10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Turbografx TTI later releases question & a Magical Chase Sealed Score!

Started by syphic, 07/02/2012, 11:34 PM

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So.... I am eagerly waiting for the next video that will reveal the backstory to this Craiglist Miracle Find (CMF).



Wow that is crazy!!!! :shock:

It's finds like this that keep me looking in the wild.


Nice Z4 btw.  Love those cars.  Miss my blue one :(
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


This all sounds a little too good to be true, but if not congrats.

If you REALLY love the turbo I'd open all of them and take good care of them. You have a rare opportunity to complete a US turbo collection and be the original owner, no less, of some rare games in minty new condition.

If you decide you want to sell them it would be nice if you sold them here for less than eBay prices though.  :wink:


I'm still having a difficult time believing this, but it probably is true.



well I know i'll get given plenty of nice feedback for this comment :) , but i'd keep them sealed.. If i want to play them i can download the roms, but for me owning the original and sealed is something i like.. Yes im not as much as a player and more a collector ( having said that im not a money bags and so if i do buy a sealed item i dont spend huge dollars on it )

if money is tight though, sell the sealed ones and buy open ones, but dont open the seal if you are going to sell them and not keep them, the extra cash you make off the sealed stuff you can keep and then you get the games and some cash.. best of both worlds.

I know everyone here would love a shot at buying some of the items from you at a good price ( including me!!!), but family comes first, if you need the cash then you need the cash, and regardless of what anyone says its your right to sell them for whatever you feel is fair.. but IF you decide to offer then here first then there are a couple of games there i would be interested in..

Awesome awesome find.. really cant wait to hear more about how you found them.. even though its heart breaking because im jealous ( yes there is no hope of me finding these loose in NZ so im not sure why im jealous :) )..
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

PC Engine Special Cards : Bomberman User Battle

Alydnes Super Grafx


Quote from: mrhaboobi on 07/08/2012, 06:41 PMwell I know i'll get given plenty of nice feedback for this comment :) , but i'd keep them sealed.. If i want to play them i can download the roms,
ROMs are evil (perhaps a necessary one) and NOT an answer unless a game is so rare or expensive that your chance of actually playing it are zero.  However, you have gorgeous new copies of some rare games that you can open and enjoy yourself.  Not too many others in the world have the option to open and play Magical Chase, nor will they.  Dont allow someone to keep it sealed away unplayed where no one will be able to experience it.
  Having said that, don't open them all at once.  Take your time and savor each one.  And start with Magical Chase!!  I'll add $25 to the "fund"  -- open that game, YouTube it and I'll donate it to the charity of your choice in your name.
glazball's game collection and wantlist


I would $%!# a brick if I saw even 1/4th of that find anywhere in my STATE.  Heck, you couldnt find a Keith Courage here.  :roll:


I'm not going to tell this guy what to do with the games. Sure, it'd be bad ass to rip them open and play the hell out of them. But it's a personal decision; especially with Magical Chase. I know we like to rip gougers and are constantly lamenting the fact that too often games are treated like commodities and not enjoyed. BUT, a brand new, sealed Magical Chase could potentially provide enough money to help someone out financially. And that's not my business.

I just say: congratulations. That's an amazing haul.


  Of course none of us can tell him what to do with his find, but that doesn't mean we can't express our opinions!  As far as Magical Chase, sure you can sell it for mega $$ but even if you did open it, a complete copy would probably still sell for $2000 or more.  Quite a good return on what you paid!
  Another option is that maybe someone here who has MC could trade you their copy for your sealed one, along with money or other games to make it worth your while.

  My only hope in speaking up here is that if you DO sell your rarer sealed games that you'll sell to someone who WILL want to open and play them.  No offense to Mr Haboobi (who is a very nice guy!) and other sealed game freaks, but it bothers me that some people want sealed games to hide away when there are a ton of people here who would love to own MC to play as it was intended to be played.  To keep it selaed away with no intention of playing it is not "collecting" but HOARDING.
glazball's game collection and wantlist

Arkhan Asylum

I didn't read the thread past like 4 posts.

Open the shit and play it.  Destroy its sealed value on camera.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: glazball on 07/09/2012, 01:29 PMAnother option is that maybe someone here who has MC could trade you their copy for your sealed one, along with money or other games to make it worth your while.

  My only hope in speaking up here is that if you DO sell your rarer sealed games that you'll sell to someone who WILL want to open and play them.  No offense to Mr Haboobi (who is a very nice guy!) and other sealed game freaks, but it bothers me that some people want sealed games to hide away when there are a ton of people here who would love to own MC to play as it was intended to be played.  To keep it selaed away with no intention of playing it is not "collecting" but HOARDING.
lol ... no offence taken, its a fair point, i'm sometimes torn between wanting to open and wanting them to stay new.

Anyways, id be one of the people that would trade a complete mint version for a sealed one, plus some cash, so if thats something he is interested in let me know as i do have most of those games complete and mint and would trade for sealed.
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

PC Engine Special Cards : Bomberman User Battle

Alydnes Super Grafx


I am eagerly awaiting an update by the original poster. :pcgs:


Quote from: esteban on 07/25/2012, 02:02 PMI am eagerly awaiting an update by the original poster. :pcgs:
Sorry have been busy at work and havent had a chance to post a ne video. Were you interested in an update on how I found the lot or if I decided to open them?
Awesome trades and deals with:
Fiftyquid, thesteve, keithcourage, mothergunner, Bernie, turboswimbz, Bardoly, BlueBMW, Galam, Elderboroom, dicer


Both :)  though id be sad to see some of them opened :)
Looking for (MINT ONLY)
US Manual : Magical Chase, Shockman 
US Box : Turrican,  Soldier Blade, New Adventure Island, Neutopia II
Other : Sapphire OBI, Turbo Play Aug/Sept 90, April/May 92, Turbo Edge Spring 90

PC Engine Special Cards : Bomberman User Battle

Alydnes Super Grafx


mrhaboobi no I have not opened any of the titles yet. I had contemplated opening up the crappier less rare games and moving my way up but im still stuck. As for the way I got these games, it's was a wierd craigslist ad response that was a little fishy and ended a bit sleezy but how does one complain. So here goes....

In the early part of July I was bored at work and decided to check my local craigslist as I do every so often for retro stuff and yeah I always check for Turbo stuff first. Ran across an ad that said "Turbo Grafx System for sale". The guy advertised a TG 16 in a hard case and that he had over 100 games and that he knew the value of it all and wanted $450 or trade for an Ipad.  Then it had a picture that I could have sworn I had seen on the net before. The picture had a boxed TG16 and a Duo and like 50 games. So I sent a text to the # in the ad right away. I didn't have the cash at the time so I responded with a message that if he would trade all the stuff for a $300 gift card for Best Buy. I had gotten it for Christmas like 2 years ago and was sitting in my wallet. He responded with a yeah!
We proceeded to try to meet up. He was a bit of a ways from my house so I found a Best buy in between us. We decided to meet up there. The guy did seem a little incoherent and weird in his texts and when I would ask him if I could call so we could go over the deal he kept giving me the run around.  I ended up going on google and typed up Turbo grafx and his default picture came up in someone elses blog. This is where I began to get worried. After a few more texts he finally told me that he was def and that's why he wasn't letting me call him. He told me that he would have his mom call me and asked if I spoke Spanish which I do and work out the deal. So I get a call about 10 minutes later and its the mom. She explains that her son has games he needs to sell but he cant speak. I told hr we already finalized the deal but I wanted to see some pictures to make sure I can see what im paying for. She promises that her son is gonna take a few pics and ill get em shortly. We hang up and a few minutes later I get some pictures via text.
The first picture is of a TG16 in a hard case and a big brown box full of games. A lot of em look pretty beat up but still in box with like cracking wrapping. Some games were duplicates from what I could see. I was a little bummed that there was no duo but oh well there was still a good deal to be made. So I did the math on the games I could see and if I kept some and sold the dupes I could see, I could still make my money back. In the picture I could see games like Neutopia, Splatterhouse, Valis, New Adventure Island and others. I asked him for a list of the games I cant see and he mentions some other commons. So im like ok let's meet up after work.
I drive to the Best Buy and I get a text that he's on his way and his dad is bringing him. So I wait in my car and about 30 minutes later I see a beat up ass truck and an older Hispanic man and a youngish (19 maybe) teen.

I get out of my car and walk over. They say hello and the kid proceeds to bring out this really large sized bag as seen in my video. I open the bag and only see about 30-35 games when the kid said he had over 100. Also never did he mention any of these rare titles. He only mentioned the commons. The bag had another bag inside blocking most of the games and that little bag contained some duo controllers, a duo tap and some other title. I lift the bag out of the bigger bag and BAM I see that all the games are sealed and there is a Magical Chase in the Bag along with a Bonk 3. The kid then hands me the TG16 in the hard case and im like trying not to pass out and be cool. I don't even get into why there aren't 100 games. I mean you see a Magical Chase in the bag and you just wanna make the deal and run. So I say everything looks good trying to keep my cool at the same time. I hand them the gift card so we can go inside the Best Buy and Verify the balance. I take the stuff to my car and go insde with them to best buy. We verify the balance and deal done.
I walk back to my car in shock. Open my trunk just to make sure I saw what I saw and I couldn't even touch the games. Still in shock! Jumped in my car and sped home. The drive seemed forever! The video you guys all saw picks up right when I got home. Told my girlfriend to get the camera out and come outside and that's where the video starts. 
When I got home and looked thru the games I noticed a couple of games were missing and some of the doubles were not there. Also none of the games were beat up like in his picture and all the games he gave me were in mint shape.  So I text him to thank him for the deal. At the same time I don't wanna be greedy and bring up that he didn't bring all 100 games but in my head im like "Dude you just scored on a Magical Chase sealed for basically free" So I didn't bother to bring that up and just mentioned that he forgot to give me New Adventure Island. He realized he forgot to include it and send it to me a few days later via mail. That's not in the video.
A few days later I go on Ebay to see the value of all these games and get an idea of what I had just scored for free and I stumble upon this:

Turns out this Ebayer is located about 30 minutes from where this kid lives so I think we now know where the doubles went. So turns out this kid made 2 deals and split the games. Since I was first he gave me the system and what turned out to be 35 sealed mint games. The better, more minty 35 games at least and the Magical Chase. This other guy probably got the rest and as you can see in the pictures on this guy's Ebay site are some of the cracking and more beat up games. But now we know this kid had 2 Bonk 3s as well as a few other doubles.  The way I was able to piece this all together is because someone on youtube saw my video and also was trying to get in on the deal and he told me that the kid told him that he had made 2 deals and only had about 20 games left. The youtuber told me that what he had left were some beat up sealed commons that weren't worth his time.

Hopefully this wasnt too boring but that is how I got Magical Chase and the rest for basicaly free.

Here are the pictures the kid originally sent me:




Here is a picture I took of just the games he gave me:


And here is the Sealed New Adventure Island he mailed out to me later:

Awesome trades and deals with:
Fiftyquid, thesteve, keithcourage, mothergunner, Bernie, turboswimbz, Bardoly, BlueBMW, Galam, Elderboroom, dicer


Great story! It's always interesting to see how people seemingly answer generic video game listings on craigslist, and then it turns out to be this bomb shell! :)


  That -is- a great story and I'm happy as shit for you!  Truly epic find!  Your Turbokarma must be through the friggin' roof.  I hope you'll treasure them for many years.  You've given many a nerd a tiny sliver of hope.
glazball's game collection and wantlist


I wonder where the seller found all these sealed games... not too many 19 year olds even know what the turbo is... judging from the deal that was made, this guy didn't either... he probably acquired or was given the lot very cheap and was happy to get the BB gift card...

Did TTI/TZD stash a bunch of leftover games in North County??? ;-)


I hate you!  :lol:

Seriously though, that's an amazing find, I only dream about such things happening.
Rabid Turbo fan since 1989!
Happy F@ck eBay member since 2010


I asked the kid when I had messaged him about the missing New Adventure Island game as to where he got the games from or if he was a collector of some sort and all he told me was "I had them in storage and just needed to get rid of em". From the looks of it to me is that maybe this was someones TZD backstock or something? Because there were multiple copies of games, alot of later releases and quite a few turbo taps and duo taps and new controllers in box. In the lot I got a Duo tap in box and a Turbo tap new no box as well as 2 turbo pads and 2 Duo controllers new.
Awesome trades and deals with:
Fiftyquid, thesteve, keithcourage, mothergunner, Bernie, turboswimbz, Bardoly, BlueBMW, Galam, Elderboroom, dicer


I updated my story post with the original pictures the kid sent for you guys to see.
Awesome trades and deals with:
Fiftyquid, thesteve, keithcourage, mothergunner, Bernie, turboswimbz, Bardoly, BlueBMW, Galam, Elderboroom, dicer


Yeah, it was probably a storage locker that he bought like on those tv shows (Storage Wars) and didn't want to be bothered to look up individual buyers--just wanted to move the inventory.


Great story, thanks for sharing!


Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 07/26/2012, 04:50 PMYeah, it was probably a storage locker that he bought like on those tv shows (Storage Wars) and didn't want to be bothered to look up individual buyers--just wanted to move the inventory.
Well, he should have taken the Pawn Stars approach and called his buddy who specializes in vintage video games  :)

It's hard to find deals like this nowadays cuz it's so easy for people to look on ebay, etc. and to come up with an inflated asking price...


I can't stand Pawn Stars. That show is staged (ie: fake).


Great story Syphic, thanks for the update.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: syphic on 07/26/2012, 02:54 PMI asked the kid when I had messaged him about the missing New Adventure Island game as to where he got the games from or if he was a collector of some sort and all he told me was "I had them in storage and just needed to get rid of em". From the looks of it to me is that maybe this was someones TZD backstock or something? Because there were multiple copies of games, alot of later releases and quite a few turbo taps and duo taps and new controllers in box. In the lot I got a Duo tap in box and a Turbo tap new no box as well as 2 turbo pads and 2 Duo controllers new.
This story is more dramatic than I ever imagined it could be.

Thanks for sharing.

We all hate you, even if we are nice and congratulate you.

I hate you! :pcgs:


Wow I really need to start looking at craig's list more often. Crazy good find.

"There are many difficult times ahead, but you must keep your sense of humor, work through the tough situations and enjoy yourself".


Quote from: Teknoman on 07/28/2012, 02:38 AMWow I really need to start looking at craig's list more often. Crazy good find.
This will never happen again in the history of the universe.

Until the very day you stop looking.

Then it will happen.

Once more.



Quote from: esteban on 07/28/2012, 07:43 AM
Quote from: Teknoman on 07/28/2012, 02:38 AMWow I really need to start looking at craig's list more often. Crazy good find.
This will never happen again in the history of the universe.

Until the very day you stop looking.

Then it will happen.

Once more.

lol yeah thats usually how it works.

"There are many difficult times ahead, but you must keep your sense of humor, work through the tough situations and enjoy yourself".


Titles to complete... Caught them all....


Quote from: syphic on 07/03/2012, 12:16 PMThe Turbo Grafx 16 is my favorite console of all time and I am not going to sell these especially to some douche reseller. That is unless there was some kind of family emergency and needed money. As for opening them, that is something im going to need some time to think about. Definitely struggling with it now. As for what I paid, I havent told anyone but basically nothing. I traded it for a $325 Gift Card for Best Buy that I recieved as a gift like 2 years ago and I hate Best Buy so Its been in my wallet forever. Im going to do a short video of how this whole deal went down shortly.
I thought these were not going to be sold?

Titles to complete... Caught them all....


Titles to complete... Caught them all....


to this day I am still jealous! what an amazing score and you didn't even have to pay any cash out of pocket for it!


Titles to complete... Caught them all....


Yeah I saw Jackie on amazon. Contacted the seller and he said that he has them but the condition is not very good. I am not a reseller, but do not have a problem with it. Just did not understand the high starting point. If you are trying to get back what you paid for them, then cool. Would have thought that he might have offered them here before the bay though....
Titles to complete... Caught them all....


Quote from: madboom0522 on 10/11/2014, 12:31 AMYeah I saw Jackie on amazon. Contacted the seller and he said that he has them but the condition is not very good. I am not a reseller, but do not have a problem with it. Just did not understand the high starting point. If you are trying to get back what you paid for them, then cool. Would have thought that he might have offered them here before the bay though....
Probably wants to complete his set err something, so a 'baying he will go. Definitely shoulda offered them here first. GD everything. Really want that sealed Deep Blue so I can open it, take the manual and then take a shit on the box.


Quote from: madboom0522 on 10/10/2014, 11:50 PM
Quote from: syphic on 07/03/2012, 12:16 PMThe Turbo Grafx 16 is my favorite console of all time and I am not going to sell these especially to some douche reseller. That is unless there was some kind of family emergency and needed money. As for opening them, that is something im going to need some time to think about. Definitely struggling with it now. As for what I paid, I havent told anyone but basically nothing. I traded it for a $325 Gift Card for Best Buy that I recieved as a gift like 2 years ago and I hate Best Buy so Its been in my wallet forever. Im going to do a short video of how this whole deal went down shortly.
I thought these were not going to be sold?

Thanks for posting that.

I found this on the first page:

Quote from: syphic on 07/03/2012, 02:09 AMI want to open them so badly. I separatd the TTI releases from the older releases and noticed that the TTi releases feel lighter that the other ones. Thats why i asked if maybe TTI was skimping on the packaging back then towards the end of days. Im sitting here looking at the stack of games and I feel like damn am I gonna wake up from some awesome dream. If so please dont let me wake up!!!!
I don't trust anyone (unless it's an old-timer here) when he/she claims they are simply going to play games and not sell them.

I am simply addicted to games (it's a problem, ask my wife).

But I'm not addicted to buying/selling (those folks are merchants, they have a different addiction, but it certainly isn't about games. They could be buying/selling POKEMON cards or PORCELAIN PIGS and it really wouldn't make a difference.)

When syphic talked about "being in a dream" = he was really saying "sealed TG-16 games = $$$$"...

...Instead of "a bunch of great games to enjoy playing"

RANDOM QUERY: Before syphic joined us, one of his friends was with us first. Who? I suppose it's in this thread. I'll have to look.


Quote from: esteban on 10/11/2014, 03:32 AM
Quote from: madboom0522 on 10/10/2014, 11:50 PM
Quote from: syphic on 07/03/2012, 12:16 PMThe Turbo Grafx 16 is my favorite console of all time and I am not going to sell these especially to some douche reseller. That is unless there was some kind of family emergency and needed money. As for opening them, that is something im going to need some time to think about. Definitely struggling with it now. As for what I paid, I havent told anyone but basically nothing. I traded it for a $325 Gift Card for Best Buy that I recieved as a gift like 2 years ago and I hate Best Buy so Its been in my wallet forever. Im going to do a short video of how this whole deal went down shortly.
I thought these were not going to be sold?

Thanks for posting that.

I found this on the first page:

Quote from: syphic on 07/03/2012, 02:09 AMI want to open them so badly. I separatd the TTI releases from the older releases and noticed that the TTi releases feel lighter that the other ones. Thats why i asked if maybe TTI was skimping on the packaging back then towards the end of days. Im sitting here looking at the stack of games and I feel like damn am I gonna wake up from some awesome dream. If so please dont let me wake up!!!!
I don't trust anyone (unless it's an old-timer here) when he/she claims they are simply going to play games and not sell them.

I am simply addicted to games (it's a problem, ask my wife).

But I'm not addicted to buying/selling (those folks are merchants, they have a different addiction, but it certainly isn't about games. They could be buying/selling POKEMON cards or PORCELAIN PIGS and it really wouldn't make a difference.)

When syphic talked about "being in a dream" = he was really saying "sealed TG-16 games = $$$$"...

...Instead of "a bunch of great games to enjoy playing"

RANDOM QUERY: Before syphic joined us, one of his friends was with us first. Who? I suppose it's in this thread. I'll have to look.
I guess that would also explain why he never responded to my pm asking if he was the guy who posted on youtube with the rare find video..... My next question to him was do you still have them. My last was do you plan on selling them.... Hmmmmm.....
Titles to complete... Caught them all....


damn, that sealed order of the griffin tho. I want.......




Quote from: esteban on 10/11/2014, 03:32 AMRANDOM QUERY: Before syphic joined us, one of his friends was with us first. Who? I suppose it's in this thread. I'll have to look.
Wasnt it syphic and rrob(some number) that got called out a long time ago for just looking for "teh deals" and entering raffles?


Quote from: galam on 10/11/2014, 12:25 PM
Quote from: esteban on 10/11/2014, 03:32 AMRANDOM QUERY: Before syphic joined us, one of his friends was with us first. Who? I suppose it's in this thread. I'll have to look.
Wasnt it syphic and rrob(some number) that got called out a long time ago for just looking for "teh deals" and entering raffles?
Yep, Rob the Raffle Thief:

Now we have Crazy Kubano (In da House) -- also a friend of theirs, joined at their suggestion, and does nothing but enter raffles and be annoying as shit.
I'm a cunt, always was. Topic Adjourned.


I played too many SSI gold box games on the computer. Because of that, I find Order of the Griffon a little too limiting. But it is a noble effort.


dear vestcunt,

dude, are you crazy? I hardly enter raffles, ok maybe 2 from jelloslug on games that i dont own but I dont say "oh please enter me" on every single one. yes I am a friend of them and they did recommend me to this forums and unlike them, I try my best to get involved in discussions, show off my collection and pick ups and try to get familiar with some of the guys here. I like it here and im on here posting everyday. sorry if contributing and trying not to be a leech is annoying to you. give me a  break man. I know I messed up in the beginning and I apologize for that.


Quote from: cr8zykuban0 on 10/11/2014, 02:48 PMdear vestcunt,

dude, are you crazy? I hardly enter raffles, ok maybe 2 from jelloslug on games that i dont own but I dont say "oh please enter me" on every single one. yes I am a friend of them and they did recommend me to this forums and unlike them, I try my best to get involved in discussions, show off my collection and pick ups and try to get familiar with some of the guys here. I like it here and im on here posting everyday. sorry if contributing and trying not to be a leech is annoying to you. give me a  break man. I know I messed up in the beginning and I apologize for that.
I just noticed that the way you spell your name, it would be pronounced "Crate-Zee." That's fun. Kinda reminds me of when some of my Mexican friendos say "Crazy," but pronounce the Z with and S, I love it!


Psycho Punch

Quote from: HailingTheThings on 10/11/2014, 05:28 PM
Quote from: cr8zykuban0 on 10/11/2014, 02:48 PMdear VestCunt,

dude, are you crazy? I hardly enter raffles, ok maybe 2 from jelloslug on games that i dont own but I dont say "oh please enter me" on every single one. yes I am a friend of them and they did recommend me to this forums and unlike them, I try my best to get involved in discussions, show off my collection and pick ups and try to get familiar with some of the guys here. I like it here and im on here posting everyday. sorry if contributing and trying not to be a leech is annoying to you. give me a  break man. I know I messed up in the beginning and I apologize for that.
I just noticed that the way you spell your name, it would be pronounced "Crate-Zee." That's fun. Kinda reminds me of when some of my Mexican friendos say "Crazy," but pronounce the Z with and S, I love it!

Crocho Cubancero.
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" at Neo-Geo.com
For a good time reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He too ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I deleted THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: guest on 10/11/2014, 01:26 PMI played too many SSI gold box games on the computer. Because of that, I find Order of the Griffon a little too limiting. But it is a noble effort.
I played all the Gold Box games as well (Pool of Radiance!)...but I still enjoy Order of the Griffon.

While I totally understand your critique, it's like a person who played Doom on the computer+keyboard (as I did) complaining about the console versions of Doom (which obviously couldn't compete with hardware/input device/etc.).

Anyway, I still love you and I'm not trying to fight you or anything.  :pcgs:

Quote from: guest on 10/11/2014, 12:41 PM
Quote from: galam on 10/11/2014, 12:25 PM
Quote from: esteban on 10/11/2014, 03:32 AMRANDOM QUERY: Before syphic joined us, one of his friends was with us first. Who? I suppose it's in this thread. I'll have to look.
Wasnt it syphic and rrob(some number) that got called out a long time ago for just looking for "teh deals" and entering raffles?
Yep, Rob the Raffle Thief:

Now we have Crazy Kubano (In da House) -- also a friend of theirs, joined at their suggestion, and does nothing but enter raffles and be annoying as shit.
Rrrrob, that's it!

Oh, the crazy takes that unfold here on out tiny little armpit of the interwebz.