Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - 8bitplus

I found a thread on a different forum saying the Q900 and Q901 transistors are 2SD1898, so i've ordered them to try.
Still looking for info on the smaller ones....
I'm trying to fix a PCE GT thats been sent to me. It powers up and shows an image for about 3 seconds then starts to flake out with unstable image, then fades out completely. nothing cna be seen after that.
Someone has done an awful job ar recapping this in the past, but I'm trying to identify some transisters.

I have heard that the transisters at Q900 and 901 can be problematic, and these ones look like they have fungus growing on them lol. Can anyone tell me what the 3 smaller ones are? I'm going to remove them and clean the board, but I might as well replace them.

It also has no sound at all, just a static hum, but I'll look at that after the video.
Hello. I think I could help with that.
Please email me at through my site

I'm UK based, but the PAC is not very heavy to post.
I've recapped and repaired a few DUO's now and I just replace the amps I remove.  No point re-soldering them back on and risk more heat damage from the process. I got 5x of the RC4558D for about £4 on eBay.
I've used them to replace the 2x OpAmp's under the board and main 2 on top by the AV and jack ports.
Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: ADPCM
07/05/2017, 03:36 AM

I got an original copy of Ys3 from ebay and it played perfectly on the system I was recapping. All the speech from the bridge and town was audible (is slightly lower than the intro voices).
Good call, I'll keep this to hand when testing PCE Cd systems from now on.
Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: ADPCM
06/30/2017, 06:43 AM
Thanks everyone, that's just what I was after.

I'll start with Gates of thunder as I have that too hand. and get a copy of Ys3
Console Repair/Mod Center / ADPCM
06/29/2017, 04:09 AM
I'm fixing a couple of PCE Duo's and want to check ADPCM after changing OpAmp IC503.
Can someone tell me a title of a CD game that uses ADPCM and when I should hear it?

I can easily tell if Hu-card and streaming CD audio is working (which it is :) but no idea when and where ADPCM is used.

Turned out the OP-Amp at IC521 wasn't getting correct voltage. I linked it to a 5v line on pin3 and the cd music is nice and high again.
After more reading it sounds like the problem may be related to the M51131L. I have a second fully working Duo and its getting 5v to pin 8 of the M51131L when playing CD music, but this Duo is getting less than 1v.
I'll take the board out of the case again and inspect that area closely...
Hello. I'm trying to fix a black PC engine duo. The sound is working correctly for the HU card games, but very faint for the CD background music.

I have done a complete re-cap, and initially everything worked. Then the next day NO SOUND at all.
After days of poking around I fixed a couple of traces and replaced the 2 op-amps under the board, and the one at the AV jack.

I reassembled and found the CD volume is very low on both the AV and headphone jack.

Can someone tell me which caps and amps are for the CD drive?