007 a friend needed some cash (went over his student overdraft,  :-({|= tut tut) was selling a PC engine core grafx with a tenokoe 2 and a loose copy of Genpei Toumaden (most probably spelt wrong) I think he'd ebayed the rest of the games in the past but I know he needed the money ASAP. I bought it from him, joined this forum to get some suggestions for games and have been hooked ever since. I grabbed my PCE-CD unit in 08 and I haven't looked back. I think the appeal for me, getting into this so late on was that I had had a mega drive and a super nintendo throughout my childhood and I wouldn't say I was bored of either system but the PCE was something completely different, I'm still astounded they managed to fit Street Fighter 2 on a huey. Before the PCE I NEVER played shooters but now after playing Gate of Thunder, Soldier Blade, Download 2 and many many more I fell in love with the genre and in particular that era of shooters tracking down similar shooters for the MD and SNES.

So for me it was 2007, late to the party but I'm glad I'm here.  :wink:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 09/14/2010, 01:51 PM
Quote from: Tablet on 09/14/2010, 01:48 PMSo for me it was 2007, late to the party but I'm glad I'm here.  :wink:
Touche. :)
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: JoshTurboTrollX on 09/14/2010, 01:52 PM
I started becoming a Turbo fan in 1992-93 just from reading reviews and seeing screen shots in game mags from that time.  I finally got my Duo in summer of 1994 with my first paycheck from my first job.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Otaking on 09/14/2010, 05:12 PM
Got my first taste of the PC-Engine around 1988 ish
its what got me into video games  :D
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: BlackandBlue on 09/15/2010, 04:42 PM
I didn't own a TG until a few years ago....  2006 maybe?  But one of my friends in Jersey had one that we use to skip school and play.  I think that was in '95?  Ah, good ole times playing double dungeons and smokin cigs in the house.  I had wanted one since, but didn't until some 12 or 13 years later.  Best decision ever :)
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: termis on 09/16/2010, 04:08 AM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 09/14/2010, 02:15 AMWow, you got yours at Game Dude?!  I didn't know that place was around that far back!  I used to buy alot of import PCE games there years later.

Anyways, probably around October of 1990 it started with me playing a friends TG the night before going to Disneyland.  The only game I know I played for sure that night was Bonk 1, played it for hours, got to the last level but needed sleep!  Then I believe in Februaray of 91, I bought a friends TG with KC, Ninja Spirit, Vigilante, Tiger Road, & Splatterhouse.  I think later that year is when the Genesis dropped for $150, I bought that, but, eventually sold it to my bro since it just didn't have as many good games IMO.  I believe that was also the year that the CDRom was slashed to $150, & I got that along with Valis 3 for $30 at Babbage's.
Lol.  My first import game, Spiriggan was from Game Dude as well.  That must've been 92 or so.  Back then, they were just another small used video game shop.  Probably the 1/15th of the current Game Dude (or what I last saw of Game Dude, which was like 2003.)   I then bought my Duo from there a few years later when I swapped over from TG16/CD-Rom.

Good times.  You were actually able to get real deals from there by buying "x" condition games - they were scratched up and had a no-return policy, but were all below $5 or so, and I think I only had one game actually skip on me.  (out of like 20-30 x condition games I bought).  [off topic, but I had similar experience in Japan with the "junk" sections of Hard Off, except those discs were usually mint anyway!]
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Marll on 10/22/2010, 07:28 PM
Recycled this from another post I made since it's relevant:

I've owned a TG16 since right around the time they were released in the US. I was a RABID fan of the system, constantly scoffing at friends with the Genesis because I KNEW that I had the superior system no matter what they said. I read every review in every magazine I could on the system, games and PCE stuff. I didn't have normal posters in my room as a kid, only TG ads that were cut out of the magazines and posted on the wall. I saved money from mowing lawns to buy a converter and Street Fighter 2 when it came out in Japan and endured the 3 months shipping time to my house...

My parents were cool and got me the Turbo for Christmas one year the Turbo CD and the Super System Card the year it was released. I have toted the system all over the world with me as I moved around while serving in the Army, the system has never failed me. I desire to have a complete collection some day, but not willing to compromise on quality or price (to a certain degree).

Biggest Turbo mistake was selling it at one point before I left for the Army...I bought it back after 2 months because I couldn't stand it...thankfully I came to my senses.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: bartre on 10/22/2010, 11:12 PM
so many of you guys are vets, I had never touched a TG/PCE until this year.....
anyway, I played a couple roms, and just decided to take the plunge, so BAM!
here I am, +1 PCE Duo-R
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 10/22/2010, 11:15 PM
Quote from: bartre on 10/22/2010, 11:12 PMso many of you guys are vets, I had never touched a TG/PCE until this year.....
anyway, I played a couple roms, and just decided to take the plunge, so BAM!
here I am, +1 PCE Duo-R
Don't feel bad. I didn't get my first NEC console until 2009, although I did play a Turbo at Electronics Boutique BITD.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: geise on 10/23/2010, 09:07 AM
Haha I got my Duo from Game Dude!  That place is really good.  Now a days they are kind of expensive on shipping but they do great business.  Just so people know they want $10 bucks shipping when I ordered a lose Hu card, but they still have great prices.  It's a good place to check now and then for TG games.  Just email them what you're looking for and they'll send a reply back. 

I had a TG-16 before the Duo was out.  My neighbor had one and got me hooked on the TG-16.  He then got the CD add on and it blew me away.  Well my parents were awesome enough to buy my brother and I one.  They got us Ys Book I&II (thank god [-o< O:))  So I've been with the TG-16 for quite a while.  It still is my top system.  When I finally got the Duo I got rid of the TG-16 and CD add on.  We used the money for more games.  Luckily that was a bit after I bought the Duo so games were going for the cheap!  We had fun at Toys R Us that day. :dance:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: VestCunt on 10/24/2010, 10:09 PM
A friend and I both saved money and each bought a TurboGrafx-16 at Toys R Us in the Summer of '92.  Unfortunately, I was never able to buy many games.  My parents didn't have any money to throw around, my allowance came to $15/month, and my paper route was $30/mo.  So I only bought discount, $10-20 games.  I got Deep Blue, Legendary Axe II, and Parasol Stars new and ordered Victory Run and Pac-land from BRE Software.  I never managed the $20 for a TurboTap + $20 for a second controller.  While I drooled over the CD-Rom, the idea of ever being able to save $200+ was unthinkable.  So I sold it all in '95.

I got a job painting houses in '97 and happened to see a neon, TG-16 sign while driving through Richfield, MN.  I couldn't believe it!  It was Games to Go (the owner Paul had some notoriety in the NEC scene at one time).  At that time there was very little organized interest in the system, as an online collector community had yet to form.   Games to Go was one of the relatively few shops in the country that actively bought and sold the stuff and it was filled with rare titles in '97, including a couple copies of Dynastic Hero I passed over.  From Games to Go I bought a used Duo for $150, a Tap, a couple Avenue Pad 6's, CF2, DE2, Exile 2, Vasteel, LoT, New Adventure Island, Y's 1-2, Vigilante, the Arcade Card, a Barney converter, World Heroes 2, Fatal Fury 2, SF2.  From my local Radio Shack I ordered Soldier Blade, Smackdown Adventure, Bomberman '93, Shockman, Y's 3, and Dragon Slayer.  TG games were dirt cheap at GAME DUDE, so I put in an order and got Valis 2, GoT 3-in-1, Riot Zone, Exile, Fighting Street, Prince of Persia, Shadow of the Beast, Super Air Zonk, a Reverse Duo Tap, and another controller, all used for about $70!  Super Air Zonk I think was $15 and is the one really sweet deal I got before I started playing games again in 2004 and realized everything was outrageously expensive.

I like the Mario man and Pacman.  Also the Donkey is fun.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: csgx1 on 10/27/2010, 01:28 PM
I got my original system when TG16s were first discounted to $99 at toys r us.  I think it was around '92-'93.  At about the same time I bought Bonk 1 for $3.99 and a turbo booster plus for $9.99 on clearance at Circuit City.    Most of my friends moved on to SNES at the time and no one cared about the Turbografx. 

Sounds like a lot of you are quite lucky to have experienced the TG-CD/Duo when they came out.  I didn't know one single person that owned a TG-CD or Duo at the time.  No one could afford it then, including me.  Finally got my TG-CD & PCE Duo in '99.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Colossus1574 on 10/27/2010, 02:53 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 09/14/2010, 01:12 PMI remember standing in an Electronics Boutique in the late 80s playing Legendary Axe and Keith Courage. The graphics in both games back then seemed SO awesome for the time. Unfortunately, playing them again in 2009 for the first time since didn't quite wow me like they did BITD. At least Legendary Axe's music never looses its charm. :)
Late 80s! Wtf???  How long has EB been around? they never appeared in Vancouver (canada) until the mid-late 90s!?!?!

Anyways, I started off with the TG16 (had to play KeithCourage for awhile before got my next game which i think was BloodyWolf?) that i got for Xmas back in '90 or '91? and back then it was all about trading games with your friends at highschool. Noticed that after a year or so that I knew more people with PCE (Vancouver was going through a huge immigration boom from HongKong) then the TG16...so ended up getting one of my relatives to bring one back from HongKong, the good ol' suitcase PCE/CDrom which i still own & play today!  The TG16 ended up selling to a buddy of mine in '93...which he lent to someone....who moved outta town never to be seen again.... :-#
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: _Paul on 10/27/2010, 03:16 PM
I think it was 89/90 as far as I could remember. I had clocked in a lot of play time on friends' PC Engine's before getting my own, most likely later in the 1990 from the releases I remember at the time.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: tg16manaic on 10/27/2010, 03:23 PM
I got mine in 1990. I picked it up used with 1 game (splatterhouse). I paid $60 for it if i remember correctly. I was blown away by splattterhouse and i've been in love with the turbo grafx ever since! I was a kid, and i remember being so excited that i almost left the guys house without putting my shoes on! I was holding the turbo grafx, i opened his front door, stepped outside and was about to leave without my shoes. I was so excited, it was a boxed like new system, and it was a steal for $60, so i couldn't get outta there fast enough. I was thinking like, okay, i got my turbo grafx for 60 bucks, see ya later, oh sh*t my shoes!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 10/27/2010, 05:15 PM
Quote from: Colossus1574 on 10/27/2010, 02:53 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 09/14/2010, 01:12 PMI remember standing in an Electronics Boutique in the late 80s playing Legendary Axe and Keith Courage. The graphics in both games back then seemed SO awesome for the time. Unfortunately, playing them again in 2009 for the first time since didn't quite wow me like they did BITD. At least Legendary Axe's music never looses its charm. :)
Late 80s! Wtf???  How long has EB been around? they never appeared in Vancouver (canada) until the mid-late 90s!?!?!
Yeah, they were in Indiana by the late 80s. Them, along with Walden Software, were the places to go back then.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: DJLobo on 10/29/2010, 12:47 PM
I picked up a TG16 w/CD add-on back in '06, but I knew all about the Turbo growing up. I saw ads for Splatterhouse and Vigilante in the back of comic books I had in the early 90's along with reading about it in EGM. I do remember trying to convince my parents to pick one up when it being discounted, but they wouldn't spring for another system. (My brother and I already had a NES & SNES) I even tried to convince my Mom that Ys I & II would work on the SNES.  :---) I had forgotten about it for some time until I found an old advertisement for the Super System Card in my room. Must have saved it for some reason. Glad I did.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: blueraven on 10/29/2010, 07:47 PM
1989.  I went to my friends houses when I was younger in the 80's and 90's (2 actually, that had turbos) because I couldn't afford one. Most of my gaming was done in the Kiosk at Software, Etc. in the Mall, the Babbages TG Kiosk, and the system they had setup in Toys R US.

I didn't own my first Turbo Duo until 1999 or 2000, purchased on eBay for $100. It was sold in 2003 for $250 to make rent. In 2006 I got back in with a broken PCE Duo, lurking here until early 2008 when I started posting after it broke.

The rest is history :mrgreen:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: pixeljunkie on 10/30/2010, 12:14 PM
Bought a friends TG-16 and game collection from him back in '90, the next year i got the CD add-on...My friend had gotten a Duo when they came out. I sold my original TG-16 hardware and conned him into later selling me his Duo. I still have all my original games from the time as well. I now use a region modded Duo-R. There has never been a moment since 1989-90 that I haven't been playing TG/PCE in some form or fashion.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Starfighter on 11/03/2010, 05:50 AM
I started 2009. :mrgreen: I bought a loose coregrafx at an insane price.. (with delivery fees and customs it landed on about $180)
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Official Ninja on 11/16/2010, 12:05 PM
I purchased my TG-16 at launch. Purchased the CD add-on at launch, and the super system card too.
I have always been a huge fan of the TG-16 and used to argue A LOT with my little brother who was a "me too" Genesis fan boy. :) I had mostly every US release that came out, including the CD games. Eventually as he got older my brother also started to realize how great the TG-16 was. We imported a couple games, Spriggan and a couple purple adapters to play Parodius and another import I can't remember. Eventually I moved out of my house, married and had kids. My Turbo collection stayed at my parents house. As it turned out my little brother continued to use it. Turns out he thought I didn't care about it anymore, sold a few games. Worst part of this story is he had all the games in a box in his car trunk. He was driving on I-287 at night and blew out a tire. When he got to the shoulder to change to the spare he opened the trunk and in the process of getting the spare out spilled the games all over the side of the road, in the street and the grass. Pitch black, he put what he could back in the box, changed his tire and got out of there. (its not exactly safe on the shoulder of I-287).

Fast forward a few years to like 1997 maybe, I had the gaming itch again. I went to get all my stuff from my parents house (including a NEOGEO AES and games! :) but thats another forum) I was disappointed to find most of my games gone. However all the hardware was there and most the CD games. I than purchased a few more base systems from ebay, a also got a NIB Turbo Express from telegames. I still have about 20 hucard games. My son maybe 5 years old at the time LOVED the Magical Dinosaur tour.

My CD-ROM drive had the gear go bad about 5 years ago. I really want to get another drive unit to use my CD system again. Right now I'm using emulation on the PC with a real turbo-pad. I have all these CD games, a Super System card and no system to use it all with because of damn gear.

So, now my little brother is also grown up and has his wife and kids and was bitten with the same gaming bug. He recently purchased a Super Grafx and I was playing that a few days ago. Awesome.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Vecanti on 11/16/2010, 02:56 PM
Right after Christmas 1990.  I had never even heard of the TurboGrafx.  I had money after Christmas so I was going to go buy a Genesis($129 I think), but my friend told me I need to get a TurboGrafx.  I was like what the hell is that?  Then I went to the store and saw one ($149) and saw the HuCards and I bought it.

One of the better decisions I've made.  I had a Nintendo Power from 1989 and on the back cover it had an ad for the Turbo, but I never even noticed it until after I bought one.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: benevicious on 11/17/2010, 05:54 PM
2011 will be when I start gaming on a real PC engine.

As a kid the TG-16 was way out of our price range so we were a sega/nintendo household. I started hearing about the PC engine again on shooter forums and kept it in the back of my mind.

After spending some time with an emulator I decided I need to start collecting/playing this system. I have a stack of Hucards ready and waiting (Download, Final Soldier etc), and will be picking up one of those nice RGB Duo-r's after the new year :).

Also, by then I should have my arcade stick modded to work with any kind of system via rj-45. Should make for a great January.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Joe Redifer on 11/17/2010, 07:37 PM
1991 for me, about May of 1991 in fact when I graduated high school.  I had rented the Turbo console one or two times before that and a friend of mine owned the console and the CD unit, but that doesn't count.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: TR0N on 11/17/2010, 11:47 PM
Early 90's rental place nuff said.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: JapanTokei on 11/25/2010, 11:18 AM
1989 - played the PCE at friends houses while I lived in Taipei, Taiwan
1990 - drooled at the US version, aka TG16  :mrgreen:     gamed on a US SMS to get me by.
1991 - TG16 purchased.  Xmas 1991 - CD addrom received from my awesome mommy.  bought Sherlock Holmes with it.
1992 - january - mom brings back Super System Card from a taiwan trip.  I ended up waiting 3 months to get a Purple barney delivered from some EGM mag ad shop.  Gate of Thunder in full force!
1993 - moved onto the PC
1995 - sold everything on the Turbolist or the Turbopages (dont recall the site exactly)

1995 - 2008 - life takes over.

2009 - got the itch, bought boxed PCE DUOR at Tokyo on a business trip.  Then a SCD addon loosey. 
2010 - full redemption of the time-lost, slowly and steadily get everything back and then some  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbogrfxfan on 11/28/2010, 10:22 PM
Quote from: benevicious on 11/17/2010, 05:54 PM2011 will be when I start gaming on a real PC engine.

As a kid the TG-16 was way out of our price range so we were a sega/nintendo household. I started hearing about the PC engine again on shooter forums and kept it in the back of my mind.

After spending some time with an emulator I decided I need to start collecting/playing this system. I have a stack of Hucards ready and waiting (Download, Final Soldier etc), and will be picking up one of those nice RGB Duo-r's after the new year :).

Also, by then I should have my arcade stick modded to work with any kind of system via rj-45. Should make for a great January.
awesome!!!  hope you enjoy that duo r.  def the right choice of a system.  the rx is good too but for the money duo r is the way to go.  you should prolly pick up an ave 6, 6 button controllers as well. dont forget to pick up an arcade card so u could play all cd games.  if ya have any questions lemme or anyone know cause were all cool here and willing to help out!!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: TurbografxKid on 11/29/2010, 06:39 PM
I'm not sure what year it was. I was stuck in front of the TV playing my Turbo Grafx 16.  :-s
I do know that it was before the Turbo Duo came out. I was waiting for and anticipating the launch of the Duo. I was reading about the Duo in video game magazines and drooling all over them. That is when I was not playing the TG16.

I walked into a Toys-R-Us to purchase my TG16. And I still have the 19" Sanyo CRT that I used and I am still playing the TG16 on it!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: kenomac78 on 11/30/2010, 02:38 AM
92. could only get 1 system per year and so when it hit $50 it was easy to convince mom!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: goombakid on 11/30/2010, 03:14 AM
I got my TG16 on March 29, 1991. I still had a label I made the day I bought it in that extension bay cover! I actually remember throwing a fit because I couldn't get it the first time around. When they added Bonk's Adventure in as a pack-in game, I was able to come up with part of the money so my mom would shell out the rest.

I still can remember playing Bonk for hours on end, trying to find every single secret in the game.

I've been trying for the longest to get the CD attachment to it, but finally gave up and just got a PCE Duo just recently.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Lilgrafx on 12/11/2010, 12:53 PM
I just recently picked mine up about six months ago. I'm a bit younger than most people here as I grew up with the 64. I learned about the system through spida1a and Happy console gamer, I instantly fell in love with the system. It just has a charm that makes it so fun to collect and play for.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: gekioh on 12/11/2010, 07:13 PM
My first experience with a Turbo Grafx was way back in like 1991 or 92' at a store called Incredible Univers in Wilsonville, OR. Now its called Fry's Electronics, anyways I was hooked, and every subsequent trip to my local Fred Myers' store who also had a TG-16 demo unit set up thing resulted in me playing while my mom shopped. I finaly got my own console in 2001 when I bought it off a friend. I paid $100 for it with 14 games(all Hu's) and 2 controllers and the multi tap. 2 years later I bought a TG-16 and CD Rom set up for $50 with 2 controllers and 15 games. That was I have to this day.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: gekioh on 12/11/2010, 07:14 PM
I mean That IS what I have to this day!  :oops:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: MottZilla on 12/15/2010, 03:07 AM
The first time I played PCE was via emulation with MagicEngine sometime in 2000 or 2001 most likely. The reason being I was a fan of Castlevania and had read about Dracula X on the internet. Sometime I guess maybe in late 2005 or more likely in 2006 I bought a boxed PC-Engine DUO. Basically I just wanted to play games like Dracula X on the real deal. I think the only HuCards I bought were Street Fighter II and the Arcade Card DUO. I just burned CD-Rs I'll admit. Then sometime in late 2006 I decided to sell it. I forget now what I wanted the money for now. And part of my reasoning was that the Xbox could emulate it. And it probably didn't help that I didn't have the money or want to spend the money to get various HuCard games.

But recently I was looking for something to get to play with and the contenders were a Famicom Disk System (It's pretty cool too), the 3Ds when it comes out (shiney new consoles are fun), probably some other things that crossed my mind..., and the PC-Engine. Since my last and first PC-Engine, I'd bought a nice RGB monitor and gotten SCART RGB cables for my SNES, Genesis, Saturn, and PS1 so when browsing ebay awhile back I was very tempted to buy a great looking DUO-R that was RGB modded. But I didn't bite. Then when I looked later they were all gone. While being tempted to buy the FDS I checked for DUO stuff and saw another.

I gave it some thought and big surprise, I decided I'd rather buy and collect PC-Engine stuff than FDS stuff. It didn't help the FDS's case that I have the NES PowerPAK so I have my Nintendo 8-bit addiction covered. Meanwhile I have no PCE/TG16 hardware at all. And just giving a quick thought about the DUO I knew I could get Lords of Thunder, Dracula X, and Super Raiden which are all games that I think are top notch titles for all time. Meanwhile the FDS the top titles I think of are also on US carts I own or could buy like Zelda, Kid Icarus, Castlevania, etc. So the FDS lost out, while it is nifty the PC-Engine is more appealing especially since while I plan to build a neat collection of HuCards and CD-ROMs this time around, some CD-Rs can tide me over until then.

The only bad thing I can think of is that it's not so simple to play Turbo Chips on a Japanese console which is a bit of a bummer as I'd like to play things like Neutopia which I think it helps to be able to read the in game text. Not sure I'd be too comfortable opening an expensive DUO-R and soldering things or cutting traces. I was thinking if I ever do anything I'd rather do the pin 29 thing but then use a converter rather than mess with the card slot.

So now I'm going to be waiting on my DUO-R to show up. Definitely excited to be again adding a PC-Engine to my collection.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: JapanTokei on 01/09/2011, 06:52 AM
Mottzilla - you made the absolutely right choice to collect PCE vs FDS :)   It is a wonderful system to get into.  the history is so super interesting too, with all the varieties of add-ons, etc.  Check out Henrycsc's posts on the poster of the PCE/TG linage. 

Quote from: MottZilla on 12/15/2010, 03:07 AMThe first time I played PCE was via emulation with MagicEngine sometime in 2000 or 2001 most likely. The reason being I was a fan of Castlevania and had read about Dracula X on the internet. Sometime I guess maybe in late 2005 or more likely in 2006 I bought a boxed PC-Engine DUO. Basically I just wanted to play games like Dracula X on the real deal. I think the only HuCards I bought were Street Fighter II and the Arcade Card DUO. I just burned CD-Rs I'll admit. Then sometime in late 2006 I decided to sell it. I forget now what I wanted the money for now. And part of my reasoning was that the Xbox could emulate it. And it probably didn't help that I didn't have the money or want to spend the money to get various HuCard games.

But recently I was looking for something to get to play with and the contenders were a Famicom Disk System (It's pretty cool too), the 3Ds when it comes out (shiney new consoles are fun), probably some other things that crossed my mind..., and the PC-Engine. Since my last and first PC-Engine, I'd bought a nice RGB monitor and gotten SCART RGB cables for my SNES, Genesis, Saturn, and PS1 so when browsing ebay awhile back I was very tempted to buy a great looking DUO-R that was RGB modded. But I didn't bite. Then when I looked later they were all gone. While being tempted to buy the FDS I checked for DUO stuff and saw another.

I gave it some thought and big surprise, I decided I'd rather buy and collect PC-Engine stuff than FDS stuff. It didn't help the FDS's case that I have the NES PowerPAK so I have my Nintendo 8-bit addiction covered. Meanwhile I have no PCE/TG16 hardware at all. And just giving a quick thought about the DUO I knew I could get Lords of Thunder, Dracula X, and Super Raiden which are all games that I think are top notch titles for all time. Meanwhile the FDS the top titles I think of are also on US carts I own or could buy like Zelda, Kid Icarus, Castlevania, etc. So the FDS lost out, while it is nifty the PC-Engine is more appealing especially since while I plan to build a neat collection of HuCards and CD-ROMs this time around, some CD-Rs can tide me over until then.

The only bad thing I can think of is that it's not so simple to play Turbo Chips on a Japanese console which is a bit of a bummer as I'd like to play things like Neutopia which I think it helps to be able to read the in game text. Not sure I'd be too comfortable opening an expensive DUO-R and soldering things or cutting traces. I was thinking if I ever do anything I'd rather do the pin 29 thing but then use a converter rather than mess with the card slot.

So now I'm going to be waiting on my DUO-R to show up. Definitely excited to be again adding a PC-Engine to my collection.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: nikdog on 01/09/2011, 08:17 AM
Not to say that the PC-Engine wasn't the right choice, but Zelda on the FDS sounds wayyyyyy better then the cart version. FM Synth Zelda > regular Zelda, even with the loading for dungeons.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Jared4781 on 01/09/2011, 11:52 AM
It was around 1991 and I would always play the TG-16 setup at the Toys R Us here.
Finally the price for the base turbo went down to $99 and that did it for my mom, she purchased one for me.
Soon after Toys R Us begin clearing out their stock and I grabbed a Turbo Express and games.
Then I got an offer in the mail from TTi about trading in your TG-16 for a Duo for a small fee.
My awesome mom once again agreed and we did the trade. I still have all of it to this day.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: MottZilla on 01/09/2011, 01:52 PM
Quote from: nikdog on 01/09/2011, 08:17 AMNot to say that the PC-Engine wasn't the right choice, but Zelda on the FDS sounds wayyyyyy better then the cart version. FM Synth Zelda > regular Zelda, even with the loading for dungeons.
The RetroZone PowerPAK allows me to play the Disk version with the FDS sound channel. I can't say I was blown away by it. Don't get me wrong, if I had money to collect for both systems right now I would. But for now I'd rather focus on the PC-Engine games I want.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Eltigro on 02/19/2011, 05:27 PM
I don't remember the exact year, but it was when I was still in High School so it was probably about 90 or 91.  My parents got it for me for Christmas.  We lived in East Texas and they drove to Shreveport to find one.  We had a shop in the local mall, a McDuff's Electronics, that sold them, but I told my parents about a special deal package that came with a coupon for a free game.  They had to call around and then go to Louisiana to find a store that had the coupon package.  I ordered Blazing Lazers as my free game, and I also got The Legendary Axe that Christmas.  Anyway, I still have the same TurboGrafx and box to this day.

Later on, I added more games and accessories via shop closings, clearance deals, pawn shops, ebay, and TZDirect.

Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: esteban on 02/20/2011, 03:24 PM
Xmas 1989.

Word up.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: nat on 02/20/2011, 07:30 PM
Xmas 1990. Word!

In the 90s (94 through 98 or 99, can't remember anymore) I ran a dialup BBS (remember those?) in the Seattle area. I didn't have any actual friends with Turbos, but one of my BBS users who lived downtown had a Turbo and we'd trade Turbo games back and forth periodically. We'd meet up at Red Robin once every 4-6 months and trade. I once traded him Pac-Land for Bonk 3, this was right after Bonk 3 came out. I hadn't even HEARD of the game yet, but he already owned it. It was because of this trade that I ended up buying a copy for $49.99 from TZD shortly thereafter.

I haven't talked to that guy in 10 or 12 years, I wonder if he's still around and if he's still got his Turbo....

Back to the topic at hand, though I got my first Turbo in 1990 I didn't get a TG-CD deck until 1997. They were just too expensive. I ended up selling that deck to Black Tiger three or four years ago when I finally bought a Duo.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: esteban on 02/20/2011, 11:33 PM
Quote from: nat on 02/20/2011, 07:30 PMXmas 1990. Word!

In the 90s (94 through 98 or 99, can't remember anymore) I ran a dialup BBS (remember those?) in the Seattle area. I didn't have any actual friends with Turbos, but one of my BBS users who lived downtown had a Turbo and we'd trade Turbo games back and forth periodically.
Word. :)

I didn't know what a BBS was in 1991, but my friend's family subscribed to Prodigy and we loved the message boards. We mostly concentrated on music, but I was allowed to occasionally venture into the realm of video games.

I still remember asking my friend, "How does this work? Who has access to this? How much does your dad pay? Why can't I LIVE IN YOUR HOUSE?"

I couldn't believe that there were actual TG-16 fans posting messages in computerland.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: rag-time4 on 02/21/2011, 11:01 PM
Quote from: Eltigro on 02/19/2011, 05:27 PMI don't remember the exact year, but it was when I was still in High School so it was probably about 90 or 91.  My parents got it for me for Christmas.  We lived in East Texas and they drove to Shreveport to find one.  We had a shop in the local mall, a McDuff's Electronics, that sold them, but I told my parents about a special deal package that came with a coupon for a free game.  They had to call around and then go to Louisiana to find a store that had the coupon package.  I ordered Blazing Lazers as my free game, and I also got The Legendary Axe that Christmas.  Anyway, I still have the same TurboGrafx and box to this day.

Later on, I added more games and accessories via shop closings, clearance deals, pawn shops, ebay, and TZDirect.

Shreveport, home of the great Stromile Swift!

Welcome aboard the forum Eltigro!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: GAUGE on 02/23/2011, 04:34 PM
In November of 1989, I remember seeing the TurboGrafx-16 in the display case next to the Sega Genesis at the local Montgomery-Ward. It looked interesting, but I didn't know any of the games and the Sega had all these arcade titles available - so I chose the Sega.

Then later that month, I started reading about the PC Engine in the first EGM I ever bought (#4). It really looked amazing. I remember seeing the white little console with a copy of Vigilante and the unique card-based software format. EGM talked about how the PC Engine already had dozens of games out that were potentially a built in library for the Turbo to choose from.

While I was generally happy with my Genesis, I was very interested in learning more about the Turbo and read a lot about the system in EGM through the spring and summer of 1990. Finally, after saving up some cash, I decided to pick up a TurboGrafx with Bonk. I'm so glad I did. There's just something about the graphics and gameplay on the Turbo that I still, to this day, can't quite put my finger on - it just seems to be more vibrant and responsive than most other systems. Bonk showed this off perfectly. Tunes from Keith Courage and Bonk always remind me of that summer. 

The following summer I saved enough to buy the CD-ROM attachment and Ys I & II. After reading about it in EGM, my expectations were very high. Ed Semrad (one of the reviewers, who I trusted for good reviews) said "the perfect game finally happened." I fully agree. Even today, it's a game I never get bored with. It's so unique and easy to pick up. The story, graphics and cinema cut-scenes blend perfectly. That whole summer was spent playing Ys and Legendary Axe.

So those were my initial, favorite Turbo moments. Those moments have really stuck with me. So much so, that it's been the only system I've never sold.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbogrfxfan on 02/23/2011, 08:17 PM
Quote from: GAUGE on 02/23/2011, 04:34 PMYs Even today, it's a game I never get bored with. It's so unique and easy to pick up. The story, graphics and cinema cut-scenes blend perfectly. That whole summer was spent playing Ys and Legendary Axe.

So those were my initial, favorite Turbo moments. Those moments have really stuck with me. So much so, that it's been the only system I've never sold.
thats awesome!!! story!  Its the only system I never got rid of but I worked all summer to get my tg/cd and ys copy but man was it worth it and it blew my mind as well!  Welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: GAUGE on 02/23/2011, 09:59 PM
Quote from: turbogrfxfan on 02/23/2011, 08:17 PMthats awesome!!! story!  Its the only system I never got rid of but I worked all summer to get my tg/cd and ys copy but man was it worth it and it blew my mind as well!  Welcome to the forum!
Hey man, thanks! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to spend all that cash on the CD-ROM attachment back in the day.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 02/23/2011, 11:43 PM
Quote from: GAUGE on 02/23/2011, 09:59 PM
Quote from: turbogrfxfan on 02/23/2011, 08:17 PMthats awesome!!! story!  Its the only system I never got rid of but I worked all summer to get my tg/cd and ys copy but man was it worth it and it blew my mind as well!  Welcome to the forum!
Hey man, thanks! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to spend all that cash on the CD-ROM attachment back in the day.
I didn't get a CD attachment bitd but I remember that gigantic box sitting in stores. Now I have one, and I am one of the few forum members who plays exclusively on a Turbo-CD unit (I think). Most peeps here play on Duos.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: GAUGE on 02/24/2011, 09:59 AM
I still have my Turbo-CD and original Turbo and will play them sometimes, but I usually play on a region-switching Core Grafx and "suitcase" CD-ROM, with an Arcade Card. I just prefer the look of that set up over the Duo - I know, weird.

And yeah, those boxes were HUGE. Wish I still had mine, but it would have taken up the majority of my closet when I was a kid. I'm still not sure why they were so big, was the size of a mini-fridge... I remember being so excited about bringing that huge box home.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbokon on 02/25/2011, 12:41 PM
We got our turbografx back in 91 around Christmas time. Me and brothers been bugging dad for weeks for it and he finally took to Montgomery wards and we picked it up for 99.99. One of the most exciting day my life.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: esteban on 02/26/2011, 01:33 AM
Quote from: Mathius on 02/23/2011, 11:43 PM
Quote from: GAUGE on 02/23/2011, 09:59 PM
Quote from: turbogrfxfan on 02/23/2011, 08:17 PMthats awesome!!! story!  Its the only system I never got rid of but I worked all summer to get my tg/cd and ys copy but man was it worth it and it blew my mind as well!  Welcome to the forum!
Hey man, thanks! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to spend all that cash on the CD-ROM attachment back in the day.
I didn't get a CD attachment bitd but I remember that gigantic box sitting in stores. Now I have one, and I am one of the few forum members who plays exclusively on a Turbo-CD unit (I think). Most peeps here play on Duos.
I still use my original TG-CD, but I also use a SuperCD and US/JP Duo's to evenly distribute the wear and tear.

Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 02/26/2011, 01:52 AM
Quote from: esteban on 02/26/2011, 01:33 AM
Quote from: Mathius on 02/23/2011, 11:43 PM
Quote from: GAUGE on 02/23/2011, 09:59 PM
Quote from: turbogrfxfan on 02/23/2011, 08:17 PMthats awesome!!! story!  Its the only system I never got rid of but I worked all summer to get my tg/cd and ys copy but man was it worth it and it blew my mind as well!  Welcome to the forum!
Hey man, thanks! I'm glad I wasn't the only one to spend all that cash on the CD-ROM attachment back in the day.
I didn't get a CD attachment bitd but I remember that gigantic box sitting in stores. Now I have one, and I am one of the few forum members who plays exclusively on a Turbo-CD unit (I think). Most peeps here play on Duos.
I still use my original TG-CD, but I also use a SuperCD and US/JP Duo's to evenly distribute the wear and tear.

That's my goal for the future. I want to get a Famicom Disc System replacement first before I throw any more money into the NEC console ring.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: GAUGE on 02/26/2011, 01:06 PM
Quote from: esteban on 02/26/2011, 01:33 AMI still use my original TG-CD, but I also use a SuperCD and US/JP Duo's to evenly distribute the wear and tear.

I like this reasoning. Gives me an excuse to buy more than one system...  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: rodek on 02/26/2011, 09:25 PM
First time I ever played the tg was emulated on the computer like 10 years ago.

I've always dreamed of having the tg system but they never sold it near the small town I grew up in. I remember having a magazine article with showing a keyboard (protype) and trying to convince my parents to drive to a big city to buy it for me. Hah. never worked..(yeah mom, it's like a computer, it's got a keyboard, haha) =)

about 5 years ago I traded my old 55" tv to a game collector for a collection of systems and games..  one being the tg16 unit and 2 games, turbo express, and a coregrafx(no games) .(and whole wack of other gaming non nec stuff). After that point I was so excited to have one I started trying to collect all the hu cards and etc.   Fast forward to current time and I have 6 us cards left , 4 tg16's, multiple controllers, A tgcd unit, and lots of other stuff (rental cases, etc).
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:43 PM
I first played TurboGrafx 16 when I applied for a job at NEC Technologies in Wood Dale (IL).  A friend and I both applied for the job and both got the job for a new Customer Service Helpline that was going to offer customer service for its newly launched game system, called the TurboGrafx 16.  I had played Nintendo before, and had Customer Service background, so I thought, how cool is that? On the job interview they asked all sore of questions, but I will never forget hat one of he questions was "What is a boss?" in a video game.  I remember thinking what a weird question, but I guess I answered correctly because 5 minutes later they invited me to work there, and my training day was going to consist of playing the game that came with the system, Keith Courage.   Wouldn't you know I came to hate that game because I got stuck on one level and couldn't pass the level.  One of the Gamer Guys secretly put in a code they knew , probably taking pity on me, since I was new.  He opened up a whole new world to me because I didn't know about codes before that!I realized that our job was to play all the games!  I was like, how wild is this?  Best job ever! I will never forget playing my first game, even if it was Keith Courage because it was the start of the best 3 years of my life!  : ) 
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:45 PM
Oops year was 1989.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbogrfxfan on 02/27/2011, 09:47 PM
Quote from: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:43 PMI first played TurboGrafx 16 when I applied for a job at NEC Technologies in Wood Dale (IL).  A friend and I both applied for the job and both got the job for a new Customer Service Helpline that was going to offer customer service for its newly launched game system, called the TurboGrafx 16.  I had played Nintendo before, and had Customer Service background, so I thought, how cool is that? On the job interview they asked all sore of questions, but I will never forget hat one of he questions was "What is a boss?" in a video game.  I remember thinking what a weird question, but I guess I answered correctly because 5 minutes later they invited me to work there, and my training day was going to consist of playing the game that came with the system, Keith Courage.   Wouldn't you know I came to hate that game because I got stuck on one level and couldn't pass the level.  One of the Gamer Guys secretly put in a code they knew , probably taking pity on me, since I was new.  He opened up a whole new world to me because I didn't know about codes before that!I realized that our job was to play all the games!  I was like, how wild is this?  Best job ever! I will never forget playing my first game, even if it was Keith Courage because it was the start of the best 3 years of my life!  : )   
LOL wow I would of killed for that job as a kid.  good for you!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: nat on 02/27/2011, 10:37 PM
Was it level 4? I got stuck on that level 4 boss for ages when I was a kid. Summer of '91 I wrote a letter to your customer service department (probably the same department you worked in) asking how to beat him. While I waited for a response, I actually figured it out on my own.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: henrycsc on 02/27/2011, 10:50 PM
Welcome aboard turbogirl!  It's great to now have two former NEC employees as members here!

You and malicedoom should start a thread of insider stories.

Did you have any particularly funny or strange customer support issues?  Like somebody needing to know what a boss was?  LOL
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: War Pig on 02/28/2011, 03:31 PM
1990.  Got it for my 13th Birthday.  I put the system away when I went off to college, and sold it at a yard sale before I moved to NJ 6 years ago.  Damn....that was dumb.  Because now I'm back into it, and I've had to reacquire everything that I once had.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: PunkCryborg on 02/28/2011, 07:45 PM
The first time I ever played it was at a game store after I got my SNES in 1990. It was bonk and I remember thinking "man this sucks" compared to my snes.
Then a couple of years later, my friend's mom had a video game store and he could bring home any opened items. One day he brought home a Duo and we played Super Air Zonk, we played it for about 30 minutes. After agreeing on it sucking we went back to playing some Mad Dog Mcgree on the 3do for some reason or another.
I found my TG-16 at a thrift store for a couple of bucks about 5 years ago
Now I feel bad for my past mistakes cause I love this shit  :oops:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: madmansmith on 02/28/2011, 10:01 PM
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: NecroPhile on 03/02/2011, 12:12 PM
Quote from: War Pig on 02/28/2011, 03:31 PM1990.  Got it for my 13th Birthday.  I put the system away when I went off to college, and sold it at a yard sale before I moved to NJ 6 years ago.  Damn....that was dumb.  Because now I'm back into it, and I've had to reacquire everything that I once had.
You were dumb twice.  :P
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: billyh455 on 03/02/2011, 01:38 PM
I got my Turbografx Christmas of '90. I don't remember if I saw it in EGM first or on display at Toys r Us, but I talked my parents into getting me the setup as a Christmas gift.  I only got a few games for it over the years, but they were pretty fun ones for the time. R-type: I can still only get to a certain point in this game and die repeatedly. Splatterhouse: this was awesomely gory for an eleven year old at the time and my dad almost didn't let me buy it.  Cratermaze: I played this one a lot. Bonk's Adventure and Revenge: what can I say, these were a blast to play. Takin it to the Hoop: meh, I had fun playing it back in the day though. Blazing Lazers: still one of my all time favorite games. I sold my Turbo stuff around the ps 1 era to get games for that system.

In about 2000 I bought a small collection off of a guy who had a beat to hell Duo, but had some sweet games with it like Y's 1+2, Y's 3, Air Zonk, Lords of Thunder, and a few others.  I found a number of great games and had a cool collection going but sold all that a couple of years later to help get out of debt. I don't regret doing that for an instance, but I do miss all the rare cool stuff I used to have.

About a month ago I watched a couple of videos on Youtube of vintage game reviews and had to get an old Turbo system again. It's just not the same on an emulator so I bought a Duo-R collection with a lot of loose Hucards, most of which require a little too much of the Japanese language for me, and have been trying to get some of the games I used to enjoy years ago.

Well, that's the short version of my Turbo story. I hope to keep my game collection this time around  :lol:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: esteban on 03/02/2011, 08:06 PM
Quote from: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:45 PMOops year was 1989.
Welcome, turbogirl. As someone else mentioned, feel free fondness any stories you remember from your job at NEC.

Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: gekioh on 03/06/2011, 12:03 PM
Man you know what really sucks that I am just now realizing again, when I got my own Turbo in '2001, I remember coming across the TZD site several times and among other game selling site while vigorously searching for import games on Saturn. And I remember when games like SAZ, Bonk 3, Dynastic Hero etc etc were actually cheap, man who the hell woulda thought that id hate myself for not ever buying those games just cause i didnt have a cd set up till 2004, even then i still could have bought them, but was still way into SNES, Saturn and PS1(still am mind you).
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Firebomber7 on 03/08/2011, 02:08 AM
Not much to say really.
I definitely knew about the TG-16 from reading Gamepro since issue 1 and early EGM issues. I first played Keith Courage at a Toys 'R US when the system first came out, but that was it. When Bonk came out, one of my friend's friends got it for his TG-16. I remember playing it there for a few hours one day, and that was it for a LONG time. I always wanted to get into it more, but I'm from a small town in Canada. It literally was not for sale in any stores where I lived, and of course no game rental places had Turbo games. That made the choice between a Turbo and a Genesis pretty easy. I got a Genesis.

Fast forward to maybe 1996 or 1997. "The Dump", a cool emulator website around at that time, led me to Magic Engine. I spend quite a while playing all of the TG-16 games that I'd missed (as well as a lot of Shining Force II...). I familiarized myself with the TG library, but I wouldn't get one until 2007 or so when I was living in Japan. I picked up a PC Engine Duo for a great price, and would later buy/sell most of the various PC Engine incarnations (everything from the CG, to the Express and Shuttle and RX, but no LT...). I became a huge PC Engine fan in the process, and guys like Tatsujin from this site just fueled my interest in the system. It is not probably just shy of the Saturn as my favourite all time console. I would say that it definitely has more "charm" than any other system out there.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 03/08/2011, 02:12 AM
Quote from: Firebomber7 on 03/08/2011, 02:08 AMNot much to say really.
I definitely knew about the TG-16 from reading Gamepro since issue 1 and early EGM issues. I first played Keith Courage at a Toys 'R US when the system first came out, but that was it. When Bonk came out, one of my friend's friends got it for his TG-16. I remember playing it there for a few hours one day, and that was it for a LONG time. I always wanted to get into it more, but I'm from a small town in Canada. It literally was not for sale in any stores where I lived, and of course no game rental places had Turbo games. That made the choice between a Turbo and a Genesis pretty easy. I got a Genesis.

Fast forward to maybe 1996 or 1997. "The Dump", a cool emulator website around at that time, led me to Magic Engine. I spend quite a while playing all of the TG-16 games that I'd missed (as well as a lot of Shining Force II...). I familiarized myself with the TG library, but I wouldn't get one until 2007 or so when I was living in Japan. I picked up a PC Engine Duo for a great price, and would later buy/sell most of the various PC Engine incarnations (everything from the CG, to the Express and Shuttle and RX, but no LT...). I became a huge PC Engine fan in the process, and guys like Tatsujin from this site just fueled my interest in the system. It is not probably just shy of the Saturn as my favourite all time console. I would say that it definitely has more "charm" than any other system out there.
Charm is right sir! The NEC consoles in general had tons of charm that I could never ignore. Also, they are most definitely the most fascinating.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Jesse813 on 03/17/2011, 10:31 PM
just started gaming on the PC Engine about 2 years ago, never knew about the system when I was younger back than i grew up w/ a SNES and was busy playing Super Mario World and DKC games, while i still love the SNES, I also now the PC Engine and its excellent selection of games :)
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 03/17/2011, 10:37 PM
Quote from: Jesse813 on 03/17/2011, 10:31 PMjust started gaming on the PC Engine about 2 years ago, never knew about the system when I was younger back than i grew up w/ a SNES and was busy playing Super Mario World and DKC games, while i still love the SNES, I also now the PC Engine and its excellent selection of games :)
The excellence only keeps getting more excellenter! Hee-hee :mrgreen:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: SaturdayMorningRobots on 03/18/2011, 11:53 AM
My first NEC system was the TG-16 in 1989. I first learned of the TG-16's existence in a comic book Ad. My favorite game on the system back in the day was Legendary Axe 2, but I was also pretty fond of Silent Debuggers.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: ddd1234 on 03/18/2011, 04:34 PM
I had a Turbo duo with the following-

Dracula X
Gate of Thunder
Soldier blade
Super Star Soldier
Jackie Chan
Space harrier
Bonk 1,2,3
Air Zonk
Super Air Zonk
Dungeon EXplorer II

I sold it all in order to get a Ps3 and some games. I fell for the hype..
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbogirl on 03/19/2011, 06:23 PM
Quote from: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:43 PMI first played TurboGrafx 16 when I applied for a job at NEC Technologies in Wood Dale (IL).  A friend and I both applied for the job and both got the job for a new Customer Service Helpline that was going to offer customer service for its newly launched game system, called the TurboGrafx 16.  I had played Nintendo before, and had Customer Service background, so I thought, how cool is that? On the job interview they asked all sore of questions, but I will never forget hat one of he questions was "What is a boss?" in a video game.  I remember thinking what a weird question, but I guess I answered correctly because 5 minutes later they invited me to work there, and my training day was going to consist of playing the game that came with the system, Keith Courage.   Wouldn't you know I came to hate that game because I got stuck on one level and couldn't pass the level.  One of the Gamer Guys secretly put in a code they knew , probably taking pity on me, since I was new.  He opened up a whole new world to me because I didn't know about codes before that!I realized that our job was to play all the games!  I was like, how wild is this?  Best job ever! I will never forget playing my first game, even if it was Keith Courage because it was the start of the best 3 years of my life!  : )   
Quote from: nat on 02/27/2011, 10:37 PMWas it level 4? I got stuck on that level 4 boss for ages when I was a kid. Summer of '91 I wrote a letter to your customer service department (probably the same department you worked in) asking how to beat him. While I waited for a response, I actually figured it out on my own.
Yes, it was level 4, and gosh I hated that game!  Sorry to say, but it wasn't the best game to showcase the graphics!  I do remember that occasionally we did get letters when the system came out, and I actually remember someone bringing a letter into the dept, with that question.  I don't know if anyone ever replied to it...but I remember some staff talking about how to respond, and I remember that if someone put their phone number on their letter, someone from our dept. would call them back with the hint, when we were still the 1-800 number.  Did you ever get a response?
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: turbogirl on 03/19/2011, 06:28 PM
Quote from: turbogrfxfan on 02/27/2011, 09:47 PM
Quote from: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:43 PMI first played TurboGrafx 16 when I applied for a job at NEC Technologies in Wood Dale (IL).  A friend and I both applied for the job and both got the job for a new Customer Service Helpline that was going to offer customer service for its newly launched game system, called the TurboGrafx 16.  I had played Nintendo before, and had Customer Service background, so I thought, how cool is that? On the job interview they asked all sore of questions, but I will never forget hat one of he questions was "What is a boss?" in a video game.  I remember thinking what a weird question, but I guess I answered correctly because 5 minutes later they invited me to work there, and my training day was going to consist of playing the game that came with the system, Keith Courage.   Wouldn't you know I came to hate that game because I got stuck on one level and couldn't pass the level.  One of the Gamer Guys secretly put in a code they knew , probably taking pity on me, since I was new.  He opened up a whole new world to me because I didn't know about codes before that!I realized that our job was to play all the games!  I was like, how wild is this?  Best job ever! I will never forget playing my first game, even if it was Keith Courage because it was the start of the best 3 years of my life!  : )   
LOL wow I would of killed for that job as a kid.  good for you!
It was fun while it lasted!  : )  Thanks!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: nat on 03/19/2011, 07:25 PM
Quote from: turbogirl on 03/19/2011, 06:23 PM
Quote from: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:43 PMI first played TurboGrafx 16 when I applied for a job at NEC Technologies in Wood Dale (IL).  A friend and I both applied for the job and both got the job for a new Customer Service Helpline that was going to offer customer service for its newly launched game system, called the TurboGrafx 16.  I had played Nintendo before, and had Customer Service background, so I thought, how cool is that? On the job interview they asked all sore of questions, but I will never forget hat one of he questions was "What is a boss?" in a video game.  I remember thinking what a weird question, but I guess I answered correctly because 5 minutes later they invited me to work there, and my training day was going to consist of playing the game that came with the system, Keith Courage.   Wouldn't you know I came to hate that game because I got stuck on one level and couldn't pass the level.  One of the Gamer Guys secretly put in a code they knew , probably taking pity on me, since I was new.  He opened up a whole new world to me because I didn't know about codes before that!I realized that our job was to play all the games!  I was like, how wild is this?  Best job ever! I will never forget playing my first game, even if it was Keith Courage because it was the start of the best 3 years of my life!  : )   
Quote from: nat on 02/27/2011, 10:37 PMWas it level 4? I got stuck on that level 4 boss for ages when I was a kid. Summer of '91 I wrote a letter to your customer service department (probably the same department you worked in) asking how to beat him. While I waited for a response, I actually figured it out on my own.
Yes, it was level 4, and gosh I hated that game!  Sorry to say, but it wasn't the best game to showcase the graphics!  I do remember that occasionally we did get letters when the system came out, and I actually remember someone bringing a letter into the dept, with that question.  I don't know if anyone ever replied to it...but I remember some staff talking about how to respond, and I remember that if someone put their phone number on their letter, someone from our dept. would call them back with the hint, when we were still the 1-800 number.  Did you ever get a response?
I did.

It took a few months, but I finally received a response. Ironically, the strategy they advised in their reply was different from the strategy I devised on my own for beating the boss. I think mine actually works better/is easier.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: thrush on 03/19/2011, 07:38 PM
I started playing in 1993.  I had read reviews for TG16 games but never got the chance to play one until a close friend if mine bought a Duo that year.  He had a wide collection of consoles and a much broader appretiation for games than I did at that age (we were both 14).  Probably he also had a bigger budget.  My household was strictly Atari & Nintendo, and I recall him always trying to interest me in Sega stuff and what I considered his other "weird" systems.  Nothing ever struck me as particularly worthwhile until he got his Duo -- then my much-loved SNES finally felt second-best.

I played a wide variety of Duo titles with him regularly throughout highschool, and have wanted to own one of my own ever since.  Not until this year were the stars right for that....  But, I've got a Duo-R on the way at last, so I'm excited to make up for lost time!  I enjoyed many of the games I played back then, but looking back it's deffinitely Valis 3 & Cosmic Fantasy that left the strongest impressions on my teenage years.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: SaturdayMorningRobots on 03/19/2011, 09:38 PM
I am really glad for you. You won't regret it. Last year there were a bunch of cheap Cosmic Fantasy 2's on ebay. I don't know what the situation is like now, but I too really loved that game.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 03/19/2011, 10:21 PM
Quote from: thrush on 03/19/2011, 07:38 PMI started playing in 1993.  I had read reviews for TG16 games but never got the chance to play one until a close friend if mine bought a Duo that year.  He had a wide collection of consoles and a much broader appretiation for games than I did at that age (we were both 14).  Probably he also had a bigger budget.  My household was strictly Atari & Nintendo, and I recall him always trying to interest me in Sega stuff and what I considered his other "weird" systems.  Nothing ever struck me as particularly worthwhile until he got his Duo -- then my much-loved SNES finally felt second-best.

I played a wide variety of Duo titles with him regularly throughout highschool, and have wanted to own one of my own ever since.  Not until this year were the stars right for that....  But, I've got a Duo-R on the way at last, so I'm excited to make up for lost time!  I enjoyed many of the games I played back then, but looking back it's deffinitely Valis 3 & Cosmic Fantasy that left the strongest impressions on my teenage years.
It warms my heart to know that you finally got a Duo coming. A Duo-R no less. Consider yourself one of the few, the proud.

Quote from: SaturdayMorningRobots on 03/19/2011, 09:38 PMI am really glad for you. You won't regret it. Last year there were a bunch of cheap Cosmic Fantasy 2's on ebay. I don't know what the situation is like now, but I too really loved that game.
I picked up my then-sealed copy of CF2 for $7 then!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: neoxeno on 03/19/2011, 11:13 PM
I always wanted to have TG16 and a 3DO when I was young but they were too expensive (instead I got a NES and SNES). In 2005 or 2006, I bought a TG16 and 3DO and I started collecting games for these sytems. Quickly, I saw that the games on the 3DO really suck and I sold it but I kept my TG16. I really like the system and the library is pretty good (Only 32 HuCards left to complete my collection). I bought my first PC Engine (Turbo Duo) when I was in Japan in 2009 with a few games.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: thrush on 03/21/2011, 01:19 PM
Thanks Mathius & SaturdayMorningRobots: after waiting so long it feels a little unreal.  I'm definitely keeping my eyes out for CF2!
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Sadler on 03/24/2011, 09:54 PM
The first time I saw a TurboGrafx was in McDuff's, probably in 1990. The store display had R-Type and I loved it. I actually used to beg my parents to take me to McDuff's just so I could play it. About a year later I got one for Christmas. Lots of cool games and way better graphics than NES. Man I loved that thing.

A few years later I managed to get a TurboDuo and I was once again blown away. Y's I & II? Amazing. I still think that's one of the best games I've ever played. I loved the Exiles and Cosmic Fantasy 2, although I don't think they've aged as well. It Came From the Desert has always sucked. I picked up a SNES somewhere around this time, and it was definitely cool, but I ended up trading it for a TurboExpress.

Over the next several years I made some of the worst gaming decisions I can imagine. I honestly don't remember what happened to my TurboExpress, but at some point I apparently gave it away or traded it for something else. My Duo suffered a far worse fate: I sold it to a buddy along with maybe 15 games so I could buy a 3DO. No, I don't know what I was thinking. I paid nearly $700 for the 3DO and some games. Does anyone remember how expensive this thing was?! Anyway, with the exception of Gex (awesome game), and possibly Total Eclipse and Shockwave, I really didn't enjoy any of the games on the 3DO.

This wasn't the end of my retardation. I still had a number of very good games for the Duo. Exile 1 and 2, Dungeon Explorer II and Vasteel were in that group. I traded these to a roomate during college :( . Fortunately, my roomate and I learned that TZD was selling brand new Duo's in this time frame, sometime in the early 2000's. I convinced him to buy one and we purchased several games, including many I never had the chance to play when I was younger. Games like Ys III (still an amazing game, shut up about the scrolling  :) ) and Shape Shifter (didn't think it was very cool).

After graduating college, I didn't play and TurboGrafx/Duo for a while. Sometime around 2008 I discovered MagicEngine. In 2009 I went to Japan and discovered Akihabara (and actually Fukuoka). They had PC Engine games! Games that I had read about as a teen, but never got to play! Games like Dracula X! Right there, you could just buy it! Oh man, I was blown away. I bought maybe 10 CD/SuperCD/Arcade titles and couldn't wait to play them.

As soon as I got back I bought a DuoRX off of ebay. Since then I've been gradually collecting titles. I know it's kind of lame, but owning the original copies of these games has meaning to me. I grew up with these games and I always wanted to play as many of them as possible. Sure there are some clunkers, but there are some fantastic games as well. I just wish some of the games I never played didn't cost so much. Seriously, Beyond Shadowgate is over $300? Super Air Zonk costs how much? I've got the Japanese version, it isn't that cool. I haven't even seen Cotton for sale for a while and don't get me started on Magical Chase. So, uh, yeah, I guess that's my story.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Sadler on 03/24/2011, 09:56 PM
Yikes! Sorry, that was a massive wall of text! I *may* have had a few beers.  :D
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: SaturdayMorningRobots on 03/25/2011, 12:18 AM
Don't be sorry I can relate. I gave away my TG 16 to my half sister who god knows probably didn't appreciate it.

I sold my first Duo and a bunch of freakin working designs games, the only one of those I've gotten back is Cosmic Fantasy 2, though I do have the Japanese version of Vasteel and consiidering how sloppy the english was I think I am better off (Vulcans transliterated as Balkans? C'mon guys)

I also had a lot of cool anime games Like Ranma 1/2 and Macross 2036 which I sold for half what they were worth, luckily I at least got them all back plus more :) In My case I sold them for the dying saturn (which I bought premodded) so at least I got a good system. It was still a bad trade IMO.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 03/25/2011, 12:35 AM
Yeah guys don't feel bad about doing the 'dumbass shuffle.' I had to re-buy almost my entire game collection. NES, Genesis, Sega CD etc. Got rid of my Jaguar and 3DO too! The only thing that has stayed with me through it all is my Super Nintendo and games. The SNES is just barely in my top spot for favorite system, so I guess my young ADD mind spared it. :lol: I got wiser during the PS1 and N64 era. I still have it all including the system boxes.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Dusk85Z28 on 03/25/2011, 06:35 AM
I started on and off about 8 years ago since then i have owned:

Pc engine
Super grafx
a few turbo grafx and a few turbo grafx cd's

I now own a US duo, have around 35 games...
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: majors on 03/25/2011, 01:33 PM
89-90? Someone in my area had won a contest (won a TG-16, booster, stick, tap and 5 games) and did not want it so he brought it into Babbages. At the time, they did not do trades, so since I was a regular they offered it all to me for $150 (50% off retail at the time). I snag'd it right up, and started saving for the CD-ROM. I picked one up when they offered the GD-G demo freebie. Y's made it worth the $200 (or was it 300?) price tag, never looked back. Imported Spriggan in '91, started hitting the ole TG listserv for trades. When the bottom fell on our beloved Turbo, I hit the clearances and flea markets. Got the Super system card with the 3-in-1 and LoT tee, picked up a ACD w/ Saphire along the way.

The CD gave out on me, but Magic Engine pulled me through. I picked up a PCE Duo (with box!) plus Duo ACD and some games and a 32m flash card (good for stuff I never got like Magical Chase). Not being able to play US games on it is not too much, I do have an Express.

Best system EVAH.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: machomadness on 05/14/2011, 10:55 AM
I saw my first game play on it when I was two and that's because one of my aunts had a PC Engine. But, I didn't start playing it until Bonk's Revenge came out. So, my summer '90 was Mario 3, Bonk, and Wrestlemania Challenge. Great stuff......
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Mathius on 05/14/2011, 11:32 AM
Quote from: JohnnyBlaze on 05/14/2011, 10:55 AMI saw my first game play on it when I was two and that's because one of my aunts had a PC Engine. But, I didn't start playing it until Bonk's Revenge came out. So, my summer '90 was Mario 3, Bonk, and Wrestlemania Challenge. Great stuff......
This must have been some cool aunt! :shock:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: machomadness on 05/14/2011, 01:33 PM
Yep. My mother had quite a few friends....before she pissed them all away....
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: themegaman on 05/15/2011, 08:58 PM
1994 with the TG-16
1995 with the Turbo Duo
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Ceti Alpha on 05/16/2011, 01:12 AM
I got my first TG-16 on Christmas Day, 1989. Been my console of choice ever since. I did part with it in the mid '90s and didn't get back into it until August of '07. All those years in between the TG was like a long lost girlfriend that you pine over. I'm just glad we were able to get back together again. lol
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: blueraven on 05/17/2011, 12:37 AM
I think I mentioned this a few pages back; 1990 on the TG at Software Etc, bought a Duo from teh turbo list in 1999, sold my Duo in 2001 to make rent. Got back in '07 with no intentions of quitting...

Hahahah Mathius: "The Dumbass Shuffle"  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: pixeljunkie on 06/29/2011, 09:34 AM
This is a fun thread!

I got a TG16 off a friend with some games in early '90 [he was getting into Genesis at the time and was over his TG16 already]. Saved up and got the CD add-on very shortly thereafter.

Preordered a Sys 3.0 card and Gate of Thunder....sold my hardware to Retrogames back in the day...bought a Duo.

Never looked back. Never stopped playing it. It's crazy when I think about it. I have most of the games I bought back in '90 too. Some got traded away long ago [pre-internet...video game trading forums on Prodigy. hahah]

Good times...
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Sleepy Gnome on 06/29/2011, 05:48 PM
2011 for me. Im only a few decades late.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: Dyna138 on 06/29/2011, 08:33 PM
I don't have exact dates only fuzzy memories, but I got my TG16 around 1990, about a year after it had been on the market. I was 10 years old at the time and I remember getting the Keith Courage pack-in and the promotion where you can send away for 2 free games. I remember the day I got Bonk's Adventure and Vigilante in the mail I was so excited. I didn't have the system for too long and I may have had between 6-10 games by the time I sold it to buy a SNES, but the system made an impression on me and I always had fond memories of it.

About 10 years ago I decided to pick it up once again and discovered TZD. I got a new Duo along with a bunch of chip and CD games which TZD still had available and I filled out some of the rest on Ebay bitd before it went to hell. I put the Duo away for awhile as life issues sucked pretty much all of my spare time, but I've recently dusted off my Duo and have started devoting some time to it. I'm currently working towards a complete US collection and am about halfway there.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: sheath on 06/29/2011, 08:48 PM
1990 when I saved up enough lawn mowing money to buy one along with Bonk's Adventure.  It came with Keith Courage and I played the hell out of it, and I picked up Ninja Spirit and Legendary Axe soon after that.  Bonk's Adventure and Pac-Land rounded up my library back then, though I played a bunch of other Turbo Chips and CDs at a friend's house, including Splatterhouse, Shadow of the Beast, Bomberman, Fighting Street and a bunch of others. 

I was Turbo-less from late 1992 until 2006 when I picked up a PCE Duo, which promptly had the laser die after I tried a Dracula X CDR in it.  I shipped it back to Japan for roughly $50 and got a replacement, which also worked with production games.  After the limited warranty period was up I tried another Dracula X CDR and it died immediately.  At which point I shipped my broken DUO (after extensive testing to see if I could repair it) to a fellow who traded it for parts for my region modded DUO/R.  Total cost for getting back into Turbo/PCE/DUO gaming, $400 for hardware alone.  Oh yeah.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: JapanTokei on 07/03/2011, 11:43 AM
damn, i never had the laser puke out on me like what you went through... sounds terrible.  I barely have time to lie back and enjoy my PCE/TG in 2011 due to work, but my fondest memory was my mom totally spoiling me with the TG-16 CD add on (for freaking $399 or was it $499?? before they dropped the price?)  I got Sherlock Holmes just to show off to my friends the real time video.  then picked up Magicoal Dinosaur tour, Valis 2 and Ys 1&2.  Then I discovered the CD wasn't region locked and I had my mom bring back some games when she went back to visit family in Taiwan.  She brought back from a few differnet trips the following:  Ranma 1/2 #2 (the bride comic), a sangokushi (based on Japan's shogun history of 直田信长), followed by Gate of Thunder, Ranma 1/2 #3, Sangokushi (based on the Chinese history).  I played the hell out of each & beat each multiple times.  20 years later, I still play the chinese-history based Shin Sangokushi in my game room/man cave to relax and get away from it all. 
The 1990s rock and TG /PCE was a primary reason for it !!  :)

Quote from: sheath on 06/29/2011, 08:48 PM1990 when I saved up enough lawn mowing money to buy one along with Bonk's Adventure.  It came with Keith Courage and I played the hell out of it, and I picked up Ninja Spirit and Legendary Axe soon after that.  Bonk's Adventure and Pac-Land rounded up my library back then, though I played a bunch of other Turbo Chips and CDs at a friend's house, including Splatterhouse, Shadow of the Beast, Bomberman, Fighting Street and a bunch of others. 

I was Turbo-less from late 1992 until 2006 when I picked up a PCE Duo, which promptly had the laser die after I tried a Dracula X CDR in it.  I shipped it back to Japan for roughly $50 and got a replacement, which also worked with production games.  After the limited warranty period was up I tried another Dracula X CDR and it died immediately.  At which point I shipped my broken DUO (after extensive testing to see if I could repair it) to a fellow who traded it for parts for my region modded DUO/R.  Total cost for getting back into Turbo/PCE/DUO gaming, $400 for hardware alone.  Oh yeah.
Title: Re: What year did you first start gaming on the PC Engine/Turbografx??
Post by: sheath on 07/03/2011, 06:45 PM
Yeah, apparently I'm just extremely unlucky (or Hit Japan was selling flaky DUOs).  I agree, the 90s were the best decade for gaming for me and the Turbo/PCE/DUO is a significant reason for that.  I will be collecting games for it that I want to play for quite some time.