What Turbo game are you currently playing?

Started by WandererFromYs, 02/28/2008, 12:22 AM

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Can't even get past the first stage in that game. The first boss is fine, but after that it's just difficult. Are most shooters in the same way where if you die, you have to start the stage over? I thought you would respawn lol.

Anyways, I'm sort of playing Final Lap Twin. Unique game, but I can't even win any races LOL


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 04/26/2012, 04:35 PMCan't even get past the first stage in that game. The first boss is fine, but after that it's just difficult. Are most shooters in the same way where if you die, you have to start the stage over? I thought you would respawn lol.
In Blazing Lazers there are some powerup spheres that cycle through different powerups (I-IV or the different 2nd tier abilities).  Whe you shoot them they stop cycling for a moment.  If you shoot them a ton, they will eventually start flashing and moving back towards the top of the screen. If you pick them up when they are flashing like that, then your ship starts off in the same spot as where you died.  

Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 04/26/2012, 04:35 PMAnyways, I'm sort of playing Final Lap Twin. Unique game, but I can't even win any races LOL
Well at least when you lose you still end up getting more money.  :)  After a couple of upgrades and some track memorization, you should be able to whip through most of the random battles pretty easily.  The bosses can be pretty tricky, though, if I remember correctly. I started playing through this again a few months ago and really enjoyed it, but moved on to something else after about the second boss.  I'll have to pick it up again.  I hate those passwords....


Really getting into some R-Type again. I beat it as a kid trying to get threw it again. The screen flashed brings back sooo many memories lol.
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 04/26/2012, 04:35 PMCan't even get past the first stage in that game. The first boss is fine, but after that it's just difficult. Are most shooters in the same way where if you die, you have to start the stage over? I thought you would respawn lol.

Anyways, I'm sort of playing Final Lap Twin. Unique game, but I can't even win any races LOL
Blazing Lazers is know as one of the easier shoot 'em ups on the system there's 9 stages and shit goes down on the 9 stage. Don't be discouraged though memorizing patterns through several playthrough will get you further in, and make sure you pick up the shield It makes things easy.


Finally did it!

A nearly maxed out weapon III + homing missiles ended up doing the trick on stage 9 where I was having so much trouble. After how rough this level was, the boss fight didn't end up being too bad and I got through on my first attempt.

I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I like shooters but I'm not very good at 'em and could probably count all the turbob shmups I've cleared on one hand. As frustrating as this one got, I just couldn't stop playing it, and it was a satisfying clear.

Now I can finally move on. Yay.  :D


Quote from: jperryss on 04/26/2012, 08:25 PMFinally did it!
A nearly maxed out weapon III + homing missiles ended up doing the trick on stage 9 where I was having so much trouble. After how rough this level was, the boss fight didn't end up being too bad and I got through on my first attempt.

I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I like shooters but I'm not very good at 'em and could probably count all the turbob shmups I've cleared on one hand. As frustrating as this one got, I just couldn't stop playing it, and it was a satisfying clear.

Now I can finally move on. Yay.  :D
Sweet!  Congratulations!


Quote from: guest on 04/26/2012, 08:51 PM
Quote from: jperryss on 04/26/2012, 08:25 PMFinally did it!
A nearly maxed out weapon III + homing missiles ended up doing the trick on stage 9 where I was having so much trouble. After how rough this level was, the boss fight didn't end up being too bad and I got through on my first attempt.

I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I like shooters but I'm not very good at 'em and could probably count all the turbob shmups I've cleared on one hand. As frustrating as this one got, I just couldn't stop playing it, and it was a satisfying clear.

Now I can finally move on. Yay.  :D
Sweet!  Congratulations!
Yes congrats, Easy to keep plaing when the Blazeing Lazers music is soooo badass.
Welcome to Prime Time B!tch


Quote from: jperryss on 04/26/2012, 08:25 PMFinally did it!

Now I can finally move on. Yay.  :D
Congratulations! I loved how graceful (and unexpected!) the final boss "lady" was....the world needs more games with elegance like that!


Playing through this one really reminded me of The Guardian Legend, which I own for the NES, and loved as a kid but have not played through in many years. You can definitely see the similarities in the two games, especially the eyeball mid-boss and the stage 8 skull boss with the eyes. I think I recognized some of the sound effects too. I understand Compile developed both games, which would explain the similarities.

Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2012, 09:10 PMCongratulations! I loved how graceful (and unexpected!) the final boss "lady" was....the world needs more games with elegance like that!
Yep, definitely! It was kind of a nice touch after such a hellish level. The very final part was a little frantic though.

Any recommendations on US shmups with comparable difficulty? Sadly I've got a bunch of TG and PCE hueys that have been neglected since I bought them, but now that I have some more time I plan on finally giving them a go. With the exception of Deep Blue and Sinistron, I think I've got every other US shooter (some are PCE versions though). I'd like to work my way up in difficulty.


I've been playing Galaga 90 and I have been loving it!

PCE is Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition....with the stranded 2 button controller lol!!!


Quote from: jperryss on 04/26/2012, 09:39 PMPlaying through this one really reminded me of The Guardian Legend, which I own for the NES, and loved as a kid but have not played through in many years. You can definitely see the similarities in the two games, especially the eyeball mid-boss and the stage 8 skull boss with the eyes. I think I recognized some of the sound effects too. I understand Compile developed both games, which would explain the similarities.

Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2012, 09:10 PMCongratulations! I loved how graceful (and unexpected!) the final boss "lady" was....the world needs more games with elegance like that!
Yep, definitely! It was kind of a nice touch after such a hellish level. The very final part was a little frantic though.

Any recommendations on US shmups with comparable difficulty? Sadly I've got a bunch of TG and PCE hueys that have been neglected since I bought them, but now that I have some more time I plan on finally giving them a go. With the exception of Deep Blue and Sinistron, I think I've got every other US shooter (some are PCE versions though). I'd like to work my way up in difficulty.
Cyber Core is another game that eases you through the first few levels like Blazing Lazers, but then gets hectic later on around stage 5 or 6. It's a very underrated game IMO. I love the bug theme power-ups. :)


Quote from: chany60126 on 04/26/2012, 11:47 PMCyber Core is another game that eases you through the first few levels like Blazing Lazers, but then gets hectic later on around stage 5 or 6. It's a very underrated game IMO. I love the bug theme power-ups. :)
I definitely remember Cyber Core being one that I liked and probably gave up on way too quickly. I think I'd bought a bunch of PCE games at the same time as this, which didn't help. I will pop this one in in the next day or two. Thanks!


I busted out Psychosis again last night and played for a good while. Only the second time I've played the game, and I'm glad I went back to it. The music's sorta annoying, but in a good way. It fits the whole theme of the game pretty well. I love the effect of the power-ups bursting in from "behind" the screen, and the enemies are just fucked up. Also in a good way.

The game's not "great", by any means, but it is one of the most unique shmups I've played; especially thematically.


I spent some time last night playing Kyukyoku Tiger, and I'm getting better at it! :)  Made it to Stage 5 before reaching the continue screen.  That helicopter take-off sound is pretty rad.  I'm surprised it never had a US release, since it was released for the NES and Genesis.


Quote from: guest on 04/27/2012, 01:06 PMI busted out Psychosis again last night and played for a good while. Only the second time I've played the game, and I'm glad I went back to it. The music's sorta annoying, but in a good way. It fits the whole theme of the game pretty well. I love the effect of the power-ups bursting in from "behind" the screen, and the enemies are just fucked up. Also in a good way.

The game's not "great", by any means, but it is one of the most unique shmups I've played; especially thematically.
Yes, I agree that Psychosis has a lot of personality—if only the game itself were better!

At the very least: Psychosis > Bravoman's horizontal shoot-em-up



I logged more time on Impossamole today than ever before (about an hour). The bad hit detection reminds me of Legendary Axe. While LA overcame this flaw by keeping the onscreen enemies to a minimum and giving them predicable attack patterns, the enemies in Impossamole are limitless, fast, and mostly unavoidable.  Were it not for the shitty hit detection and relentless baddies, Impossamole would be a good game.  The music and grafx are solid, the play control is good as far as jumping and moving are concerned, there's plenty to explore, and they even put in a cute little intro. Reading the manual, I was happy to learn that stages can be played in any order by pressing the select button, allowing players to reach an impasse on ALL of the stages before permanently shelving the game. In all seriousness though, I have a new respect for poor old Monty and beating the first level was kind of fun.

Also played Space Harrier, Legendary Axe, and Outrun on "hard" for the first time.

Quote from: esteban on 04/28/2012, 01:29 PMAt the very least: Psychosis > Bravoman's horizontal shoot-em-up
And Shockman's shooting levels!
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Bonks Adventure to 3rd level boss, Blazing Lazers to 9th level with out dying and then... bam! Deja Vu

Keith Courage

I am playing Veigues Tactical Gladiator. I keep dying on the last boss cause the level itself tears me up on the way there.


Aldynes, first play ever. Made it to the first boss. Took a lot of tries but finally became his boss.


BLAZING LAZERS COMPLETED!!!!! YES!!!!! It was my first time making it to the final boss, and compared to the actual level the boss is a cake walk. When I saw the closing cinematic I had chills going down my spine. BL was the first game I ever bought and to finally complete feels amazing.



sidearms just got it today...one my all time favorite arcade games.
I want to be more like 337.

The Wolf: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the fucking car.


Last game I played was Gate of Thunder. No matter how many times I beat it (on easy), it's still fun. And I love the last level's music. Easily the catchiest tune I've heard on the system.


Just tried Ninja Spirit for the first time today, sadly, I couldnt make it past the second boss (the one who climbs trees)

Ive got the US Cadash, Street Fighter 2, Ninja Gaiden, and Castlevania X all coming in the mail soon. Can't wait to start playing that lineup!
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


Quote from: tpivette on 05/01/2012, 07:30 PMJust tried Ninja Spirit for the first time today, sadly, I couldnt make it past the second boss (the one who climbs trees)
Definitely one of my favorites! :D For that boss I have the easiest time using powered up bombs. Honestly, unless there are a shit ton of projectiles coming my way, I find the powered up bomb to be the best weapon.


Yeah, I use the bomb weapon for all the bosses.  I find each of the other weapons is handy for different levels.  The sword is great for the first and second level, the grappling hook is good for the cliff climbing level, and the ninja stars are what I use for the   second to last level.  The bombs get full time duty on the last level and on the indoors level with those guys with the grappling hooks.  Oh I used to hate those guys...

If you ever get stuck, you can watch a playthrough I put on YouTube:
It's not a perfect run ( I think I died twice...) but you can see how I got through the levels (what weapons I used) and how I defeated the bosses.  Others probably have different techniques, though.

EDIT: Today I've been playing Kyukyoku Tiger via Ootake trying to find a good way to record gameplay via emulator.  This game is too much fun. There's so much stuff on the screen trying to kill you!


I played through "The Mummies Curse" in Sherlock Holmes today. :D 

Haven't done that in probably 15 years.  I don't think I ever solved the other 2 mysteries.  And I don't know if I ever will. :P



Just beat Ys 1. Taking a detour over to Dragon's Curse before tackling Ys 2.


I had been taking a break from my Cychorider addiction to cool down on some Bomberman '93... but I can't stay away forever...

Quote from: city41 on 05/11/2012, 07:25 PMJust beat Ys 1. Taking a detour over to Dragon's Curse before tackling Ys 2.
Great games, and interesting idea to stagger in Dragon's Curse. I tend to find myself losing steam and hardly wanting to finish about 2/3 of the way through Ys2 when I play them in succession. Dragon's Curse would make a nice diversion and probably Ys seems fresh again after that.


Just played a bunch of Dynastic Hero. Why didn't anyone tell me Ocarina of Time ripped off its entire shtick from this game?


Quote from: cabbage on 05/11/2012, 08:49 PMGreat games, and interesting idea to stagger in Dragon's Curse. I tend to find myself losing steam and hardly wanting to finish about 2/3 of the way through Ys2 when I play them in succession. Dragon's Curse would make a nice diversion and probably Ys seems fresh again after that.
Yeah, I can't play through a series one after the other. Even if Ys 1 is very short. I'm the same way with books, movies, etc.

Dragon's Curse is a really great game. My first exposure to Wonderboy. Makes me want to pick the other Wonderboy games up.


Quote from: thesteve on 05/11/2012, 05:09 PMR-Type
Reminiscent rant:

Back in my college days I rented a house with a bunch of high school friends and one of my housemates would come into my room every night to play R-Type on my TG-16.  This went on for months and he eventually made it to the last level (farther than I ever did, and ever will) and eventually gave up.  I think beer and Bomberman won him over, but it was awesome to see what the later levels looked like, as I never had the patience to get as far as he did.


i think im better now than 20 years ago.
ive been getting to the LVL4 boss, but dont recall the level at all


Quote from: guest on 05/11/2012, 11:14 PMJust played a bunch of Dynastic Hero. Why didn't anyone tell me Ocarina of Time ripped off its entire shtick from this game?
I think I still have notecards (buried under stamps, envelopes and discarded Plan-B packaging materials) with the little jingles you have to play: II, I, II, I, II, II, II, I, I, I, II, II, II...

Seriously, though, even though the tunes were short, I could never memorize them.  I had to write it down  :pcgs:

Quote from: thesteve on 05/11/2012, 11:49 PMi think im better now than 20 years ago.
ive been getting to the LVL4 boss, but dont recall the level at all
You are referring, of course, to Hatris.

Speaking of Hatris, I firmly believe that if all of its art assests were re-purposed as a Galaga clone, I would absolutely LOVE the result.

On the flip side, I am not sure if R-Type's art assets would make for a good Tetris clone...

Quote from: guest on 04/28/2012, 11:25 PMI logged more time on Impossamole today than ever before (about an hour). The bad hit detection reminds me of Legendary Axe. While LA overcame this flaw by keeping the onscreen enemies to a minimum and giving them predicable attack patterns, the enemies in Impossamole are limitless, fast, and mostly unavoidable.  Were it not for the shitty hit detection and relentless baddies, Impossamole would be a good game.  The music and grafx are solid, the play control is good as far as jumping and moving are concerned, there's plenty to explore, and they even put in a cute little intro. Reading the manual, I was happy to learn that stages can be played in any order by pressing the select button, allowing players to reach an impasse on ALL of the stages before permanently shelving the game. In all seriousness though, I have a new respect for poor old Monty and beating the first level was kind of fun.

Also played Space Harrier, Legendary Axe, and Outrun on "hard" for the first time.

Quote from: esteban on 04/28/2012, 01:29 PMAt the very least: Psychosis > Bravoman's horizontal shoot-em-up
And Shockman's shooting levels!
I have beaten Impossamole many times and there is an odd sense of gratification that percolates through your flesh upon finishing the game. Sadly, though, it is not nearly as gratifying as it should be.

I kind of wish there was a debug mode where you could just play the bosses, or, for me, the final boss: the only reason I kept playing Impossamole was because I wanted to see the final boss again. The battle is pretty standard, but it was fun to see a "huge" oppononent that didn't fit on the screen. Granted, the character design of the final boss is basic (not nearly as interesting, detailed or animated like Jagu from Legendary Axe), but it was a small drill in a no-frills platformer.

I agree that this had the potential to be an OK game, but I would have wanted vastly more interesting character designs for the enemies!!! The enemies were not nearly as captivating, as, say, Hatris. I'm serious. The derbies and berets in Hatris are more alluring.

Impossamole could have been a charming little game.


Pulled out Valis 1 on PCE for the first time last night.  It seemed a lot better than Valis II to me...
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


I attempted another run at Victoly Run earlier today.

I'm amazed to see my opinion is still the same as it was 9 years ago.

It sucks.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Ninja Spirit complete! I got this as a Christmas present two years ago, one of the best platformers on the system


I may be nuts, but I still like Impossamole. Yeah, there are a lot of things about it that suck, but I learned to "play around" those things. It got to the point where I'd adjust my gameplay to the quirks of the game and eventually finished it. It wasn't easy, but it worked.

And that music...dear god...


haha, I was pleasantly surprised by Victory Run. It's way better than I expected it to be, and having to drive carefully so your parts don't all disintegrate is a cool twist.


Speaking of Victory Run, I played a bit of Chase HQ the other night. First time I'd ever played the Turbo version. It reminds me of Victory Run in terms of perspective, but it's a lot faster and more exciting. That said, the trade-off seems to be that it doesn't run very smoothly and the gameplay is extremely repetitive. I suppose that's to be expected from an arcade racer from the late 80s, though.


Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 05/12/2012, 11:26 AMI attempted another run at Victoly Run earlier today.
I'm amazed to see my opinion is still the same as it was 9 years ago.
It sucks.
Your review kind of missed the point. Victory Run looks and feels like a standard racer, but it calls for a completely different driving strategy than Outrun or Rad Racer:

Not for everyone, but it doesn't suck.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Been playing Last Armageddon on and off for the past week or so. Can't really get into it due to language barrier and the lack of faqs kind of kills it. I wish I knew more Japanese...


Played a bit of a bunch of games in the past few weeks. New Zealand Story is super charming, reminds me of Parasol Stars. Momotaro Katsugeki is neat, but I won't pretend I got terribly far in it. Flash Hiders is pretty, but I haven't figured out the moves yet. I was under the impression that it's basically like SF2 (and Kabuki Itoryuden), but I had a *way* easier time figuring out Kabuki than Flash Hiders. I probably should try all the characters and maybe look at the manual. Also played a bit of Coryoon. It's cool, I think I prefer Air Zonk to it though. Enemy shots seem to blend into the background and I constantly get tagged. Also, finally got back into LoX last night, excited to finish up the first area this weekend!


Been playing Dragon's Curse. I'm tiger man fighting blue samurais and realize my only hope is a good stock of tornadoes. So need to find a good spot to grind and pick up a bunch.

Also been working on Ys 2 slowly. Not really feeling it right now, might shelve this one and come back (not a dig on the game at all, it rocks, just not in the mood for it currently)


I didn't wanna just have my TurboExpress sitting there for another half a decade doing nothing after having gone to the trouble of a full capacitor replacement to make it functional again, so I grabbed "Dragon Spirit" and gave it a whirl! Entered the code for 100 continues and managed to beat it in a couple of hours. Last stages were pretty tough at times, but I eventually plowed through victoriously (eh, with a quite a bit of continues, but who keeps count of that sort of thing, right fellas? Hehe!)! I noticed the ending text was pretty badly translated, which kinda surprised me - I didn't remember that, I probably didn't care to read it thoroughly as a kid...


STILL can't find the lantern in Dragon Slayer, so I've restarted in hopes of searching more thoroughly to locate it.

The wife and I have been playing 2 player Cadash in hopes of finishing it with the Ninja and Mage... so far, not much luck.

Still have to clear Dungeon Explorer with a few characters...

Game on!
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


I'm currently on Dungeon Explorer. I absolutely loved that game back in the day but haven't played it in many years (at least 15). I was always console hopping.

While I'm enjoying it I think the nostalgic memories had me overhyped. I'll go onto DE2 with more realistic expectations.


I want to be more like 337.

The Wolf: If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the fucking car.


I've gone back into Ys Books 1 and 2. Currently halfway through Book 2. It's a nice game. I've also been playing Cosmic Fantasy 2. I think I'm a little more than halfway into that game.

As far as hucards go, I started Neutopia. Currently on the second shrine. Cute game and I like the music.