Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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Parting out a TurboGrafx 16 CD System, Accessories, Games etc.

Started by KevInCal, 08/06/2010, 02:08 PM

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I found this forum because I had a TG-CD that was slow to load games and found a lot of good info here. :)  This is a cool place indeed. Thanks for looking!




Hi Kevin welcome to PCEngineFX.  I actually met you at CGE, might not remember, was talking to you about CTCW and Game Gavel before the show actually started, and I was the guy behind the booth running the Game Stations.  Anyways, good luck with the sales.


Hello, thanks for the welcome, but I'm not that Kevin! :P  I Wasnt at CGE.


"New guy here, have some TG items for sale."

What? your kidding!



Dude $60 for a tg16 ac adapter... Really???  :-&

Way to give back to the community bro


Kevin, Zeta reacted that way because the community on these forums frown on people who join for the specific purpose of selling their stuff without having established themselves as contributing members first.  It's an unwritten rule.  To add insult to injury, people come here with their outrageous ebay-style gouging prices.  After, they just leave an never come back.

I suggest you start over, introduce yourself on the general forum, start a few topics, participate in a few, and after you establish yourself as a regular, try again.

Hope this helps...

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Last time I checked, America was a free country.  This website is American is it not!?  I have not disrespected anyone, yet people have disrespected me.  Everyone has an opinion, if you don't like my prices, don't buy my stuff.  I have every right to join this message board and post whatever and where I please. Just because I have not right away posted things in different sections should not mean I deserve to be told what to do and talked down to.  I have had very little free time to participate in any video game discussions, even though I love video games.  Why?  I've been working 2 jobs, and taking care of / raising money for my mother who has been dying from cancer, and infact passed away yesterday morning.  So that is why I am focused on only selling right now.  I bet you feel good about yourself now...  Time to get off your holier than though high horse, and step down from the podium.


I wouldn't mind getting that tgcd ac adapter but you'll have to make me a MUCH better deal on it.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


I do my auctions dutch style, which means I start high and if they dont sell I lower the price.......  I don't see what the problem is with my price on the tgcd ac, it's in the ballpark of what they sell for on ebay...  Each and every item I list on ebay, I research what they sell for to come up with my price.  The problem is, at video game forums, most people know what stuff is worth and hardly ever want to pay full price, especially these days with the bad economy and almost everyone struggling with money problems.  Everyone is looking for a steal, so someone like me who sells things at market value, I get a lot of people butt hurt that I won't give them a steal.  It's because I am not desperate for money because I am smart with my money. ;)  So I can sit on things for a long time.  I must be doing something right because I am a Power Seller on ebay and making good money, and have plenty of happy customers.  Look at my feedback.


Quote from: KevInCal on 08/26/2010, 11:21 AMI bet you feel good about yourself now...
I always do, 'cause I'm fucking awesome.

Quote from: KevInCal on 08/26/2010, 11:21 AMTime to get off your holier than though high horse, and step down from the podium.
You first.

Quote from: KevInCal on 08/26/2010, 11:47 AMI don't see what the problem is with my price on the tgcd ac, it's in the ballpark of what they sell for on ebay... Each and every item I list on ebay, I research what they sell for to come up with my price. 
Based on what - the one that's been relisted over and over again for $60?  When you can get the whole shebang for $150 or a CD with AC for $100, you're clearly too high on your plain ol' AC adapter.

Quote from: KevInCal on 08/26/2010, 11:47 AMThe problem is, at video game forums, most people know what stuff is worth...
That's right, we do know what stuff is worth.  You're AC adapter is overpriced; get over it.

Quote from: KevInCal on 08/26/2010, 11:47 AMIt's because I am not desperate for money because I am smart with my money. ;)  So I can sit on things for a long time.  I must be doing something right because I am a Power Seller on ebay and making good money, and have plenty of happy customers.  Look at my feedback.
So you're here to spam your ebay 'job', eh?  Good for you, but it looks like Zeta and M.G. hit the nail squarely on its head.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I am sorry about your mother, I truly am. But we, the Turbografx.Pc Engine community, have been burned way too many times by price gouging and greed. It's only natural for some of us to come out and defend it. Again, I am sorry for your loss.



But it's not my fault if people pay too much for things on ebay...  Why should I sell something for less money when I can sell it for more money!?  That doesn't make any sense.  There's a difference between being nice and being stupid.  Besides I've given plenty of people great deals on things over the years.  I don't just sell on ebay, I've sold at a lot of game forums etc.  There's a good reason my prices are at the upper level these days, which I explained in my earlier post about my mom...  What would any of you do if your mom were dying and couldn't work and needed money!?!? It's hard enough to supports ones self these days...  Anyway, I'm just tired of people at gaming forums slamming me for no good reason.  All I am is a nice and honest guy selling some gaming stuff.  You know what I do if I think someones prices are a little bit too much for me?  I don't buy from them and I move on, and look for the next deal.  I don't hassle them like many do me.


Quote from: KevInCal on 08/27/2010, 01:51 PMWhat would any of you do if your mom were dying and couldn't work and needed money!?!? It's hard enough to supports ones self these days...  Anyway, I'm just tired of people at gaming forums slamming me for no good reason.  All I am is a nice and honest guy selling some gaming stuff.
No worries man.  If someone new comes onto these forums and tries insulting the long-timers with overpriced products they will be slammed regardless of race, age, sex, or current issues going on in ones life.  We are an equal opportunity flaming forum!  :D

Don't take offense, just like you said if they don't like the prices they will move on.  If you don't like what they say, just block 'em! and move on.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Roy The Sunderer

Although somebody grabbed the Turbo games I was thinking about getting from Kevin, I ended up buying some really nice complete N64 games from him. Kevin, I'm very sorry to hear about your mom.
Geico saved 15% by switching to Chuck Norris.


Quote from: KevInCal on 08/27/2010, 01:51 PMWhat would any of you do if your mom were dying and couldn't work and needed money!?!? It's hard enough to supports ones self these days...  Anyway, I'm just tired of people at gaming forums slamming me for no good reason.  All I am is a nice and honest guy selling some gaming stuff.
First off I am also sorry for your loss.  That is a terrible thing to go through and I don't look forward to the day where I find myself in the same predicament.

To be clear, my post wasn't intended as an insult.  You opened the door as to why you were being talked to that way and I came in to explain.

To answer your point above I would had done the same thing except that I would have taken the time to really look around first.  There are so many similar threads like this one.   I get that you don't have time.  Just offering some background.

Yes, as an American and as a former U.S. Army Infantryman, I will tell you people die every day to ensure you can say whatever you want.  But this applies to EVERY American...   don't NOT accept it just because you don't like that freedom of speech doesn't just apply to you.  While we are at it, many forum members here are not Americans so they don't owe us anything.

About feeling better, I am not sure who that was intended for me or Zeta...   For the record no, I don't think I am better that anyone.  FAR from it....But that is precisely why I don't let anyone make me believe they are better than me either.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


It just goes to show you, everyone dies. Everyone's mother dies. Even the mothers of eBay gouging whiners die. My mother will die. All our mothers will die. All motherfuckers will die. MotherGunner will die.

Its sad, true, but not extra special sad since everyone has their mother die on them, unless we die first, or we die simultaneously with our mothers, or we never knew our mother at all...not exactly superior alternatives. Its not that I don't feel compassion, its just that my compassion is universally applicable. I'm like a snarky Buddha.

So we are all on even ground here on that matter, which brings us back to the original point: There isn't anyone on this forum that isn't already very familiar with eBay. It is a much more popular site than this one! We don't need people to list stuff there, and then spam it here. We can find it ourselves. In fact, your $60 AC adaptor probably wouldn't have turned up in the gouging thread on its own without you even bothering to make an account here.


Quote from: KevInCal on 08/26/2010, 11:47 AMI do my auctions dutch style, which means I start high and if they dont sell I lower the price.......
If it is truly worth what you have it listed at, then what would the risk be in starting it at $0.99 and letting the market pay what it will pay for it.  Starting it with a inflated BIN price is basically hoping someone with extra money will be lazy or ignorant and snap it up.  And now when other sellers go to list the same item, they will see your auction and assume that's what its worth and jack it up an addition $5 or $10, thereby perpetuating the gouging.

As pointed out though, you are more than welcome to conduct your auctions however you want.  I learned pretty quick that this community doesn't tolerate people trying to make excess profit from NEC stuff.  I respect that stance.  There are a lot of good, helpful people in this community, and I'd never want to alienate myself from them.  I haven't found a better source for NEC info anywhere else.  Without this site I'd never have been able to fix my Turbo Duo.

If you decide to relist your A/C adapter and at least add a best offer option, I might be a player.  Until then.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Kevin if you lower your shipping on some of your games I might bite.
Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq

Arkhan Asylum

Us telling you your prices are a bit high is us trying to help you. 

You *did* say there was some good info here.  This is more of that good info.

I mean, you can go get a radio shack adapter for 20$, so unless the persons really OCD about having a legit adapter, 60$ is just nuts.

also, the whole ebay powerseller whatever nonsense isn't that important to us.  Anyone can get that going if they really wanted to. 

oh, and yeah, 9.95$ for shipping a CD is too high.

take it from me.  People didn't even like 7.99$ when I was shipping Insanity, so now its 5.00$.

bubble mailer lined with cardboard! go go go.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


"Is everyone from jersey a trolling douche?"


i love how people have such limited intelligence that they cant figure out the shipping is high because the auction price is low.  people like me do this to save a little money on ebay fees.  they fee us on the auction price but not on shipping.  so get mad at ebay for being greedy thieves, not people like me asking a fair TOTAL price for a product.  Its so stupid to bitch about a high shipping cost when the auction price is low.  What matters is the TOTAL cost and everything I sell has a perfectly fair TOTAL cost compared to similar products............................


Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMi love how people have such limited intelligence that they cant figure out the shipping is high because the auction price is low.  people like me do this to save a little money on ebay fees.  they fee us on the auction price but not on shipping.  so get mad at ebay for being greedy thieves, not people like me asking a fair TOTAL price for a product.  Its so stupid to bitch about a high shipping cost when the auction price is low.  What matters is the TOTAL cost and everything I sell has a perfectly fair TOTAL cost compared to similar products............................
Whether ebay fees are "fair" or not... trying to avoid fees by gouging on shipping is against ebay's policies.  Its also a DB thing to do, because there are still people out there who forget to look at the shipping cost before bidding.  Yes its their own fault, but having a high shipping price is a practice in deception.  But alas, I guess ebay is the scummy place to hang out so why should I expect much else.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMi love how people have such limited intelligence that they cant figure out the shipping is high because the auction price is low.
wow.. wont be buying from you... oh wait i hate ebay :P


I hate ebay and paypal too, but they are a necessary evil unfortunately. its just plain a lot easier to sell stuff on ebay than on craigslist or gaming forums.  And even after all the fees im probably making better money selling stuff on ebay.  Problem trying to make a profit on gaming forums is everyone wants everything for low ball bottom barrel prices. Craigslist is even worse that way probably.

Also because people are not bound by contract on gaming forums or craigslist its flakes galore when it comes to actually paying for something...  im not too fond of doing a lot of work for someone and then in the end they flake.  Again, ebay = necessary evil...  Their fees are outrageous but its to the point now where they are like the oil companies.  We need ebay like we need gas, like it or not.


hahahahaha...nice try on justifying it but there are way more flakes on ebay.. why do ya bother advertising here then if ebay is your bitch?
i guess with our limited intelligence i guess there is a chance.  :wink:


Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMi love how people have such limited intelligence that they cant figure out the shipping is high because the auction price is low.  people like me do this to save a little money on ebay fees.  they fee us on the auction price but not on shipping.  so get mad at ebay for being greedy thieves, not people like me asking a fair TOTAL price for a product.  Its so stupid to bitch about a high shipping cost when the auction price is low.  What matters is the TOTAL cost and everything I sell has a perfectly fair TOTAL cost compared to similar products............................
Wow and here I was actually feeling bad for this guy.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMso get mad at ebay for being greedy thieves, not people like me asking a fair TOTAL price for a product.
You're the one trying to screw eBay out of its rightful fees, so who's the greedy thief here?

Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMIts so stupid to bitch about a high shipping cost when the auction price is low.  What matters is the TOTAL cost and everything I sell has a perfectly fair TOTAL cost compared to similar products............................
Yeah, it's a steal.  That's why you keep lowering the price, right?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 09:20 PMI hate ebay and paypal too, but they are a necessary evil unfortunately. its just plain a lot easier to sell stuff on ebay than on craigslist or gaming forums.  And even after all the fees im probably making better money selling stuff on ebay.  Problem trying to make a profit on gaming forums is everyone wants everything for low ball bottom barrel prices. Craigslist is even worse that way probably.

Also because people are not bound by contract on gaming forums or craigslist its flakes galore when it comes to actually paying for something...  im not too fond of doing a lot of work for someone and then in the end they flake.  Again, ebay = necessary evil...  Their fees are outrageous but its to the point now where they are like the oil companies.  We need ebay like we need gas, like it or not.
Frankly EVERYONES got a damn sob story these days...the GOOD sellers don't need to use em for the "sympathy sale."  The shit hit the fan about 4 different ways like 2+ years ago for me...I didn't come on any forum trying to whine about it to make $ I DESPERATELY needed at the time.

I WONDER why people want cheaper deals thru forums/CL, etc.  The listing/final value fees, etc.  that you would save adds up.  People regularlysay "LOOK it goes for this on Ebay!!!" without taking all the fees into account, and hope for a sucker. 

What's with all the new people spamming ebay/sales (not new), yet being so damn high and mighty.  Here's a clue...a lot of the people on here are on MANY other gaming sites where these sellers are.  You burn yourself here, there can be a ripple effect all over.  #-o  Of course it's a drop in the bucket for BIG $ SELLERS, but you look like douches all the same.

Quote from: guest on 09/13/2010, 11:51 AM
Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMso get mad at ebay for being greedy thieves, not people like me asking a fair TOTAL price for a product.
You're the one trying to screw eBay out of its rightful fees, so who's the greedy thief here?

Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMIts so stupid to bitch about a high shipping cost when the auction price is low.  What matters is the TOTAL cost and everything I sell has a perfectly fair TOTAL cost compared to similar products............................
Yeah, it's a steal.  That's why you keep lowering the price, right?

 =D&gt; =D&gt; =D&gt; =D&gt;
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Some of you might want to go back and see all I ever did was try to sell my stuff.  I was attacked for no reason so I've been having to defend myself ever since.  I'm not the whiner here, the people who started the bitching about my prices are the whiners. Adults who think things are too expensive go on their way without childishly insulting the seller about their prices. It's expected though that most people in the video game world never grow up from childhood and resort to childish tactics.  So again, I'm not the one who started all the shit, I'm just the one who is defending myself.  I won't just sit back and let people take shots at me without putting up a fight. I can see that this forum is full of bandwagon egomaniacs though who feel it's necessary to pile on attacking someone once it's started.  So I'm sure I won't be around here long. No problem at all.


Quote from: MotherGunner on 08/22/2010, 01:40 PMKevin, Zeta reacted that way because the community on these forums frown on people who join for the specific purpose of selling their stuff without having established themselves as contributing members first.  It's an unwritten rule.  To add insult to injury, people come here with their outrageous ebay-style gouging prices.  After, they just leave an never come back.

I suggest you start over, introduce yourself on the general forum, start a few topics, participate in a few, and after you establish yourself as a regular, try again.

Hope this helps...
I rest my case.

SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


why the hell would i want to participate in anything here when im treated like shit. if there is a rule that people have to participate first before they sell then why allow me to sell when i have no posts?  Oh, because there is no such rule...


Quote from: KevInCal on 09/18/2010, 01:19 AMwhy the hell would i want to participate in anything here when im treated like shit.
You're a bit too sensitive for teh interwebz.  If you go back and read this thread from the beginning, you'll see that the poo flinging was started by you - here's the chain of events:

1.  A greeting from oldskool.
2.  Zeta makes a joke about the stream of newcomers here only to sell stuff, which is true and applicable to you - therefor not an attack.
3.  A fellow newcomer, cpsystem3, calls out your wares as overpriced.  Again, this is true (as proven by subsequent price drops) and hardly a abusive onslaught.
4.  M.G. explains Zeta's joke.
5.  You flip out with a bunch of condescension and a general 'fuck you, I can do whatever I want!'.  Nobody else shares that right, though, eh?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Ok, Did as you suggested and checked you Ebay feedback.

Looks like a typical crazy Ebayer.  Everything is fine if things go their way, but when it doesn't they are rude, curse at people, and then the always standard - call the buyer a liar

Yeah, thanks, but no thanks. I don't want to do business with someone who curses at their customers (even if the customer is wrong) or sells defective products and offers solutions such as "BLOW on it" instead of fixing the issue of a non-functioning item or instead just says, "Uh you're a liar."

revenge_of_the_fallen - Got item it was not mint at all the cover was heavily creased
Reply by kevincal20 (Mar-09-10 16:16):
Why is it the people who take WEEKS to pay me are always the ones to complain!?!

So what, he didn't pay for weeks and so you creased the cover in anger?  Or he was legit in saying it was not mint and you just didn't want to admit you screwed him?

quidproquo_141 - Shipping was a bit slow and item doesnt work properly   
Reply by kevincal20 (Feb-23-10 21:13):
What is "a bit" slow? It's an OLD NES game, they aren't perfect. BLOW on it....

You sold him an item that isn't working and your solution is "BLOW on it"?  Nice.

rgtabion84 - Very rude seller! Had to have PayPal/Ebay help me! Inaccurate listings! F rating
Reply by kevincal20 (Feb-23-10 21:09):
Stupid LYING buyer didn't email or pay me for WEEKS & then wants perfect service

Calling a customer Stupid? He's not talking about your service and payment time has nothing to do with it. I see you won't answer the real issue "Inaccurate Listing". Nice way to avoid the actual issue.

the_fox_andthe_hound - Item was not as described and seller swore and cursed at me. F+
Reply by kevincal20 (Jan-18-09 22:20):
Stupid, ignorant, illiterate buyer misreads description & calls me dishonest!
Follow-up by the_fox_andthe_hound (Jan-20-09 19:30):
Buying a system for my grandson. Seller lied it did not work. So bought another else where check feedback.

I guess we can believe the buyer on this one. He claimed that you swore and cursed at him.  Then in public you call him "Stupid", "Ignorant", and "Illiterate".  I guess since you proved him honest in that claim, I'll believe him also when he claims "Item was not as described."

Buyer beware with this guy.



SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)

Arkhan Asylum

I bought all his posters since they were cheap and I like posters.

I think theres like 49 invoices about payment in my email box because I took like 2 days to pay.

they showed up and are about what I'd expect from 3$ posters ripped out of magazines 20 years ago.


This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Wow, Kevin you blew things way out of proportion here. A longstanding community such as this one, who has been burned by repeated people coming on just to 'peddle their wares' would create an uneasy atmosphere in the selling forum. As others have said before you could have researched this forum a little, flicked through some older threads, got the general jist of the community before even considering whether here would be the right place to sell your stuff, it's a little more complicated than "Oh I have turbo grafx stuff to sell *ping lightbulb* sell them on a turbografx forum"

And all the stuff about paying full price, come on what is full price for these games? Retail? 1%RRP? 1000%RRP? Ebay is NO WAY to gauge the vaule of games, one game one week may make over $100 then the next only make $60 in that case what do you sell yours for?

There is no fixed price guide for TG-16 or PCE so that does mean you can sell for whatever price you want, but this is a community and people have opinions and views so don't expect a parade from the locals on this forum or any others you join when you don't participate in discussions and are only interested in selling your goods, then again it's been said before you could have checked the forums and saw that items generally sell lower than their ebay prices then you would have known this wasn't the place to sell your wares.

I've seen sellers gouge the shipping quite a lot on ebay recently, especially international shipping but to admit to intentionally increasing the price of postage because you think ebay is being greedy with the fees is rather hypocritical don't you think?

I don't even know why I'm wasting my time writing out this reply as no doubt all of your defensive replys are a result of your grieving for the loss of your mother. That does not however give you the right to snap at people and generally seclude yourself from the community more and more with complete unwillingness to join in any other discussions. I'm sorry for your loss but maybe arguing with people on an internet forum as much as it can let out the emotions probably isn't the best use of your time right now.

I hope you do stick around, this place can be a haven for help with techy problems and recommendations for games to try, banter, etc.



If you had read around on the forum before posting you sell thread you would better understood the situation at hand!
People have little understanding (to say the least) for high price gougers on ebay! no matter the reason...

We are not in this hobbie becase we whant to make money are we?

I for one like to play videogames and games for TGX16, PC Engine or PC-FX but being a Busdriver I do not earn enough to buy for ex. Bonk 3 for $350 or more and if I did I would not dare having the game lying about at home, I would end up in a bankdeposit...How fun the perfect place for a videogame...

Perhaps a  new rule on the forum is in order then too make this problem less in the future?
You'll have to have been a member in the forum for say 3 months and made at least 25 posts during that time and also made yourself known
in an "Introduce yourself" thread?
And after this initiation you get the right to post sell, buy and trade threads!


I think this is a great idea!

Quote from: TGX16 on 10/09/2010, 08:39 AMPerhaps a  new rule on the forum is in order then too make this problem less in the future?
You'll have to have been a member in the forum for say 3 months and made at least 25 posts during that time and also made yourself known
in an "Introduce yourself" thread?
And after this initiation you get the right to post sell, buy and trade threads!
Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq


If he was so desperate for $ for his mom he woulda took what he could have gotten for the stuff... ah well just another DB on the interwebz.

And here I was clicking the link thinking I might find some goodies, but got the #-o instead.


Quote from: TGX16 on 10/09/2010, 08:39 AMPerhaps a  new rule on the forum is in order then too make this problem less in the future?
You'll have to have been a member in the forum for say 3 months and made at least 25 posts during that time and also made yourself known in an "Introduce yourself" thread? And after this initiation you get the right to post sell, buy and trade threads!
I know I am pretty new to the forums so wouldn't qualify to post anything yet but I agree that this would be a very good policy to implement. Heck, this is something that the Neo-Geo.com forums is pretty stringent about with I think some very good success.
Check out new episodes of The Alfred Effect.


their's is a 100 posts. A little excessive but 25 might be too low. Maybe 50?

Quote from: finerion on 10/13/2010, 09:01 AM
Quote from: TGX16 on 10/09/2010, 08:39 AMPerhaps a  new rule on the forum is in order then too make this problem less in the future?
You'll have to have been a member in the forum for say 3 months and made at least 25 posts during that time and also made yourself known in an "Introduce yourself" thread? And after this initiation you get the right to post sell, buy and trade threads!
I know I am pretty new to the forums so wouldn't qualify to post anything yet but I agree that this would be a very good policy to implement. Heck, this is something that the Neo-Geo.com forums is pretty stringent about with I think some very good success.
Add my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/sOg93QUtlg0
For sale trade list: https://tinyurl.com/2csm7kq


Quote from: guest on 09/13/2010, 11:51 AM
Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMso get mad at ebay for being greedy thieves, not people like me asking a fair TOTAL price for a product.
You're the one trying to screw eBay out of its rightful fees, so who's the greedy thief here?

Quote from: KevInCal on 09/12/2010, 06:04 PMIts so stupid to bitch about a high shipping cost when the auction price is low.  What matters is the TOTAL cost and everything I sell has a perfectly fair TOTAL cost compared to similar products............................
Yeah, it's a steal.  That's why you keep lowering the price, right?
oh right, uber rich ebay deserves to rip me off much more than i deserve to rip them off (note: im not uber rich).

I said from the start the way i do auctions is dutch style.  start high end of what its worth, if nobody buys lower the price.  damn isnt that complex.


Quote from: guest on 09/20/2010, 11:51 AM
Quote from: KevInCal on 09/18/2010, 01:19 AMwhy the hell would i want to participate in anything here when im treated like shit.
You're a bit too sensitive for teh interwebz.  If you go back and read this thread from the beginning, you'll see that the poo flinging was started by you - here's the chain of events:

1.  A greeting from oldskool.
2.  Zeta makes a joke about the stream of newcomers here only to sell stuff, which is true and applicable to you - therefor not an attack.
3.  A fellow newcomer, cpsystem3, calls out your wares as overpriced.  Again, this is true (as proven by subsequent price drops) and hardly a abusive onslaught.
4.  M.G. explains Zeta's joke.
5.  You flip out with a bunch of condescension and a general 'fuck you, I can do whatever I want!'.  Nobody else shares that right, though, eh?
how is the shit flinging started by me when you clearly list zeta says i come here only to sell shit.  maybe i would have stuck around and contributed if assumptions werent made about me first.  again i had no free time as i was dealing with my mom dying. sorry i couldnt fucking chat about how great bonk was.  who gives a fuck about that when your mom is dying?  I was trying to sell shit so she didnt have to worry about fucking money asshole. she is dead now, so whatever.

then someone calls my stuff overpriced?  Ya um. sure its priced in the higher range.  SO WHAT!?  not like im the only one...  im not trying to make friends by giving shit away. besides i was trying to raise money for a good cause.  yes i do flip out when people attack me, so what.


Quote from: GobanToba on 09/20/2010, 01:33 PMOk, Did as you suggested and checked you Ebay feedback.

Looks like a typical crazy Ebayer.  Everything is fine if things go their way, but when it doesn't they are rude, curse at people, and then the always standard - call the buyer a liar

Yeah, thanks, but no thanks. I don't want to do business with someone who curses at their customers (even if the customer is wrong) or sells defective products and offers solutions such as "BLOW on it" instead of fixing the issue of a non-functioning item or instead just says, "Uh you're a liar."

revenge_of_the_fallen - Got item it was not mint at all the cover was heavily creased
Reply by kevincal20 (Mar-09-10 16:16):
Why is it the people who take WEEKS to pay me are always the ones to complain!?!

So what, he didn't pay for weeks and so you creased the cover in anger?  Or he was legit in saying it was not mint and you just didn't want to admit you screwed him?

quidproquo_141 - Shipping was a bit slow and item doesnt work properly   
Reply by kevincal20 (Feb-23-10 21:13):
What is "a bit" slow? It's an OLD NES game, they aren't perfect. BLOW on it....

You sold him an item that isn't working and your solution is "BLOW on it"?  Nice.

rgtabion84 - Very rude seller! Had to have PayPal/Ebay help me! Inaccurate listings! F rating
Reply by kevincal20 (Feb-23-10 21:09):
Stupid LYING buyer didn't email or pay me for WEEKS & then wants perfect service

Calling a customer Stupid? He's not talking about your service and payment time has nothing to do with it. I see you won't answer the real issue "Inaccurate Listing". Nice way to avoid the actual issue.

the_fox_andthe_hound - Item was not as described and seller swore and cursed at me. F+
Reply by kevincal20 (Jan-18-09 22:20):
Stupid, ignorant, illiterate buyer misreads description & calls me dishonest!
Follow-up by the_fox_andthe_hound (Jan-20-09 19:30):
Buying a system for my grandson. Seller lied it did not work. So bought another else where check feedback.

I guess we can believe the buyer on this one. He claimed that you swore and cursed at him.  Then in public you call him "Stupid", "Ignorant", and "Illiterate".  I guess since you proved him honest in that claim, I'll believe him also when he claims "Item was not as described."

Buyer beware with this guy.
oh right im a crazy typical ebayer.. right... i have over 1000 feedback power sell status and very close to 100% all of these negatives or neutrals you list happened spread out over a period of months...  all of these people were assholes.  Most of these people i had to file non payment reports and some of them took weeks to pay.  i never damage an item even for pricks like this.  its just their asshole nature to complain because i hassled them about paying me.  the ebay system is screwed, asshole buyers get rights over good honest sellers like me.  the nes cart, i clean the contacts on all of my carts.  that asshole prolly had a shitty nes system that needed a new 72 pin is the reason it maybe didnt work.  and he complain i ship slow, hes full of it.

im only rude and swear at people when they dont pay me for weeks and then leave some false feedback to get back at me for harrassing them about paying me. they treat me like shit you are damn straight i will cusss them out and treat them like they treated me.  the difference with me is i am straight up about how i feel, i dont hide my feelings behind veiled attacks. you get it straight from me.

anyways, you can say whatever you want but ive sold to thousands of people and only a handfull of them i had problems with. these few bad feedbacks toward me dont give the big picture.  its just you trying to be an asshole and slander me and try to discredit me.  its laughable, if you had dealt with these assholes you would have felt the same way towards them as i did.  lets see you sell something to someone and they dont pay and finally when they do and get the product they leave you bad feedback.  lets see how you feel after that.


Quote from: KevInCal on 10/25/2010, 07:33 PMI said from the start the way i do auctions is dutch style.  start high end of what its worth, if nobody buys lower the price.  damn isnt that complex.
What happened to just letting the market decide somethings worth?  $0.99 auction and let it rip.  If somethings worth something it'll sell!
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: Tablet on 09/21/2010, 12:21 PMWow, Kevin you blew things way out of proportion here. A longstanding community such as this one, who has been burned by repeated people coming on just to 'peddle their wares' would create an uneasy atmosphere in the selling forum. As others have said before you could have researched this forum a little, flicked through some older threads, got the general jist of the community before even considering whether here would be the right place to sell your stuff, it's a little more complicated than "Oh I have turbo grafx stuff to sell *ping lightbulb* sell them on a turbografx forum"

And all the stuff about paying full price, come on what is full price for these games? Retail? 1%RRP? 1000%RRP? Ebay is NO WAY to gauge the vaule of games, one game one week may make over $100 then the next only make $60 in that case what do you sell yours for?

There is no fixed price guide for TG-16 or PCE so that does mean you can sell for whatever price you want, but this is a community and people have opinions and views so don't expect a parade from the locals on this forum or any others you join when you don't participate in discussions and are only interested in selling your goods, then again it's been said before you could have checked the forums and saw that items generally sell lower than their ebay prices then you would have known this wasn't the place to sell your wares.

I've seen sellers gouge the shipping quite a lot on ebay recently, especially international shipping but to admit to intentionally increasing the price of postage because you think ebay is being greedy with the fees is rather hypocritical don't you think?

I don't even know why I'm wasting my time writing out this reply as no doubt all of your defensive replys are a result of your grieving for the loss of your mother. That does not however give you the right to snap at people and generally seclude yourself from the community more and more with complete unwillingness to join in any other discussions. I'm sorry for your loss but maybe arguing with people on an internet forum as much as it can let out the emotions probably isn't the best use of your time right now.

I hope you do stick around, this place can be a haven for help with techy problems and recommendations for games to try, banter, etc.

people only get burned if they burn themselves. like ive said before you think my prices are no good? who cares, walk away. be a man and go somewhere else dont bitch like a cry baby because i wont sell something for the best deal... on average i sell things for what they go for. i start high and lots of times end up selling at average price.  im not stupid enough to sell things at bottom prices.  or else i wouldnt bother buying and selling video games...... too many people these days expect to be coddled as a buyer. i do plenty of buying myself and i never expect a whole lot. i am a happy with what i get kind of guy. the problem is people are clueless, braindead. they think a guy like me is some big business, they can jack around and get something for free. big difference between big business and small business but people are selfish and dont care if the small business is doing everything they can.