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Buying Advice

Started by thrush, 08/31/2011, 09:12 PM

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I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, so my apologies if it should be in Sales & Trades.

So, strictly for sentimental reasons I would really like to get a hold of the North American rendition of Valis 3.  I know this title isn't rare, but it isn't Keith Courage, either.  I've seen boxed copies on here I think twice since I got on board, but I don't really want to pay boxed prices when I'd be perfectly happy with a loosie.  I stalk a couple of used game stores both locally & on-line and I haven't seen it show up yet.  It's frequently on Ebay, but surprise surprise the prices always seem a little steep (lowest I've seen is ~$60).

I was just hoping those wiser than myself in the ways of the Turbob might help me decide ... should I keep waiting & watching for a loose copy, should I spend more to get a boxed/ebay copy, or should I give up and get the less expensive Japanese version?

I don't mind waiting per se: I've been waiting to get this game for 18 years now.  ^_^  But, I don't want to be obstinate & miss out altogether, either, you know?


I think I've bought it twice and sold it once (after the first buy hehe)  Each time it was around $30 or so for a CD / Case / Manual copy.  I'd just hold out, one will show up here eventually.  Unless you're into box collecting, its pretty wasteful to spend the extra to get the boxed copies.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


I have only seen it sell for $25-$30 but with ebay prices lately it wouldn't surprise me if it was going for $60.
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


Want my advice? Buy the japanese version and watch the cutscenes on youtube.
PSN: Dynastic_Hero
Steam: Dynastic_Hero


Now is a terrible time to be getting into U.S. Turbo collecting. I'm always a huge advocate of patience, as it is how I acquired my collection at reasonable prices, but you can sometimes end up waiting a long time (read: years) for that good deal. Rest assured, however, that good deal WILL show up sooner or later.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


yeah with it being  a platformer you really don't need to know japanese to play the game so if you ever run out of patience just get the japanese version plus if you are going down that road you might as well get the PCE Valis IV and the remake of Valis I cause those are actually the better 2 out of the 4 of the series!


+1 for patience.  Make a want to buy thread and/or keep your eyes peeled on ebay.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I think that I still have a spare copy. I'll check when I get home later tonight.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: thrush on 08/31/2011, 09:12 PMI am not sure if this is the right place to post this, so my apologies if it should be in Sales & Trades.

So, strictly for sentimental reasons I would really like to get a hold of the North American rendition of Valis 3.  I know this title isn't rare, but it isn't Keith Courage, either.  I've seen boxed copies on here I think twice since I got on board, but I don't really want to pay boxed prices when I'd be perfectly happy with a loosie.  I stalk a couple of used game stores both locally & on-line and I haven't seen it show up yet.  It's frequently on Ebay, but surprise surprise the prices always seem a little steep (lowest I've seen is ~$60).

I was just hoping those wiser than myself in the ways of the Turbob might help me decide ... should I keep waiting & watching for a loose copy, should I spend more to get a boxed/ebay copy, or should I give up and get the less expensive Japanese version?

I don't mind waiting per se: I've been waiting to get this game for 18 years now.  ^_^  But, I don't want to be obstinate & miss out altogether, either, you know?
I got the manual fairly inexpensively (a few dollars) and then a loose copy a few months ago for around 12.00 shipped. I don't have the outer box


Barring CrackTiger's proposal I'd try and be patient like the others here say. Just look what it did for me finally finding Beyond Shadowgate! It was a great deal and I didn't have to hand over a litter of pure bred bloodhounds to get it.


Sorry, although I spotted the extra copy of Fighting Street which I picked up at the same time, I couldn't find any spare Valis II's.

For what it's worth, I got it in a lot of 30'ish mostly PC Engine games for not much more than $100. It's never been uncommon or pricey, there just aren't many available right now for the true going rate.

Here's one complete for $25 Canadian though-

Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


the OP wanted Valis III tho


Roman numerals are confusing.  :P
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Wow, thanks everyone, I didn't expect so many replies!  So the lesson I take away is to hold out for a good deal.  $30 sounds totally reasonable to me.  I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being too stingy!

If it was any other game, I would totally go for the Japanese option and call it done, but Valis 3 has a special place in my heart and you know how that can be.  Maybe I should still go ahead and get a copy of the PCE version, though, just to tide me over.  I'll have to put together a WTB thread in the near future....  Thanks again!


I'd also promote waiting for deals, I have 54 hueys (28 where gifts) and the most I've spent on a game is 15 bucks.