PC Engine Homebrew News: The duo that brought you FX-Unit Yuki returns! A demo for "Nyanja!" is available, an action platformer akin to games like Bubble Bobble & Snow Bros in gameplay style.
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Messages - tobasoft

whoa, I feel like a kid that just listened in on his parents absolutely trashing each other in another room.

so, um, anyway I'm really glad the translation is alive and going well. you guys all seem like pretty cool dudes and I hope you can work out your differences. you all have great skills and talents that bring a lot of joy to the few of us who still love the turbo to death but unfortunately can't read a lick of Japanese.

thanks to all making the effort to keep translating cool shit.

(side note, I just completed a spanish/castilian translation patch of dragon quest for the NES, so that's kinda cool)
2/10 forum, needs more ass licking
that is such a bummer. this is by far my most anticipated project translation wise (aside from emerald dragon of course)
I actually just started playing the French translation of surging aura for mega drive. I can read spanish well so french isn't too hard to power through
this version also has achievements on retroachievements if you link your account through retroarch.
damn that is beautiful. my retropie is sooo ready
yeah that's going way too far. there's plenty of other games to play while we wait for this one to get wrapped up.
any chance there could be a text only release, and then perhaps a dub release at a later date when ready?
Last Bible is pretty cool actually. Neat battle/recruitment system
by the way, I just wanted to offer my services to any translating group that would like a spanish translation. I'm a native speaker and a translation project is just the kind of thing that would help keep my skills sharp.
I kinda dug dragonslayers cheesy dialogue.  :cry:

soooo that sounds rather promising, coming soon then??

I'm like a little kid with these two, I've been wanting english versions since I had a turbo back in the 90's
I'd love to be one of the dub voices for this.
Quote from: SamIAm on 06/14/2016, 02:39 AMYou might want to reserve judgement on that one until the Xanadus come out. I just might be a hack.  8-[
so erm....any news on those releases?

::patiently awaiting::

I've been looking forward to this for a long time. I hope we see something soon.
I've been looking forward to this for some time