10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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PCE-volution Poster Giveaway - Winner Selected

Started by henrycsc, 07/14/2010, 06:20 PM

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Congrats to the winner of the poster BlueBMW & thanks to all the voters/entrants!

Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Nice work henry!  Hopefully you kept some of our input that we gave you in the shoutbox about a few things.
All is well. :)


It is amazing looking at something like this concerning a powerful little system like the TG 16. It was a great historical moment in video games. Especially if you lived through it. I was there, and it is still fun.


To be added 7/20/2010

PCE Super CD-Rom2 AC Adapter PAD-125

To be added 7/15/2010

- Controller PI-PD5
- Missing the GT battery pack.
- The Illustration Booster is properly named Illust Booster (they must've run out of room on the box).
- Missing the Photo Reader, which went with the Print and Illust Boosters.
- Missing the Backup Booster; it's similar to the Backup Booster II but adds AV out.  I might have it backwards, but I'm sure one of 'em has AV and the other doesn't.
- There's an NEC clone (PDE-LD1) of the Pioneer LaserActive (CLD-A100).
- Missing the LT's SuperCD adapter.
- Missing the XE-1 AP controller.
- PCE Tap 5p
- PCE Tap 3p
- PCE Battle Tap 3p

Fabled Components???
Super Grafx Power Console
Tsushin Booster
Duo SCSI Adapter

Wasn't there some sort of interface to connect the CD-Rom2 to a personal computer?  Is this the SCSI adapter.  I think it was fabled in the US too...

These were added to the 7/14/2010 version:

PCE side:
Illustrator Booster?
Backup Booster II
Amplifier AMP-30
PC Engine KD863G RGB Monitor
PC-Engine Shuttle Memory unit
Memory Base 128 (PCE)
KOEI Save-Kun (PCE, KOEI's version of MB128, sold with Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness)
Car adapter for JP Duo
Duo Battery Set PI-AD14
Duo Battery PI-AD15
Avenue 6 Pad
Avenue 3 Pad
Battle Pad
Stick PI-PD4
Stick XE-1 PRO
Controller Adapter XHE-3
Mouse PI-PD10
RF Unit Cable P1-AN3
Wireless Controller
Wireless Tap
new branch: Pioneer Laser Active Pac-N1
new branch: Sharp X1 Twin CZ-830C

TG Side:
Controller Extension Cable
TG to Duo Controller converter
PCE to TG converter Kisado
PCE to TG converter WH-301 Purple Barney
PCE to TG converter WH-301 Brown Barney
PCE to TG converter Mirai (spelling?)
PCE to TG converter Green Diving Board (type?)
new branch: Pioneer  Laser Active Pac-N10

I know there's got to be tons more... lol
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Wow I always hated flowcharts until I saw this!!

A Few things to add:
PC-Engine Shuttle Memory unit
Memory Base 128 (PCE)
KOEI Save-Kun (PCE, KOEI's version of MB128, sold with Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness)
Car adapter for JP Duo

box shots!! (or links)


updated!  Thanks for the feedback.  It's totally rearranged now, so please give it another once-over for me.  I know you guys are after the slightest details.  Thanks!
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Well done, Henry.  It's oh so sexy.  8)

Maybe I just missed 'em, but here's a few additions/corrections:

- Missing the GT battery pack.
- The Illustration Booster is properly named Illust Booster (they must've run out of room on the box).
- Missing the Photo Reader, which went with the Print and Illust Boosters.
- Missing the Backup Booster; it's similar to the Backup Booster II but adds AV out.  I might have it backwards, but I'm sure one of 'em has AV and the other doesn't.
- There's an NEC clone (PDE-LD1) of the Pioneer LaserActive (CLD-A100).
- Missing the LT's SuperCD adapter.
- Missing the XE-1 AP controller.
- I see the US taps but none for the PCE (except wireless).  There's at least three: a five player, a three player, and one that's 85% new (tee-hee).

P.S. - Vacuum.  :lol:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


This is totally unreal. I don't remember any other system that had this much going for it.  :shock:


Thanks NecroPhile, I will get these added soon.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Very very cool Henry! I don't have anything to add, but I really would like to have one some day. Great job! :D


A couple more additions: there's a Hudson Backup Unit and there are at least two different system cards that came with Games Express titles.  Also, if you're interested in adding unreleased goodies, there's the fabled SuperGrafx Power Console controller thingy, the Tsushin Booster modem, and the Duo SCSI adapter.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Thanks for the feedback guys.  I will try to keep a running total of the changes needed in my 2nd post (4th on this thread).

Man there were a lot of parts and pieces for this baby! 

Necro, if I open the door to fabled stuff, how many more parts are we talking?  Wasn't there a modem concept and is the SCSI the proposed interface to use the CD Rom2 with a personal computer?
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


I think the chart would be cooler with the pirate and prototype stuff left off. It will still be plenty huge.

BTW, the Wataru/PC Engine Maniax all hardware list would be very helpful to consult.


thanks Zeta... do you have a link to that hardware list?
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Yeah, sorry, I was on a phone when I typed that and didn't have the bookmark:



Thanks Zeta, I will take a look at the link.  I've posted the latest update.  Took off the super high rez version, but hopefully everyone can read this ok.

I've tried to add logos of everything (some are really obscure, and not sure if I have the right ones for everything.)

Also, I would like to add pics of the systems and different configurations (like the vacuum) before I go to press with the poster, so if anyone is willing to share pics of your setup, please let me know.

Thanks again for the feedback!
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Is this webauthor on pcenginefx?  http://www6.airnet.ne.jp/wataru/pce/pc_hard.htm

Would someone be willing to translate a request for me? 
I'd like to ask the webauthor for permission to use their hardware images.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 07/20/2010, 03:00 PMYeah, sorry, I was on a phone when I typed that and didn't have the bookmark:

Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


As far as I know he pretty much totally left the scene years ago.


OK, I've updated it again.  Added some pics, but I would prefer not to use internet pics in the final product, so if anyone would like to send me a similar pic of their setup/setups  (Box and/or hardware)  I would appreciate it!

Missing the following part numbers:  (I think I have most of the US stuff, so I will check it out and add anything I'm missing to the parts list below.)  Thanks for the help!

PCE Karaoke Microphone
PCE RF Switch Electric Holli

PCE Daito Battle Stick 307
PCE Imaginer Stick (6 Button)
PCE Join Tap 3

RGB Monitor PC-KD863G AC Adapter

PCE Shuttle AC Adapter
PCE Core Grafx AC Adapter
PCE Core Grafx II AC Adapter
AC Adapter for any other PCE Component (Virtual Cushion, Amp, Speakers, etc)

Sharp X1-Twin AC Adapter
Sharp X1-Twin PCE Controller

LaserActive NEC Turbo PAD (other than PI-PD006)
LaserActive AC Adapter

Turbo Grafx 16 PAL System
Turbo Grafx 16 PAL System AC Adapter
Turbo Grafx 16 PAL System Turbo Pad

Thanks everybody!
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 07/20/2010, 03:00 PMYeah, sorry, I was on a phone when I typed that and didn't have the bookmark:

i wonder what x_1 twin looks like?

i would like a poster! how much?
"Is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"


Another update!  Added All the US part numbers, Vistar, and some other graphics.

Info still needed is listed in the first post.  Thanks for looking.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Updated again.  I'm getting it close to where I want it.  I'm going to get a test poster print run to check out the quality.  In the meantime, I will post pics of my setups.

If anyone is willing to volunteer to provide me pics of their setups, that would be awesome!  I'd rather not use internet copies if possible.

I would like to get pics of these setups:
For the pics, if possible, I'd like to have a white background (maybe a sheet would work) with the hardware setting to the left of the box, similar to the Duo-R and Duo-RX pics on the poster now.

Boxed US Turbo Duo  (I would like the hardware on the right of the box in this pic)

Boxed PC Engine Core Grafx
Boxed PC Engine Core Grafx II
Boxed PC Engine Shuttle

Boxed CD-Rom2  (Rom only, not with IFU)
Boxed Super CD-Rom2
Boxed PC Engine Duo
Boxed PC Engine Duo-R Thanks Opethian
Boxed PC Engine Duo-RX
Boxed PC Engine GT
Boxed PC Engine LT

Boxed TurboGrafx PAL   (I would like the hardware on the right of the box in this pic)
Boxed Vistar  (Hardware only would be ok, boxed is probably super RAER!)

These don't have to be boxed, but the setup would be cool!
Sharp X1 Twin
Laseractive with Pac-N1 or Pac-N10
NEC Laseractive with LD-Rom
Monitor PC-KC863G

Executive Briefcase:  PC Engine LT docked in the CD Interface Unit
Vacuum:  Supergrafx docked in the Super CD-Rom2  Thanks Opethian
??????: PC Engine LT w/adapter docked into the Super CD-Rom2

I'd also like to start a contest to give a nickname the PC Engine LT setup docked into the Super CD-Rom2 w/ adapter (I'm sure there's a nickname for it in Japan, but it needs one here.)

I will pick the nickname I like best from what you guys post here.  The first person to post that nickname will get 1 free copy of the new poster when it's finished.

Only 1 nickname per member
Nickname must be posted here by August 10th, 2010.
If you are outside the US, I will ask that you pay shipping costs to your country.
If you win, you can't complain about how long it takes me to get the poster printed (because, it still is a work in progress.)
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


I posted my vacuum setup. and Boxed DUO-R


Added PC Boy and updated some of the graphics.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


hey your poster is really comming along huh?!?!?
"Is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"


Thanks Turbo,  I'm going to try to research the last part numbers this weekend, then try to get a test poster printed.  If it turns out well, I will get a price and start taking pre-orders if anybody wants one.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


To go with the PC Boy, add in the Jamiko PC-II IC Card System (DY-730), a clone of the CoreGrafx I.

Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Do you still need photos of the NEC Laseractive and PC Engine LT with Super CD/Briefcase? If so, I can take some shots of them later for you.
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


That would be awesome Hoobs!
If possible, can you take them with a white/uniform color background, like on a bedsheet or something similar?  Thanks.

Which connection do you have between the LT and the Super CD Rom2?  RAU-30 or the LT/SCD2 Adapter?

Quote from: hoobs88 on 08/17/2010, 10:22 AMDo you still need photos of the NEC Laseractive and PC Engine LT with Super CD/Briefcase? If so, I can take some shots of them later for you.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Quote from: henrycsc on 08/17/2010, 05:45 PMThat would be awesome Hoobs!
If possible, can you take them with a white/uniform color background, like on a bedsheet or something similar?  Thanks.

Which connection do you have between the LT and the Super CD Rom2?  RAU-30 or the LT/SCD2 Adapter?
I have both the Briefcase and the LT/SCD2 adapter. I just got home from a 13 hour day at work so I'll take a picture of the LT now and get the NEC Laseractive tomorrow.

1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


Wow, that is sweet Hoobs88!

Could you take a couple shots of just the PI-AD18 adapter as well?  I haven't found many pictures of it floating around so it would be a good document of it!  I would think that setup you have has to be one hardware holy grails for the PC Engine!  Thanks so much for sharing.

I will gladly add this to the poster.  Didn't get any suggestions for a nickname for this setup, but I'm personally fond of "Stapler", so unless you have a different suggestion, I'll stick with that.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


PI-AD18 (PC Engine LT SCD2 Adapter)

Pioneer Laseractive Controller

NEC Laseractive System with N1 PAC module and controller

NEC Laseractive N1 PAC module closeup
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


Just a quick comment: I think that instead of bomberman, Arthur from Ghouls and Ghosts should be near the SuperGrafx, and Bomberman should be elsewhere.

Also, what about the power console add-on for the SuperGrafx

I would really like to have one of these, btw


Rag, if you can get me the graphic of what you had in mind for Arthur, I can add it.

Give me a link to a high quality image and I can clean it up for inclusion.

I could also use another graphic from an RPG  - Maybe Legend of Xanadu?  I'm game for other suggestions. 

The power console looks awesome, but doesn't appear to be an actual released item (like the Duo to PC interface).  There were really quite a few prototypes that I'm leaving off just to keep the list manageable.

I'm going to have a test poster printed to check the quality, and if everything looks good, I will take orders.

Quote from: rag-time4 on 08/19/2010, 11:49 PMJust a quick comment: I think that instead of bomberman, Arthur from Ghouls and Ghosts should be near the SuperGrafx, and Bomberman should be elsewhere.

Also, what about the power console add-on for the SuperGrafx

I would really like to have one of these, btw
Hoobs!  More Awesomeness!  Is the NEC also called the LaserActive?  I can't quite make out the logo, but it looks like it may say LaserDisc Rom2.  Also the LD-Rom2 logo on the Pac N1.

Isn't the LD-Rom2 Pac N1 different than this one?  I was curious if the 2 different pacs actually had the same model number N1 and the Pioneer US was different as the Pac N10. 

Quote from: hoobs88 on 08/19/2010, 12:39 AMIMG
PI-AD18 (PC Engine LT SCD2 Adapter)

Pioneer Laseractive Controller

NEC Laseractive System with N1 PAC module and controller

NEC Laseractive N1 PAC module closeup
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Henry - posted my RX.


Quote from: henrycsc on 07/29/2010, 08:09 PMUpdated again.  I'm getting it close to where I want it.  I'm going to get a test poster print run to check out the quality.  In the meantime, I will post pics of my setups.

Boxed PC Engine Duo-RX


Henry, I think this image is exactly what I was thinking of for Arthur:

ArthurRender.webp Arthur1.webp

And as for the rpg character, make sure you choose a real adventurer rather than some wanderer!

gamersblock net /2009/09/adol_main_psd_jpgcopy.jpg

Ceti Alpha

That's a great Arthur image. :)
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"


Quote from: ceti alpha on 08/21/2010, 09:20 AMThat's a great Arthur image. :)
In my mind's eye it was exactly what I was thinking of. I must have seen the image somewhere before...

He'd look perfect next to that SuperGrafx!!


Awesome Rag!  Will get those updated.... yeah I'm more of a Shump player... my RPG knowledge is lacking.

Maria Renard will be joining Richter as well.....

Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Those aren't period correct images of Arthur and Adol. It seems more appropriate to have stuff that is.


Is this more appropriate for Arthur?


And Adol?


I'm learning a lot of this stuff too, so bear with me....

If I rob Arthur from the Daimakaimura cover, I'll need to place him strategically unless somebody can photoshop his right leg back in.  Any other pics please post links....

I won't have room for too many characters so I will try to screen as appropriate.

Thanks for the suggestions.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


awesome  i love how this is comming together
"Is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"


OK, been working on getting pics of the hardware now.  Hoobs88, Opethian and JapanTokei thanks for the pics so far.

System, Box (if you have it) on white background

Here is a shot of what I'm going for...


So I can turn it into this:


I have these now:

IFU  "Briefcase"
TGCD  "Hammerhead"
/tgcd.gif  Damn! that's a BIG box!
NEC Laseractive (Thanks Hoobs88)
PCE White
US Turbo Express

Cool Combos:
Spotted Hammerhead


Gangsta's Briefcase

Stapler (Thanks Hoobs88)

Upright Vacuum  (Thanks Opethian)

I still need images of these.  If you have it boxed, even better!
PCE Core Grafx
PCE Core Grafx II
PCE Shuttle
PCE Duo Black
US Turbo Duo
Pioneer LaserActive
Turbo Grafx 16 PAL (Europe)

These too:  They are super rare, so I may be able to work with the pics I have, but If someone has it and needs time to take a pic, just let me know.  Thanks
Sharp X1 Twin
NEC Monitor PC-KD863G
PC Boy

Some other combos that I'd like to get a shot of - just because you can
Executive's Briefcase + PCE LT
Onager!  SCD Rom2 + RAU-30 + PCE LT
PEZ Dispenser!  SCD Rom2 + PCE White

And silly combos if someone has the parts and is willing to take a pic just for the fun of it...:
Eccentric's Briefcase!  Briefcase + RAU-30 + PCE LT
Canister Vacuum!  SCD Rom2 + RAU-30 + SGX 
(I know they're silly, but they should work too, right?)
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


dude thats awesome hen nice names lol
"Is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"


Dang, Gangsta's Briefcase is ridiculous!


The SuperGrafx did come with its own unique controller... if a controller is available it should be included for consistency.

I've got a mint boxed US Duo I an contribute... give me a couple days unless someone else beats me to it.

EDIT~ I really prefer the Arthur image with the lance... but I don't have strong feelings on Adol. The one I posted is more regal, the one henry posted is more cartoony...


I'll redo the SGX... don't know why I left the controller off.  Updated the poster with the system pics so far.

Rag, the Duo pic would be great when you get a chance.

I've used the Arthur image I found for right now.... may try to work on the box cover from the game.  I would like the stuff to be representative of what was out during that time.

Some of the best graphics seem to be on the promo flyers for the game.  If anyone has the flyer for Daimakaimura or has a scanned link and is willing to share it, that would be great!

I would like better graphics for some of the shumps as well if anyone has cool flyers/adverts/images for these.

Thanks for the feedback.
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Quote from: henrycsc on 08/23/2010, 07:00 PMIf anyone has the flyer for Daimakaimura or has a scanned link and is willing to share it, that would be great!
Here's a nice drawing of Arthur standing triumphant on this promo poster for the X68000 version.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Thanks NecroPhile, I like that and will try to work with that one instead of the other I had.

Here is my attempt to rate the rarity of the hardware schemes and possible combos.  I'd appreciate feedback on this as well.  I won't add the "rarity" to the poster, just want it for my own information.

Items marked as (show off) are for combinations that are not typically associated with each other, but in theory should work.  Many of these combos are untested, so if you would like to confirm that the combo works and have the parts, please do.

*This item requires a combo to play PCE or TG16 games and is not stand alone out of the original retail box. 
~Only Duo and X1Twin systems can play both hucard and CD games right out of the original retail box without the addition of at least one other component.

PCE Common
CGX Common
CGXII Common
SHUTTLE Uncommon
*CD2 (Boxed 1st version Super Rare)
*IFU Uncommon (Boxed 1st version Super Rare)
*SCD2 Uncommon
~DUO Black Common
~DUO-R Common
~DUO-RX Common
SGX Rare
GT Uncommon
LT Super Rare!
*RAU Uncommon
*NECPACKN1 Super Rare
Was there and NECPACKN10? To play US TurboGrafx on the NEC?

KD863G Super Rare
~X1TWIN Super Rare

TG16 Common
*TGCDBASE Uncommon
*TGCD2 Uncommon
~TURBODUO Uncommon
EXPRESS Uncommon

Other Countries:
TG16PAL Uncommon  Europe
VISTAR Super Rare  Korea
PCBOY Super Rare  PAL, Hong Kong (Likely)

IFU Combos:
Briefcase IFU+PCE Uncommon
Gangsta's Briefcase IFU+RAU+SGX Rare
Executive's Briefcase IFU+LT Super Rare!
Eccentric's Briefcase IFU+RAU+LT Super Rare! (show off)  RAU isn't needed
Psycho's Briefcase IFU+RAU+PCE Uncommon (show off) RAU isn't needed  (Not yet on poster)

SCD2 Combos:
PEZ Dispenser SCD2+PCE Uncommon
Upright Vacuum SCD2+SGX Rare
Onager SCD2+RAU+LT Rare
Stapler SCD2+LTADAPTER+LT Super Rare!
Canister Vacuum SCD2+RAU+SGX Rare (show off) RAU isn't needed
Nunchackus SCD2+RAU+CGX Uncommon (show off) RAU isn't needed  (Not yet on poster)
Spitting Viper SCD2+LTADAPTER+CGXII Super Rare! (Show off) LTADAPTER isn't needed – INDEED!  (not yet on poster)

      ---   If you use the PCE White for this, you lose big style points and she's just a Spitball

Laseractive Combos  (these names feel somewhat uninspired - any suggestions?):
Laser Beam PIONEERLASERACTIVE+NECPACKN1 Super Rare (show off)
Laser Ray NECLASERACTIVE+PIONEERPACKN1 Super Rare (show off)
Blazing Lazer NECLASERACTIVE+PIONEERPACKN10 Super Rare (show off)

US Combo:
Hammerhead TG16+TGCDBASE+TGCD2 Uncommon

Mixed Combos (Mixed between different regions, because you can):
Spotted Hammerhead TG16+TGCDBASE+CD2 Rare (show off)
Othello IFU+PCE+TGCD2 Rare (show off)   Technically, Othello can play with all of the IFU combos, but there's got to be a limit...

Unlikely Combos:
Does anyone know if the European TG16PAL+TGCDBASE+TGCD2 would work? 
Can anyone think of other combos that I might have missed?
        I thought that  USTurboExpress + PCEGTTuner + RCAtoMiniplug + PCEDuo-RX = Dracula X Special Huey
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.

Ceti Alpha

That is a sight to behold!  =D> =P~

Nice work, henry! I'll be ordering one as soon as it's complete.
"Let the CAW and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin"