12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Pictures of your Turbo/PC Engine Collection

Started by AlexKidd, 07/08/2005, 10:59 PM

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Bt Garner

pixeljunkie asks:
whats in the frames on the wall to the left above your PCFX games?

Those are presentation copies of the 2 PCE games I released through MindRec.

You can get a (marginally) better look at them via this image:

The top one is for Implode, the bottom one is Meteor Blaster DX.



Hey bt, where did you get the shelf that you have your PCE/Duo games in?  I've been looking for a CD sized "bookshelf" for my games, but just haven't ever found one.

Please don't say it's custom made! :)

Bt Garner

Quote from: akamichi on 04/18/2006, 10:55 AMHey bt, where did you get the shelf that you have your PCE/Duo games in?  I've been looking for a CD sized "bookshelf" for my games, but just haven't ever found one.

Please don't say it's custom made! :)
I won't say that one is custom made, the one in *this* picture is
custom made: http://bt.mindrec.com/office_0430.jpg


I honestly do not remember where I ordered that rack from -- I bought
it at least 6 years ago, so it may not even be available anymore.

Here is one that if not the same though, looks remarkably similar:



You mean that Adol guy from France who used to sell on Ebay?  I remember buying some stuff from him ages ago, he used to sell the most obscure, rarest stuff I'd ever seen.


Holy crap! Excellent collection, BT!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "bt"http://bt.mindrec.com/pcegames_home.jpg

The PCE Games in the upper left are all the weird stuff, things like:
Prototype of Tatsujin, All the Caravan HuCards that I have, In-Store
Demo CDs for both system, a few developer prototypes [Mad
Stalker, Gulliver Boy] an original copy of Space Fantasy Zone,
a few of the Mook-CDs (unsorted) and my HuVideo sampler SCD,
among other oddities

Good lord, that photo amazing :)

I'd love to hear about the in-store Demo CD's and the HuVideo sampler SCD. I've never heard about these items, let alone own one of them. Are they documented at pcecp?

When TG-CD was released, the only store near me that was demo -ing it was a small mom-n-pop place (in Belleville, NJ!). They didn't have a special demo cd -- they simply used Monster Lair (and other games, as they were released). They eventually stopped getting new CD games, and they got lazy, and simply left Final Zone II play non-stop. All of their loyal customers had the intro cinema (and song!) memorized shortly thereafter...


Quote from: GUTS on 04/18/2006, 01:54 PMYou mean that Adol guy from France who used to sell on Ebay ?  I remember buying some stuff from him ages ago, he used to sell the most obscure, rarest stuff I'd ever seen.
Still does. He sold Final Fantasy for MSX2 recently. It went for $250 I believe. He also sold Fray in Magical Adventure and SD Snatcher. Went for $150 each.

His name is adol-something. Must be an Ys fan. I'd love to see his Ys collection... If he has one.  :)
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.


Quote from: bt on 04/18/2006, 09:26 AMIMG

The PCE Games in the upper left are all the weird stuff, things like:
Prototype of Tatsujin, All the Caravan HuCards that I have, In-Store
Demo CDs for both system, a few developer prototypes [Mad
Stalker, Gulliver Boy] an original copy of Space Fantasy Zone,
a few of the Mook-CDs (unsorted) and my HuVideo sampler SCD,
among other oddities
Holy crap! That is the mother stack of all mother stacks.

Ninja Spirit

For living in Europe where gamers get shitted on more than we Americans, Adol is a beast!

He was known to complete ENTIRE LIBRARIES of Japanese systems. I know he's done Super Famicom, PC Engine, Mega CD, Game Gear, Mega Drive, Neo Geo CD and Wonderswan. I wonder if he's done 8-bit Famicom, PS1 or Neo Geo AES.


Yeah he used to get slammed on different forums all the time for his prices, but I never had any problems with him.  In fact he's the guy I originally bought Blood Gear from and it turned out to be one of the best games I've ever played.

Bt Garner

stevek666 says:
Good lord, that photo amazing :)

And that does not even include the PS, Saturn or Dreamcast collections (thoguh you can see a few errent N64 titles in the custom made CD rack on the top right, just a *few*, however).  =)

adding further:
I\'d love to hear about the in-store Demo CD\\\'s and the HuVideo sampler SCD. I\'ve never heard about these items, let alone own one of them. Are they documented at pcecp?

The Instore demo CDs were something that started late in the PCE life cycle, you have probably been to a store where a PS or XBox demo kiosk is setup, it has an attract mode, and perhaps a playable demo -- they did the same thing for some PCE titles. Laplace no Ma and Faceball both had very nice demo releases like this, although I do not think that their market was in store kiosks since they had full packaging art.  The later ones are simply a disk that have an attract mode, some are playable, some are not.  They generally have release info (\\\"Buy this fabulous game!  out on 5 June!\\\") and in some cases custom cinemas that are a combination for several of the real in-game cinemas.  I have maybe 5 PCE ones, and 7 or 8 PC-FX ones.

The HuVideo sampler CD is a bit different.  It is a CD-R that was made by a (then) Hudson employee.  I have no idea how many copies were made, but it is not many.  The CD loads up and gives you a menu of approximately 10 HuVideo demos that you can view, and several options as well (display the CD buffer fill level is one, I forget what the other one is).  There is also an unreleased game on the CD -- a Dr. Mario clone which is playable, but not 100% complete.  No one knows about it since it was never released, and stayed inside the tight PCE development circle.  Until I got it, that is.  =)

They are not documented at PCECP.com -- the instore demo CDs *should* be added to the database there, the HuVideo sample should probably not be added since it was just a CD-R demo and never really made or sold.



Quote from: "bt"I honestly do not remember where I ordered that rack from -- I bought
it at least 6 years ago, so it may not even be available anymore.

Here is one that if not the same though, looks remarkably similar:

Thanks for the info bt!  I've got that page bookmarked just in case I can't find anything locally.  Maybe someday I'll have a shelf like that full of PCE games. :)


those are some nice shelves XD and thats also a lot of PCE games O_o

I keep my PCE and Saturn stuff in makeshift cardboard boxes I buy from a chain store here in the UK called MUJI


BT, would you ever be interested in ripping those special CDs you have or at least record a video of them :) ? Those sound awesome.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"

Bt Garner

Quote from: "Keranu"BT, would you ever be interested in ripping those special CDs you have or at least record a video of them :) ? Those sound awesome.

For obvious reasons, I will not rip them, I keep saying to myself, one of these days I will get my "PCE Rarities Page" done so that I can include all this stuff and have pics, vids, whatever I can scrape together and have it all displayed.

Here is the full list of the stuff that I have up there:

PCE "Sample" CDs (pressed):
  Startling Odyssey
  Emerald Dragon
  World Heroes 2
  Mad Stalker
  PCE Store Demo (Dragon Slayer II, Nadia, Winds of Thunder, Crest of Wolf)
  Psychic Detective Series Vol 3 AYA
  Mamono Hunter Youko Tooki Yobikoe (*1)
  Laplace No Ma (*2)
  Faceball (*2)

Duo Sample CDs (pressed):
  Duo Demo 01 (Gate of Thunder,  Bonk 1,   Bonk 2) (*3)

PC-FX Sample CDs:
  Ojousama Sousamou
  Angelique Tenkun no Requim
  Angelique Special
  Power Dolls FX
  Cutey Honey FX
  Anime Freak FX Volume 2
  Der Langrisser FX
(most of these have only the "COMPACT disc" logo and the word "SAMPLE" on them)

Developers/Prototype CD-Rs:
   Gulliver Boy (marked: "3/6 version")
   Anearth Fantasy Stories (marked "SAMPLE", appears to be entire game though)
   Kijindousi Zenki FX (marked "H7.10.24 ver")
   Blood Gear ("93.8.26" ?)
   HuVideo Sampler ("11-22-93")
Many of these are also marked "XXX Only" -- I will leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out what "XXX" is (hint, it's not hard)

Special Version HuCards:
  Bomberman Users Battle
  Bomberman '93 Special Version
  Final Soldier Special Version
  Gunhed Special Version
  Soldier Blade Special Version

(*1) appears to just be the real game but has the word "SAMPLE"
   stamped across the CD.
(*2) appear to be pre-release demos and not "in store demos'
(*3) this is the demo CD that was used in stores in the US, it is almost
  the same as the US Duo packin, but only has level 1 of each game, and  
  rotates between them when not being played



Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Here's my collection:


All of those games are organized in a very specific way. To see how, click here for a guide image :) .


It's a bit messy at the moment, but as you can see there is a Turbo Duo towards the top (it's inbetween a DVD player and a 3DO) and the PCE+CDROM2 set up is towards the left. Also if you notice towards your right is an unhooked PC-FX, along with various controllers scattered all over the place.


And lastly here is a pic of various hardware boxes, which includes the PCE Interface Unit, Turbo Duo, PC-FX, Duo Tap, Duo Controller, and PC-FX controller boxes.

Now it's time to record videos of me playing PCE games to go in Ninja Spirit's thread ;) .
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


bt, thanks for all the info! I have a few follow-up questions :)

Quote from: "bt"stevek666 says:I\'d love to hear about the in-store Demo CD\\\'s and the HuVideo sampler SCD. I\'ve never heard about these items, let alone own one of them. Are they documented at pcecp?

The Instore demo CDs were something that started late in the PCE life cycle, you have probably been to a store where a PS or XBox demo kiosk is setup, it has an attract mode, and perhaps a playable demo -- they did the same thing for some PCE titles. Laplace no Ma and Faceball both had very nice demo releases like this, although I do not think that their market was in store kiosks since they had full packaging art.  The later ones are simply a disk that have an attract mode, some are playable, some are not.  They generally have release info (\\\"Buy this fabulous game!  out on 5 June!\\\") and in some cases custom cinemas that are a combination for several of the real in-game cinemas.  I have maybe 5 PCE ones, and 7 or 8 PC-FX ones.
Intriguing -- especially the demo CD's with custom cinemas! I wonder if PCE was the first console to use demos (either the in-store or magazine/mook variety)? I'm not familiar with MegaCD / SegaCD demos, but I wonder if PCE was the first console to utilize this marketing technique?  

QuoteThe HuVideo sampler CD is a bit different.  It is a CD-R that was made by a (then) Hudson employee.  I have no idea how many copies were made, but it is not many.  The CD loads up and gives you a menu of approximately 10 HuVideo demos that you can view, and several options as well (display the CD buffer fill level is one, I forget what the other one is).  There is also an unreleased game on the CD -- a Dr. Mario clone which is playable, but not 100% complete.  No one knows about it since it was never released, and stayed inside the tight PCE development circle.  Until I got it, that is.  =)
Wow! Does the Dr. Mario Clone have a Hudson theme (i.e. Bomberman)? What a nice bonus, though. Reminds me of the mini-games that you find in some of the UltraBox releases... but a puzzle game has greater potential for replay.

QuoteThey are not documented at PCECP.com -- the instore demo CDs *should* be added to the database there, the HuVideo sample should probably not be added since it was just a CD-R demo and never really made or sold.
It would be really kool if you added entries for the instore demos.

Oh yes! New Question: A few years ago I was bidding on an auction for a PC-Engine LaserDisc. I never knew what it was, but I always assumed it was an in-store demo (although now, in light of what you shared with us, I'm not so sure). Have you ever heard of these PCE LD's? After I lost the auction, I tried getting info from the seller, but he didn't know English too well, unfortunately. I can't recall if the LD was produced by NEC / Hudson (I don't think the auction provided the info).

Bt Garner

Quote from: "stevek666"Does the Dr. Mario Clone have a Hudson theme (i.e. Bomberman)? What a nice bonus, though. Reminds me of the mini-games that you find in some of the UltraBox releases... but a puzzle game has greater potential for replay.
No, there is not really a theme at all, other than that the coder put his own picture in the game, and used his name (well, a derrivitive of it) for the game's name

Quote from: "stevek666"Oh yes! New Question: A few years ago I was bidding on an auction for a PC-Engine LaserDisc. I never knew what it was, but I always assumed it was an in-store demo (although now, in light of what you shared with us, I'm not so sure). Have you ever heard of these PCE LD's?
It was most likely one of the PCE LaserActive discs.  I have a few of these (and a few of the Sega ones too), but in general their play value is very poor... the "action" based games are really nothing other than sprite based games with the LaserActive part streaming a moving "background."  It's more distracting than neat.



Quote from: "bt"
Quote from: "stevek666"Oh yes! New Question: A few years ago I was bidding on an auction for a PC-Engine LaserDisc. I never knew what it was, but I always assumed it was an in-store demo (although now, in light of what you shared with us, I'm not so sure). Have you ever heard of these PCE LD's?
It was most likely one of the PCE LaserActive discs.  I have a few of these (and a few of the Sega ones too), but in general their play value is very poor... the "action" based games are really nothing other than sprite based games with the LaserActive part streaming a moving "background."  It's more distracting than neat.

I am pretty certain it wasn't a LaserActive disc, because I scoured the photos for the LA logo, plus there was no mention of a LaserActive title I was familiar with on the package art... which leads me to believe that it wasn't a demo for LaserActive titles either. I confirmed with the seller that the LD would play on a standard LD player. Also, I emailed the winning bidder several times, but, unfortunately, the bastard never responded! I simply asked him if he could share some basic info on the LD and its contents, to no avail. One of these days the mystery will be solved...


OK, here's my collection


Turbo Grafx/PC Engine games with Neo Geo CD on the right side


NES, SNES, Genesis, Jaguar, N-Gage, N64, Supervision, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Master System, Game Gear, Atari 2600/7800, Gamate, basically all cartridge games.....though I don't have a real specific spot for GBA games yet


PS1(some converted to small cases), Saturn & Dreamcast(mixed with Saturn all in small cases to save space)

Some of my Transformers, emphasis on "some".  Pretty much the only ones I keep on display, especially since there's several new lines about to be released this year.  I have some of the new He-man figures, Ys PVC's & Suikoden PVC's that I'll eventually display on top of the book cases, once I've organized my collection better.


PS2 (friend is borrowing the 1st Ratchet) & Gamecube


Neo Geo CD, Jaguar CD, Amiga CD32, Lynx(hell of alot of games crammed in there :P), PSP, DS, 3DO(alot shrunken to regular cases blah blah), more Lynx


I didn't take pics of my PC games, since all I have is Ys 1 & 2 Complete, Ys 6, & Ys Oath in Felghana.


The weak will fall, the strong remain.


Seriously, some of these collections are awesome.  Do you guys have time to play even a third of these games?
What a horrible night to have a curse...


I find time, by scheduling in all my games, (in alphabetical order, starting with systems) inbetween work, eating, sleep, midget juggling, time with the wife, spiritual stuff, hunting gopher's, bowling for burgers, throwing hot dog's at people I have locked up in the basement, & Pilate's. :lol:


You're a funny guy PD.  I like your humor and your astonishing collection  :D
The weak will fall, the strong remain.


Quote from: "ParanoiaDragon"I find time, by scheduling in all my games, (in alphabetical order, starting with systems) inbetween work, eating, sleep, midget juggling, time with the wife, spiritual stuff, hunting gopher's, bowling for burgers, throwing hot dog's at people I have locked up in the basement, & Pilate's. :lol:

Please tell me that you loved UHF!!! My brothers and I have been using "Bowling for Burgers" since that movie came out! You rule :)


Ofcoarse I love UHF!  Who doesn't :?:  :D


Quote from: "ParanoiaDragon"Ofcoarse I love UHF!  Who doesn't :?:  :D
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)



"We got it all on UHF" ^_^
The weak will fall, the strong remain.

Ninja Spirit

Heh they show that movie on Comedy Central from time to time


1.) As I said on the ME forums, outstanding collection, PD :) .

2.) UHF is a kick ass movie.

3.) Can I come to your house, PD?
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: Keranu1. ) As I said on the ME forums, outstanding collection, PD :) .

2. ) UHF is a kick ass movie.

3. ) Can I come to your house, PD?
Of course, LMK when you're in town, I'll give the guards & sniper's on the roof your description so you can pass, & I'll add your DNA to our eye retina scanner so you can get in, so all you have to do, is traverse a mountain covered in snow & molten lava, & jump the moat(bridge is out of order :? ) & enter the courtyard.  It should be smooth sailing from there.......well, that is, if you have a sail, otherwise, you'll have to find a stick or something to paddle the boat to the collection.  But, you'll know which way to head, since it'll be glowing, though, the games cast no shadow from the light.  Weird.  Anyways, come on over :D


UHF:Quote stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!you are stupid!!!!!  :lol:
Wii U:Progearspec


Here's an overview pic of my collection:


Pc engine games on the left, turbografx games on the right (except for loose pc engine hucard stack on right side).  Organized from SCDs-(ACDs)-CDs-Hucards from left to right. Up to 194 now, and growing fast. ;D

I also have a Dlite pce duo, duotap, 3 grey pc engine pads, 2 avenue pads, and an extension cord.
Sold to: 2X4, carbon tiger, chop5, grahf, gundarN, hizaygizirlz, Joe Redifer, Keranu, MrFulci, nat, runinruder, shubibiman, steve666, T2KFreeker
ebay id: merriman_bk --> 100% positive


Quote from: "stevek666"
Quote from: "ParanoiaDragon"I find time, by scheduling in all my games, (in alphabetical order, starting with systems) inbetween work, eating, sleep, midget juggling, time with the wife, spiritual stuff, hunting gopher's, bowling for burgers, throwing hot dog's at people I have locked up in the basement, & Pilate's. :lol:

Please tell me that you loved UHF!!! My brothers and I have been using "Bowling for Burgers" since that movie came out! You rule :)

Have you guys watched the special features on the dvd?

"Those darn homos!"
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: "CrackTiger"
Quote from: "stevek666"
Quote from: "ParanoiaDragon"I find time, by scheduling in all my games, (in alphabetical order, starting with systems) inbetween work, eating, sleep, midget juggling, time with the wife, spiritual stuff, hunting gopher's, bowling for burgers, throwing hot dog's at people I have locked up in the basement, & Pilate's. :lol:

Please tell me that you loved UHF!!! My brothers and I have been using "Bowling for Burgers" since that movie came out! You rule :)

Have you guys watched the special features on the dvd?

"Those darn homos!"
No, I didn't even know it was on DVD. And they took the time to put some extra material on there? I'll definitely have to check that out.

You folks might enjoy this: UHF (concerning "indie television") and Pump up the Volume ("pirate radio") helped inspire a childhood friend of mine to pursue both. Now, he had many other, more legitimate sources of inspiration as well, but these two corny films definitely resonated with his aspirations. He's done independent radio, television and film... and currently working on his second film. Pretty crazy, huh?

I'll have to watch  Pump Up the Volume again, now that I think about it. :)



Quote from: merriman_bkHere's an overview pic of my collection:


Pc engine games on the left, turbografx games on the right (except for loose pc engine hucard stack on right side).  Organized from SCDs-(ACDs)-CDs-Hucards from left to right.
Up to 188 now, and growing fast. ;D

I also have a Dlite pce duo, duotap, 3 grey pc engine pads, 2 avenue pads, and an extension cord.
Nice collection you got there still i can't tell what's, what far as titles go.
Wii U:Progearspec


Sold to: 2X4, carbon tiger, chop5, grahf, gundarN, hizaygizirlz, Joe Redifer, Keranu, MrFulci, nat, runinruder, shubibiman, steve666, T2KFreeker
ebay id: merriman_bk --> 100% positive


Bump! Well i finally have pictures of my TG16&PCE collection.

I had some film left in the cvs camera so i thought why not.


Well i'm still a long way off before i finish collecting what i want to play, but i'll get there some day.
Wii U:Progearspec


This thread hasn't been posted in in a LONG time but I was looking through the old threads today and it made me wonder how some of the older members collections have grown and what some of the newer members Turbografx collections look like.  Anyone care to take some pics and share their Turbo/PCE collections?
All is well. :)


good idea Roy.  I'll take some pics after I get home from my long business roadtrip.

btw, speaking of collections - are you selling off your collections or just the dupes?  I'm interested and will send you a PM on some of the titles. 

Quote from: RoyVegas on 07/07/2010, 02:02 PMThis thread hasn't been posted in in a LONG time but I was looking through the old threads today and it made me wonder how some of the older members collections have grown and what some of the newer members Turbografx collections look like.  Anyone care to take some pics and share their Turbo/PCE collections?



Great stuff Rockabilly Paradise. You have a great collection of consoles and have a lot of games. You should display your games so we could see them (cause I can't read Japanese :wink:). PC Engine Duo-RX are already pretty expensive and buying one in the box was probably a lot of money. Congrats on getting one. That 6 button controller always makes me salivate.


Nice collection Rockabilly!  Love the boxed RX and the modded TG16!
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Rock - nice collection indeed. seems like you are growing your stash quickly !!  I am still ahead of ya but I'm getting nervous :) (gulp).

I will take some pics when I get back from this trip as well.  Here are some of my hardware stash so far:

- boxed Super CD addon
- boxed PC Duo RX
- DoujingDance modded PC Duo R - RGB
- PCEngine briefcase w/white CD rom
- PC Engine Core grafx boxed
- TG-16 region modded
- TG-16 + CD unit.
- PC Duo R (unmodded, in box)

I likely will downsize a little but haven't made up my mind which system will go next.  The last 2 I let go was a boxed SuperGrafx and the Core sold to Rock.  I think I want a LT next.... heehe.

Quote from: Rockabilly Paradise on 07/23/2010, 12:40 AMheres some of my stuff:


In the future, let's avoid dredging up threads half a decade old and simply create a new one. There is a reason the forum software posts that warning about reviving threads that haven't been active for a certain amount of time.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: JapanTokei on 07/23/2010, 11:54 PMRock - nice collection indeed. seems like you are growing your stash quickly !!  I am still ahead of ya but I'm getting nervous :) (gulp).

I will take some pics when I get back from this trip as well.  Here are some of my hardware stash so far:

- boxed Super CD addon
- boxed PC Duo RX
- DoujingDance modded PC Duo R - RGB
- PCEngine briefcase w/white CD rom
- PC Engine Core grafx boxed
- TG-16 region modded
- TG-16 + CD unit.
- PC Duo R (unmodded, in box)

I likely will downsize a little but haven't made up my mind which system will go next.  The last 2 I let go was a boxed SuperGrafx and the Core sold to Rock.  I think I want a LT next.... heehe.

Quote from: Rockabilly Paradise on 07/23/2010, 12:40 AMheres some of my stuff:
i would LOVE to have a region modded tg-16


This isn't everything, but it's my most recent acquisition for my PC Engine and TurboGrafx 16 collection:


I got this PC Engine Duo-R bundle today, and I can now say "good riddance" to the horribly unreliable add-on known as the TurboGrafx CD.  This, of course, is not all of my TurboGrafx 16 and PC Engine stuff.  I'll show the rest when I get new batteries for my digital camera.

And I found out by looking at the A/V port that this PC Engine Duo-R is RGB-modded.  Instead of a 5-pin DIN in the back, it has an 8-pin DIN.  I think I'm going to put together an external RGB to S-Video or Component converter box, since I have nothing that will accept RGB.


Here is a pic of my "freq-played" Hueys.  The rest are stashed in my giant suitcase due to lack of space.


btw, the Coryoon + Soldier Blade just arrived today from Japan!  :mrgreen:

man Soldier Blade is focking kick ass!  wow.