10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Started by Ninja Spirit, 07/15/2005, 01:03 AM

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Quote from: guest on 12/19/2011, 10:17 PMI picked up Metal Gear Solid for the PSX again today.  First time I've played it prolly since the late 90's.  Really getting into the VR Training.  The story isn't as much fun as I remember, but maybe I have to get farther into it.
I always liked the story of the first one. It was really great when the game first came out. It blew away the acting and writing of most any PS1 game up to 1999. MGS3 is still my favorite of them all.

Try out Twin Snakes on the Game Cube. A lot of people hate on it for the cut scenes but I don't see the real problem. I really like the fact it was completely redone with the MGS2 engine. More older 3D games should have remakes like this. Being able to use first person and shoot makes the game way more playable.


I remember back when it came out it was pretty revolutionary with it's cinematic feel.  I'm getting more into the story mode.  I think my only problem with it is that I suck at it. :P

I played through MGS2 when it came out and didn't like that one as much as the first one.  I haven't tried playing any of them since.  I'll have to keep my eye out for the GameCube one.


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/21/2011, 05:32 PManyone try the game VVVVVVV from Humble Bundle?  It has some interesting OBEY in a few levels.
I've not got to that yet, but I look forward to it even more now.


Just added a game room to Pet Society (Facebook) Well someone has to play it ;-)



^lol. looks like fun.
I'm still playing skyward sword. i took a break for a bit a week back and beat Ys I & II. I'm about 25 hours into skyward right now. Really enjoying it. Word to the wise for other people playing. There is a glitch in the game that will make your progress halt if you activate it. Look it up. i forget exactly how its triggered


I heard a patch is going out to fix that :s
Haven't got a Wii, so I haven't played it all that much but it's both a fun game and really tedious game. ALL ROLLED INTO ONE. Can't make up my mind on this one.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


^ yeah i heard there was going to be a download channel or something. Ill have to check it out. Also i played some super street fighter 4 arcade edition verison 2012. what a long name.


Played through Gargoyles quest with my brother last night


Quote from: zborgerd on 07/15/2005, 02:27 PMTurbo - Sapphire

It is what it is and it will be what it will be!

Looking for some games, but I will prolly never find.  Sapphire, Magical Chase (US)


Quote from: Retrocool on 12/25/2011, 03:19 AM
Quote from: zborgerd on 07/15/2005, 02:27 PMTurbo - Sapphire

Did you not get one of the repro boot discs?  There are some 400+ of them floating around :P
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


played a bunch of fighters destiny on N64 with a friend that came to my house for xmas. I wish they would make a new one. I also played a game of NBA hangtime with him.


Played a whole lot of BF3, really starting to like it - more fast paced than I expected. Finished the day with trying out Ghost in the Shell for PS1, which has been lying around on the shelf for too long. The game itself is mweh, and somehow my hands hurt but the cutscenes are so worth it. Oh yes. Why couldn't the movies look like this? :s

(Don't get me wrong tho', I like the first movie and the style that GitS: SAC has going on. Innocence however? Not a fan.)
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


Managed to play through the first 6 levels of Ninja Gaiden on the pce last night before I passed out.



Quote from: blueraven on 12/25/2011, 09:06 PMManaged to play through the first 6 levels of Ninja Gaiden on the pce last night before I passed out.

Expect for the music i still think the nes version is better on that part.
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: TR0N on 12/26/2011, 12:32 AMExpect for the music i still think the nes version is better on that part.
Same complaint on SF2CE.


lots of mario kart 7. Sooooooo good


I forgot to play it yesterday so today I played some Christmas Nights on the Saturn.


BADASS night of tobobing, played some Image Fight, Keith Courage, Air Zonk, RType and BRAZING RAZERS all on my region modded Duo R thanks to TheSteve


Playing a lot of this:

A bit of this:

And saving this till later:


Quote from: guest on 12/27/2011, 07:27 AMA bit of this:
Heh, good to see I'm not the only one that plays the Lego games.  I got that one for PSP at launch but have yet to play it - is it pretty funny?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


It has the typical Lego humour.

I love all the Lego games by TT, they are structured almost perfectly for my tastes - not frustrating, easy to complete but lots of replay value to unlock all the extra stuff.


Finished Ghost in the Shell for PS1 yesterday, have a few cutscenes left to unlock tho', probably from the training mode.

Tonight I've yet again failed miserably at Avenger and trying my best to complete Browning - because I'm at level 5 now and I refuse to quit because I refuse to do it all over again. I want it over and done with, so I can put it back on the shelf where it belongs :p

Edit: Argh. Could not seem to beat the final boss. I've taken care of the first two phases but the last one, or what I assume is the last one, was really hard. Only reached him once tho'.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


Quote from: BlueBMW on 12/25/2011, 09:12 AM
Quote from: Retrocool on 12/25/2011, 03:19 AM
Quote from: zborgerd on 07/15/2005, 02:27 PMTurbo - Sapphire

Did you not get one of the repro boot discs?  There are some 400+ of them floating around :P
I did not get the repro boot disc at all.. (insert sad face emoticon here)
It is what it is and it will be what it will be!

Looking for some games, but I will prolly never find.  Sapphire, Magical Chase (US)


DC Universe Online

Monster World IV
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: guest on 08/28/2011, 12:14 AMIt wasn't on a console, but while we were out RVing I picked up "Forbidden Island" at a nearby game shop and we played it this evening.  It was a real hoot!  Here's a link to the game on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Gamewright-317-Forbidden-Island/dp/B003D7F4YY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1314503875&sr=8-1


It's a co-op game, is easy to learn, and the game is relatively quick (30 Minutes) which is a big bonus now that we have a 3 year old and are pretty wiped out after he goes to sleep.  I've been a big fan of Euro-style board games (Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Java, etc) for a long time now and this one snuck up on me.  It's great, and cheap.
I wanted to give a quick update on this (non-video) game. 

I've played this roughly a dozen times now, usually there's 3 or 4 of us playing.  When I had initially posted, we won the first game and lost the next couple games.  We went on to lose the next 5 or 6 consecutive games and I started to think it was a poor investment.  Well, we've won the last 3 consecutive games, so now I'm really liking it.  There's enough randomness to the game that it can be a cakewalk or extremely challenging.  Careful strategy and teamwork go a long way.  Games still last roughly 30 minutes, which I really like.  Depending on the luck of the draw, though, the game can end very quickly with a loss.

I still highly recommend it.  The link above still works and it's about $15. Considering how much use we've gotten out of it over the past few months, I'd say that's a steal.


played some mars matrix for the first time last night, really like the system in this game


Took the remaining 2 achievements for Just Cause 2 earlier today. I have thus proved that I should consider getting a life.
Quote from: esteban on 09/23/2012, 01:40 AMThere is a perverted Japanese businessman in every Swiss PCE fan.


last night i played some bomberman 64 with my girlfriend. I think the multiplayer is pretty fun. Then we played some bonanza brothers on the genny. I wanted to play some micky's world of illusion, but when i picked it up it dropped on my book shelve, and i think it broke. Theres something rattling around in the cart?


Quote from: munchiaz on 01/15/2012, 12:40 PMI wanted to play some micky's world of illusion, but when i picked it up it dropped on my book shelve, and i think it broke. Theres something rattling around in the cart?
Oh no!  That doesn't sound good.  That's one of my most-played Genesis games (though that mostly because I have a 3yr old obsessed with anything Disney).  It's an awesome game and I've managed to make it to the final level, but I haven't beaten it yet.  I was actually playing it some today.

I've also been playing a bunch of Deathsmiles on the Xbox360 (it's $15 at newegg.com - seriously, if you're into shmups check it out!) and some Turbo/PCE stuff: Spriggan, Star Parodier, Devils Crush, and Ys Book II.


Lately I've played a fair bit of Civilization IV and Diablo II on the PC.  I haven't picked up Civ V yet and don't know that I will for awhile.  Civ IV is just so much fun, when I can set aside enough time to enjoy it.

I played some Halo 3 the other day and lost interest in it pretty quickly.  Which is a shame because I really enjoyed the first Halo. 

Also played some of Master of Monsters on a Genesis emulator to take some screenshots and hopefully help work though the PCE version.  Unfortunately, it seems the PCE version menu layout is quite a bit different...  From what I played on the Genesis emulator the game is a blast!


Quote from: guest on 01/15/2012, 11:48 PMand some Turbo/PCE stuff: Spriggan, Star Parodier, Devils Crush, and Ys Book II.
Star Parodier will be the next game I pick up it just looks so fun. I've never really gotten into PCE games but this game look amazing.

Been playing Some Rondo of Blood thanks to Sadler, I'm on stage 5 and really enjoying it so far. I've also played some paper Mario on the N64. I'm gonna sound crazy but the paper Mario series (at least the first two) are my favorite RPGs of all time based purely on Nostalgia.


just more street fighter 4 arcade edition. Practicing with Ryu and Balrog


Been alternating between Gradius, Raiden, and Soldier Blade on my new iphone :D (I got the Turbografx-16 gamebox).
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Pier Solar
Rocket Knight Adventure
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: guest on 01/30/2012, 04:51 PMLately I've played a fair bit of Civilization IV and Diablo II on the PC.  I haven't picked up Civ V yet and don't know that I will for awhile.  Civ IV is just so much fun, when I can set aside enough time to enjoy it.
Civ IV is excellent, but Civ V is also great!  They play quite a bit differently, so for me V will never replace IV.  The way you do combat in V is a lot more tactical, not stack and smash like IV is.  You're only allowed one military unit per hex (yeah its a hex based map instead of square) but units have ranged attacks etc.  About my only gripe in V is the fact that you cant build a monster empire like you can in earlier games.  Its just impossible to keep building cities because you cant support them.  You can take over enemy cities without absorbing them into your empire, so that does work. Do pick up V though, its a very enjoyable game!

Oh and I played Neutopia on the TG16 (had to test out a booster plus) and some Modern Warfare 3 on the PS3.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 02/04/2012, 11:14 AMCiv IV is excellent, but Civ V is also great!  They play quite a bit differently, so for me V will never replace IV.  The way you do combat in V is a lot more tactical, not stack and smash like IV is.  You're only allowed one military unit per hex (yeah its a hex based map instead of square) but units have ranged attacks etc.  About my only gripe in V is the fact that you cant build a monster empire like you can in earlier games.  Its just impossible to keep building cities because you cant support them.  You can take over enemy cities without absorbing them into your empire, so that does work. Do pick up V though, its a very enjoyable game!

Oh and I played Neutopia on the TG16 (had to test out a booster plus) and some Modern Warfare 3 on the PS3.
Thanks for the info on V, Blue!  I'm sure I'll pick it up off Steam during one of their crazy sales. 

Speaking of Steam, I've played a fair amount of Dungeons of Dredmor recently.  It plays like a 16-bit console version of Nethack.


playing soul calibur 5. Its alot of fun. the new additions really make the game better. Also the online modes are awesome


Quote from: munchiaz on 02/04/2012, 02:37 PMplaying soul calibur 5. Its alot of fun. the new additions really make the game better. Also the online modes are awesome
I guess I should try some of the newer Soul Caliber games... I still just play Soul Caliber 1 on Dreamcast or Arcade and that's about it.  I tried to play 2 on Gamecube but it just didnt seem as good as 1 was.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


^ well like i have said a few times before. I play fighters at a competitive level. So my opinions are a little different than other people. I enjoy it because i feel the new systems they added, add to the competitive nature of fighting games. Theres a meter system that was added to the game. Theres also super moves that use 1 full meter (u can get a max of 2) and there are also EX moves that use a portion of your meter. So it adds a level of meter management that 3D fighters don't have

Also theres a new guard system that also uses some meter, and a parry type move that uses no meter but is very frame specific. All these features add to the the game, and make it better for competitive players. But at the end of the day, its still soul calibur, and you can have great fun just playing casually.


Psh.  I'm still playing Soul Blade on the PS1.  Love that game!
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 07/15/2005, 01:03 AMY'all might know this breed of threads at other gaming forums as "Currently Playing/Daily Check" Threads. Post whatever you played for the day, or big accomplishments, brag about getting your new game or tell how great that underrated game you tried was.
I think Final Lap Twin is an underrated game. I like the RPG part the most. It's almost like Dragon Warrior in a way but, with racing.
I would like to see more games like this on the TG16/PC-E.


Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/05/2012, 10:36 PM
Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 07/15/2005, 01:03 AMY'all might know this breed of threads at other gaming forums as "Currently Playing/Daily Check" Threads. Post whatever you played for the day, or big accomplishments, brag about getting your new game or tell how great that underrated game you tried was.
I think Final Lap Twin is an underrated game. I like the RPG part the most. It's almost like Dragon Warrior in a way but, with racing.
I would like to see more games like this on the TG16/PC-E.
You may already know that the exact same premise has been applied to a TENNIS game. I'll let you figure out which tennis game is blessed with this RPG quest.

I, too, love the RPG infusion.


Had a crazy video game day on Sunday.  Played some Sunset Riders (PCB), Blue Dragon (360), Soul Calibur V (360), Valis Phantasm Soldier (PC-E), Cotton (Turbo), Ridge Racer 6, KOF XIII (360) pretty decent, better than XII for sure, and Super Street Fighter IV multi alpha super mega arcade wtf ever title (360).


I recently picked up Metroid Fusion for the GBA and have been thoroughly enjoying it.


Pier Solar
Robo Aleste

The Simpsons Arcade:Do'h !! Fun when it's multiplayer
Wii U:Progearspec


Well I have 5 of the 7 stars in Paper Mario has anyone else played this?


Quote from: guest on 02/07/2012, 09:22 AMI recently picked up Metroid Fusion for the GBA and have been thoroughly enjoying it.
Definitely an awesome game!  Have you played Zero Mission?
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


Been playing Silent Hill Origins on PSP. It's fantastic. It is very typical of all Silent Hill games. If you are a fan of the series, you will love this game!


Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 02/09/2012, 08:26 AM
Quote from: guest on 02/07/2012, 09:22 AMI recently picked up Metroid Fusion for the GBA and have been thoroughly enjoying it.
Definitely an awesome game!  Have you played Zero Mission?
Nope.  I haven't played NES Metroid in ages (20 years?) and never really could get into Prime on the GC.  This is the first Metroid game I've played since.


Quote from: guest on 02/09/2012, 11:05 AM
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 02/09/2012, 08:26 AM
Quote from: guest on 02/07/2012, 09:22 AMI recently picked up Metroid Fusion for the GBA and have been thoroughly enjoying it.
Definitely an awesome game!  Have you played Zero Mission?
Nope.  I haven't played NES Metroid in ages (20 years?) and never really could get into Prime on the GC.  This is the first Metroid game I've played since.
Well, if you're enjoying Fusion, and you liked the original NES Metroid, you should definitely pick it up.  It's basically a GBA rehash of the original story.  I personally liked it better than Fusion, but most people seem to prefer it over Zero Mission.  Still worth a play, though. :D
Quote from: Gogan on 08/01/2013, 09:54 AMPlay Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!