RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Filler

Quote from: geise on 12/06/2017, 07:01 PMFarland Story is also on pc98.
Quote from: exodus on 12/07/2017, 01:25 PMthere's also *a* farland story on saturn, but I guess the game is a bit different.
Yeah, it's tough with some of these to figure out which are ports, and which are entirely new games. I guess I'll have to try to check some footage or get my hands on at least the SAT version of Farland Story and confirm if it's the same game as the FX version.

Quote from: Mathius on 01/01/2018, 09:41 PMAny update on your project?  :)
Nah. I'd like to keep working on it though. I just want to be careful not to put misinformation out there.
I'm considering doing a video or two on exclusives and multi-plats for the system. To that end I'm putting together a list that aims to categorize PC-FX games, and note differences from other ports. It's a wip, but I thought I'd post it here to get some more eyes on it. I welcome feedback.

PC-FX Console Exclusive PC Ports
Aa! Megami-sama!
Last Imperial Prince
Lunatic Dawn
Power Dolls FX

PC-FX Console Exclusive PCE Ports
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki FX (half exclusive/half port from PCECD)
Hataraku * Shoujo: Tekipaki Working Love FX (remade to adventure game from raising sim)

PC-FX Console Exclusives (Non-ports)
Akazukin ChaCha: Osawagase Panic Race
Anime Freak FX Vol. 1
Anime Freak FX Vol. 2
Anime Freak FX Vol. 3
Anime Freak FX Vol. 4
Anime Freak FX Vol. 5
Anime Freak FX Vol. 6
Battle Heat
Chip Chan Kick!
Choujin Heiki Zeroigar
Comic Road
Cutey Honey FX
Farland Story FX
Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna FX: Kanashimi no Siren
Kishin Douji Zenki FX: Vajra Fight
Kokuu Hyouryuu Nirgends
Makeruna! Makendou Z
Megami Tengoku II
Minimum Nanonic
Miraculum: The Last Revelation
Ojousama Sousamou
Pachio-Kun FX: Maboroshi no Shima Daikessen
Ruruli Ra Rura
Sparkling Feather
Super Power League FX
Team Innocent: The Point of No Return
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki FX (half exclusive/half port from PCECD)
Tengai Makyou: Karakuri Kakutoden
Tokimeki Card Paradise: Koi no Royal Straight Flush
Tonari no Princess Rolfee!
Zen-Nippon Joshi Pro Wrestling: Queen of Queens

PC-FX Console Multi-platform
Angelique Special (PS/SAT/PC)
Angelique Special 2 (PS/SAT)
Angelique Tenkuu no Requiem (PS)
Arubarea no Otome (PS/PSN)
Blue Breaker: Ken Yorimo Hohoemi (SAT(PS?))
Blue Chicago Blues (PS/SAT/PC/LaserActive)
Boundary Gate: Daughter of Kingdom (PS)
Can Can Bunny Extra DX (SAT)
Cocktail Pack
Der Langrisser FX
Doukyuusei 2 (SAT)
Dragon Knight 4 (PS/SFC)
Fire Woman Matoigumi (PS)
First Kiss * Monogatari (PS)
Fushigi no Kuni no Angelique (PS/SAT/GBA)
Konpeki no Kantai (3DO)
Mahjong Goku Tenjiku (PS/SAT/SFC/3DO)
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! (SAT) (Port of PC version including adult content not found on other console versions)
Return to Zork (PS/SAT)
Shanghai: Banri no Choujou (PS/3DO)
Sotsugyou II: Neo Generation (PS/SAT/3DO)
Sotsugyou R: Graduation Real (PS)
Super Real Mahjong PV FX (SAT/3DO) (Port of arcade version including adult content not found on other console versions)
Voice Paradise (PS)
Wakusei Koukitai Little Cats (PS)
Zoku Hatsukoi Monogatari: Shuugaku Ryokou (PS/SAT)
Since this the PC-FX sub forum, I assume you are looking for a PC-FX. I'll gladly sell you one for $1,800 boxed. :twisted:
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 09/07/2017, 09:20 PMYour picture makes me wonder how many games came in Jewel cases and how many came in clamshells. I only have five games and 40% are clamshells. I suspect most are jewel cases.
Should be 28 clamshells.
Cool stuff! Glad to see you trying a handful of games and getting some enjoyment from a unique system. Zenki is a fun little game. I felt the same way about Chip-chan Kick that you did at first. I grew to enjoy it a lot more over time. The bosses are pretty cool, and it gets challenging.

I'm sad to see you didn't have much patience for Welcome to Pia Carrot. It's an enjoyable experience if you let it work its charms on you. The translation patch zip file includes the transcript for the girls dialog during the opening movie BTW. No one had figured out how to rip video and re-compress with subtitles at the time like they later did with Zeroigar.
PC-FX Discussion / Re: Blue Breaker series
08/07/2017, 10:02 PM
I didn't know about some of these!

It's too bad that some good PC-FX games such as Blue Breaker, Fire Woman Matoi Gumi, and Boundary Gate came out on other platforms since they would be cool FX exclusives.

Incidentally, Blue Breaker plays a role in Megami Tengoku II as a discoverable advertisement.
I need a PC-FX, but I already have 3. :P
It's lonely at the top!
... Of the pile of consoles no one cares about. ;_;
Has anyone suggested placing the PC-FX section of the forum underneath the PCE/TG16 section?
PC-FX Discussion / Re: PC-FX Mooks
03/14/2016, 07:26 AM
Quote from: brizio on 03/14/2016, 05:39 AMWould love to find them so cheap! They are apparently sold for 10x that price at least...
That was going to be my comment. I have all 3 but I'm pretty sure I spent between $30-80 depending on the volume.
FYI: The patch for this game is now available.
QuoteSince this thread is about the Super Famicom Zenki game (and doesn't really belong here), I assume filler was translating that game and not the PC-FX game.
Yes, the SFC game, not the PC-FX one sadly. Unfortunately, no, I haven't messed around with TI any more. I have a bad habit of just continuing to translate since that's what I enjoy the most, and not taking the time to playtest and edit things. Zenki was an exception since I simply watched a YouTube walkthrough and cleaned up the script a bit. At any rate, keep an eye on Dynamic Designs site for that one. In the mean time I'll try to kick myself in the butt and get TI the testing it needs. I really appreciate the work you put in (and everyone else who's worked on that project) and I fully plan to have it out this year.

Good news, if you want to call it that, I've been translating Ah!/Oh My Goddess again and that script is starting to come along nicely.
Coincidentally, you guys may be interested to know, I just finished spot checking and editing the script for this game that another translator just completed. This may crop up as a finished translation patch sometime in the not too distant future.
PC-FX Mouse: 4904323240043

What is "this" exactly?
Don't ask what the PC-FX can do for you; ask what you can do for the PC-FX. Love the name btw!
Honestly, that's about what I'd expect a full collection to cost. It's pretty reasonable if you want (and can afford) to grab the whole thing at once.
Quote from: Koop on 08/27/2015, 01:07 AMIs there a list of games that have English patches anywhere?

The PC-FX always interested me but I just always assumed 80% of the library would be behind a language barrier for me.
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 08/25/2015, 11:20 AMThank you so much for your hard work on completing this project!  With NightWolve's help, I was able to finally burn a CD-R to play in my FX.  I've always loved the FX, but found it unfortunate that I could never fully enjoy the games due to not understanding Japanese.

On a side note, I plan on live streaming English Zeroigar on my newly formed Twitch channel whenever I get a few hours to spare :D
Did you ever get around to checking out Pia Carrot?  :wink:
Quote from: RGMag on 08/22/2015, 10:44 AMWhat other games on the PC-FX are like Chojin?  I mean, open my eyes guys.  I am still under the impression that there are less than 10 games for this thing - like a launch and it didn't sell well so no one released any more games for it- type opinion.
There are none. It's the sole SHMUP on the system.

It would probably do you some good to look over information on this forum and the PC-FX World portion of the site to get some general information. As far as I know, the system was supported for a little over 3 years. (Again, as far as I know) there were 62 games released for it. I have copies of all that I know of. Most of my experience is first hand, I may not be as knowledgeable as some people here.

One of the biggest revelations for me was the discussion we had here about the meaning of the elements of the name, PC = PC98, F = Future, X = 未知数 (unknown number). I talk about this and some general things about collecting for the system in this video:
I mistakenly state that it's a "consolized" version of the PC98, which is incorrect. What I meant is that it's probably best thought of as a home console successor to the PC98. I discuss implications of this further in the video. Suffice to say, I feel that the system has a lot of PC style games on it, especially ones representative of Japanese PC gaming of the time. It was also developed around the time of the release of FM Town's actual consolized PC system, the FM Towns Marty.

It was also marketed heavily towards Japanese anime fans with a mascot character (Rolfee) and games based on popular anime series, not to mention the "Anime Freak" series of digital magazines that had a serialized OAV series, and lots of text and video content.

I can also contribute some video reviews for you to watch for what they are worth.

By way of introduction, I'm the (language) translator of what I think was the first completed translation project on the system, Welcome to Pia Carrot. I'm also currently working on Team Innocent which elmer recently volunteered some amazing work on, as well as some other games on the system like Ojousama Sousamou, and Ah! Megami-sama.
I've always thought this game looked pretty cool. There is some fun animation about it on one of the Anime Freak FX discs if I remember correctly.

I talk about the game briefly here right after I picked it up.
I haven't played any more of it unfortunately.

I do have Kendo Rage on the SNES which is a localization of the SFC game in the series which is an action/beat-em-up, and also the PSX game (digitally on PSN) which was a vs. fighter. The PX-FX game is the only RPG in the series.

There is also an anime OAV which was released on LD in Japan which I'd love to get my hands on.
Quote from: esteban on 08/10/2015, 02:43 AMTANGENT:

Forgive me, but I don't remember if you ever wrote about Miraculum PC-FX....

If you have played the game, what did you think of it?
I know this wasn't directed at me, but I played it a bit a number of months ago. At first it seems like a very traditional RPG in both good and bad ways. What stands out about it are the FMV scenes (of course) which I really like how they act as cut scenes in what is otherwise much like an RPG from the Super Nintendo. Additionally there is some shocking violence, and just a bit of humor and personality. I was enjoying it when I stopped playing. I'd like to get back to it.
Quote from: Aggie Tsubi on 08/12/2015, 05:35 PMIf I could replace anything, I'd go with the big boxes themselves.
This would be great, but a much bigger project. I think it's pretty cheap to get some foam cut, but a custom box like that would probably be a sizable expense. Definitely a bigger risk. There would have to be clear demand.

Quote from: guest on 08/12/2015, 05:45 PMI'd also be interested in replacements of the 1.5x sized jewel cases that a couple games used (some PCE ones too), as a couple of mine are kinda rough.  Standard and double jewel cases are easy to find, but I've not found any place peddling the inbetweener.
I agree. I'll be trying to source these at some point. I have a manufacturer in mind.
Quote from: Mednafen on 08/12/2015, 03:16 PMCan you offer assurances that the foam won't cause any damage due to unreacted monomers/plasticizers/leftover solvents or degradation byproducts over time?
Yes, that is certainly my intention, and I'll confirm with the provider that the foam is safe to be in proximity with other items such as the paper manuals in the case. Though that also raises the question of how healthy the current foam spacers are in those games. The thinner, lighter colored ones in my games have yellowed over time.
PC-FX Discussion / PC-FX replacement foam
08/12/2015, 02:33 PM
FYI: I'm starting up a business, primarily an online store where I'm planning to carry a lot of video game collection related items such as protective bags, replacement cases and such. Would you guys be interested in replacement foam for big box PC-FX games? Specifically:

How many do you think you'd order?
What would you expect them to cost?

I'm also sizing resealable protective bags that the big box games can be "slipped" into. Is this anything you would be interested in?

Feel free to move this to the Sales forum if more appropriate. Thanks!
Quote from: TurboGrafxRetrogaming on 08/05/2015, 02:03 PM=D>

Wow super excited! How do we obtain copies of these Zeroigar test pressings? Are they downloadable or on CD-R? How much will they be when the finals are made? As I've only owned my PC-FX for almost a month, still getting used to the technical side of it...and barely understand the Japanese in the three games I own.

Stoked! Thanks!
Winners don't buy repros.
PC-FX Discussion / Re: It begins...
07/09/2015, 04:24 AM
This is very helpful to me since I have 3 systems total which I've been meaning to service, one of which was known to not play FMVs when I got it. Now I know to try that middle pot. What lasers did you get? Is it just some generic CD drive replacement laser?
Just want to say I like the yellow text with black shadow. I've always thought those classic yellow subtitles are the most readable against changing backgrounds.
Something worth considering. I recently suggested specifying a Creative Commons license for translation patch releases ( such as "Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND" or "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA" on another forum.

Info on marking a work with a CC license: ... CC_license

and specifically marking a derivative work: ... ative_work
For what it's worth I did a bunch of Google searching last night and I don't seen any references to "Super God Trooper", or any other translation, in official materials.

Great to hear that this is coming along!
PC-FX Discussion / Re: The Disastrous PCFX
05/11/2015, 01:58 AM
Quote from: Aggie Tsubi on 05/10/2015, 05:58 PMBasically it comes off as somebody did some research and dabbled in the games a little but has no real history or investment in the system, resulting in some bias against it and some statements that are stretching the truth. Like the "opened the floodgates" to "dubious" hentai dating sims comment. It's clear that the writer is biased against adult games and dating sims in general, as if they are inherently inferior to other types of games, but "opened the floodgates"? Seriously? Did the author actually look at the library or just go off of internet hyperbole? It's not hard to analyze the statistics of the library; there are only 60-some games. There are only, what, 6 or 7 adult games? (Depending on if you want to count the Cocktail Pack which is just Pia Carrot and Can Can Bunny packaged together.) Yes, what a deluge of hentai games. *rolls eyes*
Reading a reasonable comment like this one rather than the typical Kotaku echo-chamber genuinely restores some of my faith in humanity. Thanks for that.

I like how the PC-FX had almost as many installments of Anime Freak FX as it did 18 only, or 18 recommended games, but I guess the "digtal magazine" system isn't as fun to deride. The Saturn and Dreamcast both have their share of adults only games, but I digress. I still don't regret translating Pia Carrot, regardless of whether it supports the typical narrative around the PC-FX. Best. Game. Ever. :)
Quote from: elmer on 04/24/2015, 08:00 PMI really don't know what's going on with the video ... EsperKnight and SamIAm had that all done years before I turned up. They'd be the ones to ask.
Okay. We'll deal with the video for Team Innocent when the time comes.

Quote??? I'm confiused ... I thought that you guys already finished that?
Finished is kind of a loose term. It's as done as I think it needs to be, but we did miss one unlockable portion of the game, some of the choice segments never got spaced correctly, and the videos are not subtitled. That's kind of the part I was thinking would be interesting to revisit.
Quote from: elmer on 04/24/2015, 04:50 PMI'm hoping that SamIAm will soon want to share some screenshots.  :wink:
Sweet! Do it!

Quote from: elmer on 04/24/2015, 04:50 PMSpeaking of the Team Innocent translation ... my cheapo copy arrived from Japan, and watching the intro on real hardware made me even more interested in wanting to know what's going in.

Are the Team Innocent videos going to be subtitled like SamIAm's Zeroigar ones, filler?
Well... I was more gung-ho for that kind of attention to detail when I was working on WtPC. These days I'm more happy just to get a translation patch out there that is competently done. However, considering that the technical hurdle for this may have been overcome? I'd be on board for hard subbing these if we can make it happen. I haven't done much general subbing myself, but I have done it before, and I know people that might help if necessary.

Speaking of which, would you be up for the same treatment for Welcome to Pia Carrot elmer?

EDIT: This made me think of another question. I assume this change would make a patch file quite large. Has anyone tried making an .ips or other patch from a disc image with video changes made to it and repatching? Has that been done successfully?
Quote from: SamIAm on 04/21/2015, 10:07 PMBy the way, things seem to really be happening with Zeroigar thanks to elmer's generous assistance. I hope people here can enjoy talking about that game as they never have before someday soon.
That is excellent news. I can't wait to check that out. I myself am still dragging my heels with projects.
Quote from: CPTBadAss on 04/19/2015, 02:19 PMIt seemed more of a novelty than actually playable. I guess to get excited about it, I'd want to see an easily playable game. A shooter, racing game, or fighting game seem to fit the bill in my opinion. And it would have helped immensely to have someone sit down with me and get excited about the PC-FX.
An arrow shot straight through the heart of the ethnically Japanese anime fan circa 1996, the PC-FX has arrived to bring all your animated multimedia dreams to life! Play your favorite PC games like Ah! Megami-sama, Power Dolls, Pia Carrot e Youkoso, and Doukyusei now with animated cut scenes and full CD quality voice acting! Catch up on all your 1996 anime news with the digital magazine series Anime Freak FX inluding digital video interviews, bathing suit photo sessions, mini games with voice actresses, and an original OAV series only available via these titles called Prisim Knights! The system brings amazing full screen full motion animated video scenes and CD quality music to charming simulation and RPG titles, briming with large colorful sprites! Enjoy hours of captivating single player text heaving gaming in your living room, no PC required! Just hook it up to your television that you already own. There is even an available mouse!

The PC-FX is an anachronism, and in that way it is like the 3DO.  At the time not everyone had a computer, there was no digital video on the internet, "multimedia" was a thing, and 2D might have still mattered. NEC played the system's strengths to the audience they thought would embrace it the most. There are some truly enjoyable experiences on it, definitely worth playing if you like what they bring to the table, but you have to know Japanese. Otherwise there are about 5 games you can play and have any fun and none of them are really worth owning the system for. It just is what it is.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 04/10/2015, 01:09 AMI especially hate all of the US-made PC-FX games by Sierra.
I just realized you're Joe from GameSack. :P Hi!
For starters people need to play the games. I have 62 games, but I've played like 10 of them. :P What about something like a book club where there's a particular PC-FX game every 2 weeks, or every month or something? Then everyone that plays it submits their thoughts in a blurb on the message board, or gets together in Google hangouts or something and discusses it? That way there's a variety of perspectives and opinions.
Quote from: guest on 04/07/2015, 07:08 PMPC-FX is essentially an otaku's wet dream...Pretty much every game is an anime with gameplay elements.
Quote from: SamIAm on 04/07/2015, 08:50 PMIf someone ever does make a more extensive introduction to the best of the PC-FX, they're going to have to zero in more closely than just a general glossing of individual games. It's going to require digging deep and separating the good ideas from all the other mediocrity.
You guys both have great points. Makes me want to do more PC-FC vids. :) I'd love to see your vid Arkham.

I recorded an "interview" with my friend who imported a PC-FX back in the day, but the file didn't save. Essentially he got the system because of anime. It was anime, and we were eating up anything about it at the time. I'm having dinner with him tonight and I'm going to try re-recording it.

As for SamIAm's point, I think there are a couple things.

Some of the games do have these unique elements. I was genuinely surprised in First Kiss story when Minami brow-beat me for not listening to her karaoke because I clicked through to advanced the dialog. That it includes a mini 2D fighting game with a character from Blue Breaker is also noteworthy.

The way Rolfee's scenes are genuinely random, as in you can't save-scum because you won't get the same scenes next time you load your save is fairly unique. Just the fact that your main goal in Blue Breaker is to meet a girl and treat her nicely while fighting through dungeons just doesn't have an analog on other systems. (Well except where those same games were released on other systems since the FX didn't do so hot)

I think there is value in pointing these things out. I'm sure there are additional examples in games I haven't played.

However, there's also the issue of why certain people enjoy games/stories. I never got why folks hate on K-ON! until I saw a comment like, "It's not supposed to be about a band, it's about the girls in the band." I've always been fine with that because I value characters so strongly. Some people just want to see them get somewhere with the band.

Many people like Ghost in the Shell SAC because it's plot heavy. It barely kept my interest except for the couple episodes that were character centric. I want to know how the things happening matter to the characters. That's the part that interests me.

I can't help but think, no matter how much I explain why the characters in Minimum Nanonic are fun, some people just aren't going to get it. They don't even like stories like that, even if they can read them. I think that was Game Sack's issue with WtPC. Also they probably didn't want to come across as shallow. Quite the opposite, I find the stories in WtPC to be heartwarming and genuine (at least the feelings of the author). Some people just don't care about that.
I thought they did a good job of not just covering the standard games, though they could have gone further. I was disappointed that they weren't wooed by WtPC's charms despite having seemingly played through a whole route, but there's no accounting for taste.

I was also a little annoyed how despite some good words and admitting that the language barrier was a major issue, they still seemed a bit dismissive of the system at the end. They came right out and said that they'd probably enjoy some of the games if they were in English. It's not like it's the games' fault that you don't understand the language they were made in. It's a Japanese console released in Japan after all.

In the end, I think the commenters are harder on it (and on Dave and Joe) than anything. I think Game Sack had good intentions and at least focused mostly on what they liked about the games.
Makeruna Makendo Z might be worth a look too. I haven't gotten far in it, but I love the style, and it seems like a unique setting for an RPG.
PC-FX Discussion / Re: Translated games?
04/03/2015, 06:53 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/03/2015, 04:13 PMThe big reason it's not translated more heavily is basically that about 12 people worldwide even care about the machine beyond simply YouTubing their collection for street cred.
I loled so hard at this. :D As for Pia Carrot, it's the journey man, not the destination.

BTW: I think SamIAm and EsperKnight are the ones that made it somewhere with the video dumping and reinsertion.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Wanted PC-FX spine cards
02/28/2015, 02:26 AM
Anyone out there not collecting spine cards willing to get rid of a few? I only need three more to complete my collection.

Anime Freak FX vol. 5, and
Comic Road

Let me know what you want for them. Thx!
Thanks guys! It still needs a lot of work imo. I recently shortened the item names to fit in the space in the menu, and Esperknight is working on a VWF routine. I think it would be okay without it, but it would be great if he manages to get it to work.


I need to refresh myself on what the control codes do and how we're dealing with formatting for the text boxes. Then of course play the whole game and note anything that's not translated and any errors. There are currently quite a number of things that still show up in Japanese, but it's looking pretty playable anyway.
Hey guys. I know it's been a long time but I've finally gotten around to getting back to the important stuff like working on some PC-FX projects.  :wink:

FYI: The script for Oh My Goddess (Ah! Megami-sama) just reached 50% translation for the first draft.

Also, another translator did some more work on Team Innocent, and I've started playing through it a little to check the script and formatting. I still need to get back to that properly but I wanted to get AMG to the halfway point since I was so close.
I think your options are:

Super Real Mahjong PV FX

麻雀悟空 天竺
Mahjong Goku Tenjiku

I don't think you're going to find a "good chunk" of anything on the system unless your looking for anime games in general. If so the PC-FX has you covered. :)
Thanks for the link! I'm curious about the Ojousama ad too, but I've transcribed the text for the Miraculum ad below.




It basically says:

An anime RPG with an historically unprecedented 5000 cells of animation!

Unique characters dance across the screen in full-frame, an anime RPG unique to the PC-FX has started. It's also fully loaded with novel ideas such as angel summoning, a weather system, and a battle system with elevated action elements (I'm a little foggy on this part. The battle is strictly turn based, but it seems the weather and other elements may actually affect battle). Come on, to a world of adventure where illusion and magic reign supreme!

Scheduled for release in March
Price TBD

Rolfee says, "Play an anime game with me".

I will play an anime game with you.

I guess this game is in the series of, or a spiritual successor to Startling Odyssey. I've never really heard of those. Anyway, I'll definitely keep you posted about my thoughts.
Someone I know (online) started playing Miraculum and now I'm playing it too. :) It's a pretty cool little RPG. I skimmed a review that describes its greatest sin as being very conventional, but that aside it seems to be pretty fun to play so far.

I found this walk-through ( that is set up in a really effective linear flow-chart style. What I like the most about the game is the way that it feels like a traditional 16-bit RPG in all respects aside from the obvious flare empowered by the PC-FX.

The FMV cut scenes really make it feel like a PC-FX game, plus the addition of voice to some of the in-game cut scenes, and what I think is CD music. It's very "early 32-bit" feeling, but in a good way. My only complaint is that none of it really grabs me, aside from the character designs in the FMV sequences which are quite nice.

It is growing on me the more I play, even if it's just the predictability of it all. If anything it makes it fairly easy to play, and the combat has been good thus far. It is some of the grainier FMV I've seen on the system however. I'm about 5 hours of play time in, and about 1/6 of the way through the walk-through, so I guesstimate about 30 hrs to complete the story.
Quote from: guest on 06/15/2014, 03:22 AMIt's funny to see that I got both Dragon Knight-4-ever and Welcome to Pia Carrot in my DVD collection, but never got a chance to play their related games. How are they?
So as not to derail this thread, I'd encourage you to check out this one for more info on Pia Carrot.
Quote from: Elder on 06/14/2014, 10:55 PMAwesome, thanks Filler.  What's your YouTube channel called?
Playongo. It's in my signature.

This is my PC-FX list
For me "What games make the system worth owning?", is currently the following:

Fire Woman Matoi Gumi
Tenchi Muyo FX
First Kiss Story
Megami Paradise II
Minimum Nanonic
Tonari no Princess Rolfee
Welcome to Pia Carrot

(Note: A couple of these are available on other systems, in part or whole) I've reviewed basically all of these on YouTube if you want more info on them. I'm sure I'll find more as I play through the catalog, but those are the ones I've played and enjoyed the most.