10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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How the Xbox 360 ruined my life.

Started by JoshTurboTrollX, 12/22/2008, 10:45 PM

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The following is a very very LONG story about a Marriage between two people falling apart.  Please don't waste your time reading this depressing story so close to the holidays.  Its just the ramblings of a sad sad lonely man...lol

Hey guys,

I guess I just feel like getting alot of crap of my chest and what the hell, this is as good a place as any.  Some of you may know me, some of you probably not.  I haven't posted much in the past month or so due to a heavy amount of BS going on in my life.  But anyway, my name is Josh, I'm Married to a woman I've been with for 12 years and we have 4 wonderful children..... here's my story:

Back in Feb. of 2008 My wife and I bought an Xbox 360.  For us, for our kids.. I was having a pretty good time with it, the xbox live arcade games are pretty good, and there is enough not terrible games to keep me interested.  So at the time I was happy with the investment.  At this time my Wife was at home with our newly born son Preston on maternal leave.  So she had really started playing on the 360 quite a bit more than anyone else in the house.  Towards the end of Feb. she was putting in at least 4-5 hours a day, not kidding, and trust me I am no stranger to getting addicted to video games, so I never thought anything of it.  She was mainly playing this MMO called Phantasy Star Universe.  She really was "Into" it.

This went on even after she went back to work full time in the beginning of March.  She's a nurse and worked weekends only.  She worked 3 days a week and got paid for 40 hours. Pretty sweet deal.  Now I noticed that she was spending almost all of her free time (not working, not taking care of kids while I was at work) playing PSU.  This literally was still going on all the way through april.  And I was really starting to get concerned about this.  I know that when someone gets into something new like hardcore and its the cool thing, but two freaking months?  And not to say I'm the kind of guy who needs his woman to do all the cooking and cleaning, but during this time I was doing at leat 90% of all the housework, on top of working 5 days a week 45+ hours weekly.  I was starting to get Irritated.

In the beginning of May I was really taking a long look at this whole situation, not only has my wife and I barely spoken to each other,but there has also been no "I love you's", no "sex", no communication, and no us...  I had mentioned to her that I think she is playing way too much, and she got insanely defensive and this issue created many arguments.  I remember one day specifically that she logged on from 8am to 1am the next day.  The kids wanted to do stuff with their mommy and I had bugged her a couple times to come outside do something with us, but she wouldn't budge, I remember at one point I think around 12 noon she said "one more run"  And then hours later I walk back in and say "well?"  and she just gave me the look of death.  So I decided to start to really pay some attention at what was going on,  Weird things were happening like if I was walking into the room She would quickly stop saying what she was saying, or else just turn the TV off as I was approaching, I was really starting to wonder what the hell was going on so I created an Xbox live account and friended her- with her knowledge - I noticed that she seemed to be playing less and less when I was at home.  but when I went to work she would log on literally right after I drove out of the driveway, and sign off around the same time I left work at night.  (I work in a programming office so I sit online all night long)  Yea you could call it keeping tabs on her or whatever, but I was getting freaking worried.

So this was still going on for a few more weeks, when my free month of xbox live came to an end, and I told my wife that it was silly for us both to pay this monthly fee when we could just share hers.  She of course was not too happy about that, but she said we could do that.  So I started to play games on her account, when I would log on to play stuff like PacMan CE or N+ she would like hover over me almost nervously, if she would get a message or a game invite she'd quickly say oh let me see it, or just delete it.  I was starting to really freak out, was it something she didn't want me to see?  Was she that into this video game system that she had to know everything her friends were doing?

So the next time I logged on, I did it without her being around, and about 2 minutes after I got on I got message after message.  I wasn't going to look, I really wasn't but it was just killing me, I had to know what all this crap was about.  So I clicked on one of them.  It was a message from some guy asking her for pix of her tits again cause he deleted the originals or something.  I was like O.o!!  I mean I know how email spam gets around so its no big deal.  But then more messages were coming through and it was voice messages from other guys, and they knew her by her name!  It was disgusting, all kinds of crap about getting her off in the shower and what toys she wants to play with tonight...etc etc.  I was fucking Irate!  She was at work so waited for her to get home, when she walked in I told her what I have seen, and she backtracked and stumbled through her words and told me that they are just a couple of smack talking douches that don't really know her and that I shouldn't worry about it.  And honestly I love my wife so I beleived her.

I had played online on the 360 a few times after that and a few messages were sent to her, but I wasn't looking at them, cause I didn't know if it was just messages for her or just some more smack talk or whatever, and I had way too many real world problems to deal with: Kids in school, bills, etc...  But one night I was trying to play some All Pro football 2K8 and I kept getting messages from the same person, like about 10 messages in 10 minutes.  And it was some guy saying he needed to hear my wifes voice cause he was horny or some shit.  So I sent him a message back saying basically look you little fuck this is her husband and if you want to get reported keep this shit up.  So that night when she got home I asked her about this user and she basically said the same thing, except for this time started to talk a bit more about it saying theres a lot of freaks online and she doesn't know any of them, just likes to get items and meseta..etc  just as she was talking to me I saw her cell phone in her purse was vibrating.  She kind of hid it behind her like not to let me see what I thought was so obvious.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


What a sad story.  :cry:
Sorry that it has come to this. At least you gave it a chance when you tried to reconnect with your wife. Best of luck to you and your children.


This story really hit my heart.  Last year, one of my best friends(of whom which I grew up with, we were practically born at the same time), left his wife for another woman(well, his wife didn't know about at first), & would even bring their daughter on dates with this whore he was seeing.  Eventually, it all spilled out, & he really turned into a complete jerk.  It's actually a long story, but, too much to write.  In the end, he lost everything, his relationship with God, his family, & all his friends.  The guy is a total buttmunch, & none of us, not even his parents or siblings have anything to do with him.  He recently had the gaul to send out wedding invitations to his wedding, & on their website, there's "their story" of how they met(ofcoarse, leaving out anything to do with his wife or kid).  Most people believe it's just the real person that he is.  I like to believe, somehow, that he has some kind of brain tumor that's effecting him, but, there's no way for us to force him to find out.  He's atleast on drugs because of his ridiculous mood swings, & just really wierd things he's been doing.  So, now we're friends with his wife, whom, I've only known since a little before they got married, but, my friend of 30+ years, is dead to me.  I feel like my whole childhood was a farce.

Anyways, just know, that, there's some crazy ish going on in the world, & it's not what God intended.  You're not the only one that's going thru this kind of stuff, so, don't feel like you're singled out.  I'm not sure there's anything else I can say, other then I pray you get your life back in track & never look back!  Hang in there!


That's some fucked up shit for sure.  I can't say much else, 'cept time will make things better...



Quote from: guyjin on 12/23/2008, 06:02 AM:cry:

Sad story, turbostar.  I wish you the best and hopefully this new year will bring you some good.
"I bathe in AES carts."


It is sad a story. I don't know you or your wife, but I can tell you perfectly decent people can and do make the really stupidest decisions when it comes to dealing with their own internal/underlining issues. I'm sorry to say you have some really tough decisions in your near future. Part of being an adult is making the tough decision of either ending it now and getting a divorce or staying in a loveless marriage only for the sake of the kids. I had the chance to experience both and in my experience the latter was more painful. That's not to say the divorce process and the couple of years following won't be emotionally difficult either. It's going to be really tough. Keep your family close, find a healthy outlet for the pain, and try your hardest to be strong for your children - don't disconnect from them. Parents are the 'invincible' protectors, a child doesn't need the huge stress of worrying about their parents. And talk, talk, talk with your kids (not about the divorce but life and whatever else goes on,etc). More now that you did before. You're a single parent and you're going to have to provide the mental/emotional support of the absent parent when they're with you.

 I hope the divorce goes as smoothly as possible. Emotions are going to run high and things can change instantly during this process. I wish you the best of luck.


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/22/2008, 10:45 PMI've already made up my mind that I want a divorce...
Good choice.  Save up the evidence of her cheating (emotional if not physical); divorce court doesn't like unfaithful spouses.

Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/22/2008, 10:45 PMRight now we are doing split custody, one week the kids are with me and the next is with her.  The kids are my main concern in all of this.  Most of the time I feel very selfish for doing what I am, I try my best to explain everything to them without blaming anyone or letting them know any more than- "mommy and daddy are not in love anymore"  Things of course are not that easy, but all in all it seems to be getting easier each day.  I'm working on getting myself my own appartment and just starting my life over...again. 
Don't feel guilty.  You made a valiant effort to win her back and she made zero effort in return; there's little more that you could've done, short of kicking her in the cunt and wearing her like a snowshoe (which would've been cathartic but not very helpful).  If you were to stay together for the kids' sake, she wouldn't change and you'd grow to resent her; by splitting up, she might wake up, smell the proverbial coffee, and hopefully start acting like a mother again (maybe giving you a chance at reconciliation down the line).  Best of luck to you and your brood.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/23/2008, 11:34 AMthere are a few things that were failed to be mentioned in this little pity party like the fact that he is FUCKING another girl for the past few months that he met on the internet. that he hasn't help her with Christmas or anything that the kids need he is trying to make everyone think that he was the victim here but there are a lot of things he had failed to metion like the fact  that him and his girlfriend were sending naked pictures back and forth to each other over the internet and that he only works till midnight and i had his kids till 2:30 in the morning it doesn't not take that long to get back and fourth to his work. he also failed to metion that Jennifer had sold her xbox after he confronted her thinking that it might help the situation. so don't let him kid you in to think that it was all her fault. And josh i Can not believe you stooped so low and posted your personal business on the internet. how low can you go i just lost all respect and trust i ever had in you. Ive also kept my mouth shut for all of this but this was a new low for anybody and something had to be said. it sucks that you and jenny couldn't fix shit but don't post shit that isn't anybody else business
Are we to take it that you are a close friend or the wife here accessing Josh's account??? Either way, yea figured there was two sides to this story going on, so I am just going to stay reserved at the moment. Just hope regardless of the two adults doings, that the kids in the situation have good holidays.


Holy commandeered account, Batman!

By his own admission, Josh gave up on the relationship months ago so their ain't much wrong with scoring some strange while she's catting around (though it certainly kills the chances of reconciliation).

P.S. - Nekkid pics, nekkid pics, nekkid pics!
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


By his own admission,yea he gave up, but in the same stroke he is leading her on by attending counseling, giving her false hope, which is low in its own right. I seriously think there are issues on both sides of this story, 2 guilty parties, not 1. Either way,sounds like both adults should cut their losses, and move on completely and finalize the divorce and get the kids some stability going, fucking around can come later. The every other week thing wont work for long, kids need better stability then that during school, and they need both parents to stop thinking with their nether regions, and get their heads screwed on straight. This I can absolutely speak about from years of hands on experience, since I'm prob one of the very few single parents here.



Got this in a pm a few mins ago, anyone else get this pm also besides me???:
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/23/2008, 01:53 PMthis is the wife
I am not or have i ever screwed around and all i do is take care if the kid i am the only stable they have hes off screwing his girlfriend which he has had for months btw while i have been doing my hardest to  save this i love him very much and we both made mistakes as for all his effort its crap he just is being hateful and i deserve better this should not have been made public as for my kids i am doing the best a single parent can they are in therapy and i don't talk bad about there father in front of them, i do not get the same respect from him.

turbos soon to be ex-wife
Personally, I don't want either of you two sad fucks (Turbo,wife) to send me pms about your bull shit going on. I don't want to be dragged into your nonsense. It was your choices to make your relationship the victim of a petty emotional golden shower so to speak, and honestly, you both need to take this bull shit elsewhere losers. Im not impressed with either of you, and I feel damn sorry for your kids.


Well put Mike-
This is pretty fucking sad- and shouldn't be aired out here of all places.  That said-  :P my opinions...

1) The very second a wife shows interest in online videogaming ESPECIALLY when you're not around is well past a red flag, no?  Wives only pretend to be into videogaming for their husbands' sakes- when you're not there they're usually watching Rachel Ray.
2) Why blame Xbox 360? Surely she must have posted pics of her titties and muff on the web from her laptop too... but why blame technology at all?  That right there is where tons of marriages fail- passing off blame and not accepting responsibility for anything.
3) An attempt at reconciliation- EVEN FOR THE KIDS SAKE- with some sloppy dog sugar talking up gaming sleaze and showing all of them titty pics- and screwing at least one of them- is like handing your balls back to your maker.  [-(
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


Quote from: Sinistron on 12/23/2008, 02:28 PMWell put Mike-
This is pretty fucking sad- and shouldn't be aired out here of all places.  That said-  :P my opinions...

1) The very second a wife shows interest in online videogaming ESPECIALLY when you're not around is well past a red flag, no?  Wives only pretend to be into videogaming for their husbands' sakes- when you're not there they're usually watching Rachel Ray.
2) Why blame Xbox 360? Surely she must have posted pics of her titties and muff on the web from her laptop too... but why blame technology at all?  That right there is where tons of marriages fail- passing off blame and not accepting responsibility for anything.
3) An attempt at reconciliation- EVEN FOR THE KIDS SAKE- with some sloppy dog sugar talking up gaming sleaze and showing all of them titty pics- and screwing at least one of them- is like handing your balls back to your maker.  [-(
Clearly someone who practices to smile exactly like Shaggy (another fellow with no balls to speak of) has no balls of his own to begin with.


"Zoinks Scoob, lets get back to the Pussy Van!"


Hot dang PC-E HELL you're terrible.. hahahahah..  :lol:
"I bathe in AES carts."


Quote from: PC-ENGINE HELL on 12/23/2008, 02:05 PMGot this in a pm a few mins ago, anyone else get this pm also besides me???
You're not alone; I received a slightly more pious version of that same message.

Quote from: Sinistron on 12/23/2008, 02:28 PM1) The very second a wife shows interest in online videogaming ESPECIALLY when you're not around is well past a red flag, no?  Wives only pretend to be into videogaming for their husbands' sakes- when you're not there they're usually watching Rachel Ray.
You sound like nintega.  :P
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 12/23/2008, 03:36 PM
Quote from: PC-ENGINE HELL on 12/23/2008, 02:05 PMGot this in a pm a few mins ago, anyone else get this pm also besides me???
You're not alone; I received a slightly more pious version of that same message.

Quote from: Sinistron on 12/23/2008, 02:28 PM1) The very second a wife shows interest in online videogaming ESPECIALLY when you're not around is well past a red flag, no?  Wives only pretend to be into videogaming for their husbands' sakes- when you're not there they're usually watching Rachel Ray.
You sound like nintega.  :P
Intentionally I assure you- was just "making funny".  :wink:

Though in retrospect Nintega was never really that funny- so I'm all for showcasing the giant "FAIL" insignia for a post or two.  No biggie.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


QuoteIve also kept my mouth shut for all of this but this was a new low for anybody and something had to be said. it sucks that you and jenny couldn't fix shit but don't post shit that isn't anybody else business
Pot, kettle, black  :wink:  Also, your writing skills are seriously lacking. You might want to put some practice into that before stealing someone else's account (again).

 It's also great entertainment when Judge Sini and Judge Mike come out to make an official ruling on someone's else character. You guys never pass up a chance to berate and belittle someone else. Does it help cement the patches over your own insecurities? I really hope so.

QuoteHow dare you...
How dare you steal someone else's account? Please, some MOD suspend the poor fools account and end this.


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/23/2008, 05:28 PMthis is the wife in question
How dare you all criticize me you don't even know me and you got he story.  you all attack me like you know the whole thing.  is so very ridiculous how dare you all past judgment on me and how dare he flaunt a very private problem so very publicly. I am a educated mother of 4 beautiful children and don't really give a rip what you all think.
That's sure a high horse you have there; must be at least 22 hands.  For someone who doesn't care, you sure are whining an awful lot, but then again, how else could you join in on this pity party?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!

Joe Redifer

Ummm, Michael?  What part of Private Message do you not understand?

The wife should make her own account, though.


Quote from: Tom on 12/23/2008, 05:28 PMIt's also great entertainment when Judge Sini and Judge Mike come out to make an official ruling on someone's else character. You guys never pass up a chance to berate and belittle someone else. Does it help cement the patches over your own insecurities? I really hope so.
You mean like when you jumped all over some no name guy who was getting ripped off because you figured he was a easy target? You were damn quick to pass judgment on that guy. Lemme guess, you forgot about that one. Im not surprised. Jesus, you are not even worth my time this time around loser. Ill just give you this link reminder. You can ponder over it Mal.

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/23/2008, 06:18 PMUmmm, Michael?  What part of Private Message do you not understand?

The wife should make her own account, though.
Personally Joe,I consider in most cases PM sent to me to be private, esp if expressed to remain so, but once they start to involve bullshit, or involve this community somehow, they lose privacy rights with me. This kind a message deserves about as much privacy involvement from me as that dickhead ebay sellers when he was calling my house leaving voice mail. She sent that pm to someone she doesn't even know.... Clearly privacy is not her or Josh's concern in this matter. Both these idiots blatantly tossed their lives out here in a squabble for reckless attention seeking prior to my posting of her lame one sided charade.  You know what you could do though Joe? Your job. Disable Turbostars account until he gets back on to change the password or discuss the matter with the mods or Aaron. No one should be using anyone else's account here just to run amok.

Like you said, she can get her own if she pleases. Furthermore, it sadly idiotic that you would lock a silly thread like the one that post info to Nintegas video, yet continue to leave this thread open. If locking threads is your love, this would be the one to lock, would it not? Or do you only lock threads started by myself or Sini or something? Your lack of action here screams hypocrite, or shows a severe lack of ability to judge what is lock worthy. Then again, I guess that's why its always best to just point out the really major stuff to Aaron or Nat if something needs to be done.
Joe Buzz Kill cant be relied upon on these kinda scenarios ehh?

Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 wife on 12/23/2008, 05:28 PMthis is the wife in question
How dare you all criticize me you don't even know me and you got he story.  you all attack me like you know the whole thing.  is so very ridiculous how dare you all past judgment on me and how dare he flaunt a very private problem so very publicly. I am a educated mother of 4 beautiful children and don't really give a rip what you all think.
More like, how dare you hijack someones account and jump on here without even a shred of proper sentence structure? For that matter, not everyone is taking his side, but its crazy to assume you would just post on here and people would flock to yours. Personally, to me, you both can rot in hell over the matter. I think you both are clearly guilty of almost everything the other person says. You both are idiots. You both dragged your personal lives into the mud, not just on here, but in general when you both started to screw up and stopped thinking of your kids best interest and started thinking of who you could nail under the sheets when you weren't busy texting them. You both turned your home life into a damn horror show. Its time for both of you to grow up, get the divorce finalized and move the hell on, and stop worrying about what each other is doing when they dont have the kids. A responsible parent would only be concerned with the kids welfare, and whats going on during their time with them and how to make the most of it, and spending zero time thinking about who the ex is going to see after they drop the kids off to you.

Thread reported to Aaron and Nat. Lets get this nonsense locked down.


Ooh, forum drama. Well hey, if I was turbostar and I found out my wife was monkeying around with other guys on the internet, whether having real sex, cybersex, phone sex, or anything that has to do with infidelity, I'd find a fuckmate too. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. So whether or not that detail was left out is immaterial...I'd have done the same thing. And judging from the posting style of the wife, I'd have to say she's got a few bolts missing anyways. Midlife crisis? Yep, sounds like it to me.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II

Joe Redifer

Quote from: PC-ENGINE HELLFurthermore, it sadly idiotic that you would lock a silly thread like the one that post info to Nintegas video, yet continue to leave this thread open. If locking threads is your love, this would be the one to lock, would it not? Or do you only lock threads started by myself or Sini or something? Your lack of action here screams hypocrite, or shows a severe lack of ability to judge what is lock worthy. Then again, I guess that's why its always best to just point out the really major stuff to Aaron or Nat if something needs to be done.
Joe Buzz Kill cant be relied upon on these kinda scenarios ehh?
Michael, why are you even referring to another thread here?  All I did was point out that you are posting Private Messages for the public.  This has nothing to do with any other thread.  You are the one causing the drama here, Mike.  Whether YOU agree with threads I have locked or not is none of my concern, nor should it ever be.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/23/2008, 07:52 PM
Quote from: PC-ENGINE HELLFurthermore, it sadly idiotic that you would lock a silly thread like the one that post info to Nintegas video, yet continue to leave this thread open. If locking threads is your love, this would be the one to lock, would it not? Or do you only lock threads started by myself or Sini or something? Your lack of action here screams hypocrite, or shows a severe lack of ability to judge what is lock worthy. Then again, I guess that's why its always best to just point out the really major stuff to Aaron or Nat if something needs to be done.
Joe Buzz Kill cant be relied upon on these kinda scenarios ehh?
Michael, why are you even referring to another thread here?  All I did was point out that you are posting Private Messages for the public.  This has nothing to do with any other thread.  You are the one causing the drama here, Mike.  Whether YOU agree with threads I have locked or not is none of my concern, nor should it ever be.
Haha Joe, Im the one causing the drama here??? Last I checked I didn't post my personal life in this thread or hijack others accounts to post my personal lifes downfaults, instigating world war 3 with my ex on a gaming forum.

My point, yet again is that you pick and choose what to lock, or what action to take, half the time leading to you yourself  unlocking others threads  they locked on their own to get your own 2 cents in, and this clearly is a thread you should have locked. You should also have disabled Turbos account the moment you saw what was going down until that ordeal could be handled. Yet what are you doing? Nothin, not even on your second stop to it, instead only to view replies and piddle your time away by replying to me. Exactly why I sent pm's to Nat and Aaron about it.

Joe Redifer

Michael, if your feelings are hurt over the way I handle things, please contact Aaron.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/23/2008, 08:19 PMMichael, if your feelings are hurt over the way I handle things, please contact Aaron.
No feelings are hurt Joe, this isn't grade school and my comments on your lack of doing your job isn't meant to invoke hurt feelings either, but to point out you could be doing what your supposed to instead of paying so much attention to me and certain others. Just utter disdain built up over time for your lack of action when it seems proper half the time is simply what it amounts to. I'm sorry if you thought you lived in a bubble fantasy where no one could point out your job faults here publicly where they know you will read it and maybe take it at heart, especially when the need arises.  :roll: Seriously, if you don't like being a mod, relinquish it, otherwise, drop your ego, personal agendas, and do the job you agreed to do when you signed up. If you were doing your job, like over the past couple of hours, then no one would have needed to pm Nat or Aaron nor would I have even said what I did to you. Im not going to drag others into this, but the fact is,you should be aware Im not the only one who is thinking this, there are others. Im just the one that's telling you is all. Its not a personal matter to me, Id never sell to anyone I hold a personal grudge against. Why don't you reflect on that for a min before hitting that post button again?

Joe Redifer

Michael, this is my last reply to you.  Please do not post in this thread again unless it is on the original topic or I will delete your post.  And no, having one sentence or paragraph based on the original topic with the rest being a rant on my character does not count.


Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


A lot of posts here (including this very one!) could be just as well deleted. 

Waste of time, I tell you.


Well shit, thats a sad story.  Since you all care, I have a few things...
1.  So, you find out that at the very least your wife is sending pics to guys, if not outright cheating, and your solution is to grovel, say 'I love you' and write little fancy notes?  Bitch should have been out of the house with a sense of urgency :evil:

2.  How is this tied to the 360?  Is it how she met the guys?  After the first couple paragraphs the 360 got dropped. I thought this was going to be about a 360 scratching some discs and costing money or something...

3.  I've begun to notice that certain members always seem to have A LOT to say about everything on this forum, and can never let anything go (creating many rants :roll:).  Other certain members seem like they always have to put in little snipy, annoying comments, which in turn cheese others off.

4.  My final opinion?  Likely both man and wife are at fault, both should agree to divorce/share kids/fuck strangers, entire issue should never have been put online, and certain forum members need to take a huge fucking chill pill :lol:
Arms installation is complete....good luck


I just want to take a moment to completely apologize to anyone that has read this story or become involved within it.  I want to say I'm sorry the absolute most to Jennifer.  She in no way deserved this, and I am ashamed that it happened.  The day that I posted this thread I was really upset about a few things going on and I lost my temper.  It just shouldn't have happened.  I know that every now and again a member comes in here looking for advice/ ranting about things going on in life.  IE: getting robbed, having hospital/birthing issues, and people have chimed in and usually it winds up being good conversation for the people involved getting some personal issues off their chest.  I think of PCFX as somewhat of a crazy family, and was just looking to blow off some steam.  What I wasn't expecting, and I guess I deserve it, was my wife to see it.  And because of my initial post she has recieved lots of unfair criticizm, and I am very sorry for that.  Not to defend myself but I wish some members here would at least talk to me before posting pics of me or verbally blasting me online without any knowledge on the subject.  Especially those same members that I would have considered my "internet" friends.  If anyone has any questions or would like to talk about this (I'd appreciate it) just PM me please!

Anyway- pitty parties over and back to work.

To those concerned:
For what its worth our kids did have an excellent holiday season thus far.  They have two parents that love them very very much and would move mountains for them.  They deserve all the attention and acclaimation in the world and they get that each and every day from both of us.  There will be trying times ahead of us, that is for sure, but the main concern is that our kids know that they are number one no matter what.  They always come first, and always will.

Again, I am very sorry for all of this internet drama.


PS: thank you Amanda Lindsey!
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!