RIP to BT Garner of BT passed away early 2023 from health problems. He was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Price list For current US Titles (NOT UPDATED IN 3 YEARS)

Started by Windancer, 06/18/2009, 02:22 AM

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With much happening lately with the Rare games popping up on ebay Tats and I have decided to start Price lists on US Titles and Pcengine Titles, The PCEngine side of it will be in the PCEngine section and US titles will be in this thread. the games that are listed will be considered in jewel case good condition no box. hopefully if we get enough peeps to add to the list Aaron might sticky this thread for reference. If you see a descrepancy in any of the prices let me know I will make the changes.

air zonk-40.00
alien crush-12.00
andre panza-10.00
battle royal-8.00
blazing lazers-15.00
bloody wolf-10.00
Bomberman 93-30.00
Bonks adventure-15.00
Bonks revenge-15.00
Bonk 3 big adventure-80.00
champions forever-10.00
chase hq-35.00
Chu man fu-25.00
China Warrior-3.00
dark wing duck-17.00
davis cup tennis-4.00
dead moon-18.00
deep blue-15.00
devils crush-25.00
double dungeons-10.00
dragon spirit-15.00
dragons curse-20.00
drop off-10.00
dungeon explorer-15.00
fantasy zone-12.00
final lap twin-8.00
galaga 90-17.00
ghost manor-21.00
hit the ice-6.00
jack nicklaus golf-6.00
jackie chans action kung fu-32.00
JJ and Jeff-7.00
keith courage in alpha zones-3.00
King of Casino-10.00
legend of hero tonma-40.00
legendary axe-10.00
legendary axe II-10.00
magical chase-175.00 Prices vary
military madness-25.00
moto roader-12.00
neutopia II-45.00
new adventure island-35.00
Night creatures-19.00
ninja spirit-15.00
order of the griffon-40.00
parasol stars-35.00
power golf-5.00
samurai ghost-30.00
Side arms-8.00
silent debuggers-10.00
soldier blade-50.00
somer assault-30.00
sonic spike-5.00
space Harrier-10.00
super star soldier-30.00
super vollyball-8.00
taken it to hoop-8.00
tiger road-15.00
time cruise-35.00
tricky kick-5.00
TV sports basketball-5.00
TV sports Football-3.00
TV sports Hockey-3.00
veigues tactical gladiator-8.00
Victory run-7.00
world class baseball-6.00
world court tennis-6.00
world sports competition-15.00
yo bro-6.00

adams family-10.00
beyond shadowgate-120.00
bonk 3 cd-175.00
buster brothers-10.00
camp california-50.00
cosmic fantasy II-10.00
dragon slayer-55.00
dungeon explorer II-150.00
dungeon master-15.00
Turbo duo demo disk-???
dynastic hero-300+
exile wicked phenomenon-70.00
fighting street-15.00
final zone II-10.00
forgotten worlds-25.00
gate of thunder 3 in 1-40.00
hudson game music collection 93-15.00
it came from the desert-15.00
jb harold murder club-15.00
jack nicklaus turbo golf-10.00
john madden duo cd football-10.00
last alert-18.00
lords of the rising sun-15.00
lords of thunder-30.00
magical dinosaur tour-11.00
meteor blaster DX-30.00
might and magic III-125.00
monster lair-15.00
prince of persia-16.00
riot zone-16.00
shadow of the beast-15.00
shape shifter-20.00
sherlock holmes consulting detective-10.00
sherlock holmes II-10.00
sim earth-10.00
splash lake-15.00
super air zonk-175.00
syd meads terraforming-85.00
valis II-17.00
valis III-25.00
ys book 1 and 2-40.00
ys III-45.00

local girls of hawaii-50.00
bikini girls-50.00
hawiian island girls-50.00

system card 2.0-25.00
super system card 3.0-100+
Turbopad New- 19.99 used 8.00
Turbografx adapter-20.00

Please try to refrain from this is a stupid thread or holy crap you priced that too high. just take the list and edit it and add to it please. We would like this to be a project that people can reference when they visit PCEFX

Keep in mind that prices vary at all times on ebay and from internet sellers and sellers who frequent these boards so really none of these prices are carved in stone. You might get games cheaper than listed here or even pay more. A big thanks to RoyVegas who sent me an alphabetical list and did help me with some of the prices on the list. I think most are fair. If you have a sighting or beleive a change needs to made on prices just let me know or you can quote me and edit the list any way you see fit. hope this helps out peeps thanks for the input from everyone.  :dance:


Good idea, but it needs more alphabetizing. :wink:
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


This is great to see and i hope it will be used in the future.

My thoughts are in red on FAIR pricing and what i would pay which are not to far off from yours Windy,
Just Dead moon i really question, i always thought it was one of the more harder to find games and was worth more? :-k

TurboGrafx Pad- 19.99 (new) 12.99 (used)  ($5-$8 used)
legendary axe-17.00  (complete $10)
Ninja Spirit- 15.00 (complete $20)
neutopia- 15.00 (looks wrong to me??)
neutopia II- 25.00 (looks wrong to me??)
Legend of Hero Tonma- 35.00  (complete $40)
Valis III cdrom-17.00  (complete $25)
Dead Moon-12.00  (complete $25)
Bomberman 93- 25.00   (complete $35)


I have to agree with Sparky on all of his adjustments.  Another one I thought could be adjusted is:

Vasteel cdrom- 70.00+ ($55.00)
All is well. :)


Quote from: RoyVegas on 06/18/2009, 02:49 PMAnother one I thought could be adjusted is:

Magical Chase- 200.00+ ($400.00)


Good call Windancer.  There are so many price check threads around here these days that I was thinking about suggesting a new board.  If we build a list that we generally agree on we should make this a sticky.  If you edit your list on this thread, just paste it into excel first to alphabetize it.  Most of the list looks good for unboxed copies.  A number of titles seem to represent everyday ebay auctions or lower-end BIN prices.  I believe the relatively uncommon lower prices things go for on ebay are a better representation of actual worth.  With that in mind, as well as prices I've seen on here and in the wild, here are my suggestions:

Beyond Shadowgate super Cdrom- 90.00
Bonk III hucard- 90 (the manual is rare, 60 for a loose copy is right)
Bonks adventure-8.00 (market has been flooded with sealed copies)
Cosmic Fantasy III cdrom- 5.00 (CFII?)
Dead Moon-15.00
Dungeon Explorer- 8.00
Dungeon Explorer II super Cdrom-90.00
Dynastic Hero super cdrom- 200.00+ (I'd say this is still conservative)
Exile cdrom- 5.00 (sealed copies of this and CF2 have been dirt cheap for a long time)
Exile II super cdrom- 60.00
Keith Courage in Alpha zones- 2.00 (more with comic)
Loom Super CDROM- 25
Might and Magic III Isles of Terra Super Cdrom-70.00+
Raiden- 25.00
shadow of the beast super cdrom- 10.00
Super Volleyball- 6.00
Takin it to the Hoop- 3.00
Vasteel cdrom- 35.00+ (more if the slip is included)
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


I will eventually get around to alphabetizing this list and getting every single game posted. Im going to get more posted tonight hopefully the whole list then peeps can edit anything that I post. I kinda went between bins and low end on prices as far as magical chase was concerned I kinda went with I wont pay more than 200.00 LOL so I will probably never own one LOL but I think the prices I listed were fair some maybe a little to low but it would be nice to reference all then as time goes on prices will change from year to year as more games become rare. Thanks for the replies and hopefully peeps will get into it and do some editing also


Hey Vestcunt what did you mean by the "Slip" in the Vasteel CD rom game? Did you mean the map/poster?


Quote from: Windancer on 06/18/2009, 04:28 PMas far as magical chase was concerned I kinda went with I wont pay more than 200.00 LOL so I will probably never own one
Wind- just catch a loose japanese one- I just got one for 80 bucks.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


Quote from: exile on 06/18/2009, 06:49 PMHey Vestcunt what did you mean by the "Slip" in the Vasteel CD rom game? Did you mean the map/poster?
This pic shows what the slip looks like (on the left).  It slips over the CD case.

All is well. :)


AHA Roy!  :)  There is the slightest ding on the top left (right in picture) edge of the slip cover in your photo!  :-({|= I sing sad notes of sympathy for the "ding" in your otherwise pristine, smudge free, glossy, felt dressed copy of Vasteel.
Quote from: Tatsujin- ATM it's just amateurish boytoy shizzle.
- they will bust me for consuming drug until they found out what it was in real.


Quote from: Sinistron on 06/18/2009, 11:09 PMAHA Roy!  :)  There is the slightest ding on the top left (right in picture) edge of the slip cover in your photo!  :-({|= I sing sad notes of sympathy for the "ding" in your otherwise pristine, smudge free, glossy, felt dressed copy of Vasteel.
Would you prefer I laid the disc on sandpaper?  [-X
All is well. :)


if it slips, it can be killed! - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Good looking on the Slip Vegas. I didn't even know about it. I wonder why W.D. never tried to bring the second game to the U.S.


Quote from: exile on 06/19/2009, 02:49 AMGood looking on the Slip Vegas. I didn't even know about it. I wonder why W.D. never tried to bring the second game to the U.S.
I would guess the sales were kinda so so, plus the Duo was already being taken of store shelves at EB and other stores.  The Duo was starting to die and WD was already moving onto the Sega CD.


Really support this but i have to add in these price changes my friend...

You had some prices listed fair before on some of the below mentioned and supported, see VestCunt post, also see this thread... i more or less put in the average from these posts and a couple my own 2 cents on.
Almost there i think, hope others pipe in as this is something good to have and should be decided by the community on FAIR prices with no mention on auctions i think. There will be a lot of editing at first Windy :)

Bonks adventure-15.00  $10
falcon-10.00  thought this was more like $25
legendary axe II-10.00  $15
magical chase-175.00 Prices vary at auctions no auctions mentions

beyond shadowgate-120.00  $100
bonk 3 cd-175.00  $100-$125
camp california-50.00  $40
dungeon explorer II-150.00  $100
Turbo duo demo disk-???  FREE
dynastic hero-400.00 varies on auctions $300 no auction mentions
godzilla-100.00  $65
meteor blaster DX-30.00 $20
might and magic III-125.00  $90
super air zonk-175.00 $125
ys III-45.00 $40
system card 2.0-25.00  $15-$20
super system card 3.0-100+  $80


Throwing in my two cents.

Order of the Griffon $40 $25
Splatterhouse $30 $25
Time Cruise $35 $20

Beyond Shadowgate $120 $85
Bonk 3 cd $175 $80
Dungeon Explorer $150 $85
dragon slayer $55 $40
gate of thunder $40 $25
godzilla $100 $50
might and magic III $125 $80
super air zonk $175 $75
ys book 1 and 2 $40 $25
ys 3 $45 $25

Two things don't agree with this one list:

1. Sparky is right. We all learned recently, going to ebay for prices is like asking a sugar addict how much for a chocolate bar. Almost everything concerning turbo price from there should be taken with a grain of salt.

2. The rare games are priced WAY too high on account of the hyper inflation recently. IMO, the only games worthy to go beyond the $100 mark are Dynastic Hero and Magical Chase.


My observations, which I will try to make as politely as possible.

The problem with these sorts of lists (when applied to other collectible crap anyway, from reletively cheap stuff like records and games to the more extravagant like cars) is that they tend to help prevent prices from going down. I know that people on this forum tend to be a lot more frugal than the dipshits on eBay (who evidently will pay anything for anything) but the fact is that this forum is a reference for TG/PCE collectors and if this list project takes off people will start to refer to it more and more. Once that begins then people will refer to it as law, and always pay/charge at least as much as the list dictates...and this almost never works in the reverse (to keep prices down). See: Digital Press.

For example, comic book price guides. Some book will list for $100 and that instantly becomes what the book is "worth". All shops will use this exact price and never adjust it unless they are having a going out of business sale, even if nobody can document a single person actually purchasing a single copy of this book in the last decade. It can't be "worth" $100 if nobody is actually buying it, but they have a list from someplace to prove otherwise and they are sticking to it. The seller feels he will "be an idiot" if he charges less, and the buyer feels like a shmuck for asking less so it goes (or doesn't go) for $100. He might knock it down to $90, but he sure as hell isn't going to knock it down to $10, even though it maybe should be $10 since nobody has bought it in ten years.

In other words, this list can be a great snap shot of what's going on in the free market, but once people start referring to it it circumvents the free market. For an up to the second, totally dynamic version of this list one could just go to eBay, since that's where the prices came from anyway, right?

And eBay varies WIDELY. When I shop for a specific game and I see its, say, $50, its not uncommon at all to come back a few weeks later and see it for $15. So what's the game worth, $50 or $15? How about $32.50 since that's the average? Well, no, because nobody ever payed $32.50 for it. You end up with the "Bill Gates walks into a bar and instantly the average income in the room increases to $50 Million a year" thing going on. Some people payed $50 because they would pay anything, the other people weighed the value of the game against what they paid for other games, what their finances were, etc, and the paid $15. This is why so may middle-of-the-road value games like Star Parodia or Spriggen can very %200 from week to week. How do you reflect that in a (semi) fixed document.

So I'm not telling you to not make the list (wouldn't work anyway) I'm just mentioning that its basically like deciding to make a print version of a web page; less flexible, and more out of date that the source material so unless you don't have a computer, what's the point?

This list would be pretty good for printing out and taking to shows and such where there isn't much internet access to be had.

What I'd rather see, and what would be more valuable (to me anyway) is a list that shows the average price of what PCEFX forum goers charge/trade for games with other members. I routinely get killer deals from people around here and because of that I'm not sure what to ask/pay for games with other members since a quick check of eBay isn't representative of anything in this kind of transaction.


There is a lot of truth in your words zeta... but its a double edged sword.... with out one the ebay market will be looked at as the pricing market ... just look at those bullshit "buy it now" prices we see.

I would hope that this list would be looked at every 6 months and adjusted where need be. If people start to use this as a bible then we will control what a fair price is, a starting point for the market.  I have used the dp guide before and just because the dp guide states a price i look at it and in the end i agree or disagree and set my price based on what i paid for it or where i am selling it as being fair on pricing is important to me.

This will not happen with everyone but when that persons shit does not sell, there is no choice but to take offers or lower your prices.
People are not mindless zombies so i dont think people will take this list as "law" the ebay scum can but on forums where i buy most to all of my games we will know better.


Gotta disagree with ya, Zeta. The free market has run rampant and here's the proof:

No point in taking an average when nearly everything is usurped by greedy resellers and price gougers. They've bought group auctions for ridiculous amounts, then sell them for more ridiculous amounts. Take Super Air Zonk. A week ago, a reseller bought a Turbo Duo lot including Super Air Zonk for $300 before anyone else knew there was one. Later, he put it up for sale (w/ loose Air Zonk) for $155 and got picked up by Pompous (Pompey Parsons). Where he now sold it for $195. That's just one example.

These resellers' chokehold has not only effected everyone on forums and websites, but everybody worldwide (nationwide at least). Store owners are constantly referring to Ebay to justify all their pricing and in turn, screwing the consumer into unnecessary flipping more cash just because some fat schmoo in his mom's basement believes he's entitled to a king's ransom. We don't need a snapshot, we need a lasso to hogtie these crazy critters in their place.

/rant end


changed a couple prices today and removed The auction flag. Ebay shouldnt be a gage as to what prices actually are. There are too many games being sold on ebay that actually dont sell for the high prices that the sellers are asking.


I like this thread and I think it is a good idea. That said, I also agree with nearly everything Zeta said (about the danger of Price Lists not merely reporting trends, but rather directly influencing the "market value" of items).

So, I think a healthy compromise is to continue this Price List, as you intended, but to at least add some disclaimers/notes about the prices that really seem out-of-whack. Also, we should mention alternatives (i.e. identifying cheaper Japanese versions, when appropriate, and pointing out any differences that exist... Magical Chase North America mixes up the order of stages found in its Japanese counterpart, for example.).

* If we do all of these things, we have more than a price list, but a "Buyer's Guide" that will INFORM folks.  Even if we never agree on the prices, we can at least reach a consensus on the "Buyer's Guide" and help educate folks so that they make informed purchases. *

My 2 cents, anyway.

Also, so the price list doesn't get muddled in extensive commentary/notes, we can use * (asterisk) or 1 2 A B  ... (superscript) in the list itself and provide extended endnotes/footnotes.

My 3 cents, anyway.

Quote from: geise on 06/19/2009, 09:54 AM
Quote from: exile on 06/19/2009, 02:49 AMGood looking on the Slip Vegas. I didn't even know about it. I wonder why W.D. never tried to bring the second game to the U.S.
I would guess the sales were kinda so so, plus the Duo was already being taken of store shelves at EB and other stores.  The Duo was starting to die and WD was already moving onto the Sega CD.
Also, Vasteel 2 is nothing like Vasteel 1. IMHO, Vasteel 2 is pretty lame, or, at the very least, it is not a game you can instantly get into. Vasteel 1 is pretty accessible and inviting compared to Vasteel 2. Did I mention that Vasteel 2 doesn't seem to be any fun? :)


Vasteel 2 is more like Macross: Eternal Love Song, pure strategy game with Mechs... 

My main memories of Vasteel 2 was was compatiblity with lots of different hardware "upgrades": Mouse, Memory Base 128, Arcade Card. :P  The game goes through a sort of "system check" at the beginning and tells you what it finds.  oh, and I think the animated sequences were very nice.

That said, I think Vasteel 1 had more gameplay options (computer-controlled or player-controlled battles, choice of side in the conflict, 2 player modes, CD or PCM music, etc.)  I haven't played either game in a while so I don't know if Vasteel 2 offers some of those options. (Well, I was unhappy that I couldn't actually control the mechs during the battle sequence.  [-( )


Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


You should've sold that Magical Chase to me for $200!


I am not sure if you were responding to me, but I mean I want to pay 175 for a copy of magical chase!!!
Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


So what are some member prices that people have actually paid??? Obviously we are not mentioning auctions, but I think that price is half of what it may go for even on this site, auctioned... I am curious if anyone has sold it here for 175 or under...

Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


Hey Press_Run... wanna back up those numbers with a sale?

I'll paypal you the $$ for the two I'm missing from my collection:

Bonk 3 cd $175 ($80)
super air zonk $175 ($75)

$155?  +$10 shipping sound fair?  We got a deal?

And you Sparky:

magical chase-175.00 (no auctions mentions)
bonk 3 cd-175.00  ($100-$125)
dynastic hero-400.00 varies on auctions ($300 no auction mentions)

I'm missing those... I'd gladly pay $600 for the three.  + $15 shipping?

How 'bout it boys?  back up your pricing with a sale to the 'ole kattare? 

Webhost by day, ( retro gamer by night.


I am with kattare on this one, the prices on the list are not correct.

Ebay is the closest thing to a retail stock market.  Just like the real stock market, sometimes prices get out of line, but also like the stock market, there are corrections.  Currently game prices might be at an all-time high, but that doesn't mean they are overpriced.

Games are a commodity, just like oil, gold, fine art, corn, etc.  Unfortunately if you are into games to play them, like I am, then this can be an upsetting thought.  For all of us that do not own the games we want, we obviously would like to get them very cheap, and for that reason threads like this exist.

I am not a reseller, but rather a gamer. I have been since the 80s when I couldn't be dragged from an arcade. Seeing the price of being a gamer sucks, it is hard to swallow.  I hope to stumble upon a magical chase for $20, but I am fully aware of the fact it will never happen.  I feel just like the little kid who loves A-Rod and wants his $500 rookie card for the spokes of his bike.

However, it is likely I will have to suck it up and pay.  Just like gold and oil, I don't see games value going down any time soon.  The market is correct, and it will continue to grow.  That is why I paid $120 for bonk 3 hu, I honestly think it will be $200 in a year or two.

Hopefully we can keep the warm heartedness of this site active. I have sold games on here, always below ebay, but that is only because I hope of reciprocation some day. But to all the people who want to sell their games for market value, can you blame them?


A lot of good points are being made... But if some idiot is willing to pay 2900 for a sealed magical chase, that is the HIGH point of what is sold for, certainly not an average.. Ebay does do some kind of average thing to get a value of items... But, I believe after the ebay fees, and (maybe) shipping cost, and time involved, you are looking at a reduction of 15-20 percent off the sale price.  I think prices on this forum may be more "sane" and logical, but if people are truly willing to pay crazy prices, then that is what the market dictionary... The demand is high, and the supply is low... I doubt there will be a turbo grafx crash, unless NEC or someone opens a vault of games and floods the market.... And, I have to imagine that any magical chase that sold for 175 here, would more than likely end up on ebay, unless you are like me, and need it!!
Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


These are fair prices in my eyes, and I have seen them, more on forums and less on ebay of coarse.

Hey, I like the fact that this little community gives all of us another option as I don't look to ebay anymore, I did in my early days, but I did not know any better and realized my mistake. Call me foolish or out of touch but with patients and with the good people here and on other forums my collection is almost complete with the majority of it, especially the big ticket games without the help of ebay.

so laugh at these prices.... But I am doing the same when you spend twice as much on ebay :P


I would love to get bomberman 93, jacky chan, nuetopia 2, hero tonma, magical chase, time cruise, and world sports competition on here! 

I don't think anyone would laugh at those prices, I would love to pay those.. If you want the games right now, then you are going to have to use ebay, or wait and schmooze with members, maybe there are deals hiding or people with dupes...
Manuals needed: Airzonk
hu: MC, PCE: Zero Wing


maybe i am just lucky with finding games and deals.

I have 3 duo games left and there all pretty pricey so i will wait for that right price or trade to come along as long as it takes. Why pay top dollar for the game on ebay, or feel you have to.

If your going to collect be smart about it, the hunt is always better than the catch.
It may take years to get those 3 games i need but oh well i am sure i will find something else to do :P


the hunt is nice sometimes... took me 8 years to get a magical chase complete :) in the end im very happy but it took alot of patience, i ended up with a fairly mint complete game for a realistic price though..  :)
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

PC Engine Special Cards : Bomberman User Battle

Alydnes Super Grafx


The problem with the hunt, (and your theory) is that as time goes on, the rarer games get more and more expensive, and the longer you hunt, the more expensive they get, especially in the open market, and the more people become aware that they're worth a lot, the more people you end up with in the hunt...

I suppose I could wait year after year, garage sale hunting, forum searching, etc... but I don't enjoy scavenger hunting, I have a day job, I have 3 kids, and a wife.  For me, the hunt is just a PITA.  :-)

My feeling is that with a lot of these games, good deals are going to get fewer and farther in-between, and a good forum deal a year from now may very well be what I can get it for on ebay today.
Webhost by day, ( retro gamer by night.


Quote from: kattare on 02/26/2010, 02:53 PMThe problem with the hunt, (and your theory) is that as time goes on, the rarer games get more and more expensive, and the longer you hunt, the more expensive they get, especially in the open market, and the more people become aware that they're worth a lot, the more people you end up with in the hunt...

I suppose I could wait year after year, garage sale hunting, forum searching, etc... but I don't enjoy scavenger hunting, I have a day job, I have 3 kids, and a wife.  For me, the hunt is just a PITA.  :-)

My feeling is that with a lot of these games, good deals are going to get fewer and farther in-between, and a good forum deal a year from now may very well be what I can get it for on ebay today.
Then ebay is your answer and that is fine, pay the so called "market value" and get the game asap.

I have a day job, wife, 2 kids and a stupid dog and i have been collecting/gaming for years, hell my wife even helps me look cause i enjoy the hunt, maybe i am a lucky bastard but the rare games seem to fall into my hand in trade or for a good price in time, & ya know what if i don't find it so what. I tell ya 1 thing, i never have to justify what i have paid for a game with "well that is the market value"

EDIT: look i do not mean to keep on with the ebay hate i just hate seeing fellower gamers/collectors give up and pay the big bucks over there to sellers that are laughing all the way to the bank. <<sigh>>


Quote from: guest on 03/03/2010, 07:38 PMEDIT: look i do not mean to keep on with the ebay hate i just hate seeing fellower gamers/collectors give up and pay the big bucks over there to sellers that are laughing all the way to the bank. <<sigh>>
Heh, I hear ya there.  I'm no ebay fan myself, having tried for a year or so now to eeek out some hobby cash using ebay, it's been nothing but rape...  the listing fees, final value fees, requirement that you use paypal, and the paypal fees... it really is unbelievable.  My problem is that I try to share the love and sell things at somewhat reasonable prices.  I have also looked at the alternatives... forums (where I've made many offers of $500 or so for Magical Chase, etc.) and other auction sites... (duked it out with wmaconagle (sp?) at one point for a magical chase on chase the chuckwagon and gave up at $800+)  I don't live in a large enough community for craigslist to make sense... and there are no flea markets anywhere near here.  heh.  such a bummer.

I didn't start out trying to collect all of the TG games... It's just slowly become an obsession.  :-)

Quote from: guest on 03/03/2010, 07:38 PMThen ebay is your answer and that is fine, pay the so called "market value" and get the game asap.
I wish I had two years ago.  I think some of my frustration is that two years ago I told myself I'd wait until a good deal came up, as $300 seemed expensive at the time.  Since then I've only seen it get exponentially higher.  heh.  suxxxxxxxx.
Webhost by day, ( retro gamer by night.


haha i turned down boxed complete MC for 300 or less many a time thinking it was insane a few years back :)  Crazy how things can change, at one point turbo collecting was dead, i knew of just a couple of people, and then a whole stack of new people pushing the prices way way up..
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

PC Engine Special Cards : Bomberman User Battle

Alydnes Super Grafx

Turbo D

I blame Nintendo. They brought all these awesome TurboGrafx-16™ to their "wii" and created a whole new fanbase. This "noob" fanbase had no idea what our beloved games were worth and began to be exploited on ebay. Sellers like gamesquad and the such continued to exploit said noobs until the "ebay market price" of games became insanely high. Since TurboGrafx-16™ games are so bad-ass, these neofans continue to go nutz over having the real thing and are forced to pay $1000+ for Magical Chase. :wink:
Quote from: MissaFX on 01/06/2008, 12:10 PMMy idea of gaming is a couple of friends over, a couple of drinks, a couple of medical-handrolled-game-enhancing-cigs and a glowing box you all worship.


Thank GOD i bought my MC (card only) in Florda backin 2000 at a flea market. I only paid 80 plus a broken duo system. THANK YOU GOD! I due wish i could have the booklet.


Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 03/03/2011, 12:13 PMWhy exactly isn't this thread stickied?
Well, winddancer isn't a member anymore and hasn't updated his post for a year and a half.

Since it's hard to keep such a thing up to date, perhaps a stickied "price check" thread would be a good idea.  It could have a link to this as well as instructions for everyone to put their "how much is this worth?" questions in one place.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Price guides are a horrible idea for any number of reasons that we've gone over time and time again, which is why it isn't stickied.

vestcunt's idea isn't half bad, though.

The only kind of price guide I'd really like to see is a thread where everyone can chime in with what they paid for any given game and then let the end user be the judge of what's fair based on other's contributions.
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


I think it is time for some sort of thread... how about.. "your guide to a fair price" so we can link that thread to the ebay f@ckers that drop by. I am willing to even look after this (plus bluebeamer as well).

Since i have been here values for "fair" prices have not moved much... we keep saying the same shit over and over again to new guys... why not thread it?


Hi all i know I'm new and haven't really had time to be on here but i did find a Racketboy kinda gives the going rate for all TG 16/Due/PC engine rare games. Ill post the link.

I thought these was kinda up to speed.
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch


I almost threw up when I was this thread resurrected.  :|

nat's comments stand.


Quote from: SMF on 03/05/2011, 11:13 PMHi all i know I'm new and haven't really had time to be on here but i did find a Racketboy kinda gives the going rate for all TG 16/Due/PC engine rare games. Ill post the link.

I thought these was kinda up to speed.
I dont quite agree with what they say in that posting :-|
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Exactly. All those are are a quick snapshot of what you might see these games for sitting as BIN items on eBay.

Also, precious few of those games are actually "rare." Darius Alpha is.... And, uh, maybe Bazaru De Gozaru No Game De Gozaru.
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: SMF on 03/05/2011, 11:13 PMHi all i know I'm new and haven't really had time to be on here but i did find a Racketboy kinda gives the going rate for all TG 16/Due/PC engine rare games. Ill post the link.

I thought these was kinda up to speed.
Some of those prices are beyond ridiculous, even by Ebay standards.
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


SOme of the so called "rare games" they talk about ive found cheaper. Not alot of sites out there have what the going rate for games are. The sad fact is when noobs to the Nec/Pc see that they go ape shit and first thing in there mind is EBAY.
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch


Aside from the possibility of finding games at flea markets and thrift/pawn shops, where else can you really go to find them at a resonable price? I've purchase turbo games at conventions I've gone to that were a fair price, but any more they is a rarity to find there too. Except for the copy of Insanity I just purchased from Arkhan, I haven't bought a turbo game since Meteor Blast DX because of prices.