MSR *WILL* be finished, come hell or high water... hell more likely.

Started by OldRover, 08/16/2011, 05:15 PM

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Its so nice to see the pce homebrew scene working together.  Do the homebrewers for other systems behave so cooperatively with each other
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/12/2012, 01:13 AMIts so nice to see the pce homebrew scene working together.  Do the homebrewers for other systems behave so cooperatively with each other
Not all of the Genesis developers/publishers, that's for sure. :P
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


UPDATE: Hmmmmmmm... still trying to demystify this here "raffle"...

Hey, I just got back from Maine, but I see "raffle" and before I read to educate myself I need you to erase someone else's name and add mine to the list.

Thank you, Old Rover. :pcds:

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: CrackTiger on 07/12/2012, 01:34 AM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/12/2012, 01:13 AMIts so nice to see the pce homebrew scene working together.  Do the homebrewers for other systems behave so cooperatively with each other
Not all of the Genesis developers/publishers, that's for sure. :P
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Are you talking about Pier Solar? :D


So, let me get this straight...

1. There was a fundraiser for the Check Disc.
2. Those who donated to the fund are eligible to win Check Disc.
3. CrackTiger volunteered to donate art for minimum pledges of $________.
4. CrackTiger will be sending me artwork. that the gist of it?

Thanks in advance :pcds:


Correctamundo, Steve!

In other news, I emailed Brian asking how the check disc was coming along and he said he would get back to me today. No word yet, we'll see how it goes tomorrow.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


<- is sending some luck to you guys.  (and a donation.)
Bootleg Hucards (Hong Kong, China)
Third Party Hardware (US, Japan, China, Europe, Korea)
Canadian Boxes and Manuals (French text)
Ton's of Trades available - just PM me.


Thanks, Henry! That makes you contestant #15!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


You'd think that if a company is going to charge such a ridiculous price for a test disc, that they'd at least provide great service and communication with it.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Everytime a new message pops up in this thread, I think that "MSR is finished!" actually being true :P


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 07/18/2012, 03:19 PMEverytime a new message pops up in this thread, I think that "MSR is finished!" actually being true :P
Psych! :P
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 07/18/2012, 03:19 PMEverytime a new message pops up in this thread, I think that "MSR is finished!" actually being true :P
I got a feeling that within a short amount of time, that message will actally occur!


Quote from: TheClash603 on 07/18/2012, 04:24 PM
Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 07/18/2012, 03:19 PMEverytime a new message pops up in this thread, I think that "MSR is finished!" actually being true :P
I got a feeling that within a short amount of time, that message will actally occur!
Going by what the guy said, I'm assuming that the disc has already been made and sent and Keranu will receive it this week. He has always been poor at maintaining communication, probably because there isn't usually much back and forth with customers and they have already been paid, so this is likely the lowest priority for them. So the lack of a response isn't surprising, but I'm hoping that the original estimate of a quick turn around comes true.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Oh. My. GOD! You guys aren't going to believe this one, or maybe some of you will.

So I finally get a response from Brian today. Good news! He's supplied a UPS tracking number and it's set to arrive at my house when I got home from work!

Sure enough, I get home and there's a package sent to "Frozen Utopia" sitting on the table. Woo boy, I'm excited! Just a few test runs and we can finally get this baby mass produced!

I rush to pop the disc into my Turbo Duo. It says "Project: Mysterious" on the see-through case and CD face; our beloved project finally on a professional medium! The system is turned on, the screen demands for the RUN button to be pressed. Controller in hand, my thumbs waste no time to boot the game up.

The vanish of the System Card screen is accompanied by a familiar BUZZZT! sound. I recognized this sound right away, which is discussed many pages back in this very thread. "Darn, oh well. Guess that's unavoidable, I can live with it," I assure myself. The CD continues to load...

And then comes the horror! Horrible, horrid, horror! Rather than the Frozen Utopia logo appearing as it's supposed to, I get a surprise greeting from AETHERBYTE STUDIOS!

That's right, those jackasses sent me INSANITY instead of OUR OWN game!

At first I laughed and said "You HAVE to be kidding me!" But then the terrible reality sunk into my mind. Not only will this delay our cursed game even further, but this means Nationwide may yet again run into the same stamper problem when we ask for a new check disc, leaving the "it won't play in our PC" cycle to repeat.

But in the hopes that they are able to replicate a check disc for Mysterious Song, and not Insanity, I refuse to pay them any further dollars for their own fuck up.

I wish this was a sick practical joke. I'll take some pictures later.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


For Fuck Sake they are useless cunts!! ( is that over the top? ) :)
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

PC Engine Special Cards : Bomberman User Battle

Alydnes Super Grafx




What the fucking fuck on a fucking fuckstick fucking full of fucking fuckers?
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


QuoteThat's right, those jackasses sent me INSANITY instead of OUR OWN game!
Wow! That's a lot of money for insanity. I bet arkhan would have given it to you cheaper :)

Keep after them. They have to be running out of ways to screw up :/


Nationwide Disc is NEVER getting our business again.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Oh well, we'll get there. I'm sure they won't charge you again to correct their mistake.

Please send the Insanity check disc to me. I have an Atherbyte-to-Frozen-Utopia SCD converter I can test it with.

What's the buzz sound issue?

As far as the name-calling, I understand the frustration, but it seems both parties have made errors and two pages of outrage every time there's a holdup doesn't put anyone in a good mindset when the project calls for patience, troubleshooting, and clear communication.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


There should be no troubleshooting to begin with. You put the disc in, copy it, cut the stamper, sent it to the replicator. Should be braindeadfuckingsimple.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: guest on 07/18/2012, 08:21 PMWhat's the buzz sound issue?
One of the initial problems Nationwide had with our masters was a short buzz sound that occurred from playing the data track in a CD player. Insanity has a very similar buzz sound when booted up, though coincidentally it had nothing to do with the data track.

Quote from: vestcuntAs far as the name-calling, I understand the frustration, but it seems both parties have made errors and two pages of outrage every time there's a holdup doesn't put anyone in a good mindset when the project calls for patience, troubleshooting, and clear communication.
I've always been friendly and patient with Brian in our communication and will continue to do so. But this latest incident is a big, goofy fuck up on their part.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


How do they stamp the wrong game? O_o


QuoteHow do they stamp the wrong game? O_o
Let's all be thankful that it was the check-disc they screwed up.
I can picture them sending you 500 copies of insanity instead of MSR, in the MSR packaging. <sigh>

QuoteNationwide Disc is NEVER getting our business again.
So far, they're the only ones who can make a pce-cd sucessfully, Rover. We may not like it, but we have to deal with it until we find another place that will even try.

QuoteThere should be no troubleshooting to begin with. You put the disc in, copy it, cut the stamper, sent it to the replicator. Should be braindeadfuckingsimple.
Not that simple, Rover. The copier, stamper and replicator -all- run checks to make sure things meet cd standards. They have to, or the disc -can't- be labeled a cd, of any kind.

Then there are various problems with the disc the master is made on. Sometimes there are pin-holes in the top layer, some times the dye is uneven, etc, etc. Any one of those, at the speed the presser runs, can totally ruin a complete batch of cd's. And you know Nationwide isn't gonna take that loss...

Things we often think of as 'should be simple' just aren't in real life.


This is laughably fucking ridiculous. It's gotten to the point of being beyond absurd now. My God...


Well, this is as big a confirmation as anything so far, that the main problem all along really is the incompetence of Nationwidedisc and likely not the unique format. Chances are the last batch of masters are perfectly replicable by any outfit with at least half a brain.

After a blunder this disastrous, I think that it would be fair to demand a full refund if they are never successful in replicating a master, as they have proven once and for all that their judgement cannot be trusted.

QuoteLet's all be thankful that it was the check-disc they screwed up.
I can picture them sending you 500 copies of insanity instead of MSR, in the MSR packaging. <sigh>
That's the problem though. If they want a disclaimer signed based on a tested disc and they go ahead and instead manufacture some other random disc, this could actually happen.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


I'm not even the least bit surprised at all these issues going on. To be honest, I mean Smartworks themselves had stated they had no ability to, or even any interest in pressing this kind of stuff anymore as is, so seeing so many issues happen now, well, I just expected it. This latest fuck up though, pretty lame regardless. Just goes to show you that a already difficult task being handled by what seems to be incompetent people at a pressing facility, who have no actual means to test the product on real hardware anyway before shipping, is going to be near impossible to get finished successfully.


Quote from: TheOldMan on 07/18/2012, 09:06 PMSo far, they're the only ones who can make a pce-cd sucessfully, Rover. We may not like it, but we have to deal with it until we find another place that will even try.
They're just the only ones who have actually done it in recent times... but that doesn't mean that no one else can. I already have another company picked out for the next production, and they already know that I bring stuff that's non-standard... they just cost about twice as much.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: The Old Rover on 07/18/2012, 09:22 PM
Quote from: TheOldMan on 07/18/2012, 09:06 PMSo far, they're the only ones who can make a pce-cd sucessfully, Rover. We may not like it, but we have to deal with it until we find another place that will even try.
They're just the only ones who have actually done it in recent times... but that doesn't mean that no one else can. I already have another company picked out for the next production, and they already know that I bring stuff that's non-standard... they just cost about twice as much.
If they can at least do the check disc first, before printing anything and only charge a premium for that if it doesn't work... then the extra cost would be definitely be worthwhile in the end.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: PCEngineHell on 07/18/2012, 09:17 PMJust goes to show you that a already difficult task being handled by what seems to be incompetent people at a pressing facility, who have no actual means to test the product on real hardware anyway before shipping, is going to be near impossible to get finished successfully.
One thing that bothers me about this mishap is they could've at least tested the audio tracks to see if they match the master's. Then again, we have pressured them before that this isn't supposed to be treated as a audio CD. Still, a doofus mistake to stamp the wrong game, lol.

I'll email Brian now and let him know what's going on. My main concern right now is if they will still run into stamper errors with the Mysterious Song masters. I hope they've learned more from project Insanity other than they can replicate that game and not ours.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"



I just told my wife.  She said "wow, where are these people located?" I said Texas.  She said "And why are they retarded?" :lol:


I am just glad I donated a few bucks for the most expensive copy of Insanity ever! I just hope Arhkan signs a copy. =)
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Quote from: Duo_R on 07/19/2012, 01:33 AMI am just glad I donated a few bucks for the most expensive copy of Insanity ever! I just hope Arhkan signs a copy. =)
Gypsies did it.

 Got no luv for the krackers only slugs for the krackers!


Quote from: esteban on 04/26/2018, 04:44 PMSHUTTLECOCK OR SHUFFLE OFF!


Just insane....Completely insane...  You guys HAVE to be pulling your hair out by now.


*bangs head on the wall*

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Bernie on 07/19/2012, 07:12 AMJust insane....Completely insane...  You guys HAVE to be pulling your hair out by now.
Yes.  It's Insanity!

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


So does the runner-up in the raffle get this as a prize? ;)


Well this blows, but I'm sure they should be able to get this cleared up and send you the right check disc.  Just as long as they enjoy your business as a customer.

Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Man, this blows goats.  Say what you will about their competence, but at least they're trying; most companies would have given up long ago and said they couldn't do it.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!

Arkhan Asylum

I still chalk this all up to some kind of communication hurrrrdururrr going on at that place. 

Poor communication can screw up even the best operations.   If just ONE goober there gets the wrong idea, it can result in bad things.

Like Mysterious Insanity.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: guest on 08/18/2011, 03:48 PMDon't get me wrong, it's awesome that another big step has been made toward completion, but why use the word "finished" when there's still testing to do, bugs to fix, one script to add, art to finalize, and discs to press?  A natural disaster, family emergency, frozen paypal account, computer crash, mix up at the replicator, or any number of things (knock on wood x5) could still delay things quite a bit and cause another pre-order debacle.
Vestcunt is the clairvoyant!!!
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Wow, it's hard to believe we're nearing the 1 year anniversary of this thread.  That's a little bit funny and a lot sad at the same time.  I really appreciate all of the effort you guys are putting into getting this game out.


I assume this is a quick fix.  New CD comes by the end of next week, we are all playing in a month-ish.

Stay positive :)

BTW - If it had to be broken, it is better it be an error in game than an error of actual MSR disc.


And now Ark sues them for jillions of zenny for breach of contract and copyright infringement.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: NecroPhile on 07/19/2012, 01:04 PMAnd now Ark sues them for jillions of zenny for breach of contract and copyright infringement.
I wonder if I could do that... lol

The thought actually crossed my mind.

Step 1) Sue them
Step 3) Buy my own pressing equipment
Step 4) Super AbCade CD-ROMS
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Is there any interest in throwing in the "Myseterious Insanity" check disc along with the raffle as a second place prize? :P
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"