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Remember the glorious time when TTi rolled out the TurboDuo back in 1994? Ahhh...those were the days. TTi was newly formed and ready to spend some money on something that is really important in the gaming industry - advertising. For those lucky few that sent in that little coupon for a free promo tape of upcoming games set for the TurboDuo, this was one of the tapes. Below you will find the full-length, original promo tape to one of the best games on the TurboDuo - Lords of Thunder.

Gotta run to my TV!


“I already have a Sega, but I would trade it in for this”

“Really killer music CD sound...”

DOWNLOAD : WINDOWS MEDIA (.wmv, 20MB, 400Kbps)
(You must have Windows Media Player 9.0 or higher to play)
Right-click to SAVE AS to your hard drive, or for fast connections, left click to stream.

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