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  PC-FX World

12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent!

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.

January 2024: PCEFX Reopens!

PCEFX may have been down for the count but not out of the fight! We thank Aaron for 2+ decades of dedication, shouldering most of the burden to carry on the Hudson/NEC legacy and lament continuing without him / his talents. However, PCEFX deserves revival / archival beyond WayBack!

12/06/2023: Localization News - OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!!

IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!

Patch Download:

Supper writes: Tengai Makyou: Ziria is the debut entry of the Tengai Makyou series. Published by Hudson Soft for the PC-Engine CD-ROM˛ system in 1989, it was the first RPG ever released on CD and served as a showcase for the new medium, with elaborate visuals and voice-acting far beyond what any competing title could offer. Its success led it to become the first in a popular series, very little of which was ever released outside Japan.

RPGFAN's Steve Harris wrote: ...most RPG fans have never heard of Far East of Eden. Sadly, none of the series, or its side-stories ever made their way to North America. This was primarily due to them being published in Japan for the PC Engine family of consoles (released here under the TurboGrafx-16 and Turbo Duo monikers), during a time where RPGs were not viewed as an insignificant niche in the domestic market. The consequent decline of the NEC consoles in North America made release impossible.

While the Far East of Eden series was passed over in America, they thrived in Japan - spawning several sequels, spin-offs, anime and merchandise. The series' popularity rivaled Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest in the late 1980's and early '90s due to amazing characterization, disturbingly off-beat humor and dynamic storytelling. The series has dealt with themes and archetypes ranging from Japanese folklore to the Book of Revelations in the New Testament, while still maintaining its tongue-in-cheek personality.


10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it also counts as a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization for its fans.
  December 22.2008 : NEC DOUBLE FEATURE FILM!
Presenting for the first time two unprecedented short films:

“Remembrance: A NEC Console Legacy Film” (4m44s - forum link)
Capturing the majestic beauty and form of an experience never to be forgotten, “Remembrance” brings you into the world of the NEC console legacy in a way never done before.

“The PC-FX: A Devotional Film” (7m13s - forum link)
“The PC-FX: A Devotional Film” was created to give people all over the world the experience of what the PC-FX is - a 32-Bit powerhouse with many games to entertain even the pickiest gamer.

I am very proud of both films as they give the NEC consoles what they deserve - grand recognition. Both films are available here in HD formats (720p) as well as streaming online from various video hosting sites. Enjoy and have a happy new year.
  January 18.2008 : Forum updates and new section!
The NEC Console Forums has had an update with a real-time chat feature, and the “PCEFX Goods” section has been changed to “PCEFX Outlet” featuring games and hardware for sale.

6-18-2007: PCEFX Presents “Love and Lost” Video Tribute!

PCEFX is happy to announce the first in our video tribute series, “Love and Lost”. Take a look and let us know what you think!

5-15-2007: PCEFX Presents The Turbo Memoirs!

PCEFX is happy to announce the opening of the Turbo Memoirs - our first dedicated entry back into the world of the TurboGrafx/PC Engine since closing down “TurboStation 16” back in 2003.
  Hudson News October 31.2006 : TG-16 Virtual Console Games Announced!
Hudson has finally announced the first batch of Virtual Console games that you will be playing on the 19th of November! Click here for info!
  Hudson News August 18.2006 : Turbo On The Wii
In this first installment of Turbo On The Wii, we explore what Turbo/PCE games we would love to see on the upcoming Nintendo console!

9-18-2006: Hudson Presents Bee TV Episode 1

Hudson as been not only busy with making games, but with making their own TV show as well - head on over there and take a look at Bee TV Episode 1! See all episodes here. Episodes 4-8 made it to YouTube.

9-18-2006: And on the forums...

If you don't visit our NEC Console Community Forums, you're missing out on some great discussions! For example, NightWolve posted a new translated PC game “Typing of Ys” which you can download from his site. The game is funny, simple and will test your typing skills as you go through level after level of the Ys games. Download it and discuss in our forums!

7-31-2006 : Mr. B Bee Part 2!

Continuing on with this admittedly strange production, this time we see Pretty Bomber trying to infiltrate the Japanese headquarters of Hudson Soft...and runs into a very colorful character. Enjoy, and make sure to comment in our forums!


7-31-2006: PCEFX TV now available on YouTube

Select episodes of PCEFX TV are now available on YouTube. This should give the show more exposure. You can search for “PcenginefxTV” or you can check out the direct links in the PCEFX TV section.

7-4-2006: Mr. B BEE!

We have another exclusive here at PCEFX: this time we dig deep into our collection of goodies to bring you Mr. B Bee - an episodic look into Hudson’s Japanese HQ from back in the early 90’s. Enjoy episode 1, and let us know how you like it in the forums!

DOWNLOAD (22MB) or via YouTube

6-14-2006: Hudson On The Floor E3 Video

Exclusively here at PCEFX, we bring you E3 show-floor footage... You heard the controversy and rumbling around the industry, now it's our turn to show you what *really* went on during E3! Follow our fabulous Hudson hostess, Yoi Tanabe, as she shows you the sights and sounds of this year's Expo -- all from Hudson's point of view!

DOWNLOAD (60MB) or via YouTube

5-22-2006: PCEFX TV at E3!

We were on the show floor of E3 2006 not only covering the Virtual Console from Nintendo, but the upcoming titles from Hudson as well. Check out PCEFX TV EP6 (special E3 edition) to see what it was all about!

4-21-2006: PCEFX & Hudson Soft Working Together!

Hello and welcome to the all-new PCEFX - your #1 source for NEC console information! We're pleased to announce that we're now working with Hudson Soft to bring you the best combined coverage for not only remembering the history of the PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16, but to the future as well - and what a great year for the Turbo this will be!

So what can you expect? Well for starters, Hudson will be mirroring episodes of PCEFX TV in WMV, PSP and iPOD formats. We'll also have shared (and exclusive!) Turbo or PC Engine related articles on both our respective sites. Lastly, with the upcoming revival of the Turbo on the next-generation Nintendo console, expect all of the coverage you could ever want related to the future of the Turbo!

We're excited to be working together with Hudson Soft to bring you complete coverage of the Turbo universe, and finally 2006 will be the year the Turbo (officially!) lives again!

4-21-2006: Hudson's President Talks Turbo

To celebrate the re-launch of Hudson Soft's site, a lengthy interview with the Hudson president himself John Greiner is now available. As you can expect, Mr. Greiner has lots of interesting stories about NEC, the Turbo, and more. He was also the legendary Ys Book I&II translator, so much respect to him for bringing us the best localization work in the TurboGrafx-CD era!! Check it out!

Hudson News 4-21-2006: The Definitive Bonk

Ever wanted to know where Bonk came from exactly? Bonk made his debut appearance on our beloved NEC console, but he has been spotted on other systems as well as the arcade. Read up on our favorite cave dude in “The Definitive Bonk” (part 2, part 3) by Aaron Kaluszka from

4-21-2006: New PC Demo Project - Dracula X

We are pleased to announce that a new Windows PC demo project is now available, and this time we try our hand at Dracula X. Keep in mind that this port is extremely early, unoptimized, buggy and may run slow on machines lower than a 2GHz machine. Head on over to the Homebrew section to try it out.

4-21-2006: Get ready for the Revolution - PCEFX @ E3

The next-generation Nintendo console is right around the corner - and we will be at E3 to see it in action! Expect photos, news and more related to the Nintendo Virtual Console and any Hudson news during E3!
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