Hi guys. I've got a Super CDROM2 which has been acting strange lately. At first there was very soft CD music from the AV port of the SCD2 unit. I thought it was a cap somewhere that's died and I replaced 2 caps and that didn't cure it. So one of the guys here suggested I try using the AV port from the PCE unit.. and that worked great.. Both PCE and CD sounds came through at even volume! That is until recently though. What happened was I started noticing that the CD music is getting softer and softer and now.. there's no CD sound AT ALL.. I opened up the unit again.. and if you guys have seen the insides of the SCD2. You'll notice that the sound board is separated into 2.. There's another tiny board which has the audio balancing chip, Mitsubishi M51131L and I thought this time.. one of the caps on that board has really died. So, I replaced every cap on it.. and guess what.. Still no sound... and worst thing is.. no sound and video!! If I unplug the board though.. I could still get the sound from the PCE... If I plug that board in... bam!.. total silence... There's no Video at all coming out from the AV port of the SCD2 unit.. just total darkness... It used to have Video and PCE sound previously....
Any suggestions? Do you think a chip is broken somewhere? Any suggestions to troubleshoot it? I spent the whole night hoping to get perfect sound.. and now... Any help is much appreciated...
Any suggestions? Do you think a chip is broken somewhere? Any suggestions to troubleshoot it? I spent the whole night hoping to get perfect sound.. and now... Any help is much appreciated...