10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Who hates you and who do you hate?

Started by Tatsujin, 03/26/2009, 09:00 AM

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Joe Redifer

MG, Aaron did not ban Mike, he closed his own account.  If you are just talking about this forum, I actually agree with you.  That is why I am being such an ass here (and it is kind of fun to have no rules, but it will get boring after time I think).  I've never seen a completely unmoderated forum work out.  It failed at OverClocked ReMix and it failed at the-magicbox.  I don't regularly visit Neo-geo.com so I don't have anything to say about The War Room.  And no, It's not because I fear losing power or some shit like that.  I can still delete posts and whatnot in here and make it look like nothing happened (which I wouldn't do even on the main site).

Nectaris:  it was probably in your cache.  My original post was between Keranu's two posts.  I agree, nothing would be too far.  That's lame.


Well this isn't a "completely unmoderated forum" Joe- you are still doing your job on the other (much larger) portion no? 

I will say this- I don't think that the threads from Fighting Street should show up on UNREAD POSTS for members- some will complain- rightfully so- that they waltzed into the unmoderated threads unknowingly.  It should only be there for those who look for it- some here are too weak for this awesomeness.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.

Joe Redifer

I meant this sub-forum, Fighting Street.  I've seen other forums try to have a section like this and they just end up being kind of useless portions of the site (and I told Aaron this before he created it).  I agree that threads here shouldn't show up on the UNREAD POSTS list.  Can anyone tell us if they do or don't?  I don't usually use that feature.


Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.

Joe Redifer


Quote from: Keranu on 03/27/2009, 01:24 AMForgive me if this is wrong, and I don't mean this is any negative way, but I have a feeling that Michael is using Sinistron's account. Sini's recent posts remind me of Mike's typing style.
Sorry, but no he isn't. Michael isn't coming back. Trust me on that one.

Arkhan Asylum

I hate the man.

Hatin on me and whatnot.

The mans always bringin me down!
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


I don't think there's anyone here I hate or even dislike, hell not even Nintega (I wasn't around for the 2 other trolls mentioned), sure I got tired of his antics at some point, but to say that I hate him, well that would be a far stretch.

If anyone ever really gets to know me, they find out that I am very easy going, patient, and friendly. Even people who wrong me, I forgive pretty quickly. I can't hold grudges, it's just not in me.

I really don't like to argue pointlessly either, especially if it's over something really stupid, but I am not afraid to call out someone who is wronging a friend or someone I know (I tend to not get into arguments that are "none of my business" or ones I don't have enough facts to argue effectively).

I had a run in with Mike because of this one time in the shout box. He and Missa got into a short argument, over something I don't recall. After Missa left Mike said something derogatory about her (again I don't remember, it's in the shoutbox history) and I called him out on it. We argued for a good bit, and in the end it led to a post by Mike that Missa took the wrong way and completely blew up. I don't believe Mike meant any harm by it, but I can see how Missa could construe it how she did. (The post he made was rather bold no matter how you look at it).

Anyways I don't think Mike is bad guy, sure he may come off as childish or a bully at some points, and yes he did tend to get carried away, but he usually got into arguments where he was looking out for the community or fellow members (ebay scammers, and the whole D-lite debacle come to mind) and more often than not, the drama he stirred up had a purpose and wasn't just arguing for the sake of arguing even if the arguments ended up that way in the end.

There were also other times I am sure, where his motives for arguing weren't always the best and other cases where he was creating unnecessary drama. Even Mike himself admits he has made mistakes, but hell who doesn't? The man just loved to argue, nothing wrong with that. I mean it takes at least 2 people to argue (unless you are Steven Colbert) and if you don't like the drama, don't argue back, if you do then argue away!

That's not to say I am the expert on the going ons of Mike (far from it actually), nor that Mike was necessarily always acting selflessly for others. I'll admit I don't really know Mike that well, just what I have gathered from talking with him and his posts. He really could have had selfish motives all along. Who knows? Who cares?

Whether you liked or hated Mike, you can't dismiss the good contributions Mike did make while he was here. From looking out for other members (Mike seemed very protective of others, when he thought he smelled bullshit, he didn't just sit there and watch someone get scammed, he actually took action), to the knowledge he contributed (the man knew his shit, and has answered many of my hardware/modding/repair/electronics questions in the past, and even if he didn't know the answer, he at least tried to point me in the right direction), to the fact that if you sat down and had an actual discussion with him, not an argument, he was pretty damn fun to talk to.

Does it really even matter though anymore? Mike is gone and probably not coming back. If this is really a good or bad thing, only time will tell. It is probably good though that Mike left, he had been talking about taking a break from the site in the past, and from talking with him, he seemed to be at a point in his life where he needed a change of pace. No longer being a member here should hopefully give him time for whatever else he decides he wants to do and I wish the best of luck to Mike in his future endeavors.

...and Sini is right about not many having the balls to stand up to Mike, or even say something bad about him. I know for damn sure most of you badmouthing mike in this thread probably wouldn't be saying the stuff you are now if Mike was still here. I can see if you wanted to avoid a long drawn out argument with Mike(admittedly he is like talking to a stone wall sometimes), but honestly, who ever said you must argue back?


Quote from: Keranu on 03/27/2009, 01:24 AMForgive me if this is wrong, and I don't mean this is any negative way, but I have a feeling that Michael is using Sinistron's account. Sini's recent posts remind me of Mike's typing style.
the posts are too short. If Mike were writing Sini's posts, they'd be about 7 times longer.


Quote from: nectarsis on 03/27/2009, 01:00 AMWar room or not, even NeoGeo.com holds back teh racist crap.  And Fighting Street or not, anything with kids is bullshit at best.
The War Room over at n-g.com doesn't hold back the racist crap at all.  It actually happens a lot.


Quote from: Zeon on 03/27/2009, 05:20 AMI don't think there's anyone here I hate or even dislike, hell not even Nintega (I wasn't around for the 2 other trolls mentioned), sure I got tired of his antics at some point, but to say that I hate him, well that would be a far stretch.

If anyone ever really gets to know me, they find out that I am very easy going, patient, and friendly. Even people who wrong me, I forgive pretty quickly. I can't hold grudges, it's just not in me.

I really don't like to argue pointlessly either, especially if it's over something really stupid, but I am not afraid to call out someone who is wronging a friend or someone I know (I tend to not get into arguments that are "none of my business" or ones I don't have enough facts to argue effectively).

I had a run in with Mike because of this one time in the shout box. He and Missa got into a short argument, over something I don't recall. After Missa left Mike said something derogatory about her (again I don't remember, it's in the shoutbox history) and I called him out on it. We argued for a good bit, and in the end it led to a post by Mike that Missa took the wrong way and completely blew up. I don't believe Mike meant any harm by it, but I can see how Missa could construe it how she did. (The post he made was rather bold no matter how you look at it).
Is that why I never see Missa around anymore? That really sucks if so. :(

Joe Redifer

Zeon, I hate YOU because your red TurboGrafx has a beard!  A BEARD!!!!!  I shave my TurboGrafx religiously.


Quote from: Sinistron"smart" in this sense basically translates to "pussies". 
Wow. You haven't learned the lesson that not everything in the world is worth arguing or fighting over? What are you, like 16 years old still? Your lack of maturity never ceases to surprise me. I can just imagine the state of this forum if everyone took your approach.

QuoteNo one here should be such a pussy.  It's the internet people- we're not standing over each other's heads with clubs.  It's WORDS for fuck's sake.  Grow a pair and stop being a manchild.
Don't confuse 'having a pair' with actually making an intelligent decision, but I'm sure that's lost on you.

Quoteuntil they eventually slide back in with a fake name like the world's weepiest vagina.
I assume this reference is to me, since the next line that follows it. What the fuck don't you understand about not being able to recover my original screen name. Are you that fucking stupid? I guess you obviously are, since I've stated this to you on more than one occasion.

QuoteI'm looking at you "Tom"- though I'm sure you're not looking at me because you have me on ignore- like a little whistling Mary.
So you've recovered from that little stint in the chat box, ehh?. Finally "grown a pair'? Please come back for more, so I can further exploit and turn any of your insecurities back at you. You make it so easy. Both you and Mike. :D

 Or are going to 'pussy out' and talk shit in the shoutbox instead, where I'll probably won't see it?


Eh- don't take this as an apology to you- but I'm kind of sorry myself that I started this one.  Reading your reply I didn't feel any fire- or any interest whatsoever.  It just sort of washed over me- like you're throwing whatever out there to some anonymous person- Really didn't even get the gist that you were actually speaking to me- me having "grown a pair" or something- as if I've never had balls- I thought your initial dislike of me was because I was too outspoken and aggressive- out to play sheriff or whatever it was you said about me and Mike in some thread- now I'm some guy who just runs and hides in shout or whatever you're saying- sorry- just isn't my m.o.  I'll just let this one die unless you feel like saying something that strikes a chord.  I'm easy.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


Quote from: japanesepeso on 03/27/2009, 07:56 AM
Quote from: Zeon on 03/27/2009, 05:20 AMI don't think there's anyone here I hate or even dislike, hell not even Nintega (I wasn't around for the 2 other trolls mentioned), sure I got tired of his antics at some point, but to say that I hate him, well that would be a far stretch.

If anyone ever really gets to know me, they find out that I am very easy going, patient, and friendly. Even people who wrong me, I forgive pretty quickly. I can't hold grudges, it's just not in me.

I really don't like to argue pointlessly either, especially if it's over something really stupid, but I am not afraid to call out someone who is wronging a friend or someone I know (I tend to not get into arguments that are "none of my business" or ones I don't have enough facts to argue effectively).

I had a run in with Mike because of this one time in the shout box. He and Missa got into a short argument, over something I don't recall. After Missa left Mike said something derogatory about her (again I don't remember, it's in the shoutbox history) and I called him out on it. We argued for a good bit, and in the end it led to a post by Mike that Missa took the wrong way and completely blew up. I don't believe Mike meant any harm by it, but I can see how Missa could construe it how she did. (The post he made was rather bold no matter how you look at it).
Is that why I never see Missa around anymore? That really sucks if so. :(
Missa supposedly left because Mike called her ass out on always whining about shit, and always acting like she was sick and wanting sympathy from people. There is a name for that, it's called Münchausen syndrome, and I completely agree with what he said to her. She needed to be told by someone.

I mean fuck, she was spending her money on games when she blatantly needed some breathing machine, then was trying to get members here to buy her one, and she wanted to supposedly trade them games for it...WTF? That's just not right. It's called cover your NEEDS FIRST over your wants.


I liked Missa- and I felt true sympathy when she said she needed a nebulizer and couldn't afford one- I even offered to buy her one- within reasonable price.  I balked when for some strange reason she wouldn't find one for me to purchase- but insisted that I use my own time to search for the correct one- which seemed to be ridiculously specific yet she couldn't recall the name- only would know it was the right one if she saw it.  Her reasoning behind her not being able to look for it herself had something to do with limited server time issues or whatever- which made very little sense to me as she was always on shout.  I found the whole thing ridiculous after a bit and refused to continue searching for the damn thing myself after offering to pay for it- and looking back on it now and hearing about the suspected Munchausen proxy I find it POSSIBLE that she never needed the thing in the first place- probably why she never showed me the specific machine herself that she needed- and why she'd constantly say "no- this isn't the one- but it's close" each time I thought I found the damn thing.  I really hope that wasn't the case- for I really felt sympathetic and I'd hate to think I was a victim of a play for sympathy.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


Quote from: Sinistron on 03/30/2009, 01:24 AMI liked Missa- and I felt true sympathy when she said she needed a nebulizer and couldn't afford one- I even offered to buy her one- within reasonable price.  I balked when for some strange reason she wouldn't find one for me to purchase- but insisted that I use my own time to search for the correct one- which seemed to be ridiculously specific yet she couldn't recall the name- only would know it was the right one if she saw it.  Her reasoning behind her not being able to look for it herself had something to do with limited server time issues or whatever- which made very little sense to me as she was always on shout.  I found the whole thing ridiculous after a bit and refused to continue searching for the damn thing myself after offering to pay for it- and looking back on it now and hearing about the suspected Munchausen proxy I find it POSSIBLE that she never needed the thing in the first place- probably why she never showed me the specific machine herself that she needed- and why she'd constantly say "no- this isn't the one- but it's close" each time I thought I found the damn thing.  I really hope that wasn't the case- for I really felt sympathetic and I'd hate to think I was a victim of a play for sympathy.
I can explain the limited server time thing.  What she was referring to was her cellphone internet.  It had a small bandwidth cap on it which was filled rather quickly depending on where she was surfing.  The shoutbox took up little resources as opposed to going to lots of websites because the shoutbox was only sending smaller chunks of data since it was, for the most part, text only.  If she was surfing media heavy sites then that'd be taxing on her bandwidth.  That's where that situation came from.  The other stuff I can't comment on since I don't know enough about/remember enough about the situation.


I agree - especially when you are searching for new posts and see "FUCK" in the subject line.  8-[

Quote from: Sinistron on 03/27/2009, 01:38 AMI will say this- I don't think that the threads from Fighting Street should show up on UNREAD POSTS for members- some will complain- rightfully so- that they waltzed into the unmoderated threads unknowingly.  It should only be there for those who look for it- some here are too weak for this awesomeness.
Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq


Quote from: quoth09 on 03/30/2009, 01:12 AM
Quote from: japanesepeso on 03/27/2009, 07:56 AMIs that why I never see Missa around anymore? That really sucks if so. :(
Missa supposedly left because Mike called her ass out on always whining about shit, and always acting like she was sick and wanting sympathy from people. There is a name for that, it's called Münchausen syndrome, and I completely agree with what he said to her. She needed to be told by someone.

I mean fuck, she was spending her money on games when she blatantly needed some breathing machine, then was trying to get members here to buy her one, and she wanted to supposedly trade them games for it...WTF? That's just not right. It's called cover your NEEDS FIRST over your wants.
Aww man we are no experts on Missa problems, hell if she even has any, she could be lonely, who knows, we all have our problems.
Calling them out in the forum was not the right thing to do (I told mike this as well)
Sensitive topics like that are best for the pms, She probably would still be here if it was.

Anyway, just my thoughts quoth, i know we are in fighting street but not looking for an out right brawl on this :P


Quote from: guest on 03/30/2009, 01:18 PM
Quote from: quoth09 on 03/30/2009, 01:12 AM
Quote from: japanesepeso on 03/27/2009, 07:56 AMIs that why I never see Missa around anymore? That really sucks if so. :(
Missa supposedly left because Mike called her ass out on always whining about shit, and always acting like she was sick and wanting sympathy from people. There is a name for that, it's called Münchausen syndrome, and I completely agree with what he said to her. She needed to be told by someone.

I mean fuck, she was spending her money on games when she blatantly needed some breathing machine, then was trying to get members here to buy her one, and she wanted to supposedly trade them games for it...WTF? That's just not right. It's called cover your NEEDS FIRST over your wants.
Aww man we are no experts on Missa problems, hell if she even has any, she could be lonely, who knows, we all have our problems.
Calling them out in the forum was not the right thing to do (I told mike this as well)
Sensitive topics like that are best for the pms, She probably would still be here if it was.

Anyway, just my thoughts quoth, i know we are in fighting street but not looking for an out right brawl on this :P
Oh definitely not, but just stating that is what the situation was. I have my problems too, a lot more than anyone here knows, and I don't bring them here, because they don't belong here. If I have an issue where I feel like it's going to effect me talking to people or whatever, I don't get on, it's as simple as that. I find it funny that Nintega tried (tries on youtube still) piss poor attempts at insulting me when he doesn't know shit about me; and that is the exact reason why I don't bring my problems in here, other than eBay (which I find to be more of a helpful thing, to let people watch out for poor sellers/buyers). I don't need people making fun of me for whatever reason, or for that matter trying to make up other crap about me. Not that I'm saying that anyone else here would do that, but Nintega was a fine example of a bad apple that would do such a thing. I'm surprised he didn't go after more members here with his petty insults. The only reason he went after me is because I'm friends with Mike.

Either way all that aside, she had issues and honestly the only way that someone learns like that is if they get called out in a group of people. I know I'm no expert on her problems, but I know what I saw. If he would have PMed, she would have made up some story and tried to pull sympathy garbage from everyone, which is what she was already doing on a intermittent basis. The thing that Sinistron mentioned above is proof of that. I saw her doing other crap too. I didn't mind her other than that, so don't take it in any way that I hated her or something, but just like Mike, I found her sympathy bullshit a bit annoying, because she would completely change her tune later on. Her crap about her parents especially. I forget most of the details of all of it now, but I didn't expect her to leave as a result of him saying something to her. If none of it was true, then why did she leave? Anyone that got called out on lies (rather than truth) wouldn't run away. If anyone happens to know how to contact her, I would honestly like to see her come back, but without the sympathy crap, because she needs to leave that at the log in screen.


i hear where you are coming from quoth-man and i respect your thoughts, but i would have dealt with it differently, i think she left because calling her out in a group especially on forum where we dont really know her can over power a person, even if she defends herself she would not win, no offense but minds had already been made up, what could she of said?

Also for what it was, maybe her being annoying it may have been better just to leave it alone, "choose your battles" are my words i live by (haha.. who the fuck am i Dr. Sparky :P)
i dont like confrontation either... but i am getting better at it with this place :P 


She was on for awhile after all that exchange happened, and was regularly on risingstuff also.  So she wasn't "run off" by that (maybe she came around less, but was still at least semi active).
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: nectarsis on 03/30/2009, 05:09 PMShe was on for awhile after all that exchange happened, and was regularly on risingstuff also.  So she wasn't "run off" by that (maybe she came around less, but was still at least semi active).
Nec is right, the incident with Mike was not the deciding factor in her leaving. She was still around here and rs after that. In fact last we heard from her, her computer was out of commission and needed a new mobo, however this was around/after thanksgiving last year. Nobody really knows why she is missing.


Quote from: Zeon on 03/30/2009, 05:26 PMNobody really knows why she is missing.
No nebulizer = suffocation?  :-k

Christ, I hope not.  I shouldn't joke about such things, but it makes me giggle.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: Sinistron on 03/27/2009, 12:11 AM
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 03/26/2009, 11:54 PMJesus, this is a video game forum.  Where grown adults come to check up on trades, news, and other happenings going on in the little world of turbo. 
Wrong.  This is FIGHTING STREET- where boys become men and girls cry of rape.

Perhaps if I pull my dick out of your eye socket you can see things a little clearer.

Wasn't begging for drama- was just speaking my mind- at the same time fishing for some quality LULZ.  Early bird gets teh lulz.  

As for being nothing more than a videogame forum- you certainly didn't exercise that bit yourself when you dragged your relationship woes into full view which then turned into a three ring circus with the cheating wife sending forum members pms.  And it doesn't make me happy to say you're a pussy- it's just how it is.  If anything Shaggy- I'm very sad- so very sad for you and your wailing vagina.
Yeah, I think I've learned my lesson on that.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: guest on 03/30/2009, 05:36 PM
Quote from: Zeon on 03/30/2009, 05:26 PMNobody really knows why she is missing.
No nebulizer = suffocation?  :-k

Christ, I hope not.  I shouldn't joke about such things, but it makes me giggle.
See, what if she is dead now?  Wouldn't you feel like a big jerk now if that was the case?
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 10/28/2010, 02:13 PMSee, what if she is dead now?  Wouldn't you feel like a big jerk now if that was the case?
Not really; it's not like my off-color joke is what would have killed her.

If she has passed into the great beyond, though, I should be able to use my powers of necromancy to bring her back from the dead to thank her again for my lovely copies of Aoi Blink and Hatris, and to play a few rounds of Bomberman '93.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Thanks for the bump. It was a great PCFX history lesson. Weird thing was Tats never really contributed anything after creating the thread. :-k


YAY for bumping a year and a half old thread for no reason  :P  :dance: :dance:  (looks around for this bitch to reignite) MUAHAHHAHHAAHAHAA  :twisted: :twisted:
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Hmmm I remember Mike Helgeson and that Kitsune retard.Guess I wasn't around when Missa and this Nintega guy was here.Never really had A problem with Helgeson or Vladus for that matter.

One member I particully couldn't stand was Seldane/Fm-77.Guy was A arrogant  know it all prick.He would brag about snipping auctions from people on ebay.Make big long duechbaggy posts.Constantly insulting other members,correcting people on how to spell Ys,that type of shit.

Joe Redifer

I think I remember that Kitsune fellow.  Wasn't he the furry lover?  I don't remember Missa at all, I probably just skipped over her posts because they weren't very interesting.  Oh well, she's probably dead now.  I remember kind of feeling sorry for Validus for some reason, can't remember why.

Arkhan Asylum

Doesnt Kitsune piss and moan about PCEFX over at digitpiss?

I hate that whole forum.  Basically everyone theres a retard, and has no clue what they're talking about.

Aussie2B can choke on a dick and die.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Joe Redifer

Never been there and this is maybe the second time I've ever heard of it (assuming you mean DigitPress... if so, nice one!)  There is also some forum called GAF that I guess had a million members or some shit and then some mod or admin changed a rule and everyone went apeshit so GAF had to recreate itself into NeoGAF (that name makes me want to vomit) and now it still has like a billion members.  And to this day I still have never been there.  There's something about giant-ass forums like that which is a huge turn-off to me.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/08/2010, 01:37 AMThere's something about giant-ass forums like that which is a huge turn-off to me.
That's one reason why I love this place and started to nearly hate DigitalPress.

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Mathius on 11/08/2010, 01:52 AM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/08/2010, 01:37 AMThere's something about giant-ass forums like that which is a huge turn-off to me.
That's one reason why I love this place and started to nearly hate DigitalPress.
digitpiss is like youtube.  a bunch of jackasses with annoying statements talking about games they suck at.    I remember a huge blowout about Hydlide that was summed up with the following statements

1) Read the manual, fuckface
2) It came out before Zelda, fuckface.

then Legacy of the Wizard.  OH THE GAMES TOO HARD, IT MAKES NO SENSE, HOW I DO IT.

READ THE MANUAL, FUCK FACE.  Its a nintendo game.  It cant spell the whole goddamn game out for you on screen.

I love watching people on youtube complain about old games they suck at.   Digitpiss is that in text form.     

and the one ass Aussie2B that said DQ has better music than FF because the composer for DQ is classically trained.   The fact that FF is newer and as a result has better programmed instruments was irrelevant!  All those simplistic beepboops were classically trained, therefore superior. 

Classically trained Atari2600 composers will then make better music than a caveman with a roland synth and preset beats.

At least on digitpiss, you dont have to hear their voices.  Every whiner on youtube has a voice that makes me want to kill the entire human race.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Looks like Sign of Zeta has it out for me. Why I do not know. I might have offended him by selling off my Saturn games.


hahaha... no man, he is just razzing ya with a little sauce, thats all.
He was willing to trade ya a system for a game which is pretty cool, but its one of those ugly ones :P

Emerald Rocker

Quote from: guest on 11/08/2010, 02:26 AMand the one ass Aussie2B that said DQ has better music than FF because the composer for DQ is classically trained.   The fact that FF is newer and as a result has better programmed instruments was irrelevant!  All those simplistic beepboops were classically trained, therefore superior. 

Classically trained Atari2600 composers will then make better music than a caveman with a roland synth and preset beats.
Yeah, fuck someone for having an opinion and explaining why they feel that way.  And hey, fuck anyone who rejects the "newer is always better mentality".  After all, newer IS always better!  The PC Engine sucks compared to the Xbox 360, who the fuck would seriously still play the TurboDud or PC-Shitgine?

Of course I'm being sarcastic, the answer is "people who can recognize quality game design", similar to how some people can recognize quality music design.
Official member of the PCEFX 4K Post Club

Joe Redifer

I'm not privy to the original argument (nor do I wish to be), but I imagine that this Aussie2B lad feels that if both Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy were arranged with the same instruments in the same arrangement fashion that DQ would end up being the better of the two.  In other words, he finds the melodic composition to be better.

Emerald Rocker

I hate the people who made Hydlide.  They irreparably damaged so many lives with their crappy game.
Official member of the PCEFX 4K Post Club


But the indian jones theme is legendary! I feel like a boulder is chasing me down the corridors in all the caves!


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/08/2010, 11:08 PMI'm not privy to the original argument (nor do I wish to be), but I imagine that this Aussie2B lad feels that if both Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy were arranged with the same instruments in the same arrangement fashion that DQ would end up being the better of the two.  In other words, he finds the melodic composition to be better.
It doesn't matter because Yuzo Koshiro destroys all with Ys and Actraiser


Quote from: geise on 11/09/2010, 01:43 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/08/2010, 11:08 PMI'm not privy to the original argument (nor do I wish to be), but I imagine that this Aussie2B lad feels that if both Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy were arranged with the same instruments in the same arrangement fashion that DQ would end up being the better of the two.  In other words, he finds the melodic composition to be better.
It doesn't matter because Yuzo Koshiro destroys all with Ys and Actraiser
I still can't believe that he created the music for both Ys, Actraiser, and the Genesis Shinobis. They all sound so different, yet so equally awesome!

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Emerald Rocker on 11/08/2010, 10:03 PMYeah, fuck someone for having an opinion and explaining why they feel that way.  And hey, fuck anyone who rejects the "newer is always better mentality".  After all, newer IS always better!  The PC Engine sucks compared to the Xbox 360, who the fuck would seriously still play the TurboDud or PC-Shitgine?

Of course I'm being sarcastic, the answer is "people who can recognize quality game design", similar to how some people can recognize quality music design.
Its not so much an opinion as it is a "i know everything (self proclaimed) and this is why you're wrong" followed by "all the better instruments in the world wont help" followed by incorrect technical statements from a flid who doesn't know shit about nothin.  If it was a simple "i think that music sounds nicer and this is why", it'd be cool.......


I argued the point by saying Bach would sound like shit on a POKEY/Atari 2600.  Compare that to a basic NES tune and the NES tune will most likely sound better.    Much like how the NES DW had some pretty podunk fuckin tunes and music, and FF did not.... Square had a few years on Enix.  Once the playing field was leveled (SNES days), Enix tunes and Square tunes were nice parallels........

but in the NES days, DW1 was pretty basic.  That was the original argument.   I don't care how classically trained Sugiyama is.  His tunes had basic bleeping, and were like 20 second loops.  Uematsu's tunes had better instruments, and longer, more detailed music.   Trained via experience, not via university.  Who cares.    Then you can laugh at put the MSX games side by side...

basic PSG bleeping from DW, classically trained!....... vs.  sweet Micro Cabin'd FM FF music...... not classically trained!   It's a no brainer really.

QuoteI hate the people who made Hydlide.  They irreparably damaged so many lives with their crappy game.

I love Hydlide.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Emerald Rocker

I'm pretty sure Aussie2B never wrote "I SELF PROCLAIM MY KNOWLEDGE BECAUSE I GOOGLE THE INTERNETS AND STUFF.  MY OPINION ON THESE MUSICAL PEOPLE IS THE ONLY CORRECT ONE, BECAUSE I CLAIM TO BE AN EXPERT".  For one, she wouldn't write in all caps like that.  For two, she wouldn't make a bunch of grammatical errors.  For three, her RPG knowledge doesn't come from "the internets and stuff".  It comes from actual experience with the games.

Someone just sounds bitter about being schooled!

PS - the X68000 version of Hydlide is a billion times better than on NES, and it still sucks.
Official member of the PCEFX 4K Post Club


Quote from: Mathius on 11/08/2010, 01:52 AM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 11/08/2010, 01:37 AMThere's something about giant-ass forums like that which is a huge turn-off to me.
That's one reason why I love this place and started to nearly hate DigitalPress.
www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Emerald Rocker on 11/09/2010, 09:55 PMI'm pretty sure Aussie2B never wrote "I SELF PROCLAIM MY KNOWLEDGE BECAUSE I GOOGLE THE INTERNETS AND STUFF.  MY OPINION ON THESE MUSICAL PEOPLE IS THE ONLY CORRECT ONE, BECAUSE I CLAIM TO BE AN EXPERT".  For one, she wouldn't write in all caps like that.  For two, she wouldn't make a bunch of grammatical errors.  For three, her RPG knowledge doesn't come from "the internets and stuff".  It comes from actual experience with the games.
Exaggerated for effect.  I never made any claims about her RPG knowledge.  That knowledge is top notch.  Her understanding of music on the other hand.... euhh... she may know all about the various works of all of the different video game composers.... but didn't seem to understand musical theory concepts, classical training vs. hands on training and how the two ultimately lead to the same end result, and shit like that.   She said Uematsu's work will never be as complex as Sugiyama's.   That alone proves her misconception of "classical training".   She made it sound like that sort of training makes you some sort of untouchable god in the music world.

I was classically trained AFTER I DIY'd shit.    Nearly everything they classically trained me to do, I had already picked up on. 

Back in the good ol' days, etc.   There was no classical training.  They were laying the groundwork for what would later be classical training.  Therefore, they weren't classically trained.  It was hands on experience.  Does that mean Sugiyama is automagically better than Bach or Chopin because they were classically trained?


QuoteSomeone just sounds bitter about being schooled!
But I wasn't schooled.  I even made a youtube video of the MSX Dragon Quest and FF games for proof of why better instruments leads to better soundtracks, regardless of training.

The claim was "The FF soundtrack sounds better than the DW one because it is a newer game and had better instrumentation"
PS:  The MSX2 version of Hydlide 1 is the awesomest one.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Emerald Rocker

Here's my "exaggerated for effect" of Arkhan:

His posts are already nonsensical, so pure gibberish was the only option left.  But seriously, "exaggerating for effect" is essentially an admission of defeat.  If someone's posts were truly stupid, then you could simply quote them verbatim and everyone else would nod in agreement.

Let's play a guessing game.  Who said the following quotes: Arkhan or Aussie2B?  Two for each person.  Guess them all correctly to win a shot at a free Sapphire bootleg.

1) How does a game "not aging well" make it suck. That's unfair to the game ... noone ... NOONE ...

2) Very true.  I've always thought the concept that a game could get worse with time is BS. A game is static. For all eternity it's going to remain exactly the same, down to the last 0 or 1 bit, as the day it launched. The only thing that changes is people's perspectives. If someone thinks a game was good in the past but isn't now, they're either biased against older games or they blinded themselves to the true reality of the game at launch.


4) Hey, I just thought of something, what if Arkhan is the guy that was digitized as the hero in Virtual Hydlide?
Official member of the PCEFX 4K Post Club

Arkhan Asylum

nonsensical?  Whyfore.

im way too lazy to go over to digitpiss and find the thread, so obnoxiously bashing someone who over at digitpress even, irks a good handful of people, seemed alright in my book.   I mean, ive seen "no dont say that! stop youre going to bring Aussie2B into this".    I havent seen the same thing with my name involved. :D

I think Aussie2B deleted posts of hers anyways in that argument after I verbally slapped her around about a bunch of crap.  And then I posted the video explaining my point further, and she never came back to defend herself.   THATs defeat if you ask me.  Someone whos usually always on the offensive, picking peoples posts apart in a sort of pretentious way, just bailed.   :dance:

I said Quotes 1 and 3.  Whats the problem?    Quote 1 is me saying the phrase "hasn't aged well" is stupid.  If you loved a game 20 years ago, and think it blows now, you grew up to be a tool. 

quote 3 is me making fun of 90% of the Hydlide playing populatin in the Western world.  Whats the problem?

what is this anyway, your bi-monthly trololololo? lol
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: guest on 11/09/2010, 11:34 PMQuote 1 is me saying the phrase "hasn't aged well" is stupid.  If you loved a game 20 years ago, and think it blows now, you grew up to be a tool. 
ORRRRR as you got older your tastes evolved to where something that was BADASS 20 years ago (when you were possibly an impressionable/ignorant child) is seen for a possible crap pile it really is.  :wink: :P   Or is it that being 33 liking what I did EXACTLY the same way I did at 13 seem a bit stunted?  :lol:
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