10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - InfraMan

General Gaming / Re: Wii U Noob
12/31/2015, 11:10 AM
Lego City Undercover is a must-have on the Wii U! It's probably still my favorite game on the system. 8)
So much cool information in this thread!

On another slightly unrelated note, the LaserActive game Triad Stone was also released on the Saturn and 3DO as Strahl. I don't hear it talked about much, but I have the Saturn version and I think it's a fun game, very much in the vein of Time Gal/Ninja Hayate, etc. Plus it can be picked up for dirt cheap... always a plus! :dance:
Quote from: SuperDeadite on 12/04/2015, 10:58 AMRoad Blaster and Thunder Storm were also released on DVD-ROM for Windows PCs.  They were ported by a doujin team, but fully licensed.  Fully patched they officially support Windows 8.  Both are excellent ports, Road Blaster even adds some exclusive features such as an optional video blurring effect for when you hit the turbo or break.  Highly recommended and pop-up for sale on amazon japan quite often.
That's awesome, I'd never even seen those before! I'll have to keep an eye out for them.
Quote from: RyuHayabusa on 12/03/2015, 09:49 PMHmm, I've never heard that they're missing scenes. As for the video quality, it's definitely not LD quality but it's better than the Mega CD port by far.

Interesting tidbit I just found out recently that I can't believe I missed. The car from Road Blaster is actually the car in the garage in the first Double Dragon arcade game. Also, the helicopter in the garage in Double Dragon 2 arcade is from Thunder Storm FX. Anyone else miss this?
I've never noticed any missing scenes in the PSX/Saturn ports either, but then again I haven't played through them in a while. Now I'm curious... :-k

And holy cow, I can't believe I never made the connection with the Double Dragon games before! That's a really cool easter egg! :mrgreen:

On an unrelated note, I totally love that ridiculous opening theme song in the Sega CD port of Road Avenger. I haven't played that one in ages, and I can STILL hear the damn song in my head, lol.
I've always been interested in the LaserActive, since I have an unhealthy love for laserdisc gaming in general. It's one of those systems that I'm kind of afraid to get into, though... it seems like it could very easily turn into a money-sucking black hole.

BTW, this is probably common knowledge, but for anyone who's interested in laserdisc games there are fantastic Japanese ports of Road Blasters + Thunder Storm LX-3 and Time Gal + Ninja Hayate for the PSX and Saturn. There's also a really cool SNES version of Road Blasters available for download, as long as you have the hardware to play it (or an emulator that will work with it).
Quote from: Mathius on 11/20/2015, 12:39 AMOne of the greatest games ever made, Star Control 2, received its only console port to the 3DO. It's worth getting the system for.
Seconded! Star Control 2 is absolutely worth picking up a 3DO for... one of my all-time favorite games on any system. =D>
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 11/06/2015, 12:22 AMFound some good stuff in Hickory North Carolina at a shop called Red Fox Gaming.  They appear to be a brand new store with a lot of rarer titles and even turbo stuff.  They had a boxed Air Zonk and Bomber man as well as MANY Neo Geo AES titles as well as MVS.  I only got the one game as I had the rest of their titles and the boxed Pro Stick was nice as well.
Sweet, I didn't know there was anything gaming-related in Hickory. I'll have to stop by next time I'm on the way to Asheville! :)
This is exciting news, Paradriod was a fantastic game! =D>
Quote from: synbiosfan on 11/05/2015, 01:01 PMI just liked it and always wanted one after playing it. I like Bubbles and think MM is more fun, I'm in the minority. It didn't do very well in general so most who bought the kit converted it back or to another game. It's not very common so collectards want it :cry:
That's a shame. It's definitely a better game than Bubbles... I can see why it's not for everyone, though.

That is one weird mix of games... lots of Williams goodness, though! I always thought Blaster was really cool, but it's another strange one.
Holy crap, I haven't thought about Mystic Marathon in YEARS! :D

I loved that game as a kid, but somehow I completely forgot about it. It's like it just disappeared from my memory or something. Thanks for posting the pic!

I would imagine that a dedicated cabinet version is fairly rare? I only ever saw it in one location back in the day.
General Gaming / Re: Caption Contest 26
11/04/2015, 07:43 PM
"Well I dunno who NEC is, but I sure am glad they put up the money for our live action production of The Cleveland Show."
Congratulations, Punch!  =D>
We had a bunch of local mom & pop stores back in the heyday of video rentals, but only one of them (creatively named Video 1) ever carried Turbo stuff. I think I was one of the only people who rented the system and games more than once, because the owner actually contacted me when they decided to stop carrying it, to see if I wanted to buy any of it.

I ended up picking up the TG-16 system and all of the accessories they had, along with most of their games for about $70. He'd even kept the boxes and manuals separate, so that was a really good day for me. It's just too bad they didn't carry CD stuff too...

I still have that original system, even though I don't really use it anymore (region modded DUO-R for the win)... there are so many happy memories attached to it that I just can't bring myself to part with it. 8)
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 10/15/2015, 11:23 AMHard to say. I have yet to play this one but I LOVED the sprit 2D game. I got them bundled on the vita (sadly digital download only) lasted year.

One is a light novel which I wasn't interested in the other a 2D sprit version.

This newest one I think is the same game but now in 3D?

I could be mistaken.

Also watch the 4 part OVA on this game. It's great but only subbed no dub.
Cool thanks, I'll have to check those out! It's a shame the first two games are digital-only, though... I'm old fashioned, and stuff just isn't stuff to me if I can't properly fondle it. :wink:
Quote from: Mathius on 10/14/2015, 12:47 AM
Quote from: vmorr on 10/14/2015, 12:30 AMCame in the mail earlier today. So mint looking I almost don't want to open it :?

I may buy a Vita just for this game.
I've been kinda interested in picking this up, but I never played the first couple of games in the series. Do you think this is something you can jump into with no prior knowledge, or would it be better to catch up on the original games first?
Quote from: NightWolve on 10/04/2015, 05:34 AM
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 10/04/2015, 04:56 AMTrevor . . . Belmont?
Hadn't thought of that angle for him. Heh. It works I think!
Yes!!! The whole whip thing FINALLY makes sense now. :)

Quote from: HailingTheThings on 10/03/2015, 09:38 PMSuppose I'll go ahead and change it to Asmodeus if that'll make you feel any better. :3
I think it actually would. I'm just gonna try and forget that I ever heard "Trevor." :P
I'm totally guilty of buying my share of 2600 games just for the awesome box art.

Seems to be something of a lost art these days, sadly.
Quote from: NightWolve on 10/03/2015, 09:00 PMVery generous of you Trevor, props!
"Trevor"? Really??? I never would have guessed that.

I would have thought Hailing's real name was something like "Aloicious" or "Xander" or "Vdsjdariaradar" or something. Maybe even "Butts McTittyButts." Trevor seems so...... normal. [-(
Oooooh, I've always loved that Pac-Man cover art... it's just so ridiculously wrong. #-o

Publishers exercised a lot of artistic license back in those days when it came to box art. I guess they kind of had to, since most games were basically just squares shooting squares at slightly larger squares.

I think the astronauts on the cover of Super Breakout were my favorite. Ain't no astronauts in Super Breakout! :D
Awesome, Talespin has been on my want list for a while! I would like to be entered please, if I don't fall into the category of f**k. [-o<
Off-Topic / Re: Quiz!
10/02/2015, 09:48 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/02/2015, 04:51 AM
Quote from: wildfruit on 10/02/2015, 12:57 AM
Quote from: InfraMan on 10/01/2015, 11:10 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/01/2015, 06:09 PMIn swordfighting, what counters this:

"You fight like a dairy farmer."
"How appropriate, you fight like a cow!"

From what may be my all-time favorite point & click adventure.  :P
Nah MI2 is better surely?
heck no. They were all great (until 3D spoiled the fun), but Curse had a charm that has never and will never be equaled.
Curse was part 3, wasn't it... I think you mean Secret, maybe?

Anyhoo, I think MI2 was technically better, but the first Monkey Island will always be my favorite. Nostalgia probably plays a big role in that, though. :wink:
Off-Topic / Re: Quiz!
10/01/2015, 11:10 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/01/2015, 06:09 PMIn swordfighting, what counters this:

"You fight like a dairy farmer."
"How appropriate, you fight like a cow!"

From what may be my all-time favorite point & click adventure.  :P
Off-Topic / Re: Quiz!
10/01/2015, 05:59 PM
Quote from: johnnykonami on 10/01/2015, 05:47 PMZork I.
That's the one! And you are likely to be eaten by a grue. :wink:
Off-Topic / Re: Quiz!
10/01/2015, 05:27 PM
It would be fun to keep this going... here's an easy one:

What classic adventure game started you off in the thrilling setting of "West of House"?  :-k
Off-Topic / Re: Quiz!
10/01/2015, 05:22 PM
Sam & Max Hit the Road! Boy, that brings back awesome memories... LucasArts could do no wrong back then. :P
Off-Topic / Re: Black Bun Whopper
09/30/2015, 04:33 PM
Quote from: KnightWarrior on 09/30/2015, 01:25 PMThe Black Whopper in Japan has squid ink in the Black Bun
That actually sounds kind of awesome.
^^^ Lol, that one is awesome! =D>
"Hello, police? My neighbor STILL ain't removed that busted down old car outta his front yard... ain't nobody want to look at that old shit every time they walk out their front door.

Of course, I ain't actually GOT no front door, at least not in the physical sense. I'm pretty sure Obama took it to give to the gays. I have more of what you'd call an 'aperture.' But whatever, my point still stands... the front door is a metaphor.

Anyways, can you guys run over here and talk to him again? Oh @#&$... can you also bring some toilet paper when you come?"
I feel like I'm missing out on something here... must be an inside joke? :-k
Quote from: viper0hr on 09/25/2015, 03:33 AMVery cool, good luck to the winner!
I don't think the winner will really need any luck, having already won and all. :wink:

Unless you mean something like, "Good luck to whoever wins this. I hope you don't get crabs."

Awesome raffle, btw... this is such an amazing forum!

Turbo Kid is pretty damn cool, if you have any nostalgia at all for cheap 80s sci-fi. Which I imagine most of us here probably do. :wink:
General Gaming / Re: Retro Homebrew Report
09/18/2015, 03:07 PM
I still have Bruce Lee on the original C-64 5 1/4" floppy from 1984... and it still works! The resilience of old magnetic storage media is amazing. Who ever thought these things would last all this time?

But yeah, I played Bruce Lee to death back in the day, to the point that I could easily run through it without losing a single life. I can still hear the opening theme music in my head, lol.

Once we realized a second player could take control of the fat green dude, even more fun was had.  :dance:
After decades of research, scientists have finally discovered the true source of American beer.
General Gaming / Re: Odin Sphere remaster
07/25/2015, 09:50 AM
Sweet, Odin Sphere was awesome...  really glad to see that this is getting an actual physical release over here! =D>
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Namco-Jogcon.
07/07/2015, 07:45 PM
I always thought the Namco NegCon was just the coolest thing... I never even knew the JogCon existed until now. I have to give this thing a try one day!

I've always loved the Ridge Racer series too, btw (except for the awful R:Racing Evolution).  :)

Good luck with the search!
Quote from: guest on 06/09/2015, 02:08 AM
Quote from: InfraMan on 06/09/2015, 12:33 AMMy favorite will always be Keio Flying Squadron on Sega CD. Everything about that game just clicks for me... the art style, the music, the characters, the gameplay. It all comes together into a big 'ol ball of happy times! =D>
Never, sir! I will defend Keio until my dying breath. Have at you!

We should settle this with a fiddle contest! :-({|=  :twisted:
My favorite will always be Keio Flying Squadron on Sega CD. Everything about that game just clicks for me... the art style, the music, the characters, the gameplay. It all comes together into a big 'ol ball of happy times! =D>
Very cool, I'm definitely in for a copy... thanks for pointing this out! =D>
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 05/13/2015, 10:23 PMTraded in some poop & finally got a copy of Brain Lord, an opportunity to relive a childhood memory (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle) as well as that of a friend's (Wind Waker).
Awesome, I love Brain Lord! It never seems to get much attention, but I think it's a great mix of puzzles and action RPG goodness... a little on the short side, though.

Wind Waker is great too, but I can't go back to the GC original after playing through the recent (excellent) Wii U remaster. 8)
Radiohead: The Early Years.
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 04/19/2015, 09:46 PMOh wait I am thinking of the movie there will be blood lol
Lol... now THAT would be a weird game. :lol:
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 04/19/2015, 04:31 PMIs it based off the movie of the same name?

Never heard of it personally. The game that is
It's based on the old Dororo manga series, which I think actually was made into a movie a while back. I don't think the movie was called Blood Will Tell, though... so I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's probably not related to the movie you're thinking of.

I could be completely wrong, though. :P
Quote from: bartre on 04/19/2015, 11:51 AMBlood will tell sounds right up your alley.

you should also try the onimusha games and Pirates - legend of black kat.
Great recommendation, I -love- Blood Will Tell! No one ever seems to talk about it, though...

Just taking a quick look through some of my stuff, you might also try Bujingai, the Castlevania games (Curse of Darkness, Lament of Innocence), Drakengard 1 & 2, Genji: Dawn of the Samurai, Ico, Okami (awesome!!), or Way of the Samurai. There's so much great stuff on the PS2! 8)
Off-Topic / Re: Hairless Hair Metal
04/09/2015, 09:15 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/09/2015, 03:54 PMThe most interesting thing to happen in metal recently has been Babymetal.
@#&$ yeah, BABYMETAL! =D> =D> =D>
I wish the Duo had seen a few arcade laserdisc ports. I know their appeal is limited, but I LOVE stuff like Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, Cliff Hanger, Cobra Command, etc.

The Sega CD got a bunch of these, plus a slew of more obscure titles like Road Avenger (awesome!) and Time Gal. I would have loved to see some of these on the Duo with its superior color palette.
Quote from: guest on 03/28/2015, 11:27 AMThanks for the heads up, never played 2006 version and have not seen it when I hit places. Are the PS2 and XBOX versions equivalent or is one superior?

Have you ever played the Forza Horizon series? You may like that more than the sim style of Forza/Gran Turismo
The Xbox version is slightly better, but the PS2 release can be picked up a lot cheaper for some reason. I'd say just grab whichever one you can find for a reasonable price, they're both terrific!

I did really enjoy Forza Horizon... haven't played part 2 yet, as I'm waiting to pick up the Xbox One version whenever I actually get an Xbox One. At least FH2 should be dirt cheap by then, lol.

Still, there's just something about Outrun that I find massively appealing... they should have called it Super Happy Sunshine Beach Day Sexy Drive. :dance:
Quote from: guest on 03/27/2015, 11:46 PMMy Friday night gets... So happy to finally get OutRun 2!
Sweet, Outrun 2 is a must-own for the Xbox! If you don't already have it, you should also try to pick up Outrun 2006: Coast to Coast... it's a little harder to find, but totally worth the effort.

I'll take Outrun over Gran Turismo or Forza any day of the week! 8)
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/21/2015, 02:42 PM
Quote from: shawnji on 03/21/2015, 03:17 AMP.S. If we're discussing rhythm games, have you guys played Gitaroo Man!?  Such an awesome and overlooked little game.
I LOVE Gitaroo Man! I can still hear that acoustic theme from stage 6 in my head, lol. 8)

I also really like the underrated Taiko Drum Master on PS2... I lived in an upstairs apartment back when that one first came out, and it's a wonder the people living below me didn't kill me in my sleep.

Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 03/21/2015, 08:46 AMI agree.

It's Parappa 2 that's lousy.
Yep, Parappa 2 was an abomination. [-(