12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.
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Messages - Strider77

Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
05/09/2018, 02:51 PM
The "mushy" claims are silly. If you can't manage to go in a straight line with ANY of these pads it's you, not the pads.

All d-pads are "mushy" lol...   except for the Neo Geo pad.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
05/03/2018, 08:30 PM
The Genesis 3 and 6 button pads are fine. It's 8 way and digital...    you press it one way and it goes. You don't have to press extra hard for the diagnols etc. They aren't lacking any precision. Fighting games are where precision arguably factors in the most. Double rolls motions etc require alot more precision than pointing in a single direction to move a sprite.

Especially the 6 button pad...    it's basically a Saturn pad (the best pad the world has seen). The digital pad has the same design on both the 6 button Genesis and Saturn pads in the way it functions.

Having said that, I didn't have issues with pads till the 3DO or PS1 pad showed up. Ive had some PCE pads where the diagnosis were a little stiff but that seemed to go away after they were broken in more.
Quote from: NecroPhile on 11/13/2017, 10:14 AM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 11/10/2017, 07:26 PMEhhh I kinda think it was blown a little out of proportion.  Most people seem to think the script wasn't that bad. 
Yes and no.  A machine translated game is perfectly playable and far better than nothing, but Ys deserves better, especially when they're being paid well to do the job.  Apparently Falcom agrees, as it's them that pushed for the retranslation; NISA would've gladly saved the money and kept the half-assed work they're known for and proud of.
Was definitely blown out of proportion...

Has anyone actually gotten any of these codes to work? If you have was it the Japanese or American version?
Quote from: NoSexGex on 03/24/2018, 07:43 PM
Quote from: nectarsis on 03/23/2018, 03:28 PMI must have got lucky and still have whatever account Nintega is using on Facebook blocked had no clue he was even in the group LOL
I wasn't even aware that Nintega was on the FB pages until prof called him out for hanging out with underage girls or something. Before that, he was just another PCE gamer in support of Tobias.
He shits on Tobias now...     but can only afford Tobias. He's pretty retarded in general. He generally spends his time nuthugging a few FB guys, try harding, bitching about things he can't afford and using the most expensive "buy it now" listings as price referencing.

Well...   that and the occasional weird creepier lapse.
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2017
10/31/2017, 05:03 PM
I want ALL the stuffs.
Friday at 3pm....    the bubble pops. Set your alarm clocks.
QuoteAre you, perhaps, confusing the Legend of Xanadu games with something else? There are only 2 games in the LoX series.
Yes, Xak...    not sure why I mixed that up.
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
04/21/2017, 11:34 AM
I got Ass2Breed on the PS4 also. Found it really.....       boring.

Slash, slash, slash, slash......     dash, slash, slash, slash.

I'll give it some more attention but so far pretty let down. Seems all flash and no substance so far.
Sexy Parodius (Saturn)....       it's the best one right? It has the word "sexy" in the title.

Showed up with PC Denjin in the same package. It was a good day (Monday), both exceeded my expectations by a good bit.
General Gaming / Re: NES classic
04/19/2017, 07:08 PM
Who new cancer had shortages? Nintendo knew all along...
QuoteAlso, make sure to follow the phenomenal Xanadu 1 and 2 translations.
I didn't know those were happening....    better wait on playing 3 then.

I've had them on the shelf for years now. Started 1 and 3 just enough to see them in action for a bit. I picked them up because some of the art I saw in various places reminded me of Kia Asamiya's art (Silent Mobius) and...    well, that and they were action RPG's on the 'Engine. Actually I remember a buddy showing me some of 3 when it had first come out now thinking about it.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/04/2017, 05:26 PM"get a flash card/CD-R" makes up the most popular post at this point.
PC Denjin.....    slept on this for YEARS.

Some games after all the hype, once you get them, it's up in the air how you are gonna feel about them. I like shooters... alot. I've 1CCed Cave stuff, have a ton of shooter PCBs etc. So I was a bit suspicious of possible  "Team 'Engine" hype...      or most the hype generated from folks that casually play shooters.

Well the hype is real...   the game is cool AF. It's gloriously wacky with spastic visuals and colors. The pacing is great with no overly long drawn out parts or stages (granted the last one is long but it switches up so much presentation wise and with what's going on). It's a little beast of a Hucard...    the color is fantastic, so is the parallax with very catchy chip tunes.

It's not overly hard, but it's still challenging enough. Got to the last boss last night, last stage is the only real challenging part for me at this point. But it's very fun and still requires effort and some bosses will still sneak their licks in if I get lazy. It's fun enough that I feel the compulsion to try and kill everything and collect all the point icons....      the way it dishes out those extends helps motivate.

Expectations exceeded by alot. One of my favorite Hucards and shooters on the system.

WTF happened to the sequel on CD?
Quotenever forget what a horrible version?  we won't, don't worry.
QuoteIs the Sega 16-bit wonder truly that feeble in comparison to OBEY?

I know the answer is yes, but I just like poking the FEKA Bear...
Strider...     ARCADE CARD...   never forget.
QuoteWe all know the most superior hardware version is the Laseractive...
No..  we do not.
Dracula X butt plugs are to protect you from Dracula butt rape.
1943 Kai....     there is a code that unlocks a "special" mode that is suppose to be quite good from what I heard.
In no real order...

Gradius 2
"Super" Darius 2
Lords of Thunder
R-type CD (I like the cheesy music)
Nexzer (this one surprised me)

QuoteFirst, there is no other forum.
You lie! I've see you trolling elsewhere.