PC Engine Homebrew News: The duo that brought you FX-Unit Yuki returns! A demo for "Nyanja!" is available, an action platformer akin to games like Bubble Bobble & Snow Bros in gameplay style.
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Messages - exodus

I've gotta say, I do find the cursor super distracting!
definitely looking good!
wahoooo, cool to see it out in the wild! enjoy the PCE reference in the back of the manual :3
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FO: PC Engine Duo RX
11/20/2018, 09:40 PM
definitely nice looking!
oh yeah, I'm not trying to say you shouldn't sell them for the going rates, I'm just amazed at how the prices have shot up!
it's crazy how expensive these have gotten. I used to have the two hawaii ones in the late 90s and I was like... what's the point? and traded them for peanuts :P
you've got a 30 minute video there fella - maybe just tell us what you found?
whoa, good call, I can't believe I forgot that one.
yeah, I guess that's also a straight remake with the same maps and arranged music, so it probably counts.
startling odyssey is *such* a remake that I might have to take it off the list, even :P the story and systems are the same though...
nice game gear find evilevo - jealous of that!
yeah, those are good... though I don't think bonk 3 totally counts(!?) it's certainly debatable! I'll keep it out for now.
I was on the fence about GB Nectaris but I guess it uses the same maps, so that counts.
Gonna have to look into/compare contrast PCE fire pro and super fire pro!
I don't think this specific thing has been done before - I'm interested in looking at games that began their lives on the PCE and then got ports to other consoles. Most specifically I'm interested in games that were essentially "remixed" for another platform, ala rondo of blood vs dracula x, or valis iv vs super valis iv. But I'd like to talk about all of them I guess, so I can sift through? And this would be games that didn't start on other systems or arcades first, so the SNK games don't count, etc.

I'll start:
PCE: Rondo of Blood
SNES: Dracula X

PCE: Valis IV
SNES: Super Valis IV

PCE: Valis III
GEN: Valis III

PCE: Exile
GEN: Exile
(I'm counting this since it's a total remake/retelling of XZR II and doesn't have a pre-console equivalent)

PCE: Devil's Crush/Crash
GEN: Devil's Crush/Crash

PCE: Dungeon Explorer II
SNES: Crystal Beans

PCE: Lords of Thunder
SCD: Lords of Thunder

PCE: Startling Odyssey
PSX: Startling Odyssey I: Blue Evolution

(adding everyone else's)

PCE: Bonk's Adventure
NES: Bonk's adventure

PCE: Nectaris
GB: GB Nectaris
PSX: GB Nectaris

PCE: Bomberman '94
GEN: Mega Bomberman

PCE: Tokimeki Memorial
PS1/SAT/SFC: Tokimeki Memorial

PCE: Cosmic Fantasy: Bōken Shōnen Yū (1990)
Cosmic Fantasy 2 (1991)
Sega CD: Cosmic Fantasy Stories (1992, Sega CD)

any others you can think of?
It'd be fun to do this for all consoles forever, but that seems impossible :P
If anyone wants to sell me the PCE version I'll totally buy it :P
those pc engine magazines sure do look neat! I'd probably read them, but also... I shouldn't have more stuff.
I wonder if that "namco 16" thing was them misunderstanding that Namco was making its System 16 arcade hardware??
Thanks Chris!! That should pretty well cover it all!
Hey folks. I've got a friend who's interested in:
1) ripping music from PCE roms
2) isolating specific channels

Basically he wants to sample specific parts of specific music tracks for remixes and suchlike.
What are the tools people use for this stuff these days?

Sorry for the basic question!
Total aside, but I recently got a game called Marine Philt (weird name) for the FM Towns. Where Dead of the Brain is Nightmare Collection I, Marine Philt is Nightmare Collection II - so I guess it's like a... not a sequel, but a spiritual successor? That's fun!

You can see some stuff about it here:

weird! at least it doesn't affect the game, but it'd be annoying to look at.
I'm no expert, but all vintage games/consoles have some sort of overscan to deal with variable tv sizes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overscan
what you're seeing is 95% likely to be something that is supposed to be cut off by a regular CRT border. As you can see from jperryss' photo, you're getting the same amount of active game pixels on screen, and the white line is extra data that goes beyond where the actual game display ends. this overscan stuff can vary by game depending on how they coded them.

So you're just paying the price of a white line for using an output method the console wasn't designed for!
Hey folks - this is a long shot, but I've had the disc and case for Camp California since like... 1994. but I never had the manual, and never bothered to get it! Now I feel dumb.
Anyone got a spare one floating around that I could buy for a reasonable price!? Let me know!!

I do like the lost sunheart!!! but I'd never heard of zombie nation. I'll give it a look, then. This floating head thing is odd!
that PSX trade is pretty nuts! did they just... really really want vanark!?
I don't have a particular recommendation, but I use a CDX because of the size. I have no issues using my 32x with it, either.
I sure thought I got a complete copy and thus had a spare loose one, but I can't find that complete one for the life of me, so maybe I never had it!!
Skrat if you like to grind for score, you probably want to go for the shooters with caravan modes. Here's a handy list of those: http://www.pc-engine.co.uk/?section=caravan

Unfortunately they're all expensive :P

As others have noted, most of the shooters on the PCE are good... I'm more into the ones on the CD, but you can't go wrong with the Soldier series, I also quite like aero fighters though it's rarely topping anyone's list, override, armed F, all quite good. I think the real issue everyone's having here is that this is a system known for its shooters, and because of that competition was quite fierce among developers to try to outdo each other. The dev environment also lent itself to shooters quite well. So it'd actually be easier to make a list of the shooters that aren't that good, versus a list of the best of them, because the "best" list is just all the ones that aren't the worst!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/30/2018, 12:07 PM
Not through Limited Run, but we're definitely keeping options on the table there... we're gonna try to eventually do a physical switch version, but there's nothing set in stone yet. Our first option was a "X-in-1" indie game collection we'd be a part of, but that's a little less exciting to the collector. Our 2nd option is a new company looking to package physical switch games with vinyl soundtracks. I'm still into that idea, but I think they're waiting to see how our LRG sale pans out. I talked to LRG about Switch too, but they're also waiting to see how this PS4/Vita sale works.

So now you've got all the info I have :P
download them and print out your own labels :3
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/26/2018, 09:35 PM
thanks!! I hope people enjoy all the extras we put in there...
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/17/2018, 05:03 AM
Basically I started writing stories for games in 2005, then quit my job and started a small company in 2012. that's pretty much it!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/14/2018, 11:44 PM
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/14/2018, 10:54 PM
So before everyone comes in here to say how terrible the new Limited Run release is... it's mine!!! Ha ha. Now you may say it's terrible.

We're releasing Gunhouse through Limited Run with:
- two covers (one for each sku), each of which is reversible and references a different odd thing.
- 20 page manual. each features a different cover as well as different comics and illustrations inside.
- a 2" (I think) pin
- 8 trading cards
- a cassette ost from composer disasterpeace

I don't know if they're going to do a bundle for all the stuff, but it was pretty interesting putting it all together!!

[edit]: see the covers here!
it's fun how we're all talking about how good this deal is and how nice the game is, and now shiawase usagi 2 is in the mix as well :P
I hope whoever jumps on this really enjoys it!
I keep forgetting to get that game!! I'll pick it up this week maybe
that's neat! I guess it's inaccessible through normal use?
Quote from: benlefou on 07/20/2018, 03:53 AMValid point on Nexzr, I suppose it might just be the "hardcore" who are aware and not so much the casuals.
are there any casuals in this particular hobby? how could there be, at this point? anyone new to the scene is coming in from youtube videos on the "10 rarest games" or whatever, and nexzr is gonna be mentioned in many of those!
it's always great to find something like that!
hopefully the cord is fixable... I guess you'd have too replace it.
nice! I'll watch this.
Yeah, blood gear isn't that bad - there are a couple points where you could get a bit stuck I thiiiiink, but hey, gamefaqs has a faq, so you're in the clear!
Blood Gear - RPG overworlds, nice mech design, side-scrolling action stages, nice cutscenes, extremely affordable, and a Hudson original. No idea why it's not up there with the top games people talk about for the PC Engine.
woooo! do you know what the usage rights will be?
they sure look neat!
got it! looks interesting indeed.
are these for LCD screen mods or just to replace crappy screens in general?
This one's almost certainly coincidence, but, the intro refrain for Ys:
has a lot in common with this dan siegel song
well... there you go
I thought they used HDs for the CDrom emulation stuff?? this thing is so compact, it looks pretty great!