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IMPORTANT NOTE: All screen captures were done via a video capture card with each systems composite video connection plugged directly into the card. No altering has been done to any of the photos, which includes adjusting brightness, contrast, hue, color, or sharpness. In other words, the following photos have been untouched and very closely represent each systems graphic ability.

If you are a gamer, you should know this game. If not..well... I feel sorry for you :) Anyway, this is it - the big cheese - the comparison of all comparisons - the classic shooter Lords of Thunder compared on 3 platforms - the PC Engine, TurboDuo and SegaCD! We got it all here - high quality screen shots of each game, detailed differences between each version, and more...so let’s get started!

NOTE: All versions of the game have the same exact intro with little differences.

PC Engine: Same intro as all other ports. Intro has narration during the first intro segment. Loading time only a few seconds.
TurboDuo: Same intro as all other ports. Intro has no narration (only music). Loading time only a few seconds.
SegaCD: Same intro as all other ports except animation seems a bit slower. Color in some scenes have a washed out look compared to the PCE/TurboDuo versions. Intro has narration all though intro. Loading time only a few seconds.

This is the PC Engine version titled “Winds of Thunder”

This is the TurboDuo version titled “Lords of Thunder”

This is the SegaCD version called “Lords of Thunder”. Note that the background is visible in this version.

To the left is the PCE/TurboDuo version, and the right is the SegaCD version. Very little color differences are found, but the brightness & sharpness of the SegaCD is lower than the PCE/TurboDuo version.

To the left is the PCE/TurboDuo version, and the right is the SegaCD version. Very little color differences are found, but the brightness & sharpness of the SegaCD is lower than the PCE/TurboDuo version.

To the left is the PCE/TurboDuo version, and the right is the SegaCD version. Very little color differences are found, but the brightness & sharpness of the SegaCD is lower than the PCE/TurboDuo version. Also note that the animation seems a bit slower in the SegaCD version.

PC Engine:
Level select and armor select screens same as other versions. In the weapon/power-up store, the girl speaks in Japanese "How may I help you" and "Thank you very much" (with mouth movement).
TurboDuo: Level select and armor select screens same as other versions. In the weapon/power-up store the girl says nothing, with minimal animation.
SegaCD: Level select and armor select screens same as other versions. In the weapon/power-up store the girl says "How may I help you?" and "Thank you" in English (with mouth movement).

To the left is the PCE/TurboDuo version, and the right is the SegaCD version. Upon close inspection, the PCE/TurboDuo version looks like it is displaying more shades of colors.

To the left is the PC Engine version, and the right is the SegaCD version. Main difference is that in the TurboDuo version the shop girl does not speak, where in the PCE & SegaCD version she does.

PC Engine/TurboDuo:
Gameplay, graphics, and levels identical.
SegaCD: Levels same as PC Engine/TurboDuo versions. When character gets hit, he cringes, hindering your ability to shoot for a second. Graphics in majority of game looked washed out, having less vibrent colors than the PC Engine/TurboDuo versions. When you hit an enemy, it doesn’t flash like the PCE/TurboDuo version.

To the left is the PCE/TurboDuo version, and the right is the SegaCD version. Notice that in the PCE/TurboDuo version, Landis flashes when hit, where in the SegaCD version he does not.

To the left is the PCE/TurboDuo version, and the right is the SegaCD version. Note the water is better looking in the PCE/TurboDuo.

To the left is the PCE/TurboDuo version, and the right is the SegaCD version.

To the left is the PCE/TurboDuo version, and the right is the SegaCD version. Note that it looks like the resolution is different in the SegaCD version, and there is major color loss in the gradient in the left and right corners.

CONCLUSION: As you can plainly see, the SegaCD version suffers from less colors and sharpness than the PCE/TurboDuo version. However, the SegaCD version is closer port to the original PC Engine version than the TurboDuo version is (shop girl for example). Also the BG music is re-mixed for the SegaCD version, with a less hard-edged sound to it (but retains the same melody as the original PCE/TurboDuo versions). So which version is better? They are both basicly the same game, but since we are biased at PCEFX we would take the PCE/TurboDuo version over the SegaCD anyday :)

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