@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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FS: US Magical Chase Box + other boxes for trade

Started by geddon_jt, 01/15/2012, 10:48 AM

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lol.  Yall rough on ole Roy aint ya?  Something must've went down before my time here. 


His shenanigans were before my time, as well, but I went back and did some reading to acquaint myself with his douchiness.  Hard to do since he deleted so many of his own posts.



Quote from: Bernie on 05/16/2012, 03:52 PMlol.  Yall rough on ole Roy aint ya?  Something must've went down before my time here. 
I think the quick and dirty of it was....

Bought games from peeps at cheap forum prices...
Sold said games for very high prices on ebay in order to fund the purchase of a house

I wasnt involved, so I have no opinion on the matter. :)
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


You forgot:

Started thread about how people were gouging on eBay, which became very popular and useful, then was revealed to be a gigantic gouger himself and like a total lying pussy deleted said thread depriving the forum of valuable info in that thread including proof of his own dicketry.

Sold LE copy of Insanity sent directly to him by Arkhan for stupid price on eBay while copies were still avaible from Arkhan, essentially pulling a Ticketmaster on Arkham (ie: reaping profits when none are earned or deserved).

Continues to post here for no other reason than to say, "What?" and act like he never did any wrong in, apparently, an effort to repair his rep.

Worships money and profit above ethics honesty and morality, even by the standards of capitalist America.

Perhaps the worst of all: Unrepentantly plays 4:3 Turbo games on LCDs in 16:9 stretched mode.


Lets have some fun today!

Quote from: BlueBMW on 05/16/2012, 08:13 PMI think the quick and dirty of it was....

Bought games from peeps at cheap forum prices...
Sold said games for very high prices on ebay in order to fund the purchase of a house
Close.  A vast majority of the stuff I bought was on eBay paying high prices for it.  I did pick up a handfull of things here but it wasn't very many.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/17/2012, 12:25 AMYou forgot:

Started thread about how people were gouging on eBay, which became very popular and useful, then was revealed to be a gigantic gouger himself and like a total lying pussy deleted said thread depriving the forum of valuable info in that thread including proof of his own dicketry.
Yeah, I made a thread called Gouging Much? one day over a guy selling a boxed Turbo for like $2500.  Not just over inflated but unrealistic.  I thought it was funny. I wasn't "revealed" like I was some eBay reseller in hiding, as your trying to make it sound. Besides, who needs proof of my dicketry, I clearly have stated what I've done several times and never tried to hide it.

Why did I delete alot of my posts? Alot of my posts were shit all over by people jumping into a swarm of anger.  People stating things that weren't true and new ppl believing it and jumping on the bandwagon.  Kinda like Jibbajaba there, taking stabs at me here and there (when I do actually post) even though he says it's hard to tell what happened.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/17/2012, 12:25 AMSold LE copy of Insanity sent directly to him by Arkhan for stupid price on eBay while copies were still avaible from Arkhan, essentially pulling a Ticketmaster on Arkham (ie: reaping profits when none are earned or deserved).
Yup, sold a signed copy of Ark's 1 of 20 limited release for a high price on eBay.  I sold all of my games for high prices, never said I didn't.  As for Ark's stock (Ticketmaster comment), when I listed it for sale, I had no idea he had any more for sale.  I didn't call Ark and ask him what his current stock for sale was. NOONE knew he had any of those limited ones left until he saw I was selling it on eBay.  He listed what he had left over on Ebay because he was pissed at me overpricing it and they flew off his shelves and were all sold out in less than a day.  So noone knew he had them other than Ark, yet apparently I'm supposed to know what his current stock of a limited game he only made 20 of was. Uh no.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/17/2012, 12:25 AMContinues to post here for no other reason than to say, "What?" and act like he never did any wrong in, apparently, an effort to repair his rep.
I continue to post because I want to and you cant stop me.  You don't like me, that's ok, I don't like you either.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/17/2012, 12:25 AMWorships money and profit above ethics honesty and morality, even by the standards of capitalist America.
That's sure stretching it.

1 Buys up games on eBay he wanted as a kid.
2 Finds PCEFX while searching the net.
3 Starts off first post here about Magical Chase. (forum oops)
4 Collected sealed games. (forum oops)
5 Made a WTB thread for games I was missing.
6 Wanted all my games complete with boxes. (forum oops to some)
7 Posts regularly and talks in shoutbox (when it was here)
8 Is referred to Digitpress.com to possibly find Magical Chase.
9 Buys Magical Chase (loose) on another forum for cheap ($225).
10 Posts thread on Digitpress once again asking for just the Magical Chase manual.
11 Guy who sold me the first MC offers me a second MC w/manual for cheap again, I buy it. ($275)
12 Don't need the first loosie MC so sell it on eBay for $400. (people go apeshit over it here)
13 Make a website with pics to show what different Turbo items, what pack-ins came with games, odds and ends, what came boxed, what didn't, what came with trays and what not. What complete boxed systems looked like. We even figured out there were 3 variations of Ys which noone had known before (thought it was helpful, some others did too however some loudmouths crapped all over the thread I made about it saying I was just showing off and it was worthless as a resourse)
14 Keep posting on the forums.
15 Buy up more games I need and complete my collection and update my turbo website.
16 Buy a complete turbo collection (in 1 auction) on eBay.  It had been posted several times for a huge price and the guys poor english and wording made everyone stay away from it.  I ended up getting all US huCards for $850.  I swapped out all the manuals and Hucards with ones from my collection and only kept what was in the best condition.  Then resold the worse set on eBay for a profit, improving the condition of my collection while flipping it for a profit.  (forum members hated this as I made a profit and had 3 Magical Chases pass through my hands in months that were all resold but 1)
17 Collections done but odds and ends I pick up here and there.
18 Priorites changed and decided to buy a house.  Market was low, interest rates were at an all time low.  Decided for some fast easy cash, to sell my Turbo collection to settle loose ends to be able to buy a house.
19 Sell collection on mostly eBay, where most of it was bought, for high prices.  (forum goes into an extreme rampage) Some items did sell to forum members, those people just don't mention it here ever.  One Magical Chase was sold to a forum member, the 3 girls games noone can find was also, Bonk 3 CD and Bonk 3 Hu went to a member among many more.
20 Deleted threads (as people were so angry the truth didn't exist, just rage and all threads I made were shit all over.)
20 Mainly stop posting but still pop in once in awhile to see any new Turbo info.  Read threads, occasionally see someone taking a stab at me and reply.

Thats what happened if you take out peoples attitudes and rants of calling me immoral, unethical and dishonest.
Its rather funny Zeta. I didn't lie, I didn't cheat, I didn't steal, I didn't rip anyone off.  I sold my stuff.

Me posting a reply to a comment about myself is just as predictable as when I do, Zeta, Ark and Vestcoat are sure to follow.
All is well. :)


Oh, in between those steps, met some great forum members that live in Vegas and out of town.  Had them over for a few Turbo gaming parties and enjoyed having a great time having them over and playing Turbo for hours.  Even tossed out a few free games duing the visits (you know who you are).
All is well. :)


Ah, yeah, I forgot a few, thanks for reminding us:

Posted tacky-ass brag photos pretending it was some sort of reference for collectors of the future.

Regrets nothing.

Arkhan Asylum

Roy can't hear me because hes a queef and put me on ignore.

but, he had a copy of the CD-R ones, hand made by me.


the signed copy, which is the public-release one, with some silver scribbles from a sharpee.

and, a soundtrack.  a CD-R one.  I can make those all day, every day.

So basically he overcharged for some bullshit I made with a lightscribe drive, a silver marker, and some shit I printed at Kinkos.

Lets not leave out how he was worried I wouldn't even SELL him any.  He whined about it to windy way back


and lets not leave out that army-footage where he defended the actions of the army in that one video where they shoot the fuck out of people from a chopper or whatever.  That's a funny one to bring back up, because recently, there was a show with army people who were THERE, on foot, at the scene, also talking about how FUCKED UP IT WAS.

Roy was a firefighter or some shit in the army.  He wasn't a real soldier.  His opinion of the armed forces is for the fuckin birds.

oh and he bragged in shoutbox about how he paid his ex-wife/gf/whatever to blow him because she needed money.  Classy!

and lets not forget, he told me to come to Las Vegas to fight him, or something idiotic like that, cause him big tuff internetwarrior.  

and he made fun of a bunch of forum members here, claiming they were jealous that he had games they didn't.  This includes Nectarsis, who he pals around with.  Two faced much? trolololo.

when shit hit the fan here, and on other forums, he deleted the thread showing his true-fail, to cover his tracks and save face on other forums.  Courageous.

It's funny, "oh hurhruhr i had some turbo fests with my new friends" is basically destroyed by "oh , uhuhrr,I profiteered off a homebrew effort, because I am a big money baller like that"

and in the end, all he could say negatively about me was that I rollerskate, and implied that it makes me a fagler.

We will know if RoyVegas is just here to be a jackoff if I am suddenly ignored by one less member: Him.

He's all like


Royback Mountain.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quotewhen I listed it for sale, I had no idea he had any more for sale.
QuoteI'm supposed to know what his current stock of a limited game he only made 20 of was. Uh no.
Um... The "limited" game was for the peeps here on pceenginefx. They were done by request. The only difference
between that and the regular game was the limited ones were signed/numbered.

And, since the minimum press run was 500, he had (has) lots of copies left. And he still signs them, if you ask.
Ask nicely, and he might sign it with a personalized message, too.

I don't think he was pissed about the e-bay resale, so much as the fact that you wanted a low-numbered, personalized version -with the intent- of e-baying it. Made it look like you took advantage of everyone here being nice guys, just to make a buck.

Justify it however you want to yourself. Nobody here cares anymore. You burned your bridges on that one.

QuoteI continue to post because I want to and you cant stop me.
I'm sure the mods will love that line. Ever heard of being banned (like nintega)?
We tolerate you because your attempts as justifying yourself are amusing.


Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 12:43 PMMe posting a reply to a comment about myself is just as predictable as when I do, Zeta, Ark and Vestcoat are sure to follow.
Only 1 more to go!

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 01:08 PMRoy can't hear me because hes a queef and put me on ignore.
I clearly stated in a different post a few days ago, I don't have you on ignore.  You're wrong.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 01:08 PMthe signed copy, which is the public-release one, with some silver scribbles from a sharpee.

and, a soundtrack.  a CD-R one.  I can make those all day, every day.

So basically he overcharged for some bullshit I made with a lightscribe drive, a silver marker, and some shit I printed at Kinkos.

Lets not leave out how he was worried I wouldn't even SELL him any.  He whined about it to windy way back

Uhhh yeah, thanks for repeating what I just said.  Just needed to put some more attitude into it or?

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 01:08 PMand lets not leave out that army-footage where he defended the actions of the army in that one video where they shoot the fuck out of people from a chopper or whatever.  That's a funny one to bring back up, because recently, there was a show with army people who were THERE, on foot, at the scene, also talking about how FUCKED UP IT WAS.

Roy was a firefighter or some shit in the army.  He wasn't a real soldier.  His opinion of the armed forces is for the fuckin birds.
I wasn't in the Army.  I've told you that 20 times and you still can't get it right. I was in the Air Force. That's the problem with some people, you take the ball and run with it no matter what the truth is.  So I was in the military and you wern't yet, your opinion matters and mine doesn't.  Makes total sense.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 01:08 PMand lets not forget, he told me to come to Las Vegas to fight him, or something idiotic like that, cause him big tuff internetwarrior. 
Incorrect, I invited you.  You wished me dead and brought my kids into it.  Any man that doesn't defend his family isn't much of a man.  You wouldn't understand because your priorities are riding this forum spending time posting lolzwtfpewpew comments like anyone gives a shit what you're saying. 

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 01:08 PMand he made fun of a bunch of forum members here, claiming they were jealous of his college degree that he had and the game me made but they didn't.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 01:08 PMwhen shit hit the fan here, and on other forums, he deleted the thread showing his true-fail, to cover his tracks and save face on other forums.  Courageous.
I fully admit the truth of what I did.  It's the lies and inaccuracies that people posted that wern't the truth that I deleted.  Kinda like the false shit in your last post.  It's full of things that arent accurate or 1/2 the truth.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 01:08 PMand in the end, all he could say negatively about me was that I rollerskate, and implied that it makes me a fagler.
I don't need to say you're a "fagler" or insult you.  Anyone that reads your posts knows you say it yourself all the time.  It's no secret.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 01:08 PMWe will know if RoyVegas is just here to be a jackoff if I am suddenly ignored by one less member: Him.
Uhhhh look back a few of my posts ago in a different thread, I said I didn't have you on ignore, but keep rolling with more of your inaccuracies bro, it seems to work for ya.
All is well. :)


I take stabs at you because, although I wasn't here during your "hey day", you're obviously nothing more than a troll at this point who makes regular periodic returns to PCFX just to stir the shit pot a little bit and remind all of the old-timers why they hate you so much.  It would be so easy to just say "fuck those people" and walk away, but you can't because your immature little boy attitude won't allow you to.  

You sold your Turbo collection long ago, so it's safe to say that you don't continue to read the forums here because you give a shit about Turbo games.  The only possible motivation you could have for coming back here is to check and see if people are talking about you, and the only time you ever post is in response to that.  Any sane, mentally healthy person wouldn't give a shit.  But you do.  What does that say about you?



Quote from: TheOldMan on 05/17/2012, 01:11 PMUm... The "limited" game was for the peeps here on pceenginefx. They were done by request. The only difference
between that and the regular game was the limited ones were signed/numbered.

And, since the minimum press run was 500, he had (has) lots of copies left. And he still signs them, if you ask.
Ask nicely, and he might sign it with a personalized message, too.

I don't think he was pissed about the e-bay resale, so much as the fact that you wanted a low-numbered, personalized version -with the intent- of e-baying it. Made it look like you took advantage of everyone here being nice guys, just to make a buck.

Justify it however you want to yourself. Nobody here cares anymore. You burned your bridges on that one.
Wrong, wrong and wrong.  There were 20 copies he made on lightscribe discs that he took to a show that were numbered and signed that he wanted to sell at the show.  Same game was on it, but it's not the same version he was selling to everyone else.  He hadn't even had it pressed yet.

I didn't ask for any low number disc as you say, I didn't even ask for a numbered disc at all...  I asked to buy ONE copy of the regular game and he offered me all of the different versions.  I didn't go seeking them all out with the intention of reselling them.  I asked for 1 regular copy, he offered me 5 or 6 different versions and I bought them.  Theres a difference there.
All is well. :)


Quote from: TheOldMan on 05/17/2012, 01:11 PMI'm sure the mods will love that line. Ever heard of being banned (like nintega)?
We tolerate you because your attempts as justifying yourself are amusing.
I hope the mods do love it, people are allowed to say as they wish, yet I'm not supposed to have a voice?

Are they really attempts to justify myself?  I say what happened, it's the other people that inject a bunch of b/s into it..  I don't deny it, I've said it over and over. People just can't seem to keep on track with the facts, they're to busy being angry.  Oh well.
All is well. :)

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 01:32 PMI clearly stated in a different post a few days ago, I don't have you on ignore.  You're wrong.
Weird, at one point, I was told that you do have me on ignore. 

QuoteI wasn't in the Army.  I've told you that 20 times and you still can't get it right. I was in the Air Force. That's the problem with some people, you take the ball and run with it no matter what the truth is.  So I was in the military and you wern't yet, your opinion matters and mine doesn't.  Makes total sense.
Army/Airforce/Whatever, armed forces.  Its all the same.

My point here is, *MY* opinion, matches up with first-hand accounts' opinions, whereas yours is backseat GI Joe, and contradictory for the sake of being contradictory. 

QuoteIncorrect, I invited you.  You wished me dead and brought my kids into it.  Any man that doesn't defend his family isn't much of a man. 
"He told me to come" is different than inviting me? uhhh?    Also, shame on you for taking me THAT seriously.  You're an idiot.  Only an idiot would bring lolforum drama into the real world, and you were gladly willing.   You fell for that bait, hard.  In fighting street no less, you dipshit.

QuoteYou wouldn't understand because your priorities are riding this forum spending time posting lolzwtfpewpew comments like anyone gives a shit what you're saying. 
I just loled.  You saying "like anyone gives a shit what you're saying" is fuckin gold.

Quoteand he made fun of a bunch of forum members here, claiming they were jealous of his college degree that he had and the game me made but they didn't.
This is not a fix.  Yes, I said people were jealous of it (college/finished game).  In a different context. 

Mine was referencing trolololo's hating on homebrew and being total dicks about it towards us homebrew makers, whereas what you did, was make fun of the normal members of the forum.  Nice try though. 

QuoteI fully admit the truth of what I did.  It's the lies and inaccuracies that people posted that wern't the truth that I deleted.  Kinda like the false shit in your last post.  It's full of things that arent accurate or 1/2 the truth.
They're accurate enough that the point is the same.  It's hard to have all the details right since you deleted all of it.

QuoteI don't need to say you're a "fagler" or insult you.  Anyone that reads your posts knows you say it yourself all the time.  It's no secret.
Yes, and I say it to mock dumbasses like you.  Grats.

QuoteUhhhh look back a few of my posts ago in a different thread, I said I didn't have you on ignore, but keep rolling with more of your inaccuracies bro, it seems to work for ya.
I was told you do.

Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 01:38 PMI didn't ask for any low number disc as you say, I didn't even ask for a numbered disc at all...  I asked to buy ONE copy of the regular game and he offered me all of the different versions.  I didn't go seeking them all out with the intention of reselling them.  I asked for 1 regular copy, he offered me 5 or 6 different versions and I bought them.  Theres a difference there.
I have 5 dif. versions?  Try 3.   The public, the signed, and the CCAG ones.


You were all like OMG COLECTOR so I was like "hey dude, I got these cool CDR copies too, if you're a collector, theyre pretty neat".

I sold one to Emerald Rocker as well, and as much of a douche as that guy was to me in the past, I didn't see him being a jackass and selling it for retarded $$$.

What's that say about you?

It's that you are worse.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 02:18 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 01:32 PMI fully admit the truth of what I did.  It's the lies and inaccuracies that people posted that wern't the truth that I deleted.  Kinda like the false shit in your last post.  It's full of things that arent accurate or 1/2 the truth.
They're accurate enough that the point is the same.  It's hard to have all the details right since you deleted all of it.
Cool, thats all that was needed out of your entire post.  You think what you're saying is accurate ENOUGH.  Not that it's accurate and that you can't get your details right without going back and reading it all..  That makes anything you say credible.  Good job.
All is well. :)


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 02:18 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 01:38 PMI didn't ask for any low number disc as you say, I didn't even ask for a numbered disc at all...  I asked to buy ONE copy of the regular game and he offered me all of the different versions.  I didn't go seeking them all out with the intention of reselling them.  I asked for 1 regular copy, he offered me 5 or 6 different versions and I bought them.  Theres a difference there.
I have 5 dif. versions?  Try 3.   The public, the signed, and the CCAG ones.

Back to the facts Ark!  I bought 1 signed and 1 unsigned copy of each of those 3.  2x3= 6 does it not?  Can you get any of your lies straight?
All is well. :)


Ah damn Ark, your stories coming apart at the seams and apparently noone has jumped in to save you!

That's what people like you to rely on, you need other people to jump in and swarm on me so you don't look like a rambling fool.  You need me to be overwhelmed with b/s posts so you don't look like such a failure. I may be shitty in peoples eyes for gouging, but you are nothing without other people swarming me on here. 

What now Ark?  Attack my family again or something since your failed ass b/s isn't being backed up?

All is well. :)

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 02:24 PMCool, thats all that was needed out of your entire post.  You think what you're saying is accurate ENOUGH.  Not that it's accurate and that you can't get your details right without going back and reading it all..  That makes anything you say credible.  Good job.
It is accurate enough to paint a picture of how much of a waste you are in this community.  I don't see anyone disagreeing with that.

As I've already said too, I can't go back and read all of the deets.  You deleted them to save face elsewhere, like we've stated already.   All that is left is the fighting street shenanigans, most of which involves me laying into you for the fucking hell of it since you already blew it here (twice).  Most of that should not even be taken seriously, but you're too h4rdc0r3 to understand this simple concept.

Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 02:27 PMBack to the facts Ark!  I bought 1 signed and 1 unsigned copy of each of those 3.  2x3= 6 does it not?  Can you get any of your lies straight?
You did not buy 6 copies.

You got a preorder copy (by preordering), a regular copy like everyone else, and a CCAG copy.  All in the spirit of being an actual collector, which you are obviously not.

That's it.  How could you get two signed preorder copies to sell at a later date?  You only preordered one time.   and how could you get two of the CDR'd CCAG copies?  

and it still doesn't change the fact that you sold on ebay the Preorder Copy AND the CCAG (#/20) copy.

It's still hilarious that you even come here.  You already stated multiple times that once you got your collection, you were outta here, and that you only exist here to stir the pot.

Do you think anyone here really gives a fuck about YOUR opinion on your shit?

not really.

EDIT: It's also hilarious that you had 3 posts while I was out eating, including one to say "you lose"

That really helps your cause.

Noone gives a fuck about you or what you think, and are probably doing something productive, unlike you, who is just sitting and watching this thread to go HUHUHUH I WIN.

Also, I don't need others.  The last time there was a blowout, it was mostly just me against you, and I did pretty good there.   I'm not the forum exile that everyone makes fun of for being a fuckin toolbag.

There aren't running jokes about anything shitty I've done to the community either.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


The longer this thread goes on, the more we all lose. :(


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 02:42 PMIt is accurate enough
Once again, you're admitting what you say isn't fully accurate.  WTG!

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 02:42 PMand it still doesn't change the fact that you sold on ebay the Preorder Copy AND the CCAG (#/20) copy.
Wrong!  Both sold to Taibaut...  Maybe they were up on eBay at one point, but they didn't sell there.

See my point, oh great and wise Ark, you have no damn clue what even happened.  Yet here you sit, throwing out my name every once in a while.  Angry and fuming over things, you don't even know.  You sir, are brilliant.

C'mon Ark, ships sinking, better get to the low blows or just give up. 

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 02:42 PMIt's still hilarious that you even come here.  You already stated multiple times that once you got your collection, you were outta here, and that you only exist here to stir the pot.
Really?  Where?  Oh yeah, cause everything you've said so far has been accurate and credible ENOUGH.  Sounds legit!
All is well. :)

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 03:02 PMOnce again, you're admitting what you say isn't fully accurate.  WTG!
once again, you do not comprehend that you DELETED THE INFORMATION  .  Sue me.  Some irrelevant details aren't consistent.   Noone but you gives a fuck.

QuoteWrong!  Both sold to Taibaut...  Maybe they were up on eBay at one point, but they didn't sell there.
First off, its THIBAUT.  hurhruhrurh GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, BRO.

So you put them on ebay, the listings ended (via you ending them, not by a sale), and then you sold them to Thibaut.  OK then.  You sold them for >real worth, admitted to it repeatedly over the span of the blowout, and sure don't deny it here...

You just now reveal something like this (or maybe not, its hard to tell since you torched your history here), whereas every time in the past, when it was stated that you put them on ebay, you just went with it.  It doesnt matter anyway, Thibaut likely saw the listings and contacted you, and you sold them.  Who cares where you sold them.  The point is that you did, for stupid prices.

QuoteSee my point, oh great and wise Ark, you have no damn clue what even happened.  Yet here you sit, throwing out my name every once in a while.  Angry and fuming over things, you don't even know.  You sir, are brilliant.
Fuming over what.  Prove me wrong.  How much did you sell them for then?  Again, what do the details of WHERE you sold these copies at really matter?  You sold them for hiked up prices despite playing yourself off as a collector.  You coulda sold them on fucking Craigslist instead, who cares.  You did it.  Minor details like that in which NOONE will ever have straight, ever, because you deleted all posts about it, are irrelevant to the end result. 


QuoteC'mon Ark, ships sinking, better get to the low blows or just give up. 
Give up on what? You are only making yourself look worse here.  You're currently being laughed at by the real community here.  You will forever be Roy "BigMoney" Vegas, the biggest douche the forums ever had.

I'd put your crap as worse than Nintega, only because you screwed people over.  All Nintega did was annoy people on end, like a wacko.

QuoteReally?  Where?  Oh yeah, cause everything you've said so far has been accurate and credible ENOUGH.  Sounds legit!
Didn't think I needed to record phone conversations with a PCE member in order to prove something at a later date.

Also, lets point out again, that you come back time and time again to "defend yourself" and go "hah I win", etc.   You fall for the fucking bait everytime.  You do realize, this happens so the new members here can witness your stupid return, and see first hand just why we make fun of you, right?   its like clockwork.    New members arrive, ask what the big deal is, we mention your name, and  like some Harry Potter bullshit, you show up and demonstrate, so they know why we don't like you.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


QuoteWrong, wrong and wrong.  There were 20 copies he made on lightscribe discs that he took to a show that were numbered and signed that he wanted to sell at the show.  Same game was on it, but it's not the same version he was selling to everyone else.  He hadn't even had it pressed yet.
He made those the night before the show solely because the pressed versions hadn't shipped yet.
Ask Rover about the problems with getting them pressed.
BTW, they were the same version. Maybe you mean edition?

QuoteI didn't ask for any low number disc as you say, I didn't even ask for a numbered disc at all.
That's not what I remember. Too bad I deleted my AIM logs from that far back.
I do remember that discussion clearly., though. I was very pissed at Arkhan for selling -my- #1 copy.
He responded that someone was bugging him about getting the lowest # possible.
So he gave me a #0 disc.

QuoteI didn't go seeking them all out with the intention of reselling them.
Maybe not. But...

Quote5 or 6 different versions and I bought them.  Theres a difference there.
...It sure looks like you were trying for a complete set, knowing it would fetch more $$.
I doubt you even bothered to play the game. Can't sell them as 'new' if they've been played....

QuoteI hope the mods do love it, people are allowed to say as they wish, yet I'm not supposed to have a voice?
You're allowed to have a voice. This is not a public arena, however. That's why we have mods.
(If it were a public area, you would not have to sign up for access).
Even if it were, there are some things that are out of line. But if you want to tempt the mods just so you can whine about being unfairly banned, go ahead.

QuoteAre they really attempts to justify myself?  I say what happened, it's the other people that inject a bunch of b/s into it..  I don't deny it, I've said it over and over. People just can't seem to keep on track with the facts, they're to busy being angry.  Oh well.
Or your version of the facts, anyway. Funny how those keep changing...And of course, no one can go back and check what was said when because you deleted the posts.
Someone who knows they are right doesn't need to keep trying to prove it Roy. Let it go.

Quoteyou can't get your details right without going back and reading it all..  That makes anything you say credible.
More credible than someone who doesn't check their facts, anyway.

QuoteCan you get any of your lies straight?
QuoteHow could you get two signed preorder copies to sell at a later date?  You only preordered one time.   and how could you get two of the CDR'd CCAG copies
He could have bought them under an assumed name, with the profits from the e-bay sale :)

'Nuff loldrama. Back to real work.

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: TheOldMan on 05/17/2012, 03:18 PMThat's not what I remember. Too bad I deleted my AIM logs from that far back.
I do remember that discussion clearly., though. I was very pissed at Arkhan for selling -my- #1 copy.
He responded that someone was bugging him about getting the lowest # possible.
So he gave me a #0 disc.
Yeah, and lets not even forget,

these are unsealed discs that I wrote on with a fuckin marker. 

We could make all kinds of stupid editions.  It's mostly useless.

I have copy X here. 

I sent the preorders out in the order they came in at, but from what I remember, Roy just had to have a lower ## than Windancer.  There were only preorder #s to people who preordered and paid. 

or something goony and useless.

Things you don't keep too much track of when you assume all the preorder people are legit and aren't going to do something stupid.

Really, Copy 0 is better than all the preorders since I wrote 0 down before I did the preorder batch.   Computer programmers start counting from 0! :) There are really 31 copies in the 30 preorder set.  Suckers.  :3

Lesson learned in that regard.   Even your most loyal "supporters" may turn out to be dicks.

Super Edit:

Duh, I can check PayPal

"This payment is for the 2 Signed copies of the CCAG exclusive discs you made. If you could sign them and put CCAG Exclusive Copy on the manual that would be great! Thanks!"

Guess Roy DID buy 2 of the CCAG discs.  Fuck if I honestly keep track of who bought those worthless CD-R copies.

Note that he requested signatures.  Now I know why.  Seedy little dick.

"This is for the unsigned copy we discussed. Please ship it carefully with the other ones I have previously ordered from you. Thanks!"

Who fuckin knows what copy this is.  I am assuming this is the plain jane, Insanity public copy.

and then there is the Preorder Copy that came thru Paypal.
just one.

So Roy got:

2 CCAG CD-R Specials, requested to be signed, for obvious reasons now.
1 Regular Copy
1 Preorder to be sold at a later date, complete with a light scribed CD-R soundtrack

Thats what I can see in PayPal.

And, the reason I offered these CCAG copies to Roy, is because he presented himself as a collector of PCE, complete with his site to show the library.  Shame on me for falling for it.   I thought he was about the preservation and collection of Turbob, and had learned from his dickheaded shit he pulled prevously.

I know if I were a collector, and someone offered CD-R copies that only existed in a small number, I'd gladly buy one and keep it forever.

Even Emerald Rocker didn't sell his CCAG copy.  The reason HE has one, is because he wanted a cheaper copy than the real 30$ one, probably because he used an emulator and doesn't care about CD-R issues. 
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 03:17 PMSome irrelevant details aren't consistent.   Noone but you gives a fuck.
If noone cares, why are you posting still?  Here you are posting detail after detail but other times saying details don't matter.  Which is it?  Do they matter or don't they? If noone want's to read it, hit ignore or don't read it.  If you think I'll show up if you mention me.  Then don't?  Would seem common sense.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 03:17 PMAlso, lets point out again, that you come back time and time again to "defend yourself" and go "hah I win", etc.   You fall for the fucking bait everytime.  You do realize, this happens so the new members here can witness your stupid return, and see first hand just why we make fun of you, right?   its like clockwork.    New members arrive, ask what the big deal is, we mention your name, and  like some Harry Potter bullshit, you show up and demonstrate, so they know why we don't like you.
I think the true fact of it all is that Ark's supremely got a hard-on for me.  He loves to hate me, hense bringing me up over and over thinking I'll eventually catch one and reply.  Well, here I am Ark, apparently you missed me.  Happy?
All is well. :)

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 04:27 PMIf noone cares, why are you posting still?  Here you are posting detail after detail but other times saying details don't matter.  Which is it?  Do they matter or don't they? If noone want's to read it, hit ignore or don't read it.  If you think I'll show up if you mention me.  Then don't?  Would seem common sense.
I don't think you'll show up.  I *know* you will.   SPECIFIC details in your regard don't matter.   Much like this example

"The murderer shot and killed 6 people with a Beretta." when really, it wasn't a beretta.


lets translate this to your case

"The dipshit sold the games for idiotic prices on eBay and backstabbed a community" when really it wasn't on eBay.

If you still don't get this, you are dumb. 

QuoteI think the true fact of it all is that Ark's supremely got a hard-on for me.  He loves to hate me, hense bringing me up over and over thinking I'll eventually catch one and reply.  Well, here I am Ark, apparently you missed me.  Happy?
You are like Nintega.  You are brought up as a joke.  I thought you had me on ignore, so why in the fuck would I think you'd catch a remark and reply, really? Plus I make fun of you on a shoutbox that you don't even visit and have no way to view.  So, uh, duhr?   You're just a shitty punchline.

You are generally brought up by people so that you inevitably arrive and show your true colors to the newbies. 

Why do I have to keep repeating myself?  I already said this shit like 48 times in this thread.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Roy, come on. What would your psychiatrist say at your next court-ordered therapy session if he knew you were still doing this? You're being self destructive. Just let it go.

Just let it go.


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 05:43 PM"The murderer shot and killed 6 people with a Beretta." when really, it wasn't a beretta.


lets translate this to your case

"The dipshit sold the games for idiotic prices on eBay and backstabbed a community" when really it wasn't on eBay.
Not exactly the point you were trying to get across but, I sold my games for idiotic prices.  EXACTLY!  There ya go.  So take out your childishness, taunting, sniveling and bitching and see it for what it was. The rest is you crying.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/17/2012, 05:58 PMRoy, come on. What would your psychiatrist say at your next court-ordered therapy session if he knew you were still doing this? You're being self destructive. Just let it go.

Just let it go.
When he does, I'm sure they'll put that strange white jacket on me again.  I'll run as long as possible though!  O:)
All is well. :)


Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 12:59 PMOh, in between those steps, met some great forum members that live in Vegas and out of town.  Had them over for a few Turbo gaming parties and enjoyed having a great time having them over and playing Turbo for hours.  Even tossed out a few free games duing the visits (you know who you are).
Windy stole my freebies, and left me beaten and bloddy in an alley off the strip  :cry: :cry: :lol:
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: nectarsis on 05/17/2012, 06:25 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 12:59 PMOh, in between those steps, met some great forum members that live in Vegas and out of town.  Had them over for a few Turbo gaming parties and enjoyed having a great time having them over and playing Turbo for hours.  Even tossed out a few free games duing the visits (you know who you are).
Windy stole my freebies, and left me beaten and bloddy in an alley off the strip  :cry: :cry: :lol:
Wait, didn't I give you Devil's Crush and later on a Meteor Blaster DX signature edition?   Damn that Windy for jacking you!
All is well. :)


Wow, a whole new chapter to a thread that's already in the Hall of Shame. And no more smarmy responses from R-bag either, he's back defending himself in full effect, with blow-by-blow responses to every allegation! Just like the good old days.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 06:32 PM
Quote from: nectarsis on 05/17/2012, 06:25 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 12:59 PMOh, in between those steps, met some great forum members that live in Vegas and out of town.  Had them over for a few Turbo gaming parties and enjoyed having a great time having them over and playing Turbo for hours.  Even tossed out a few free games duing the visits (you know who you are).
Windy stole my freebies, and left me beaten and bloddy in an alley off the strip  :cry: :cry: :lol:
Wait, didn't I give you Devil's Crush and later on a Meteor Blaster DX signature edition?   Damn that Windy for jacking you!
Yeppers....blindsided me with a tire iron to the dirty bastard LOL
My Blogger profile with all my blogs of wonderment:


Quote from: VestCunt on 05/17/2012, 06:36 PMWow, a whole new chapter to a thread that's already in the Hall of Shame. And no more smarmy responses from R-bag either, he's back defending himself in full effect, with blow-by-blow responses to every allegation! Just like the good old days.
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 01:32 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 12:43 PMMe posting a reply to a comment about myself is just as predictable as when I do, Zeta, Ark and Vestcoat are sure to follow.
Only 1 more to go!
The circle is now complete!  Thanks for posting as expected.
All is well. :)

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 06:21 PMNot exactly the point you were trying to get across but, I sold my games for idiotic prices.  EXACTLY!  There ya go.  So take out your childishness, taunting, sniveling and bitching and see it for what it was. The rest is you crying.
Yes, it was exactly the point I've been trying to get across for going on what like 5 hours now.  The Clue-investigation details are not too important when the end results the same.

eBay / PMs.    Beretta / Ruger.  

Same. Fucking. Concept.

You'd get this by now if you weren't so busy not reading anything, and looking for which snippet of a quote you can most-readily make some stupid retort at.

What you refer to as childish, taunting, sniveling, bitching, is hilarious.   POT MEET KETTLE.

We could go examine it all again.  OH wait. We can't.  You deleted it, because you're a pussy, and can't fess up to your fail.

Also, that Fighting Street thread, LOOL.  Gimme a break.  Why act like the big-wise adult now?  You acted like a total dumbass.  Homo-jokes and all.    

QuoteWhen he does, I'm sure they'll put that strange white jacket on me again.  I'll run as long as possible though!  O:)
You are who is supposed to let it go, you retard.  Learn how to read.  Maybe you need thicker glasses.

You're not even an asshair on this community.  Or a dingleberry.

You're whats smeared all over the charmin as it flushes down into the sewer.

Also, thanks for posting as expected is another comedic moment.   You do realize, we all expect you to post when we start making fun of you right?

We SEE you at the bottom of the page, lurking.   You're the one who can't let shit go.  You just hover, and skim for references to yourself.

If you actually gave two fucks, you'd post and engage the community like you did back when you were pretending you gave a fuck.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 06:42 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 06:21 PMNot exactly the point you were trying to get across but, I sold my games for idiotic prices.  EXACTLY!  There ya go.  So take out your childishness, taunting, sniveling and bitching and see it for what it was. The rest is you crying.
Yes, it was exactly the point I've been trying to get across for going on what like 5 hours now.  The Clue-investigation details are not too important when the end results the same.
Actually, all you've ever done is try to pour over the details.  I always said what I did, you're the one who drags other lies and crying into it.

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 06:42 PMYou're not even an asshair on this community.  Or a dingleberry.

You're whats smeared all over the charmin as it flushes down into the sewer.
There we go, take it to that level, I said you would a few posts ago kiddo!

All is well. :)


Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 06:39 PM
Quote from: VestCunt on 05/17/2012, 06:36 PMWow, a whole new chapter to a thread that's already in the Hall of Shame. And no more smarmy responses from R-bag either, he's back defending himself in full effect, with blow-by-blow responses to every allegation! Just like the good old days.
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 01:32 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 12:43 PMMe posting a reply to a comment about myself is just as predictable as when I do, Zeta, Ark and Vestcoat are sure to follow.
Only 1 more to go!
The circle is now complete!  Thanks for posting as expected.
Thanks for editing as expected, ya fucking idiot.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/17/2012, 06:42 PMIf you actually gave two fucks, you'd post and engage the community like you did back when you were pretending you gave a fuck.
You do realize when I did post a few times which had nothing to do with me or my past here, people responded right after with snide comments for no reason?  Surprise, two of them being you and Zeta.  So, do you want me to contribute or leave?  Make up your mind.
All is well. :)


Quote from: VestCunt on 05/17/2012, 06:52 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 06:39 PM
Quote from: VestCunt on 05/17/2012, 06:36 PMWow, a whole new chapter to a thread that's already in the Hall of Shame. And no more smarmy responses from R-bag either, he's back defending himself in full effect, with blow-by-blow responses to every allegation! Just like the good old days.
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 01:32 PM
Quote from: RoyVegas on 05/17/2012, 12:43 PMMe posting a reply to a comment about myself is just as predictable as when I do, Zeta, Ark and Vestcoat are sure to follow.
Only 1 more to go!
The circle is now complete!  Thanks for posting as expected.
Thanks for editing as expected, ya fucking idiot.
Yeah, had you caught it in time, I just said The circle is now complete. The edit was Thanks for posting as expected..

I guess I'm not allowed to edit something without your permission. 
All is well. :)



Quote from: Sadler on 05/17/2012, 02:56 PMThe longer this thread goes on, the more we all lose. :(
No shit.  Two dumbfucks need to grow up and quit spouting the same predictable drivel.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: NecroPhile on 05/18/2012, 10:09 AMTwo dumbfucks need to grow up and quit spouting the same predictable drivel.
Wouldn't have to do anything if bigmoney didn't show up biannually to act like a justified tough guy and defend his fail in the midst of all the newcomers who are inquiring about why he's so unliked around here. 

There's not really anything dumb / immature about it, at least on my end.   That shit's still sitting in fighting street, where it belongs.

Hell, I thought the retard had me on ignore, per someone else's information.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 05/18/2012, 10:48 AMThere's not really anything dumb / immature about it, at least on my end.
It's nice that you think that, but the problem is, anyone else reading any of your posts can't possibly think that your posts regarding me contain any level of maturity.

No excuse on my end, it is what it is.

All is well. :)


Can't say I was around here during the "glory-hole" days, but I can understand people's reasoning for considering you a waste of skin, Roy. You used and betrayed people to make money in a pitifully selfish act. But, in your defense, you haven't done anything millions of assholes do on and off eBay everyday. Welcome to the world we live in folks.  :roll:

I don't pass judgement based off of other folks feelings and claims and I don't really know you, so until you try andf screw me over personally, I have nothing against you. Doubt anything you say can ever make you welcomed here again, however. You already torched the bridge... perhaps its time to move on dude.


Roy, Arkhan wins. It's over.

Let. It. Go.
Nothin beats the real thing.