About The Memoirs
The Turbo Memoirs was created to provide high-quality original imagery related to the NEC line of video game consoles. The Turbo Memoirs is the only site of its kind featuring original studio shots, high-resolution artwork, hardware art gallery and more. The Turbo Memoirs was created by Aaron Nanto and is part of the PC Engine-FX Network.

About Aaron Nanto
Aaron Nanto has been a major contributor to the retrogaming scene for over 10 years, providing one of of the largest online resources for the NEC line of 16 and 32-Bit video gaming consoles. To find out more about Mr. Nanto, please visit https://www.youtube.com/c/AaronNanto.

About Pcenginefx.com
Pcenginefx.com has been one of the major contributors to the NEC retrogaming scene for over a decade, and features a wealth of information from exclusive interviews, hardware guides and game reviews, to original content such as PcenginefxTV and more. To find out more about the NEC line of 16 and 32-bit consoles, please visit www.pcengine-fx.com.

About the PC Engine-FX Network
The PC Engine-FX Network is a collection of in-house and external sites related to the NEC line of video game consoles that actively contribute to the NEC retrogaming scene. The Network provides visitors easy access to the best the NEC retrogaming scene has to offer in a centralized location. To find out more about the PC Engine-FX Network, please visit www.pcengine-fx.com.

Content by Aaron Nanto   |   Best viewed at 1024x768   |   The Turbo Memoirs is part of the PC Engine-FX Network.