OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - PuniStation

Hi there.

Does anyone know how I can rip the audio directly from my TG16/PCE CD?

Sure, I could just record live from the Magic Engine emulator, but there are SO many Playstation audio rippers out there.

Help?  Please?

PC-FX Discussion / Re: thx
11/10/2002, 06:46 PM
Oh, well that's just GREAT, isn't it?  I finally get my newly-purchased PC-FX up n' running, and a working emulator is right around the corner.

If you're one of those people without cross-internet psychic abilities, you'll just have to imagine the look on my face.  It's not pretty.  One could almost see the flames of rage in my eyes.

ANYway... quick question:  How much can the internal PC-FX memory handle in terms of saved games?  I've done quite a bit in Tenchi Muyo, and I'm fearful of losing it.  Also, is the PC-FX like the Sega Saturn, where if you unplug it from the power switch long enough the saved games will eventually erase?

I got me my own PC-FX (yay!).

I bought it from the Yahoo Japan Auction service (just like e-bay).  Naturally, Japanese users never ship internationally, so I used the RINKYA auction service, which bid for you.  Once they get the package, they ship it to the US (or Australia, in my case).

I got mine for $77 US (not including S&H), plus 4 games thrown in.  RINKYA hold it for a month in case you win anything else, so you save on S&H costs.  That allows me some time to pick up a game or two.  I already have TENCHI MUYO FX, and am currently hunting down AKAZUKIN CHA-CHA.

QUESTION:  What about those ANIME FREAK games ?  What are they exactly?  AF1 has a Cha-Cha cover, and AF3 has a TM! cover.  Are there games on it, preview samples of games, or just movie clips from the anime?

With Rinkya's commission charges, things get expensive if the purchase isn't sizeble, so I need to know if the games are worth gettin'.  IS there anything in AF3 that is exclusive to that game, and not found on the TM! game itself?  Can anybody help me out on that?

Pwetty pwease?


P.S.  Knowing my luck, a PC-FX emulator will be released in a month or so...
PC-FX Discussion / Re: hm
07/22/2002, 07:36 PM
Original scans?  

Well, I'm not quite sure of what.  I did scan and upload a whole bunch've never-before-seen images from the Naoko Novels (novels written by original scriptwriter of OAV1-6 & movie 02), but they're over at the Aeka Fan Club Message Board.  

Yeah, that's actually a good idea.  I think I'll link to the specific AFC pages from my FUN STUFF page, just like the 4-koma manga stuff.  Thanks for being my muse, Ruru~san!


P.S.  I want the goodies locked within the TM! FX game SO much.  Anyone willing to sell me their PC-FX?  For maybe... $40?   (Jen blinks eyes and makes sad pathetic expression to gain pity from PC-FX owners)
PC-FX Discussion / Re: ya
07/21/2002, 04:27 PM
I missed out on the Ebay auction.  The Shipping cost was just too much.


PC-FX Discussion / Re: ya
07/21/2002, 03:41 AM
Thanks for the info, Ruru~san.

Yeah, I've gone through the utilities.  This entire thread is a testimony to my failure on that one.  My best bet was the Image-viewer, but it couldn't find anything on the TM! CD's.  I am a TM! fanatic, so I really want to play the FX game.  (It's just sitting around, collecting dust)

Yeah, most TM! games appear on the Saturn.  I've got quite a few, spanning accross multiple systems.  I grab what I can from 'em, and put them on my Homepage  (Feel free to drop by if you like TM! goodies!  As surreal as it feels to think this, I honestly believe I am the greatest source of TM! games n' goodies in the western world.).

The PC-FX stuff however is an unknown to me.  What exactly is on the Anime Flick #03 CD?  Is it a game?  Sounds like a movie clip to me.  Is it an actual episode?  Is it an original, or just one of the OAV's?

I think I may have the opportunity to buy a PC-FX tonight, but it looks like the shipping will be as much if not more than the cost of the PC-FX itself!  *cries again*

sigh... All the good stuff is always on another continent.  As a veteran importer, I can say without a doubt: Importing sucks.

I realise that buying a PC-FX is the only way to see the goodies on my TENCHI MUYO FX game (what with no FX utilities working for TM!)... but what're the ways I can get the audio/visual goodness onto my PC?

One way I think works is a Video Card with that funky VIDEO-IN hole.  A 'capture card' I think it's called.  How would I get that to work?  Do I plug the PC-FX into my TV by way of VCR, record onto VHS while I'm playing, then plug the VCR into the VIDEO-IN and record the VHS?  Is that how it works?  

Recording onto VHS, then VHS to PC, sounds pretty low quality.  Is there anything better?

Howazabout those funky PCFX-GA cards?  What exactly do they do?  Do they allow plugging the PC-FX into your computer, and playing it using the PC Monitor?  That sounds nice, because I can simply take screen captures (They'd be good digital quality too).  But then, there's two types of GA cards, right?  One which won't work on a PC, and one that does, ne?   (PC9800 & DOS/V I think they're called)

GA cards sound expensive though...

Are there any others ways to get PC-FX goodness onto my PC?   (an emulator or image-ripper utility would be ideal, but I don't think they'll be around anytime soon.  *cries*)


What's this?!  I come back after almost a month, and STILL no working PC-FX emulator?!

Honestly, what  am I paying you for?

(I'm sure you'd say I'm not paying you at all, but I'm talking in terms of life.  You see, I've saved your life on 3 seperate occasions so far.  I went back in time and prevented your death, thus creating an alternate timeline and saving your life.  The last time; you were eaten by a pack of wild zebra taking revenge on the world.  All I ask in return is a working emulator, or at least a partially working emulator so I can grab the images from my TENCHI MUYO FX game, but no~ooooo...)

You better pull up your socks and start wit' da hardcore programming, buddy boy... or I will hunt you down, grab your arm in a heavily-populated public shopping center...and cry.  

...very loudly.

 Kisses XXOOXX

Edited by:>punistation at: 7/16/02 9:36:02 pm

If there's no working emulator... and no image extraction utilities... how is it you guys have Tenchi Muyo FMV & Gameplay images on the website ?

(and why haven't I realised this until now...?)

Well, I finally got CDdump to work.  It was a matter of figuring out the commandline.  Sure enough, I got myself a 500MB CDF file of my PC-FX game (and a 128MB file for disc 02)

Sadly, when I loaded it into FXview, it couldn't find any images.  It kept looking and looking, but eventually finished with no result.   (It says the program looks for images, then stops searching when it finds one.  Left-click to continue).

Tragic... tragic...

I guess my ONLY hope now is to pray for the successful (and very hasty indeed) completion of the 1st PC-FX emulator.

While I'm at it, here's what happenned when I tried CDdump:">

Of course, it simply stays like that.  If there's no PCFX CD in there, it'll tell you such.

And while I'm at it:  When I look at the PCFX CD in Win98 Explorer, it only shows an audio file  (the one you hear when you put the CD into a CD Player.  Y'know, "This is a PCFX game CD, etc...").  HOWEVER, look what I see when I turn on my CD wav/MP3 maker program:">

Ah-HAH!  game data!  Something to rip from!    (Now, if only I had a program that could DO that...)

 Kisses XXOOXX

Edited by:>punistation at: 6/16/02 2:32:54 am
(This message was left blank)

Edited by:>punistation at: 6/16/02 2:32:04 am
Alrighty, here's the funny thing:

CDdump is the program included with the Image Viewer FXview.  What it's meant to do is create a CDF file from PCFX CD's.  FXview can open these CDF files, and view the lovely images within.

Sadly, I can't get it to work.  But then, I've mentioned that already.">

Now:  I've done a lil' internet scouring, and sought out CDF files & CDdump.  It turns out, CDdump is a LINUX program, not a WINDOWS program.  CDdump is just another CD backup utility, but it's LINUX only.

I thought about partitioning off part of my PC, and setting up LINUX on it... but before I do that, I wanna' put it before you guys.

Has anyone been able to get CDdump to work on their PC?

Thanks for the helping hand, Aaron!  I could use all the help I can get!

(Sniff... it's so unfair.  The PSX has 50 or so nice utilities.  Zophars Domain doesn't even have a PCFX page.  I cry.)

Yay!  Tenchi Muyo FX finally arrived!    Wai!  Wai! if only I had a PC-FX.

Of course, I'd jump for joy if there were any utilities that could help me grab some goodies from it.  I can't seem to get the PCFX2WAV program to work, but that's not too suprising.  The FXVIEW file would be ideal, but my PC only identifies the game as an audio CD.  I know I'm supposed to use CDdump to make a .CDF file from it, but I can't seem to get it running.  Could someone tell me how to work it?

If this isn't possible, are there any other PC-FX goodies I can use on this game?

 Kisses XXOOXX

Edited by:>punistation at: 6/10/02 3:34:15 pm
Woops.  Broken link.  Sorry.

Well, the 1st file on the SOLTIN page (PCFX->MIX) has at the bottom of it's lil' description "PC-FXGA,Æmixplay.exe,ª•K—v,Å,·", which means "PC-FXGA & mixplay.exe are required".  However, if you say it doesn't need it... well, that's good news indeed.

(I'm a newbie to the PC-FX, but I'm guessing that MIX files are the movie files, ne?)

As for the audio ripper, I found it in my exploration of Japanese pages for PC-FX goodies.  Without any games yet, I obviously haven't tested it.  If you'd like to have a go, feel free to have a">looksie

I'm going away for the long weekend, starting... pretty much now; but I'd love to talk Tenchi Muyo some more.  See you in a few days!

Let's see...

The 1st converts PCFX to MIX, the 2nd is a MIX player, and the 3rd converts MIX to AVI. Sadly, the very 1st one says I need a PCFX-GA... an adapter card I don't have. That pretty much rules out 2 & 3. Tragic...

The 4th appears to be an image viewer. Believe it or not, this was the 1st place I visited for PCFX utilities before coming here. I downloaded the 4th, but when I tried to unzip it, it said the file was corrupted. I was left with nothing.

...but NOW, I download and unzip it again, and it works! What was wrong the first time? Hmmmph.

Oh well, thanks for linking me there again. Your link was the magic touch that made everything better. I guess the website didn't like strangers, but feels better now it knows I'm from here. (that's the only explanation... right?)


P.S. Thanks for the mixhokan link, but the game I'm getting is Tenchi Muyo... which isn't available on the list. Drat! Thanks anyway!  
I don't own a PCFX, but I'd like to get what I can out of an incoming PC-FX game through my Win98 PC.

I know there's no working emulator, but what about utilities?  I found an audio ripper, but I was hoping someone might know of an image viewer, or a movie ripper (if PC-FX games have movie files.  This'll be my first one.)

Are there such programs out there?  Ones that don't require some expensive adapter card?
