@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - Orion_

QuoteCan we expect to see the remnants of Apothecary as what's used to create this game ?
Apothecary is much bigger and needs more features than this game.
the PC engine version will be the gameboy version port, limited to prison levels, no mini game
Escape 2042: The Truth Defenders, is a fast paced 2D platformer with 2 mini-games included.
The main game features security cameras to avoid, firing enemies, grenades to collect, computer "hacking" to open doors or disable laser protection fields, and level card based locked door in the first prison levels.
The game will take place in 3 different environments (prison, forest, desert) interspersed with 2 mini-games including a reversed shoot'em up and an original abseiling game.

The project is targeted for the following platforms: Dreamcast, Megadrive, Gameboy, PC-Engine CD & Windows


Video trailer: https://youtu.be/ZbTQz80OtiM

The Story:
In the year 2042, a socialist government is in power, but nobody had foreseen progressive dictatorship that settled in. The elites of the government hid behind a sham democracy, disconnected from the life the people were leading, and acted solely in their own interests.

The regime considered the dissidents as conspiracy theorists, treated them like terrorists and locked them away in highly-secured prisons, to prevent them from telling the people the truth about the manipulating medias accomplice of the government power.

You are Eris, a computer engineer and member of the Truth Defenders coalition.

After a clandestine operation to inform the people, you are locked away in the highly-secured prison Bulor 24.

But your knowledge on security systems will enable you to escape.

Your turn now to escape as fast as you can from this place!

Support this game on Kickstarter by buying the different versions for Megadrive, Gameboy, Dreamcast & PC Engine: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/orionsoft/escape-2042-the-truth-defenders

Please support the game on Steam Greenlight too: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836772991
I would be interested to port some of my games on PC-FX, the problem is, how many people actually have a PC-FX and are willing to buy new games ?
The PC-FX is quite expensive, and because most of the games are unplayable, and the playable ones are expensive too, I guess not much people possess this console. (that the reasons I hesitate to buy one)
If there is at least 100~150 people interested, I might consider working on this machine.

Can the current liberis library play audio cd ? Movie ?
awesome work ! can't wait to release an homebrew game using this project ! :)
how will we program the flash on the card by the way ?
If you stop to this kind of detail, the game will never be released :)
I think we might make some concession in order not to spend another year on this project.