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PCEFX World - Homebrew Projects

The FXer PC-FX Emulation Project is a project dedicated to creating a fully-functioning PC-FX emulator for the Intel/x86 platform. (no longer being supported)

- FXer Team -
Aaron / Webmaster - Manson / FXer Manager - Virtual-E / Lead Programmer 

12.19.03 - FXer Status..
As you can tell by the lack of updates to FXer, that not much has been going on with the project. As of this update the FXer project will be put on hiatus until serious work is started back up on it.

Please don’t email us about any Hotline or FTP servers for PC-FX ISOs. We are not running any ISO servers or networks that supply ISOs.

1.15.03 - Update from Manson
So far, Virtual-E has finished the emulation engine, the v810 emulation for debug, and the FX memory. He still needs help with stuff like the graphics processors, sound etc. To help expedite this process, the emulator will use plugins which are opensource. So far, we already have some webspace at sourceforge.net. More details will be announced shortly. :)

On the PC-FX ISO front, K3K has volunteered to host an FTP server. :) We are also currently taking volunteers for hosting PC-FX mirrors. Benefits to volunteers will be that they can get the isos easier (they will get special accounts and be able to download without worrying about the server being full). If you would like to apply, please email --- and give him your information (how much space you have, what your speed is, how long your server can be up, etc).

Currently as of this update both Hotline servers are down (that is why we are going with FTP instead). Our next release will be Tengai Makayo which should be online very soon.

9.02.02 - Update from Virtual-E
I was working the last week on the boot process... I have the mechanism to load the ROM information from the CD, but I'm having troubles translating these ROM addresses to a memory address format (To make the cpu be able to run properly the asm instructions)... the problem is that the PCFX CD header for each game has a field to define which memory address it should take and the address where the program starts, and I've some confusion here, so I returned to the PCFXga information to see how to make the interpretation for such addresses, anyway... I'm close to get the 1st elements to emulate the console. Starting this week I'm working also on the GUI to have a proper interface to run the emulator, the idea here is have a complete plugin-enabled emulator so I hope to finish by the end of the week the GUI and work on the specific PCFX plugins to share you part of the work and start working with these hacking tools to breaktru all the console. That what I got until today... there was a lot of progress since I've had more time to spend in the project (being unemployed have certain benefits :D)

9.02.02 - Other news
It looks like the neo0-melchior.dyndns.org Hotline server has been down for sometime. We are looking into it.

5.6.02 : PC-FX BIOS Release & Site Redesign!
Some cool stuff for this update - the FXer site has been redesigned to make it easier to see things and get to the areas you want to go...and most importantly, the PC-FX BIOS is now available for download! This is the BIOS from the PC-FXGA card so we *assume* this is the same as the BIOS in the PC-FX...however we can’t be sure unless a dump of the BIOS from an FX system is checked. Check out the FXer Files section to download it.

We also have a new game released - Deep Blue Fleet! It is in the process of being distributed thoughout the servers so if you don’t see it today, it should be there by midweek.

FXer News - 4.7.2002 - By Manson
Ah finally, another update! And about time too... ;P

Got some really exciting news from Virtual-E, our lead programmer. He has finally gotten his PC-FXGA card and has it up and running! He will begin to extract the bios and start work on the emulation VERY soon! :)

Also, it's time again for another PC-FX iso release! This time it's Chip Chan Kick, a Snow Bros type game featuring cute graphics and addictive gameplay. Read the review here, and download the iso from the Melchior server.

Enjoy! More news and PC-FX isos coming soon! ^_^

FXer News - 3.1.2002 - By Manson
All of our PCFX iso releases can be found on this hotline server hosted by Tyris. :)
server: neo0-melchior.dyndns.org
login/pass: pcfxisos
To connect, you will need a Hotline client. You can download it here: http://www.bigredh.com/gateway.html
1. You can be banned for not following these rules. Banning is at the sole discretion of the admin. So behave.
2. This server is NOT up 24/7! So if you get an error connecting, do NOT contact us about it! Just be patient and retry at some other time.
3. Please QUEUE your downloads on your end! Do NOT have multiple downloads going at the same time since that would take up server slots and make it very hard for anyone else to download anything.
4. Don't be lame. Don't annoy admins.
5. Have fun! ^_^

FXer News - 2.20.2002 - By Manson
The V810 core is already ready for debug and now Virtual-E is just waiting for his FXGA DOS/V card to arrive (yes, we managed to buy one!!!!) before starting on the actual emulation.

Hm... well, an emu doesn't really work unless you have the games for it, and while we have released two ISOs already onto ABEM, we realize that many of you do not have access to them. But there is hope! Kevin T. has generously given us webspace for our PC FX images! =) Zenki FX has already been upped and Der Langrisser will be upped soon. More releases will follow! ^_^

Here are the links to all the Zenki files (files are compressed using RAR format): OFFLINE TILL FURTHER NOTICE. If you have any trouble with the files after downloading, please contact us, and we'll be glad to look into it. Also, if you have anymore docs and/or are willing to host additional mirrors, PLEASE send us an email. Thanks! =)

FXer News 2.4.02 - By Manson
Lots of good news to share with you guys today. :) First up, on the emu programming front, here's the latest progress straight from Virtual-E: "I'm on the middle stages of the v810 debugger application, it's gonna work with many features, like breakpoints and complete dissasm information. Also, David Tucker sent me some FXGA documents in japanese that I'm trying to translate... I hope to have something on the PCFX going in the following week, or at least some information on how the boot process is done."

Considering how recently we've started this project, this is EXCELLENT progress, and he deserves a standing round of applause for his hard work! =)

Speaking of progress, we still desperately need YOUR help and support. So far, not a single person has turned up who is willing to help mirror ISOs for us. :( These ISO's are just drifting out there in the cold, dark alleys of the net known as newsgroups. They're really nice ISOs and they need a warm, comfortable home, so please, please, help us. :)

Oh, and this following ISO is EXTRA special. *Drumroll* It's ZENKI FX!!!!!!  That's right, I said Zenki FX, as in Zenki, the game that costs over $200USD *IF* you are fortunate enough to come across one! He might be a demon god, but he's just so cute and cuddly. So please help us give him some nice webspace of his own so that all can enjoy. ;)  The ISO is up on ABEM for right now, but as we get volunteers who are willing to mirror it, we'll post those links up and give full credit to the noble souls hosting it. Remember, we're not asking you for donations or even banner clicking! We just need some stable webspace. And we'll even upload the game to that webspace for you, so you don't even have to bother downloading and upping it yourself!

[  The FXer Team Presents  ]
|     Zenki FX      |
[   Released: 2-4-2002   ]
|    Ripped by: Manson   |
---[ Usage: ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Unrar the file and burn with CDRWIN. You may need to edit the path of the iso on the cue sheet since it assumes that you have put the iso image directly in the root directory of your K: drive (most of you guys probably have this on your C:).
---[ Release Notes:]------------------------------------------------------------------
Question: What costs over $200, is one of the best games for the PC-FX, the only true sidescrolling platform game on the system, and is pretty much damn near impossible to find nowadays? Answer: This game that you've just downloaded! Yep, the FXer team is proud to present Zenki FX! Zenki FX (full title: Kishin Doji Zenki: Vajura Fight) is based on a manga/anime series called Zenki. It's about Zenki, a demon who is trapped in the form of a child and can only be released by Chiaki, a teenage shinto priestess. Zenki basically wants to kill Chiaki so that he can be free, but the catch is that she controls his powers and can change him back into a kid any time she wants to. Over time, the two actually develop a close bond. In this game, you wander through the special effects filled levels as either Zenki or Chiaki and use various attacks (activated like the special moves of a fighting game) to dispatch the ghosts and demons that stand in your way. For a full review, please see the PC-FX World website located at Pcengine-fx.com...Enjoy!

---[ Credits/Greetz: ]-----------------------------------------------------------------
Aaron Nanto - The founder of the FXer project and webmaster of Pcengine-fx.com. Ripped Der Langrisser FX.
Virtual-E - Creator of Virtual-E, an emulator for Virtual Boy, and lead programmer of the FXer project
Manson - Neo-0 founder. Working with Aaron and Virtual-E on PC-FX emulation. Ripped Zenki. Wrote this readme file. ;P
Tyris - Neo-0 tech guy. Uploaded the PCFX releases to the newsgroups. :)
To everyone out there supporting us - THANK YOU! ^_^
Personal note from Manson to "Emilie" - Happy B-day! Love ya! :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FXer News 1.24.02 - By Manson
Well, we've located some specs on the PC-FX system (salvaged from the previous FXer project), and Virtual-E is beginning development of the emu.

We've also released our first PC-FX ISO rip, Der Langrisser FX (check out the review)! This rip of Der Langrisser FX comes courtesy of Aaron. It can be found floating around on the ABEM newsgroup. Special thanks to Tyris for upping it there. =)

More things are in the works right now as far as ISOs go. Zenki FX (check out the review), the ultra cool sidescrolling action game (not to mention ultra rare and ultra expensive too $_$''') will be on its way soon. ^_^ And this is only the beginning... =)

This project is already off to a good start, but we NEED your help and support to succeed! If you can help us with ANY of the following, PLEASE contact us. You CAN make a difference! =)

1. Webspace - FTP, HTTP, whatever. If you can provide us with the space, we will take care of the uploading. But we need stable mirrors for these ISOs.

2. The PC-FXGA DOS/V ISA card - Having this card would help our dev effort TREMENDOUSLY! If you have a card that you would be willing to lend/sell to us or even if you just know of a place where we could buy one, contact us ASAP.

3. Documentation - Any and all documentation related to the PC-FX/PC-FXGA card and how the hardware worked will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all in advance. ^_^

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