Hooking up a LCD computer monitor to a gaming system?…

Started by Sparky, 03/16/2010, 12:16 PM

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if this has been asked sorry and i will lock it up but...

i have this nice litte 14" NEC computer monitor sitting at home and i would love to be able to hook this up in my games room to a system, Is there a converter out there for VGA to composite? and has anyone else tried this or used something that works?

i know a CRT will look better but the "14 boat anchor crt TV i have sitting on my shelf barely fits and this monitor would be ideal.!!!

Plus it has the NEC logo on it... win win!!! :)


OOoooOOOOOoo... would this work?... it is $60 and i think my monitor was like $100 when i got it :P
just a googlely search..., would like to know if anyone else has a solution or how well it works if you have 1 of these connectors.



It should work, as it says it does exactly what you're looking for, though I can't imagine that the image quality will be all that great.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


That box outputs 800x600 resolution minimum. Meaning anything that outputs below that (IE everything that doesn't already support VGA by itself) is going to be upscaled and look like complete shit.  Awful awful shit.  Plus it's meant for watching TV and movies, meaning it will probably also be too laggy to even really play.

For this kind of thing, you can't cheap out, get an X-RGB unit or something comparable.  They are expensive because they actually work. :)
Stronger Than Your Average Deadite


straight up!!! thank you man!!!..... X-RGB unit i will look into or just a small LCD tv.  :)


Sparky, i've had problems hooking up LCD's myself with lag. Even on "Game Mode" it doesn't work that well. It's not so bad with rpg's but I've noticed a significant problem with side scrollers and schumps where you need to be very precise.
PSN: Dynastic_Hero
Steam: Dynastic_Hero


that reminds me there used to be a philips 12~14" monitor in the early 90's that had RGB input and all the consoles pc engine included looked super sharp on that....

and I used to love hooking up the dreamcast with the official VGA cable to a monitor in those days.  Nowadays can do it with the 360 since that too has a VGA cable but I much prefer a bigger screen