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What repairs that you can't do on a NEC systems ???

Started by ps3repair1981, 06/03/2012, 03:57 AM

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What repairs that you can't do on a NEC systems ???  I want to know in what ways like upgrading chips on the motherboard,etc. ?
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what do you mean? skill wise or like impossible upgrades?


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 06/04/2012, 03:04 AMwhat do you mean? skill wise or like impossible upgrades?
I mean like the cpu or gpu chips is there a way to do that ? Like the way you can with the caps and the fuses ?? Also like reprogramming chips ?? about broken cases ?
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I doubt you can upgrade the cpu or gpu chips, but if you mean like replacing bad ones. I'm sure someone could do it lol


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 06/04/2012, 03:21 AMI doubt you can upgrade the cpu or gpu chips, but if you mean like replacing bad ones. I'm sure someone could do it lol
Okay thank you . See I already repair ps3 systems . I want to start learning so i can be able to fix the older retro video games system. . Like on the super Nintendo for a example is there a way to fix broken plastics cases like shown on ebay ?
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Virtually all of the problems with the PCE systems have been solved. Recapping black Duos is the biggest thing. Another is repairing the ports for controller and AV out. Sometimes we see things like bad RAM, but its really rare. The newest development is with gears for the CDROM2 units. Only recently have workable fixes been developed for this.

The most popular upgrades are for reagion hacks, s-video and RGB.

There are no upgrades for CPU and such since no similar chips exist to upgrade to.


yeah, and each console runs at a set speed for the games and all, so upgrading the cpu would kill the whole system.

enter joke in 3...2...1...

or make them go uber fast! :)


Okay about overclocking or composite av ports ?
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Quote from: ps3repair1981 on 06/04/2012, 03:55 AMOkay about overclocking or composite av ports ?
All the systems already have composite AV ports except for the OG TG-16 and white PCE, and those systems gain said ports when you have the CDROM2 or the Boosters.

Overclocking...off the top of my head I can't remember anyone doing it. It wouldn't make much since though. In most cases it would just make the games run too fast...why do this?


on some systems the audio and video are linked as well, and overclocking makes the  sound terrible. I have no idea if thats the case with the turbo, but like zeta said, i'm not sure why you would do it. the only system i have ever overclocked that it actually helped is the sega genesis. The cpu and sound are not linked, and overclocking it improves slowdown in games like sonic and gunstar heroes.


I just thought I would ask about overclocking just to be curious that's all . Is there any guides about the composite out a/v mod ? i try Google it and had bad luck .
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There is some info here:


Rather than pay for a mod, most people will just buy a booster or a CDROM2 unit. Everything capible of playing CDROM2s already has a composite output. S-video would be much more usefull. There is all the s-video info you need on this forum.


I kind of want to do the mod myself but i want to have a little guide on it first before I do the mod . Actually the booster and the cdrom2 is way too expensive for me at this point in time .
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Quote from: ps3repair1981 on 06/04/2012, 03:55 AMOkay about overclocking or composite av ports ?
I have heard of ppl replacing the CD-ROM drives with 2x speed but it causes playback issues on games.

I once had an issue where one of the pins in the Hu slot got bent in-wards. Caused all cards to fail. Took it apart and rig'd something up since I couldn't put the pin back (kept bending). I'm sure one could take a busted unit for spares and replace the card slot completely.
TG/PCE Collection.
"Booze should be a choice, not a privilege" -KCDC (The FP)


Quote from: majors on 06/04/2012, 08:40 AM
Quote from: ps3repair1981 on 06/04/2012, 03:55 AMOkay about overclocking or composite av ports ?
I have heard of ppl replacing the CD-ROM drives with 2x speed but it causes playback issues on games.
This is the first I've heard of such a thing.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/04/2012, 11:56 AM
Quote from: majors on 06/04/2012, 08:40 AM
Quote from: ps3repair1981 on 06/04/2012, 03:55 AMOkay about overclocking or composite av ports ?
I have heard of ppl replacing the CD-ROM drives with 2x speed but it causes playback issues on games.
This is the first I've heard of such a thing.
Actually this is my first time hearing it myself . I am confused here  :?
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What repairs or mods that i can't really fix . I know like the gpu and the cpu can't be fix am i correct because the chips are not being made is that correct ?
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Quote from: ps3repair1981 on 06/04/2012, 06:08 PMWhat repairs or mods that i can't really fix . I know like the gpu and the cpu can't be fix am i correct because the chips are not being made is that correct ?
They can't be fixed because there is nothing wrong with them. They can't be upgraded because there is nothing else out there that is compatible/superior. Furthermore, it would break all the games so it would be useless.

Quote from: thesteve on 06/04/2012, 05:09 PMisnt the original drive a 2x
In a PC Engine? From 1989? No. The PCE CDROM2 was the first consumer CDROM product ever (I think). Naturally it runs at 1x. The first 2x game console was (I think) the 3DO.


I hope i can get some really good repair questions answer . :)
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One thing you can't get is a HuCard slot.  There's not much call for them anymore because you can make other region mods, but they're a "hard-to-find"*, no longer made part.

*obviously they come with any core unit, but the point is, if you're going to buy another unit, that also gets around any region problem.
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