12/23/2024: Localization News - Team Innocent

PC-FX Localization for Team Innocent is released, a pre-Christmas gift!! In a twist, it feels like the NEC PC-FX got more attention in 2024 than any other time I can remember! Caveat: The localizers consider the "v0.9" patch a BETA as it still faces technical hurdles to eventually subtitle the FMV scenes, but they consider it very much playable.
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Petition for a new (sub-)forum section called "user's collection"

Started by Tatsujin, 09/07/2011, 10:40 PM

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Yes we need!
12 (52.2%)
No we don't need?
9 (39.1%)
I do not know coz am Le Dumb.
2 (8.7%)

Total Members Voted: 23


This (sub-)forum its only purpose is to keep track on each user's collection with pictures and stuff.

So everyone can open his very own collection thread (all system related) and post his collection as well any new updates and haul etc.

Thanx :D
www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


I am like lé dummkopf
but I do like monty hauls and hauly shores


If anyone gets any leads on a "fair priced" copy of Coryoon, please lemme know!

Where is fancy bred?


Yeah that would be badass! I love looking at peoples game rooms and collections. My favorite sections on other forums are the game rooms/collections. It's also awesome seeing other members hobbies and projects progressing.
You could have it like 1 thread per users collection or specific project. That would be a lot of fun and something new to this place.


I think a sub-thread for collections would be sweet. We should merge the existing thread with a new one if a sub-forum is created.


This is an idea I have often thought about posting.  Im glad someone finally did so.  Hopefully this will be approved.  It would be nice to have something like this here.  :)


Hell no.  Why would everyone need their own private thread to post the info. currently going into the 'what did you buy' and 'show us your collection' threads?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 09/08/2011, 09:24 AMHell no.  Why would everyone need their own private thread to post the info. currently going into the 'what did you buy' and 'show us your collection' threads?
lol.  I can understand that totally.  However, it would be nice to have a more in depth section.  I would use it for sure.  The "what did you buy today" thread is nice, I use it often.  However, its more of a look what I got today kinda thing.  Least for me it is.  :)


Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


www.pcedaisakusen.net - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat on 09/08/2011, 11:39 PMHere we go again....
With all do respect nat, I understand the need to make sound judgements on what to include and what to strike down to keep the site orderly. But, every time I see someone make a suggestion for a sub-forum you seem to take an attitude towards it. Maybe it is just the 'ol problem of reading text as opposed to hearing the words coming from you personally but that is the tone I get. Sure, there needs to be a high wall to scale for certain changes to happen. Otherwise the site would be a garbled mess. I think you do a wonderful job here nat. You strike a nice balance of not getting too excited in either direction. If you like the site the way is (and I am not saying that you do) then that's cool. All I ask is please be a bit more neutral. :)


Tatsujin's idea might make for a great addition to each member's profile. On our profiles, why not have a spot for our collections. I think tats' idea is worth considering. If we take elabit's suggestion of 1 collection thread per user, it seems to me the best way to implement it would be to make it part of each user's profile.


I like rag-time's suggestion a lot more than the idea of another subforum, but I don't know if it's possible with the current software.

QuoteWith all do respect nat, I understand the need to make sound judgements on what to include and what to strike down to keep the site orderly. But, every time I see someone make a suggestion for a sub-forum you seem to take an attitude towards it. Maybe it is just the 'ol problem of reading text as opposed to hearing the words coming from you personally but that is the tone I get. Sure, there needs to be a high wall to scale for certain changes to happen. Otherwise the site would be a garbled mess. I think you do a wonderful job here nat. You strike a nice balance of not getting too excited in either direction. If you like the site the way is (and I am not saying that you do) then that's cool. All I ask is please be a bit more neutral.
Like I said above, Aaron will have to make the final call on this. I don't make any final decisions. If I had my way, we'd combine the PCE and Turbo areas into one.

I'm a very strong proponent of "less is more" when it comes to subforums. There is nothing stopping people from creating their own collection threads as it is, if they feel the need.

That's all I really want to say about it, since I nearly got lynched over the LaserActive fiasco.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Hey, that is actually a much better idea come to thinkn of it.  That keeps it clean, and personal.  Making it a part of one's profile is an excellent thought.  Also, I have always wondered why the pcengine and turbo forums are not together.  Seems a bit silly to me.  Maybe at the time of the site's birth, it was a better idea.  But now..  I feel it would better serve the forums as a whole.  I cant tell you how many times I have to go through each forum searching for  a thread.  Mainly the sale threads, but still.



Quote from: nat on 09/10/2011, 04:39 AMI like rag-time's suggestion a lot more than the idea of another subforum, but I don't know if it's possible with the current software.

QuoteWith all do respect nat, I understand the need to make sound judgements on what to include and what to strike down to keep the site orderly. But, every time I see someone make a suggestion for a sub-forum you seem to take an attitude towards it. Maybe it is just the 'ol problem of reading text as opposed to hearing the words coming from you personally but that is the tone I get. Sure, there needs to be a high wall to scale for certain changes to happen. Otherwise the site would be a garbled mess. I think you do a wonderful job here nat. You strike a nice balance of not getting too excited in either direction. If you like the site the way is (and I am not saying that you do) then that's cool. All I ask is please be a bit more neutral.
Like I said above, Aaron will have to make the final call on this. I don't make any final decisions. If I had my way, we'd combine the PCE and Turbo areas into one.

I'm a very strong proponent of "less is more" when it comes to subforums. There is nothing stopping people from creating their own collection threads as it is, if they feel the need.

That's all I really want to say about it, since I nearly got lynched over the LaserActive fiasco.
I had no idea the LazerActive situation was that heated.


Im totally against merging the turbo and pce subforums!! For one, its a big part of the charm of the site. Practically speaking, it helps organize discussion about many topics, and helps keep clear which games, consoles, and accessories are Import only, and which ones arent.
Quote from: elabit on 09/10/2011, 10:41 AMHere's an example, It's Superplay's PCE collection thread on Assembler.
elabit i checked that link out, and it seems a perfect example of what tats is suggesting. I could see that idea working out great here. Maybe we can create an entry on the member profile to link to his/her collecton thread!


Its a pretty vulgar idea. Fine for the spinning rims crowd, but kind of tacky, IMO.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 09/10/2011, 02:58 PMIts a pretty vulgar idea. Fine for the spinning rims crowd, but kind of tacky, IMO.
Yeah, I think I kind of agree with this.  I posted a couple of pics of my setup in the "post your pics" thread, but I don't have much to show.  The idea of having a forum dedicated to showing of your shit seems like a Roy Vegas kind of thing to do.



I lke the "part of one's profile" idea much better than actually having a forum.  Someone here mentioned it, I am just too lazy to go back through it.  lol.


Meh, I still vote Laseractive forum before this one.  This seems a lot more wasteful in my opinion.

However, it is a pretty cool idea if we could add pictures of our collections to our profile page.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 09/19/2011, 04:13 AMHowever, it is a pretty cool idea if we could add pictures of our collections to our profile page.
Here's an option: add a link to your pcedaisakusen collection and a pic(s) of your collection (hosted at image shack or wherever) in your sig.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Thanks for the forum suggestion Tatsujin.  While I agree that a sub-forum would be a cool idea to keep track of users collections, this would also put extra burden on the mods which I wouldn't want them to do.  As suggested, I'd keep track of your collection off-site and then you can link it in your sig if you wish.
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Consoles!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]


Quote from: Mathius on 09/10/2011, 11:32 AM
Quote from: nat on 09/10/2011, 04:39 AMI like rag-time's suggestion a lot more than the idea of another subforum, but I don't know if it's possible with the current software.

QuoteWith all do respect nat, I understand the need to make sound judgements on what to include and what to strike down to keep the site orderly. But, every time I see someone make a suggestion for a sub-forum you seem to take an attitude towards it. Maybe it is just the 'ol problem of reading text as opposed to hearing the words coming from you personally but that is the tone I get. Sure, there needs to be a high wall to scale for certain changes to happen. Otherwise the site would be a garbled mess. I think you do a wonderful job here nat. You strike a nice balance of not getting too excited in either direction. If you like the site the way is (and I am not saying that you do) then that's cool. All I ask is please be a bit more neutral.
Like I said above, Aaron will have to make the final call on this. I don't make any final decisions. If I had my way, we'd combine the PCE and Turbo areas into one.

I'm a very strong proponent of "less is more" when it comes to subforums. There is nothing stopping people from creating their own collection threads as it is, if they feel the need.

That's all I really want to say about it, since I nearly got lynched over the LaserActive fiasco.
I had no idea the LazerActive situation was that heated.
yeah resulting in someone getting a temp. ban even!


The temp. ban had nothing to do with the LaserActive discussion.

In fact, the temp. ban was because certain parties insisted on ignoring cease and desist warnings regarding off-topic trolling, heckling and harassment.
Wayback - thebrothersduomazov.com - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


So, with all the freebie raffles going on lately.... maybe a subforum just for freebies? :lol:  Preferably one that can only be viewed by members so we dont just get peeps coming for the freebies :P

Just a thought! :mrgreen:
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 09/23/2011, 11:03 PMSo, with all the freebie raffles going on lately.... maybe a subforum just for freebies? :lol:  Preferably one that can only be viewed by members so we dont just get peeps coming for the freebies :P

Just a thought! :mrgreen:
Now, thats a thought!


yeah freebie forum would be cool too, it would encourage even more people to pass on their dupes to others


Quote from: elabit on 09/24/2011, 11:21 AMyeah freebie forum would be cool too, it would encourage even more people to pass on their dupes to others
I don't like this idea.  Within a week, it will be loaded with pictures of site members' penises...

But, I gotta look, as I may have some freebie stuff.