This is a partial reconstruction of what seems to be a hidden background or cinema from Dracula X. It appears to be part of an inferno.
Left: Appears to be an unused graphic of Ora’s Orb.
Right: Unused warning screen for using the wrong System Card.
Left: A late 70’s model Ford F-series 4x4 pickup.
Right: A large lizard...Species unknown.
Interesting to note that the PCE game Gradius II also include these same graphics.
Top Left: An unused background found in the ‘Sadler meets D’Payne’ section.
Top Middle: A character we didn’t see in the game. Looks like he is a rebel fighter.
Top Right: This graphic looks like the knights in Albee Town.
Middle Right: A woman character that didn’t make the cut.
Bottom Left: A male character that didn’t make the cut.
Bottom Middle: A man that was never found in the game.
Bottom Right: An alternative graphic of the hero, Sadler.
Left: This graphic was used as a marker for unused character pic slots. English translation is “Who are you/Who is this”. (Thanks to John for the translation.)
Right: This looks like it has to do with the game's intro, although it's never used. The text is not in correct order.
Left: Two character sets
Top Right: The System Card warning screen that was never used.
Right Bottom-Left: A small programmer’s marker.
Right Bottom-Right: A graphic of the Turbo D-Pad and II button.
Left: A programmer’s marker.
Right: A company logo design of some sort...
A mostly re-constructed PC-Engine Bonk from the US GoT kiosk demo CD. The “spotlight” Bonk intro was taken out and instead replaced by a different version for the kiosk disk, however the gfx were left in.