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WTB: I want my minty Duo

Started by kamiboy, 04/10/2012, 09:29 PM

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I have this crazy dream of owning a mint Turbo Duo, but the eBay cartel thinks differently. They think I need to pay them an absurd sum for the privilege.

Will you help me stick it to them, stick it to them good? Then let us talk.

Be careful though, the cartel has agents posted everywhere.



Best of luck!  Someone on here may just have one for ya.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Thanks, I fear we are in for a long haul though.


Quote from: kamiboy on 04/10/2012, 10:24 PMThanks, I fear we are in for a long haul though.
Probably, but you'll get it eventually. Keep checking here and elsewhere and bump this thread every few weeks. It'll come.

Nice to see you wandered over from Racketboy. :P
-region/s-video modded PC Engine Duo w/Arcade Card at www. multimods .com
-region modded Super Grafx
-region modded PC Engine original
-PC-FX w/Zenki, Zeroigar, Chip-Chan, Battle Heat, Der Langrisser FX

Will this complete me?


I am a simple gaming gods fearing man with simple dreams. I'll keep at it with puritan tenacity.


hahah, stick to them good...funny shit  :D

Anyways, you might to clarify your term for MINTY, cause KEITH COURAGE just posted one for sale but it's a PC Duo not Turbo, plus it's modded to play US stuff as well !
So not sure if you're after one for collecting or gaming, cause if it's for gaming u can't beat KEITH's which plays both regions AND S-Video.


Well I am fresh off of a whole scuffle over my terms over at Racketboy, but let me print them here in brief. 

Mint means unmodded, untampered and unviolated. A fully working North American pristine, lightly used Turbo Duo complete in a pristine looking box just as it rolled off of a assembly line all those years ago. 

If I wanted a tampered with Japanese unit there is always that Douji fellow on eBay who specializes in that.

I want this to play with and I know the risks of curses, leprosy and bad capacitors, but I am an adult dammit and I want to make mistakes if I feel like it and I want to pay lavishly for them to boot.


Quote from: kamiboy on 04/12/2012, 09:20 PMWell I am fresh off of a whole scuffle over my terms over at Racketboy, but let me print them here in brief.

Mint means unmodded, untampered and unviolated. A fully working North American pristine, lightly used Turbo Duo complete in a pristine looking box just as it rolled off of a assembly line all those years ago.

If I wanted a tampered with Japanese unit there is always that Douji fellow on eBay who specializes in that.

I want this to play with and I know the risks of curses, leprosy and bad capacitors, but I am an adult dammit and I want to make mistakes if I feel like it and I want to pay lavishly for them to boot.
A pristine box will cost you more than the system.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Par for the course I guess, with pieces of cardboard costing more than chips, silicon, plastic and wires that can do so much more.

But pristine box means that it shouldn't look like someone used it as a punching bag. I swear, PC Engine hardware on average come in the sorriest states that I've seen for any console. Especially any hardware from Japan, they always look like someone dug them out from under a large pile of rubble, or yanked them out of the bottom of a bog.

Come on people, if I am going to pay hundreds for something I want it to look presentable at least.


So, you want one like this, right? 

I paid a decent amount of money for it, BUT, that included shipping from Europe.  They are out there, but they arent so cheap anymore.  Your best bet is to keep looking and posting here in the forums.  Someone here most likely will be your best bet, for the best deal.  People like Thiabut(spelling?), which is where I got this one from.  Then you have a few others like myself, BlueBMW, and a couple others that pick up things here and there.  If you hang in there, you will get a boxed unit for a decent price.  However, for the immediate satisfaction of playing.. I suggest getting a loose one to hold you over.  :)


That is the ticket, just like the one I wouldn't mind seeing in my own home.

As for a loose one, well, not for the prices loose PC Engine CD hardware are going for. I don't like paying more than about 50 ducats for any loose hardware, and with PC Engine you are easily looking at four to five times that.

Besides, this might sound crazy, but I only plan on getting two CD games for the system, and not because I haven't been looking. Not really being too infatuated with arcade shooters does not help when that is the forte of the CD system library.

Besides, I already have a port of one of those CD games for the PSP. So if I ever had the heroine shakes for playing it there is always that. I've been wanting a Duo for two years now, I can wait a year or two more.



Well, with the amount of money you arent willing to spend.  I'd say you are looking into the wrong console line.  :)


Quote from: Bernie on 04/13/2012, 10:51 AMWell, with the amount of money you arent willing to spend.  I'd say you are looking into the wrong console line.  :) 
Nah, I totally get him.  I don't want many CD games at the mo, as I'm all about the HuCards, but I collect boxed systems, and I want them as complete as possible.  I think what I'll do is fund that collection by modding and selling some of my White Engines with Blues RGB mod chips, and sell one of my spare GT's.  If that goes well I can see that getting me at least a couple more systems.
Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


I save the big funds for mint boxed systems. Loose consoles are throwaway garbage to me. I recently bought a NES for 10, a fat PS2 in pretty good condition for 25 and model 1 Genesis for the same, only with shipping included.

That is what loose used systems should cost in my opinion.

Anywaste, the moral of the story is I am prolly not going to get a backup CD system. Also, is not all this casual back and forth talk in a WTB thread frowned upon? I am going to keep my mouth shut from now on, I think potential sellers have enough info as to what exactly I am looking for.


No, it isn't frowned upon.  Least it shouldn't be.  Keeps the topic up front, and gives more people a chance to see what you want.  :)


Quote from: Bernie on 04/13/2012, 12:30 PMNo, it isn't frowned upon.  Least it shouldn't be.  Keeps the topic up front, and gives more people a chance to see what you want.  :) 
Not to mention when people here on the forum see your personality and posting here/there, they're more likely to give out a better deal then someone who just joined to say "sell me this, now."  O:) There's alot of good people in this community.


It is funny how each community focusing on a specific console has a different collective personality. I like you guys so far, as I do your system of choice.